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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3805



No. 2616 Session of 2002

           YUDICHAK AND ZIMMERMAN, MAY 1, 2002


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), entitled "An
     2     act relating to the public school system, including certain
     3     provisions applicable as well to private and parochial
     4     schools; amending, revising, consolidating and changing the
     5     laws relating thereto," further providing for tax levies and
     6     information related to taxes; authorizing the imposition of
     7     personal income taxes by school district; making editorial
     8     changes; and making a repeal.

     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11     Section 1.  Section 507 of the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30,
    12  No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, amended April
    13  27, 1998 (P.L.270, No.46), is amended to read:
    14     Section 507.  General Powers; Taxation.--In order to
    15  establish, enlarge, equip, furnish, operate, and maintain any
    16  schools or departments herein provided, or to pay any school
    17  indebtedness which any school district is required to pay, or to

     1  pay any indebtedness that may at any time hereafter be created
     2  by any school district, or to enable it to carry out any
     3  provisions of this act, the board of school directors in each
     4  school district is hereby vested with all the necessary
     5  authority and power annually to levy and collect, in the manner
     6  herein provided, the necessary real property taxes, realty
     7  transfer taxes and personal income taxes required, in addition
     8  to the annual State appropriation, and shall have, and be vested
     9  with, all necessary power and authority to comply with and carry
    10  out any or all of the provisions of this act. In the case of a
    11  school district of the first class, the duties imposed by this
    12  section shall apply to a city of the first class that is
    13  coterminous with a school district of the first class.
    14     Section 2.  Section 603 of the act, amended June 2, 1965
    15  (P.L.86, No.59) and September 1, 1965 (P.L.433, No.218), is
    16  amended to read:
    17     Section 603.  Only One Annual Tax Levy.--There shall be but
    18  one levy of school taxes made in each school district in each
    19  year, which shall be assessed, levied, and collected for all the
    20  purposes provided in this act, and shall be uniform throughout
    21  the territorial limit of each school district.[, except that
    22  those school taxes which school districts are empowered to levy
    23  under the authority of the act of June 25, 1947 (P.L.1145), as
    24  amended, may be levied at any time during the period authorized
    25  for the assessment and levy of any school taxes: Provided, That
    26  (1) where two or more school districts have voted to become a
    27  union school district in accordance with the provisions of this
    28  act and prior to the actual creation of the union school
    29  district, the school board members by a majority vote of all the
    30  members comprising said school boards shall assess and levy a
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     1  uniform school tax in all of the districts comprising said union
     2  school district for general revenue purposes necessary to
     3  operate said union school district commencing the first day of
     4  July following the vote establishing said union district, and
     5  (2) whenever hereafter a school district of the second, third,
     6  or fourth class shall be annexed to and merged in, and become a
     7  part of a school district of the first class or first class A,
     8  or shall be merged into and become a part of a school district
     9  of the first class A as a reorganized district under the
    10  provisions of Article II, subdivision (i) of this act, the board
    11  of public education of said school district of the first class
    12  or first class A shall have power to levy a special school tax
    13  on the territory which comprised said annexed and merged school
    14  district or on the territory which comprised the school district
    15  into and becoming a part of a school district of the first class
    16  A as a reorganized district, to provide for the expense and
    17  maintenance of the schools thereof from the end of the school
    18  year of said annexed and merged or merged by force of
    19  reorganization school district to the beginning of the next
    20  school year in said school district of the first class or first
    21  class A, and to provide for and pay the floating indebtedness of
    22  said annexed and merged or merged by force of reorganization
    23  school district. Said levy shall not exceed one-half of the last
    24  previous total annual millage levied by said school district of
    25  the first class or first class A.]
    26     Section 3.  Section 631 of the act, amended December 6, 1972
    27  (P.L.1445, No.323), is amended to read:
    28     Section 631.  Power to Incur Debt; Limitations.--The board of
    29  school directors in any school district may, in any year, create
    30  and incur an indebtedness against such school district and issue
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     1  bonds to secure the same, payable as provided by [the act of
     2  July 12, 1972 (Act No.185), known as the "Local Government Unit
     3  Debt Act,"] 53 Pa.C.S. Pt. VII, Subpt. B (relating to
     4  indebtedness and borrowing) or any amendment or re-enactment
     5  thereof, for any or all of the following purposes:
     6     (1)  To purchase or acquire proper sites, buildings or
     7  grounds for school use, or any lands additional to any existing
     8  school sites or grounds;
     9     (2)  To erect, enlarge, equip or furnish any building for
    10  school use;
    11     (3)  To repair, remodel or rebuild any building of the school
    12  district;
    13     (3.1)  To lease for an extended period building facilities or
    14  portions of buildings constructed for school use and/or existing
    15  building facilities or portions of existing building facilities
    16  altered for school use;
    17     (4)  To purchase school buses;
    18     (5)  To pay any indebtedness incurred by any municipality for
    19  or on account of the school district or for school purposes, and
    20  required by this act to be assumed by the school district;
    21     (6)  To pay any refund of taxes decreed by an order of court;
    22     (7)  To refund certain bonds, as hereinafter provided;
    23     (8)  To fund floating indebtedness incurred for current
    24  expenses and debt service;
    25     (9)  To fund temporary indebtedness incurred for permanent
    26  improvements, or in anticipation of proceeds from a bond issue;
    27     (10)  To purchase or acquire buildings for school use.
    28     The indebtedness of any school district shall never exceed
    29  fifteen (15) per centum of the last assessed valuation of
    30  property taxable for school purposes therein.
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     1     Section 4.  Section 632 of the act, reenacted and amended
     2  March 16, 1967 (P.L.9, No.3), is amended to read:
     3     [Section 632.  Assent of Electors; When Necessary and When
     4  Not Necessary.--The assent of the electors shall be required in
     5  all school districts of the second, third and fourth class, to
     6  issue bonds which will incur any new debt or increase the
     7  indebtedness to an amount in excess of five (5) per centum of
     8  the assessed valuation of property taxable for school purposes
     9  therein. The assent of the electors shall be required in school
    10  districts of the first class and first class A to issue bonds
    11  which will incur any new debt or increase the indebtedness to an
    12  amount in excess of five (5) per centum of the assessed
    13  valuation of property taxable for school purposes therein. The
    14  board of school directors of any school district of the first,
    15  first class A, second, third, or fourth class shall have
    16  authority, without the assent of the electors, to issue bonds
    17  which will incur upon its own authority any amount of such
    18  indebtedness not in excess of five (5) per centum of the last
    19  assessed valuation of property taxable for school purposes
    20  therein.
    21     If the amount of bonds of any bond issue maturing in any
    22  single year is in excess of five percent of the total amount of
    23  such bond issue, the amount in excess of five percent of such
    24  bond issue may be refunded by the board of school directors of
    25  any school district, upon its own authority, without submitting
    26  any such refunding bond issue to a vote of the electors.
    27     Any school district which calls bonds for payment prior to
    28  the date of maturity may issue bonds for the purpose of paying
    29  any or all such bonds as may be called for payment. All bonds
    30  issued for the purpose of refunding bonds shall be issued as
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     1  hereinbefore provided for the issuing of such bonds.]
     2     Section 5.  Section 652 of the act, amended August 5, 1977
     3  (P.L.178, No.46), is amended to read:
     4     Section 652.  Tax Levy; Purposes; Limitations.--In all school
     5  districts of the first class the school taxes for the following
     6  fiscal year shall be levied annually[, by the board of public
     7  education thereof,] on or after the second Monday of November
     8  and before the first Monday of December following. In all school
     9  districts of the first class A the school taxes for the
    10  following fiscal year shall be levied annually by the board of
    11  public education on or after the first Monday of December and
    12  before the end of the current fiscal year. [The board of public
    13  education thereof shall annually levy a tax on each dollar of
    14  the total assessments of all property assessed and certified for
    15  taxation in said district, which tax shall be ascertained,
    16  determined, and fixed by adding together the following:
    17     (1)  An amount which, with all moneys received from the
    18  Commonwealth applicable thereto, shall be sufficient to pay the
    19  minimum salaries and increments of the teaching and supervisory
    20  staff thereof as fixed and provided by law and to pay the
    21  contributions of said district to the teachers' retirement
    22  system. For the purpose of computing the amount required to pay
    23  the minimum salaries and increments fixed by law, but without
    24  otherwise limiting the rights of the district to employ teachers
    25  or other employes, (i) The number of teachers on the salary
    26  schedule of the elementary schools shall not exceed one for
    27  every thirty pupils in average daily membership in such schools,
    28  (ii) The number of teachers on the salary schedule of the junior
    29  high schools shall not exceed one for every twenty-two pupils in
    30  average daily membership in such schools, (iii) The number of
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     1  teachers on the salary schedule of the senior high schools shall
     2  not exceed one for every twenty-two pupils in average daily
     3  membership in such schools, (iv) The number of teachers with
     4  salaries and increments fixed by law, on any salary schedule now
     5  established or hereafter established, and not specially
     6  mentioned in this act, shall not exceed one for every twenty-two
     7  pupils in average daily membership, (v) The number of principals
     8  in the elementary schools, and the principals in charge of all
     9  other character of schools now established or hereafter
    10  established, and not specially mentioned in this act, shall not
    11  exceed one for every six hundred pupils in average daily
    12  membership in such schools, (vi) The number of principals in the
    13  junior and senior high schools shall not exceed one for every
    14  twelve hundred pupils in average daily membership in such
    15  schools, (vii) The number of supervisors in all schools shall
    16  not exceed one for every fifteen hundred pupils in average daily
    17  membership, (viii) The number of attendance officers and home
    18  and school visitors shall not exceed one for every two thousand
    19  pupils in average daily membership in all elementary and
    20  secondary schools, (ix) In all adult and extension school
    21  classes, the number of teachers shall not exceed one for every
    22  twenty pupils in average daily membership in such schools.
    23     The salary and increments, fixed by law, of members of the
    24  teaching and supervisory staff whose number is not in some
    25  manner limited hereby, shall not be included within the purposes
    26  authorized by clause (1) of this section, but shall be construed
    27  and regarded as constituting expenses within the meaning of
    28  clause (3) of this section.
    29     Average daily membership, as used herein, shall be based upon
    30  membership during the preceding school term.
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     1     (2)  An amount sufficient to pay the interest on, and retire
     2  at maturity the principal of, the indebtedness of said district
     3  incurred as authorized by law.
     4     (2.1)  An amount sufficient to pay any rentals agreed to be
     5  paid to the State Public School Building Authority or any other
     6  authority created by the General Assembly, having State-wide
     7  jurisdiction.
     8     (3)  An amount sufficient to pay all other expenses and
     9  requirements of said school district, which amount shall be
    10  equivalent to not less than three, nor more than five, mills on
    11  the dollar of the total assessment of all property assessed and
    12  certified for taxation therein.
    13     The total annual school tax levy for all purposes in any
    14  school district of the first class shall not be more than eleven
    15  and three-quarter (11 3/4) mills on the dollar of the total
    16  assessment of all property assessed and certified for taxation
    17  in the territory constituting the district.]
    18     Section 6.  Section 652.1 of the act, amended June 25, 1982
    19  (P.L.643, No.182), is amended to read:
    20     Section 652.1.  Taxing Power of Elected Board of Public
    21  Education of School Districts of the First Class A.--(a)  The
    22  elected Board of Public Education in any school district of the
    23  first class A shall have authority to impose real property
    24  taxes, realty transfer taxes and personal income taxes for the
    25  purposes of such school district as provided in section 672. [as
    26  follows:
    27     (1)  Without ordinance and under the following statutes their
    28  reenactments and amendments, at the rates fixed therein, namely:
    29     (i)  Act of June 20, 1947 (P.L.745, No.320), (Mercantile
    30  License Tax),
    20020H2616B3805                  - 8 -

     1     (ii)  Act of June 20, 1947 (P.L.733, No.319), (Personal
     2  Property Tax),
     3     (iii)  Act of August 24, 1961 (P.L.1135, No.508), (Income
     4  Tax),
     5     (iv)  Real property tax acts:
     6     Act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), 11.75 mills,
     7     Act of November 30, 1955 (P.L.793, No.226), 1.5 mills,
     8     Act of July 12, 1957 (P.L.837, No.386), .75 mills,
     9     Act of November 19, 1959 (P.L.1552, No.557), 2 mills,
    10     Act of October 21, 1965 (P.L.650, No.321), 1 mill,
    11     Act of November 26, 1968 (P.L.1098, No.340), 6 mills,
    12     Act of December 15, 1975 (P.L.483, No.143), 6 mills.
    13     (2)  In addition to the taxing authority set forth in the act
    14  of August 24, 1961 (P.L.1135, No.508), (Income Tax), by
    15  ordinance, a tax of one per centum (1%) on wages, salaries,
    16  commissions and other earned income of individuals: Provided,
    17  however, That the total tax levied under the act of August 24,
    18  1961 (P.L.1135, No.508) and the total tax levied under this
    19  subsection on wages, salaries, commissions and other earned
    20  income of individuals may equal but shall not exceed two per
    21  centum (2%).
    22     (3)  In addition to the taxing authority set forth in the
    23  real property tax acts referred to in section 652.1(a)(1)(iv),
    24  by ordinance a tax, sufficient to meet the school district's
    25  anticipated expenses on each dollar of the total assessment of
    26  all property assessed and certified for taxation in the
    27  territory constituting the district.
    28     (4)  In addition thereto, by ordinance on any persons,
    29  transactions, occupations, privileges, subjects and real or
    30  personal property as they shall determine not prohibited by
    20020H2616B3805                  - 9 -

     1  section 2 of the act of December 31, 1965 (P.L.1257, No.511),
     2  known as "The Local Tax Enabling Act" and not specifically
     3  excluded under paragraph (5) hereof; even if the ordinance
     4  imposing such tax or taxes is duplicative of the taxes
     5  enumerated in section 652.1(a)(1); but no ordinance shall
     6  authorize the imposition of a tax on the wages, salary or net
     7  income of any person not a resident of such school district.
     8     (5)] (a.1)  No tax of any kind may be imposed on admission to
     9  places of amusement, athletic events, motion picture theaters,
    10  occupations or occupational privilege, gross receipts of
    11  businesses, including institutions and nonprofit services, and
    12  parking, but this [paragraph] subsection shall not apply to
    13  taxes imposed on the whole volume of business transacted by
    14  retail and wholesale dealers in goods, wares and merchandise.
    15     (b)  Any ordinance authorizing a tax, other than under a
    16  statute and at the rate fixed thereby, shall fix the rate
    17  thereof and provide for the levy, assessment and collection of
    18  the same.
    19     Section 7.  Section 672 of the act, amended or added June 16,
    20  1972 (P.L.449, No.138), December 10, 1974 (P.L.914, No.302),
    21  February 4, 1982 (P.L.1, No.1) and June 7, 1993 (P.L.49, No.16),
    22  is amended to read:
    23     Section 672.  Tax Levy; Limitations.--(a)  In all school
    24  districts of the second, third, and fourth class, all school
    25  taxes shall be levied and assessed by the board of school
    26  directors therein, during the month of February or March or
    27  April or May or June each year, for the ensuing fiscal year,
    28  except in districts of the second class where the fiscal year
    29  begins on the first day of January, in which the school taxes
    30  shall be levied and assessed during the month of October or
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     1  November of each year. [In such school districts the tax rate
     2  shall not exceed twenty-five mills on the dollar, on the total
     3  amount of the assessed valuation of all property taxable for
     4  school purposes therein. Each school district of the second,
     5  third or fourth class may also collect a per capita tax on each
     6  resident or inhabitant of such district over eighteen years of
     7  age, as herein provided.]
     8     (b)  Boards of school directors of districts of the second,
     9  third, and fourth classes are hereby authorized to levy
    10  annually[, a tax on each dollar of the total assessment of all
    11  property assessed and certified for taxation therein, (1)]:
    12     (1) A personal income tax under Article VI-A to pay [up to
    13  and including the salaries and increments of the teaching and
    14  supervisory staff, (2) to pay rentals due any municipality
    15  authority or nonprofit corporation or due the State Public
    16  School Building Authority,] only the instructional costs of the
    17  school district. For purposes of this section, the phrase
    18  "instructional costs" means all costs incurred and related to
    19  those activities dealing directly with the interaction between
    20  teachers and students which can be directly attributed to a
    21  program of instruction. All costs that are not "instructional
    22  costs" shall be classified as other costs of the school
    23  district.
    24     (2) A real property tax on each dollar of the total
    25  assessment of all real property assessed and certified for
    26  taxation within the school district and a realty transfer tax to
    27  pay for all other costs of the school district.
    28     (3) [to] To pay interest and principal on any indebtedness
    29  incurred pursuant to the act of July 12, 1972 (P.L.781, No.185),
    30  known as the "Local Government Unit Debt Act," or any prior or
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     1  subsequent act governing the incurrence of indebtedness of the
     2  school district, which tax shall be unlimited[, and].
     3     (4) [to] To pay for the amortization of a bond issue which
     4  provided a school building prior to the first Monday of July,
     5  1959.
     6     (c)  The personal income tax levied to pay [salaries and
     7  increments of the teaching and supervisory staff] instructional
     8  costs shall not be invalidated by reason of the fact that in
     9  determining the amount to be raised by such tax [for the payment
    10  of salaries and increments] no deduction was made for
    11  appropriations or reimbursements paid or payable by the
    12  Commonwealth to the School District. [which are applicable
    13  directly or indirectly to the salaries and increments. None of
    14  said taxes shall be invalidated or affected by reason of the
    15  fact that it may increase the total annual school tax levy of
    16  any school district beyond the millage fixed or limited by this
    17  section.
    18     (d)  The boards of school directors of all independent school
    19  districts in which the board members are elected or appointed by
    20  court may, annually, levy a tax as herein authorized, at the
    21  same time and in the same manner as other school districts of
    22  the same class to which such independent district belongs, in an
    23  amount which shall be sufficient with all other taxes imposed by
    24  such district to pay the expenses of such district as set forth
    25  in subsection (b) of this section and to pay all other expenses
    26  and requirements of such district: Provided, That such tax shall
    27  not be more than seventy-five (75) mills on the dollar on the
    28  total amount of the assessed valuation of all property taxable
    29  for school purposes within such district. Each such district may
    30  also collect, annually, a per capita tax in an amount of not
    20020H2616B3805                 - 12 -

     1  less than one dollar ($1) and not more than ten dollars ($10) on
     2  each resident or inhabitant of such district over eighteen (18)
     3  years of age.]
     4     (e)  The board of school directors of any school district of
     5  the third class with a coterminous boundary with a third class
     6  city may in any year levy separate and different rates of real
     7  property taxation for school purposes on all real estate
     8  classified as land, exclusive of the buildings thereon, and on
     9  all real estate classified as buildings on land. When real
    10  [estate] property taxes are so levied, (1) the rates shall be
    11  determined annually by a vote of the board of school directors
    12  of a school district of the third class based upon passage of
    13  the school district's annual budget, (2) the rates may be levied
    14  by a school district of the third class: Provided, That (i) the
    15  revenue obtained in the first year of the levy is not in excess
    16  of one hundred fifteen (115) per centum of the aggregate revenue
    17  which the school district collected from a levy on real estate
    18  in the prior year, and (ii) in the second and subsequent years,
    19  the school district levy on real estate shall not be in excess
    20  of the aggregate revenue which a school district is empowered to
    21  collect under existing statute, and (3) the rates levied by a
    22  school district of the third class shall be uniform as to all
    23  real estate within the classification.
    24     (f)  After reduction of the rate of real property tax imposed
    25  by a school district to account for the increase in tax revenue
    26  due to the imposition of a personal income tax under Article VI-
    27  A, the board of school directors of a school district may
    28  increase the rate of the real property tax as long as that rate
    29  does not cause local tax revenue, excluding real property taxes
    30  to be levied on newly constructed buildings or structures or on
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     1  increased valuations based on new improvements made to existing
     2  houses, to increase by more than the percentage increase in the
     3  Statewide average weekly wage in the preceding year. Prior to
     4  any increase under this subsection, the board of school
     5  directors must certify to the court of common pleas in the
     6  judicial district in which the school district is located the
     7  estimates of total local tax revenues used in the calculation
     8  under this subsection. The court may, on its own motion or on
     9  petition of a person having standing under subsection (i),
    10  revise the estimates certified by the board of school directors
    11  and reduce the allowable increase in the rate of the real
    12  property tax under this subsection.
    13     (g)  The provisions of subsection (c) shall not apply to
    14  increases in the rate of tax on real property:
    15     (1)  To respond to or recover from an emergency or disaster
    16  declared pursuant to 35 Pa.C.S. § 7301 (relating to general
    17  authority of Governor) or 75 Pa.C.S. § 6108 (relating to power
    18  of Governor during emergency), only for the duration of the
    19  emergency or disaster and for the costs of the recovery from the
    20  emergency or disaster.
    21     (2)  To implement a court order or an administrative order
    22  from a Federal or State agency that requires the expenditure of
    23  funds that exceed current available revenues. The rate increase
    24  shall be rescinded following fulfillment of the court order or
    25  administrative order.
    26     (3)  To pay interest and principal on any indebtedness
    27  incurred under 53 Pa.C.S. Pt. VII Subpt. B (relating to
    28  indebtedness and borrowing). However, in no case may a school
    29  district incur additional debt under this paragraph, except for
    30  the refinancing of existing debt, including the payment of costs
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     1  and expenses related to such refinancing and the establishment
     2  or funding of appropriate debt service reserves. The increase
     3  shall be rescinded following the final payment of interest and
     4  principal.
     5     (4)  To respond to conditions that pose an immediate threat
     6  of serious physical harm or injury to the students, staff or
     7  residents of the school district until the circumstances causing
     8  the threat have been fully resolved.
     9     (5)  Special purpose tax levies approved by the electorate.
    10     (6)  To maintain per-student local tax revenue in the school
    11  district at an amount not exceeding the amount of per-student
    12  local tax revenue at the level of the preceding year, adjusted
    13  for the percentage increase in the Statewide average weekly
    14  wage. This paragraph shall apply only if the percentage growth
    15  in student enrollment in the school district between the current
    16  fiscal year and the third fiscal year immediately preceding the
    17  current fiscal year exceeds 10%. For the purposes of this
    18  paragraph, student enrollment shall be measured by average daily
    19  membership as defined in this act. For the purposes of this
    20  paragraph, per-student local tax revenue shall be determined by
    21  dividing local tax revenue by average daily membership.
    22     (h)  A person shall have standing as a party to a proceeding
    23  under this subsection as long as the person resides within or
    24  pays real property taxes to the taxing jurisdiction of the
    25  school district instituting the action.
    26     Section 8.  Section 672.2 of the act, added November 20, 1979
    27  (P.L.465, No.97), is amended to read:
    28     [Section 672.2.  School Districts Lying in More Than One
    29  County; Tax Levy on Occupations.--(a)  Any school district which
    30  lies in more than one (1) county and which levies an occupation
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     1  tax, shall levy such tax uniformly upon each occupational
     2  category existing in all counties in which the district lies, at
     3  the lowest assessed valuation for each equivalent occupational
     4  category as certified to the school district by the counties in
     5  which the district lies.
     6     (b)  This section shall not apply to any school district
     7  which levies an occupational assessment tax on the effective
     8  date hereof unless the school district by resolution elected to
     9  be subject thereto.]
    10     Section 9.  Section 679 of the act, amended November 26, 1982
    11  (P.L.760, No.215), is amended to read:
    12     [Section 679.  Per Capita Taxes.--Each resident or
    13  inhabitant, over eighteen years of age, in every school district
    14  of the second, third, and fourth class, which shall levy such
    15  tax, shall annually pay, for the use of the school district in
    16  which he or she is a resident or inhabitant, a per capita tax of
    17  not less than one dollar nor more than five dollars, as may be
    18  assessed by the local school district. The tax collector shall
    19  not proceed against a spouse or his employer until he has
    20  pursued remedies against the delinquent taxpayer and the
    21  taxpayer's employer under this section.
    22     Each school district may exempt any person whose total income
    23  from all sources is less than five thousand dollars per annum
    24  from its per capita tax or any portion thereof. The school
    25  district may adopt and employ regulations for the processing of
    26  claims for the exemption.]
    27     Section 10.  Section 680 of the act, amended June 16, 1972
    28  (P.L.449, No.138), is amended to read:
    29     [Section 680.  List of Residents for Per Capita Tax
    30  Purposes.--(a)  In order that the board of school directors of
    20020H2616B3805                 - 16 -

     1  each school district of the second, third, or fourth class may
     2  assess, levy, and collect a per capita tax of not less than one
     3  dollar nor more than five dollars on each resident or inhabitant
     4  over eighteen years of age in the district, it shall be the duty
     5  of the proper assessors in each such school district to prepare
     6  a list of residents or inhabitants in such school district over
     7  eighteen years of age, and return the same with the other
     8  taxable property in the district, as provided by law. In each
     9  school district all such lists of residents or inhabitants shall
    10  be included and certified in the list of taxable property to be
    11  certified to the board of school directors in each such school
    12  district, as herein provided. Assessors whose assessment
    13  district includes the whole or parts of more than one school
    14  district shall return separate lists of residents and
    15  inhabitants of each such school district.
    16     (b)  Every resident or inhabitant in any school district,
    17  upon attaining eighteen years of age, and every person eighteen
    18  years of age or over becoming a resident or inhabitant in any
    19  school district, shall, within twelve months after the happening
    20  thereof, notify the proper assessors of his becoming of age or
    21  becoming a resident or inhabitant. Any person failing, within
    22  said period, to notify the assessors of the school district
    23  within which he resides, shall, in addition to the tax levied by
    24  such school district, be liable to such school district in a
    25  penal sum equal to such tax.
    26     The board of school directors shall, at the same time as they
    27  give public notice of a proposed budget, include a notice of the
    28  requirements of this subsection, together with the name and
    29  address of the assessor to be notified.]
    30     Section 11.  Section 680.1 of the act, added October 20, 1988
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     1  (P.L.827, No.110), is amended to read:
     2     [Section 680.1.  Temporary Continuance of Tax on Landfill or
     3  Resource Recovery Facilities.--Notwithstanding the provisions of
     4  the act of July 28, 1988 (P.L.556, No.101), known as the
     5  "Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act,"
     6  any school district that initially imposed a tax on a municipal
     7  waste landfill or resource recovery facility on or before June
     8  30, 1988, but after December 31, 1987, may continue to collect
     9  such tax at the rate in effect on July 1, 1988, during the 1988-
    10  1989 school year only.]
    11     Section 12. The act is amended by adding articles to read:
    12                            ARTICLE VI-A
    13                        PERSONAL INCOME TAX
    14  Section 601-A.  Short title of article.
    15     This article shall be known and may be cited as the School
    16  District Personal Income Tax Authorization Act.
    17  Section 602-A.  Definitions.
    18     The following words and phrases when used in this article
    19  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    20  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    21     "Association."  A partnership, limited partnership or other
    22  unincorporated group of two or more persons.
    23     "Business."  An enterprise, activity, profession or other
    24  undertaking of an unincorporated nature conducted for profit or
    25  ordinarily conducted for profit whether by a person, association
    26  or other entity.
    27     "Compensation."  The classes of income included within the
    28  definition of "compensation" set forth in section 301 of the act
    29  of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of
    30  1971, and upon which are imposed a personal income tax by the
    20020H2616B3805                 - 18 -

     1  Commonwealth.
     2     "Corporation."  A corporation or joint stock association
     3  organized under the laws of the United States or the
     4  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or any other state, territory,
     5  foreign country or dependency.
     6     "Current year."  The calendar year or fiscal year for which
     7  the tax is levied.
     8     "Department."  The Department of Community and Economic
     9  Development of the Commonwealth.
    10     "Domicile."  The place where one lives and has his permanent
    11  home and to which he has the intention of returning whenever he
    12  is absent. Actual residence is not necessarily domicile because
    13  domicile is the fixed place of abode which, in the intention of
    14  the taxpayer, is permanent rather than transitory. Domicile is
    15  the voluntarily fixed place of habitation of a person, not for a
    16  mere special or limited purpose, but with the present intention
    17  of making a permanent home, until some event occurs to induce
    18  him to adopt some other permanent home. In the case of
    19  businesses or associations, the domicile is any place where the
    20  business or association is conducting or engaging in a business
    21  for profit within a school district.
    22     "Employer."  A person, association, corporation, governmental
    23  unit or other entity employing one or more persons, other than
    24  domestic servants for compensation.
    25     "Governing body."  The board of school directors of a school
    26  district.
    27     "Net profits."  The class of income described as "net
    28  profits" in section 303 of the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6,
    29  No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, and upon which is
    30  imposed a personal income tax by the Commonwealth.
    20020H2616B3805                 - 19 -

     1     "Nonresident."  A person, association or other entity
     2  domiciled outside the school district.
     3     "Person" or "individual."  A natural person.
     4     "Personal income."  The classes of income enumerated in
     5  section 303 of the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as
     6  the Tax Reform Code of 1971, and upon which is imposed a
     7  personal income tax by the Commonwealth.
     8     "Political subdivision."  A school district.
     9     "Preceding year."  The calendar year or fiscal year before
    10  the current year.
    11     "Register."  The register provided for in this article.
    12     "Resident."  A person, association, corporation or other
    13  entity:
    14         (1)  living in or maintaining a permanent or fixed place
    15     of abode in a school district; or
    16         (2)  conducting or engaging in a business for profit
    17     within a school district.
    18     "School district."  A school district of the first class,
    19  first class A, second class, third class or fourth class,
    20  including any independent school district.
    21     "Succeeding year."  The calendar year or fiscal year
    22  following the current year.
    23     "Tax officer."  The person, public employee or private agency
    24  designated by a governing body to collect and administer a tax
    25  imposed under this article, and the treasurer of a school
    26  district of the first class A.
    27     "Taxpayer."  A person, association or other entity required
    28  under this article to file a tax return or to pay a tax.
    29  Section 603-A.  Preemption.
    30     No act of the General Assembly heretofore or hereinafter
    20020H2616B3805                 - 20 -

     1  enacted shall vacate or preempt any resolution passed or adopted
     2  under the authority of this article, or any other act, providing
     3  authority for the imposition of a tax by a school district,
     4  unless the act of the General Assembly expressly vacates or
     5  preempts the authority to pass or adopt such resolutions.
     6  Section 604-A.  Personal income tax authorization.
     7     (a)  School districts.--Except as provided in subsection (b),
     8  each school district shall have the power and may, by
     9  resolution, levy, assess and collect or provide for the levying,
    10  assessment and collection of a tax for general revenue purposes
    11  at a rate as it shall determine on personal income of the
    12  residents of the school district and such other taxes that are
    13  specifically permitted under this act. A school district may
    14  only increase the rate of personal income tax when that school
    15  district experiences an annual increase in weighted average
    16  daily membership that equals or exceeds 1%. Any increase shall
    17  be limited to a rate that will maintain gross personal income
    18  tax revenue per student ratio which existed in the school year
    19  immediately preceding the year of the tax increase.
    20     (b)  Exclusions.--No school district shall have any power or
    21  authority to levy, assess or collect:
    22         (1)  A tax based upon a flat rate or on a millage rate on
    23     an assessed valuation of a particular trade, occupation or
    24     profession, commonly known as an occupation tax.
    25         (2)  A tax at a set or flat rate upon persons employed
    26     within the taxing district, commonly known as an occupational
    27     privilege tax.
    28         (3)  A per capita, poll, residence or similar head tax.
    29         (4)  A tax on personal property.
    30         (5)  The earned income tax previously levied under the
    20020H2616B3805                 - 21 -

     1     act of December 31, 1965 (P.L.1257, No.511), known as The
     2     Local Tax Enabling Act.
     3  Section 605-A.  Continuity of tax.
     4     Every tax levied under the provisions of this article shall
     5  continue in force on a calendar or fiscal year basis, as the
     6  case may be, without annual reenactment unless the rate of the
     7  tax is subsequently changed.
     8  Section 606-A.  Exemption of low-income persons.
     9     (a)  Low-income exemption.--Each school district shall have
    10  the power and shall exempt any person who qualifies under the
    11  provisions of section 304 of the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6,
    12  No.2) known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, from payment of any
    13  or all of the tax imposed under section 604.
    14     (b)  Special hardship exemption.--Each school district shall
    15  have the power and may exempt persons who qualify as claimants
    16  under the provisions of the act of March 11, 1971 (P.L.104,
    17  No.3), known as the Senior Citizens Rebate and Assistance Act,
    18  and who have household income as defined in the Senior Citizens
    19  Rebate and Assistance Act which is equal to or less than the
    20  maximum income requirement necessary to qualify for a property
    21  tax rebate or rent rebate in lieu of property taxes or rent due
    22  pursuant to the Senior Citizens Rebate and Assistance Act, from
    23  the payment of any tax on personal income.
    24     (c)  Regulations.--Each school district shall adopt
    25  regulations for the processing of claims for these exemptions.
    26  Section 607-A.  Collection of personal income tax by
    27                     Commonwealth.
    28     The Department of Revenue shall be responsible for the
    29  collection of all personal income tax imposed by a school
    30  district in conjunction with the collection of any tax on
    20020H2616B3805                 - 22 -

     1  personal income imposed by the Commonwealth under the authority
     2  of the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax
     3  Reform Code of 1971.
     4  Section 608-A.  Limitation on assessment.
     5     No assessment may be made of any personal income tax imposed
     6  under this article more than five years after the date on which
     7  such tax should have been paid except where a fraudulent return
     8  or no return has been filed.
     9  Section 609-A.  Distress and sale of property of taxpayer.
    10     (a)  General rule.--In case of the neglect or refusal of any
    11  person, association or corporation to make payment of the amount
    12  of any personal income tax due after two months from the date of
    13  the tax notice, the Department of Revenue shall have the power
    14  to levy the amount of such tax, penalty, interest and costs
    15  thereon, not exceeding costs and charges allowed constables for
    16  similar services by distress and sale of the goods and chattels
    17  of such delinquent, wherever located, upon giving at least ten
    18  days' public notice of such sale by one advertisement in a
    19  newspaper of general circulation published in the county.
    20     (b)  Effect on return.--No failure to demand or collect any
    21  taxes by distress and sale of goods and chattels shall
    22  invalidate any return made, or lien filed for nonpayment of
    23  taxes, or any tax sale for the collection of taxes.
    24  Section 610-A.  Collection of delinquent taxes from employers.
    25     (a)  General rule.--The Department of Revenue shall demand,
    26  receive and collect from all employers employing persons owing
    27  delinquent personal income taxes or having in possession unpaid
    28  compensation belonging to any person or persons owing delinquent
    29  personal income taxes upon the presentation of a written notice
    30  and demand certifying that the information contained therein is
    20020H2616B3805                 - 23 -

     1  true and correct and containing the name of the taxpayer and the
     2  amount of tax due.
     3     (b)  Response to notice.--Upon the presentation of such
     4  written notice and demand, the employer shall deduct from the
     5  compensation of such employees then owing, or thereafter due, a
     6  sum sufficient to pay the amount of the delinquent personal
     7  income taxes, interest, penalty and costs shown upon the written
     8  notice or demand, and shall pay the same to the Department of
     9  Revenue by which such delinquent tax was levied within 60 days
    10  after such notice was given.
    11     (c)  Limitation on deduction.--No more than 10% of the
    12  compensation of the delinquent taxpayer may be deducted at any
    13  one time for delinquent personal income taxes, penalty, interest
    14  and costs.
    15     (d)  Deduction for costs.--Such employer shall be entitled to
    16  deduct from the moneys collected from each employee the costs
    17  incurred from the extra bookkeeping necessary to record such
    18  transactions, not exceeding 2% of the amount collected and paid
    19  over to the Department of Revenue.
    20     (e)  Forfeiture.--Upon the failure of any such employer to
    21  deduct the amount of such taxes or to pay the same over to the
    22  Department of Revenue, less the amount deducted under subsection
    23  (d), within the time hereby required, such employer shall
    24  forfeit and pay the amount of such tax for each such taxpayer
    25  whose taxes are not withheld and paid over, or that are withheld
    26  and not paid over together with a penalty of 10%, to be
    27  recovered by a civil action to be instituted by the Department
    28  of Revenue, as debts of like amount are now by law recoverable,
    29  except that such person shall not have the benefit of any
    30  exemption law or stay of execution.
    20020H2616B3805                 - 24 -

     1     (f)  Collection rights preserved.--Nothing in this section
     2  shall be deemed to affect or impair the right of any school
     3  district or the Department of Revenue to pursue and collect
     4  delinquent taxes validly imposed prior to the effective date of
     5  this section.
     6  Section 611-A.  Collection of delinquent taxes from
     7                     Commonwealth.
     8     (a)  General rule.--Upon presentation of a written notice and
     9  demand under oath to the State Treasurer or any other fiscal
    10  officer of the Commonwealth, or its boards, authorities,
    11  agencies or commissions, it shall be the duty of the treasurer
    12  or officer to deduct from the compensation then owing a sum
    13  sufficient to pay the amount of the delinquent personal income
    14  taxes, interest, penalty and costs shown on the written notice.
    15  The same shall be paid to the Department of Revenue within 60
    16  days after such notice shall have been given.
    17     (b)  Limitation on deduction.--No more than 10% of the
    18  compensation of the delinquent taxpayer may be deducted at any
    19  one time for delinquent personal income taxes, interest, penalty
    20  and costs.
    21     (c)  Collection rights preserved.--Nothing in this section
    22  shall be deemed to affect or impair the right of a school
    23  district or the Department of Revenue to pursue and collect
    24  delinquent taxes validly imposed prior to the effective date of
    25  this section.
    26  Section 612-A.  Notice to taxpayer.
    27     The Department of Revenue shall, at least 15 days prior to
    28  the presentation of a written notice and demand under section
    29  610-A or 611-A, notify the taxpayer owing the delinquent tax by
    30  registered mail that a written notice and demand shall be
    20020H2616B3805                 - 25 -

     1  presented to his employer unless such tax is paid. The return
     2  receipt card for registered mail shall be marked delivered to
     3  addressee only, and the cost of notification by registered mail
     4  shall be included in the costs for collecting taxes.
     5  Section 613-A.  Collection of taxes by suit.
     6     (a)  General rule.--Each school district and the Department
     7  of Revenue shall have power to collect unpaid taxes from
     8  taxpayers and employers owing such taxes by a civil action or
     9  other appropriate remedy. Upon judgment, execution may be issued
    10  without any stay or benefit of any exemption law. The right to
    11  collect unpaid taxes under the provisions of this section shall
    12  not be affected by the fact that such taxes have been entered as
    13  liens in the office of the prothonotary or the fact that the
    14  property against which they were levied has been returned to the
    15  county commissioners for taxes for prior years.
    16     (b)  Limitation of actions.--A suit brought to recover the
    17  taxes under subsection (a) shall be instituted within three
    18  years after the tax is due or within three years after a
    19  declaration or return has been filed, whichever date is later,
    20  except in the following cases:
    21         (1)  If no declaration or return was filed by any person
    22     although a declaration or return was required to be filed
    23     under provisions of the ordinance, there shall be no
    24     limitation.
    25         (2)  If an examination of the declaration or return filed
    26     by any person, or of other evidence relating to such
    27     declaration or return in the possession of the Department of
    28     Revenue, reveals a fraudulent evasion of taxes, there shall
    29     be no limitation.
    30         (3)  If there is a substantial understatement of tax
    20020H2616B3805                 - 26 -

     1     liability of 25% or more and no fraud, suit shall be
     2     instituted within six years.
     3         (4)  If any person has deducted taxes under the
     4     provisions of the resolution, and has failed to pay the
     5     amounts so deducted to the Department of Revenue, or if any
     6     person has willfully failed or omitted to make the deductions
     7     required by this section, there shall be no limitation.
     8     (c)  Regulations.--The Department of Revenue, by regulation,
     9  shall establish the procedures for collecting the personal
    10  income tax and paying the full amount collected over to the
    11  school district on a quarterly basis.
    12     Section 13.  The act of December 31, 1965 (P.L.1257, No.511),
    13  known as The Local Tax Enabling Act, is repealed insofar as it
    14  authorizes the levy, assessment and collection of any tax, other
    15  than the tax imposed on the transfer of real property which is
    16  hereby specifically saved from repeal.
    17     Section 14.  This act shall take effect as follows:
    18         (1)  For school districts where fiscal year begins on
    19     January 1, this act shall take effect January 1, 2003.
    20         (2)  For school districts where fiscal year begins on
    21     July 1, this act shall take effect July 1, 2003.

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