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        PRIOR PRINTER'S NO. 3904                      PRINTER'S NO. 4023



No. 2621 Session of 2008

           JUNE 10, 2008


                                     AN ACT

     1  Establishing the Pipeline Replacement and Rehabilitation Program
     2     and the Pipeline Replacement and Rehabilitation Fund;
     3     providing for powers and duties of the Pennsylvania
     4     Infrastructure Investment Authority and the Pennsylvania
     5     Public Utility Commission; and authorizing a public
     6     referendum.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9  Section 1.  Short title.
    10     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Pipeline
    11  Infrastructure Public Safety and Environmental Protection Act.
    12  Section 2.  Legislative findings.
    13     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
    14         (1)  The American Society of Civil Engineers issued its
    15     first report card on Pennsylvania's infrastructure in 2006,
    16     giving Pennsylvania a D- for the condition of this
    17     Commonwealth's wastewater infrastructure and a D+ for its
    18     drinking water infrastructure.
    19         (2)  The American Society of Civil Engineers identified

     1     more than $12,000,000,000 in critical drinking water
     2     investments that Pennsylvania will require over the next two
     3     decades.
     4         (3)  The 2003 United States Environmental Protection
     5     Agency "Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs Survey and
     6     Assessment Third Report to Congress" released in June 2005
     7     identified $7,838,900,000 in investments over the next two
     8     decades that Pennsylvania will need to make for the
     9     transmission and distribution of water.
    10         (4)  The United States Environmental Protection Agency
    11     "Clean Watersheds Needs Survey 2004 Report to Congress"
    12     released in January 2008 identified $7,178,009,000 in
    13     required investments over the next two decades for
    14     Pennsylvania's wastewater infrastructure.
    15         (5)  According to the Public Utility Commission, there
    16     are approximately 13,000 miles of cast-iron and unprotected
    17     steel natural gas pipelines. The replacement cost of this
    18     aging natural gas infrastructure is estimated to be between
    19     $9,000,000,000 and $16,000,000,000.
    20         (6)  Accelerating the replacement and rehabilitation of
    21     these pipelines and related infrastructure will help conserve
    22     water and natural gas resources, and it will also enhance
    23     public safety and service reliability.
    24         (7)  An accelerated pipeline and related infrastructure
    25     replacement and rehabilitation program will protect the
    26     environment by reducing wastewater and natural gas leakages.
    27     Furthermore, natural gas leaked into the atmosphere is
    28     believed to be one of the gases contributing to the
    29     greenhouse effect, known more widely as global warming.
    30         (8)  A general obligation bond-financed pipeline and
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     1     related infrastructure program for municipal utilities would
     2     accelerate the removal and replacement and rehabilitation of
     3     aging pipes and related infrastructure, thus conserving water
     4     and energy, protecting public safety, enhancing service
     5     reliability and reducing greenhouse gases.
     6  Section 3.  Definitions.
     7     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
     8  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     9  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    10     "Authority."  The Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment
    11  Authority established by the act of March 1, 1988 (P.L.82,
    12  No.16), known as the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment
    13  Authority Act.
    14     "Commission."  The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission.
    15     "Department."  The Department of Environmental Protection of
    16  the Commonwealth.
    17     "Fiscal constraint."  Bond rating standards of "BBB" or "Baa"
    18  or worse from nationally recognized rating services or
    19  corporations.
    20     "Fund."  The Pipeline Replacement and Rehabilitation Fund
    21  established under section 12.
    22     "Low-interest loan."  A loan having an annual interest rate
    23  of 2% or less.
    24     "Municipal utility."  Any municipal authority or municipally   <--
    25  owned utility distribution operation or company that utilizes
    26  underground pipelines to transport natural gas, water or
    27  wastewater.
    28     "Recipient."  A municipal utility that receives a grant or     <--
    29  loan under this act.
    30     "Structurally deficient pipes."  Pipes carrying natural gas,
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     1  water or wastewater and having significant corrosion or
     2  deterioration that elevates the likelihood of leakage or failure
     3  using an objective measure as developed under section 4(d).
     4     "UTILITY."  A PUBLIC UTILITY AS DEFINED BY 66 PA.C.S. § 102    <--
     9  Section 4.  Pipeline Replacement and Rehabilitation Program.
    10     (a)  Establishment.--The Pipeline Replacement and
    11  Rehabilitation Program is established within the authority for
    12  the purpose of replacing and rehabilitating structurally
    13  deficient pipes and related infrastructure within this
    14  Commonwealth.
    15     (b)  Eligibility.--
    16         (1)  A municipal utility is eligible for a low-interest    <--
    17     loan under this section.
    18         (2)  A municipal utility under fiscal constraint is        <--
    19     eligible for a grant under this section. The authority may
    20     adopt by regulation additional objective eligibility
    21     standards for grants under this section, provided that such
    22     standards target municipal utilities with populations less     <--
    23     able to pay for the necessary replacement and rehabilitation
    24     of deficient pipes and related infrastructure.
    25     (c)  Application.--No grant or loan shall be awarded unless
    26  the municipal utility submits an application to the authority     <--
    27  pursuant to guidelines adopted by the authority.
    28     (d)  Criteria.--
    29         (1)  In consultation with the commission and the
    30     department, the authority shall develop an objective measure
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     1     to rate the deficiency of pipes and related infrastructure.
     2         (2)  Funding assistance shall be ranked based upon the
     3     need to replace and rehabilitate structurally deficient pipes
     4     and related infrastructure and shall not be based on funding
     5     criteria for other programs implemented by the authority.
     6         (3)  No recipient shall receive in grants and loans more
     7     than 25% of the total indebtedness authorized by this act.
     8         (4)  No grant or loan shall be awarded unless the
     9     municipal utility and the authority sign a contract outlining  <--
    10     the conditions of the grant or loan subject to the provisions
    11     of this act.
    12         (5)  The authority shall establish standards for low-
    13     interest loans and may offer various rates as long as no
    14     interest rate exceeds 2% on an annual basis and the standards
    15     are applied uniformly to all applicants. The interest rates
    16     and standards shall be adopted separately and shall not be
    17     subject to criteria of other programs administered by the
    18     authority.
    19         (6)  The authority may provide a combination of grants
    20     and loans to an applicant.
    21         (7)  The intent of the grants and loans is to supplement
    22     and accelerate the replacement and rehabilitation of pipes
    23     and related infrastructure and not to substitute for
    24     currently obligated programs of the applicants.
    25         (8)  The authority may establish other criteria for the
    26     making of grants and loans under this act.
    27     (e)  Reports.--
    28         (1)  Each recipient shall file periodic performance
    29     reports no less than annually or more frequently if so
    30     determined by the authority. The contents of the report shall
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     1     be determined by the authority in consultation with the
     2     commission and the department and shall include detailed
     3     statistics on the status and progress of the utility
     4     company's infrastructure. Each recipient shall provide the
     5     commission and the department a copy of each report filed
     6     with the authority.
     7         (2)  Failure to file a report shall cause a recipient to
     8     lose grant money or loans issued as determined by the
     9     authority.
    10  Section 5.  Duties of authority.
    11     (a)  General rule.--The authority shall administer and carry
    12  out the provisions of this act, which shall include, but not be
    13  limited to, the duties specified under this act.
    14     (b)  Notification and timetable.--The authority shall notify
    15  all municipal utilities of the availability of grants and low-    <--
    16  interest loans under this act and provide a timetable for
    17  submission of applications and announcement of awards.
    18     (c)  Guidelines.--The authority shall adopt guidelines, rules
    19  or regulations as may be necessary by the program established
    20  under section 4.
    21     (d)  Consultation.--The authority shall consult the
    22  commission and the department on technical aspects in carrying
    23  out this act.
    24     (e)  Contract and oversight.--The authority shall enter into
    25  contracts with each potential recipient and monitor grants and
    26  loans to help ensure that they are expended consistent with the
    27  contract and the intent of this act.
    28  Section 6.  Reports to General Assembly.
    29     The authority shall submit an annual report to the General
    30  Assembly on the implementation of this act. The report shall
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     1  include program guidelines, criteria used for selection of grant
     2  and loan recipients and detailed performance statistics for each
     3  grant and loan pursuant to section 4. The report shall also
     4  summarize the information on a Statewide basis and provide an
     5  overview of the progress of the replacement and rehabilitation
     6  of pipes and related infrastructure. Copies of the reports shall
     7  be filed with the Local Government Committee, the Consumer
     8  Protection and Professional Licensure Committee of the Senate,
     9  and the Local Government Committee and the Consumer Affairs
    10  Committee of the House of Representatives, the commission and
    11  the department.
    12  Section 7.  Incurring indebtedness.
    13     Pursuant to the provisions of section 7(a)(3) of Article VIII
    14  of the Constitution of Pennsylvania, the question of incurring
    15  indebtedness of $1,000,000,000 for grants and low-interest loans
    16  to municipal utilities for the replacement and rehabilitation of  <--
    17  structurally deficient pipes subject to the provisions of this
    18  act shall be submitted to the electors at the next primary,
    19  municipal or general election that is at least 60 days after the
    20  effective date of this section.
    21  Section 8.  Certification of question.
    22     The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall certify the question
    23  of incurring indebtedness pursuant to this act to the county
    24  boards of elections.
    25  Section 9.  Question to electorate.
    26     The question of incurring indebtedness of $1,000,000,000 for
    27  grants and low-interest loans to municipal utilities as defined   <--
    28  by this act for the replacement and rehabilitation of
    29  structurally deficient pipes and related infrastructure shall be
    30  in substantially the following form:
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     1         Do you favor the incurring of indebtedness by the
     2         Commonwealth of $1,000,000,000 for use as grants and low-
     3         interest loans of 2% or less based on objective criteria
     4         to municipally owned utilities and municipal authorities   <--
     5         that provide natural gas, water or wastewater service, TO  <--
     6         UTILITIES for accelerating the replacement and
     7         rehabilitation of aged and corroding pipes and related
     8         infrastructure that may pose a risk of leakage and other
     9         safety hazards?
    10  Section 10.  Conduct of election.
    11     The election shall be conducted in accordance with the act of
    12  June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania
    13  Election Code.
    14  Section 11.  Issuance of bonds.
    15     As evidence of the indebtedness if authorized under section
    16  9, general obligation bonds of the Commonwealth shall be issued
    17  for the purposes of this act.
    18  Section 12.  Pipeline Replacement and Rehabilitation Fund.
    19     (a)  Establishment.--The Pipeline Replacement and
    20  Rehabilitation Fund is hereby established and shall be
    21  administered by the authority.
    22     (b)  Funds.--The proceeds from the sale of any general
    23  obligation bonds of the Commonwealth issued under this act shall
    24  be deposited into the fund.
    25     (c)  Continuing appropriation.--The General Assembly hereby
    26  appropriates on a continuing basis to the authority the moneys
    27  of the fund for the purposes established by this act.
    28  Section 13.  Funds or accounts.
    29     The authority shall deposit any appropriations or funds,
    30  including principal and interest loan repayments, received
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     1  pursuant to this act in separate accounts within the fund. All
     2  loan repayments and interest earned shall remain in the fund.
     3  Money in the fund shall be used as follows:
     4         (1)  For grants and low-interest loans as established by
     5     this act.
     6         (2)  To offset administrative costs incurred by the
     7     authority in performing its duties pursuant to this act
     8     provided that no more than $250,000 is used for
     9     administrative costs in the first fiscal year. This amount
    10     may be increased by the rate of inflation as measured by the
    11     Consumer Price Index as published by the United States
    12     Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, for each
    13     year thereafter.
    14         (3)  To dedicate repayment of loans originated with
    15     moneys from the fund to pay debt service on revenue bonds
    16     that the authority may issue to fulfill the purposes of this
    17     act.
    18  Section 14.  Notice in Pennsylvania Bulletin.
    19     If the electorate approves the question of incurring
    20  indebtedness as provided under this act, the Secretary of the
    21  Commonwealth shall publish a notice thereof in the Pennsylvania
    22  Bulletin within 14 days of the date of the election.
    23  Section 15.  Effective date.
    24     This act shall take effect as follows:
    25         (1)  Sections 4, 5, 6, 12 and 13 shall take effect upon
    26     publication of the notice required under section 14.
    27         (2)  The remainder of this act shall take effect
    28     immediately.

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