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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3728



No. 2623 Session of 2000



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of September 30, 1985 (P.L.240, No.61),
     2     entitled "An act to facilitate vehicular traffic within and
     3     across the Commonwealth by providing for the construction,
     4     reconstruction, improvement, operation and maintenance of
     5     toll roads and the conversion of existing toll-free roads to
     6     toll roads in Pennsylvania; conferring powers and imposing
     7     duties on the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission; providing for
     8     membership on the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission;
     9     authorizing issuance of turnpike revenue bonds, notes or
    10     other obligations of the commission, payable solely from
    11     revenues of the commission, including tolls, or from such
    12     other funds as may be available to the commission for that
    13     purpose, to pay the costs of such toll roads including the
    14     acquisition and other costs of toll-free roads and for
    15     refunding purposes; providing that no debt of the
    16     Commonwealth shall be incurred in the exercise of any of the
    17     powers granted by this act; providing for the collection of
    18     tolls for the payment of such bonds, notes or other
    19     obligations, and for the cost of maintenance, operation and
    20     repair of the toll roads including toll-free roads converted
    21     to toll roads; making such turnpike revenue bonds, notes or
    22     other obligations exempt from taxation; constituting the same
    23     legal investments in certain instances; requiring suits
    24     against the commission to be brought in the courts in which
    25     such actions may be brought against the Commonwealth;

     1     prescribing conditions on which toll roads shall be turned
     2     over to the Department of Transportation; providing for grade
     3     separations, grade changes, relocations, restorations and
     4     vacations of public roads and State highways affected by the
     5     toll roads; providing for the purchasing or condemnation of
     6     land and procedure for determining damages in condemnation;
     7     granting certain powers and authority to municipalities and
     8     agencies of the Commonwealth to cooperate with the
     9     commission; conferring powers and imposing duties on the
    10     Department of Transportation; authorizing the Secretary of
    11     Transportation to enter into negotiations with the United
    12     States Department of Transportation, the Federal Highway
    13     Administration or any other Federal agency regarding the
    14     conversion of toll-free highways constructed in the
    15     Commonwealth using Federal funds to toll roads; and
    16     authorizing the Secretary of Transportation to enter into
    17     agreements on behalf of the Commonwealth and the commission
    18     with the United States Department of Transportation, the
    19     Federal Highway Administration or any other Federal agency
    20     with respect to obtaining Federal funds for resurfacing,
    21     restoring, rehabilitating or reconstructing toll roads in
    22     Pennsylvania," further providing for definitions and for
    23     functions of the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission; and
    24     providing for enforcement related to electronic toll
    25     collection.

    26     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    27  hereby enacts as follows:
    28     Section 1.  The definition of "owner" in section 2 of the act
    29  of September 30, 1985 (P.L.240, No.61), known as the Turnpike
    30  Organization, Extension and Toll Road Conversion Act, is amended
    31  and the section is amended by adding definitions to read:
    32  Section 2.  Definitions.
    33     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    34  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    35  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    36     * * *
    37     "Electronic toll collection."  A system of collecting tolls
    38  or charges that is capable of charging an account holder for the
    39  prescribed toll by electronic transmission of information
    40  between a device on a vehicle and a device in a toll lane at a
    41  toll collection facility.
    42     "Lessee."  Any person, corporation, firm, partnership,
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     1  agency, association or organization that rents, leases or
     2  contracts for the use of a vehicle and has exclusive use of the
     3  vehicle for any period of time.
     4     "Lessor."  Any person, corporation, firm, partnership,
     5  agency, association or organization engaged in the business of
     6  renting or leasing vehicles to any lessee under a rental
     7  agreement, lease or other agreement under which the lessee has
     8  the exclusive use of the vehicle for any period of time.
     9     "Operator."  An individual that uses or operates a vehicle
    10  with or without the permission of the owner.
    11     "Owner."  [An] Except as provided in section 16.1(e), an
    12  individual, copartnership, association or corporation having any
    13  title or interest in any property rights, easements or
    14  franchises authorized to be acquired by this act.
    15     * * *
    16     "Violation enforcement system."  A vehicle sensor, placed in
    17  a location to work in conjunction with a toll collection
    18  facility, which automatically produces a videotape, or
    19  photograph, microphotograph or other recorded image of the rear
    20  portion of each vehicle at the time the vehicle is used or
    21  operated in violation of the toll collection regulations. This
    22  term includes any other technology which identifies a vehicle by
    23  photographic, electronic or other method.
    24     "Vehicle."  As defined in 75 Pa.C.S. § 102 (relating to
    25  definitions).
    26     Section 2.  Section 7 of the act is amended to read:
    27  Section 7.  Commission powers and duties enumerated; payment of
    28                 maintenance.
    29     (a)  Powers and duties of commission.--The commission is
    30  authorized to:
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     1         (1)  Maintain a principal office at such place as shall
     2     be designated by the commission.
     3         (2)  Contract and be contracted within its own name.
     4         (3)  Sue and be sued in its own name, plead and be
     5     impleaded. Any and all actions at law or in equity against
     6     the commission shall be brought only in the courts in which
     7     such actions may be brought against the Commonwealth.
     8         (4)  Have an official seal.
     9         (5)  Make necessary rules and regulations for its own
    10     government and in control of traffic.
    11         (6)  Acquire, hold, accept, own, use, hire, lease,
    12     exchange, operate and dispose of personal property, real
    13     property and interests in real property, and to make and
    14     enter into all contracts and agreements necessary or
    15     incidental to the performance of its duties and the execution
    16     of its powers under this act, and to employ engineering,
    17     traffic, architectural and construction experts and
    18     inspectors, attorneys, and other employees as may in its
    19     judgment be necessary, and fix their compensation.
    20         (7)  Provide grade separations, at its own expense, with
    21     respect to all public roads, State highways and interstate
    22     highways intersected by the turnpikes and to change and
    23     adjust the lines and grades thereof so as to accommodate the
    24     same to the design for such grade separation. The damages
    25     incurred in changing and adjusting the lines and grades of
    26     public roads, State highways and interstate highways shall be
    27     ascertained and paid by the commission in accordance with the
    28     act of June 22, 1964 (Sp.Sess., P.L.84, No.6), known as the
    29     Eminent Domain Code. If the commission shall find it
    30     necessary to provide a grade separation or change the site of
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     1     any portion of any interstate highway, State highway or
     2     public road, or vacate the same, it shall cause it to be
     3     reconstructed and restored forthwith, at the commission's own
     4     proper expense, on the most favorable location and in as
     5     satisfactory a manner as the original road, or vacate it, as
     6     the case may be. The method of acquiring the right-of-way and
     7     determining damages incurred in changing the location of or
     8     vacating such road, State highway or interstate highway shall
     9     be ascertained and paid for in accordance with the act of
    10     June 22, 1964 (Sp.Sess., P.L.84, No.6), known as the Eminent
    11     Domain Code.
    12         (8)  Petition the court of common pleas of the county
    13     wherein is situate any public road or part thereof affected
    14     by the location therein of the turnpikes, for the vacation,
    15     relocation or supply of the same, or any part thereof, with
    16     the same force and effect as is now given by existing laws to
    17     the inhabitants of any township or such county, and the
    18     proceedings upon such petition, whether it be for the
    19     appointment of viewers or otherwise, shall be the same as
    20     provided by existing law for similar proceedings upon the
    21     petitions.
    22         (9)  Have all of the powers and perform all the duties
    23     prescribed by the act of May 21, 1937 (P.L.774, No.211),
    24     referred to as the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission Act.
    25     (b)  Maintenance to be paid out of tolls.--The turnpike
    26  extensions and improvements and the conversion of toll-free
    27  roads to toll roads when completed and open to traffic shall be
    28  maintained and repaired by and under the control of the
    29  commission. All charges and costs for the maintenance and
    30  repairs actually expended by the commission shall be paid out of
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     1  tolls. The turnpike, the turnpike extensions and improvements
     2  and the toll-free roads converted to toll roads shall also be
     3  policed and operated by a force of police, toll takers and other
     4  operating employees as the commission may, in its discretion,
     5  employ.
     6     Section 3.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
     7  Section 16.1.  Electronic toll collection.
     8     (a)  Liability of owner.--
     9         (1)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if an
    10     operator of a vehicle fails to pay the prescribed toll at any
    11     location where tolls are collected by means of electronic
    12     toll collection, the owner of the vehicle shall be liable to
    13     the commission for failure of the operator of the vehicle to
    14     comply with this section where the violation is evidenced by
    15     information obtained from a violation enforcement system.
    16         (2)  If a violation of this section is committed, the
    17     registration plate number of the vehicle, as recorded by a
    18     violation enforcement system, shall establish an inference
    19     that the owner of the vehicle was then operating the vehicle.
    20     The inference shall be overcome if the owner does all of the
    21     following:
    22             (i)  Testifies that the owner was not operating the
    23         vehicle at the time of the violation.
    24             (ii)  Submits to an examination as to who at the time
    25         was operating the vehicle.
    26             (iii)  Reveals the name and residence address of the
    27         operator of the vehicle.
    28         (3)  If an action or proceeding is commenced in a county
    29     other than that of the residence of the owner, a verified
    30     written statement setting forth the facts prescribed in
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     1     paragraph (2)(i) through (iii) shall suffice to overcome the
     2     inference.
     3         (4)  If the inference is overcome, the operator of the
     4     vehicle may be held liable under this section for failure to
     5     pay the prescribed toll in the same manner as if the operator
     6     were the owner of the vehicle.
     7     (b)  Imposition of liability.--The liability set forth in
     8  subsection (a) shall be imposed upon an owner for a violation of
     9  this section or the regulations of the commission occurring
    10  within the territorial limits of this Commonwealth. If a
    11  violation is committed as evidenced by a violation enforcement
    12  system, the following shall apply:
    13         (1)  The commission or an authorized agent or employee
    14     must prepare and mail a notice of violation:
    15             (i)  The notice of violation must be sent by first
    16         class mail to each person alleged to be liable as an
    17         owner for a violation of this section. The notice must be
    18         mailed to the owner at the address shown on the vehicle
    19         registration no later than 60 days after the alleged
    20         conduct; except that, if the inference of operation is
    21         overcome as prescribed in subsection (b), the notice must
    22         be mailed to the alleged operator of the vehicle no later
    23         than 60 days after the date the inference is overcome.
    24         Personal service shall not be required. A manual or
    25         automatic record of mailing prepared in the ordinary
    26         course of business shall be prima facie evidence of the
    27         mailing of notice.
    28             (ii)  The notice must contain information advising
    29         the person charged of the manner and time in which the
    30         liability alleged in the notice may be contested. The
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     1         notice must also contain a warning advising the person
     2         charged that failure to contest in the manner and time
     3         provided shall be deemed an admission of liability and
     4         that a default judgment may be entered on the notice.
     5         (2)  If an owner of a vehicle or an owner who is a lessor
     6     of a vehicle receives a notice of violation under this
     7     section for any time period during which the vehicle was
     8     reported to a police department as having been stolen, it
     9     shall be a defense to the allegation of liability that the
    10     vehicle had been reported to the police as having been stolen
    11     prior to the time the violation occurred and that the vehicle
    12     had not been recovered by the time of the violation. For
    13     purposes of asserting the defense provided by this
    14     subsection, it shall be sufficient that a certified copy of
    15     the police report on the stolen vehicle be sent by first
    16     class mail to the commission within 30 days after receiving
    17     the original notice of violation. Failure to send the
    18     information within the 30-day time limit shall render the
    19     owner or lessor liable for the penalty prescribed by this
    20     section.
    21         (3)  An owner who is a lessor of a vehicle as to which a
    22     notice of violation was issued under paragraph (1) shall not
    23     be liable for a violation if the owner sends to the
    24     commission a copy of the rental, lease or other such contract
    25     document covering the vehicle on the date of the violation,
    26     with the name and address of the lessee clearly legible to
    27     the commission, within 30 days after receiving the original
    28     notice of violation. Failure to send such information within
    29     the 30-day time limit shall render the lessor liable for the
    30     penalty prescribed by this section. If the lessor complies
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     1     with the provisions of this section, the lessee of the
     2     vehicle on the date of the violation shall be deemed to be
     3     the owner of the vehicle for purposes of this section and
     4     shall be subject to liability for the penalty prescribed by
     5     this subsection.
     6         (4)  Except as provided in paragraph (3), if a person
     7     receives a notice of violation under this section, it shall
     8     be a defense to an allegation of liability that the
     9     individual who received the notice of violation pursuant to
    10     this section was not the owner of the vehicle at the time the
    11     violation occurred.
    12         (5)  A certified report or a facsimile report of an
    13     authorized agent or employee of the commission reporting a
    14     violation of this section or regulations of the commission
    15     based upon the recorded information obtained from a violation
    16     enforcement system shall be prima facie evidence of the facts
    17     contained in the report and shall be admissible as an
    18     official record kept in the ordinary course of business in
    19     any proceeding charging a violation of this section or the
    20     toll collection regulations of the commission.
    21         (6)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, all
    22     videotapes, photographs, microphotographs, other recorded
    23     images, written records, reports or facsimiles prepared
    24     pursuant to this section shall be for the exclusive use of
    25     the commission, its authorized agents, its employees, and law
    26     enforcement officials, for the purpose of discharging duties
    27     pursuant to this section and the regulations of the
    28     commission. The information shall not be deemed a public
    29     record under the act of June 21, 1957 (P.L.390, No.212),
    30     referred to as the Right-to-Know Law. The information shall
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     1     not be discoverable, by court order or otherwise; nor shall
     2     it be offered in evidence in any action or proceeding which
     3     is not directly related to a violation of this section, the
     4     regulations of the commission, or indemnification for
     5     liability imposed pursuant to this section. The restrictions
     6     set forth in this paragraph shall not be deemed to preclude a
     7     court of competent jurisdiction from issuing an order
     8     directing that the information be provided to law enforcement
     9     officials if the information is reasonably described and is
    10     requested solely in connection with a criminal law
    11     enforcement action. The restrictions set forth in this
    12     paragraph shall not be deemed to preclude the exchange of
    13     such information between any entities with jurisdiction over
    14     or which operate an electronic toll collection system in this
    15     Commonwealth or any other jurisdiction, nor shall it be
    16     deemed to prohibit the use of information exclusively for the
    17     purpose of billing electronic toll collection account
    18     holders, deducting toll charges from the account of an
    19     account holder, enforcing toll collection laws and related
    20     regulations, or enforcing the provisions of an account holder
    21     agreement.
    22         (7)  An imposition of liability under this section must
    23     be based upon a preponderance of evidence. An imposition of
    24     liability pursuant to this section shall not be deemed a
    25     conviction of an owner and shall not be made part of the
    26     motor vehicle operating record of the person upon whom such
    27     liability is imposed, nor shall it be considered in the
    28     provision of motor vehicle insurance coverage.
    29         (8)  An owner who shall admit, be found liable, or fail
    30     to respond to the notice of violation for a violation of this
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     1     section shall be civilly liable to the commission for the
     2     amount of the toll evaded or attempted to be evaded, if such
     3     amount can be determined, and a reasonable administrative fee
     4     not to exceed $35 per notification. If the amount of the toll
     5     evaded or attempted to be evaded cannot be determined, that
     6     amount shall be deemed to be equal to the maximum toll from
     7     the farthest point of entry on the Pennsylvania Turnpike to
     8     the actual point of exit.
     9         (9)  Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit
    10     the liability of the operator of a vehicle for any violation
    11     of this section or of the regulations of the commission.
    12     (c)  Placement of electronic toll collection device.--An
    13  electronic toll collection device which is affixed to the front
    14  windshield of a vehicle in accordance with the regulations of
    15  the commission shall not be deemed to constitute a violation of
    16  75 Pa.C.S. § 4524 (relating to windshield obstructions and
    17  wipers).
    18     (d)  Privacy of electronic toll collection account holder
    19  information.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, all
    20  information kept by the commission, its authorized agents or its
    21  employees, which is related to the account of an electronic toll
    22  collection system account holder shall be for the exclusive use
    23  of the commission, its authorized agents, its employees, and law
    24  enforcement officials, for the purpose of discharging their
    25  duties pursuant to this section and the regulations of the
    26  commission. This information includes names, addresses, account
    27  numbers, account balances, personal financial information,
    28  vehicle movement records or other information compiled from
    29  transactions with such account holders. The information shall
    30  not be deemed a public record under the Right-to-Know Law; nor
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     1  shall it be discoverable, by court order or otherwise, or be
     2  offered in evidence in any action or proceeding which is not
     3  directly related to the discharge of duties under this section,
     4  the regulations of the commission or a violation of an account
     5  holder agreement. The restrictions set forth in this subsection
     6  shall not be deemed to preclude a court of competent
     7  jurisdiction from issuing an order directing that the
     8  information be provided to law enforcement officials if the
     9  information is reasonably described and is requested solely in
    10  connection with a criminal law enforcement action. The
    11  restriction set forth in this subsection shall not be deemed to
    12  preclude the exchange of such information between any entities
    13  with jurisdiction over or which operate an electronic toll
    14  collection system in this Commonwealth or any other
    15  jurisdiction, nor shall it be deemed to prohibit the use of the
    16  information exclusively for the purpose of billing electronic
    17  toll collection account holders, deducting toll charges from the
    18  account of an account holder, enforcing toll collection laws and
    19  related regulations or enforcing the provisions of an account
    20  holder agreement.
    21     (e)  Definition.--As used in this section, the term "owner"
    22  means any person, corporation, firm, partnership, agency,
    23  association, organization, or lessor that, at the time a vehicle
    24  is operated in violation of this section or regulations of the
    25  commission, is the beneficial or equitable owner of the vehicle;
    26  has title to the vehicle; is the registrant or co-registrant of
    27  the vehicle registered with the Department of Transportation or
    28  a comparable agency of another jurisdiction; or uses the vehicle
    29  in its vehicle renting or leasing business. The term includes a
    30  person entitled to the use and possession of a vehicle subject
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     1  to a security interest in another person.
     2     Section 4.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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