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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3639



No. 2637 Session of 1990

           O'BRIEN, NAHILL AND DININNI, JUNE 4, 1990


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     2     Statutes, adding provisions relating to motorbus road tax;
     3     and making a repeal.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6     Section 1.  Title 75 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     7  Statutes is amended by adding a chapter to read:
     8                             CHAPTER 98
     9                         MOTORBUS ROAD TAX
    10  Sec.
    11  9801.  Short title of chapter.
    12  9802.  Definitions.
    13  9803.  Imposition of tax.
    14  9804.  Exemptions.
    15  9805.  Credit for motor fuel tax payment.
    16  9806.  Tax due date.
    17  9807.  Tax revenue to Motor License Fund.
    18  9808.  Calculation of amount of fuel used in Commonwealth.

     1  9809.  Report requirements.
     2  9810.  Identification markers required.
     3  9811.  Average consumption.
     4  9812.  Records.
     5  9813.  Penalty and interest for failure to report or pay tax.
     6  9814.  Time for payment of taxes, penalties and interest.
     7  9815.  Manner of payment and recovery of taxes, penalties
     8             and interest.
     9  9816.  Determination, redetermination and review.
    10  9817.  Timely mailing treated as timely filing and payment.
    11  9818.  Availability of records of other agencies.
    12  9819.  False statements and penalties.
    13  9820.  Special investigators; powers.
    14  9821.  Regulations.
    15  § 9801.  Short title of chapter.
    16     This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the Motorbus
    17  Road Tax Act.
    18  § 9802.  Definitions.
    19     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    20  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    21  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    22     "Bus company."  Every person who operates or causes to be
    23  operated any motorbus on any highway in this Commonwealth.
    24     "Department."  The Department of Revenue of the Commonwealth.
    25     "Highway."  The Pennsylvania Turnpike and every way or place,
    26  of whatever nature, open to the use of the public as a matter of
    27  right for purposes of vehicular travel. The term does not
    28  include a roadway of driveway upon grounds owned by private
    29  persons, colleges, universities or other institutions.
    30     "Motorbus."  A bus with a seating capacity of 20 or more
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     1  passengers, excluding the driver. The term does not include a
     2  school bus.
     3     "Motor fuel."  Includes "fuels" as defined in the act of
     4  January 14, 1952 (1951 P.L.1965, No.550), known as the Fuel Use
     5  Tax Act, and "liquid fuels" as defined in the act of May 21,
     6  1931 (P.L.149, No.105), known as The Liquid Fuels Tax Act.
     7     "Operations."  Operations of all motorbuses, whether loaded
     8  or empty, whether for compensation or not for compensation, and
     9  whether owned by or leased to the bus company who operates them
    10  or causes them to be operated.
    11     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Revenue of the Commonwealth.
    12  § 9803.  Imposition of tax.
    13     (a)  General rule.--Every bus company shall pay a road tax,
    14  calculated on the amount of motor fuel used in its operations on
    15  highways within this Commonwealth, equivalent to the sum of:
    16         (1)  the rate per gallon of the Pennsylvania liquid fuels
    17     tax which is currently in effect; and
    18         (2)  the amount of tax, expressed on a cents-per-gallon
    19     basis, imposed pursuant to Chapter 95 (relating to taxes for
    20     highway maintenance and construction).
    21     (b)  Other taxes unaffected.--The taxes imposed on bus
    22  companies by this chapter are in addition to any taxes of
    23  whatever character imposed on those companies by any other
    24  statute.
    25  § 9804.  Exemptions.
    26     The requirements of this chapter do not apply to the
    27  following motorbuses:
    28         (1)  A motorbus operated by or on behalf of any
    29     department, board or commission of the Commonwealth, or any
    30     political subdivision thereof, or any quasi-governmental
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     1     authority of which this Commonwealth is a participating
     2     member, or any agency of the Federal Government or the
     3     District of Columbia, or any other state, or any political
     4     subdivision thereof, which grants similar exemptions to
     5     publicly owned vehicles registered in this Commonwealth.
     6         (2)  An unloaded or towed motorbus which enters this
     7     Commonwealth solely for the purpose of securing repairs or
     8     reconditioning. The repair facility shall furnish to the bus
     9     company a certificate to be carried by the motorbus operator
    10     while the vehicle is in this Commonwealth for the purposes of
    11     this paragraph.
    12         (3)  A motorbus needing emergency repairs which secures
    13     authorization from the Pennsylvania State Police to enter
    14     this Commonwealth under this section.
    15  § 9805.  Credit for motor fuel tax payment.
    16     (a)  General rule.--Every bus company subject to the tax
    17  imposed under this chapter shall be entitled to a credit on the
    18  tax for other fuel taxes paid on all motor fuel purchased by the
    19  bus company within this Commonwealth for use in its operation
    20  either within or without this Commonwealth. For purposes of this
    21  section, other fuel taxes shall include the tax imposed under
    22  the act of January 14, 1952 (1951 P.L.1965, No.550), known as
    23  the Fuel Use Tax Act, the tax imposed under the act of May 21,
    24  1931 (P.L.149, No.105), known as The Liquid Fuels Tax Act, the
    25  tax imposed under Chapter 95 (relating to taxes for highway
    26  maintenance and construction) and all similar taxes now or
    27  hereafter imposed on motor fuel. Evidence of the payment of the
    28  tax in such form as may be required by, or is satisfactory to,
    29  the department shall be furnished by each bus company claiming
    30  the credit.
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     1     (b)  Excess credit.--When the amount of the credit to which
     2  any bus company is entitled for any reporting period exceeds the
     3  amount of the tax for which the bus company is liable for the
     4  same period, the department may apply all or part of the amount
     5  of such excess credit against any liability in respect of the
     6  tax imposed by this chapter on the bus company which incurred
     7  the excess credit and upon request shall issue a refund in the
     8  remaining amount of the credit to the bus company. For purposes
     9  of payment of interest on refunds pursuant to section 806.1 of
    10  the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.343, No.176), known as The Fiscal
    11  Code, the amount of the refund shall be considered an
    12  overpayment of tax made with the report on which credit is
    13  claimed. Refunds shall be paid out of the Motor License Fund. As
    14  much of the moneys received as payment of the tax, interest and
    15  penalties under this chapter as shall be necessary for the
    16  payment of the refunds provided for in this chapter is hereby
    17  appropriated for the payment of such refunds. No tax, interest,
    18  penalty or fee received or derived from any other tax imposed by
    19  the laws of this Commonwealth shall be used to pay any refund
    20  due and payable under the provisions of this chapter.
    21  § 9806.  Tax due date.
    22     The tax imposed under this chapter shall be paid by each bus
    23  company quarterly to the department on or before the last day of
    24  April, July, October and January of each year and calculated
    25  upon the amount of motor fuel used in its operations on highways
    26  within this Commonwealth by each bus company during the quarter
    27  ending with the last day of the preceding month.
    28  § 9807.  Tax revenue to Motor License Fund.
    29     All taxes, fees, penalties and interest paid under this
    30  chapter shall be credited to and are hereby appropriated to the
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     1  Motor License Fund as provided for by section 11 of Article VIII
     2  of the Constitution of Pennsylvania.
     3  § 9808.  Calculation of amount of fuel used in Commonwealth.
     4     The amount of motor fuel used in the operations of any bus
     5  company on highways within this Commonwealth shall be such
     6  proportion of the total amount of the motor fuel used in its
     7  entire operations within and without this Commonwealth as the
     8  total number of miles traveled on highways within this
     9  Commonwealth bears to the total number of miles traveled within
    10  and without this Commonwealth.
    11  § 9809.  Report requirements.
    12     Every bus company subject to the tax imposed by this chapter
    13  shall, on or before the last day of April, July, October and
    14  January of every year, make to the department such reports of
    15  its operations during the quarter ending the last day of the
    16  preceding month as the department may require and such other
    17  reports from time to time as the department may deem necessary.
    18  The department may by regulation permit any bus company whose
    19  estimated annual liability under this chapter is $250 or less to
    20  file its report on an annual basis.
    21  § 9810.  Identification markers required.
    22     (a)  General rule.--The department shall provide an
    23  identification marker for every motorbus.
    24         (1)  All motorbuses required to display the
    25     identification marker shall permanently affix and display the
    26     identification marker in such manner as the department by
    27     regulation may specify.
    28         (2)  The identification marker shall remain the property
    29     of the Commonwealth and may be recalled for any violation of
    30     the provisions of this chapter or the regulations promulgated
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     1     thereunder.
     2     (b)  Fee.--The fee for issuance of an identification marker
     3  shall be $5.
     4     (c)  Issuance of markers.--Identification markers shall be
     5  issued on a 12-month basis, effective April 1 of each year, and
     6  shall be valid through the next succeeding March 31; however,
     7  enforcement of this section shall not become effective until
     8  April 15 of each year as to motorbuses displaying the previous
     9  year's identification marker.
    10     (d)  Operation without identification marker unlawful.--It
    11  shall be unlawful to operate or to cause to be operated in this
    12  Commonwealth any motorbus unless the vehicle bears the
    13  identification marker required by this section.
    14         (1)  The department may by regulation exempt from the
    15     requirement to display the identification marker motorbuses
    16     which, in its opinion, are clearly identifiable such that
    17     effective enforcement of this chapter will not suffer
    18     thereby.
    19         (2)  For a period not exceeding five days as to any one
    20     bus company, the department by letter or telegram may
    21     authorize the operation of a motorbus without the
    22     identification marker required when the enforcement of this
    23     section for that period would cause undue delay and hardship
    24     in the operation of the motorbus.
    25             (i)  The fee for the permits shall be $25 for each
    26         motorbus.
    27             (ii)  Conditions for the issuance of the permits
    28         shall be set forth in regulations promulgated by the
    29         department.
    30  § 9811.  Average consumption.
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     1     In the absence of adequate records or other evidence
     2  satisfactory to the department showing the number of miles
     3  operated by a bus company's motorbuses per gallon of motor fuel,
     4  any such motorbus shall be deemed to have consumed one gallon of
     5  motor fuel for each four miles operated.
     6  § 9812.  Records.
     7     Every bus company shall keep such records, in such form as
     8  the department reasonably may prescribe, as will enable the bus
     9  company to report and enable the department to determine the
    10  total number of over-the-road miles traveled by its entire fleet
    11  of motorbuses, the total number of over-the-road miles traveled
    12  in this Commonwealth by the entire fleet, the total number of
    13  gallons of motor fuel used by the entire fleet and the total
    14  number of gallons of motor fuel purchased in this Commonwealth
    15  for the entire fleet. The records shall be safely preserved for
    16  a period of five years in such manner as to insure their
    17  security and availability for inspection by the secretary or any
    18  authorized employee engaged in the administration of this
    19  chapter. Upon application in writing stating the reasons
    20  therefor, the department may, in its discretion, consent to the
    21  destruction of any records at any time within that period if the
    22  records pertain to a period which has been audited by the
    23  department. Every taxpayer shall retain records required by this
    24  chapter at a place within this Commonwealth, but a taxpayer who
    25  elects to retain records outside of this Commonwealth shall
    26  assume reasonable out-of-state audit expenses.
    27  § 9813.  Penalty and interest for failure to report or pay tax.
    28     When any bus company fails to file a report within the time
    29  prescribed by this chapter for the filing thereof, the company
    30  shall pay as a penalty $25 for each failure to file on or before
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     1  the prescribed date. In addition to this penalty, any unpaid tax
     2  shall bear interest pursuant to section 806 of the act of April
     3  9, 1929 (P.L.343, No.176), known as The Fiscal Code, until the
     4  tax is paid. The penalties and interest charges imposed shall be
     5  paid to the department in addition to the tax due.
     6  § 9814.  Time for payment of taxes, penalties and interest.
     7     All taxes, penalties and interest assessed under this
     8  chapter, unless earlier payment is provided in this chapter,
     9  shall be paid within 15 days after notice and demand have been
    10  mailed to the bus company by the department. If the taxes,
    11  penalties and interest assessed under this section and section
    12  9813 (relating to penalty and interest for failure to report or
    13  pay tax) are not paid within 15 days, there shall be added to
    14  the amount of assessment, in addition to interest as already
    15  provided and any other penalties provided by law, a sum
    16  equivalent to 5% of the tax. Payment of any taxes, penalties and
    17  interest assessed under this chapter shall not prejudice a bus
    18  company's right to file a petition for redetermination, refund
    19  or review with the department, the Board of Finance and Revenue
    20  or the courts.
    21  § 9815.  Manner of payment and recovery of taxes, penalties and
    22             interest.
    23     (a)  General rule.--All penalties and interest when imposed
    24  under this chapter shall be payable to and recoverable by the
    25  department in the same manner as if they were part of the tax
    26  imposed.
    27     (b)  Imposition of lien.--The taxes, fees, interest and
    28  penalties imposed under this chapter, from the time they are
    29  due, shall be a debt of a bus company who does not maintain
    30  premises for the transaction of business within this
    19900H2637B3639                  - 9 -

     1  Commonwealth, recoverable in an action of assumpsit in the name
     2  of the Commonwealth. This debt, whether sued upon or not, shall
     3  be a lien on all the property of the debtor, except as against
     4  an innocent purchaser for value without notice thereof, and
     5  shall have priority both in lien and distribution of the assets
     6  of the bus company, whether in bankruptcy, insolvency or
     7  otherwise. The proceeds of any judgment or order obtained under
     8  this section shall be paid to the department.
     9     (c)  Recording of lien and execution.--Any tax determined to
    10  be due from any person who maintains premises for the conduct of
    11  business in this Commonwealth and remaining unpaid after demand
    12  for the tax, and all penalties and interest thereon, shall be a
    13  lien in favor of the Commonwealth upon the real and personal
    14  property of the person but only after the lien has been entered
    15  and docketed of record by the prothonotary of the county where
    16  the property is situated. The department may at any time
    17  transmit to the prothonotaries of the respective counties
    18  certified copies of all liens for such taxes, penalties and
    19  interest, and it shall be the duty of each prothonotary
    20  receiving the lien to enter and docket the lien of record in his
    21  office, which lien shall be indexed as judgments are now
    22  indexed. A writ of execution may directly issue upon the lien
    23  without the issuance and prosecution to judgment of a writ of
    24  scire facias. Not less than ten days before issuance of any
    25  execution on the lien, notice of the filing and the effect of
    26  the lien shall be sent by registered mail to the taxpayer at his
    27  last known post office address.
    28     (d)  Priority of lien.--The lien imposed under this section
    29  shall have priority from the date of its recording and shall be
    30  fully paid and satisfied out of the proceeds of any judicial
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     1  sale of property subject thereto, before any other obligation,
     2  judgment, claim, lien or estate to which the property may
     3  subsequently become subject, except costs of the sale and of the
     4  writ upon which the sale was made, and real estate taxes and
     5  municipal claims against the property, but shall be subordinate
     6  to mortgages and other liens existing and duly recorded or
     7  entered of record prior to the recording of the tax lien. In the
     8  case of a judicial sale of property subject to a lien imposed
     9  under this section upon a lien or claim over which the lien
    10  imposed under this section has priority, the sale shall
    11  discharge the lien imposed under this section to the extent only
    12  that the proceeds are applied to its payment, and the lien shall
    13  continue in full force and effect as to the balance remaining
    14  unpaid.
    15     (e)  Renewal of lien.--The lien imposed under this section
    16  shall continue for five years from the date of its entry of
    17  record and may be renewed and continued in the manner provided
    18  for the renewal of judgments.
    19  § 9816.  Determination, redetermination and review.
    20     (a)  Determination of correct tax.--If any person fails to
    21  pay any tax imposed by this chapter for which he is liable or if
    22  any person overpays the tax for which he is liable, the
    23  department may make a determination of the correct amount of tax
    24  and interest due by the person based upon any information within
    25  its possession or that shall come into its possession. All
    26  determinations shall be made so that notice thereof shall reach
    27  the parties against whom made within five years after the due
    28  date of the tax. Any assessment of additional tax may be made at
    29  any time during that period notwithstanding that the department
    30  may have made one or more previous assessments against the
    19900H2637B3639                 - 11 -

     1  taxpayer for the year in question or for any part of that year.
     2  In any case, no credit shall be given for any penalty previously
     3  assessed or paid.
     4     (b)  Failure to file report.--Where no report is filed, the
     5  amount of the tax due may be assessed and collected at any time
     6  as to taxable transactions not reported.
     7     (c)  False or fraudulent report.--Where the taxpayer
     8  willfully files a false or fraudulent report with intent to
     9  evade the tax imposed by this chapter, the amount of tax due may
    10  be assessed and collected at any time.
    11     (d)  Extension of period for assessment.--Notwithstanding any
    12  of the other provisions of this chapter, where, before the
    13  expiration of the period prescribed therein for the
    14  determination of the correct amount of tax, a taxpayer has
    15  consented in writing that the period be extended, the correct
    16  amount of tax may be determined at any time within the extended
    17  period. The period so extended may be extended further by
    18  subsequent consent in writing made before the expiration of the
    19  extended period.
    20     (e)  Petition for redetermination.--Promptly after the date
    21  of the determination, the department shall send, by first class
    22  mail, a copy thereof to the person against whom it was made.
    23  Within 90 days after the date upon which the copy of any
    24  determination was mailed, the person may file with the
    25  department a petition for redetermination of the taxes. The
    26  petition for redetermination shall state specifically the
    27  reasons which the petitioner believes entitle him to the
    28  redetermination, and it shall be supported by affirmation that
    29  it is not made for the purpose of delay and that the facts set
    30  forth therein are true. It shall be the duty of the department,
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     1  within six months after the date of any determination, to
     2  dispose of any petition for redetermination. Notice of the
     3  action taken upon any petition for redetermination shall be
     4  given to the petitioner promptly after the date of
     5  redetermination by the department.
     6     (f)  Review and appeal.--Any person shall have the right to
     7  review by the Board of Finance and Revenue and appeal in the
     8  same manner and within the same time as provided by law in the
     9  case of capital stock and franchise taxes imposed upon
    10  corporations.
    11  § 9817.  Timely mailing treated as timely filing and payment.
    12     With respect to all reports, claims, statements and other
    13  documents required to be filed and all payments required to be
    14  made under this chapter, the report, claim, statement and other
    15  document or payment of tax withheld shall be considered as
    16  timely filed if the report, claim, statement or other document
    17  or payment which has been received by the department is
    18  postmarked by the United States Postal Service on or prior to
    19  the final day on which payment is to be received. For the
    20  purposes of this chapter, the presentation of a receipt
    21  indicating that the report, claim, statement or other document
    22  or payment was mailed by registered or certified mail on or
    23  before the due date shall be prima facie evidence of timely
    24  filing of the report, claim, statement or other document or
    25  payment.
    26  § 9818.  Availability of records of other agencies.
    27     The records of any other Commonwealth agency, to the extent
    28  that they may be pertinent to the administration and enforcement
    29  of this chapter and the determination of liability thereunder,
    30  shall be available to the department.
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     1  § 9819.  False statements and penalties.
     2     (a)  False statements.--Any person who willfully and
     3  knowingly makes, publishes, delivers or utters a false statement
     4  orally or in writing or in the form of a receipt for the sale of
     5  motor fuel, for the purpose of obtaining or attempting to
     6  obtain, or to assist any person to obtain or attempt to obtain,
     7  a credit or refund or reduction of liability for taxes under
     8  this chapter commits a summary offense and shall, upon
     9  conviction, for a first offense be sentenced to pay a fine of
    10  not less than $100 nor more than $500 and for each subsequent or
    11  additional offense be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than
    12  $200 nor more than $500 or undergo imprisonment for a term not
    13  exceeding 90 days, or both.
    14     (b)  Other penalties.--Any person violating any provision of
    15  this chapter not covered by any other penalty contained in this
    16  chapter commits a summary offense and shall, upon conviction,
    17  for a first offense be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than
    18  $100 nor more than $500 and for each subsequent or additional
    19  offense be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $200 nor
    20  more than $500 or undergo imprisonment for a term not exceeding
    21  90 days, or both. If the person convicted is a corporation, any
    22  imprisonment imposed shall be served by the responsible
    23  corporate employee.
    24  § 9820.  Special investigators; powers.
    25     Such employees of the department as are designated as special
    26  investigators, and who carry identification indicating such
    27  capacity, are hereby declared to be peace officers of this
    28  Commonwealth, are hereby given police power and authority
    29  throughout this Commonwealth to arrest on view without warrant
    30  any driver of a motorbus engaged in any operations in violation
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     1  of any provision of this chapter and are hereby given the power
     2  and authority upon probable cause that the violation may have
     3  occurred to search and seize without warrant or process any
     4  motorbus so operated.
     5  § 9821.  Regulations.
     6     The department shall from time to time promulgate such
     7  regulations as may be necessary for the effective enforcement of
     8  this chapter.
     9     Section 2.  The act of August 1, 1963 (P.L.476, No.249),
    10  entitled "An act providing for the taxation of motor fuels
    11  consumed by interstate buses upon a system uniform among
    12  jurisdictions enacting the same provisions," is repealed.
    13     Section 3.  This act shall become operative as of the first
    14  day of the first quarter beginning at least three months after
    15  the effective date of this act. Title 75Pa.C.S. § 9810(d)
    16  (relating to identification markers required) shall not be
    17  enforced until the first day of the second quarter beginning at
    18  least three months after the effective date of this act.
    19     Section 4.  If this act becomes effective on or after October
    20  1, 1990, then any identification marker issued for any period
    21  prior to April 1, 1991, shall not expire until March 31, 1992.
    22     Section 5.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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