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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3991



No. 2637 Session of 2006

           APRIL 27, 2006


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for the regulation of service contracts and for the
     2     powers and duties of the Insurance Commissioner.

     3                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     4  Section 1.  Short title.
     5  Section 2.  Legislative intent.
     6  Section 3.  Definitions.
     7  Section 4.  Exemptions.
     8  Section 5.  Limited exemption.
     9  Section 6.  Requirements.
    10  Section 7.  Reimbursement insurance policies.
    11  Section 8.  Required disclosures for service contracts.
    12  Section 9.  Prohibitions.
    13  Section 10.  Recordkeeping.
    14  Section 11.  Cancellation of reimbursement insurance policy.
    15  Section 12.  Obligation of reimbursement insurance policy
    16                 insurers.
    17  Section 13.  Enforcement provisions.

     1  Section 14.  Severability.
     2  Section 15.  Effective date.
     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby enacts as follows:
     5  Section 1.  Short title.
     6     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Services
     7  Contracts Act.
     8  Section 2.  Legislative intent.
     9     The purpose of this act is to create a legal framework within
    10  which specific service contracts may be sold and are regulated
    11  in this Commonwealth. This act declares that service contracts,
    12  as defined, are not insurance and are not otherwise subject to
    13  provisions regarding the sale of insurance. It adds significant
    14  consumer protections and eliminates unnecessary administration.
    15  Section 3.  Definitions.
    16     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    17  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    18  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    19     "Administrator."  The person who is responsible for the
    20  administration of service contracts or the service contracts
    21  plan or who is responsible for any submission required by this
    22  act.
    23     "Commissioner."  The Insurance Commissioner of the
    24  Commonwealth.
    25     "Consumer."  A natural person who buys other than for
    26  purposes of resale any tangible personal property that is
    27  distributed in commerce and that is normally used for personal,
    28  family or household purposes and not for business or research
    29  purposes.
    30     "Maintenance agreement."  A contract of limited duration that
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     1  provides for scheduled maintenance only and does not provide for
     2  repair or replacement.
     3     "Motor vehicle manufacturer."  A person or entity that:
     4         (1)  manufactures or produces motor vehicles and sells
     5     motor vehicles under its own name or label;
     6         (2)  is a wholly owned subsidiary of the person who
     7     manufactures or produces motor vehicles;
     8         (3)  is a corporation which owns 100% of the person who
     9     manufactures or produces motor vehicles;
    10         (4)  does not manufacture or produce motor vehicles but
    11     sells motor vehicles under the trade name or label of another
    12     person who manufactures or produces motor vehicles;
    13         (5)  manufactures or produces motor vehicles and sells
    14     such motor vehicles under the trade name or label of another
    15     person who manufactures or produces motor vehicles; or
    16         (6)  does not manufacture or produce motor vehicles but,
    17     pursuant to a written contract, licenses the use of its trade
    18     name or label to another person who manufactures or produces
    19     motor vehicles that sells motor vehicles under the licensor's
    20     trade name or label.
    21     "Nonoriginal manufacturer's parts."  Replacement parts not
    22  made for or by the original manufacturer of the property,
    23  commonly referred to as after-market parts.
    24     "Person."  An individual, partnership, corporation,
    25  incorporated or unincorporated association, joint stock company,
    26  reciprocal, syndicate or any similar entity or combination of
    27  entities acting in concert.
    28     "Premium."  The consideration paid to an insurer for a
    29  reimbursement insurance policy.
    30     "Provider."  A person who is contractually obligated to the
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     1  service contractholder under the terms of the service contract.
     2     "Provider fee."  The consideration paid for a service
     3  contract.
     4     "Reimbursement insurance policy."  A policy of insurance
     5  issued to a provider to either provide reimbursement to the
     6  provider under the terms of the insured service contracts issued
     7  or sold by the provider or, in the event of the provider's
     8  nonperformance, to pay on behalf of the provider all covered
     9  contractual obligations incurred by the provider under the terms
    10  of the insured service contracts issued or sold by the provider.
    11     "Service contract."  A contract or agreement for a separately
    12  stated consideration for a specific duration to perform the
    13  repair, replacement or maintenance of property or
    14  indemnification for repair, replacement or maintenance, for the
    15  operational or structural failure of any motor vehicle,
    16  residential or other property due to a defect in materials,
    17  workmanship, inherent defect or normal wear and tear, with or
    18  without additional provisions for incidental payment of
    19  indemnity under limited circumstances, including, but not
    20  limited to, towing, rental and emergency road service and road
    21  hazard protection. Service contracts may provide for the repair,
    22  replacement or maintenance of property for damage resulting from
    23  power surges or interruption and accidental damage from
    24  handling. Service contracts are not insurance in this
    25  Commonwealth or otherwise regulated under provisions regarding
    26  the sale of insurance.
    27     "Service contractholder" or "contractholder."  A person who
    28  is the purchaser or holder of a service contract.
    29     "Warranty."  An agreement between the manufacturer, importer
    30  or seller of property or services and the consumer. The
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     1  agreement is made solely by the manufacturer, importer or seller
     2  of property or services without consideration and is not
     3  negotiated or separated from the sale of the product and is
     4  incidental to the sale of the product. The agreements guarantee
     5  indemnity for defective parts, mechanical or electrical
     6  breakdown, labor or other remedial measures, such as repair or
     7  replacement of the property or repetition of services.
     8  Section 4.  Exemptions.
     9     The following agreements are exempt from this act:
    10         (1)  Warranties.
    11         (2)  Maintenance agreements.
    12         (3)  Warranties, service contracts or maintenance
    13     agreements offered by public utilities on their transmission
    14     devices to the extent they are regulated by the Pennsylvania
    15     Public Utility Commission.
    16         (4)  Service contracts sold or offered for sale to
    17     persons other than consumers.
    18         (5)  Service contracts on tangible property where the
    19     tangible property for which the service contract is sold has
    20     a purchase price of $100 or less, exclusive of sales tax.
    21  Section 5.  Limited exemption.
    22     Motor vehicle manufacturer's service contracts on the motor
    23  vehicle manufacturer's products need only comply with sections
    24  6(f), 8(a), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i), (j), (k) and (l), 9
    25  and 12, as applicable.
    26  Section 6.  Requirements.
    27     (a)  Issuance or sale of service contracts.--Service
    28  contracts shall not be issued, sold or offered for sale in this
    29  Commonwealth unless the provider has:
    30         (1)  Provided a receipt for or other written evidence of
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     1     the purchase of the service contract to the contractholder.
     2         (2)  Provided a copy of the service contract to the
     3     service contractholder within a reasonable period of time
     4     from the date of purchase.
     5     (b)  Administrator.--A provider may, but is not required to,
     6  appoint an administrator or other designee to be responsible for
     7  any or all of the administration of service contracts and
     8  compliance with this act.
     9     (c)  Registration of providers.--Each provider of service
    10  contracts sold in this Commonwealth shall file a registration
    11  with the commissioner consisting of the provider's full name,
    12  full corporate address, telephone number and contact person and
    13  any designated person located in this Commonwealth for service
    14  of process. Each provider shall pay to the commissioner a fee in
    15  the amount of $600 upon initial registration and every two years
    16  thereafter. The registration need only be updated by written
    17  notification to the commissioner if material changes occur in
    18  the registration on file.
    19     (d)  Provider's performance of obligations.--In order to
    20  assure the faithful performance of a provider's obligations to
    21  its contractholders, each provider shall be responsible for
    22  complying with the requirements of one of the following three
    23  requirements:
    24         (1)  Ensure all service contracts under a reimbursement
    25     insurance policy issued by an insurer licensed, registered or
    26     otherwise authorized to do business in this Commonwealth and
    27     either:
    28             (i)  at the time the policy is filed with the
    29         commissioner, and continuously thereafter,
    30                 (A)  maintain surplus as to policyholders and
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     1             paid-in capital of at least $15,000,000; and
     2                 (B)  annually file copies of the insurer's
     3             financial statements, its annual statement to the
     4             National Association of Insurance Commissioners and
     5             the actuarial certification required by and filed in
     6             the insurer's state of domicile; or
     7             (ii)  at the time the policy is filed with the
     8         commissioner, and continuously thereafter,
     9                 (A)  maintain surplus as to policyholders and
    10             paid-in capital of less than $15,000,000 but at least
    11             equal to $10,000,000;
    12                 (B)  demonstrate to the satisfaction of the
    13             commissioner that the company maintains a ratio of
    14             net written premiums, wherever written, to surplus as
    15             to policyholders and paid-in capital of not greater
    16             than 3 to 1; and
    17                 (C)  annually file copies of the insurer's
    18             audited financial statements, its annual statement to
    19             the National Association of Insurance Commissioners
    20             and actuarial certification required by and filed in
    21             the insurer's state of domicile.
    22         (2)  (i)  Maintain a funded reserve account for its
    23         obligations under its contracts issued and outstanding in
    24         this Commonwealth. The reserves shall not be less than
    25         40% of gross consideration received, less claims paid, on
    26         the sale of the service contract for all in-force
    27         contracts. The reserve account shall be subject to
    28         examination and review by the commissioner.
    29             (ii)  Place in trust with the commissioner a
    30         financial security deposit, having a value of not less
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     1         than 5% of the gross consideration received, less claims
     2         paid, on the sale of the service contract for all service
     3         contracts issued and in force, but not less than $25,000,
     4         consisting of one of the following:
     5                 (A)  A surety bond issued by an authorized
     6             surety.
     7                 (B)  Securities of the type eligible for deposit
     8             by authorized insurers in this Commonwealth.
     9                 (C)  Cash.
    10                 (D)  A letter of credit issued by a qualified
    11             financial institution.
    12                 (E)  Another form of security prescribed by
    13             regulations issued by the commissioner.
    14         (3)  (i)  Maintain or, together with its parent company
    15         maintain, a net worth or stockholders' equity of
    16         $100,000,000.
    17             (ii)  Upon request, provide the commissioner with a
    18         copy of the provider's or the provider's parent company's
    19         most recent Form 10-K or Form 20-F filed with the
    20         Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) within the last
    21         calendar year or, if the company does not file with the
    22         SEC, a copy of the company's financial statements which
    23         shows a net worth of the provider or its parent company
    24         of at least $100,000,000. If the provider's parent
    25         company's Form 10-K, Form 20-F or financial statements
    26         are filed to meet the provider's financial stability
    27         requirement, then the parent company shall agree to
    28         guarantee the obligations of the provider relating to
    29         service contracts sold by the provider in this
    30         Commonwealth.
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     1     (e)  Financial security requirements.--Except for the
     2  requirements specified in section 6(c) and (d), no other
     3  financial security requirements shall be required by the
     4  commissioner for service contract providers.
     5     (f)  Return of service contract.--Service contracts shall
     6  require the provider to permit the service contractholder to
     7  return the service contract within 20 days of the date the
     8  service contract was mailed to the service contractholder or
     9  within ten days of delivery if the service contract is delivered
    10  to the service contractholder at the time of sale or within a
    11  longer time period permitted under the service contract. Upon
    12  return of the service contract to the provider within the
    13  applicable time period, if no claim has been made under the
    14  service contract prior to its return to the provider, the
    15  service contract is void and the provider shall refund to the
    16  service contractholder, or credit the account of the service
    17  contractholder, the full purchase price of the service contract.
    18  The right to void the service contract provided in this
    19  subsection is not transferable and shall apply only to the
    20  original service contract purchaser and only if no claim has
    21  been made prior to its return to the provider. A 10% penalty per
    22  month shall be added to a refund that is not paid or credited
    23  within 45 days after return of the service contract to the
    24  provider.
    25     (g)  Premium taxes.--
    26         (1)  Provider fees collected on service contracts shall
    27     not be subject to premium taxes.
    28         (2)  Premiums for reimbursement insurance policies shall
    29     be subject to applicable taxes.
    30     (h)  Licensing requirement exemption.--Except for the
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     1  registration requirements in section 6(c), providers and related
     2  service contract sellers, administrators and other persons
     3  marketing, selling or offering to sell service contracts are
     4  exempt from any licensing requirements of this Commonwealth.
     5     (i)  Exemption from insurance law.--The marketing, sale,
     6  offering for sale, issuance, making, proposing to make and
     7  administration of service contracts by providers and related
     8  service contract sellers, administrators and other persons shall
     9  be exempt from all other provisions of the laws pertaining to
    10  insurance in this Commonwealth.
    11  Section 7.  Reimbursement insurance policies.
    12     (a)  Requirements.--Reimbursement insurance policies insuring
    13  service contracts issued, sold or offered for sale in this
    14  Commonwealth shall state that the insurer that issued the
    15  reimbursement insurance policy shall either reimburse or pay on
    16  behalf of the provider any covered sums the provider is legally
    17  obligated to pay or, in the event of the provider's
    18  nonperformance, shall provide the service which the provider is
    19  legally obligated to perform according to the provider's
    20  contractual obligations under the service contracts issued or
    21  sold by the provider.
    22     (b)  Direct reimbursement.--In the event covered service is
    23  not provided by the service contract provider within 60 days of
    24  proof of loss by the service contractholder, the contractholder
    25  is entitled to apply directly to the reimbursement insurance
    26  company.
    27  Section 8.  Required disclosures for service contracts.
    28     (a)  Writing of contracts.--Service contracts marketed, sold,
    29  offered for sale, issued, made, proposed to be made or
    30  administered in this Commonwealth shall be written, printed or
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     1  typed in clear, understandable language that is easy to read and
     2  shall disclose the requirements set forth in this section, as
     3  applicable.
     4     (b)  Insured service contracts.--All service contracts shall
     5  state the name and address of the insurer. Service contracts
     6  insured under a reimbursement insurance policy pursuant to
     7  section 6(d)(1) shall contain a statement in substantially the
     8  following form:  Obligations of the provider under this service
     9  contract are insured under a service contract reimbursement
    10  insurance policy.
    11     (c)  Uninsured service contracts.--Service contracts not
    12  insured under a reimbursement insurance policy pursuant to
    13  section 6(d)(1) shall contain a statement in substantially the
    14  following form:  Obligations of the provider under this service
    15  contract are backed by the full faith and credit of the
    16  provider.
    17     (d)  Name and address.--Service contracts shall state the
    18  name and address of the provider and shall identify any
    19  administrator if different from the provider, the service
    20  contract seller and the service contractholder to the extent
    21  that the name of the service contractholder has been furnished
    22  by the service contractholder. The identities of such parties
    23  are not required to be preprinted on the service contract and
    24  may be added to the service contract at the time of sale.
    25     (e)  Total purchase price and terms.--Service contracts shall
    26  state the total purchase price and the terms under which a
    27  service contract is sold. The purchase price is not required to
    28  be preprinted on the service contract and may be negotiated at
    29  the time of sale with the service contractholder.
    30     (f)  Deductible amounts.--Service contracts shall state the
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     1  existence of any deductible amount, if applicable.
     2     (g)  Identification of merchandise and services.--Service
     3  contracts shall specify the merchandise and services to be
     4  provided and any limitations, exceptions or exclusions.
     5     (h)  Automobile service contracts.--Service contracts
     6  covering automobiles shall state whether the use of the
     7  nonoriginal manufacturer's parts is allowed.
     8     (i)  Transferability.--Service contracts shall state any
     9  restrictions governing the transferability of the service
    10  contract, if applicable.
    11     (j)  Cancellation.--Service contracts shall state the terms,
    12  restrictions or conditions governing cancellation of the service
    13  contract prior to the termination or expiration date of the
    14  service contract by either the provider or the service
    15  contractholder. The provider of the service contract shall mail
    16  a written notice to the contractholder at the last known address
    17  of the service contractholder contained in the records of the
    18  provider at least 20 days prior to cancellation by the provider.
    19  Prior notice is not required if the reason for cancellation is
    20  nonpayment of the provider fee, a material misrepresentation by
    21  the service contractholder to the provider or a substantial
    22  breach of duties by the service contractholder relating to the
    23  covered product or its use. The notice shall state the effective
    24  date of the cancellation and the reason for the cancellation.
    25     (k)  Obligations and duties.--Service contracts shall set
    26  forth all the obligations and duties of the service
    27  contractholder, such as the duty to protect against any further
    28  damage and any requirements to follow the owner's manual.
    29     (l)  Consequential damages.--Service contracts shall state
    30  whether or not the service contract provides for or excludes
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     1  consequential damages, if applicable. Service contracts shall
     2  also state whether the agreement accounts for preexisting
     3  conditions. Service contracts may, but are not required to,
     4  cover damage resulting from rust, corrosion or damage caused by
     5  a noncovered part or system.
     6     (m)  Approval of repair work.--If prior approval of repair
     7  work is required, a service contract shall state the procedure
     8  for obtaining prior approval and for making a claim, including a
     9  toll-free telephone number for claim service and a procedure for
    10  obtaining emergency repairs performed outside normal business
    11  hours.
    12  Section 9.  Prohibitions.
    13     (a)  Descriptions.--A provider shall not use in its name the
    14  words "insurance," "casualty," "surety," "mutual" or any other
    15  words descriptive of the insurance, casualty or surety business;
    16  or a name deceptively similar to the name or description of any
    17  insurance or surety corporation or to the name of any other
    18  provider. The word "guaranty" or similar word may be used by a
    19  provider. This section shall not apply to a company that was
    20  using any of the prohibited language in its name prior to the
    21  effective date of this act. However, a company using the
    22  prohibited language in its name shall include in its service
    23  contracts a statement in substantially the following form:  This
    24  agreement is not an insurance contract.
    25     (b)  False or misleading statements.--A provider or its
    26  representative shall not in its service contracts or literature
    27  make, permit or cause to be made any false or misleading
    28  statement or deliberately omit any material statement that would
    29  be considered misleading if omitted.
    30     (c)  Purchase not required.--A person, such as a bank,
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     1  savings and loan association, lending institution, manufacturer
     2  or seller of any product, shall not require the purchase of a
     3  service contract as a condition of a loan or a condition for the
     4  sale of any property.
     5  Section 10.  Recordkeeping.
     6     (a)  Books and records.--The provider shall keep accurate
     7  accounts, books and records concerning transactions regulated
     8  under this act.
     9     (b)  Requirements.--The provider's accounts, books and
    10  records shall include the following:
    11         (1)  Copies of each type of service contract sold.
    12         (2)  The name and address of each service contractholder
    13     to the extent that the name and address have been furnished
    14     by the service contractholder.
    15         (3)  A list of the locations where service contracts are
    16     marketed, sold or offered for sale.
    17         (4)  Written claims files which shall contain at least
    18     the dates and description of claims related to the service
    19     contracts.
    20     (c)  Retaining records.--Except as provided in subsection
    21  (d), the provider shall retain all records required to be
    22  maintained by this section for at least two years after the
    23  specified period of coverage has expired.
    24     (d)  Recordkeeping technology.--The records required under
    25  this act may be, but are not required to be, maintained on a
    26  computer disk or other recordkeeping technology. If the records
    27  are maintained in other than hard copy, the records shall be
    28  capable of duplication to legible hard copy at the request of
    29  the commissioner.
    30     (e)  Providers discontinuing business.--A provider
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     1  discontinuing business in this Commonwealth shall maintain its
     2  records until it furnishes the commissioner satisfactory proof
     3  that it has discharged all obligations to contractholders in
     4  this Commonwealth.
     5  Section 11.  Cancellation of reimbursement insurance policy.
     6     As applicable, an insurer that issued a reimbursement
     7  insurance policy shall not terminate the policy until a notice
     8  of termination in accordance with 40 Pa.C.S. § 6124(c) (relating
     9  to rates and contracts) has been mailed or delivered to the
    10  commissioner. The termination of a reimbursement insurance
    11  policy shall not reduce the issuer's responsibility for service
    12  contracts issued by providers prior to the date of the
    13  termination.
    14  Section 12.  Obligation of reimbursement insurance policy
    15                 insurers.
    16     (a)  Payment of provider fees.--Insurers issuing
    17  reimbursement insurance to providers are deemed to have received
    18  the premiums for such insurance upon the payment of provider
    19  fees by consumers for service contracts issued by such insured
    20  providers.
    21     (b)  Indemnification and subrogation.--This act shall not
    22  prevent or limit the right of an insurer which issued a
    23  reimbursement insurance policy to seek indemnification or
    24  subrogation against a provider if the issuer pays or is
    25  obligated to pay the service contractholder sums that the
    26  provider was obligated to pay pursuant to the provisions of the
    27  service contract.
    28  Section 13.  Enforcement provisions.
    29     (a)  Examination.--The commissioner may conduct examinations
    30  of providers, administrators, insurers or other persons to
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     1  enforce the provisions of this act and protect service
     2  contractholders in this Commonwealth. Upon request of the
     3  commissioner, the provider shall make all accounts, books and
     4  records concerning service contracts sold by the provider
     5  available to the commissioner which are necessary to enable the
     6  commissioner to reasonably determine compliance or noncompliance
     7  with this act.
     8     (b)  Commissioner.--The commissioner may take action which is
     9  necessary or appropriate to enforce the provisions of this act
    10  and the commissioner's regulations and orders and to protect
    11  service contractholders in this Commonwealth.
    12     (c)  Cease and desist orders.--If a provider has violated
    13  this act or the commissioner's regulations or orders, the
    14  commissioner may issue an order directed to that provider to
    15  cease and desist from committing violations of this act or the
    16  commissioner's regulations or orders, may issue an order
    17  prohibiting a service contract provider from selling or offering
    18  for sale service contracts in violation of this act or may issue
    19  an order imposing a civil penalty on that provider, or any
    20  combination of the foregoing, as applicable.
    21     (d)  Aggrieved persons.--A person aggrieved by an order
    22  issued under this section may request a hearing before the
    23  commissioner. The hearing request shall be filed with the
    24  commissioner within 20 days of the date the commissioner's order
    25  is effective.
    26     (e)  Order pending hearing outcome.--If a hearing is
    27  requested under subsection (d), an order issued by the
    28  commissioner under this section shall be suspended from the
    29  original effective date of the order until completion of the
    30  hearing and final decision of the commissioner.
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     1     (f)  Justification of order.--At the hearing, the burden
     2  shall be on the commissioner to show why the order issued
     3  pursuant to this section is justified. The procedural provisions
     4  of the act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.682, No.284), known as The
     5  Insurance Company Law of 1921, shall apply to a hearing
     6  requested under this section.
     7     (g)  Actions initiated by commissioner.--The commissioner may
     8  bring an action in any court of competent jurisdiction for an
     9  injunction or other appropriate relief to enjoin threatened or
    10  existing violations of this act or of the commissioner's orders
    11  or regulations. An action filed under this subsection may also
    12  seek restitution on behalf of persons aggrieved by a violation
    13  of this act or orders or regulations of the commissioner.
    14     (h)  Penalty.--A person who is found to have violated this
    15  act or orders or regulations of the commissioner may be assessed
    16  a civil penalty in an amount determined by the commissioner of
    17  not more than $1,000 per violation and no more than $25,000 in
    18  the aggregate for all violations of a similar nature. For
    19  purposes of this section, violations shall be of a similar
    20  nature if the violation consists of the same or similar course
    21  of conduct, action or practice, irrespective of the number of
    22  times the act, conduct or practice which is determined to be a
    23  violation of this act occurred.
    24  Section 14.  Severability.
    25     The provisions of this act are severable. If any provision of
    26  this act or its application to any person or circumstance is
    27  held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions
    28  or applications of this act which can be given effect without
    29  the invalid provision or application.
    30  Section 15.  Effective date.
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     1     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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