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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3658



No. 2642 Session of 1990

           FREEMAN, JUNE 6, 1990


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     2     Statutes, further providing for motor carrier vehicles and
     3     for removal of vehicle by or at direction of police;
     4     providing for forfeiture of certain motor carrier vehicles;
     5     further providing for unlawful activities, for operation of
     6     vehicles without certificate of inspection, for inspection by
     7     police or Commonwealth personnel, for weighing and
     8     measurement of vehicles, for impoundment of vehicles for
     9     nonpayment of fines and disposition of impounded vehicles and
    10     loads, for removal of vehicles, for removal of vehicles and
    11     spilled cargo from roadway; and providing for penalties.

    12     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    13  hereby enacts as follows:
    14     Section 1.  The definition of "motor carrier vehicle" in
    15  section 102 of Title 75 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
    16  Statutes is amended to read:
    17  § 102.  Definitions.
    18     Subject to additional definitions contained in subsequent
    19  provisions of this title which are applicable to specific
    20  provisions of this title, the following words and phrases when
    21  used in this title shall have, unless the context clearly
    22  indicates otherwise, the meanings given to them in this section:

     1     * * *
     2     "Motor carrier vehicle."  A truck, truck tractor or
     3  combination having a gross weight or registered gross weight in
     4  excess of [17,000] 10,000 pounds.
     5     * * *
     6     Section 2.  Section 3352 of Title 75 is amended to read:
     7  § 3352.  Removal of vehicle by or at direction of police.
     8     (a)  Outside business and residence districts.--Whenever any
     9  police officer finds a vehicle in violation of any of the
    10  provisions of section 3351 (relating to stopping, standing and
    11  parking outside business and residence districts), the officer
    12  may move the vehicle, or cause the vehicle to be moved, or
    13  require the driver or other person in charge of the vehicle to
    14  move the vehicle, to a position off the roadway where the
    15  vehicle will not interfere unduly with the normal movement of
    16  traffic or constitute a safety hazard.
    17     (b)  Unattended vehicle [obstructing traffic].--
    18         (1)  Any police officer may remove or cause to be removed
    19     to a place of safety any unattended vehicle illegally left
    20     standing upon any highway, bridge, causeway or in any tunnel,
    21     in such position or under such circumstances as to interfere
    22     unduly with the normal movement of traffic or constitute a
    23     safety hazard.
    24         (2)  A member of the Pennsylvania State Police may remove
    25     or cause to be removed to a place of safety any vehicle left
    26     standing on a limited access highway for 12 hours.
    27     (c)  Removal to garage or place of safety.--Any police
    28  officer may remove or cause to be removed to the place of
    29  business of the operator of a wrecker or to a nearby garage or
    30  other place of safety any vehicle found upon a highway under any
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     1  of the following circumstances:
     2         (1)  Report has been made that the vehicle has been
     3     stolen or taken without the consent of its owner.
     4         (2)  The person or persons in charge of the vehicle are
     5     physically unable to provide for the custody or removal of
     6     the vehicle.
     7         (3)  The person driving or in control of the vehicle is
     8     arrested for an alleged offense for which the officer is
     9     required by law to take the person arrested before an issuing
    10     authority without unnecessary delay.
    11         (4)  The vehicle is in violation of section 3353
    12     (relating to prohibitions in specified places) except for
    13     overtime parking.
    14         (5)  The vehicle has been abandoned as defined in this
    15     title. The officer shall comply with the provisions of
    16     subsection (d) and Chapter 73 (relating to abandoned vehicles
    17     and cargos).
    18     (d)  Notice to owner prior to removal.--
    19         (1)  Prior to removal of an abandoned vehicle bearing a
    20     registration plate, certificate of inspection or vehicle
    21     identification number plate by which the last registered
    22     owner of the vehicle can be determined, the police department
    23     shall send a notice by certified mail to the last registered
    24     owner of the vehicle informing the owner that unless the
    25     vehicle is moved to a suitable location within seven days of
    26     the date notice is mailed, the vehicle will be removed under
    27     this section and held at a suitable facility where it may be
    28     reclaimed by the owner in accordance with the provisions of
    29     section 7306 (relating to payment of costs upon reclaiming
    30     vehicle). If the abandoned motor vehicle does not bear an
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     1     identifiable registration plate, certificate of inspection or
     2     vehicle identification number plate, the notice may be
     3     secured to the vehicle.
     4         (2)  If, within the seven-day period, the owner so
     5     requests, the owner shall be given an opportunity to explain
     6     to the police officer or department why the owner believes
     7     the vehicle should not be removed. If the police officer or
     8     department determines that the vehicle shall, nonetheless, be
     9     removed, the owner shall be given an additional 48 hours to
    10     remove the vehicle, have it removed or demand a hearing,
    11     which shall conform to the requirements of 2 Pa.C.S. Ch. 5
    12     Subch. B (relating to practice and procedure of local
    13     agencies). The police officer or department shall inform the
    14     owner of the right to a hearing by delivering to the owner a
    15     notice warning the owner that, unless the vehicle is removed
    16     or a hearing is demanded, the owner shall be subject to the
    17     provisions of section 7306. If, as a result of the hearing,
    18     it is determined that the vehicle will be removed, the owner
    19     shall be given an additional 48 hours to remove the vehicle
    20     or have it removed. The hearing shall be before a civilian
    21     officer or employee of the municipality in which the vehicle
    22     is located.
    23         (3)  The provision for notice set forth in this
    24     subsection is applicable only if the vehicle is abandoned
    25     upon a highway and is not in violation of subsection (b) or
    26     section 3351(a) or 3353. Notice under this subsection is in
    27     addition to any other notice requirements provided in Chapter
    28     73.
    29     Section 3.  Title 75 is amended by adding a section to read:
    30  § 3736.  Forfeiture of motor carrier vehicle.
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     1     Whenever a pedestrian or an occupant of another vehicle
     2  suffers a serious injury, as defined in section 1702 (relating
     3  to definitions), in an accident caused by or involving a motor
     4  carrier vehicle, the motor carrier vehicle shall be forfeited to
     5  the Commonwealth if it had any of the critical vehicle defects
     6  enumerated in section 4704(c.1) (relating to inspection by
     7  police or Commonwealth personnel) or if the driver was in
     8  violation of section 4704(c.2) and if the critical vehicle
     9  defect or driver violation was a contributory factor in causing
    10  the accident.
    11         (1)  If the investigating police officer has reason to
    12     believe that there was a serious injury, the motor carrier
    13     vehicle shall be impounded and inspected for critical
    14     defects. If the inspection reveals one or more critical
    15     defects, it shall remain impounded until a court determines
    16     whether this section is applicable.
    17         (2)  The load shall be handled as provided in section
    18     6310 (relating to disposition of impounded vehicles and
    19     loads).
    20     Section 4.  Sections 4107, 4703(a), (b), (c) and (h), 4704,
    21  4981, 6309, 6310 and 7310 of Title 75 are amended to read:
    22  § 4107.  Unlawful activities.
    23     (a)  Violation of vehicle equipment standards.--
    24         (1)  It is unlawful for any person to sell, offer for
    25     sale, lease, install or replace, either separately or as part
    26     of the equipment of a vehicle, any item of vehicle equipment
    27     affecting the operation of the vehicle which does not comply
    28     with this title or regulations promulgated thereunder, or
    29     which does not comply with an applicable Federal motor
    30     vehicle safety standard adopted by regulation by the
    19900H2642B3658                  - 5 -

     1     department.
     2         (2)  Any person convicted of violating this subsection
     3     shall be subject to a civil penalty of not more than $100 for
     4     each violation. Each violation of the provisions of this
     5     subsection shall constitute a separate violation with respect
     6     to each motor vehicle or item of motor vehicle equipment or
     7     with respect to each failure or refusal to allow or perform
     8     an act required thereby, except that the maximum civil
     9     penalty shall not exceed $10,000 for any related series of
    10     violations.
    11     (b)  Other violations.--It is unlawful for any person to do
    12  any of the following:
    13         (1)  Willfully or intentionally remove (other than for
    14     purposes of repair and replacement) or render inoperative, in
    15     whole or in part, any item of vehicle equipment which was
    16     required to be installed at the time of manufacture or
    17     thereafter upon any vehicle, by any law, rule, regulation or
    18     requirement of any officer or agency of the United States or
    19     of the Commonwealth, if it is intended that the vehicle be
    20     operated upon the highways of this Commonwealth unless the
    21     removal or alteration is specifically permitted by this title
    22     or by regulations promulgated by the department.
    23         (2)  Operate, or cause or permit another person to
    24     operate, on any highway in this Commonwealth any vehicle or
    25     combination [which] in violation of department regulations
    26     pertaining to drivers or if the vehicle is not equipped as
    27     required under this part or under department regulations or
    28     [which] is otherwise in an unsafe condition or in violation
    29     of department regulations.
    30         (3)  Do any act forbidden by this part or fail to perform
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     1     any act required under this part.
     2     (c)  Use of certain equipment unaffected.--This part shall
     3  not be construed to:
     4         (1)  Prohibit the use of parts or equipment required by
     5     the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966 (80
     6     Stat. 718, 15 U.S.C. § 1381) or the use of any other parts or
     7     accessories on any vehicle not inconsistent with the
     8     provisions of this title or regulations promulgated
     9     thereunder.
    10         (2)  Limit the use of independent after market repair and
    11     service parts in the repair of vehicles and items of vehicle
    12     equipment unless in violation of the provisions of this title
    13     or regulations promulgated thereunder.
    14     (d)  Penalty.--
    15         (1)  A person who operates a motor carrier vehicle or a
    16     bus in violation of subsection (b)(2) commits a summary
    17     offense and, upon conviction, shall be sentenced to pay a
    18     fine of $25 per violation, except that the fine for a
    19     violation which causes the vehicle or driver to be placed out
    20     of service under section 4704(c) (relating to inspection by
    21     police or Commonwealth personnel) shall be $50 per violation.
    22     The maximum fine which may be levied on the basis of multiple
    23     charges filed together shall be $500.
    24         (2)  A person who causes or permits another person to
    25     operate a motor carrier vehicle or a bus in violation of
    26     subsection (b)(2) commits a summary offense and, upon
    27     conviction, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of $50 per
    28     violation, except that the minimum fine for a violation which
    29     causes the vehicle or driver to be placed out of service
    30     under section 4704(c) shall be $100 per violation. The
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     1     maximum fine which may be levied on the basis of multiple
     2     charges filed together shall be $1,000.
     3  § 4703.  Operation of vehicle without official certificate of
     4             inspection.
     5     (a)  General rule.--
     6         (1)  Except as otherwise provided in this section, no
     7     motor vehicle required to bear current registration plates
     8     issued by this Commonwealth shall be driven and no trailer
     9     required to bear current registration plates issued by this
    10     Commonwealth shall be moved on a highway and no mass transit
    11     vehicle shall be operated unless the vehicle displays a
    12     currently valid certificate of inspection issued under this
    13     chapter.
    14         (2)  A motor carrier vehicle which is not registered in
    15     this Commonwealth and which transports or hauls "solid
    16     waste," as that term is defined in section 103 of the act of
    17     July 7, 1980 (P.L.380, No.97), known as the Solid Waste
    18     Management Act, shall not be operated on a highway unless it
    19     displays a currently valid certificate of inspection issued
    20     by a state which has an inspection program which has been
    21     determined by the Federal Government to be comparable to, or
    22     as effective as, the periodic inspection requisites contained
    23     in Federal regulations. Motor carrier vehicles coming from
    24     outside of this Commonwealth and which, at the time of
    25     entering this Commonwealth, do not bear a currently valid
    26     certificate of inspection issued by the state with a program
    27     qualifying under this subsection shall be required to be
    28     inspected within six hours after entering this Commonwealth.
    29     (b)  Exceptions.--Subsection (a) does not apply to:
    30         (1)  Special mobile equipment.
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     1         (2)  Implements of husbandry.
     2         (3)  Motor vehicles being towed.
     3         (4)  Motor vehicles being operated or trailers being
     4     towed by an official inspection station owner or employee for
     5     the purpose of inspection.
     6         (5)  Trailers having a registered gross weight of 3,000
     7     pounds or less.
     8         (6)  Motorized pedalcycles.
     9         (7)  Vehicles being repossessed by a financer or
    10     collector-repossessor through the use of miscellaneous motor
    11     vehicle business registration plates.
    12         (8)  New vehicles while they are in the process of
    13     manufacture, including testing, and not in transit from the
    14     manufacturer to a purchaser or dealer.
    15         (9)  Any military vehicle used for training by a private,
    16     nonprofit, tax exempt military educational institution when
    17     such vehicle does not travel on public roads in excess of one
    18     mile and the property on both sides of the public road is
    19     owned by the institution.
    20         (10)  Antique vehicles.
    21         (11)  Any motor carrier vehicle not registered in this
    22     Commonwealth which has passed and displays a valid
    23     certificate of inspection indicating it has passed the
    24     Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance safety inspection.
    25     (c)  Inspection of vehicles reentering this Commonwealth.--
    26         (1)  Vehicles, other than motor carrier vehicles, subject
    27     to registration and inspection in this Commonwealth which
    28     have been outside this Commonwealth continuously for 30 days
    29     or more and which, at the time of reentering this
    30     Commonwealth, do not bear a currently valid certificate of
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     1     inspection shall not be required to be inspected until ten
     2     days after reentering this Commonwealth.
     3         (2)  Motor carrier vehicles subject to registration and
     4     inspection in this Commonwealth, which have been outside this
     5     Commonwealth continuously for 30 days or more and which, at
     6     the time of reentering this Commonwealth do not bear a
     7     currently valid certificate of inspection, shall be required
     8     to be inspected within six hours after entering this
     9     Commonwealth.
    10     * * *
    11     (h)  Penalty.--[Any]
    12         (1)  Except as provided in paragraph (2), any person
    13     violating this section is guilty of a summary offense and
    14     shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of up to
    15     $25.
    16         (2)  Any person violating any of the provisions of this
    17     section with a motor carrier vehicle is guilty of a summary
    18     offense and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a
    19     fine of $500.
    20  § 4704.  Inspection by police or Commonwealth personnel.
    21     (a)  Authority to inspect.--
    22         (1)  Inspection in conjunction with vehicle weighing.--
    23     Any police officer or Commonwealth employee engaged in
    24     weighing vehicles as provided in Subchapter E of Chapter 49
    25     (relating to measuring and adjusting vehicle size and
    26     weights) is authorized to inspect any items of a vehicle's
    27     equipment to determine whether they meet the standards
    28     established in department regulations.
    29         (2)  Systematic vehicle inspection programs.--Any
    30     Pennsylvania State Police officer or qualified Commonwealth
    19900H2642B3658                 - 10 -

     1     employee engaged in a systematic vehicle inspection program
     2     may inspect any vehicle, driver, documents, equipment and
     3     load to determine whether they meet standards established in
     4     department regulations.
     5         (3)  Probable cause.--
     6             (i)  Any State Police officer or qualified
     7         Commonwealth employee having probable cause to believe
     8         that a vehicle, driver, documents, equipment or load are
     9         unsafe, not equipped as required or otherwise not in
    10         compliance with the law or regulations may inspect the
    11         vehicle, driver, documents, equipment or load.
    12             (ii)  Any police officer having probable cause to
    13         believe that a vehicle or its equipment is unsafe, not
    14         equipped as required or otherwise not in compliance with
    15         the law or regulations may inspect the vehicle or its
    16         equipment.
    17     (b)  Notice of violation.--Any police officer or qualified
    18  Commonwealth employee, having probable cause to believe that any
    19  vehicle or mass transit vehicle, regardless of whether it is
    20  being operated, or its equipment, documents or load, are unsafe,
    21  not equipped as required, or are otherwise not in compliance
    22  with the law or department regulations, may at any time submit a
    23  written notice of the violations to the driver of the vehicle or
    24  the mass transit vehicle or to the owner or registrant, or if
    25  none of them is present, to an adult occupant of the vehicle or
    26  the mass transit vehicle, or if the vehicle or the mass transit
    27  vehicle is unoccupied, the notice shall be attached to the
    28  vehicle or the mass transit vehicle in a conspicuous place.
    29         (1)  The notice shall specify the particulars of the
    30     violations and require that the violations be corrected.
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     1     Within five days or, in the case of a motor carrier vehicle
     2     or bus, within 15 days or before commencement of the
     3     vehicle's next trip, whichever occurs first, evidence must be
     4     submitted to the police or the Commonwealth, whichever is
     5     applicable, that the violations have been corrected.
     6         (2)  If the police officer or qualified Commonwealth
     7     employee has probable cause to believe that a vehicle or mass
     8     transit vehicle is unsafe or not in proper repair, he may
     9     require in the written notice that the vehicle or mass
    10     transit vehicle be inspected. The owner or driver shall,
    11     within five days of the date of notification or, in the case
    12     of a motor carrier vehicle or bus, within 15 days of the date
    13     of notification or before commencement of the vehicle's next
    14     trip, whichever occurs first, submit to the police or the
    15     Commonwealth, whichever is applicable, certification from an
    16     official inspection station that the vehicle or the mass
    17     transit vehicle has been restored to safe operating condition
    18     in relation to the particulars specified on the notice.
    19         (3)  After the expiration of the five-day or 15-day
    20     period specified in paragraphs (1) and (2), whichever is
    21     appropriate, the vehicle shall not be operated upon the
    22     highways of this Commonwealth and a mass transit vehicle
    23     shall not be operated until the owner or driver has submitted
    24     to the police or the Commonwealth, whichever is applicable,
    25     evidence of compliance with the requirements of paragraph (1)
    26     or (2), whichever is applicable.
    27     (c)  Operation prohibited if hazardous.--In the event a
    28  vehicle or a mass transit vehicle, or its equipment, load or
    29  driver, in the reasonable judgment of the officer or qualified
    30  Commonwealth employee, is in such condition that further
    19900H2642B3658                 - 12 -

     1  operation would be hazardous, the officer or qualified
     2  Commonwealth employee may require that the vehicle or the mass
     3  transit vehicle not be operated under its own power or that the
     4  driver discontinue driving, or both, and may so stipulate in the
     5  notice given under subsection (b). In the case of motor carrier
     6  vehicles or their drivers, all such determinations shall be
     7  based on out-of-service criteria established in department
     8  regulations.
     9     (c.1)  Critical vehicle defects.--It is unlawful for a person
    10  to operate or cause or permit another person to operate on a
    11  highway a motor carrier vehicle which has any of the following
    12  critical vehicle defects:
    13         (1)  Inoperable or missing brake on any wheel required to
    14     have a brake.
    15         (2)  No operable taillights on the vehicle, or on the
    16     rear vehicle of a combination.
    17         (3)  No operable brakelights on the vehicle, or on the
    18     rear vehicle of a combination.
    19         (4)  Unsecured load.
    20         (5)  Any tire is flat; or a tire on a steering axle has
    21     less than 2/32" tread or any other tire has less than 1/32"
    22     tread when measured in any two adjacent major tread grooves
    23     at any location on the tire.
    24         (6)  A braking system with 20% or more of the brakes
    25     beyond the readjustment limits as defined in department
    26     regulations.
    27     (c.2)  Hours of service limitations.--It is unlawful for a
    28  person to operate a motor carrier vehicle on a highway in excess
    29  of the hours of service limitations established in department
    30  regulations.
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     1     (d)  Authority of police and qualified Commonwealth
     2  employees.--Any police officer or qualified Commonwealth
     3  employee shall be authorized to detain and inspect any sealed or
     4  unsealed vehicle, container or shipment which they have probable
     5  cause to believe may be in violation of the law or Commonwealth
     6  regulations while in transit or in maintenance facilities,
     7  terminals or other public or private property to ascertain if
     8  commodities or materials are being unloaded, stored or
     9  transported in an illegal manner; to inspect contents; to
    10  inspect and copy documents and otherwise to ensure compliance
    11  with the law and Commonwealth regulations, except that only
    12  State Police and qualified Commonwealth employees shall have the
    13  authority to enforce any law or regulation pertaining to
    14  drivers, including, but not limited to, minimum driver
    15  qualifications, maximum hours of service and driver records, or
    16  pertaining specifically to hazardous materials. If a seal is
    17  opened for inspection, the inspecting officer or Commonwealth
    18  employee shall reseal any vehicle, container or shipment prior
    19  to further transportation.
    20     (e)  Limitation of authority of qualified Commonwealth
    21  employees.--The authority granted to qualified Commonwealth
    22  employees under this section shall be exercised only when the
    23  employee is in uniform and shall apply only to motor carrier
    24  vehicles, buses and all vehicles and combinations carrying
    25  hazardous materials in an amount and type which require the
    26  vehicle to be placarded under Chapter 83 (relating to hazardous
    27  materials transportation) and to the drivers of all such
    28  vehicles. Qualified Commonwealth employees shall be regarded as
    29  police officers for the purpose of instituting criminal
    30  proceedings by citation under Chapter 50 of the Pennsylvania
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     1  Rules of Criminal Procedure.
     2     (f)  Training of Commonwealth employees.--The department
     3  shall establish a program to train and qualify Commonwealth
     4  employees, including Pennsylvania State Police officers, to
     5  inspect vehicles, equipment, documents, loads and drivers as
     6  authorized under this section. After one year following the
     7  effective date of this section, inspections under subsection
     8  (a)(2) may be conducted only by personnel qualified under this
     9  program. Until that time, such inspections may be conducted by
    10  personnel designated by the department. A document executed by a
    11  department official, or a photostatic copy thereof, indicating
    12  that a person has been so qualified or designated shall be
    13  competent and prima facie evidence of the qualification or
    14  designation.
    15     (g)  Limitations.--Farm trucks not required to be registered,
    16  implements of husbandry and special mobile equipment shall not
    17  be subject to the systematic vehicle inspections authorized
    18  under subsection (a).
    19     (h)  Penalties.--A person who operates or causes or permits
    20  another person to operate a motor carrier vehicle or bus in
    21  violation of subsection (c.1) or (c.2) commits a summary offense
    22  and, upon conviction, shall be sentenced to pay:
    23         (1)  A fine of $1,000 for each violation of subsection
    24     (c.1)(1) through (5).
    25         (2)  A fine of $300 for a violation of subsection
    26     (c.1)(6).
    27         (3)  A fine of $500 for a violation of subsection (c.2).
    28  § 4981.  Weighing and measurement of vehicles.
    29     (a)  Authority of police officers and qualified department
    30  employees.--Any police officer or qualified department employee
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     1  is authorized to require the driver of any vehicle or
     2  combination to stop and submit the vehicle or combination to be
     3  measured and weighed. Weighing may be done by using either
     4  portable or stationary scales, provided that when portable
     5  scales more than one inch in height are used, sufficient ramp
     6  blocks shall be made available to allow the vehicle or
     7  combination to mount the scales safely. The weighing shall be
     8  conducted by qualified personnel who have been trained in the
     9  use of weighing equipment in a training program approved by the
    10  Department of Agriculture. The personnel performing the weighing
    11  on all highways and interstates in this Commonwealth shall
    12  inform the drivers of the vehicle of the right to readjust or
    13  rearrange the load under section 4982(c) (relating to reducing
    14  or readjusting loads of vehicles). The driver or owner, if
    15  present, of any vehicle or combination may, at the time of
    16  weighing, witness in an orderly fashion the weighing procedure.
    17  If the driver wishes to witness the procedure from outside the
    18  cab of the vehicle, he shall be required to turn off the engine,
    19  put the transmission in gear and set the emergency brake before
    20  leaving the cab. A police officer or qualified department
    21  employee may require that a vehicle or combination be driven to
    22  the nearest available portable or stationary scales if the
    23  scales are within two miles. For the purpose of enforcing this
    24  chapter, qualified department employees shall be authorized to
    25  institute criminal proceedings pursuant to the Pennsylvania
    26  Rules of Criminal Procedure.
    27     (b)  Scales on freeways.--The Department of Transportation,
    28  in cooperation with the Pennsylvania State Police, shall operate
    29  on freeways at points which it deems necessary scales and other
    30  equipment for detecting violations of the size and weight
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     1  limitations prescribed by this chapter. The department may also
     2  contract with persons or local authorities to use their scales.
     3     (c)  Tolerance when weighing axles.--A 3% tolerance per axle
     4  shall be permitted when a vehicle is weighed on stationary or
     5  portable scales. This tolerance shall not apply on any
     6  interstate highway to vehicles weighed on stationary scales.
     7     (d)  Reweighing at request of driver or owner.--Whenever
     8  scales operated by other than the department indicate that a
     9  vehicle, wheel, axle or pair of axles is overweight, the driver
    10  or owner may elect to have the vehicle reweighed on the nearest
    11  available scales which have been certified by the Department of
    12  Agriculture. The lower reading of the two scales shall determine
    13  whether charges shall be filed under this section.
    14     (e)  [Calibration] Certification and accuracy of portable
    15  scales.--Portable scales shall be [calibrated] checked every 30
    16  days for the purpose of certification [and] of accuracy by the
    17  Department of [Agriculture.] General Services. A certificate
    18  from the Department of General Services showing that portable
    19  scales were checked and found to be accurate and the date the
    20  portable scales were certified shall be competent and prima
    21  facie evidence of those facts in every proceeding in which a
    22  violation of this chapter is charged. The weight of a vehicle or
    23  combination, determined by using portable scales so certified,
    24  shall not be contradicted except by clear and convincing
    25  evidence.
    26     (f)  Certification of qualified personnel.--The competency of
    27  a witness to testify concerning the weighing of a vehicle may be
    28  established by a certificate from an agency of the Commonwealth,
    29  showing that the person was trained in the use of weighing
    30  equipment in a training program approved by a Commonwealth
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     1  agency. This certification shall be admissible as competent and
     2  prima facie evidence that the person is qualified and trained in
     3  the use of weighing equipment in such a training program.
     4  § 6309.  Impoundment of vehicles for nonpayment of fines.
     5     (a)  General rule.--Upon [imposition of] issuance of a
     6  citation to or arrest of a person for a violation punishable by
     7  a fine in excess of $250 [imposed] pursuant to section 1301
     8  (relating to registration and certificate of title required),
     9  1371 (relating to operation following suspension of
    10  registration), 4107(b) (relating to unlawful activities) or
    11  Chapter 49 (relating to size, weight and load), the [defendant
    12  shall be allowed 24 hours to obtain the funds and pay the fine
    13  and costs of prosecution, during which time the vehicle or
    14  combination shall be rendered temporarily inoperative by such
    15  police officer or constable as the issuing authority shall
    16  designate. On default of payment within the 24-hour period, the
    17  issuing authority] police officer or qualified department
    18  employee may impound the vehicle or combination [and order a
    19  police officer or constable to seize it.
    20     (b)  Storage.--Upon impoundment, the issuing authority shall
    21  forthwith notify the sheriff of the county in which the
    22  violation occurred, who shall store the impounded vehicle or
    23  combination.] until the matter is disposed of or until a bond is
    24  posted in the full amount of the fine and costs.
    25     (c)  Notice of impoundment.--The [sheriff] police, or the
    26  department, as the case may be, shall give immediate notice by
    27  the most expeditious means and by certified mail, return receipt
    28  requested, of the impoundment and location of the vehicle or
    29  combination to the owner of the vehicle or combination and the
    30  owner of the load if the names and addresses of the owner are
    19900H2642B3658                 - 18 -

     1  known or can be ascertained [by the sheriff].
     2     (d)  Cost.--The [police officer's, constable's and sheriff's
     3  costs] costs incurred by the police or the department,
     4  reasonable storage costs and all other reasonable costs incident
     5  to seizure and impounding under subsections (a) and (b) shall be
     6  recoverable in addition to costs of prosecution.
     7     (e)  Applicability.--This section shall not apply in the case
     8  of a vehicle duly registered in this Commonwealth.
     9  § 6310.  Disposition of impounded vehicles and loads.
    10     (a)  Rights of owner of load.--The title to the load on an
    11  impounded vehicle or combination remains in the owner who may
    12  repossess the load at any time upon presentation of proof of
    13  ownership to the sheriff. If the load spoils or otherwise loses
    14  its value during impoundment, the loss shall be on the owner
    15  subject to any right of recovery of damages that the owner may
    16  have against the owner of the vehicle or combination or against
    17  any other party, and the costs of disposition of the load shall
    18  be recoverable in addition to the costs of prosecution.
    19     (b)  Sale of unclaimed vehicle or load.--In case any
    20  impounded vehicle or combination is unredeemed, or the load is
    21  unclaimed, for a period of 60 days after notice of impoundment
    22  is given, it shall be sold at a public sale by the sheriff upon
    23  order of the issuing authority and after ten days' notice of
    24  sale to the owners, lienholders or secured parties of the
    25  vehicle or load except that[, if] loads which the sheriff
    26  determines [it to be necessary to preserve their value, goods
    27  which may spoil may be sold] have little or no value or will
    28  spoil or otherwise require prompt action to preserve their value
    29  may be disposed of in any commercially reasonable manner prior
    30  to expiration of the 60-day period and, if impractical to do so,
    19900H2642B3658                 - 19 -

     1  without giving notice to the owners, lienholders or secured
     2  parties.
     3     (c)  Disposition of proceeds of sale.--The proceeds of sale
     4  shall first be applied to the payment of the [fine and] costs
     5  [and], secondly, to the payment of the fine, and, thirdly, to
     6  payment of any encumbrances. The balance shall be remitted to
     7  the owner. If the costs exceed the proceeds of sale, the owner
     8  of the vehicle and load shall be jointly liable for the costs.
     9     (d)  Other provisions of law not superseded.--This section is
    10  not intended to supersede the requirements of Chapter 83
    11  (relating to hazardous materials transportation) or the act of
    12  July 7, 1980 (P.L.380, No.97), known as the Solid Waste
    13  Management Act.
    14  § 7310.  Removal of vehicles and spilled cargo from roadway.
    15     (a)  General rule.--Police officers may remove or direct
    16  removal of vehicles which have been placed out of service,
    17  whether because of the condition of the vehicle or driver, and
    18  abandoned or wrecked vehicles and spilled cargo from any
    19  [roadway] highway to the nearest [point off the roadway] place
    20  where the vehicle or spilled cargo will not interfere with or
    21  obstruct traffic. Immediately following an accident, the wrecked
    22  vehicle or spilled cargo shall be removed or directed to be
    23  removed from the roadway by a police officer if the owner or
    24  operator cannot remove the wrecked vehicle or refuses or fails
    25  to have the vehicle removed within a reasonable time.
    26     (b)  Storage of cargo.--When, in the opinion of a police
    27  officer, it is deemed necessary for the protection of the
    28  contents or load of a vehicle which has been placed out of
    29  service, a wrecked vehicle or spilled cargo from the elements,
    30  spoilage or theft, the police officer may remove or direct to be
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     1  removed and have stored at the expense of the owner the contents
     2  or load or spilled cargo at the nearest practical place of
     3  storage.
     4     (c)  Liability for damage or loss.--In carrying out the
     5  provisions of this section, no liability shall attach to the
     6  police officer or, absent a showing of gross negligence, to any
     7  person acting under the direction of the police officer for
     8  damage to a vehicle or damage to or loss of any portion of the
     9  contents or load or spilled cargo.
    10     Section 5.  The definition of "motor vehicle" in section 9602
    11  of Title 75 is amended to read:
    12  § 9602.  Definitions.
    13     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    14  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    15  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    16     * * *
    17     "Motor vehicle."  A motor carrier vehicle having a gross
    18  weight or registered gross weight in excess of 17,000 pounds.
    19     * * *
    20     Section 6.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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