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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3952



No. 2653 Session of 2004

           JAMES AND YOUNGBLOOD, MAY 27, 2004

           MAY 27, 2004

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of April 27, 1966 (1st Sp.Sess., P.L.31, No.1),
     2     entitled, as amended, "An act to protect the public health,
     3     welfare and safety by regulating the mining of bituminous
     4     coal; declaring the existence of a public interest in the
     5     support of surface structures; providing a remedy for the
     6     restoration or replacement of water supplies affected by
     7     underground mining; providing a remedy for the restoration or
     8     replacement or compensation for surface structures damaged by
     9     underground mining; providing standards for the prevention of
    10     hazards to human safety and material damage to certain
    11     structures; requiring permits, and in certain circumstances
    12     bonds, for the mining of bituminous coal; providing for the
    13     filing of maps or plans with recorders of deeds; providing
    14     for the giving of notice of mining operations to political
    15     subdivisions and surface landowners of record; requiring mine
    16     inspectors to accompany municipal officers and their agents
    17     on inspection trips; granting powers to public officers and
    18     affected property owners to enforce the act; requiring
    19     grantors to certify as to whether any structures on the lands
    20     conveyed are entitled to support from the underlying coal and
    21     grantees to sign an admission of a warning of the possible
    22     lack of any such right of support; requiring grantors to
    23     provide notice of the existence of voluntary agreements for
    24     the restoration or replacement of water supplies or for the
    25     repair or compensation for structural damage; imposing duties
    26     on the Department of Environmental Resources for the
    27     compilation and analysis of data; and imposing liability for
    28     violation of the act," further providing for procedures for
    29     securing restoration or replacement of affected water
    30     supplies, for restoration or replacement of water, for
    31     restoration or compensation for structures damaged by
    32     underground mining and for procedure for securing repair and
    33     or compensation for damage to structures caused by

     1     underground mining; establishing the Longwall Mining
     2     Commission; and providing for a backfilling study.

     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby enacts as follows:
     5     Section 1.  Sections 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5 of the act of
     6  April 27, 1966 (1st Sp.Sess., P.L.31, No.1), known as The
     7  Bituminous Mine Subsidence and Land Conservation Act, added June
     8  22, 1994 (P.L.357, No.54), are amended to read:
     9     Section 5.2.  Procedures for securing restoration or
    10  replacement of affected water supplies; duties of Department of
    11  Environmental Resources.--(a)  (1)  Whenever a landowner or
    12  water user experiences contamination, diminution or interruption
    13  of a water supply which is believed to have occurred as a result
    14  of underground coal mining operations, that landowner or water
    15  user shall notify the mine operator who shall with reasonable
    16  diligence investigate the water loss.
    17     (2)  Where the presumption of subsection (c) applies and the
    18  user is without a readily available alternate source, the
    19  operator shall provide a temporary water supply within [twenty-
    20  four] twelve hours of being contacted by the landowner or water
    21  user.
    22     (3)  If a temporary water supply is not provided within
    23  [twenty-four] twelve hours, the Department of Environmental
    24  Resources, after notice by the landowner or water user, shall
    25  order the operator to provide temporary water within [twenty-
    26  four] twelve hours. The operator shall notify the department of
    27  any claim of contamination, diminution or interruption made to
    28  it by a landowner or water user and its disposition.
    29     (b)  (1)  If the affected water supply has not been restored
    30  or an alternate source has not been provided by the operator or

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     1  if an operator ceases to provide an alternate source, the
     2  landowner or water user may so notify the department and request
     3  that an investigation be conducted.
     4     (2)  Within ten days of such notification, the department
     5  shall investigate any such claim and shall, within forty-five
     6  days following notification, make a determination of whether the
     7  contamination, diminution or interruption was caused by the
     8  underground mining operation and so notify all affected parties.
     9  If it finds causation, it shall issue such orders to the mine
    10  operator as are necessary to assure compliance with this
    11  section. Such orders may include orders requiring the temporary
    12  replacement of a water supply where it is determined that the
    13  contamination, diminution or interruption may be of limited
    14  duration, orders requiring the provision of immediate temporary
    15  water to the landowner or orders requiring the provision of a
    16  permanent alternate source where the contamination, diminution
    17  or interruption does not abate within [three years] one year of
    18  the date on which the supply was adversely affected.
    19     (c)  In any determination or proceeding under this section,
    20  it shall be presumed that an underground mine operator is
    21  responsible for the contamination, diminution or interruption of
    22  a water supply that is within an area above the mine determined
    23  by projecting a thirty-five degree angle from the vertical from
    24  the outside of any coal removal area. The mine operator may
    25  successfully rebut the presumption by affirmatively proving that
    26  access was denied to the property on which the supply is located
    27  to conduct premining and postmining surveys of the quality and
    28  quantity of the supply, that the mine operator thereafter served
    29  notice upon the landowner by certified mail or personal service,
    30  which notice identified the rights established by sections 5.1
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     1  and 5.3 and this section, that access had been denied and the
     2  landowner failed to provide or authorize access within ten days
     3  after receipt thereof.
     4     (d)  Unless the presumption contained in subsection (c)
     5  applies, a landowner, the department or any affected user
     6  asserting contamination, diminution or interruption shall have
     7  the burden to affirmatively prove that underground mining
     8  activity caused the contamination, diminution or interruption.
     9  Wherever a mine operator, upon request, has been denied access
    10  to conduct a premining survey and the mine operator thereafter
    11  served notice upon the landowner by certified mail or personal
    12  service, which notice identified the rights established by
    13  sections 5.1 and 5.3 and this section, was denied access and the
    14  landowner failed to provide or authorize access within ten days
    15  after receipt thereof, then such affirmative proof shall include
    16  premining baseline data, provided by the landowner or the
    17  department, relative to the affected water supply.
    18     (e)  A mine operator shall be relieved of liability for
    19  affecting a public or private water supply by contamination,
    20  diminution or interruption by affirmatively proving one of the
    21  following defenses:
    22     (1)  The contamination, diminution or interruption existed
    23  prior to the mining activity as determined by a premining
    24  survey.
    25     (2)  The contamination, diminution or interruption occurred
    26  more than three years after mining activity occurred.
    27     (3)  The contamination, diminution or interruption occurred
    28  as the result of some cause other than the mining activity.
    29     (f)  Any mine operator who obtains water samples in a
    30  premining or postmining survey shall utilize a certified
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     1  laboratory to analyze such samples and shall submit copies of
     2  the results of such analysis, as well as the results of any
     3  quantitative analysis, to the department and to the landowner
     4  within thirty days of their receipt. Nothing contained herein
     5  shall be construed as prohibiting a landowner or water user from
     6  utilizing an independent certified laboratory to sample and
     7  analyze the water supply.
     8     (g)  If an affected water supply is not restored or
     9  reestablished or a permanent alternate source is not provided
    10  within [three years] one year, the mine operator may be relieved
    11  of further responsibility by entering into a written agreement
    12  providing compensation acceptable to the landowner. If no
    13  agreement is reached, the mine operator, at the option of the
    14  landowner, shall:
    15     (1)  purchase the property for a sum equal to its fair market
    16  value immediately prior to the time the water supply was
    17  affected; or
    18     (2)  make a one-time payment equal to the difference between
    19  the property's fair market value immediately prior to the time
    20  the water supply was affected and at the time payment is made;
    21  whereupon the mine operator shall be relieved of further
    22  obligation regarding contamination, diminution or interruption
    23  of the affected water supply under this act. Any measures taken
    24  under sections 5.1 and 5.3 and this section to relieve a mine
    25  operator of further obligation regarding contamination,
    26  diminution or interruption of an affected water supply shall not
    27  be deemed to bar a subsequent purchaser of the land on which the
    28  affected water supply was located or any water user on such land
    29  from invoking rights under this section for contamination,
    30  diminution or interruption of a water supply resulting from
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     1  subsequent mining activity other than that contemplated by the
     2  mine plan in effect at the time the original supply was
     3  affected.
     4     (h)  Prior to entering into an agreement with the mine
     5  operator pursuant to subsection (g), the landowner may submit a
     6  written request to the department asking that the department
     7  review the operator's finding that an affected water supply
     8  cannot reasonably be restored or that a permanent alternate
     9  source, as described in subsection (i), cannot reasonably be
    10  provided. The department shall provide its opinion to the
    11  landowner within sixty days of receiving the landowner's
    12  request. The department's opinion shall be advisory only,
    13  including for purposes of assisting the landowner in selecting
    14  the optional compensation authorized under subsection (g). The
    15  department's opinion shall not prevent the landowner from
    16  entering into an agreement with the mine operator pursuant to
    17  subsection (g), and such opinion shall not serve as the basis
    18  for any action by the department against the mine operator or
    19  create any cause of action in a third party, provided the
    20  operator otherwise complies with subsection (g).
    21     (i)  For purposes of this section, a permanent alternate
    22  source shall include any well, spring, municipal water supply
    23  system or other supply approved by the department which is
    24  adequate in quantity, quality and of reasonable cost to serve
    25  the premining uses of the affected water supply.
    26     (j)  The department shall require an operator to describe how
    27  water supplies will be replaced. Nothing contained herein shall
    28  be construed as authorizing the department to require a mine
    29  operator to provide a replacement water supply prior to mining
    30  as a condition of securing a permit to conduct underground coal
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     1  mining.
     2     (k)  Any landowner, water user or mine operator aggrieved by
     3  an order or determination of the department issued under this
     4  section shall have the right to appeal such order to the
     5  Environmental Hearing Board within thirty days of receipt of the
     6  order.
     7     Section 5.3.  Voluntary agreement; restoration or replacement
     8  of water; deed recital.--(a)  Nothing contained in this act
     9  shall prohibit the mine operator and landowner at any time after
    10  the effective date of this section from voluntarily entering
    11  into an agreement establishing the manner and means by which an
    12  affected water supply is to be restored or an alternate supply
    13  is to be provided or providing fair compensation for such
    14  contamination, diminution or interruption. Any release contained
    15  in such an agreement shall only be valid in releasing the
    16  operator from liability for affecting a public or private water
    17  supply by contamination, diminution or interruption if all of
    18  the following apply:
    19     (1)  It clearly states what rights are established by this
    20  act.
    21     (2)  The landowner expressly acknowledges their release for
    22  the consideration rendered.
    23     (3)  The contamination, diminution or interruption of the
    24  water supply occurs as a result of the mining contemplated by
    25  the agreement.
    26     (4)  The term of the release does not exceed thirty-five
    27  years.
    28     (5)  Notwithstanding the provisions of an agreement entered
    29  into under this section, in the event that an affected water
    30  supply cannot reasonably be restored or that a permanent
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     1  alternate source, as described in section 5.2(i), cannot
     2  reasonably be provided within [three years] one year of the date
     3  on which the supply was adversely affected, the landowner shall
     4  have the option of proceeding pursuant to section 5.2(g) and
     5  (h). Any amounts previously paid to the landowner by the mine
     6  operator pursuant to an agreement entered into under this
     7  section that were not used by the landowner to restore or
     8  replace the affected water supply or to secure a permanent
     9  alternate source, as described in section 5.2(i), shall be
    10  deducted from the compensation determined to be due pursuant to
    11  section 5.2(g).
    12     (b)  In every deed for the conveyance of property for which
    13  an agreement executed pursuant to subsection (a) is effective at
    14  the time of transfer, the grantor shall include in the deed a
    15  recital of the agreement and any release contained therein.
    16     (c)  Nothing contained in this act shall prevent any
    17  landowner or water user who claims contamination, diminution or
    18  interruption of a water supply from seeking any other remedy
    19  that may be provided at law or in equity. In any proceedings in
    20  pursuit of a remedy other than as provided herein, the
    21  provisions of this act shall not apply and the party or parties
    22  against whom liability is sought to be imposed may assert in
    23  defense any rights or waivers arising from provisions contained
    24  in deeds, leases or agreements pertaining to mining rights or
    25  coal ownership on the property in question.
    26     Section 5.4.  Restoration or compensation for structures
    27  damaged by underground mining.--(a)  [Whenever] The operator of
    28  a coal mine shall be liable as provided in subsection (a.1)
    29  whenever its underground mining operations conducted under this
    30  act cause damage to any of the following surface buildings
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     1  overlying or in the proximity of the mine:
     2     (1)  any building which is accessible to the public,
     3  including, but not limited to, commercial, industrial and
     4  recreational buildings and all permanently affixed structures
     5  appurtenant thereto;
     6     (2)  any noncommercial buildings customarily used by the
     7  public, including, but not limited to, schools, churches and
     8  hospitals;
     9     (3)  dwellings used for human habitation and permanently
    10  affixed appurtenant structures or improvements in place on the
    11  effective date of this section or on the date of first
    12  publication of the application for a Mine Activity Permit or a
    13  five-year renewal thereof for the operations in question and
    14  within the boundary of the entire mine as depicted in said
    15  application; or
    16     (4)  the following agricultural structures: all barns and
    17  silos and all permanently affixed structures of five hundred or
    18  more square feet in area that are used for raising livestock,
    19  poultry or agricultural products, for storage of animal waste or
    20  for the processing or retail marketing of agricultural products
    21  produced on the farm on which such structures are located.[; the
    22  operator of such coal mine shall repair such damage or
    23  compensate the owner of such building for the reasonable cost of
    24  its repair or the reasonable cost of its replacement where the
    25  damage is irreparable.]
    26     (a.1)  The operator of a coal mine that causes damage to
    27  property as provided in subsection (a) shall provide the
    28  property owner with one of the following:
    29     (1)  repair of the damage;
    30     (2)  the cost of repairing the damage; or
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     1     (3)  the reasonable cost of replacing the property where the
     2  damage is irreparable; provided, however, the owner of a
     3  dwelling used for human habitation has the option to require
     4  that the operator purchase the owner's property for its
     5  replacement value and pay the owner's moving costs when the
     6  actual or estimated cost of repairs exceeds $20,000.
     7     (b)  For any irreparably damaged agricultural structure
     8  identified in subsection (a)(4) which, at the time of damage,
     9  the operator can affirmatively prove was being used for a
    10  different purpose than the purpose for which such structure was
    11  originally constructed, the operator may provide for the
    12  reasonable cost to replace the damaged structure with a
    13  structure satisfying the functions and purposes served by the
    14  damaged structure before such damage occurred.
    15     (c)  A mine operator shall not be liable to repair or
    16  compensate for subsidence damage if the mine operator, upon
    17  request, is denied access to the property upon which the
    18  building is located to conduct premining and postmining surveys
    19  of the building and surrounding property and thereafter serves
    20  notice upon the landowner by certified mail or personal service,
    21  which notice identifies the rights established by sections 5.5
    22  and 5.6 and this section, the mine operator was denied access
    23  and the landowner failed to provide or authorize access within
    24  ten days after receipt thereof.
    25     Section 5.5.  Procedure for securing repair and/or
    26  compensation for damage to structures caused by underground
    27  mining; duties of Department of Environmental Resources.--(a)
    28  The owner of any building enumerated in section 5.4(a) who
    29  believes that the removal of coal has caused mine subsidence
    30  resulting in damage to such building and who wishes to secure
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     1  repair of or compensation for such damage shall notify the mine
     2  operator. If the mine operator agrees that mine subsidence
     3  damaged such building, he shall cause such damage to be fully
     4  repaired or compensate the owner for such damage in accordance
     5  with section [5.4(a)] 5.4 (a.1) or with an agreement reached
     6  between the parties either prior to mining or after the damage
     7  has occurred.
     8     (b)  If the parties are unable to agree within six months of
     9  the date of notice as to the cause of the damage or the
    10  reasonable cost of repair or compensation, the owner of the
    11  building may file a claim in writing with the Department of
    12  Environmental Resources, a copy of which shall be sent to the
    13  operator. All claims under this subsection shall be filed within
    14  two years of the date damage to the building occurred.
    15     (c)  The department shall make an investigation of a claim
    16  within thirty days of receipt of the claim. The department
    17  shall, within sixty days following the investigation, make a
    18  determination in writing as to whether the damage was caused by
    19  subsidence due to underground coal mining and, if so, the
    20  reasonable cost of repairing or replacing the damaged structure.
    21  If the department finds the damage to be caused by the mining,
    22  it shall issue a written order directing the operator to
    23  compensate or to cause repairs to be made within six months or a
    24  longer period if the department finds that occurrence of
    25  subsidence or subsequent damage may occur to the same building
    26  as a result of mining.
    27     (d)  In no event shall the mine operator be liable for
    28  repairs or compensation in an amount exceeding the cost of
    29  replacement of the damaged structure. The occupants of a damaged
    30  structure shall also be entitled to additional payment for
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     1  reasonable, actual expenses incurred for temporary relocation
     2  and for other actual reasonable, incidental costs agreed to by
     3  the parties or approved by the department. In addition, the
     4  owner of a dwelling used for human habitation shall receive from
     5  the mine operator an additional payment in the amount of twenty
     6  percent of the cost of repairs as compensation for the hardship
     7  resulting from the damage. In the event the damage is
     8  irreparable, the owner shall receive twenty percent of the
     9  reasonable replacement cost of the property.
    10     (e)  If either the landowner or the mine operator is
    11  aggrieved by an order issued by the department under section 5.4
    12  or this section, such person shall have the right to appeal the
    13  order to the Environmental Hearing Board within thirty days of
    14  receipt of the order. The appeal of a mine operator shall not be
    15  considered to be perfected unless, within sixty days of the date
    16  on which the mine operator received the department's order, the
    17  operator has deposited an amount equal to the cost of repair or
    18  the compensation amount ordered by the department in an
    19  interest-bearing escrow account administered for such purposes
    20  by the department.
    21     (f)  If the mine operator shall fail to repair or compensate
    22  for subsidence damage within six months or such longer period as
    23  the department has established or shall fail to perfect an
    24  appeal of the department's order directing such repair or
    25  compensation, the department shall issue such orders and take
    26  such actions as are necessary to compel compliance with the
    27  requirements hereof, including, but not limited to, cessation
    28  orders and permit revocation. If the mine operator fails to
    29  repair or compensate for damage after exhausting its right of
    30  appeal, the department shall pay the escrow deposit made with
    20040H2653B3952                 - 12 -     

     1  respect to the particular claim involved and accrued interest to
     2  the owner of the damaged building.
     3     (g)  Except as provided in subsection (f), the existence of
     4  unresolved claims of subsidence damage shall not be used by the
     5  department as a basis for withholding permits from or suspending
     6  review of permit applications submitted by the mine operator
     7  against whom such claims have been made.
     8     (h)  The department shall provide special assistance for as
     9  long as the department deems necessary to residents who are
    10  disabled or over sixty-five years of age and who are harmed by
    11  underground mining operations. Special assistance may include
    12  counseling, visitation, relocation or any other services the
    13  department chooses. The mine operator shall pay the cost of the
    14  special services.
    15     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
    16     Section 18.2.  Longwall Mining Commission.--(a)  There is
    17  established the Longwall Mining Commission to investigate the
    18  economic impact of surface water losses on existing active farms
    19  as a result of longwall mining and to evaluate the use of
    20  alternative crops to mitigate the economic impact.
    21     (b)  The commission shall be composed of the following:
    22     (1)  The Secretary of Agriculture, or a designee.
    23     (2)  The Secretary of Environmental Protection, or a
    24  designee.
    25     (3)  The executive director of the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau,
    26  or a designee.
    27     (4)  The executive director of the Pennsylvania Coal
    28  Association, or a designee.
    29     (5)  The executive director of the United Mine Workers of
    30  America, or a designee.
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     1     (6)  One member, appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture,
     2  of a Statewide local government association representing the
     3  type of municipality affected by the longwall mining.
     4     (7)  One member, appointed by the Governor, of an
     5  environmental advocacy group.
     6     (c)  All members shall serve at the pleasure of the
     7  appointing authority, except that no member appointed under
     8  subsection (b)(1), (2), (3), (4) or (5) shall serve past the
     9  date of expiration of office.
    10     (d)  Vacancies in the membership of the commission shall be
    11  filled in the same manner as the original appointment.
    12     (e)  (1)  The commission shall elect, by a majority of all
    13  its members, a chairman, vice chairman and a secretary from
    14  among its members, each to serve for a term of one year.
    15     (2)  A majority of all members of the commission shall
    16  constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
    17     (3)  The commission may adopt rules for its government,
    18  organization and procedures, not inconsistent with the
    19  provisions of this section.
    20     (f)  Commission members shall receive no compensation for
    21  their services but shall be reimbursed by the Department of
    22  Agriculture for all necessary travel and other reasonable
    23  expenses incurred in connection with the performance of their
    24  duties as members of the commission.
    25     (g)  The Department of Agriculture shall provide
    26  administrative staff, support and services to the commission on
    27  an ongoing basis.
    28     Section 18.3.  Backfilling study.--The Department of
    29  Environmental Protection shall investigate the cost and efficacy
    30  of the practice known as backfilling of slag during longwall
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     1  mining in mitigating subsidence. The investigation shall be
     2  completed within one year of the effective date of this act. The
     3  department shall report its findings to the chairman and
     4  minority chairman of the Committee on Environmental Resources
     5  and Energy of the Senate and the chairman and minority chairman
     6  of the Committee on Environmental Resources and Energy of the
     7  House of Representatives.
     8     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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