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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3908



No. 2659 Session of 2002

           TIGUE, TULLI, WATSON AND WILT, MAY 13, 2002


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 53 (Municipalities Generally) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, further providing for limitations on
     3     incurring of debt by school districts, for assessor reports,
     4     for adoption of referendum on the question of the levy of an
     5     earned income and net profits tax, for referendum
     6     requirements for increasing property taxes previously reduced
     7     and for local tax study commission; providing for continuity
     8     of homestead exclusion; and further providing for disposition
     9     of earned income and net profits tax revenue.

    10     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    11  hereby enacts as follows:
    12     Section 1.  Sections 8022(f), 8584(i), 8703, 8704 and 8705 of
    13  Title 53 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes are amended
    14  to read:
    15  § 8022.  Limitations on incurring of other debt.
    16     * * *
    17     (f)  Limitations on incurring of debt by school districts.--
    18         (1)  Except for purposes of refinancing existing debt
    19     under this subpart and notwithstanding the other provisions
    20     of this section, no school district of the first class A

     1     through fourth classes shall incur any new nonelectoral debt
     2     or lease rental debt if the aggregate net principal amount of
     3     such new debt together with any other net nonelectoral debt
     4     and lease rental debt then outstanding would cause the
     5     outstanding total of net nonelectoral debt plus net lease
     6     rental debt of the school district to exceed 225% of the
     7     school district's borrowing base as defined in section 8002
     8     (relating to definitions). This section shall apply
     9     regardless of whether there is an election by the school
    10     district under section 8703 (relating to adoption of
    11     referendum).
    12         (2)  The calculation of the limitation under this
    13     subsection shall not include any portion of debt allocated to
    14     or by a school district for the support of an area
    15     vocational-technical school or intermediate unit.
    16  § 8584.  Administration and procedure.
    17     * * *
    18     (i)  Reports.--At the same time as the assessor certifies the
    19  tax duplicate, the assessor shall provide to the governing
    20  bodies of the county and each political subdivision within the
    21  county upon request and at no charge a certified report listing
    22  at least all of the following information:
    23         (1)  The parcel number of each parcel which is approved,
    24     in whole or in part, as homestead property.
    25         (2)  The assessed value of each parcel which is approved,
    26     in whole or in part, as homestead property.
    27         (3)  The portion of the assessed value of each parcel
    28     listed under paragraph (2) which is approved as homestead
    29     property.
    30         (4)  The median assessed value of the homestead property
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     1     listed in paragraph (3).
     2         (5)  The parcel number of each parcel which is approved,
     3     in whole or in part, as farmstead property.
     4         (6)  The assessed value of each parcel which is approved,
     5     in whole or in part, as farmstead property.
     6         (7)  The portion of the assessed value of each parcel
     7     listed under paragraph (6) which is approved as farmstead
     8     property.
     9  The assessor shall also provide to the governing body of a
    10  school district considering an earned income and net profits tax
    11  levy under Chapter 87 (relating to other subjects of taxation)
    12  upon request and at no charge an interim report with preliminary
    13  information as of June 30. The governing body of the county may
    14  set reasonable fees for providing customized reports or services
    15  not otherwise required under this chapter or other applicable
    16  law to political subdivisions.
    17     * * *
    18  § 8703.  Adoption of referendum.
    19     (a)  General rule.--
    20         (1)  In order to levy an earned income and net profits
    21     tax under this chapter, a governing body shall use the
    22     procedures set forth in subsection (b).
    23         (2)  Any governing body after making an election to levy
    24     an earned income and net profits tax under this chapter may,
    25     after a period of at least three full fiscal years, elect
    26     under the provisions of subsection (c) to levy, assess and
    27     collect the taxes prohibited by section 8701(b) (relating to
    28     general tax authorization) to the extent otherwise provided
    29     by law. If the electorate approves such referendum, the
    30     governing body shall lose the authority to continue to levy
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     1     an earned income and net profits tax authorized under this
     2     chapter.
     3         (3)  Upon defeat of a public referendum held under the
     4     provisions of subsection (b) or (d), the governing body and
     5     electors of a school district may, after a period of at least
     6     three full fiscal years, use the procedures set forth in
     7     subsection (b) or (d) to establish a local tax study
     8     commission or initiate another referendum to levy an earned
     9     income and net profits tax under this chapter.
    10     (b)  Public referendum requirements.--Subject to the notice
    11  and public hearing requirements of section 8716 (relating to
    12  procedure and administration), a governing body may levy the
    13  earned income and net profits tax under this chapter only by
    14  obtaining the approval of the electorate of the affected school
    15  district in a public referendum at only the municipal election
    16  preceding the fiscal year when the earned income and net profits
    17  tax will be initially imposed. The referendum question must
    18  state the initial rate of the proposed earned income and net
    19  profits tax, the reason for the tax and the amount of proposed
    20  budgeted revenue growth, if any, in the first fiscal year
    21  following adoption of the referendum, expressed as a percent
    22  increase over the prior year's budgeted revenue. If a stated
    23  reason for the tax is a reduction in real property taxes by
    24  means of a homestead exclusion, the governing body shall use the
    25  best estimate of the reduction that is sustainable in at least
    26  five subsequent years as additional parcels are approved for the
    27  homestead exclusion. Any increase in budgeted revenue between
    28  the first fiscal year following adoption of the referendum and
    29  the prior year's budgeted revenue shall not exceed the annual
    30  percent change in the Statewide average weekly wage. The
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     1  question shall be in clear language that is readily
     2  understandable by a layperson. For the purpose of illustration,
     3  a referendum question may be framed as follows:
     4         Do you favor the imposition of an earned income and net
     5         profits tax of X% to be used to replace (names of local
     6         taxes to be repealed), reduce real property taxes by X%
     7         by means of a homestead exclusion and provide for a one-
     8         time revenue increase of X% over the preceding fiscal
     9         year?
    10  A nonlegal interpretative statement must accompany the question
    11  in accordance with section 201.1 of the act of June 3, 1937
    12  (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code,
    13  that includes the following: the initial rate of the earned
    14  income and net profits tax and the maximum allowable rate of the
    15  earned income and net profits tax imposed under this chapter;
    16  the estimated revenues to be derived from the initial rate of
    17  the earned income and net profits tax imposed under this
    18  chapter; the amount of proposed revenue growth, if any, in the
    19  first fiscal year following adoption of the referendum; the
    20  estimated reduction in real property taxes and the elimination
    21  of certain existing taxes under this chapter; the identification
    22  of the existing taxes to be eliminated under this chapter; the
    23  method to be used to reduce real property taxes; the class or
    24  classes of real property for which real property taxes would be
    25  reduced; and the estimated amount of real property tax reduction
    26  by class, expressed as an average percent reduction by class.
    27  Any governing body which uses the procedures under this section
    28  shall not be subject to the provisions of section 8704 (relating
    29  to public referendum requirements for increasing property taxes
    30  previously reduced) for any future increases in the earned
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     1  income and net profits tax rates authorized under this chapter.
     2  Any future real property tax rate increases are subject to the
     3  provisions of section 8704. If the ballot question fails to
     4  receive a majority vote pursuant to this section, approval of
     5  the electorate under section 8704 shall not be required to
     6  increase the rate of any tax which the governing body of the
     7  affected school district is authorized to levy and increase
     8  pursuant to any other act.
     9     (c)  Public referendum requirements to end participation
    10  under this chapter.--Subject to the notice and public hearing
    11  requirements in section 4 of the Local Tax Enabling Act, a
    12  governing body may elect to end participation under this chapter
    13  in accordance with subsection (a)(2) by obtaining the approval
    14  of the electorate of the affected school district in a public
    15  referendum at a municipal election.
    16     (d)  Public requirements to initiate referendum.--
    17         (1)  If the governing body of a school district fails to
    18     place a referendum question on the ballot within two years
    19     after the effective date of this chapter, the electors of the
    20     school district may:
    21             (i)  Circulate a petition which, if signed by
    22         electors comprising [2%] 5% of the number of electors
    23         voting for the office of Governor in the last
    24         gubernatorial election in the school district and filed
    25         with the election officials and submitted to the
    26         governing body thereof, shall require the governing body
    27         to establish a local tax study commission. The provisions
    28         under paragraph (2)(v), (vi), (vii), (viii) (ix) and (x)
    29         shall not apply to this subparagraph.
    30             (ii)  If the local tax study commission makes a
    20020H2659B3908                  - 6 -

     1         recommendation to levy the earned income and net profits
     2         tax under this chapter and the governing body fails to
     3         place the recommendation or other alternative of the
     4         governing body authorized under this chapter on the
     5         ballot in accordance with this chapter at the next
     6         municipal election occurring at least 90 days after the
     7         submission of the recommendation to the governing body, a
     8         petition under this paragraph may be circulated. If the
     9         petition is signed by the electors comprising [5%] 10% of
    10         the number of electors voting for the office of Governor
    11         in the last gubernatorial election in the school district
    12         and filed with election officials at least 90 days prior
    13         to the next municipal election, the petition shall compel
    14         the election officials to place the recommendation upon
    15         the ballot at the next municipal election occurring at
    16         least 90 days after the filing of the petition.
    17         (2)  The following requirements shall apply to the
    18     process under paragraph (1):
    19             (i)  The name and street address of each elector
    20         signing the petition and of the person filing the
    21         petition shall be clearly stated on the petition. The
    22         petition shall include an affidavit of the circulator
    23         that he or she is a qualified elector of the school
    24         district referred to in the petition; that the signers
    25         signed with full knowledge of the contents of the
    26         petition; that the signers' residences are correctly
    27         stated; and that, to the best of the circulator's
    28         knowledge and belief, the signers are qualified electors.
    29             (ii)  The election officials shall, within ten days
    30         after filing, review the petition as to the number and
    20020H2659B3908                  - 7 -

     1         qualifications of signers. If the petition appears to be
     2         defective, the election officials shall immediately
     3         notify the person filing the petition of the defect and
     4         may reject the petition if warranted.
     5             (iii)  The petition as submitted to the election
     6         officials, along with the list of signatories, shall be
     7         open to public inspection in the office of the election
     8         officials.
     9             (iv)  If the election officials find that the
    10         petition as submitted is in proper order, they shall send
    11         copies of the petition without signatures thereon to the
    12         governing body involved.
    13             (v)  The procedure for the referendum shall be
    14         governed by the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320),
    15         known as the Pennsylvania Election Code.
    16             (vi)  If the election officials find the petition
    17         meets the requirements of this chapter, they shall place
    18         the proposal on the ballot in a manner fairly
    19         representing the content of the petition for decision by
    20         referendum at the proper election.
    21             (vii)  The election officials shall certify the date
    22         for the referendum and shall notify the governing body at
    23         least 30 days prior to such date.
    24             (viii)  At least 30 days' notice of the referendum
    25         shall be given by proclamation of the governing body. A
    26         copy of the proclamation shall be posted at each polling
    27         place on the day of the election and shall be published
    28         once in at least one newspaper of general circulation
    29         which is distributed within the school district during
    30         the 30-day period prior to the election.
    20020H2659B3908                  - 8 -

     1             (ix)  Approval of a referendum shall be by majority
     2         vote of those voting in the school district involved.
     3             (x)  The election officials shall certify the results
     4         of the referendum to the governing body.
     5     (e)  School districts located in more than one county.--
     6         (1)  In the event a school district is located in more
     7     than one county, petitions under this section shall be filed
     8     with the election officials of the county wherein the
     9     administrative offices of the school district are located.
    10         (2)  The election officials receiving a petition shall be
    11     responsible for all administrative functions in reviewing and
    12     certifying the validity of the petition and for making all
    13     necessary communications with the school district.
    14         (3)  If the election officials of the county receiving
    15     the petition certify that it is sufficient under this subpart
    16     and determine that a question should be placed upon the
    17     ballot, such decision shall be communicated to election
    18     officials in any other county in which the school district is
    19     also located. Election officials in the other county or
    20     counties shall cooperate with election officials of the
    21     county receiving the petition to insure that an identical
    22     question is placed on the ballot at the same election
    23     throughout the entire school district.
    24         (4)  Election officials from each county involved shall
    25     independently certify the results from their county to the
    26     governing body.
    27  § 8704.  Public referendum requirements for increasing property
    28             taxes previously reduced.
    29     (a)  General rule.--[Except as provided in subsections (c)
    30  and (d), a] A governing body that elects to levy an earned
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     1  income and net profits tax under this chapter pursuant to
     2  section 8703(a) (relating to adoption of referendum) shall not
     3  increase the rate of its tax on real property without
     4  advertising its intention to adopt a resolution increasing the
     5  rate of its tax on real property once a week for three weeks
     6  pursuant to the notice and public hearing requirements in
     7  section 4 of the Local Tax Enabling Act and, except as provided
     8  in subsections (c) and (d), first obtaining the approval of the
     9  electorate of the affected school district in a referendum [at
    10  the primary election immediately preceding the fiscal year of
    11  the proposed tax increase] if required under subsection (a.1).
    12     (a.1)  Referendum.--The electors of a school district may
    13  petition the governing body of the school district to require
    14  approval of the electorate of the affected school district in a
    15  public referendum for any increase in the rate of real property
    16  tax beyond the rate provided for in subsections (c) and (d). A
    17  school district proposing such an increase shall, upon first
    18  advertising its intention to adopt a resolution increasing the
    19  rate of its tax on real property, prepare and hold open a
    20  petition to require a referendum in a designated office of the
    21  school district to be available for signing by qualified
    22  electors of the school district. The petition shall be available
    23  for signing during the normal business hours of the school
    24  district for a period of two weeks. In addition, the petition
    25  shall be made available for signing at least three additional
    26  hours on each of the two evenings prior to the signing deadline.
    27  Notice of the petition, the date and times for signing and its
    28  location shall be included in the advertisement required in
    29  subsection (a). If the petition is signed by electors comprising
    30  5% of the number of electors voting for the office of Governor
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     1  in the last gubernatorial election in the school district, the
     2  governing body of the school district shall not be permitted to
     3  increase the rate of its tax on real property, except as
     4  provided in subsections (c) and (d), without first obtaining the
     5  approval of the electorate of the affected school district in a
     6  referendum.
     7     (b)  Disapproval.--Whenever the electorate fails to approve
     8  the proposed referendum question to increase the rate of tax on
     9  real property under subsection [(a)] (a.1), the governing body
    10  shall be [limited to the rate of tax in effect prior to the
    11  referendum.] compelled to repeal the resolution increasing the
    12  rate of tax on real property for the next fiscal year. Nothing
    13  in this subsection shall be construed as prohibiting the
    14  governing body from increasing the rate of tax on real property
    15  pursuant to subsections (c) and (d).
    16     (c)  Exception to general rule.--The provisions of subsection
    17  [(a)] (a.1) shall not apply to an increase in the rate of the
    18  real property tax that does not cause [local tax revenue,
    19  excluding real property taxes to be levied on newly constructed
    20  buildings or structures or on increased valuations based on new
    21  improvements made to existing houses, to increase by more than
    22  the percentage increase in the Statewide average weekly wage in
    23  the preceding year. Prior to any increase under this subsection,
    24  the governing body must certify to the court of common pleas in
    25  the judicial district in which the governing body is located the
    26  estimates of total local tax revenues used in the calculation
    27  under this subsection.] per-student school district revenue to
    28  increase by more than the percentage increase in the Statewide
    29  average weekly wage in the preceding year. For the purposes of
    30  this paragraph, per-student school district revenue shall be
    20020H2659B3908                 - 11 -

     1  determined by adding together local tax revenues, Federal and
     2  State funding and dividing the total by the average daily
     3  membership of a school district as defined by the act of March
     4  10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of
     5  1949. Prior to any increase under this subsection, the governing
     6  body must certify to the court of common pleas in the judicial
     7  district in which the governing body is located the estimates of
     8  total local tax revenues, Federal and State funding and student
     9  enrollment used in the calculations under this subsection. The
    10  court may, on its own motion or on petition of a person having
    11  standing under subsection (f), revise the estimates certified by
    12  the governing body and reduce the allowable increase in the rate
    13  of the real property tax under this subsection.
    14     (d)  Referendum exceptions.--The provisions of subsection
    15  [(a)] (a.1) shall not apply to increases in the rate of tax on
    16  real property in this subsection only if the exception to the
    17  general rule under subsection (c) has been utilized, if
    18  applicable, to the maximum amount allowed:
    19         (1)  To respond to or recover from an emergency or
    20     disaster declared pursuant to 35 Pa.C.S. § 7301 (relating to
    21     general authority of Governor) or 75 Pa.C.S. § 6108 (relating
    22     to power of Governor during emergency), only for the duration
    23     of the emergency or disaster and for the costs of the
    24     recovery from the emergency or disaster.
    25         (2)  To implement a court order or an administrative
    26     order from a Federal or State agency that requires the
    27     expenditure of funds that exceed current available revenues.
    28     The rate increase shall be rescinded following fulfillment of
    29     the court order or administrative order.
    30         (3)  To pay interest and principal on any indebtedness
    20020H2659B3908                 - 12 -

     1     incurred under Subpart B (relating to indebtedness and
     2     borrowing). However, in no case may a school district incur
     3     additional debt under this paragraph, except for the
     4     refinancing of existing debt, including the payment of costs
     5     and expenses related to such refinancing and the
     6     establishment or funding of appropriate debt service
     7     reserves. The increase shall be rescinded following the final
     8     payment of interest and principal. The exception provided
     9     under this paragraph shall not be used to avoid referendum
    10     requirements to pay for costs which could not be financed by
    11     the issuance of debt under Subpart B.
    12         (4)  To respond to conditions that pose an immediate
    13     threat of serious physical harm or injury to the students,
    14     staff or residents of the school district until the
    15     circumstances causing the threat have been fully resolved.
    16         (5)  Special purpose tax levies approved by the
    17     electorate.
    18         (6)  [To maintain per-student local tax revenue in the
    19     school district at an amount not exceeding the amount of per-
    20     student local tax revenue at the level of the preceding year,
    21     adjusted for the percentage increase in the Statewide average
    22     weekly wage. This paragraph shall apply only if the
    23     percentage growth in student enrollment in the school
    24     district between the current fiscal year and the third fiscal
    25     year immediately preceding the current fiscal year exceeds
    26     10%. For the purposes of this paragraph, student enrollment
    27     shall be measured by average daily membership as defined by
    28     the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the
    29     Public School Code of 1949. For the purposes of this
    30     paragraph, per-student local tax revenue shall be determined
    20020H2659B3908                 - 13 -

     1     by dividing local tax revenue by average daily membership.]
     2     To implement a statutory or regulatory requirement imposed by
     3     the Federal or State government and for the first time
     4     affecting the school district.
     5     (e)  Court action.--Prior to the imposition of the tax
     6  increase under subsection (d)(1), (2), (4) or (6), approval is
     7  required by the court of common pleas in the judicial district
     8  in which the governing body is located. The governing body shall
     9  publish in a newspaper of general circulation a notice of its
    10  intent to file an action under this subsection at least one week
    11  prior to the filing of the petition. The governing body shall
    12  also publish in a newspaper of general circulation notice, as
    13  soon as possible following notification from the court that a
    14  hearing has been scheduled, stating the date, time and place of
    15  the hearing on the petition. The following shall apply to any
    16  proceedings instituted under this subsection:
    17         (1)  The governing body must prove by clear and
    18     convincing evidence the necessity for the tax increase.
    19         (2)  The governing body must prove by clear and
    20     convincing evidence that there are no assets or other
    21     feasible alternatives available to the school district.
    22         (3)  The court shall determine the appropriate duration
    23     of the increase and may retain continuing jurisdiction. The
    24     court may, on its own motion or on petition of an interested
    25     party, revoke approval for or order rescission of a tax
    26     increase.
    27     (f)  Standing.--A person shall have standing as a party to a
    28  proceeding under this section as long as the person resides
    29  within or pays real property taxes to the taxing jurisdiction of
    30  the governing body instituting the action.
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     1  § 8705.  Local tax study commission.
     2     (a)  Appointment.--A governing body may appoint a local tax
     3  study commission.
     4     (b)  Membership.--The local tax study commission shall
     5  consist of at least five but not more than 11 members who are
     6  resident individuals or taxpayers of the school district and
     7  shall reflect the socioeconomic, age and occupational diversity
     8  of the school district to the extent possible.
     9         (1)  Except for paragraph (2), no member shall be an
    10     official or employee, or a relative thereof, of the school
    11     district.
    12         (2)  One member may be a member of the governing body.
    13     (c)  Staff and expenses.--The governing body shall provide
    14  necessary and reasonable support staff and shall reimburse the
    15  members of the local tax study commission for necessary and
    16  reasonable expenses in the discharge of their duties.
    17     (d)  Contents of study.--The local tax study commission shall
    18  study the existing taxes levied, assessed and collected by the
    19  school district and their effect. The local tax study commission
    20  shall determine how the tax policies of the school district
    21  could be improved by the levy, assessment and collection of the
    22  taxes authorized pursuant to this chapter. The study shall
    23  include, but not be limited to, consideration of all of the
    24  following:
    25         (1)  Historic and present rates of and revenue from taxes
    26     currently levied, assessed and collected.
    27         (2)  The age, income, employment and property use
    28     characteristics of the existing tax base.
    29         (3)  Projected revenues of taxes currently levied,
    30     assessed and collected, including taxes authorized and taxes
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     1     not levied under this chapter.
     2     (e)  Recommendation.--[Within 90 days of its appointment, the
     3  local tax study commission shall] The governing body shall
     4  establish a deadline for the local tax study commission to
     5  conduct its study and make a nonbinding recommendation to the
     6  governing body regarding the imposition of an earned income and
     7  net profits tax to be levied, assessed and collected commencing
     8  the next fiscal year. The deadline for the recommendation shall
     9  be no later than 150 days before the next municipal election.
    10  Except as provided in subsection (f), if the governing body
    11  appoints a commission, the earned income and net profits tax
    12  authorized under this chapter may not be levied, assessed or
    13  collected until receipt of the recommendation. No later than 90
    14  days prior to the next municipal election occurring at least 150
    15  days after the submission of the recommendation, the governing
    16  body shall accept or reject the recommendation of the local tax
    17  study commission or adopt an alternative proposal authorized
    18  under this chapter.
    19     (f)  Failure to issue a recommendation.--If the local tax
    20  study commission fails to make a recommendation under subsection
    21  (e), the governing body may adopt a proposal authorized under
    22  this chapter.
    23     (g)  Public distribution of report.--The local tax study
    24  commission shall publish a final report of its findings and
    25  recommendation and deliver the report to the governing body. The
    26  governing body shall supply copies to any interested persons
    27  upon request.
    28     (h)  Materials.--All records of the local tax study
    29  commission shall be available for public inspection during the
    30  regular business hours of the school district.
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     1     (i)  Definitions.--As used in this section, the term
     2  "relative" means a spouse, parent, sibling, child, stepchild, or
     3  the spouse of the parent, sibling, child or stepchild.
     4     Section 2.  Title 53 is amended by adding a section to read:
     5  § 8707.  Continuity of homestead exclusion.
     6     A homestead exclusion created under this chapter shall
     7  continue in full force and effect and not be diminished unless a
     8  governing body elects to end participation in accordance with
     9  section 8703 (relating to adoption of referendum) and obtains
    10  the approval of the electorate of the affected school district.
    11     Section 3.  Section 8717 of Title 53 is amended to read:
    12  § 8717.  Disposition of earned income and net profits tax
    13             revenue.
    14     The disposition of revenue from an earned income and net
    15  profits tax or an increase in the rate of an earned income and
    16  net profits tax imposed by school districts under the authority
    17  of this chapter shall occur in the following manner:
    18         (1)  For the fiscal year of implementation of a newly
    19     imposed income tax, all earned income and net profits tax
    20     revenue received by a school district shall be used first to
    21     offset any lost revenue to the school district from the taxes
    22     prohibited under section 8701(b) (relating to general tax
    23     authorization) in an amount equal to the revenue collected
    24     from the prohibited taxes in section 8701(b) in the preceding
    25     fiscal year; second, to provide for an increase in budgeted
    26     revenues over the preceding fiscal year in accordance with
    27     the amount specified in the referendum question approved by
    28     the voters under section 8703 (relating to adoption of
    29     referendum); [and] third, to reduce the school district real
    30     property tax [in the following order:
    20020H2659B3908                 - 17 -

     1             (i)  By means of an exclusion for homestead property
     2         pursuant to section 8583 (relating to exclusion for
     3         homestead property).
     4             (ii)  By means of a reduction in the millage rate
     5         after the limit on the exclusion for homestead property
     6         has been reached under section 8586 (relating to
     7         limitations).] by means of an exclusion for homestead
     8         property pursuant to section 8583; and fourth, any or a
     9         combination of the following, at the discretion of the
    10         board of school directors:
    11             (i)  to reduce the school district real property tax
    12         by means of a reduction in the millage rate;
    13             (ii)  to reduce the outstanding debt of the school
    14         district; or
    15             (iii)  to create a designated budgetary reserve to
    16         provide funds to sustain the level of the homestead
    17         exclusion in subsequent years as additional parcels are
    18         approved for the homestead exclusion.
    19         (2)  For the fiscal year of implementation of an increase
    20     in the rate of the existing earned income and net profits tax
    21     imposed under this chapter, all revenue received by a school
    22     district directly attributable to the increased rate shall be
    23     used to reduce the school district real property tax in the
    24     following order:
    25             (i)  By means of an exclusion for homestead property
    26         pursuant to section 8583.
    27             (ii)  By means of a reduction in the millage rate
    28         after the limit on the exclusion for homestead property
    29         has been reached under section 8586.
    30     Section 4.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.
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