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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 4048



No. 2664 Session of 2006

           MAY 3, 2006


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for the establishment of the Manufactured Housing
     2     Hearing Board and providing for its membership, powers and
     3     duties and for a Manufactured Housing Ombudsman and fixing
     4     the powers and duties of the ombudsman; and establishing a
     5     restricted account.

     6                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     7  Section 1.  Short title.
     8  Section 2.  Legislative purpose.
     9  Section 3.  Definitions.
    10  Section 4.  Manufactured Housing Hearing Board.
    11  Section 5.  Manufactured Housing Ombudsman.
    12  Section 6.  Informal disposition before ombudsman.
    13  Section 7.  Petition for hearing.
    14  Section 8.  Hearing procedure before board.
    15  Section 9.  Appeal.
    16  Section 10.  Public access.
    17  Section 11.  Resident notification.
    18  Section 12.  Restricted account.
    19  Section 13.  Construction of act.

     1  Section 14.  Funding.
     2  Section 15.  Effective date.
     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby enacts as follows:
     5  Section 1.  Short title.
     6     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Manufactured
     7  Housing Ombudsman and Hearing Board Act.
     8  Section 2.  Legislative purpose.
     9     An increasing number of citizens of this Commonwealth live in
    10  manufactured homes, and many of these citizens reside in
    11  manufactured housing communities. Because of the growing number
    12  of problems and complaints dealing with various aspects of
    13  living in manufactured housing communities and because of the
    14  unique nature of manufactured housing and the difficulty in
    15  relocating manufactured housing, it is necessary to designate a
    16  Manufactured Housing Ombudsman and Manufactured Housing Hearing
    17  Board to resolve the problems and complaints involving residents
    18  and owners of manufactured housing communities. In addition, the
    19  establishment of the Manufactured Housing Ombudsman will assist
    20  in a more equitable and expeditious implementation of the act of
    21  November 24, 1976 (P.L.1176, No.261), known as the Mobile Home
    22  Park Rights Act.
    23  Section 3.  Definitions.
    24     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    25  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    26  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    27     "Board."  The Manufactured Housing Hearing Board established
    28  under section 4.
    29     "Comparable manufactured housing community."  A manufactured
    30  housing community with similar facilities, services, amenities
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     1  and management.
     2     "Manufactured housing."  A transportable, single-family
     3  dwelling unit which contains plumbing, heating or cooling and
     4  electrical systems intended for permanent occupancy, is
     5  constructed as a single unit or as two or more units designed to
     6  be joined into one integral unit, is built on a permanent
     7  chassis and is designed to be used as a dwelling with or without
     8  a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities.
     9     "Manufactured housing community."  A site, lot, field or
    10  tract of land, privately or publicly owned or operated, upon
    11  which three or more manufactured homes, occupied for dwelling or
    12  sleeping purposes, are or are intended to be located, regardless
    13  of whether or not a charge is made for such accommodation.
    14     "Manufactured housing resident."  An owner of a manufactured
    15  home who leases or rents space in a manufactured housing
    16  community. The term does not include a person who rents or
    17  leases a manufactured home.
    18     "Ombudsman."  The Manufactured Housing Ombudsman established
    19  under section 5.
    20     "Respondent."  The person against whom the original complaint
    21  is directed.
    22     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Community and Economic
    23  Development of the Commonwealth.
    24     "Unreasonable."  Not fair, proper, just, moderate or suitable
    25  under the circumstances or fit or appropriate to the end in
    26  view.
    27  Section 4.  Manufactured Housing Hearing Board.
    28     (a)  Establishment.--The Manufactured Housing Hearing Board
    29  is established as an independent quasi-judicial agency.
    30     (b)  Members.--The board shall consist of seven members. Two
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     1  members shall be members of the Pennsylvania Manufactured
     2  Housing Association; two members shall be members of the
     3  Pennsylvania Manufactured Home Owners of America, Inc.; one
     4  member shall be the Attorney General or his or her designee; one
     5  member shall be the Secretary of Community and Economic
     6  Development or the secretary's designee; and one member shall be
     7  the Secretary of Environmental Protection or the secretary's
     8  designee. The Governor shall appoint two members of the
     9  Pennsylvania Manufactured Housing Association and two members of
    10  the Pennsylvania Manufactured Home Owners of America, Inc., from
    11  a list of three names submitted by each organization to the
    12  Governor.
    13     (c)  Chairman.--The board shall designate one member of the
    14  board to serve as chairman.
    15     (d)  Terms.--A member of the board shall serve for a term of
    16  five years or until a successor is appointed and qualified
    17  within six months of the expiration of the original term. Board
    18  members may be reappointed to one additional term.
    19     (e)  Compensation.--Board members shall receive a daily per
    20  diem of $60. In addition, all members shall be reimbursed for
    21  actual and reasonable expenses for travel, lodging and meals
    22  incurred in the performance of their official duties.
    23     (f)  Meetings.--The board shall meet every 60 days or as
    24  often as is necessary to implement the provisions of this act,
    25  and the meetings may be rotated between Pittsburgh,
    26  Philadelphia, Scranton and Harrisburg as feasible to facilitate
    27  the attendance of those having appeals pending before the board.
    28     (g)  Administrative decisions.--The board shall assist the
    29  ombudsman with respect to deciding the need for and location of
    30  field offices, which may include, if space is available,
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     1  location within the current regional offices of the Office of
     2  Attorney General or the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission.
     3  The ombudsman field offices shall maintain their separateness
     4  from the Office of Attorney General and the Pennsylvania Human
     5  Relations Commission.
     6  Section 5.  Manufactured Housing Ombudsman.
     7     (a)  Establishment.--There is hereby established, under the
     8  Office of the Governor, the Manufactured Housing Ombudsman to
     9  investigate and resolve complaints and disputes involving
    10  manufactured housing.
    11     (b)  Appointment.--The position of ombudsman shall be a full-
    12  time position. The ombudsman shall be appointed by the board.
    13     (c)  Compensation.--The compensation of the ombudsman shall
    14  be fixed by the board but in no case shall it exceed the average
    15  annual compensation paid to all cabinet secretaries.
    16     (d)  Powers and duties.--The ombudsman shall have the
    17  following powers and duties:
    18         (1)  (i)  To investigate and resolve complaints and
    19         disputes between residents and community owners related
    20         to manufactured housing concerning the following:
    21                 (A)  Disputes over the interpretation of
    22             provisions contained in the act of November 24, 1976
    23             (P.L.1176, No.261), known as the Mobile Home Park
    24             Rights Act.
    25                 (B)  Disputes over the approval of a prospective
    26             purchaser of an existing manufactured home owned by a
    27             resident.
    28                 (C)  The reasonableness of rules and regulations
    29             promulgated by manufactured housing community owners
    30             pursuant to the Mobile Home Park Rights Act.
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     1                 (D)  Environmental concerns, including, but not
     2             limited to, the provision of safe drinking water and
     3             proper sewage disposal.
     4                 (E)  Interpretation of provisions of lease
     5             agreements.
     6                 (F)  The reasonableness of proposed rent
     7             increases.
     8                 (G)  The reasonableness of pending eviction
     9             procedures.
    10             (ii)  The decision of the ombudsman shall be final
    11         and binding on all parties unless appealed to the board
    12         as provided for in section 9. Once an investigation has
    13         been initiated by the ombudsman concerning a complaint
    14         filed, any rent increase, proposed rule or regulation or
    15         eviction proceeding shall be stayed pending a final
    16         decision by the ombudsman which shall occur within a 90-
    17         day period. If a rent increase is determined to be
    18         unreasonable by the ombudsman, which decision shall occur
    19         within 90 days following receipt of the complaint, the
    20         owner of the manufactured housing community shall refund
    21         to each resident affected the increased amount paid which
    22         was determined to be unreasonable, or credit the resident
    23         with an equal amount of the rent due within 90 days.
    24         Should the decision be appealed to the board, the board
    25         shall make a final decision within 60 days after the
    26         appeal has been received by the board. Copies of all
    27         decisions of the ombudsman shall be forwarded to the
    28         Office of Attorney General.
    29             (iii)  When making a determination as to the
    30         reasonableness of a proposed rent increase, the ombudsman
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     1         may consider the following:
     2                 (A)  Rents charged by comparable manufactured
     3             housing communities within the same competitive
     4             geographic area.
     5                 (B)  Actual cost data relative to improvements
     6             made or to be made to the manufactured housing
     7             community when it is used as a justification for the
     8             proposed rent increase including improvements to
     9             sewer and water facilities and services.
    10                 (C)  Historical evidence of improvements made to
    11             that manufactured housing community previously when
    12             rents were increased.
    13                 (D)  Evidence of fixed operating expense
    14             increases to include real estate taxes, utility
    15             bills, insurance and other similar expenses.
    16         (2)  To initiate any legal proceeding before any Federal,
    17     State or county court necessary to protect the rights of
    18     manufactured housing residents or community owners and to
    19     represent the residents, community owners or both before the
    20     court in any such proceeding.
    21         (3)  To initiate any proceeding before any Federal, State
    22     or local agency necessary to protect the rights of
    23     manufactured housing residents or community owners and to
    24     represent the residents, community owners or both in any such
    25     proceeding.
    26         (4)  (i)  To disseminate necessary information to the
    27         public concerning information they should review prior to
    28         the purchase of manufactured housing or leasing space in
    29         a manufactured community. This shall include, but shall
    30         not be limited to, the preparation of a brief statement
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     3         COMMUNITY." Following the title shall appear a brief
     4         summary of the key facts of which anyone contemplating
     5         purchasing a manufactured home or leasing space in a
     6         manufactured housing community should be aware. The
     7         notice, including the title, shall be in ten-point
     8         boldface print and signs and visual symbols shall be used
     9         as appropriate to facilitate the understanding of the
    10         information by readers. A copy of the statement shall be
    11         provided by:
    12                 (A)  Manufactured housing dealers or others
    13             licensed in this Commonwealth under the act of
    14             December 22, 1983 (P.L.306, No.84), known as the
    15             Board of Vehicles Act, to a prospective purchaser of
    16             a new manufactured home at the time of purchase.
    17                 (B)  Anyone licensed under the Board of Vehicles
    18             Act, or any real estate salesperson or broker
    19             licensed under the act of February 19, 1980 (P.L.15,
    20             No.9), known as the Real Estate Licensing and
    21             Registration Act, to a prospective purchaser of a
    22             pre-owned manufactured home at the time the purchaser
    23             signs an agreement of sale.
    24                 (C)  Manufactured housing community owners or
    25             managers, to a prospective lessee at least 48 hours
    26             before the lessee signs a lease for space in a
    27             manufactured housing community operated in this
    28             Commonwealth.
    29             (ii)  The ombudsman shall, within 90 days of the
    30         effective date of this act, forward a copy of the
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     1         statement under subparagraph (i) to anyone licensed to
     2         sell manufactured housing in this Commonwealth, as well
     3         as to all owners or managers of manufactured housing
     4         communities, along with a copy of this act and a notice
     5         of their responsibilities pursuant to this section.
     6         Failure to receive a copy of this act and notification
     7         from the ombudsman, as required by this section, shall
     8         not relieve anyone of his responsibilities under this
     9         section.
    10         (5)  To educate the public concerning the powers and
    11     duties of the ombudsman and the services available.
    12     (e)  Staff.--The ombudsman shall work closely and
    13  cooperatively with the Office of Attorney General, and, in
    14  addition to staff support from the Office of General Counsel,
    15  the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission and other
    16  appropriate State agencies, the board may appoint attorneys as
    17  assistants and such additional clerical, technical and
    18  professional staff as may be appropriate and may contract for
    19  such additional services as are necessary to implement the
    20  provisions of this act. The compensation of assistants and
    21  clerical, technical and professional staff shall be set by the
    22  board. An assistant or other staff employee shall not, while
    23  serving in such position, engage in any business, vocation or
    24  other employment involving manufactured housing or have other
    25  interests involving manufactured housing inconsistent with his
    26  official responsibilities.
    27  Section 6.  Informal disposition before ombudsman.
    28     (a)  General rule.--A person who rents or owns manufactured
    29  housing which is located on land in a manufactured housing
    30  community for which a ground rental fee is paid, or any owner or
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     1  manager of a manufactured housing community, may contact the
     2  ombudsman to investigate his complaint.
     3     (b)  Complaint form.--The ombudsman shall prepare a
     4  standardized complaint form to be used by an individual or group
     5  of individuals filing a complaint. There shall be no charge to
     6  file a complaint with the ombudsman. The form shall include, but
     7  shall not be limited to:
     8         (1)  A list of the complaints.
     9         (2)  The notarized signature of the individual or
    10     individuals filing the complaint.
    11         (3)  The address and telephone number of the individual
    12     or individuals filing the complaint.
    13         (4)  The name, address and telephone number of all
    14     parties involved in the complaint.
    15     (c)  Response.--On receipt of the complaint form, the
    16  ombudsman shall send to the named respondent, by certified mail,
    17  a copy of the complaint, along with a notice that a response is
    18  required showing cause, if any, why the complaint should be
    19  dismissed.
    20     (d)  Review.--After reviewing the complaint and response, the
    21  ombudsman or his staff shall promptly investigate the complaint,
    22  including complaints involving proposed rent increases, and try
    23  to mediate the dispute. The ombudsman shall render a decision on
    24  all complaints filed within 30 days of receipt of the complaint.
    25     (e)  Decision of ombudsman.--
    26         (1)  The ombudsman, after the investigation of a
    27     complaint, may determine that there is no factual basis to
    28     support the complaint and shall so notify all parties.
    29         (2)  If a complaint is substantiated, the ombudsman may
    30     make a recommendation, with respect to resolving the dispute,
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     1     to which all parties may voluntarily agree.
     2         (3)  In the absence of the voluntary acceptance of the
     3     recommendations of the ombudsman by all parties to resolve a
     4     dispute when a complaint is substantiated, the ombudsman
     5     shall issue an order setting forth the appropriate actions to
     6     be taken by all parties to the dispute. This order shall have
     7     the effect of law, and the ombudsman may go to court to
     8     enforce the order, provided the order is not overturned by
     9     the board on appeal.
    10     (f)  Appeal to board.--If aggrieved by the decision of the
    11  ombudsman, the individual or individuals filing the complaint,
    12  or the respondent, may appeal the order of the ombudsman to the
    13  board. In the case of a complaint involving a proposed rent
    14  increase, the board shall hear the case within 30 days of
    15  receipt of the petition for a hearing.
    16  Section 7.  Petition for hearing.
    17     (a)  Form.--The ombudsman shall prepare a standardized
    18  petition form to be used by an individual or individuals who
    19  wish to appeal an order of the ombudsman to the board.
    20     (b)  Fee.--A filing fee of $200 shall accompany each petition
    21  filed with the ombudsman for a hearing before the board. If the
    22  board finds in favor of the original party or parties filing the
    23  complaint, the respondent shall be responsible for the payment
    24  of the required $200 filing fee.
    25  Section 8.  Hearing procedure before board.
    26     (a)  General rule.--Upon receiving a petition for a hearing
    27  and the accompanying filing fee, the chairman of the board shall
    28  set a time and place for a hearing and shall give the parties
    29  reasonable notice of the date, time and location of the hearing.
    30  A notice of each hearing shall also be provided to the Office of
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     1  Attorney General.
     2     (b)  Proceedings.--All hearings shall be conducted under 2
     3  Pa.C.S. Ch. 5 (relating to practice and procedure). Either party
     4  to a hearing may present witnesses on his behalf, in person or
     5  by deposition, on making a request to the board and designating
     6  the person or persons, as well as records and papers, requested
     7  to be subpoenaed, and may request that a written transcript of
     8  the hearing be taken and made upon payment of the cost of the
     9  transcript. Subpoenas may be enforced in Commonwealth Court,
    10  which, after a hearing, may judge in contempt or make another
    11  appropriate order. For the purpose of the hearing, the board has
    12  the powers vested in the officers by section 502 of the act of
    13  April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative
    14  Code of 1929, which secures the power to inspect, examine,
    15  secure data or information or procure assistance from any
    16  department, board or committee. The board may cause the
    17  deposition of witnesses in or outside of this Commonwealth to be
    18  taken as prescribed by law for depositions in civil cases.
    19     (c)  Inspection.--Either party or his authorized agent may
    20  inspect any file that pertains to the hearing if such
    21  authorization is filed in writing with the ombudsman.
    22     (d)  Decision.--The board shall render a decision based on
    23  evidence given within seven calendar days of the hearing, and
    24  the decision of the board shall be final and binding on all
    25  parties unless appealed to the Commonwealth Court as provided
    26  for by section 9. A copy of each decision shall be forwarded to
    27  the Office of Attorney General.
    28  Section 9.  Appeal.
    29     Within 20 days after service of notice of the decision of the
    30  board, a person aggrieved by a decision of the board may apply
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     1  for an appeal in Commonwealth Court.
     2  Section 10.  Public access.
     3     There shall be a toll-free telephone number established by
     4  the ombudsman for public use regarding inquiries on the services
     5  available from the ombudsman, including, but not limited to, the
     6  procedures for filing a complaint and making an appeal to the
     7  board. This telephone number shall be included on all
     8  information required to be given to the public under section
     9  5(d)(4)(i).
    10  Section 11.  Resident notification.
    11     It shall be the responsibility of every owner of a
    12  manufactured housing community, within 30 days of the effective
    13  date of this act, to provide each resident of the manufactured
    14  housing community with a copy of this act and the information
    15  required to be given under section 5(d)(4)(i) and to maintain
    16  one copy of this act at a convenient location within the
    17  community for review by residents. In addition, all lessees in
    18  the community shall be provided with a copy of this act and the
    19  information required to be given under section 5(d)(4)(i) by the
    20  owners of the manufactured housing community at least 48 hours
    21  before a lessee signs a lease. At the time of the signing of the
    22  lease, the lessor shall provide signed notice that he or she has
    23  given all of the information under this section which shall be
    24  acknowledged in writing by the lessee, and a copy of this
    25  written notification shall be given to the lessee by the lessor.
    26  Section 12.  Restricted account.
    27     There is hereby established within the State Treasury a
    28  restricted account, into which shall be deposited all annual
    29  manufactured housing community registration fees collected by
    30  the Department of Community and Economic Development, any
    20060H2664B4048                 - 13 -     

     1  appropriation and all fees paid to the board. The moneys in this
     2  account are appropriated for the operation of the ombudsman and
     3  the board in such amounts as the General Assembly may designate.
     4  These moneys may be used only for this purpose.
     5  Section 13.  Construction of act.
     6     Nothing in this act shall be construed to contradict or
     7  interfere with the rights of consumers as provided for by the
     8  act of December 17, 1968 (P.L.1224, No.387), known as the Unfair
     9  Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Law.
    10  Section 14.  Funding.
    11     The funding of the operation of the office of the
    12  Manufactured Housing Ombudsman and the Manufactured Housing
    13  Hearing Board provided for by this act shall be provided by the
    14  annual filing fees required to accompany the annual registration
    15  of manufactured housing communities in this Commonwealth.
    16  Section 15.  Effective date.
    17     This act shall take effect in 30 days.

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