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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3716



No. 2675 Session of 1990

           D. R. WRIGHT, JUNE 13, 1990


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing capital budget projects for the State System of Higher
     2     Education; providing for debt authorization and bonds; and
     3     making an appropriation.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6  Section 1.  Short title.
     7     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Capital
     8  Budget for the State System of Higher Education Act.
     9  Section 2.  Total authorization.
    10     The total authorization for the additional capital projects
    11  in the category of public improvement projects itemized in
    12  section 3 and to be acquired or constructed by the State System
    13  of Higher Education or the Department of General Services, its
    14  successors or assigns, and to be financed by the incurring of
    15  debt, shall be $228,558,000.

     1  Section 3.  Itemization of public improvement projects.
     2     Additional capital projects in the category of public
     3  improvement projects to be acquired or constructed by the State
     4  System of Higher Education or the Department of General
     5  Services, its successors or assigns, and to be financed by the
     6  incurring of debt, are hereby itemized, together with their
     7  respective estimated financial costs, as follows:
     8                                                           Total
     9                                                          Project
    10             Project                                    Allocation
    11  (1)  State System of Higher Education                $44,074,000
    12     (i)  Bloomsburg University
    13         (A)  Replace steam lines-Phase II               3,923,000
    14         (B)  Renovation of Centennial Gymnasium         8,517,000
    15         (C)  Renovation of Navy Hall                    4,714,000
    16         (D)  Renovation of Ben Franklin Hall            3,790,000
    17         (E)  Replace chiller, Bakeless Hall               150,000
    18         (F)  Rehabilitation, Simon Hall                   350,000
    19         (G)  Renovate running track, Redman
    20             Stadium                                       200,000
    21         (H)  Reconstruction of campus parking
    22             areas                                         488,000
    23         (I)  Repairs to roadways and tennis courts        271,000
    24         (J)  Rehabilitation of conduit telephone
    25             data lines                                    141,000
    26     (ii)  California University
    27         (A)  Renovation of Steele Hall                  2,401,000
    28         (B)  Renovation of Coover Hall                  4,076,000
    29         (c)  Renovation of Dixon Hall                   7,654,000
    30         (D)  Renovation of Old Main                     5,323,000
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     1         (E)  Replace roof, Vulcan Hall                    100,000
     2         (F)  Replace windows, Noss Hall                   100,000
     3         (G)  Electrical upgrade, South Hall               135,000
     4         (H)  Replace roof, Herron Hall                    100,000
     5         (I)  Paving repairs                               425,000
     6         (J)  Replace univents, biology building           100,000
     7         (K)  Upgrade student crossing at railroad         160,000
     8     (iii)  Cheyney University
     9         (A)  Renovation of Vaux/Logan Hall              9,036,000
    10         (B)  Repair HVAC pneumatics, various
    11             buildings                                     100,000
    12     (iv)  Clarion University
    13         (A)  Renovation of steam lines                  3,432,000
    14         (B)  Upgrade building systems-5 buildings       1,645,000
    15         (C)  Renovation/addition to Carlson
    16             Building                                    9,360,000
    17         (D)  Restore science laboratories, Pierce
    18             Science Center                                150,000
    19         (E)  Renovate #1 boiler, power plant              100,000
    20         (F)  Renovate HVAC System, Marwick Boyd
    21             Fine Arts Center                              120,000
    22         (G)  Renovate football field                      300,000
    23         (H)  Renovate locker rooms, Tippin
    24             Gymnasium                                     100,000
    25         (I)  Renovate HVAC system, Tippin
    26             Gymnasium                                     150,000
    27         (J)  Paint interior, Tippin Gymnasium             100,000
    28         (K)  Renovate building ventilating system,
    29             Tippin Gymnasium                              100,000
    30     (v)  East Stroudsburg University
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     1         (A)  Renovation of Denike Center                2,680,000
     2         (B)  Renovation of Zimbar Gymnasium             2,921,000
     3         (C)  Renovation of Kochler Field House          5,125,000
     4         (D)  Renovation of auditorium                   1,616,000
     5         (E)  Renovation of electrical utility
     6             system                                      1,729,000
     7         (F)  Replace windows, Rosenkrans Hall             125,000
     8         (G)  Replace roofing system, Kemp Library         135,000
     9         (H)  Renovation of roadways and parking
    10             lots                                          260,000
    11         (I)  Renovation of campus storm water
    12             system                                        230,000
    13         (J)  Renovation of campus landscape
    14             features                                      200,000
    15     (v)  Edinboro University
    16         (A)  Rehabilitate campus drainage system          532,000
    17         (B)  Renovate bleachers, McComb Field
    18             House                                         755,000
    19         (C)  Renovate Memorial Auditorium               1,306,000
    20         (D)  Repair exterior masonry, Loveland
    21             Hall                                          300,000
    22         (E)  Repair/replace fume hoods, Cooper
    23             Hall                                          500,000
    24         (F)  Replace windows and insulate, Academy
    25             Hall                                          200,000
    26         (G)  Upgrade mechanical and lighting,
    27             Butterfield Hall                              250,000
    28         (H)  Refurbish interior surfaces, Heather
    29             Hall                                          100,000
    30         (I)  Upgrade mechanical systems, Heather
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     1             Hall                                          150,000
     2         (J)  Upgrade HVAC, Leader Clinic                  100,000
     3         (K)  Resurface parking lots                       500,000
     4         (L)  Replace exterior doors, campus wide          112,000
     5         (M)  Repair swimming pool and filtration,
     6             Crawford Hall                                 100,000
     7     (vi)  Indiana University
     8         (A)  Renovation of McElhaney Hall               4,834,000
     9         (B)  Renovation of Uhler Hall                   3,419,000
    10         (C)  Renovation of Clark Hall                   2,454,000
    11         (D)  Renovation of Stabley Library              4,767,000
    12         (E)  Renovation of Eicher Hall                  2,765,000
    13         (F)  Renovation/addition to Ackerman Hall       4,952,000
    14         (G)  Renovation/addition to Cogswell Hall       5,240,000
    15         (H)  Renovation of Keith Hall                   7,200,000
    16         (I)  Renovation of Leonard Hall                 5,865,000
    17         (J)  Repair ventilation system, Weyandt
    18             Hall                                          100,000
    19         (K)  Remove asbestos, Weyandt Hall                500,000
    20         (L)  Remove asbestos, Fischer Auditorium          300,000
    21         (M)  Install new electrical dimmer panel,
    22             Fisher Auditorium                             125,000
    23         (N)  Replace ceiling and ventilation
    24             system, Memorial Hall                         160,000
    25         (O)  Upgrade HVAC system, Memorial Hall           100,000
    26         (P)  Replace roof, Robertshaw Building            400,000
    27         (Q)  Repair/replace roofs, Walsh, Peirce
    28             and Sutton Halls                              200,000
    29         (R)  Upgrade ventilation system, Sprowls
    30             Hall                                          400,000
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     1         (S)  Replace air conditioning system, Davis
     2             Hall                                          250,000
     3         (T)  Paint exterior, Sutton Hall                  250,000
     4         (U)  Replace HVAC system, Sutton Hall           1,150,000
     5         (V)  Replace cooling tower, Pratt Hall            100,000
     6     (vii)  Kutztown University
     7         (A)  Renovation of Old Main Phase III           6,557,000
     8         (B)  Handicapped improvements Phase II            985,000
     9         (C)  Upgrade HVAC controls, 9 buildings           200,000
    10         (D)  Waterproof and treat brickwork,
    11             various buildings                             143,000
    12         (E)  Upgrade HVAC in Keystone Hall                100,000
    13         (F)  Paint academic buildings                     248,000
    14     (viii)  Lockhaven University
    15         (A)  Renovation of Himes Hall                     312,000
    16         (B)  Renovation of Rogers Gymnasium             1,326,000
    17         (C)  New roof, Ulmer Science Building             180,000
    18         (D)  Update science labs for codes and
    19             safety, Ulmer Science                         800,000
    20         (E)  Refurbish athletic fields, Jack
    21             Stadium                                       300,000
    22         (F)  Refurbish old boiler house and remove
    23             boilers                                       600,000
    24         (G)  Install pool dehumidifier, Zimmerli
    25             Gymnasium                                     250,000
    26         (H)  Remove asbestos, Zimmerli Gymnasium          200,000
    27         (I)  Reroof Zimmerli Gymnasium                    200,000
    28         (J)  Repair/replace roadway and sidewalks         200,000
    29         (K)  Repair parking areas                         295,000
    30         (L)  Install guardrails along roadways            150,000
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     1         (M)  Asbestos abatement, critical areas           102,000
     2         (N)  Paint interior/exterior, selected
     3             buildings                                     193,000
     4         (O)  Repair water/storm sewer lines
     5             campuswide                                    100,000
     6         (P)  Repair HVAC system, Sullivan Hall            145,000
     7         (Q)  Replace roof, Sloan Hall                     120,000
     8         (R)  Correct condensation problems, Sloan
     9             Hall                                          102,000
    10     (ix)  Mansfield University
    11         (A)  Renovation/replacement of Belknap
    12             Hall                                        3,415,000
    13         (B)  Renovation/replacement of Retan
    14             Center                                      3,280,000
    15         (C)  Renovation of Van Norman Complex           1,174,000
    16         (D)  Renovation of inst./recreational
    17             facility                                    1,793,000
    18         (E)  Repairs to HVAC system, Decker Gym           150,000
    19         (F)  Install new windows, Home Economics
    20             Center                                        115,000
    21         (G)  Convert heating system, Home Economics
    22             Center                                        235,000
    23         (H)  Install new windows, South Hall              100,000
    24         (I)  Road resurfacing/concrete work               246,000
    25     (x)  Millersville University
    26         (A)  Replace transformer, Breidenstine
    27             Hall                                          100,000
    28         (B)  Replace seats, Lyte Auditorium, Phase
    29             II                                            400,000
    30         (C)  Replace roof, Lyte Auditorium                140,000
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     1         (D)  Replace HVAC equipment, Wickersham
     2             Hall                                          250,000
     3         (E)  Replace Roddy fume system                    200,000
     4         (F)  Replace roof, McCamsey Hall                  150,000
     5         (G)  Replace HVAC system                          200,000
     6         (H)  Replace HVAC system, Gerhart Hall            175,000
     7     (xi)  Shippensburg University
     8         (A)  Renovate Horton Hall                       8,663,000
     9         (B)  Renovate Gilbert and Stewart Halls         3,450,000
    10         (C)  Replace floors, walls and cooling, Old
    11             Main                                          600,000
    12         (D)  Replace 4160V lines with 12KV lines          240,000
    13         (E)  Replace main switch gear (23 KV)             300,000
    14         (F)  Re-roof Rowland and Shearer Halls            285,000
    15         (G)  Install new electrical service,
    16             Rowland and Shearer Halls                     835,000
    17         (H)  Replace heating and air conditioning
    18             system, Rowland and Shearer Halls           1,300,000
    19         (I)  Replace plumbing fixtures, Rowland and
    20             Shearer Halls                                 100,000
    21         (J)  Replace doors and window system,
    22             Rowland and Shearer Halls                     500,000
    23         (K)  Replace electrical service, Memorial
    24             Auditorium                                  1,000,000
    25         (L)  Replace heating and air conditioning
    26             system, Memorial Auditorium                 1,325,000
    27         (M)  Replace window system, Memorial
    28             Auditorium                                    100,000
    29         (N)  Acoustically treat, Memorial
    30             Auditorium                                    250,000
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     1         (O)  Replace window systems, Henderson
     2             Gymnasium                                     100,000
     3         (P)  Replace electrical service, Henderson
     4             Gymnasium                                     425,000
     5         (Q)  Replace heating/air conditioning
     6             system, Henderson Gymnasium                   825,000
     7         (R)  Replace athletic floor, arena, Heiges
     8             Field House                                   250,000
     9         (S)  Replace moveable bleachers, Heiges
    10             Field House                                   350,000
    11         (T)  Replace visitors bleachers, Grove
    12             Stadium                                       115,000
    13         (U)  Replace Lehman Library carpeting             250,000
    14         (V)  Replace steam lines, Rowland Hall,
    15             Memorial Auditorium, Shippen Hall             250,000
    16         (W)  Replace press box, scorer's room,
    17             storeroom and bleachers, Robb Field           200,000
    18         (X)  Reconstruct roads/sidewalk, front
    19             campus                                        320,000
    20         (Y)  Rebuild road and parking facilities
    21             and walkways                                  690,000
    22         (Z)  Repaint Grove Stadium                        140,000
    23         (AA)  Replace vent/coil units, Franklin
    24             Science Center                                150,000
    25         (BB)  Renovate steam system, Martin House         125,000
    26         (CC)  Replace window system, Shippen Hall         125,000
    27         (DD)  Reinsulate steam tunnel's 12-inch
    28             steam line                                    120,000
    29         (EE)  Re-roof flat section, Kriner Hall           120,000
    30     (xii)  Slippery Rock University
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     1         (A)  Renovate Vincent Science Hall              8,329,000
     2         (B)  Renovate West Hall                         2,280,000
     3         (C)  Renovate McCay Education Building          5,074,000
     4         (D)  Renovate Morrow Field House               10,154,000
     5         (E)  Renovate gas conversion boilers #3 and
     6             #4, central boiler plant                      300,000
     7         (F)  Renovate substation, lower campus            100,000
     8         (G)  Upgrade electric rooms, upper campus         300,000
     9         (H)  Replace deteriorated sidewalks and
    10             curbing                                       150,000
    11         (I)  Replace roof, West Hall                      155,000
    12         (J)  Renovate interior, West Hall                 230,000
    13         (K)  Resurface running track, stadium             120,000
    14         (L)  Upgrade fume hood system, Vincent
    15             Science Hall                                  145,000
    16         (M)  Renovate water spillways, lower
    17             campus                                        210,000
    18     (xiii)  West Chester University
    19         (A)  Renovate Philips Memorial                  4,669,000
    20         (B)  Renovate Science Center, Phases I and
    21             II                                          9,076,000
    22         (C)  Re-roof, Swope Hall                          185,000
    23         (D)  Refinish corridor floors, Swope Hall         175,000
    24         (E)  Roof replacement, Ehinger Gymnasium          190,000
    25         (F)  Replace HV system, Ehinger Gymnasium         264,000
    26         (G)  Replace HVAC, Reynolds, Tanglewood           120,000
    27         (H)  Repair roof, Lawrence Hall                   250,000
    28         (I)  Refurbish instructional labs, Science
    29             I and II                                      150,000
    30         (J)  Plumbing repairs, campus                     100,000
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     1         (K)  Improve/repair walkway lighting              175,000
     2         (L)  Improve FHS Library II, HVAC system          100,000
     3         (M)  Upgrade elevators, Phase I                   150,000
     4         (N)  Roads/parking lot repairs                    550,000
     5         (O)  Sidewalk repairs, campuswide                 290,000
     6         (P)  Site step handrail replacements              105,000
     7         (Q)  Replace garage UST's (gas tanks)             134,000
     8         (R)  Major interior painting                      100,000
     9         (S)  McCoy Complex, electric/HVAC upgrade         200,000
    10         (T)  Housekeeping building, mechanical
    11             upgrade                                       250,000
    12         (U)  K-parking lot, drainage/basin repairs        250,000
    13         (V)  Warehouse window replacement                 125,000
    14         (W)  Resurface HPE Center, corridor floors        185,000
    15         (X)  Resurface HPE Center, gym walls              137,000
    16         (Y)  Replace stoker #2, central boiler            175,000
    17         (Z)  Landscape/erosion control, Phase II          200,000
    18  Section 4.  Debt authorization.
    19     The Governor, Auditor General and State Treasurer are hereby
    20  authorized and directed to borrow, from time to time, in
    21  addition to any authorization heretofore or hereafter enacted,
    22  on the credit of the Commonwealth, subject to the limitations
    23  provided in the current capital budget, money not exceeding in
    24  the aggregate the sum of $228,588,000 as may be necessary to
    25  carry out the acquisitions and construction of the public
    26  improvement projects specifically itemized in a capital budget.
    27  Section 5.  Issue of bonds.
    28     The indebtedness authorized in this act shall be incurred,
    29  from time to time, and shall be evidenced by one or more series
    30  of general obligation bonds of the Commonwealth in such
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     1  aggregate principal amount for each series as the Governor,
     2  Auditor General and State Treasurer shall determine, but the
     3  latest stated maturity date shall not exceed the estimated
     4  useful life of the projects being financed as stated in section
     5  6.
     6  Section 6.  Estimated useful life and term of debt.
     7     (a)  Estimated useful life.--The General Assembly states that
     8  the estimated useful life of the public improvement projects
     9  itemized in this act is 30 years.
    10     (b)  Term of debt.--The maximum term of debt authorized to be
    11  incurred under this act is 30 years.
    12  Section 7.  Appropriation.
    13     The net proceeds of the sale of the obligations authorized in
    14  this act are hereby appropriated from the Capital Facilities
    15  Fund to the Department of General Services in the maximum amount
    16  of $228,588,000, to be used by it exclusively to defray the
    17  financial cost of the public improvement projects specifically
    18  itemized in a capital budget. After reserving or paying the
    19  expenses of the sale of the obligation, the State Treasurer
    20  shall pay to the Department of General Services the moneys as
    21  required and certified by it to be legally due and payable.
    22  Section 8.  Federal funds.
    23     In addition to those funds appropriated in section 7, all
    24  moneys received from the Federal Government for the projects
    25  specifically itemized in this act are also hereby appropriated
    26  for those projects.
    27  Section 9.  Effective date.
    28     This act shall take effect immediately.

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