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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 4029



No. 2693 Session of 2004


           JUNE 9, 2004

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Titles 12 (Commerce and Trade) and 64 (Public
     2     Authorities and Quasi-Public Corporations) of the
     3     Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for water
     4     supply and wastewater infrastructure capitalization; defining
     5     "community development financial institution" and "investor-
     6     owned water or wastewater enterprise"; further providing for
     7     the First Industries Program; and providing for Water Supply
     8     and Wastewater Infrastructure Program.

     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11     Section 1.  Title 12 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
    12  Statutes is amended by adding a chapter to read:
    13                             CHAPTER 39
    14                    WATER SUPPLY AND WASTEWATER
    16  Sec.
    17  3901.  Scope of chapter.
    18  3902.  Definitions.

     1  3903.  Establishment.
     2  3904.  Award of grants.
     3  3905.  Award and administration of loans.
     4  3906.  Funds.
     5  § 3901. Scope of chapter.
     6     This chapter relates to the Water Supply and Wastewater
     7  Infrastructure Capitalization Program.
     8  § 3902.  Definitions.
     9     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    10  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    11  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    12     "Applicant."  A municipality, a municipal authority,
    13  industrial development corporation or an investor-owned water or
    14  wastewater enterprise that submits an application under 64
    15  Pa.C.S. § 1558 (relating to Water Supply and Wastewater
    16  Infrastructure Program).
    17     "Authority."  The Commonwealth Financing Authority
    18  established under 64 Pa.C.S. § 1511 (relating to authority).
    19     "Cost of a project."  Any of the following:
    20         (1)  Costs and expenses of acquisition of interests in
    21     land, infrastructure, buildings, structures, equipment,
    22     furnishings, fixtures and other tangible property which
    23     comprises the project.
    24         (2)  Costs and expenses of construction, reconstruction,
    25     erection, equipping, expansion, improvement, installation,
    26     rehabilitation, renovation or repair of infrastructure,
    27     buildings, structures, equipment and fixtures which comprise
    28     the project.
    29         (3)  Costs and expenses of demolishing, removing or
    30     relocating buildings or structures on lands acquired or to be
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     1     acquired.
     2         (4)  Costs and expenses of preparing land for
     3     development.
     4         (5)  Costs and expenses of engineering services,
     5     financial services, accounting services, legal services,
     6     plans, specifications, studies and surveys necessary or
     7     incidental to determining the feasibility or practicability
     8     of the project.
     9     "Industrial development corporation."  An entity certified as
    10  an industrial development agency by the Pennsylvania Industrial
    11  Development Authority Board under the act of May 17, 1956 (1955
    12  P.L.1609, No.537), known as the Pennsylvania Industrial
    13  Development Authority Act.
    14     "Investor-owned water or wastewater enterprise."  A nonpublic
    15  entity which supplies water or provides wastewater services to
    16  the public for a fee.
    17     "Municipal authority."  A public authority created under 53
    18  Pa.C.S. Ch. 56 (relating to municipal authorities) or under the
    19  former act of May 2, 1945 (P.L.382, No.164), known as the
    20  Municipality Authorities Act of 1945, which supplies water or
    21  provides wastewater services to the public for a fee.
    22     "Project."  An activity approved for a grant or loan under 64
    23  Pa.C.S. § 1558 (relating to Water Supply and Wastewater
    24  Infrastructure Program).
    25  § 3903.  Establishment.
    26     There is established within the department a program to be
    27  known as the Water Supply and Wastewater Infrastructure
    28  Capitalization Program. The program shall finance single-year or
    29  multiyear grants to municipalities and municipal authorities and
    30  loans to municipalities, municipal authorities, industrial
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     1  development corporations and investor-owned water or wastewater
     2  enterprises or projects which are approved by the Commonwealth
     3  Financing Authority and which, when completed, construct, expand
     4  or improve water and wastewater infrastructure which is related
     5  to economic development.
     6  § 3904.  Award of grants.
     7     Upon being notified by the authority that a grant has been
     8  approved under 64 Pa.C.S. § 1558(c) (relating to Water Supply
     9  and Wastewater Infrastructure Program) for a municipality or
    10  municipal authority, the department shall, within 45 days of
    11  receiving notice, enter into a contract with the municipality or
    12  municipal authority. The contract shall be for the amount
    13  approved by the authority. Upon entering into a contract with
    14  the municipality or municipal authority, the department shall
    15  award the grant for the amount specified in the contract.
    16  § 3905.  Award and administration of loans.
    17     (a)  Award.--
    18         (1)  Upon being notified that a loan has been approved
    19     under 64 Pa.C.S. § 1558(d) (relating to Water Supply and
    20     Wastewater Infrastructure Program) for an applicant, the
    21     department shall, within 45 days of receiving notice, enter
    22     into a contract with the applicant. The contract shall be for
    23     the amount approved and shall specify the terms of the loan
    24     in accordance with all of the following:
    25             (i)  A loan shall be at an interest rate not to
    26         exceed 1%.
    27             (ii)  A loan shall be for a term not to exceed 20
    28         years.
    29         (2)  Upon entering into a contract with the applicant,
    30     the department shall award the loan for the amount specified
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     1     in the contract.
     2     (b)  Administration.--Loans made under this section shall be
     3  administered by the department. Loan payments received by the
     4  department for a loan awarded under this section shall be
     5  deposited in the General Fund.
     6  § 3906.  Funds.
     7     Proceeds of the borrowing authorized by the electors pursuant
     8  to the act of February 12, 2004 (P.L.72, No.10), known as the
     9  Water and Wastewater Treatment Project Bond Act, shall be used
    10  by the department in funding grants and loans awarded under this
    11  chapter.
    12     Section 2.  Section 1504 of Title 64, added April 1, 2004
    13  (P.L.163, No.22), is amended by adding definitions to read:
    14  § 1504.  Definitions.
    15     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    16  shall have the meaning given to them in this section unless the
    17  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    18     * * *
    19     "Community development financial institution."  A community
    20  development financial institution certified in accordance with
    21  the Community Development Banking and Financial Institutions Act
    22  of 1994 (Public Law 103-325, 108 Stat. 2163).
    23     * * *
    24     "Investor-owned water or wastewater enterprise."  A nonpublic
    25  entity which supplies water or provides wastewater services to
    26  the public for a fee.
    27     * * *
    28     Section 3.  Section 1552(e) of Title 64, added April 1, 2004
    29  (P.L.163, No.22), is amended to read:
    30  § 1552.  First Industries Program.
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     1     * * *
     2     (e)  Loan guarantees.--
     3         (1)  An applicant may request a guarantee for a loan to
     4     be made by a commercial lending institution or community
     5     development financial institution to assist with the
     6     financing of a project related to tourism or agriculture. The
     7     applicant may be the commercial lending institution or
     8     community development financial institution applying on
     9     behalf of a borrower. The application must be on the form
    10     required by the board and must include or demonstrate all of
    11     the following:
    12             (i)  The applicant's name and address. If the
    13         applicant is a commercial lending institution or
    14         community development financial institution, the
    15         borrower's name and address.
    16             (ii)  A description of the project.
    17             (iii)  A statement describing the anticipated
    18         economic impact to the Commonwealth and the host
    19         municipality as a result of the project.
    20             (iv)  A description of the proposed project
    21         financing, including terms, conditions and the collateral
    22         or security required for the loan for which the guarantee
    23         is being requested.
    24             (v)  A copy of the applicant's last two years of
    25         financial statements prepared or reported on by an
    26         independent certified public accountant. If the applicant
    27         is a commercial lending institution or community
    28         development financial institution, a copy of the
    29         borrower's last two years of financial statements
    30         prepared or reported on by an independent certified
    20040H2693B4029                  - 6 -     

     1         public accountant.
     2             (vi)  The amount of the loan guarantee that is being
     3         requested.
     4             (vii)  The total project cost and the identification
     5         of all sources of capital for the project.
     6             (viii)  Any other information required by the board.
     7         (2)  The board shall review the application to determine
     8     all of the following:
     9             (i)  That the project has been awarded a planning
    10         grant under this section or that at least $1,000,000 of
    11         private funds are being invested in the project.
    12             (ii)  That the value of the proposed collateral is
    13         sufficient to cover the full amount of the loan.
    14             (iii)  That the applicant complied with all other
    15         criteria established by the board.
    16         (3)  Upon being satisfied that all requirements have been
    17     met, the board may approve the guarantee, and, if approved,
    18     the authority shall execute a guarantee agreement in favor of
    19     the commercial lending institution or community development
    20     financial institution stating the terms and amounts of the
    21     guarantee. The guarantee may not exceed 50% of the
    22     outstanding principal amount of the loan or $2,500,000 at any
    23     point in time, whichever is less. In addition to any other
    24     terms and conditions required by the board, the guarantee
    25     agreement shall provide for all of the following:
    26             (i)  The procedure for the submission by the
    27         commercial lending institution or community development
    28         financial institution of a claim for payment. This
    29         procedure shall require that the commercial lending
    30         institution or community development financial
    20040H2693B4029                  - 7 -     

     1         institution demonstrate that it has exhausted all
     2         available remedies against the borrower, other guarantors
     3         and collateral before seeking payment under the
     4         agreement.
     5             (ii)  A requirement that a percentage of any moneys
     6         recovered subsequent to the payment of a claim by the
     7         authority be remitted to the authority.
     8             (iii)  Periodic reporting requirements by the
     9         commercial lending institution or community development
    10         financial institution regarding itself and regarding the
    11         loans which have been awarded guarantees under this
    12         section.
    13         (4)  The board may establish a subcommittee composed of
    14     one or more board members and department staff to supervise
    15     the progress of projects for which loan guarantees have been
    16     awarded under this section.
    17     * * *
    18     Section 4.  Title 64 is amended by adding a section to read:
    19  § 1558.  Water Supply and Wastewater Infrastructure Program.
    20     (a)  Establishment.--There is established a program to be
    21  known as the Water Supply and Wastewater Infrastructure Program.
    22  The program shall provide financial assistance in the form of
    23  single-year or multiyear grants to municipalities and municipal
    24  authorities and in the form of loans to municipalities,
    25  municipal authorities, industrial development corporations and
    26  investor-owned water or wastewater enterprises for projects
    27  which, when completed, construct, expand or improve water and
    28  wastewater infrastructure which is related to economic
    29  development.
    30     (b)  Application.--A municipality, a municipal authority, an
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     1  industrial development corporation or an investor-owned water or
     2  wastewater enterprise may submit an application to the authority
     3  requesting financial assistance for a project. The application
     4  must be on the form required by the board and must include or
     5  demonstrate all of the following:
     6         (1)  The name and address of the applicant.
     7         (2)  A statement of the type and amount of financial
     8     assistance sought. If the applicant is requesting financial
     9     assistance in the form of a grant, the request may not exceed
    10     75% of the cost of the project.
    11         (3)  A statement of the project, including a detailed
    12     statement of the cost of the project.
    13         (4)  A financial commitment from a responsible source for
    14     any cost of the project in excess of the amount requested. If
    15     the applicant is requesting financial assistance in the form
    16     of a grant from the department, the financial commitment may
    17     not be in the form of a grant from a Commonwealth agency.
    18         (5)  A firm commitment from the project user to use the
    19     project upon completion.
    20         (6)  Proof that the applicant has secured planning and
    21     permit approvals for the project from the Department of
    22     Environmental Protection.
    23         (7)  Any other information required by the board.
    24     (c)  Review and approval of grant applications.--
    25         (1)  If an applicant is requesting financial assistance
    26     in the form of a grant, the authority, in conjunction with
    27     the Department of Environmental Protection, shall review the
    28     application to determine all of the following:
    29             (i)  That the applicant is not an investor-owned
    30         water or wastewater enterprise.
    20040H2693B4029                  - 9 -     

     1             (ii)  If the project is related to economic
     2         development.
     3             (iii)  If there is a financial commitment for at
     4         least 25% of the project.
     5             (iv)  If the source of the financial commitment is
     6         from a responsible source.
     7             (v)  If the municipality or municipal authority is
     8         firmly committed to using the project upon completion.
     9             (vi)  If the municipality or municipal authority has
    10         secured planning and permit approvals for the project
    11         from the Department of Environmental Protection.
    12             (vii)  That the municipality or municipal authority
    13         did not receive a grant or loan under section 1551
    14         (relating to Business in Our Sites Program) for the
    15         project.
    16             (viii)  If the municipality or municipal authority
    17         complied with all other criteria established by the
    18         board.
    19         (2)  Upon being satisfied that all program requirements
    20     have been met, the authority may approve the application in
    21     accordance with all of the following:
    22             (i)  The grant may not exceed $5,000,000 per project.
    23             (ii)  Grants under this program shall not exceed
    24         $10,000,000 in the aggregate per municipality or
    25         municipal authority.
    26             (iii)  The aggregate amount of grants awarded under
    27         this subsection shall not exceed $125,000,000.
    28         (3)  If the authority approves the application, the
    29     authority shall notify the department of the amount approved.
    30     (d)  Review and approval of loan applications.--
    20040H2693B4029                 - 10 -     

     1         (1)  If an applicant is requesting financial assistance
     2     in the form of a loan, the department, in conjunction with
     3     the Department of Environmental Protection, shall review the
     4     application to determine all of the following:
     5             (i)  If the project is related to economic
     6         development.
     7             (ii)  If a financial commitment exists for any cost
     8         of the project in excess of the amount requested.
     9             (iii)  If the source of the financial commitment is
    10         from a responsible source.
    11             (iv)  If the project user is firmly committed to
    12         using the project upon completion.
    13             (v)  If the applicant has secured planning and permit
    14         approvals for the project from the Department of
    15         Environmental Protection.
    16             (vi)  That the applicant did not receive a grant or
    17         loan under section 1551 for the project.
    18             (vii)  If the applicant complied with all other
    19         criteria established by the board.
    20         (2)  Upon being satisfied that all program requirements
    21     have been met, the board may approve the application in
    22     accordance with all of the following:
    23             (i)  The loan may not exceed $5,000,000 per project.
    24             (ii)  Loans under this program shall not exceed
    25         $10,000,000 in the aggregate per applicant.
    26         (3)  If the authority approves the application, the
    27     authority shall notify the department of the amount approved.
    28     Section 5.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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