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        PRIOR PRINTER'S NO. 4132                      PRINTER'S NO. 4366



No. 2699 Session of 2006


           JUNE 26, 2006

                                     AN ACT

     1  Authorizing and directing the Department of Public Welfare to
     2     establish and maintain a managed health care program for
     3     medical assistance recipients; requiring actuarially sound
     4     rates for certain managed care organizations; providing for
     5     the right of appeal and approval by the General Assembly of
     6     changes to the Commonwealth medical assistance plan and
     7     associated waivers; and repealing inconsistent portions of
     8     other acts.

     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11  Section 1.  Short title.
    12     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Health
    13  Choices Act.
    14  Section 2.  Legislative intent.
    15     It is the intent of the General Assembly to:

     1         (1)  Improve the accessibility, continuity and quality of
     2     health care services for participants in the Commonwealth's
     3     medical assistance program, while responsibly controlling
     4     program costs.
     5         (2)  Establish a process for the establishment and
     6     maintenance of a program to manage the care of participants
     7     in the medical assistance program.
     8         (3)  Ensure that managed care organizations serving
     9     medical assistance recipients receive compensation that is
    10     actuarially sound and otherwise compliant with Federal and
    11     Commonwealth statutes and regulations and that is determined
    12     through a transparent process.
    13         (4)  Provide for legislative approval of certain
    14     amendments to the Commonwealth State plan for the medical
    15     assistance program.
    16         (5)  Establish procedures by which managed care
    17     organizations may appeal decisions made by the Department of
    18     Public Welfare with respect to the calculation of capitation
    19     rates and payments and other contractual provisions.
    20  Section 3.  Definitions.
    21     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    22  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    23  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    24     "Actuarial standards board."  The body established by the
    25  American Academy of Actuaries to promulgate actuarial standards
    26  of practice.
    27     "Actuarially sound rates."  With respect to the health
    28  choices program, capitation rates which:
    29         (1)  Are adequate to cover the reasonably expected
    30     medical, administrative and assessment expenses, and a
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     1     reasonable level of profit or contingency, associated with
     2     the fulfillment of a contractor's obligations in the
     3     applicable contract year.
     4         (2)  Make provision for assumed expense levels, for all
     5     expenses, that are reasonably attainable by all contractors
     6     in each geographic zone in the contract year, based primarily
     7     on the actual expense experience of such contractor during
     8     prior years and expenses actually expected to be incurred in
     9     the applicable contract year.
    10         (3)  Are based on assumptions that represent the most
    11     likely outcomes for costs and utilization expected within the
    12     range of assumptions developed for the populations and
    13     benefits covered in each geographic zone.
    14         (4)  Are compliant with all applicable standards,
    15     statutes, rules and regulations governing the development of
    16     such rates.
    17         (5)  Are based on methods, considerations and analyses
    18     that conform to applicable guidelines promulgated by the
    19     actuarial standards board.
    20     "Capitation."  A fee the Department of Public Welfare
    21  periodically pays to a contractor for each recipient enrolled
    22  under a contract for the provision of medical services, whether
    23  or not the recipient receives the services during the period
    24  covered by the fee.
    25     "CMS."  The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services of the
    26  United States Department of Health and Human Services and such
    27  successor entities which may from time to time discharge the
    28  duties of CMS with respect to the medical assistance program.
    29     "Contractor."  A managed care organization providing managed
    30  care services relating to medical care provided to recipients
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     1  under one or more contracts with the Department of Public
     2  Welfare pursuant to the health choices program. This term shall
     3  also refer to a managed care organization seeking to enter into
     4  a contract with the Department of Public Welfare to provide
     5  services under health choices program.
     6     "Department."  The Department of Public Welfare of the
     7  Commonwealth.
     8     "HIPAA."  The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
     9  Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-191, 110 Stat. 1936) and regulations
    10  promulgated thereunder.
    11     "In-plan services."  Services included in the medical
    12  assistance program pursuant to the State plan.
    13     "Managed care organization."  A public or private
    14  organization that is a federally qualified health maintenance
    15  organization or meets the State plan's definition of a health
    16  maintenance organization or otherwise qualifies as a managed
    17  care plan as defined in Article XXI of the act of May 17, 1921
    18  (P.L.682, No.284), known as The Insurance Company Law of 1921.
    19     "Medical assistance."  The Commonwealth program authorized by
    20  Subchapter XIX of the Social Security Act (49 Stat. 620, 42
    21  U.S.C. 1396 et seq.), known as Medicaid and authorized in this
    22  Commonwealth under the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21),
    23  known as the Public Welfare Code, and subject to regulations
    24  promulgated under such statutes. The term shall also refer to
    25  any successor program implemented by either the Federal
    26  Government or the Commonwealth, to the extent a contractor is
    27  providing services contemplated in this act with respect to such
    28  program.
    29     "Program."  The Commonwealth's health choices program, as
    30  provided for in this act, which provides mandatory managed
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     1  health care to recipients in specified areas of this
     2  Commonwealth through contracts with managed care organizations.
     3     "Program change."  Amendments, revisions or additions to the
     4  Department of Public Welfare's medical assistance fee schedule,
     5  State plan or to Federal or Commonwealth regulations, laws,
     6  guidelines, waivers or policies, insofar as they affect the
     7  scope or nature of benefits available to eligible persons.
     8     "Recipient."  An individual eligible to receive health care
     9  or health-related services under the medical assistance program.
    10     "State plan."  The document prepared by the Commonwealth in
    11  the manner required by section 1396a(a) of the Social Security
    12  Act (49 Stat. 620, 42 U.S.C. § 1396a(a)), as approved by the
    13  Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, that describes the
    14  nature, scope and operation of the medical assistance program
    15  and gives assurances that the Commonwealth will administer the
    16  program in compliance with Federal requirements. The term shall
    17  also include waivers granted by the Centers for Medicare and
    18  Medicaid Services not otherwise included in the plan submitted
    19  by the Commonwealth for Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
    20  Services approval.
    21     "Waiver."  A determination made by the Centers for Medicare
    22  and Medicaid Services under Subchapter XIX of the Social
    23  Security Act (49 Stat. 620, 42 U.S.C. 1396 et seq.), known as
    24  Medicaid, and regulations promulgated thereunder, which allows
    25  the Commonwealth to make modifications in its operation of the
    26  medical assistance program.
    27     "Zone."  A geographic area, designated as provided in this
    28  act, within which contractors provide services to recipients.
    29  Section 4.  General provisions regarding program.
    30     (a)  Administration.--The Commonwealth, acting by and through
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     1  the department, shall implement and administer the program in
     2  all areas of this Commonwealth as provided in this act.
     3     (b)  Replacing other law as the means for providing
     4  assistance.--The program shall require the provision of all
     5  medical assistance-covered medical benefits in the amount,
     6  duration and scope set forth in the act of June 13, 1967
     7  (P.L.31, No.21), known as the Public Welfare Code, for
     8  recipients in the following categories:
     9         (1)  Supplemental Security Income.
    10         (2)  Temporary assistance for needy families.
    11         (3)  Healthy beginnings.
    12         (4)  General assistance.
    13         (5)  Successors to the categories listed in paragraphs
    14     (1), (2), (3) and (4).
    15     (c)  Exclusion.--Recipients residing in long-term care
    16  facilities, residential facilities and Commonwealth facilities,
    17  other than State-operated intermediate care facilities for the
    18  mentally retarded, shall be excluded from participation in the
    19  program.
    20     (d)  Adding or removing optional benefits.--The department
    21  may amend the State plan to add or remove optional medical
    22  assistance benefits which are not required by this act, the
    23  Public Welfare Code, other acts of the General Assembly or by
    24  Subchapter XIX of the Social Security Act (49 Stat. 620, 42
    25  U.S.C. 1396 et seq.), known as Medicaid, and regulations
    26  promulgated thereunder to be provided by the Commonwealth to
    27  recipients, with the exception of pharmaceutical services, which
    28  shall remain a covered benefit under the program and provided by
    29  contracts with managed care contractors.
    30     (e)  Mandatory participation exclusion.--Notwithstanding the
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     1  provisions of subsection (b), the department may exclude
     2  recipients from mandatory participation in the program as a
     3  result of:
     4         (1)  Determination by the department that the recipient
     5     is eligible for the Commonwealth's health insurance premium
     6     payment program.
     7         (2)  The recipient becoming ventilator-dependent in an
     8     acute or rehabilitation hospital for more than 30 consecutive
     9     days.
    10         (3)  The recipient's enrollment in the Department of
    11     Aging waiver.
    12         (4)  The recipient's enrollment in the Michael Dallas
    13     Model waiver.
    14     (f)  Alternative services.--Contracts executed by and between
    15  the department and contractors shall allow contractors to
    16  provide supplemental and cost-effective alternative services to
    17  recipients in lieu of or in addition to in-plan services and to
    18  take other measures which in the contractor's judgment promote
    19  quality of care or efficiency, and the process established in
    20  this act for determination of actuarially sound capitation rates
    21  shall take the effect of such supplemental and cost-effective
    22  alternative services and other measures into account.
    23     (g)  Allocation of responsibility.--Contracts executed by and
    24  between the department and contractors may provide for the
    25  allocation of responsibility to provide health care services
    26  between physical and behavioral health care among contractors.
    27  Section 5.  Program administration.
    28     (a)  Zones.--The department shall administer the program for
    29  both physical health care and behavorial BEHAVIORAL health care   <--
    30  in the following areas of this Commonwealth, incorporating the
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     1  provisions of this act:
     2         (1)  Southeast zone: Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery
     3     and Philadelphia Counties.
     4         (2)  Southwest zone:  Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver,
     5     Butler, Fayette, Greene, Indiana, Lawrence, Washington and
     6     Westmoreland Counties.
     7         (3)  Lehigh and Capital zone: Adams, Berks, Cumberland,
     8     Dauphin, Lancaster, Lebanon, Lehigh, Northampton, Perry and
     9     York Counties.
    10         (4)  Other zones: Other counties, or groupings of
    11     counties, which are covered by program contracts in effect as
    12     of the effective date of this act SECTION by and between the   <--
    13     department and contractors which provide for the provision of
    14     behavioral health care services to recipients residing in
    15     such counties.
    16     (b)  Designation.--Within 120 days of the effective date of
    17  this act SECTION, the department shall designate groupings of     <--
    18  counties not included in the groupings described in subsection
    19  (a) as zones for expansion of the program to counties of this
    20  Commonwealth not covered by the program. Such determination
    21  shall be based upon factors, including, but not limited to:
    22         (1)  Population, in terms both of the total number of
    23     people who live in an area, and population density, as well
    24     as the number of current and anticipated recipients.
    25         (2)  Multicounty arrangements created under the act of
    26     October 20, 1966 (3rd Sp.Sess., P.L.96, No.6), known as the
    27     Mental Health and Mental Retardation Act of 1966, operating
    28     under other statutes relating to the provision of human
    29     services or cooperating in contracting with the Commonwealth
    30     or in the operation of human services programs.
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     1         (3)  The department's regions.
     2         (4)  Constraints imposed by geography, transportation and
     3     health care provider systems.
     4         (5)  Relationships among consumers and providers.
     5         (6)  Managed care organization service areas.
     6     (c)  Residents of seventh or eighth class counties.--The
     7  department may exclude recipients residing in a county of the
     8  seventh or eighth class, as such classifications are established
     9  under the act of August 9, 1955 (P.L.323, No.130), known as The
    10  County Code, from participation in the program upon making a
    11  finding that population density, availability of providers or
    12  other factors make inclusion of such recipients in the program
    13  impracticable.
    14  Section 6.  Program expansion.
    15     (a)  Responsibilities of department.--Within 270 days of the
    16  effective date of this act SECTION, the department shall:         <--
    17         (1)  Issue one or more requests for proposals for the
    18     expansion of the program to all counties of this Commonwealth
    19     not covered by one or more program contracts for physical
    20     health care at that time, based upon the zones created
    21     pursuant to section 5.
    22         (2)  Review and evaluate responses from managed care
    23     organizations to the requests for proposals issued pursuant
    24     to paragraph (1), in accordance with applicable Federal and
    25     Commonwealth laws and regulations.
    26         (3)  Select contractors for each zone into which the
    27     program is to be expanded in accordance with the provisions
    28     of section 7 and this section. The contractors having the
    29     responsibility to provide services for the benefit of all
    30     program recipients residing in these zones are subject only
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     1     to the limitations imposed in section 4.
     2         (4)  Negotiate and execute contracts with selected
     3     contractors for each zone into which the program is to be
     4     expanded, incorporating terms and conditions in conformance
     5     with the provisions of this act, including, without
     6     limitation, actuarially sound capitation rates determined in
     7     accordance with section 7.
     8         (5)  Seek and make all efforts to obtain any necessary or
     9     desirable amendments to or approvals of waivers from CMS or
    10     any other agencies of the Federal Government to allow timely
    11     implementation of the expansion provided for in this section.
    12     (b)  Selection of contractors.--The department shall select
    13  no fewer than two contractors to provide managed care services
    14  for each zone into which the program is to be expanded, such
    15  contractors having the responsibility to provide services for
    16  the benefit of all program recipients residing in such zone,
    17  subject only to the limitations provided in section 4. If the
    18  department selects one or more counties to act as contractors to
    19  provide managed behavioral health care services to recipients
    20  residing in designated counties, the requirement to select more
    21  than one contractor shall not apply as to the provision of
    22  behavioral health care services in such counties only.
    23     (c)  Implementation of expansion.--The department may
    24  implement the expansion required by this section in phases, but
    25  program shall become operational in all zones to the full extent
    26  required under this act no later than 24 months after the
    27  effective date of this act SECTION.                               <--
    28  Section 7.  Capitation rates.
    29     (a)  Development and determination of rates.--The department
    30  shall adopt by regulation a methodology for development and
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     1  determination of actuarially sound capitation rates to be paid
     2  to contractors which is in all respects compliant with this act.
     3  The methodology shall include a list of all relevant factors
     4  which the department shall take into account in the development
     5  of such rates.
     6     (b)  Annual capitation rates.--
     7         (1)  Capitation rates paid by the department to
     8     contractors shall be actuarially sound.
     9         (2)  Capitation rates shall be determined by the
    10     department in accordance with the methodology in the
    11     regulations adopted pursuant to subsection (a).
    12         (3)  The department shall use its best efforts to publish
    13     final capitation rates for each contractor for the next
    14     contract year not less than 120 days prior to the beginning
    15     of such contract year and shall advise contractors of any
    16     delays in the publication of such rates.
    17         (4)  The department shall disclose to contractors its
    18     application of all factors used in the development of the
    19     capitation rates for such contractor and all information
    20     submitted to CMS relating to such capitation rates, no later
    21     than the date the department discloses the rates it intends
    22     to offer with respect to a contract period. The department
    23     shall also provide the contractor with any other such
    24     information which it submits to CMS after the initial
    25     disclosure contemplated in this subsection within ten days of
    26     its submission to CMS.
    27     (c)  Intrayear adjustments to capitation rates.--
    28         (1)  The department shall adjust capitation rates within
    29     a contract year to achieve or maintain actuarially sound
    30     capitation rates for contractors to reflect program changes,
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     1     such adjustments shall cover all applicable portions of the
     2     contract year to which such program changes apply and be
     3     developed pursuant to the methodology required be established
     4     under subsection (a).
     5         (2)  In considering the need for intrayear capitation
     6     rate adjustments, the department shall evaluate the impact of
     7     program changes which have been imposed during the course of
     8     the contract year in combination with prospective program
     9     changes.
    10         (3)  Other than program changes designated by the
    11     department as being emergency program changes or program
    12     changes required by changes in Federal law or regulation with
    13     an earlier effective date, no program change shall become
    14     effective with less than 60 days' notice to the contractor.
    15         (4)  The department shall disclose to contractors its
    16     application of all factors used in the development of the
    17     capitation rates with respect to an intrayear adjustment in
    18     capitation rates for such contractors and all information
    19     submitted to CMS relating to such capitation rates, no later
    20     than the date when the department disclosed the rates it
    21     intends to offer with respect to such intrayear adjustment.
    22     The department shall also provide the contractor with any
    23     other such information which it submits to CMS after the
    24     initial disclosure contemplated in this subsection within ten
    25     days of its submission to CMS.
    26  Section 8.  Appeals.
    27     (a)  Claims by contractor.--All claims against the department
    28  relating to any matter regarding any contract relating to the
    29  program may be filed by the contractor in the Board of Claims
    30  under 62 Pa.C.S. Ch. 17 Subch. C (relating to Board of Claims),
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     1  including, without limitation, claims relating to the actuarial
     2  soundness of capitation rates.
     3     (b)  Effect of agreements between contractor and
     4  department.--No provision of any agreement by and between a
     5  contractor and the department, any request for proposal,
     6  regulation, bulletin or other statement issued by any agency or
     7  department of the commonwealth shall foreclose:
     8         (1)  The right of a contractor to file a claim before the
     9     Board of Claims, including its right to appeal any
    10     determination by the department as to the actuarial soundness
    11     of any capitation rate or to appeal a finding by the Board of
    12     Claims with respect to such claim.
    13         (2)  The right of a contractor to file any other claim or
    14     appeal in any forum having jurisdiction to consider such
    15     claim or appeal.
    16         (3)  The right of the contractor to perform at the
    17     capitation rate accepted by the department during the
    18     pendency of such claim or appeal. Any such provision shall be
    19     void and unenforceable against a contractor.
    20     (c)  Notification by contractor.--A contractor which desires
    21  to perform at the capitation rate accepted by the department
    22  during the pendency of proceedings in the Board of Claims or any
    23  appeal of a finding by the Board of Claims shall notify the
    24  department of its intention to file a claim in the Board of
    25  Claims no later than the date the contractor executes the
    26  contract incorporating such rate.
    27  Section 9.  Replacement of contractors.
    28     (a)  Requests for proposals.--The department may, from time
    29  to time, determine to issue requests for proposals:
    30         (1)  to expand the number of contractors serving one or
    20060H2699B4366                 - 13 -     

     1     more zones;
     2         (2)  to replace contractors;
     3         (3)  to assess the qualification or performance of
     4     current contractors; or
     5         (4)  at the discretion of the department.
     6     (b)  Compliance by department.--In the event the department
     7  exercises its right under this section, it shall comply with the
     8  provisions of section 7 with respect to the determination of
     9  capitation rates.
    10  Section 10.  Amendments to the State plan.
    11     (a)  Waiver or amendment submissions.--Prior to the
    12  department submitting a waiver, an amendment to the State plan
    13  or an amendment to a waiver to CMS for its approval where such
    14  waiver, State plan amendment or amended waiver would cause a
    15  change in expenditure of Commonwealth funds of more than $20
    16  million during any fiscal year, the department shall submit such
    17  proposed waiver, State plan amendment or waiver amendment for
    18  review under the provisions of the act of June 25, 1982
    19  (P.L.633, No.181), known as the Regulatory Review Act.
    20     (b)  Determination of expenditures.--In making the
    21  determination of Commonwealth expenditures required by
    22  subsection (a), the department shall take into account all
    23  waivers, State plan amendments and amended waivers then proposed
    24  or in effect, in combination with all waivers, State plan
    25  amendments and waiver amendments expected to be requested for
    26  the remainder of the then current fiscal year.
    27  Section 11.  General provisions.
    28     In discharging its responsibilities under this act, the
    29  department shall be subject to the provisions of the act of June
    30  21, 1957 (P.L.390, No.212), referred to as the Right-to-Know
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     1  Law. The department shall not make available any information:
     2         (1)  in violation of the provisions of HIPAA; or
     3         (2)  disclosing capitation rates for individual managed
     4     care organizations, including, without limitation, financial
     5     and actuarial information provided by a managed care
     6     organization or a managed care orginization ORGANIZATION       <--
     7     contractor to the department for the purpose of negotiating
     8     or determining capitation rates to be paid for health care
     9     services on behalf of recipients.
    10  Section 12.  Report to General Assembly.
    11     Within 12 months following the effective date of this act,     <--
    13  THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS SECTION, and annually thereafter, the
    14  department shall deliver a report on the implementation and
    15  operation of the program to:
    16         (1)  The Speaker of the House of Representatives.
    17         (2)  The minority leader of the House of Representatives.
    18         (3)  The chairman of the Appropriations Committee of the
    19     House of Representatives.
    20         (4)  The minority chairman of the Appropriations
    21     Committee of the House of Representatives.
    22         (5)  The chairman of the Health and Human Services
    23     Committee of the House of Representatives.
    24         (6)  The minority chairman of the Health and Human
    25     Services Committee of the House of Representatives.
    26         (7)  The President pro tempore of the Senate.
    27         (8)  The minority leader of the Senate.
    28         (9)  The chairman of the Appropriations Committee of
    29     Senate.
    30         (10)  The minority chairman of the Appropriations
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     1     Committee of the Senate.
     2         (11)  The chairman of the Public Health and Welfare
     3     Committee of the Senate.
     4         (12)  The minority chairman of the Public Health and
     5     Welfare Committee of the Senate.
     6     (B)  CONTENT OF REPORT.--THIS REPORT SHALL INCLUDE:            <--
    16         (5)  POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS.
    17  Section 13.  Repeals.
    18     All acts, including without limitation, the act of December
    19  3, 2002 (P.L.1147, No.142), are repealed to the extent they are
    20  inconsistent with this act.
    21  Section 14.  Effective date.
    22     This act shall take effect as follows:
    23         (1)  Section 7 shall take effect immediately.
    24         (2)  The remainder of this act shall take effect in 60
    25     days.

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