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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 4095



No. 2720 Session of 2004

           AND WOJNAROSKI, JUNE 16, 2004


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of August 10, 1951 (P.L.1189, No.265),
     2     entitled, as amended, "An act regulating the appointment,
     3     promotion, suspension, reduction, removal and reinstatement
     4     of employes (except superintendents, assistant
     5     superintendents, inspectors, chief clerks and school guards)
     6     in bureaus of police in cities of the second class; and
     7     defining the powers and duties of civil service commissions
     8     in such cities for such purposes," further providing for
     9     detectives.

    10     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    11  hereby enacts as follows:
    12     Section 1.  Section 6.1 of the act of August 10, 1951
    13  (P.L.1189, No. 265), entitled, as amended, "An act regulating
    14  the appointment, promotion, suspension, reduction, removal and
    15  reinstatement of employes (except superintendents, assistant
    16  superintendents, inspectors, chief clerks and school guards) in
    17  bureaus of police in cities of the second class; and defining
    18  the powers and duties of civil service commissions in such
    19  cities for such purposes," amended July 9, 1963 (P.L.217,
    20  No.124), is amended to read:
    21     Section 6.1.  [In addition to existing powers of promotion in

     1  the bureau of police, cities of the second class are hereby
     2  authorized to create such additional classes of detectives as
     3  they shall determine to be designated as Detective Class I,
     4  Detective Class II and Detective Class III. Such classes of
     5  detectives shall carry salaries which shall not be less than the
     6  maximum of salaries of patrolmen and not greater than the
     7  minimum salaries of detectives presently existing in cities of
     8  the second class, and shall consist of members of the police
     9  bureau who have been assigned to such additional classes of
    10  detectives because of a particular aptitude for investigation,
    11  outstanding meritorious service, or unusual and exceptional
    12  bravery.
    13     Assignments to the several additional classes of detectives
    14  shall be made in the following manner. Whenever a member of the
    15  police bureau is recommended by his superior officer for
    16  assignment to one of the additional classes of detectives
    17  authorized in this section a police merit board shall be
    18  convened.
    19     The board shall be constituted in each instance in the same
    20  manner as police trial boards authorized by law. The police
    21  merit board shall hear such evidence as may be pertinent to the
    22  case and shall thereafter make its recommendation. Such
    23  recommendation shall then be forwarded to the superintendent of
    24  police who shall endorse thereon his approval or disapproval of
    25  the board's finding. Thereafter the said report with the
    26  endorsement of the superintendent of police shall be submitted
    27  to the director of the department of public safety who shall
    28  take such action thereon as in his discretion he deems proper.
    29  In case of such assignments to an additional detective
    30  classification the member of the bureau of police so assigned
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     1  shall retain his civil service status under the civil service
     2  laws then in effect. Whenever for any reason within the
     3  discretion of the director of the department of public safety it
     4  is deemed necessary or desirable to reassign any such member to
     5  his former position the said director of the department of
     6  public safety shall have the right to make such reassignment.
     7  Civil service commissions of cities of the second class may, in
     8  their discretion, make such rules and regulations for grades,
     9  merits, or credits, concerning the positions authorized by this
    10  section and relating to promotional examinations for such
    11  positions in the bureau of police as they may see fit. Rules and
    12  regulations relating to promotional examinations shall not
    13  require as a condition of taking any such examination that the
    14  applicant have any experience or service other than the
    15  completion of four years of service in the bureau of police.]
    16     (a)  Cities of the second class are hereby authorized to
    17  create the classification of detectives. Detectives shall be
    18  paid salaries which shall not be less than the maximum of
    19  salaries of patrolmen. Vacancies in detectives' positions shall
    20  be filled pursuant to the competitive testing requirements set
    21  forth in section 6 and the civil service rules and regulations
    22  governing promotion to positions of rank within the police
    23  bureau.
    24     (b)  In any case in which a city of the second class has
    25  prior to the effective date of this subsection assigned
    26  policemen to the classification of detective but not through the
    27  competitive testing requirements of this act, such assignment
    28  shall be deemed to have been a valid exercise of the legislative
    29  power of the city for all purposes the same as though an
    30  ordinance has been enacted, and all policemen appointed
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     1  thereunder shall occupy the same status and shall have the same
     2  rights and privileges as in the case of policemen appointed
     3  under authority of an ordinance.
     4     Section 2. This act shall take effect immediately.

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