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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 4110



No. 2723 Session of 2004


           JUNE 17, 2004

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of April 27, 1927 (P.L.465, No.299), entitled,
     2     as amended, "An act to provide for the safety of persons
     3     employed, housed, or assembled in certain buildings and
     4     structures by requiring certain construction and ways of
     5     egress, equipment, and maintenance; providing for the
     6     licensing of projectionists, except in cities of the first
     7     class and second class; requiring the submission of plans for
     8     examination and approval; providing for the promulgation of
     9     rules and regulations for the enforcement of this act;
    10     providing for the enforcement of this act by the Department
    11     of Labor and Industry, the Department of Health, boards of
    12     school directors and, in certain cases, by the chiefs of fire
    13     departments in cities of the third class; providing penalties
    14     for violations of the provisions of this act; and repealing
    15     certain acts," expanding the list of public places wherein
    16     smoking is prohibited; further providing for smoking in
    17     restaurants and in the workplace; and providing penalties.

    18     The General Assembly finds as follows:
    19         (1)  The Environmental Protection Agency has recently
    20     classified second-hand tobacco smoke as a Class A carcinogen,
    21     a classification reserved for the most lethal environmental
    22     hazards, such as asbestos, benzene, formaldehyde and radon.
    23         (2)  Second-hand smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals. Of
    24     those chemicals, 200 are poisons and 43 cause cancer.
    25         (3)  Research indicates that 50% of all cancers are

     1     tobacco related.
     2         (4)  Smoking causes disease in nearly every organ of the
     3     body and is linked to leukemia and cancers of the cervix,
     4     kidney, pancreas and stomach.
     5         (5)  Second-hand smoke causes close to 54,000 deaths
     6     annually in the United States.
     7         (6)  Second-hand smoke is especially harmful to young
     8     children. Three hundred thousand children who have been
     9     exposed to second-hand smoke have increased frequency of
    10     lower respiratory infections such as pneumonia, bronchitis
    11     and bronchiolitis, resulting in up to 15,000 hospitalizations
    12     per year for children under 18 months of age.
    13         (7)  Second-hand smoke causes middle ear infections in
    14     children, the most common cause of childhood operations and
    15     of childhood hearing loss.
    16         (8)  Children who breathe second-hand smoke are more
    17     likely to develop asthma. Children who have asthma and
    18     breathe second-hand smoke have more asthma attacks.
    19         (9)  Compared to 75% of white collar workers, only 43% of
    20     the 6.6 million food preparation and service workers are
    21     covered by smoke free policies.
    22         (10)  Fewer than 13% of bartenders and 28% of waitstaff
    23     are employed in a smoke free workplace.
    24         (11)  Studies indicate that a smoke free environment does
    25     not harm business and may have a positive impact on business.
    26     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    27  hereby enacts as follows:
    28     Section 1.  Section 10.1 of the act of April 27, 1927
    29  (P.L.465, No.299), referred to as the Fire and Panic Act, added
    30  December 21, 1988 (P.L.1315, No.168), is amended to read:
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     1     Section 10.1.  Clean Indoor Air.--(a)  The purpose of this
     2  section is to protect the public health [and to provide for the
     3  comfort of all parties by regulating and controlling smoking in
     4  certain public places and at public meetings and in certain
     5  workplaces.], the comfort of all parties and the environment by
     6  prohibiting smoking in public places, public meetings and
     7  workplaces, except in designated smoking areas as provided for
     8  in this section.
     9     (b)  As used in this section, the following words and phrases
    10  shall have the meanings given to them in this subsection:
    11     ["Bar areas" means those areas which are devoted to the
    12  serving of alcoholic beverages for consumption by guests on the
    13  premises and in which the serving of food is only incidental to
    14  the consumption of such beverages.]
    15     "Public meetings" [means] include, but are not limited to,
    16  all meetings open to the public pursuant to the act of July 3,
    17  1986 (P.L.388, No.84), known as the "Sunshine Act."
    18     "Public place" means either of the following:
    19     (1)  An [enclosed,] indoor area owned, leased or operated by
    20  a State or local governmental agency and used by the general
    21  public or serving as a place of work for public employes or a
    22  meeting place for a public body, including, but not limited to,
    23  an office, educational facility, health facility, auditorium,
    24  arena, meeting room, exhibition hall, restroom, waiting area,
    25  hallway, lobby, rotunda or public conveyance.
    26     (2)  An [enclosed,] indoor area which is not owned or
    27  operated by a State or local governmental agency, and which is
    28  used by the general public [and which is], including, but not
    29  limited to, any of the following:
    30     (i)  A workplace.
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     1     (ii)  An educational facility.
     2     (iii)  A health facility.
     3     (iv)  An auditorium.
     4     (v)  An arena.
     5     (vi)  A theater.
     6     (vii)  A museum.
     7     (viii)  A restaurant.
     8     (ix)  A concert hall.
     9     (x)  Any other facility during the period of its use for a
    10  performance or exhibit of the arts.
    11     (xi)  A commercial establishment.
    12     (xii)  A retail store.
    13     (xiii)  A service line.
    14     (xiv)  A grocery store.
    15     (xv)  A bingo hall.
    16     (xvi)  A waiting room or area.
    17     (xvii)  A hallway.
    18     (xviii)  A polling place.
    19     (xix)  A restroom.
    20     (xx)  A sports arena.
    21     (xxi)  A convention hall.
    22     (xxii)  An elevator.
    23     (xxiii)  Public transit.
    24     (xxiv)  A public food assistance program and facility.
    25     (xxv)  A shopping mall.
    26     (xxvi)  A public meeting not covered by the "Sunshine Act."
    27     (xxvii)  A rotunda.
    28     (xxviii)  An exhibition hall.
    29     (xxix)  A lobby.
    30     "Restaurant" means any eating establishment which offers food
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     1  for sale to the public.
     2     "Service line" means any line at which one or more persons
     3  are waiting for or receiving service of any kind, whether or not
     4  such service involves the exchange of money.
     5     "Smoking" means the carrying by a person of a lighted cigar,
     6  cigarette, pipe or other lighted smoking device.
     7     "Smoking area" means a separately enclosed and separately
     8  ventilated room of a building:
     9     (1)  in which air from the room is exhausted directly outside
    10  and not recirculated within the building or mixed with the
    11  general diluted ventilation for the building; and
    12     (2)  which has a slight negative pressure to ensure airflow
    13  into the room rather than back into the airspace of the rest of
    14  the building.
    15     "Sports arena" means a sports stadium, sports pavilion,
    16  exhibition hall, gymnasium, health spa, boxing arena, swimming
    17  pool, roller or ice rink, bowling alley or other similar place
    18  where members of the general public assemble either to engage in
    19  physical exercise, participate in athletic competition or
    20  witness sports events.
    21     "Workplace" means an [enclosed,] indoor area serving as a
    22  place of employment, occupation, business, trade, craft [or],
    23  profession or volunteer activity.
    24     (c)  No person shall smoke in [an area designated nonsmoking
    25  by the proprietor or person in charge in a public place or at a
    26  public meeting] a public place, public meeting or at the
    27  workplace, except that the proprietor, person in charge or
    28  employer may designate smoking areas that meet the requirements
    29  of this section.
    30     (d)  The following places shall be exempt from this section:
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     1     (1)  Private social functions where the area utilized is
     2  under the control of the sponsor and not the proprietor, except
     3  areas owned, leased or operated by a State or local governmental
     4  agency.
     5     [(2)  Factories, warehouses and similar places of work not
     6  frequented by the general public.
     7     (3)  Restaurants seating fewer than seventy-five (75)
     8  persons.
     9     (4)  Bar areas in a liquor licensee establishment.
    10     (5)  Areas in public places commonly referred to as lobbies
    11  and hallways.
    12     (6)  Hotel and motel rooms.
    13     (7)  Retail stores, the primary business of which is the sale
    14  of tobacco or tobacco-related products.]
    15     (8)  Private residences, except when used as child care or
    16  health care facilities.
    17     (d.1)  Any owner, operator, manager or other person who
    18  controls any establishment or facility described under
    19  subsection (d) may declare that entire establishment or facility
    20  nonsmoking.
    21     (e)  The [regulation] prohibition of smoking in all
    22  restaurants [with seventy-five (75) or more seats] shall be
    23  governed by the following:
    24     (1)  [Restaurants shall provide for their patrons smoking and
    25  nonsmoking areas reasonably calculated to address the needs of
    26  their clientele, the size of which may be increased or
    27  decreased, by the proprietor or person in charge, according to
    28  need.] The premises of all restaurants shall be totally
    29  nonsmoking, except that the proprietors or persons in charge
    30  thereof may designate smoking areas that meet the requirements
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     1  of this section.
     2     (2)  Restaurants shall make reasonable efforts to prevent
     3  smoking [in the designated nonsmoking section] by:
     4     (i)  [Posting] Removing all ashtrays and posting appropriate
     5  signs which are readily visible. The color, size and placement
     6  of the signs shall be left to the discretion of the proprietor
     7  or person in charge in keeping with the decor or aesthetics of
     8  the establishment.
     9     (ii)  [Arranging seating so that smokers and nonsmokers are
    10  placed in contiguous groupings.
    11     (iii)  Asking smokers to refrain from smoking in the
    12  nonsmoking areas.] Asking persons to refrain from smoking while
    13  on the premises.
    14     [(f)  The regulation of smoking in restaurants with fewer
    15  than seventy-five (75) seats shall be left to the discretion of
    16  the proprietor, provided that:
    17     (1)  Restaurants which choose not to provide a nonsmoking
    18  area nor develop a no-smoking policy based upon customer
    19  preference shall post notice of such lack of policy at each
    20  entranceway.
    21     (2)  Restaurants which choose to provide a nonsmoking area
    22  shall develop a policy in accordance with subsection (e).]
    23     (g)  [Except as otherwise provided in this section,
    24  employers] Employers shall develop, post [and], implement and
    25  enforce a policy to regulate smoking in [the workplace, provided
    26  that nothing in this section or any local law, rule or
    27  regulation shall be construed as to impair or diminish or
    28  otherwise affect any contractual agreement, collective
    29  bargaining agreement, collective bargaining rights or collective
    30  bargaining procedures] their workplaces, except that the
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     1  employers, through collective bargaining procedure, if
     2  applicable, may designate smoking areas that meet the
     3  requirements of this section. The employer shall provide a copy
     4  of the policy to any employe upon request.
     5     (g.1)  No person or employer shall discharge, refuse to hire
     6  or in any manner retaliate against any employe or applicant for
     7  employment because the employe or applicant exercises any right
     8  to a smoke-free environment required by this act.
     9     [(h)  No proprietor or person in charge of a public place who
    10  establishes a policy or designates areas pursuant to this
    11  section shall be subject to any action in any court by any party
    12  other than the Department of Health or local board or department
    13  of health under this section.
    14     (i)  A violation of this section shall be punishable by a
    15  civil fine of not more than fifty dollars ($50.00).
    16     (j)  The Department of Health shall promulgate and adopt
    17  rules and regulations as are necessary and reasonable to
    18  implement the provisions of this section.]
    19     (k)  The Department of Health, a local board or department of
    20  health or any affected party may institute an action in any
    21  court with jurisdiction to enjoin violations of this section.
    22     (l)  Any person or entity who violates this section commits a
    23  summary offense and shall pay:
    24     (1)  A fine not exceeding one hundred ($100.00) for a first
    25  violation.
    26     (2)  A fine not exceeding two hundred dollars ($200.00) for a
    27  second violation of this section that occurs within one (1)
    28  year.
    29     (3)  A fine not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00) for
    30  each additional violation of this section that occurs within one
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     1  (1) year.
     2     (m)  The Department of Health shall promulgate and adopt
     3  rules and regulations as are necessary and reasonable to
     4  implement the provisions of this section. The department shall
     5  also engage in a continuing program to explain and clarify the
     6  purposes and requirements of this section to citizens affected
     7  by it, and to guide owners, operators and managers in their
     8  compliance with it. The programs may include publication of a
     9  brochure for affected businesses and individuals explaining the
    10  provisions of this act.
    11     (n)  In any dispute arising under this section, the authority
    12  adjudicating the dispute shall construe the provisions of this
    13  act in favor of the health concerns of persons who do not engage
    14  in smoking, whose concerns shall represent the public interest.
    15     (o)  This section shall apply throughout this Commonwealth,
    16  but shall not supersede any existing ordinances, local laws,
    17  rules or regulations which are more restrictive. Any
    18  governmental body may adopt requirements to supplement this act
    19  provided no such requirement shall in any way be less
    20  restrictive than the requirements set forth in this act.
    21     Section 2.  Section 15.1 of the act is repealed.
    22     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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