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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 4250



No. 2741 Session of 2008


           AUGUST 21, 2008

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of December 19, 1984 (P.L.1140, No.223),
     2     entitled "An act relating to the development of oil and gas
     3     and coal; imposing duties and powers on the Department of
     4     Environmental Resources; imposing notification requirements
     5     to protect landowners; and providing for definitions, for
     6     various requirements to regulate the drilling and operation
     7     of oil and gas wells, for gas storage reservoirs, for various
     8     reporting requirements, including certain requirements
     9     concerning the operation of coal mines, for well permits, for
    10     well registration, for distance requirements, for well casing
    11     requirements, for safety device requirements, for storage
    12     reservoir obligations, for well bonding requirements, for a
    13     Well Plugging Restricted Revenue Account to enforce oil and
    14     gas well plugging requirements, for the creation of an Oil
    15     and Gas Technical Advisory Board, for oil and gas well
    16     inspections, for enforcement and for penalties," further
    17     providing for bonding and for well plugging funds.

    18     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    19  hereby enacts as follows:
    20     Section 1.  Sections 215(a) and 601(b) and (c)(1) of the act
    21  of December 19, 1984 (P.L.1140, No.223), known as the Oil and
    22  Gas Act, amended July 2, 1992 (P.L.365, No.78), are amended to
    23  read:
    24  Section 215.  Bonding.
    25     (a)  (1)  Except as provided in subsection (d) hereof, upon

     1     filing an application for a well permit and before continuing
     2     to operate any oil or gas well, the owner or operator thereof
     3     shall file with the department a bond for the well and the
     4     well site on a form to be prescribed and furnished by the
     5     department. Any such bond filed with an application for a
     6     well permit shall be payable to the Commonwealth and
     7     conditioned that the operator shall faithfully perform all of
     8     the drilling, water supply replacement, restoration and
     9     plugging requirements of this act. Any such bond filed with
    10     the department for a well in existence on the effective date
    11     of this act shall be payable to the Commonwealth and
    12     conditioned that the operator shall faithfully perform all of
    13     the water supply replacement, restoration and plugging
    14     requirements of this act. The amount of the bond required
    15     shall be in the amount of [$2,500] $5,000 per well for at
    16     least two years following the effective date of this act,
    17     after which time the bond amount may be adjusted by the
    18     Environmental Quality Board every two years to reflect the
    19     projected costs to the Commonwealth of performing well
    20     plugging.
    21         (2)  In lieu of individual bonds for each well, an owner
    22     or operator may file a blanket bond, on a form prepared by
    23     the department, covering all of its wells in Pennsylvania as
    24     enumerated on the bond form. A blanket bond shall be in the
    25     amount of [$25,000] $50,000 for at least two years following
    26     the effective date of this act, after which time the bond
    27     amount may be adjusted by the Environmental Quality Board
    28     every two years to reflect the projected costs to the
    29     Commonwealth of performing well plugging.
    30         (3)  Liability under such bond shall continue until the
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     1     well has been properly plugged in accordance with this act
     2     and for a period of one year after filing of the certificate
     3     of plugging with the department. Each bond shall be executed
     4     by the operator and a corporate surety licensed to do
     5     business in the Commonwealth and approved by the secretary.
     6     The operator may elect to deposit cash, certificates of
     7     deposit or automatically renewable irrevocable letters of
     8     credit from financial institutions chartered or authorized to
     9     do business in Pennsylvania and regulated and examined by the
    10     Commonwealth or a Federal agency which may be terminated at
    11     the end of a term only upon the financial institution giving
    12     90 days prior written notice to the permittee and the
    13     department or negotiable bonds of the United States
    14     Government or the Commonwealth, the Pennsylvania Turnpike
    15     Commission, the General State Authority, the State Public
    16     School Building Authority or any municipality within the
    17     Commonwealth, or United States Treasury Bonds issued at a
    18     discount without a regular schedule of interest payments to
    19     maturity, otherwise known as Zero Coupon Bonds, having a
    20     maturity date of not more than ten years after the date of
    21     purchase and at such maturity date having a value of not less
    22     than [$25,000] $50,000, with the department in lieu of a
    23     corporate surety. The cash deposit, certificate of deposit,
    24     amount of such irrevocable letter of credit or market value
    25     of such securities shall be equal at least to the sum of the
    26     bond. The secretary shall, upon receipt of any such deposit
    27     of cash, letters of credit or negotiable bonds, immediately
    28     place the same with the State Treasurer, whose duty it shall
    29     be to receive and hold the same in the name of the
    30     Commonwealth, in trust, for the purpose for which such
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     1     deposit is made. The State Treasurer shall at all times be
     2     responsible for the custody and safekeeping of such deposits.
     3     The operator making deposit shall be entitled from time to
     4     time to demand and receive from the State Treasurer, on the
     5     written order of the secretary, the whole or any portion of
     6     any collateral so deposited, upon depositing with him, in
     7     lieu thereof, other collateral of the classes herein
     8     specified having a market value at least equal to the sum of
     9     the bond, and also to demand, receive and recover the
    10     interest and income from said negotiable bonds as the same
    11     becomes due and payable. Where negotiable bonds, deposited as
    12     aforesaid, mature or are called, the State Treasurer, at the
    13     request of the owner thereof, shall convert such negotiable
    14     bonds into such other negotiable bonds of the classes herein
    15     specified as may be designated by the owner. Where notice of
    16     intent to terminate a letter of credit is given, the
    17     department shall give the operator 30 days' written notice to
    18     replace the letter of credit with other acceptable bond
    19     guarantees as provided herein and, if the owner or operator
    20     fails to replace the letter of credit within the 30-day
    21     notification period, the department shall draw upon and
    22     convert such letter of credit into cash and hold it as a
    23     collateral bond guarantee.
    24     * * *
    25  Section 601.  Well plugging funds.
    26     * * *
    27     (b)  To aid in the indemnification of the Commonwealth for
    28  the cost of plugging abandoned wells, there shall be added to
    29  the permit fee established by the department under section 201
    30  for new wells a [$50] $100 surcharge. All moneys collected as a
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     1  result of this surcharge shall be paid into the State Treasury
     2  into a restricted revenue account to be known as the Abandoned
     3  Well Plugging Fund, hereby established, and shall be expended by
     4  the department to plug abandoned wells which threaten the health
     5  and safety of persons or property or pollution of the waters of
     6  the Commonwealth.
     7     (c)  (1)  There is hereby created a restricted revenue
     8     account to be known as the Orphan Well Plugging Fund. There
     9     shall be added to the permit fee established by the
    10     department under section 201 for new wells a [$100] $200
    11     surcharge for wells to be drilled for oil production and a
    12     [$200] $400 surcharge for wells to be drilled for gas
    13     production, which surcharges shall be placed in the Orphan
    14     Well Plugging Fund and shall be expended by the department to
    15     plug orphan wells. If an operator rehabilitates a well
    16     abandoned by another operator or an orphan well, the permit
    17     fee and the surcharge for such well shall be waived.
    18         * * *
    19     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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