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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 4281



No. 2759 Session of 2008

           SEPTEMBER 9, 2008

           SEPTEMBER 9, 2008

                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for the designation and regulation of geologically
     2     hazardous areas throughout this Commonwealth to protect
     3     people and limit property damage and the disruption of
     4     commerce from the possible dangers associated with land
     5     development in areas that are prone to landslides, sinkholes
     6     or other geologic hazards; imposing duties and conferring
     7     powers on the Department of Environmental Protection, the
     8     Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and
     9     municipalities; and providing for enforcement and remedies.

    10     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    11  hereby enacts as follows:
    12                             CHAPTER 1
    13                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
    14  Section 101.  Short title.
    15     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Geologically
    16  Hazardous Areas Act.
    17  Section 102.  Purpose.
    18     The purpose of this act is to:
    19         (1)  Protect people and property from the dangers and
    20     damage associated with earth disturbance activity in

     1     geologically hazardous areas that may be prone to landslides
     2     or sinkholes and other hazardous conditions, such as
     3     hazardous rock and soil slippage, and other soil management
     4     problems.
     5         (2)  Recognize and minimize the man-made conditions that
     6     increase the potential for:
     7             (i)  Landslides and other gravity-driven movements of
     8         susceptible rock and soil.
     9             (ii)  Sinkhole development and related subsidence in
    10         soluble units.
    11             (iii)  Degradation of surface and groundwater
    12         resources associated with the alteration of geologic
    13         conditions.
    14         (3)  Authorize a comprehensive and coordinated program to
    15     regulate earth disturbance activity in geologically hazardous
    16     areas using sound land use practices, designed to prevent
    17     damage to and destruction of private and public property and
    18     structures, prevent the disruption of commerce and preserve
    19     and restore the natural ecological systems.
    20         (4)  Encourage administration, management and stewardship
    21     of geologically hazardous areas consistent with the
    22     obligation to avoid unnecessary expenditure of public moneys,
    23     the Commonwealth's duty as trustee of natural resources and
    24     the people's constitutional right to the preservation of the
    25     natural, scenic, aesthetic and historic values of the
    26     environment.
    27  Section 103.  Definitions.
    28     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    29  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    30  context clearly indicates otherwise:
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     1     "Closed depression."  Part of the land surface on a site that
     2  drains internally, has generally sunk to a variable depth and is
     3  generally characterized by a downward movement of soil into
     4  bedrock voids without breaking the ground surface.
     5     "Department." The Department of Environmental Protection of
     6  the Commonwealth.
     7     "Earth disturbance activity."  A construction or other human
     8  activity that disturbs the surface of the land, including, but
     9  not limited to, land clearing and grubbing, grading,
    10  excavations, embankments, land development, agricultural plowing
    11  or tilling cultivation, operation of animal heavy use areas,
    12  timber harvesting activities, road maintenance activities, oil
    13  and gas activities, well drilling, mineral or oil extraction and
    14  the moving, depositing, stockpiling or storing of soil, rock or
    15  earth materials.
    16     "Geologically hazardous area."  An area with geologic
    17  formations or soil conditions, or both, that under natural
    18  conditions or when disturbed are documented by a licensed
    19  professional to be geologically susceptible to cause, or
    20  historically have caused, a hazardous condition.
    21     "Hazardous condition."  Any condition that may include, but
    22  not be limited to, a mass earth movement, such as a soil and
    23  rock slide, acid formation or sinkhole development, that:
    24         (1)  has a negative environmental impact;
    25         (2)  constitutes a danger or potential danger to life,
    26     health or property; or
    27         (3)  threatens the safety, use or stability of property,
    28     public ways, structures and utilities.
    29     "Karst."  A type of topography that is formed over limestone,
    30  dolomite or gypsum by bedrock solution and characterized by
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     1  closed depressions or sinkholes, caves and underground drainage.
     2     "Licensed professional."  A person licensed by the
     3  Commonwealth in the applicable practice under the act of May 23,
     4  1945 (P.L.913, No.367), known as the Engineer, Land Surveyor and
     5  Geologist Registration Law.
     6     "Sinkhole."  A surface feature that is:
     7         (1)  formed in a karst area;
     8         (2)  characterized by a roughly circular hole in the
     9     ground of variable size and depth; and
    10         (3)  the result of the movement of soil, rocks or similar
    11     materials down into voids in the limestone bedrock or
    12     regolith.
    13                             CHAPTER 3
    15  Section 301.  Duties of Department of Conservation and Natural
    16                 Resources.
    17     (a)  General rule.--The Department of Conservation and
    18  Natural Resources shall:
    19         (1)  Develop techniques and criteria for mapping
    20     geologically hazardous areas in this Commonwealth.
    21         (2)  Identify and delineate geologically hazardous areas
    22     in this Commonwealth.
    23         (3)  Analyze:
    24             (i)  The type and nature of rock and soil susceptible
    25         to acid formation, a landslide, a sinkhole or development
    26         of karst that may result in a hazardous condition.
    27             (ii)  Other relevant factors determined by the
    28         Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.
    29         (4)  Create an inventory of data developed under this
    30     section that is publicly available.
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     1         (5)  Notify the municipalities identified as falling
     2     within a geologically hazardous area or having within their
     3     boundaries a geologically hazardous area.
     4     (b)  Report.--Within two years following enactment of this
     5  act, the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources shall
     6  report to the General Assembly the information gathered under
     7  subsection (a), including the mapping of geologically hazardous
     8  areas of high priority, as defined by the Department of
     9  Conservation and Natural Resources, and a projected plan to
    10  continue gathering the information directed by subsection (a).
    11     (c)  Review and update.--The Department of Conservation and
    12  Natural Resources shall periodically review and update the
    13  following, which shall be forwarded to the department:
    14         (1)  The techniques and criteria for mapping geologically
    15     hazardous areas in this Commonwealth.
    16         (2)  The maps of geologically hazardous areas in this
    17     Commonwealth.
    18     (d)  Performance of duties.--In performing its duties under
    19  this section, the Department of Conservation and Natural
    20  Resources shall:
    21         (1)  Review aerial photographs and maps, soil data and
    22     geologic information, which may include:
    23             (i)  Data and reports from other departments.
    24             (ii)  Geologic reports under section 302.
    25         (2)  Perform site visits and studies as necessary.
    26     (e)  Publication of hazardous areas.--At least annually and
    27  more often if updated, but at least 30 days prior to becoming
    28  effective, the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
    29  shall publish in the Pennsylvania Bulletin a list of all
    30  municipalities that fall within a geologically hazardous area or
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     1  have geologically hazardous areas within their boundaries, as
     2  identified and delineated under subsection (a)(2).
     3     (f)  Regulations.--The Department of Conservation and Natural
     4  Resources may promulgate regulations necessary to implement this
     5  section.
     6  Section 302.  Geologic reports.
     7     (a)  General rule.--A person proposing to undertake earth
     8  disturbance activity within a geologically hazardous area shall
     9  submit a geologic report, prepared and sealed by a licensed
    10  professional, to the municipality and department or its
    11  delegated designee, along with:
    12         (1)  any application to discharge pollutants or storm
    13     water under a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
    14     Permit for Discharges Associated with Construction Activities
    15     or any other authorization relating to earthmoving
    16     activities;
    17         (2)  a plan to control erosion and sediment required
    18     under departmental rules and regulations; or
    19         (3)  a plan to manage postconstruction storm water
    20     required under departmental rules and regulations.
    21     (b)  Additional requirements.--In addition to the application
    22  requirements for the items set forth in subsection (a), a
    23  geologic report under this section must adequately identify the
    24  proposed courses of action and their sequence, to be taken
    25  during and after construction to eliminate or reduce the
    26  occurrence of a hazardous condition as a result of the proposed
    27  earth disturbance activity.
    28     (c)  Fees.--A person submitting a geologic report under this
    29  section shall be responsible for all fees involving the
    30  preparation and review of the report.
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     1     (d)  Review.--The department, its delegated designee or a
     2  municipality may have a geologic report submitted under this
     3  section reviewed by a licensed professional independent from the
     4  preparer and sealer of the submitted report.
     5     (e)  Scope.--This section shall not apply to a municipality
     6  engaging in road construction and maintenance activities.
     7  Section 303.  Duties of department.
     8     (a)  Approval.--The department may authorize earth
     9  disturbance activity in a geologically hazardous area in
    10  accordance with applicable laws and regulations if the
    11  department determines that the geologic report under section 302
    12  adequately identifies the proposed courses of action to be taken
    13  during and after construction to eliminate or reduce the
    14  occurrence of a hazardous condition as a result of the proposed
    15  earth disturbance activity.
    16     (b)  Disapproval.--The department may refuse to authorize
    17  earth disturbance activity in a geologically hazardous area if
    18  the geologic report under section 302 fails to adequately
    19  identify proposed courses of action to be taken during and after
    20  construction to eliminate or reduce the occurrence of a
    21  hazardous condition as a result of the proposed earth
    22  disturbance activity.
    23     (c)  Delegation of permit review.--The department may
    24  delegate its permit review, enforcement and inspection authority
    25  under this act to a county conservation district.
    26     (d)  Duties.--In issuing orders or permits, and in taking any
    27  other action under this act, the department shall:
    28         (1)  Review and take appropriate action on all permit
    29     applications submitted under this act and issue, modify,
    30     suspend, limit, renew or revoke permits under this act and
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     1     departmental regulations.
     2         (2)  Receive and act upon written complaints.
     3         (3)  Issue orders necessary to implement this act or
     4     departmental regulations.
     5     (e)  Regulations.--The Environmental Quality Board may
     6  promulgate regulations necessary to implement this act.
     7  Section 304.  Inspections.
     8     (a)  Condition.--Approval of earth disturbance activity
     9  within a geologically hazardous area may be conditioned upon the
    10  granting of permission for an agent or employee of a
    11  municipality or the department to:
    12         (1)  Enter a property to survey a geologically hazardous
    13     area or ascertain the location of a structure.
    14         (2)  Enter a property or structure to ascertain
    15     compliance or noncompliance with this act, municipal and
    16     Commonwealth law, regulation, approval, conditional approval
    17     or order.
    18     (b)  Inspection warrant.--If an agent or employee of a
    19  municipality or the department charged with the enforcement of
    20  the provisions of this act has been improperly refused access to
    21  the property to survey or inspect as authorized by subsection
    22  (a) or reasonably requires access to the property without prior
    23  notice to the owner, the agent or employee of the municipality
    24  or the department may apply for an inspection warrant to any
    25  Commonwealth official authorized by law to issue a search or
    26  inspection warrant to permit the agent or employee of the
    27  municipality or the department to access and inspect the
    28  property. In determining whether to issue an inspection warrant,
    29  sufficient probable cause is that the inspection is necessary to
    30  properly enforce the provisions of this act.
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     1     (c)  Grounds.--The department shall promptly inspect earth
     2  disturbance activity within a geologically hazardous area when
     3  the municipality presents information to the department that
     4  gives the department probable cause to believe that there is a
     5  violation of this act, including a violation of regulation,
     6  approval, conditional approval or order issued under this act.
     7  The department shall notify the municipality of this inspection
     8  and allow a municipal inspector from the municipality to
     9  accompany the departmental inspector during the inspection. If
    10  the department determines that there is insufficient information
    11  to give the department probable cause to believe that a
    12  violation is occurring or has occurred, the department shall
    13  promptly provide a written explanation to the municipality of
    14  its decision not to inspect.
    15  Section 305.  Liability.
    16     (a)  General rule.--Approval, conditional approval or
    17  issuance of a permit under this act does not:
    18         (1)  relieve a person from liability for damage to
    19     persons or property resulting from the issuance or
    20     compliance, or as otherwise imposed by law; or
    21         (2)  impose any liability for damages to persons or
    22     property on the municipality or the Commonwealth or its
    23     officers, employees or agents.
    24     (b)  Costs.--Any person conducting earth disturbance activity
    25  in violation of this act, or a regulation or order under this
    26  act, is liable for the costs of abatement of any pollution and
    27  any public nuisance caused by the violation.
    28  Section 306.  Conditioned approval by municipality.
    29     A municipality may not finally approve a proposal involving
    30  earth disturbance activity under this act unless and until the
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     1  department approves the earth disturbance activity, but a
     2  municipality may conditionally approve a proposal involving
     3  earth disturbance activity under this act, subject to approval
     4  or conditional approval by the department.
     5                             CHAPTER 5
     6                      ENFORCEMENT AND REMEDIES
     7  Section 501.  Enforcement and remedies.
     8     (a)  Unlawful conduct.--It is unlawful to:
     9         (1)  Fail to comply with any departmental rule,
    10     regulation, order, permit or license.
    11         (2)  Violate this act or any rule or regulation adopted
    12     under this act.
    13         (3)  Hinder, obstruct, prevent or interfere with the
    14     department, its personnel or any delegated designee in the
    15     performance of any duty under this act.
    16     (b)  Remedies and enforcement under The Clean Streams Law.--
    17  Except as provided in subsection (c), for purposes of
    18  enforcement of this act and remedies under this act, the act of
    19  June 22, 1937 (P.L.1987, No.394), known as The Clean Streams
    20  Law, shall govern.
    21     (c)  Scope.--Nothing in subsection (b) is intended to broaden
    22  the scope of persons that must comply with the provisions of
    23  this act.
    24     (d)  Construction.--An offense that constitutes a violation
    25  of this act and The Clean Streams Law shall not result in dual
    26  penalties.
    27                             CHAPTER 21
    28                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
    29  Section 2101.  Administration.
    30     The General Assembly shall appropriate the funds necessary to
    20080H2759B4281                 - 10 -     

     1  implement this act.
     2  Section 2102.  Effect on other law.
     3     Nothing contained in this act shall be construed to create
     4  additional review powers already regulated by other law.
     5  Section 2103.  Savings clause.
     6     The provisions of this act shall not affect any suit or
     7  prosecution pending under the authority of any statute repealed
     8  by this act.
     9  Section 2104.  Repeal.
    10     All acts and parts of acts are repealed insofar as they are
    11  inconsistent with this act.
    12  Section 2105.  Effective date.
    13     This act shall take effect immediately.

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