See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3815



No. 2767 Session of 1998


           SEPTEMBER 8, 1998

                                     AN ACT

     1  Regulating stockpiled tree stump and tree debris storage
     2     management; and providing for powers and duties of the
     3     Department of Environmental Protection.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6  Section 1.  Short title.
     7     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Waste Tree
     8  Stump Storage Management Act.
     9  Section 2.  Legislative findings.
    10     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
    11         (1)  Stockpiled tree stumps and tree debris, in large
    12     piles, continue to be an environmental threat to this
    13     Commonwealth.
    14         (2)  Stockpiled tree stumps and tree debris create
    15     environmental and public health and safety hazards such as
    16     tree stump dump fires and vector infestations.
    17         (3)  No Statewide standards exist for the management of
    18     stockpiled tree stumps and tree debris that protect the

     1     environment from potential fire hazards and from other public
     2     health and safety hazards.
     3  Section 3.  Purpose.
     4     It is the purpose of this act:
     5         (1)  To ensure that stockpiled tree stumps and tree
     6     debris are collected and disposed of in a manner that reduces
     7     the potential for large fires and reduces the potential for
     8     vector problems and other related nuisances.
     9         (2)  To provide specific preventive practices for the
    10     management of stockpiled tree stumps and tree debris.
    11  Section 4.  Definitions.
    12     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    13  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    14  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    15     "Department."  The Department of Environmental Protection of
    16  the Commonwealth.
    17     "Disposal."  The dumping, spilling, stockpiling or placing of
    18  tree stumps or tree debris into or on the land or water in a
    19  manner that the tree stumps or tree debris enter the
    20  environment.
    21     "Person."  Any individual, partnership, corporation,
    22  association, institution, cooperative enterprise, municipal
    23  authority, Federal Government or agency, State institution and
    24  agency, including, but not limited to, the Department of General
    25  Services and the State Public School Building Authority or any
    26  other legal entity whatsoever which is recognized by law as the
    27  subject of rights and duties. In any provisions of this act
    28  prescribing a fine, imprisonment or penalty or any combination
    29  of the foregoing, the term shall include the officers and
    30  directors of any corporation or other legal entity having
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     1  officers and directors.
     2     "Recycling."  The systematic collection, sorting and mulching
     3  or composting of tree stumps or tree debris for use as
     4  commodities.
     5     "Tree debris."  Tree leaves, tree branches and tree trimmings
     6  thereof and similar material, but not including grass clippings.
     7     "Tree stumps."  The main trunk portion of a tree with or
     8  without the tree roots.
     9  Section 5.  Powers and duties of department.
    10     The department shall have the power and its duty shall be to:
    11         (1)  Administer the tree stump and tree debris storage
    12     management program pursuant to the provisions of this act.
    13         (2)  Cooperate with local units of government and
    14     appropriate private businesses in carrying out the duties of
    15     this act.
    16         (3)  Regulate the disposal of stockpiled tree stumps and
    17     tree debris.
    18         (4)  Develop a closure plan for storage sites.
    19  Section 6.  Disposal and storage management of stockpiled tree
    20                 stumps and tree debris.
    21     (a)  Site security and fire department access.--
    22         (1)  The perimeter of a stockpiled tree stump and tree
    23     debris facility shall have a chain-link fence at least ten
    24     feet high with intruder controls on the top in accordance
    25     with applicable local laws. Clearly visible signs with
    26     business hours and department regulations and local laws
    27     shall be posted near the facility entrance.
    28         (2)  Each stockpiled tree stump and tree debris facility
    29     shall be provided with emergency vehicle access routes, such
    30     that no portion of the stockpile is more than 450 feet from
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     1     an access road or fire break. Access routes, or fire breaks,
     2     through the piles shall have a clear width of at least 60
     3     feet.
     4         (3)  There shall be gates protecting each access point
     5     that can be locked when a stockpiled tree stump and tree
     6     debris facility is closed. All gates shall have a 20-foot
     7     open width and remain unobstructed at all times. The gates
     8     shall have rapid entry design compatible with fire department
     9     requirements. Electric gates shall have default capabilities
    10     to the unlocked position.
    11         (4)  All roads and accesses shall be designed to support
    12     loads imposed by fire fighting equipment. All bridges and
    13     structures, including drainage structures on access roads,
    14     shall be capable of carrying a minimum design load of HS-20
    15     consistent with ASFTO to "Standard Specifications for Highway
    16     Bridges." Access routes shall be surfaced with material
    17     designed to permit accessibility under all climatic
    18     conditions.
    19         (5)  All emergency vehicle accesses shall have
    20     unobstructed vertical clearance of 14 feet, or as needed for
    21     passage of large fire fighting apparatus. A minimum turning
    22     radius of 45 feet shall be provided for emergency vehicles
    23     access. All dead-end access in excess of 150 feet long shall
    24     be provided with a turn-around area.
    25         (6)  Accesses shall be well-maintained and remain
    26     accessible to the fire department at all times.
    27     (b)  Storage and disposal site design requirements.--
    28         (1)  Stockpiled tree stumps and tree debris storage sites
    29     shall be limited to 20 feet in height with a maximum
    30     perimeter of 250 feet long and 50 feet wide. The edges of the
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     1     stockpile shall be at least 60 feet from the perimeter fence,
     2     and that area shall be clear of debris or vegetation. All
     3     interior fire breaks shall be at least 65 feet wide.
     4         (2)  Stockpiled tree stumps and tree debris shall not be
     5     stored on wetlands, flood plains, ravines, canyons or on
     6     steeply graded surfaces.
     7     (c)  Storage site safety requirements.--
     8         (1)  No open-air burning shall be allowed within 500 feet
     9     of the storage site, in accordance with applicable local
    10     laws, and no welding or other heat generating devices allowed
    11     within 200 feet of the stockpile.
    12         (2)  Smoking and the lighting of flames in or around the
    13     piles shall be prohibited at the storage site. Lightning rods
    14     conforming to State and local codes shall be placed on the
    15     site, but away from the piles.
    16         (3)  The owner of a storage site shall coordinate with
    17     local fire and police departments so they can respond quickly
    18     to an emergency.
    19         (4)  If there is an stream, lake or other body of water
    20     located in the vicinity of the storage area, fire department
    21     drafting connection shall be provided in accordance with the
    22     fire department's response plan.
    23         (5)  All water supply systems shall be approved by the
    24     responsible local authority.
    25         (6)  Each fuel-fired vehicle operating at the storage
    26     site shall be equipped with at least one 2A, 10B c-rated or
    27     higher portable fire extinguisher.
    28         (7)  Storm water collection basins shall be installed at
    29     appropriate locations on the storage site in accordance with
    30     State and local laws recognizing that individual storage
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     1     sites shall require special considerations.
     2     (d)  Written management plan.--Storage sites that accept tree
     3  stumps and tree debris shall prepare and implement a written
     4  plan to the department and local government that addresses the
     5  management of tree stumps and tree debris. The plan shall, at a
     6  minimum, consist of the following:
     7         (1)  A description of the manner in which the storage
     8     site owner will meet the provisions of this act.
     9         (2)  The projected size of storage site shall be
    10     described in the number or projected piles based on the
    11     design requirements for piles as stated in this act and any
    12     regulations promulgated by the department under this act.
    13         (3)  Any storage site existing prior to the effective
    14     date of this act shall submit a written plan, within 120 days
    15     of the effective date of this act, describing how the storage
    16     site will reach compliance with all provisions of this act
    17     within two years of the effective date of this act.
    18         (4)  Notice to the department and local government, by
    19     the property owner, of the owner's intention to develop a
    20     storage site at least six months prior to the scheduled
    21     opening of a facility of stockpiled tree stumps and tree
    22     debris.
    23         (5)  Notice to department and local government, by the
    24     property owner of an existing storage site, of the owner's
    25     intention to develop a storage management plan or of
    26     intention to develop and implement a closure plan in
    27     accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the
    28     department within 90 days of the effective date of this act.
    29     (e)  Closure plans.--The department shall develop the
    30  requirements for all closure plans through its regulations.
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     1  Section 7.  Priority enforcement list.
     2     (a)  Development of stockpiled tree stumps and tree debris
     3  storage sites.--Within 180 days of the effective date of this
     4  act, the department shall identify and develop a Statewide list
     5  of stockpiled tree stumps and tree debris storage sites with
     6  piles equal to or larger than the pile design requirements
     7  stated in section 6. The department shall rank the storage sites
     8  according to their potential for creating environmental health
     9  and safety hazards and designate these sites as priority sites
    10  in obtaining compliance with the provisions of this act and the
    11  rules and regulations of the department.
    12     (b)  Review and update.--The department shall review and
    13  update the priority enforcement list every two years.
    14     (c)  Notification to counties and municipalities.--For
    15  purposes of section 9, the department shall notify in writing
    16  the counties and municipalities of storage sites selected to be
    17  listed on the priority enforcement list that are located within
    18  their borders.
    19  Section 8.  Penalties.
    20     (a)  General rule.--A person who violates this act commits a
    21  summary offense and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay
    22  a fine of not less than $100 and not more than $1,000 per
    23  violation or be subject to imprisonment for not more than 30
    24  days, or both.
    25     (b)  Additional penalty for subsequent violations.--For the
    26  second and any subsequent violations, the person commits a
    27  misdemeanor of the third degree and shall, upon conviction, be
    28  sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $1,000 and not more
    29  than $5,000 per violation or be subject to imprisonment for not
    30  more than 90 days, or both.
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     1  Section 9.  Report to General Assembly.
     2     The department shall submit a report to the General Assembly
     3  concerning the implementation of this act and the compliance
     4  status of the identified storage sites in this Commonwealth.
     5  Section 10.  Effective date.
     6     This act shall take effect immediately.

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