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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 4182



No. 2784 Session of 2002

           G. WRIGHT AND YOUNGBLOOD, JUNE 28, 2002

           JUNE 28, 2002

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of December 14, 1992 (P.L.1116, No.145),
     2     entitled "An act providing minimum standards, terms and
     3     conditions for the licensing of persons who engage in
     4     wholesale distributions in interstate commerce of
     5     prescription drugs; and making a repeal," further providing
     6     for legislative intent, for definitions, for license and
     7     renewal requirements, for license application, for storage,
     8     handling and record keeping and for additional requirements;
     9     and further providing for persons without license and current
    10     renewal, for refusal, revocation, suspension or limitation of
    11     license, for injunction against unlawful practice, for
    12     penalties for unlicensed practice, for disciplinary
    13     proceedings, for right to enter and inspect and for rules and
    14     regulations.

    15     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    16  hereby enacts as follows:
    17     Section 1.  Section 2 of the act of December 14, 1992
    18  (P.L.1116, No.145), known as the Wholesale Prescription Drug
    19  Distributors License Act, is amended to read:
    20  Section 2.  Legislative intent.

     1     (a)  Findings.--The General Assembly finds and declares as
     2  follows:
     3         (1)  The economic interests of this Commonwealth and of
     4     its wholesale prescription drug industry will be promoted by
     5     requiring the licensure of persons who engage in the
     6     wholesale distribution of prescription drugs in interstate
     7     commerce under the Federal Prescription Drug Marketing Act of
     8     1987 (Public Law 100-293, 102 Stat. 95).
     9         (2)  Pennsylvania consumers of prescription drugs will be
    10     able to make better informed choices regarding prescription
    11     drugs through the publication of an annual report on
    12     prescription drugs and their prices. Consumers will also be
    13     better assured of safe and effective prescription drug
    14     products if the Commonwealth joins with other jurisdictions
    15     to require the licensure of all persons who operate
    16     facilities from which they engage in the wholesale
    17     distribution of prescription drugs.
    18     (b)  Intent.--It is the intent of the General Assembly that
    19  this act satisfy the requirements of the Federal Prescription
    20  Drug Marketing Act of 1987. It is the further intent of the
    21  General Assembly to promote the safety and effectiveness of
    22  prescription drug products by requiring all persons who [operate
    23  facilities within this Commonwealth from which they] engage in
    24  the wholesale distribution of prescription drugs within this
    25  Commonwealth to secure a license and meet minimum quality
    26  assurance and operational standards as required by this act.
    27     Section 2.  The definitions of "department" and "wholesale
    28  distributor of prescription drugs" in section 3 of the act are
    29  amended and the section is amended by adding definitions to
    30  read:
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     1  Section 3.  Definitions.
     2     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
     3  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     4  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     5     "Average wholesale price" or "AWP."  The cost of a dispensed
     6  drug based upon the price published in a national drug pricing
     7  system in current use by the Department of Aging as the average
     8  wholesale cost of a prescription drug in the most common package
     9  size.
    10     * * *
    11     "Board."  The State Board of Pharmacy.
    12     * * *
    13     ["Department."  The Department of Health of the
    14  Commonwealth.]
    15     * * *
    16     "Wholesale distributor of prescription drugs."  A person who
    17  [operates a facility from which a person] engages in the
    18  wholesale distribution of prescription drugs, including, but not
    19  limited to, manufacturers, repackers, own-label distributors,
    20  private-label distributors or jobbers, warehouses, including
    21  manufacturers' and distributors' warehouses, chain drug
    22  warehouses and wholesale drug warehouses, independent wholesale
    23  drug traders and retail pharmacies that conduct wholesale
    24  distributions.
    25     Section 3.  Sections 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the act are amended to
    26  read:
    27  Section 4.  License and renewal requirements.
    28     (a)  License.--After September 14, 1992, a person may not
    29  operate a facility within this Commonwealth from which a person
    30  engages in the wholesale distribution of prescription drugs nor
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     1  sell, offer for sale nor solicit the purchase of prescription
     2  drugs for sale or resale without having secured from the
     3  [department] board a license and a current renewal of that
     4  license. A person shall obtain a separate license to operate
     5  each facility.
     6     (a.1)  Facilities under same management.--Separate licenses
     7  are required for each facility maintained on separate premises,
     8  even though they are operated under the same management.
     9  Separate licenses are not required for separate buildings on the
    10  same grounds.
    11     (a.2)  Assignment.--A license under this act shall be valid
    12  only while in the possession of the individual, firm,
    13  partnership, association or corporation to whom it is issued. At
    14  no time shall any license granted under this act be subject to
    15  sale, assignment or other transfer, voluntary or involuntary,
    16  nor shall a license granted under this act be valid for any
    17  premises other than that for which it was originally issued.
    18     (b)  License renewal.--A licensee shall renew its license at
    19  the same time it is required to renew the registration issued to
    20  it under the act of April 14, 1972 (P.L.233, No.64), known as
    21  The Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act, or as
    22  otherwise required by the [department] board, but in no case
    23  shall the period for renewing the license be longer than two
    24  years. A form for the license renewal shall be mailed to each
    25  licensee on or before the first day of the month in which the
    26  current renewal expires. If a completed license renewal is
    27  neither postmarked nor received by the [department] board before
    28  the first day of the following month, the license shall become
    29  invalid. Failure of the licensee to receive the form by mail
    30  shall not serve as an excuse for failing to timely renew the
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     1  license.
     2     (c)  Fees.--Each person who applies for a license shall
     3  submit a fee of $10 with the license application. The license
     4  renewal fee shall be $100, unless changed by regulation, and
     5  shall be submitted with the completed license renewal form. The
     6  late submission of a completed license renewal form shall be
     7  accompanied by a late payment fee of $25 for each month or
     8  portion thereof that expired after the license renewal was due.
     9  The late payment fee shall be in addition to any administrative,
    10  civil or criminal penalty that may be imposed against a licensee
    11  for continuing to engage in the wholesale distribution of
    12  prescription drugs without a current license. Fees under this
    13  section may be amended by regulation of the [department] board.
    14  Section 5.  License application.
    15     (a)  Information on application.--An applicant for a license
    16  shall provide the following information on a license application
    17  form approved by the [department] board:
    18         [(1)  The name, full business address and telephone
    19     number of the facility for which the applicant is seeking a
    20     license to operate.]
    21         (2)  The name, full business address and telephone number
    22     of the applicant.
    23         (3)  All trade or business names used by the applicant.
    24         (4)  Addresses, telephone numbers and the names of
    25     contact persons for all facilities used by the [facility for
    26     which the license is being sought] applicant for the storage,
    27     handling and distribution of prescription drugs.
    28         (5)  The type of ownership or operation, that is,
    29     partnership, corporation or sole proprietorship[, of the
    30     facility].
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     1         (6)  The name of the owner and operator of the [facility]
     2     applicant as follows:
     3             (i)  If a sole proprietorship, the full name of the
     4         sole proprietor and the name of the business entity.
     5             (ii)  If a partnership, the name of each partner and
     6         the name of the partnership.
     7             (iii)  If a corporation, the name and title of each
     8         corporate officer and director, the corporate name and
     9         the name of the state of incorporation.
    10             (iv)  If a person other than a sole proprietorship,
    11         partnership or corporation, the name of the person and of
    12         the individual in charge of that person.
    13         (7)  Any other information required by the [department]
    14     board, including information bearing upon whether there are
    15     grounds for refusing to grant the license under section 9.
    16     (b)  Changes in information.--A change in any information
    17  provided in the application shall be submitted to the
    18  [department] board within 30 days after the change or as
    19  otherwise required by the [department] board.
    20  Section 6.  Storage, handling and recordkeeping.
    21     (a)  Minimum requirements.--Licensees and their officers,
    22  agents, representatives and employees shall satisfy the minimum
    23  requirements of this section for the storage and handling of
    24  prescription drugs and for the establishment and maintenance of
    25  prescription drug distribution records.
    26     (b)  [Facility.--The facility]  Facilities.--All facilities
    27  at which wholesale prescription drugs are stored, warehoused,
    28  handled, held, offered, marketed or displayed shall:
    29         (1)  Be of suitable size and construction to facilitate
    30     cleaning, maintenance and proper operations.
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     1         (2)  Have storage areas designed to provide adequate
     2     lighting, ventilation, temperature, sanitation, humidity,
     3     space, equipment and security conditions.
     4         (3)  Have a quarantine area for storage of prescription
     5     drugs that are outdated, damaged, deteriorated, misbranded or
     6     adulterated or that are in immediate or sealed secondary
     7     containers that have been opened.
     8         (4)  Be maintained in a clean and orderly condition.
     9         (5)  Be free from infestation by insects, rodents, birds
    10     or vermin of any kind.
    11     (c)  Security.--[The facility] Facilities used for wholesale
    12  drug distribution shall be secure from unauthorized entry as
    13  follows:
    14         (1)  Access from outside the premises shall be kept to a
    15     minimum and be well controlled.
    16         (2)  The outside perimeter of the premises shall be well
    17     lighted.
    18         (3)  Entry into areas where prescription drugs are held
    19     shall be limited to authorized personnel.
    20         (4)  The facility shall be equipped with an alarm system
    21     to detect entry after hours.
    22         (5)  The facility shall be equipped with a security
    23     system that will provide suitable protection against theft
    24     and diversion. When appropriate, the security system shall
    25     provide protection against theft or diversion that is
    26     facilitated or hidden by tampering with computers or
    27     electronic records.
    28     (d)  Storage.--All prescription drugs shall be stored at
    29  appropriate temperatures and under appropriate conditions in
    30  accordance with requirements, if any, in the labeling of such
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     1  drugs or with requirements in the current edition of the United
     2  States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF). If no storage
     3  requirements are established for a prescription drug, the drug
     4  may be held at controlled room temperature, as defined in the
     5  USP/NF, to help ensure that its identity, strength, quality and
     6  purity are not adversely affected. Appropriate manual,
     7  electromechanical or electronic temperature and humidity
     8  recording equipment, devices or logs shall be utilized to
     9  document proper storage of prescription drugs. The recordkeeping
    10  requirements under subsection (g) shall be followed for all
    11  stored drugs.
    12     (e)  Examination of materials.--Upon receipt, each outside
    13  shipping container shall be visually examined for identity and
    14  to prevent the acceptance of contaminated prescription drugs or
    15  prescription drugs that are otherwise unfit for distribution.
    16  This examination shall be adequate to reveal container damage
    17  that would suggest possible contamination or other damage to the
    18  contents. Each outgoing shipment shall be carefully inspected
    19  for identity of the prescription drug products and to ensure
    20  that there is no delivery of prescription drugs that have been
    21  damaged in storage or held under improper conditions. The
    22  recordkeeping requirements in subsection (g) shall be followed
    23  for all incoming and outgoing prescription drugs.
    24     (f)  Returned, damaged and outdated prescription drugs.--
    25  Prescription drugs that are outdated, damaged, deteriorated,
    26  misbranded or adulterated shall be quarantined and physically
    27  separated from other prescription drugs until they are destroyed
    28  or returned to their supplier. Any prescription drugs whose
    29  immediate or sealed outer or sealed secondary containers have
    30  been opened or used shall be identified as such and shall be
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     1  quarantined and physically separated from other prescription
     2  drugs until they are either destroyed or returned to the
     3  supplier. If the conditions under which a prescription drug has
     4  been returned cast doubt on the drug's safety, identity,
     5  strength, quality or purity, the drug shall be destroyed or
     6  returned to the supplier unless examination, testing or other
     7  investigation proves that the drug meets appropriate standards
     8  of safety, identity, strength, quality or purity. In determining
     9  whether the conditions under which a drug has been returned cast
    10  doubt on the drug's safety, identity, strength, quality or
    11  purity, the licensee shall consider, among other things, the
    12  conditions under which the drug has been held, stored or shipped
    13  before or during its return and the condition of the drug and
    14  its container, carton or labeling as a result of storage or
    15  shipping. The recordkeeping requirements under subsection (g)
    16  shall be followed for all outdated, damaged, deteriorated,
    17  misbranded or adulterated prescription drugs.
    18     (g)  Recordkeeping.--
    19         (1)  The licensee shall establish and maintain
    20     inventories and records of all transactions regarding the
    21     receipt and distribution or other disposition of prescription
    22     drugs. These records shall include the following information:
    23             (i)  The source of the drugs, including the name and
    24         principal address of the seller or transferor, and the
    25         address of the location from which the drugs were
    26         shipped.
    27             (ii)  The identity and quantity of the drugs received
    28         and distributed or disposed.
    29             (iii)  The dates of receipt and distribution or other
    30         disposition of the drugs.
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     1         (2)  Inventories and records shall be made available for
     2     inspection and photocopying by authorized Federal, State or
     3     local law enforcement agency officials for a period of two
     4     years following disposition of the drugs.
     5         (3)  Records described in this section that are kept at
     6     the [facility] inspection site or that can be immediately
     7     retrieved by computer or other electronic means shall be
     8     readily available for authorized inspection during the
     9     retention period. Records kept at a central location apart
    10     from the [facility] inspection site and not electronically
    11     retrievable shall be made available for inspection within two
    12     working days of an authorized request by an authorized
    13     official of a Federal, State or local law enforcement agency.
    14     (h)  Written policies and procedures.--The licensee shall
    15  establish, maintain and adhere to written policies and
    16  procedures, which shall be followed for the receipt, security,
    17  storage, inventory and distribution of prescription drugs,
    18  including policies and procedures for identifying, recording and
    19  reporting losses or thefts and for correcting all errors and
    20  inaccuracies in inventories. The licensee shall include in its
    21  written policies and procedures the following:
    22         (1)  A procedure whereby the oldest approved stock of a
    23     prescription drug product is distributed first. The procedure
    24     may permit deviation from this requirement if the deviation
    25     is temporary and appropriate.
    26         (2)  A procedure to be followed for handling recalls and
    27     withdrawals of prescription drugs. The procedure shall be
    28     adequate to deal with recalls and withdrawals due to any of
    29     the following:
    30             (i)  Any action initiated at the request of the
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     1         [department] board, the United States Food and Drug
     2         Administration or other Federal, State or local law
     3         enforcement or other government agency.
     4             (ii)  Any voluntary action by the manufacturer to
     5         remove defective or potentially defective drugs from the
     6         market.
     7             (iii)  Any action undertaken to promote public health
     8         and safety by replacing existing merchandise with an
     9         improved product or new package design.
    10         (3)  A procedure to ensure that the licensee prepares
    11     for, protects against and handles any crisis that affects
    12     security or operation of the facility in the event of strike,
    13     fire, flood or other natural disaster or other situations of
    14     national, State or local emergency.
    15         (4)  A procedure to ensure that any outdated prescription
    16     drugs shall be segregated from other drugs and either
    17     returned to the manufacturer or destroyed. This procedure
    18     shall provide for written documentation of the disposition of
    19     outdated prescription drugs. This documentation shall be
    20     maintained for two years after disposition of the outdated
    21     drugs.
    22     (i)  Responsible persons.--The licensee shall:
    23         (1)  Establish and maintain lists of officers, directors,
    24     managers and other persons in charge of wholesale drug
    25     distribution, storage and handling, including a description
    26     of their duties and a summary of their qualifications.
    27         (2)  Ensure that all personnel involved in the wholesale
    28     distribution of prescription drugs have an adequate
    29     combination of education, training and experience to perform
    30     their duties in a manner that ensures compliance with this
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     1     act and applicable regulations.
     2     (j)  Salvaging and reprocessing.--The licensee shall comply
     3  with any applicable Federal, State or local law or regulation
     4  that relates to prescription drug salvaging or reprocessing.
     5     (k)  Compliance with Federal, State and local law.--The
     6  licensee shall operate in compliance with applicable Federal,
     7  State and local laws and regulations. The licensee shall permit
     8  the [department] board and authorized Federal, State and local
     9  law enforcement officials to enter and inspect its premises and
    10  delivery vehicles and to audit its records and written operating
    11  procedures, at reasonable times and in a reasonable manner, to
    12  the extent authorized by law. The licensee that deals in
    13  controlled substances shall register with the Drug Enforcement
    14  Administration (DEA) and shall comply with all applicable DEA,
    15  State and local regulations.
    16  Section 7.  Additional requirements.
    17     The [department] board may, by regulation, establish
    18  additional requirements for the distribution, storage and
    19  handling of prescription drugs and for the establishment and
    20  maintenance of prescription drug distribution records. The
    21  [department] board may also, by regulation, modify the standards
    22  in section 6 if modification of those standards is necessary to
    23  satisfy minimum requirements contained in the United States
    24  Department of Health and Human Services regulations setting
    25  forth guidelines for state licensing of persons who engage in
    26  the wholesale distribution of prescription drugs.
    27     Section 4.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    28  Section 7.1.  Annual report.
    29     Licensees must submit an annual report to the board that
    30  includes, but is not limited to, the following information:
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     1         (1)  All the prescription drugs purchased by the
     2     licensee.
     3         (2)  The sellers for each purchased prescription drug.
     4         (3)  The AWP for each prescription drug purchased by the
     5     licensee.
     6         (4)  The price paid by the licensee for each of the
     7     prescription drugs.
     8         (5)  The purchase price paid for the prescription drugs
     9     by each purchaser.
    10     Section 5.  Sections 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 of the act
    11  are amended to read:
    12  Section 8.  Persons without license and current renewal.
    13     Any person who does not have a license and current renewal
    14  and who [operates a facility in this Commonwealth through which
    15  it] engages in the wholesale distribution of prescription drugs
    16  in this Commonwealth shall comply with the requirements of
    17  sections 6 and 7, notwithstanding the person's failure to secure
    18  a license or a current renewal.
    19  Section 9.  Refusal, revocation, suspension or limitation of
    20                 license.
    21     (a)  Reasons for discipline.--The [department] board may
    22  refuse to issue or may suspend, revoke or limit any and all
    23  licenses held by a licensee or fine a licensee for any of the
    24  following reasons:
    25         (1)  Failing to demonstrate the qualifications for a
    26     license.
    27         (2)  Violating any provision of this act.
    28         (3)  Being convicted of a felony or of a crime relating
    29     to drug samples, wholesale or retail drug distribution or any
    30     other law relating to the handling of drugs.
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     1         (4)  Making misleading, deceptive, untrue or fraudulent
     2     representations in obtaining or seeking to obtain a license
     3     or registration.
     4         (5)  Having a license or equivalent authorization
     5     currently or previously held for the manufacture or
     6     distribution of any drugs denied, suspended, revoked,
     7     restricted or subjected to any other sanction for
     8     disciplinary reasons by a Federal, State or local government
     9     agency.
    10         (6)  Violating a regulation promulgated by the
    11     [department] board or violating a lawful order of the
    12     [department] board entered in a disciplinary proceeding.
    13         (7)  Engaging in conduct which is harmful to the public
    14     health, safety or welfare.
    15     (b)  Notice of deficiencies.--Whenever the [department] board
    16  shall, upon inspection, investigation or complaint,
    17  preliminarily find a violation of this act or the regulations
    18  promulgated thereunder, it may, in lieu of proceeding with
    19  disciplinary action, issue a written notice to the licensee
    20  specifying the violation and directing that the violation be
    21  corrected and that a written plan of correction be filed with it
    22  by a specified date. The licensee shall respond as directed and
    23  shall either deny the alleged violation or provide a plan of
    24  correction by the date specified in the notice. If the plan of
    25  correction is accepted by the [department] board, the licensee
    26  shall implement it as directed by the [department] board.
    27     (c)  Reinstatement.--A person whose license has been revoked
    28  may not apply for reinstatement until five years have expired
    29  during which the license was revoked.
    30  Section 10.  Injunction against unlawful practice.
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     1     The [department] board may maintain an action for an
     2  injunction to restrain a person from [operating a facility
     3  within this Commonwealth through which it engages] engaging in
     4  the wholesale distribution of prescription drugs when that
     5  person does not have a license and a current renewal of that
     6  license as required by this act. To secure an injunction, it
     7  shall not be necessary to show that any person has been injured
     8  by the actions complained of. The remedy of injunction is an
     9  addition to any other administrative, civil or criminal remedy
    10  authorized.
    11  Section 11.  Penalties for unlicensed practice.
    12     (a)  Civil penalty.--The [department] board shall have
    13  authority to assess a civil penalty of up to [$500] $1,000 for
    14  each day that a person engages in the wholesale distribution of
    15  prescription drugs without a license as required by this act.
    16     (b)  Criminal penalty.--A person who engages in the wholesale
    17  distribution of prescription drugs without a license as required
    18  by this act commits a misdemeanor of the third degree and shall,
    19  upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than
    20  $2,000 and to imprisonment for not more than [six] 12 months, or
    21  both, for the first violation. On the second and each subsequent
    22  conviction, the person shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not
    23  less than $5,000 nor more than $20,000 or to imprisonment for
    24  not less than six months nor more than one year, or both.
    25  Section 12.  Disciplinary proceedings.
    26     All actions of the [department] board taken under sections
    27  9(a) and 11(a) shall be subject to the right of notice, hearing
    28  and adjudication and the right of appeal therefrom in accordance
    29  with the provisions of 2 Pa.C.S. (relating to administrative law
    30  and procedure).
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     1  Section 13.  Right to enter and inspect.
     2     For the purpose of determining the suitability of an
     3  applicant for licensure and for the purpose of determining
     4  compliance with the provisions of this act and applicable
     5  regulations of any person licensed or requiring a license under
     6  this act, the [department] board by its authorized agent may
     7  enter, visit and inspect the building, grounds and equipment and
     8  supplies of any facility in this Commonwealth engaging or
     9  appearing to engage in the wholesale distribution of
    10  prescription drugs, shall have full and free access to the
    11  records of the facility and to the employees therein and their
    12  records and shall have full opportunity to interview employees
    13  and inspect such premises and records of the facility. Upon
    14  entering the facility, the authorized agents shall properly
    15  identify themselves to the individual on the premises then in
    16  charge of the facility.
    17  Section 14.  Rules and regulations.
    18     The [department] board may promulgate rules and regulations
    19  to administer and enforce this act.
    20     Section 6.  Rules and regulations of the Department of Health
    21  under the act in effect on the effective date of this act shall
    22  remain in effect thereafter until repealed or amended by the
    23  State Board of Pharmacy, provided that the board shall
    24  immediately initiate the repeal or amendment of any rule or
    25  regulation which is inconsistent with the provisions of this
    26  act. Fees of the Department of Health under the act and in
    27  effect on the effective date of this act shall remain in effect
    28  thereafter until repealed or amended by the State Board of
    29  Pharmacy.
    30     Section 7.  Any person who holds a valid license issued by
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     1  the Department of Health under the act prior to the effective
     2  date of this act shall, on and after the effective date of this
     3  act, be deemed licensed by the State Board of Pharmacy.
     4     Section 8.  All records, papers and other documents in
     5  possession, custody and control of the Department of Health in
     6  connection with the functions of the department transferred by
     7  this act shall be transferred and delivered to the possession,
     8  custody and control of the State Board of Pharmacy.
     9     Section 9.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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