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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3998



No. 2789 Session of 2000



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.682, No.284), entitled "An
     2     act relating to insurance; amending, revising, and
     3     consolidating the law providing for the incorporation of
     4     insurance companies, and the regulation, supervision, and
     5     protection of home and foreign insurance companies, Lloyds
     6     associations, reciprocal and inter-insurance exchanges, and
     7     fire insurance rating bureaus, and the regulation and
     8     supervision of insurance carried by such companies,
     9     associations, and exchanges, including insurance carried by
    10     the State Workmen's Insurance Fund; providing penalties; and
    11     repealing existing laws," further defining "managed care
    12     plan" for purposes of quality health care accountability and
    13     protection; further providing for responsibilities of managed
    14     care plans, for disclosure, for utilization review, for
    15     complaints and grievances, for departmental powers and duties
    16     and for penalties; and providing for comprehensive health
    17     care for uninsured children.

    18     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    19  hereby enacts as follows:
    20     Section 1.  The definition of "managed care plan" in section
    21  2102 of the act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.682, No.284), known as The
    22  Insurance Company Law of 1921, added June 17, 1998 (P.L.464,
    23  No.68), is amended to read:

     1     Section 2102.  Definitions.--As used in this article, the
     2  following words and phrases shall have the meanings given to
     3  them in this section:
     4     * * *
     5     "Managed care plan."  A health care plan that uses a
     6  gatekeeper to manage the utilization of health care services,
     7  integrates the financing and delivery of health care services to
     8  enrollees by arrangements with health care providers selected to
     9  participate on the basis of specific standards [and] or provides
    10  financial incentives for enrollees to use the participating
    11  health care providers in accordance with procedures established
    12  by the plan. A managed care plan includes health care arranged
    13  through an entity operating under any of the following:
    14     (1)  Section 630.
    15     (2)  The act of December 29, 1972 (P.L.1701, No.364), known
    16  as the "Health Maintenance Organization Act."
    17     (3)  The act of December 14, 1992 (P.L.835, No.134), known as
    18  the "Fraternal Benefit Societies Code."
    19     (4)  40 Pa.C.S. Ch. 61 (relating to hospital plan
    20  corporations).
    21     (5)  40 Pa.C.S. Ch. 63 (relating to professional health
    22  services plan corporations).
    23  The term includes an entity, including a municipality, whether
    24  licensed or unlicensed, that contracts with or functions as a
    25  managed care plan to provide health care services to enrollees.
    26  The term does not include ancillary service plans or an
    27  indemnity arrangement which is primarily fee for service.
    28     * * *
    29     Section 2.  Sections 2111, 2112, 2116 and 2131(a) of the act,
    30  added June 17, 1998 (P.L.464, No.68), are amended to read:
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     1     Section 2111.  Responsibilities of Managed Care Plans.--(a)
     2  A managed care plan shall do all of the following:
     3     (1)  Assure availability and accessibility of adequate health
     4  care providers in a timely manner, which enables enrollees to
     5  have access to quality care and continuity of health care
     6  services. The Department of Health shall adopt by regulation
     7  standards as to what constitutes a sufficient network, access to
     8  service and reasonable consumer choice of provider.
     9     (2)  Consult with health care providers in active clinical
    10  practice regarding professional qualifications and necessary
    11  specialists to be included in the plan.
    12     (3)  Adopt and maintain a definition of medical necessity
    13  used by the plan in determining health care services.
    14     (4)  Ensure that emergency services are provided twenty-four
    15  (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week and provide reasonable
    16  payment or reimbursement for emergency services.
    17     (5)  Adopt and maintain procedures by which an enrollee can
    18  obtain health care services outside the plan's service area.
    19     (6)  Adopt and maintain procedures by which an enrollee with
    20  a life-threatening, degenerative or disabling disease or
    21  condition shall, upon request, receive an evaluation and, if the
    22  plan's established standards are met, be permitted to receive:
    23     (i)  a standing referral to a specialist with clinical
    24  expertise in treating the disease or condition; or
    25     (ii)  the designation of a specialist to provide and
    26  coordinate the enrollee's primary and specialty care.
    27  The referral to or designation of a specialist shall be pursuant
    28  to a treatment plan approved by the managed care plan in
    29  consultation with the primary care provider, the enrollee and,
    30  as appropriate, the specialist. When possible, the specialist
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     1  must be a health care provider participating in the plan.
     2     (7)  Provide direct access to obstetrical and gynecological
     3  services by permitting an enrollee to select a health care
     4  provider participating in the plan to obtain routine and
     5  nonroutine maternity and gynecological care, including medically
     6  necessary and appropriate follow-up care and referrals for
     7  diagnostic testing related to maternity and gynecological care,
     8  without prior approval from a primary care provider. The health
     9  care services shall be within the scope of practice of the
    10  selected health care provider. The selected health care provider
    11  shall inform the enrollee's primary care provider of all health
    12  care services provided.
    13     (8)  Adopt and maintain a complaint process as set forth in
    14  subdivision (g).
    15     (9)  Adopt and maintain a grievance process as set forth in
    16  subdivision (i).
    17     (10)  Adopt and maintain credentialing standards for health
    18  care providers as set forth in subdivision (d).
    19     (11)  Ensure that there are participating health care
    20  providers that are physically accessible to people with
    21  disabilities and can communicate with individuals with sensory
    22  disabilities in accordance with Title III of the Americans with
    23  Disabilities Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-336, 42 U.S.C. § 12181
    24  et seq.).
    25     (12)  Provide a list of health care providers participating
    26  in the plan to the department every two (2) years or as may
    27  otherwise be required by the department. The list shall include
    28  the extent to which health care providers in the plan are
    29  accepting new enrollees.
    30     (13)  Report to the department and the Insurance Department
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     1  in accordance with the requirements of this article. Such
     2  information shall include the number, type and disposition of
     3  all complaints and grievances filed with the plan.
     4     (14)  Offer every member the opportunity to seek treatment
     5  from a licensed provider outside of the managed care plan
     6  network. The managed care plan may cover the reasonable and
     7  appropriate costs of such an option by raising the premium
     8  charged for that member or implementing a requirement that the
     9  member bear some percentage of the cost associated with
    10  receiving treatment outside of the plan's network. Such a
    11  requirement shall amount to not more than twenty per centum
    12  (20%) of the provider's usual and customary rate for the service
    13  provided and shall be subject to approval by the Insurance
    14  Commissioner. The provider must offer services covered by the
    15  plan.
    16     (15)  Ensure that there are participating health care
    17  providers that are physically accessible to people with
    18  disabilities and can communicate with individuals with sensory
    19  disabilities in accordance with Title III of the Americans with
    20  Disabilities Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-336, 42 U.S.C. § 12181
    21  et seq.).
    22     (16)  Provide a list of health care providers participating
    23  in the plan to the department at least every two (2) years or as
    24  may otherwise be determined by the department. The list shall
    25  identify the extent to which providers in the network are
    26  accepting new patients.
    27     (b)  A managed care plan may adopt reasonable copayments for
    28  services, but only after the department has reviewed each
    29  proposed copayment to determine its impact on access to
    30  services, continuity of care, quality of care and cost to the
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     1  consumer.
     2     Section 2112.  Financial Incentives and Transfer of Liability
     3  Prohibition.--(a)  No managed care plan shall:
     4     (1)  use any financial incentive that compensates a health
     5  care provider for providing less than medically necessary and
     6  appropriate care to an enrollee[.]; or
     7     (2)  include any provision in a contract with a health care
     8  provider that holds the plan harmless from liability for
     9  treatment or payment of services or includes an indemnification
    10  clause that transfers responsibility for indemnification or
    11  otherwise transfers financial or medical liability relating to
    12  the activities or omissions of the plan from the plan to that
    13  provider.
    14     (b)  The plan shall disclose to members, prospective members
    15  and participating providers any financial incentives provided or
    16  offered to the plan medical director or any staff engaged in
    17  utilization reviews.
    18     (c)  Nothing in this section shall be deemed to prohibit a
    19  managed care plan from using a capitated payment arrangement or
    20  other risk-sharing arrangement.
    21     Section 2116.  Emergency Services.--If an enrollee seeks
    22  emergency services and the emergency health care provider
    23  determines that emergency services are necessary, the emergency
    24  health care provider shall initiate necessary intervention to
    25  evaluate and, if necessary, stabilize the condition of the
    26  enrollee without seeking or receiving authorization from the
    27  managed care plan. The managed care plan shall pay all
    28  reasonably necessary costs associated with the emergency
    29  services provided during the period of the emergency, including
    30  the costs of any medical assessment or test to determine if
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     1  urgent care is required. When processing a reimbursement claim
     2  for emergency services, a managed care plan shall consider both
     3  the presenting symptoms and the services provided. The emergency
     4  health care provider shall notify the enrollee's managed care
     5  plan of the provision of emergency services and the condition of
     6  the enrollee. If an enrollee's condition has stabilized and the
     7  enrollee can be transported without suffering detrimental
     8  consequences or aggravating the enrollee's condition, the
     9  enrollee may be relocated to another facility to receive
    10  continued care and treatment as necessary.
    11     Section 2131.  Confidentiality.--(a)  (1)  A managed care
    12  plan and a utilization review entity shall adopt and maintain
    13  procedures to ensure that all identifiable information regarding
    14  enrollee health, diagnosis and treatment is adequately protected
    15  and remains confidential in compliance with all applicable
    16  Federal and State laws and regulations and professional ethical
    17  standards.
    18     (2)  A managed care plan may not:
    19     (i)  Sell or transfer for any financial consideration the
    20  names or any other patient-identifying information.
    21     (ii)  Release any patient-specific genetic information
    22  without the written consent of that patient, the patient's legal
    23  representative or legal guardian.
    24     * * *
    25     Section 3.  Section 2136(a) of the act, added June 17, 1998
    26  (P.L.464, No.68), is amended by adding paragraphs to read:
    27     Section 2136.  Required Disclosure.--(a)  A managed care plan
    28  shall supply each enrollee and, upon written request, each
    29  prospective enrollee or health care provider with the following
    30  written information. Such information shall be easily
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     1  understandable by the layperson and shall include, but not be
     2  limited to:
     3     * * *
     4     (16)  Each enrolled member and each prospective member shall
     5  be informed in writing that they have the right to:
     6     (i)  Obtain, without paying any financial penalty, specific
     7  prescription drugs that are not included in that managed care
     8  plan's drug formulary, when the patient is allergic to the
     9  formulary medication, when the formulary medication may interact
    10  with other medications the patient is taking or when the patient
    11  has an intolerance for the formulary medication.
    12     (ii)  Be informed about alternative treatment options and the
    13  consequences of each option.
    14     (iii)  Receive basic comparative information about the plan
    15  in which they are enrolled or potentially could enroll.
    16     (iv)  Participate in and be covered for clinical trials and
    17  experimental treatment so long as there is a meaningful
    18  potential for a significant clinical benefit from that trial or
    19  treatment.
    20     (v)  Receive a clear statement as to the charges and payments
    21  for which that member is or may be liable and to the limitations
    22  or other conditions that affect that member's ability to access
    23  health care services.
    24     (vi)  File a grievance, authorize a provider to file a
    25  grievance on his behalf and file a complaint and receive a
    26  timely response.
    27     (vii)  Be informed about any special provider payment
    28  procedures that could potentially impact on that member's
    29  ability to access care.
    30     (viii)  Obtain a referral out-of-network when the network is
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     1  insufficient to provide treatment required by that member.
     2     (ix)  Designate their own care coordinators or gatekeepers
     3  from among the network of providers participating in that plan.
     4     (x)  For members who have been diagnosed and are in treatment
     5  for a chronic illness or disability, select a specialist as
     6  their primary care provider.
     7     (xi)  Seek treatment for a provider not in the plan provider
     8  network, with a clear statement as to the additional cost to
     9  that member for such service.
    10     (xii)  Receive accurate and complete information from any
    11  physician treating that member about any diagnosis, treatment
    12  option and prognosis.
    13     (xiii)  Request the name, professional status and function of
    14  any individual providing health care services to that member.
    15     (17)  Each enrolled member and each prospective member shall
    16  be informed in writing whenever a plan proposes to restrict
    17  access to any member or group or class of members to any portion
    18  or segment of its network.
    19     * * *
    20     Section 4.  Section 2193 of the act is repealed.
    21     Section 5.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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