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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3972



No. 2813 Session of 1990

           D. F. CLARK AND McHALE, JULY 1, 1990


                                     AN ACT

     1  Establishing a scholarship and loan forgiveness program which
     2     provides for an increase in physicians in certain rural areas
     3     of this Commonwealth.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6  Section 1.  Short title.
     7     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Rural Medical
     8  Student Scholarship and Physician Loan Forgiveness Act.
     9  Section 2.  Findings and declaration of intent.
    10     The General Assembly finds and declares that:
    11         (1)  Physicians tend to practice in the more populous
    12     metropolitan areas and away from more sparsely populated
    13     rural areas of this Commonwealth.
    14         (2)  Lower levels of reimbursement for certain critical
    15     primary care practices deter their establishment in
    16     economically hard-pressed and sparsely populated rural areas.

     1         (3)  Physicians typically begin their practices heavily
     2     in debt from loans acquired to finance their education.
     3         (4)  Because of the lower levels of reimbursement and the
     4     burden of educational debts, the numbers of primary care
     5     physicians choosing to practice in rural areas is
     6     insufficient to adequately meet the health needs of the
     7     population.
     8         (5)  Repayment of student loans for primary care
     9     physicians who set up practice in rural areas and the
    10     provision of scholarships to rural residents desirous of
    11     attending medical school and of setting up primary care
    12     practices in rural areas encourages the establishment of
    13     critical primary care practices in rural areas with a
    14     resultant benefit to all citizens of this Commonwealth.
    15  Section 3.  Definitions.
    16     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    17  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    18  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    19     "Agency."  The Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance
    20  Agency.
    21     "Committee."  The Rural Medical Student Scholarship and
    22  Physician Loan Repayment Fund Advisory Committee established by
    23  this act.
    24     "Designated shortage area."  Any of the following:
    25         (1)  An area designated by the Department of Health as a
    26     physician shortage area using criteria which take into
    27     account the special barriers to the provision of health care
    28     services in a rural area.
    29         (2)  A medically underserved area as designated by the
    30     United States Department of Health and Human Services.
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     1         (3)  A critical manpower shortage area, as defined by the
     2     United States Department of Health and Human Services or as
     3     further defined by the Department of Health of the
     4     Commonwealth.
     5     "Fund."  The Rural Medical Student Scholarship and Physician
     6  Loan Repayment Fund created under this act.
     7     "Primary care physician."  Any of the following:
     8         (1)  A family practitioner, as defined by the American
     9     Board of Medical Specialties.
    10         (2)  A general practitioner, as defined by the American
    11     Osteopathic Board of General Practice.
    12         (3)  A general pediatrician, general internist or
    13     obstetrician-gynecologist, as defined by the American Board
    14     of Medical Specialties or the American Osteopathic Board of
    15     General Practice.
    16  Section 4.  Rural Medical Student Scholarship and Physician Loan
    17                 Repayment Fund Advisory Committee.
    18     (a)  Creation.--There is hereby established the Rural Medical
    19  Student Scholarship and Physician Loan Repayment Fund Advisory
    20  Committee, which shall advise and make recommendations to the
    21  agency on the administration of the fund, the selection of loan
    22  and scholarship recipients and the assignment of recipients to
    23  designated shortage areas.
    24     (b)  Members.--The committee shall be comprised of 11
    25  members, which shall include:
    26         (1)  One member from the State Board of Medicine.
    27         (2)  One member from the State Board of Osteopathic
    28     Medical Examiners.
    29         (3)  Two members of the Bureau of Rural Health Care
    30     Services Advisory Committee.
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     1         (4)  Seven members selected by the Governor, as follows:
     2             (i)  Five licensed primary care physicians actively
     3         practicing in rural areas of this Commonwealth.
     4             (ii)  One member of the Pennsylvania Medical Society.
     5             (iii)  One member of the Pennsylvania Osteopathic
     6         Medical Association.
     7  Section 5.  Rural Medical Student Scholarship and Physician Loan
     8                 Repayment Fund.
     9     (a)  Creation.--There is hereby established in the agency the
    10  Rural Medical Student Scholarship and Physician Loan Repayment
    11  Fund.
    12     (b)  Purpose.--Moneys collected by the State Board of
    13  Medicine and the State Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners
    14  for the purposes of this act shall be paid into the fund.
    15     (c)  Administration.--The agency shall administer the fund
    16  upon the advice and recommendations of the committee to provide
    17  for repayment of rural primary care physicians' student loans
    18  and for medical school or osteopathic medical college
    19  scholarships for rural residents of this Commonwealth. Each
    20  year, 20 loans or scholarships shall be awarded under the
    21  guidelines as set forth in section 6.
    22  Section 6.  Scholarship and loan repayment program.
    23     (a)  Eligibility for loan repayment.--To be considered for
    24  loan repayment assistance, an applicant shall agree to serve in
    25  a designated shortage area of this Commonwealth as a primary
    26  care physician for a period of one year for each $25,000 in
    27  loans repaid by the agency and shall:
    28         (1)  be enrolled as a full-time student in an accredited
    29     Pennsylvania medical school or osteopathic medical college
    30     and be a legal resident of this Commonwealth at the time of
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     1     the application; or
     2         (2)  have a medical degree from an accredited
     3     Pennsylvania medical school or osteopathic medical college
     4     and have completed an approved Pennsylvania graduate training
     5     program in primary care medicine and be licensed to practice
     6     medicine in this Commonwealth.
     7     (b)  Authorization of agency to repay.--The agency may
     8  provide assistance for the repayment of any student loan for
     9  education at an institution of higher learning in this
    10  Commonwealth, including loans for undergraduate education,
    11  received by a physician and executed prior to the effective date
    12  of this act.
    13     (c)  Criteria.--The agency, with the advice and upon the
    14  recommendations of the committee, shall make loans from the fund
    15  using the criteria set forth in subsection (a) and criteria
    16  developed by the agency that are consistent with this act.
    17     (d)  Default.--The agency may not provide repayment
    18  assistance for a loan that is in default at the time of the
    19  application.
    20     (e)  Contract required.--Each recipient of a repayment loan
    21  shall enter into a written contract with the agency which shall
    22  be considered a contract with this Commonwealth. In executing
    23  contracts, the agency shall give priority to those applicants
    24  who agree to engage in primary care practice for a minimum of
    25  three years in a designated shortage area.
    26     (f)  Contract terms and conditions.--The contract required
    27  under subsection (e) shall include the following terms and
    28  conditions:
    29         (1)  An applicant who is not licensed in this
    30     Commonwealth shall apply for a license to practice medicine
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     1     in this Commonwealth at the earliest practicable opportunity.
     2         (2)  Within six months after licensure and the completion
     3     of all requirements for the primary care specialty, the
     4     applicant shall engage in the practice of primary care
     5     medicine in the designated shortage area selected by the
     6     agency upon the advice and recommendations of the committee.
     7         (3)  An applicant shall agree to practice in a designated
     8     shortage area for one full year for each loan repayment of
     9     $25,000 made on his behalf.
    10         (4)  The applicant shall agree to treat patients in the
    11     rural area eligible for Medicaid and Medicare and develop a
    12     sliding fee scale for low-income patients.
    13         (5)  The applicant shall agree to practice full time in
    14     the designated shortage area.
    15         (6)  The applicant shall agree to permit the agency to
    16     monitor the practice to determine compliance with the terms
    17     of the contract.
    18         (7)  The agency shall certify compliance with the terms
    19     of the contract for purposes of receipt by the applicant of
    20     loans for years subsequent to the initial year of the loan.
    21         (8)  The contract shall be renewable on a yearly basis
    22     upon certification by the agency that the applicant has
    23     complied with the terms of the contract.
    24         (9)  In the event of a loan forgiveness recipient's death
    25     or total or permanent disability, the agency shall nullify
    26     the service obligation of the recipient, and the agency shall
    27     repay the loan in full.
    28         (10)  If a loan forgiveness recipient is convicted of a
    29     felony or misdemeanor or commits an act of gross negligence
    30     in the performance of service obligations or if the license
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     1     to practice has been revoked or suspended by the appropriate
     2     licensing board, the agency shall have the authority to
     3     terminate the recipient's service in the program and demand
     4     repayment of the outstanding loan.
     5         (11)  No physician may receive repayment assistance for
     6     more than five years.
     7         (12)  Loan recipients who fail to fulfill the obligations
     8     contracted for shall pay to the agency a sum equal to three
     9     times the amount received plus interest from the date of the
    10     breach at the rate of 2% above the prime rate at the time of
    11     the breach.
    12     (g)  Eligibility for scholarship assistance.--To be
    13  considered for scholarship assistance, an applicant shall:
    14         (1)  Be a resident of a rural area of this Commonwealth
    15     and have successfully completed undergraduate education at an
    16     institution of higher learning in this Commonwealth.
    17         (2)  Agree to engage in the practice of primary care
    18     medicine for a minimum of four years in a rural area to which
    19     he is assigned by the agency, in accordance with the
    20     provisions of this act, after completion of all requirements
    21     for licensure as a physician in this Commonwealth and of the
    22     primary care specialty.
    23         (3)  Meet such other criteria as shall be developed by
    24     the agency upon the advice and recommendations of the
    25     committee as are not inconsistent with the purposes of this
    26     act.
    27  Section 7.  Assignment criteria.
    28     The agency, upon the advice and recommendations of the
    29  committee, shall establish criteria for assigning recipients to
    30  a designated shortage area. In making the assignments, the
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     1  agency shall match the characteristics and preferences of the
     2  recipient with those of the area, population group or health
     3  care facility to the extent possible to maximize the probability
     4  of the recipient's remaining in the area upon completion of the
     5  assignment period.
     6  Section 8.  Effective date.
     7     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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