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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3888



No. 2814 Session of 1998



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), entitled
     2     "An act concerning elections, including general, municipal,
     3     special and primary elections, the nomination of candidates,
     4     primary and election expenses and election contests; creating
     5     and defining membership of county boards of elections;
     6     imposing duties upon the Secretary of the Commonwealth,
     7     courts, county boards of elections, county commissioners;
     8     imposing penalties for violation of the act, and codifying,
     9     revising and consolidating the laws relating thereto; and
    10     repealing certain acts and parts of acts relating to
    11     elections," providing for affidavits of candidates, for
    12     nomination petitions, for substituted nominations, for
    13     vacancies and for form of ballots.

    14     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    15  hereby enacts as follows:
    16     Section 1.  Sections 630.1 and 910 of the act of June 3, 1937
    17  (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code,
    18  amended February 13, 1998 (P.L.72, No.18), are amended to read:
    19     Section 630.1.  Affidavits of Candidates.--Each candidate for
    20  any State, county, city, borough, incorporated town, township,
    21  school district or poor district office, or for the office of
    22  United States Senator or Representative in Congress, selected as

     1  provided in section 630 of this act, shall file with the
     2  nomination certificate an affidavit stating--(a) his residence,
     3  with street and number, if any, and his post-office address; (b)
     4  his election district, giving city, borough, town or township;
     5  (c) the name of the office for which he consents to be a
     6  candidate; (d) that he is eligible for such office; (e) that he
     7  will not knowingly violate any provision of this act, or of any
     8  law regulating and limiting election expenses and prohibiting
     9  corrupt practices in connection therewith; (f) unless he is a
    10  candidate for judge of a court of common pleas, the Philadelphia
    11  Municipal Court or the Traffic Court of Philadelphia, or for the
    12  office of school board in a district where that office is
    13  elective or for the office of justice of the peace, that he is
    14  not a candidate for the same office of any party or political
    15  body other than the one designated in such certificate; [and]
    16  (g) that he is aware of the provisions of section 1626 of this
    17  act requiring election and post-election reporting of campaign
    18  contributions and expenditures[.]; and (h) that he is not a
    19  candidate for nomination for or election to more than one public
    20  office to be filled at the special election or any primary,
    21  municipal or general election held on the same date.
    22     Section 910.  Affidavits of Candidates.--Each candidate for
    23  any State, county, city, borough, incorporated town, township,
    24  ward, school district, poor district, election district, party
    25  office, party delegate or alternate, or for the office of United
    26  States Senator or Representative in Congress, shall file with
    27  his nomination petition his affidavit stating--(a) his
    28  residence, with street and number, if any, and his post-office
    29  address; (b) his election district, giving city, borough, town
    30  or township; (c) the name of the office for which he consents to
    19980H2814B3888                  - 2 -

     1  be a candidate; (d) that he is eligible for such office; (e)
     2  that he will not knowingly violate any provision of this act, or
     3  of any law regulating and limiting nomination and election
     4  expenses and prohibiting corrupt practices in connection
     5  therewith; (f) unless he is a candidate for judge of a court of
     6  common pleas, the Philadelphia Municipal Court or the Traffic
     7  Court of Philadelphia, or for the office of school director in a
     8  district where that office is elective or for the office of
     9  justice of the peace that he is not a candidate for nomination
    10  for the same office of any party other than the one designated
    11  in such petition; (g) if he is a candidate for a delegate, or
    12  alternate delegate, member of State committee, National
    13  committee or party officer, that he is a registered and enrolled
    14  member of the designated party; (h) if he is a candidate for
    15  delegate or alternate delegate the presidential candidate to
    16  whom he is committed or the term "uncommitted"; [and] (i) that
    17  he is aware of the provisions of section 1626 of this act
    18  requiring pre-election and post-election reporting of campaign
    19  contributions and expenditures[.]; and (j) that he is not a
    20  candidate for nomination for more than one public office. In
    21  cases of petitions for delegate and alternate delegate to
    22  National conventions, the candidate's affidavit shall state that
    23  his signature to the delegate's statement, as hereinafter set
    24  forth, if such statement is signed by said candidate, was
    25  affixed to the sheet or sheets of said petition prior to the
    26  circulation of same. In the case of a candidate for nomination
    27  as President of the United States, it shall not be necessary for
    28  such candidate to file the affidavit required in this section to
    29  be filed by candidates, but the post-office address of such
    30  candidate shall be stated in such nomination petition.
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     1     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
     2     Section 976.1.  Nomination Petitions, Papers and Certificates
     3  Filed by Persons Running for More Than One Public Office.--Upon
     4  receipt of a nomination petition, nomination paper or nomination
     5  certificate from a person who has been nominated for or who is
     6  seeking nomination for or election to more than one public
     7  office to be filled at the same election, the Secretary of the
     8  Commonwealth or the county board of elections shall notify such
     9  person by overnight mail, within one day after the applicable
    10  deadline for filing nomination petitions, papers or
    11  certificates, that he or she may seek nomination for or election
    12  to only one public office at any one election and that he or she
    13  must withdraw one or more of his or her nomination petitions,
    14  papers or certificates and affirm that he or she intends to seek
    15  nomination for or election to the one public office referred to
    16  in the remaining nomination petition, paper or certificate. A
    17  person shall respond to such notice no later than the applicable
    18  deadline for withdrawal of nomination petitions, papers or
    19  certificates. In the event that such person fails to withdraw
    20  one or more of his or her nomination petitions, papers or
    21  certificates, as required under this section, all of the
    22  nomination petitions, papers or certificates he or she has filed
    23  shall be rejected.
    24     Section 3.  Section 979 of the act, amended May 6, 1943
    25  (P.L.196, No.100), is amended to read:
    26     Section 979.  Substituted Nominations by Parties.--Any
    27  vacancy happening or existing after the date of the primary in
    28  any party nomination, by reason of the death or withdrawal of
    29  any candidate after nomination, or by reason of the death before
    30  or on the day of the primary election of a candidate for
    19980H2814B3888                  - 4 -

     1  nomination who had received a plurality of votes of his party
     2  electors cast for the office for which he sought nomination, may
     3  be filled by a substituted nomination made by such committee as
     4  is authorized by the rules of the party to make nominations in
     5  the event of vacancies on the party ticket: Provided, however,
     6  That no substitute nomination certificate shall nominate any
     7  person who has already been nominated by any political party or
     8  by any other political body for the same office or who has been
     9  nominated for another public office. Upon the making of any such
    10  substituted nomination, in accordance with the party rules, it
    11  shall be the duty of the chairman and secretary or secretaries
    12  of the party committee making the nomination to file with the
    13  Secretary of the Commonwealth in the case of United States
    14  Senator, Representative in Congress and all State officers,
    15  including judges of courts of records, senators and
    16  representatives, and with the proper county board of elections
    17  in the case of other offices, a nomination certificate which
    18  shall be signed by the chairman and secretary or secretaries of
    19  the said committee, and which shall set forth the following:
    20     (a) The office and district, if any, for which it is filed;
    21  (b) the cause of the vacancy; (c) the rule or rules of the
    22  political party, setting forth the provisions applicable to a
    23  substituted nomination; (d) that a quorum of the committee,
    24  caucus or convention, as provided by the party rules, duly
    25  convened, and the names of those present at said meeting, or
    26  their proxies; that said persons are the duly appointed or
    27  elected members of said committee, caucus or convention; (e) the
    28  name, residence and occupation of the candidate duly nominated
    29  at said meeting. Every such certificate of nomination shall be
    30  sworn to or affirmed by the chairman and secretary or
    19980H2814B3888                  - 5 -

     1  secretaries before an officer qualified to administer oaths.
     2     Section 4.  Section 980 of the act, amended July 5, 1947
     3  (P.L.1358, No.537), is amended to read:
     4     Section 980.  Substituted Nominations by Political Bodies.--
     5  In case of the death or withdrawal of any candidate nominated by
     6  any political body by nomination papers, the committee named in
     7  the original nomination papers may nominate a substitute in his
     8  place by filing in the proper office a substituted nomination
     9  certificate, which shall set forth the facts of the appointment
    10  and powers of the committee (naming all its members), of the
    11  death or withdrawal of the candidate and of the action of the
    12  committee thereon, giving the name, residence and occupation of
    13  the candidate substituted thereby, and the truth of these facts
    14  shall be verified by the affidavit annexed to the certificate of
    15  at least two members of the committee. In the case of a vacancy
    16  caused by the death of any candidate, said substituted
    17  nomination certificate shall be accompanied by a death
    18  certificate, properly certified: Provided, however, That no
    19  substitute nomination certificate shall nominate any person who
    20  was a candidate for nomination by any political party for any
    21  office to be filled at the ensuing November election, whether or
    22  not nominated for such office by such political party, or who
    23  has already been nominated [by any other political body] for any
    24  office to be filled at the ensuing November or special election.
    25     Section 5.  Section 981.1 of the act, amended February 13,
    26  1998 (P.L.72, No.18), is amended to read:
    27     Section 981.1.  Affidavits of Candidates.--Each candidate for
    28  any State, county, city, borough, incorporated town, township,
    29  ward, school district, poor district or election district
    30  office, or for the office of United States Senator or
    19980H2814B3888                  - 6 -

     1  Representative in Congress, selected as provided in sections 979
     2  and 980 of this act, shall file with the substituted nomination
     3  certificate an affidavit stating--(a) his residence, with street
     4  and number, if any, and his post-office address; (b) his
     5  election district, giving city, borough, town or township; (c)
     6  the name of the office for which he consents to be a candidate;
     7  (d) that he is eligible for such office; (e) that he will not
     8  knowingly violate any provision of this act, or of any law
     9  regulating and limiting election expenses and prohibiting
    10  corrupt practices in connection therewith; (f) unless he is a
    11  candidate for judge of a court of common pleas, the Philadelphia
    12  Municipal Court or the Traffic Court of Philadelphia, or for the
    13  office of school board in a district where that office is
    14  elective or for the office of justice of the peace, that he is
    15  not a candidate for the same office of any party or political
    16  body other than the one designated in such certificate; [and]
    17  (g) that he is aware of the provisions of section 1626 of this
    18  act requiring election and post-election reporting of campaign
    19  contributions and expenditures[.]; and (h) that he is not a
    20  candidate for election to more than one public office.
    21     Section 6.  Sections 993(a), 998(a) and (b) and 1004 of the
    22  act, amended February 19, 1986 (P.L.29, No.11), are amended to
    23  read:
    24     Section 993.  Filling of Certain Vacancies in Public Office
    25  by Means of Nomination Certificates and Nomination Papers.--(a)
    26  In all cases where a vacancy shall occur for any cause in an
    27  elective public office, including that of judge of a court of
    28  record, at a time when such vacancy is required by the
    29  provisions of the Constitution or the laws of this Commonwealth
    30  to be filled at the ensuing election but at a time when
    19980H2814B3888                  - 7 -

     1  nominations for such office cannot be made under any other
     2  provision of this act, nominations to fill such vacancies shall
     3  be made by political parties in accordance with party rules
     4  relating to the filling of vacancies by means of nomination
     5  certificates in the form prescribed in section nine hundred
     6  ninety-four of this act, and by political bodies by means of
     7  nomination papers in accordance with the provisions of sections
     8  nine hundred fifty-one, nine hundred fifty-two and nine hundred
     9  fifty-four of this act. No such nomination certificate shall
    10  nominate any person who has already been nominated by any other
    11  political party or by any political body for the same office
    12  unless such person is a candidate for the office of judge of a
    13  court of common pleas, the Philadelphia Municipal Court or the
    14  Traffic Court of Philadelphia, or for the office of school
    15  director in districts where that office is elective or for the
    16  office of justice of the peace. No such nomination papers shall
    17  nominate any person who has already been nominated by any
    18  political party or by any other political body for [any office
    19  to be filled at the ensuing November election] the same office,
    20  unless such person is a candidate for the office of judge of a
    21  court of common pleas, the Philadelphia Municipal Court or the
    22  Traffic Court of Philadelphia, or for the office of school
    23  director in districts where that office is elective or for the
    24  office of justice of the peace. No such nomination certificate
    25  or nomination paper shall nominate any person who is a candidate
    26  for election to any other public office.
    27     Section 998.  Substituted Nominations to Fill Certain
    28  Vacancies for a November Election.--(a)  Any vacancy happening
    29  or existing in any party nomination made in accordance with the
    30  provisions of section nine hundred ninety-three of this act for
    19980H2814B3888                  - 8 -

     1  a November election by reason of the death or withdrawal of any
     2  candidate may be filled by a substituted nomination made by such
     3  committee as is authorized by the rules of the party to make
     4  nominations in the event of vacancies on the party ticket, in
     5  the form prescribed by section nine hundred ninety-four of this
     6  act. But no substituted nomination certificate shall nominate
     7  any person who has already been nominated by any other political
     8  party or by any political body for the same office, unless such
     9  person is a candidate for the office of judge of a court of
    10  common pleas, the Philadelphia Municipal Court or the Traffic
    11  Court of Philadelphia, or for the office of school director in
    12  districts where that office is elective or for the office of
    13  justice of the peace. No substituted nomination certificate
    14  shall nominate any person who is a candidate for election to any
    15  other public office.
    16     (b)  In case of the death or withdrawal of any candidate
    17  nominated by a political body for an election, the committee
    18  named in the original nomination papers may nominate a
    19  substitute in his place by filing a substituted nomination
    20  certificate in the form and manner prescribed by section nine
    21  hundred eighty of this act. In the case of a vacancy caused by
    22  the death of any candidate, said nomination certificate shall be
    23  accompanied by a death certificate properly certified. No
    24  substituted nomination certificate shall nominate any person who
    25  has already been nominated by any political party or by any
    26  other political body for [any office to be filled at the ensuing
    27  November election] the same office, unless such person is a
    28  candidate for the office of judge of a court of common pleas,
    29  the Philadelphia Municipal Court or the Traffic Court of
    30  Philadelphia, or for the office of school director in districts
    19980H2814B3888                  - 9 -

     1  where that office is elective or for the office of justice of
     2  the peace. No substituted nomination certificate shall nominate
     3  any person who is a candidate for election to any other public
     4  office.
     5     * * *
     6     Section 1004.  Form of Ballots; Printing Ballots; Stubs;
     7  Numbers.--From the lists furnished by the Secretary of the
     8  Commonwealth under the provisions of sections 915 and 984, and
     9  from petitions and papers filed in their office, the county
    10  election board shall print the official primary and election
    11  ballots in accordance with the provisions of this act: Provided,
    12  however, That in no event, shall the name of any person
    13  consenting to be a candidate for nomination for any one office,
    14  except the office of judge of a court of common pleas, the
    15  Philadelphia Municipal Court or the Traffic Court of
    16  Philadelphia, or the office of school director in districts
    17  where that office is elective or the office of justice of the
    18  peace be printed as a candidate for such office upon the
    19  official primary ballot of more than one party[.]: Provided,
    20  further, That in no event shall the name of any person
    21  consenting to be a candidate for nomination for or election to
    22  any one public office be printed as a candidate for nomination
    23  for any other public office. All ballots for use in the same
    24  election district at any primary or election shall be alike.
    25  They shall be at least six inches long and four inches wide, and
    26  shall have a margin extending beyond any printing thereon. They
    27  shall be printed with the same kind of type (which shall not be
    28  smaller than the size known as "brevier" or "eight point body")
    29  upon white paper of uniform quality, without any impression or
    30  mark to distinguish one from another, and with sufficient
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     1  thickness to prevent the printed matter from showing through.
     2  Each ballot shall be attached to a stub, and all the ballots for
     3  the same election district shall be bound together in books of
     4  fifty, in such manner that each ballot may be detached from its
     5  stub and removed separately. The ballots for each party to be
     6  used at a primary shall be bound separately. The stubs of the
     7  ballots shall be consecutively numbered, and in the case of
     8  primary ballots, the number shall be preceded by an initial or
     9  abbreviation designating the party name. The number and initial
    10  or abbreviation which appears upon the stub shall also be
    11  printed in the upper right hand corner of the back of the
    12  ballot, separated from the remainder of the ballot by a diagonal
    13  perforated line so prepared that the upper right hand corner of
    14  the back of the ballot containing the number may be detached
    15  from the ballot before it is deposited in the ballot box and
    16  beside that corner shall also be printed, "Remove numbered stub
    17  immediately before depositing your ballot in ballot box."
    18     Section 7.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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