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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3889



No. 2815 Session of 1998

           AND M. COHEN, SEPTEMBER 29, 1998

           SEPTEMBER 29, 1998

                                     AN ACT

     1  Requiring the Department of Health to implement a Statewide
     2     policy regarding the disposition of complaints pertaining to
     3     the indoor air quality of school buildings in this
     4     Commonwealth.

     5                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     6  Chapter 1.  Preliminary Provisions
     7  Section 101.  Short title.
     8  Section 102.  Definitions.
     9  Chapter 3.  Indoor Air Quality in Schools
    10  Section 301.  Administration.
    11  Section 302.  Standards for indoor air quality.
    12  Section 303.  Procedures for disposition of complaints.
    13  Section 304.  Remediation and reoccupation.
    14  Section 305.  Recordkeeping requirements.
    15  Chapter 11.  Miscellaneous Provisions
    16  Section 1101.  Effective date.
    17     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

     1  hereby enacts as follows:
     2                             CHAPTER 1
     3                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
     4  Section 101.  Short title.
     5     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Indoor Air
     6  Quality in School Buildings Act.
     7  Section 102.  Definitions.
     8     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
     9  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    10  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    11     "Department."  The Department of Health of the Commonwealth.
    12     "Interested party."  Any student, parent or guardian of a
    13  student, administrator, professional staff member or other
    14  employee who works within the school or any other person whose
    15  business, occupation or profession brings the person into the
    16  school.
    17     "School building."  Any building which is owned or leased by
    18  a school district, charter school, area vocational-technical
    19  school, intermediate unit or private or nonpublic school in this
    20  Commonwealth and is used for a purpose that involves regular
    21  occupancy of the building by students.
    22                             CHAPTER 3
    23                   INDOOR AIR QUALITY IN SCHOOLS
    24  Section 301.  Administration.
    25     The responsibility for the administration of this act is
    26  hereby vested in the department. The department shall promulgate
    27  regulations as are necessary to implement this act.
    28  Section 302.  Standards for indoor air quality.
    29     The department, in conjunction with the Department of
    30  Environmental Protection, shall establish Statewide indoor air
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     1  quality standards for school buildings. The standards shall be
     2  published in regulatory form.
     3  Section 303.  Procedures for disposition of complaints.
     4     The department shall:
     5         (1)  Initiate the following action in response to a
     6     specific complaint from an interested party regarding the
     7     indoor air quality in a school building of this Commonwealth.
     8     After the receipt of a complaint, the department shall:
     9             (i)  notify in writing the school principal or chief
    10         administrator of the school and require the school to
    11         investigate the condition of the air, based on the
    12         contents of the specific complaint; and
    13             (ii)  require the school to report to the department
    14         in writing, no later than ten business days after receipt
    15         of notification from the department, the results of the
    16         investigation and any steps necessary to rectify problems
    17         identified in the complaint.
    18         (2)  Review reports from the school pertaining to the
    19     specific complaint and determine the adequacy of the action
    20     taken. Based on the review of the report, the department may
    21     require the school to conduct an air-quality test, pursuant
    22     to the regulations established under this act. The results of
    23     this test shall be provided to the department for further
    24     analysis. The results of the test shall also be provided to
    25     the principal or chief administrator of the school building
    26     and the complainant.
    27  Section 304.  Remediation and reoccupation.
    28     If an air-quality test required under section 303(2)
    29  indicates that the indoor air quality does not meet the State
    30  standards, then:
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     1         (1)  The school shall submit a plan for remediation and
     2     reoccupation and a calculation of the costs involved.
     3         (2)  The department shall review this plan and approve,
     4     disapprove or recommend changes to the school's plan.
     5  Section 305.  Recordkeeping requirements.
     6     The department shall submit an annual report to the General
     7  Assembly regarding the number of complaints, the types of
     8  complaints, the status and validity of complaints, action which
     9  has been taken to address complaints and the length of time from
    10  the initial complaint to final resolution. The report shall also
    11  reflect a calculation of the costs related to resolution of the
    12  complaints.
    13                             CHAPTER 11
    14                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
    15  Section 1101.  Effective date.
    16     This act shall take effect immediately.

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