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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 4321



No. 2817 Session of 2006

           JUNE 21, 2006


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.789, No.285), entitled, as
     2     amended, "An act relating to insurance; establishing an
     3     insurance department; and amending, revising, and
     4     consolidating the law relating to the licensing,
     5     qualification, regulation, examination, suspension, and
     6     dissolution of insurance companies, Lloyds associations,
     7     reciprocal and inter-insurance exchanges, and certain
     8     societies and orders, the examination and regulation of fire
     9     insurance rating bureaus, and the licensing and regulation of
    10     insurance agents and brokers; the service of legal process
    11     upon foreign insurance companies, associations or exchanges;
    12     providing penalties, and repealing existing laws," further
    13     providing for powers and duties of the Insurance Fraud
    14     Prevention Authority and for the Insurance Fraud Prevention
    15     Trust Fund.

    16     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    17  hereby enacts as follows:
    18     Section 1.  Sections 1122 and 1123 of the act of May 17, 1921
    19  (P.L.789, No.285), known as The Insurance Department Act of
    20  1921, added December 6, 2002 (P.L.1183, No.147), are amended to
    21  read:
    22  Section 1122.  Powers and duties.
    23     The authority shall have the powers necessary and convenient

     1  to carry out and effectuate the purposes and provisions of this
     2  article and the purposes of the authority and the powers
     3  delegated by other laws, including, but not limited to:
     4         (1)  Employ administrative, professional, clerical and
     5     other personnel as may be required and organize the staff as
     6     may be appropriate to effectuate the purposes of this
     7     article.
     8         (2)  Have a seal and alter the same at pleasure, have
     9     perpetual succession, make, execute and deliver contracts,
    10     conveyances and other instruments necessary or convenient to
    11     the exercise of its powers and make and amend bylaws.
    12         (3)  Procure insurance against any loss in connection
    13     with its property, assets or activities.
    14         (4)  Apply for, solicit, receive, establish priorities
    15     for, allocate, disburse, contract for, administer and spend
    16     funds in the fund and other funds that are made available to
    17     the authority from any source consistent with the purposes of
    18     this article.
    19         (5)  Make grants to and provide financial support for the
    20     Section of Insurance Fraud, the unit of insurance fraud in
    21     the Philadelphia District Attorney's Office, other county
    22     district attorneys' offices, other government agencies,
    23     community, consumer and business organizations consistent
    24     with the purposes of this article and considering the extent
    25     of the insurance fraud problem in each county of this
    26     Commonwealth.
    27         (6)  Advise the State Treasurer in relation to the
    28     investment of any money held in the fund and any funds held
    29     in reserve or sinking funds and any money not required for
    30     immediate use or disbursement and to advise the State
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     1     Treasurer in relation to the use of depositories for moneys
     2     of the fund.
     3         (7)  Assess the scope of the problem of insurance fraud,
     4     including areas of this Commonwealth where the problem is
     5     greatest, and review State and local criminal justice
     6     policies, programs and plans dealing with insurance fraud.
     7         (8)  Develop and sponsor the implementation of Statewide
     8     plans, programs and strategies to combat insurance fraud,
     9     improve the administration of the insurance fraud laws and
    10     provide a forum for identification of critical problems for
    11     those persons dealing with insurance fraud. In conjunction
    12     with this power, the authority shall require health care
    13     facilities to place posters in each facility announcing that
    14     a $25,000 reward will be paid to persons reporting insurance
    15     fraud when the report leads to an arrest and conviction.
    16     Rewards pursuant to this provision shall be paid from the
    17     Insurance Fraud Prevention Trust Fund.
    18         (9)  Coordinate the development, adoption and
    19     implementation of plans, programs and strategies relating to
    20     interagency and intergovernmental cooperation with respect to
    21     insurance fraud law enforcement.
    22         (10)  Promulgate rules or regulations related to the
    23     expenditure of moneys held in the fund in order to assist and
    24     support those agencies, units of government, county district
    25     attorneys' offices and other organizations charged with the
    26     responsibility of reducing insurance fraud or interested and
    27     involved in achieving this goal.
    28         (11)  Audit at its discretion the plans and programs that
    29     it has funded in whole or in part in order to evaluate the
    30     effectiveness of the plans and programs and withdraw funding
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     1     should the authority determine that a plan or program is
     2     ineffective or is no longer in need of further financial
     3     support from the fund.
     4         (12)  Report annually on or before the first day of April
     5     to the Governor and the General Assembly on the authority's
     6     activities in the preceding period of operation.
     7         (13)  Meet with the Section of Insurance Fraud on at
     8     least a quarterly basis in order to advise and assist it in
     9     implementing its statutory mandate.
    10         (14)  Advise the General Assembly on matters relating to
    11     insurance fraud and recommend to the General Assembly on an
    12     annual basis any changes to the operation of the Section of
    13     Insurance Fraud. The report shall be available for public
    14     inspection.
    15         (15)  Establish either alone or in cooperation with
    16     authorized insurance companies and licensed agents and
    17     producers a fund to reward persons not connected with the
    18     insurance industry who provide information or furnish
    19     evidence leading to the arrest and conviction of persons
    20     responsible for insurance fraud.
    21         (16)  Require as a condition of every application and
    22     request for financial support, including every application
    23     for ongoing renewal of a multiyear grant under section
    24     1123(f), that the applicant describe both the nature of and
    25     the amount of funding for the activities, if any, devoted to
    26     the investigation and prosecution of insurance fraud at the
    27     time of the application or request.
    28         (17)  Require as a condition of every application and
    29     request for financial support that every recipient of funding
    30     report annually within four months of the close of each
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     1     funding cycle to the authority on the use of the funds
     2     obtained from the authority during the previous year,
     3     including a description of programs implemented and results
     4     obtained. The authority will include this information on the
     5     use of funds by grantees in its annual report under paragraph
     6     (12) and send a copy specifically to the chairman and the
     7     minority chairman of the standing committees of the Senate
     8     and the chairman and the minority chairman of the standing
     9     committees of the House of Representatives with jurisdiction
    10     over insurance matters.
    11  Section 1123.  Insurance Fraud Prevention Trust Fund.
    12     (a)  Establishment.--There is hereby established a separate
    13  account in the State Treasury to be known as the Insurance Fraud
    14  Prevention Trust Fund. This fund shall be administered by the
    15  State Treasurer with the advice of the authority. All interest
    16  earned from the investment or deposit of moneys accumulated in
    17  the fund shall be deposited in the fund for the same use.
    18     (b)  Funds.--All moneys deposited into the fund shall be held
    19  in trust and shall not be considered general revenue of the
    20  Commonwealth but shall be used only to effectuate the purposes
    21  of this article as determined by the authority and shall be
    22  subject to audit by the Auditor General.
    23     (c)  Assessment.--
    24         (1)  Annually on or before the first day of April, each
    25     insurer engaged in the writing of the insurance coverages
    26     listed below, as a condition of its authorization to transact
    27     business in this Commonwealth, shall pay into the fund in
    28     trust an amount equal to the product obtained by multiplying
    29     $8,000,000 by a fraction, the numerator of which is the
    30     direct premium collected for those coverages listed below by
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     1     that insurer in this Commonwealth during the preceding
     2     calendar year and the denominator of which is the direct
     3     premium written on such coverages in this Commonwealth by all
     4     insurers in the same period.
     5         (2)  The following coverages, as listed in the Annual
     6     Statistical Report of the Insurance Department, shall be
     7     considered in determining assessments: all fire and casualty
     8     direct business written and accident and health and credit
     9     accident and health written under life/annuity/accident and
    10     health direct business written. Assessments made under this
    11     section shall not be considered burdens and prohibitions
    12     under section 212.
    13         (3)  Assessments for health plan corporations and
    14     professional health services plan corporations when added
    15     together shall not be more than 10% of the total assessment
    16     authorized by this subsection. If the total assessment for
    17     these organizations is more than 10%, such organizations will
    18     share the assessment up to the 10% limit among themselves in
    19     the same proportion as they would otherwise have shared their
    20     calculated assessment absent this limit. Any deficiency in
    21     the total assessment caused by the application of this limit
    22     will be shared by all other entities being assessed in the
    23     same proportions as they are sharing the rest of the
    24     assessment.
    25     (d)  Base amount.--In succeeding years the authority may vary
    26  the base amount of $8,000,000, provided, however, that any
    27  increase which on an annual basis exceeds the increase in the
    28  Consumer Price Index for this Commonwealth must be approved by
    29  three of the four insurance representatives on the board.
    30     (d.1)  Forfeiture proceedings.--In addition to other sources
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     1  of moneys set forth in this section, the fund shall receive the
     2  proceeds derived from forfeiture proceedings relating to
     3  insurance fraud.
     4     (e)  Expenditures.--Moneys in the fund may be expended by the
     5  authority for the following purposes:
     6         (1)  Effectuate the powers, duties and responsibilities
     7     of the authority as set forth in this article.
     8         (2)  Pay the costs of administration and operation of the
     9     Section of Insurance Fraud and the unit for insurance fraud
    10     in the Philadelphia District Attorney's Office.
    11         (3)  Provide financial support to law enforcement,
    12     correctional agencies and county district attorneys' offices
    13     for programs designed to reduce insurance fraud and to
    14     improve the administration of insurance fraud laws.
    15         (4)  Provide financial support for other governmental
    16     agencies, community, consumer and business organizations for
    17     programs designed to reduce insurance fraud and to improve
    18     the administration of insurance fraud laws.
    19         (5)  Provide financial support to programs designed to
    20     inform insurance consumers about the costs of insurance fraud
    21     to individuals and to society and to suggest methods for
    22     preventing insurance fraud.
    23         (6)  Provide financial support for reward programs
    24     leading to the arrest and conviction of persons and
    25     organizations engaged in insurance fraud.
    26         (7)  Provide financial support for other plans, programs
    27     and strategies consistent with the purposes of this article.
    28     (f)  Multiyear grants.--In funding the Section of Insurance
    29  Fraud, the Unit for Insurance Fraud in the Philadelphia District
    30  Attorney's Office and in funding grant requests, the authority
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     1  may consider and approve requests for multiyear grants of not
     2  more than four years in length, although extensions of such
     3  multiyear commitments may be renewed from year to year. No
     4  funding reduction under subsection (d) can be imposed by the
     5  authority in any given year which would operate to reduce
     6  funding for any multiyear approved program for which persons
     7  have been hired for full-time positions to a funding level where
     8  such positions must be terminated unless the organization
     9  employing such persons certifies either that other equivalent
    10  positions are available or that such positions with the
    11  antifraud program can be funded from other sources.
    12     (g)  Dissolution.--In the event that the trust fund is
    13  discontinued or the authority is dissolved by operation of law,
    14  any balance remaining in the fund, after deducting
    15  administrative costs for liquidation, shall be returned to
    16  insurers in proportion to their financial contributions to the
    17  fund in the preceding calendar year.
    18     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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