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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 4261



No. 2823 Session of 2002

           AND YOUNGBLOOD, AUGUST 26, 2002


                                     AN ACT

     1  Prohibiting the use of unsafe children's products and child-care
     2     facilities from using or having on facility premises unsafe
     3     children's products; prescribing powers and duties of the
     4     Department of Health; providing for the enforcement of this
     5     act and for the promulgation of rules to carry out the
     6     provisions of this act; and prescribing penalties for
     7     violations of the provisions of this act.

     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10  Section 1.  Short title.
    11     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Children's
    12  Product Safety Act.
    13  Section 2.  Definitions.
    14     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    15  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    16  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    17     "Children's product."  A product, including, but not limited
    18  to, a full-size crib, non-full-size crib, toddler bed, bed, car

     1  seat, chair, high chair, booster chair, hook-on chair, bath
     2  seat, gate or other enclosure for confining a child, play yard,
     3  stationary activity center, carrier, stroller, walker, swing or
     4  toy or play equipment, that meets the following criteria:
     5         (1)  the product is designed or intended for the care of
     6     or use by children under six years of age or is designed or
     7     intended for the care of or use by both children under six
     8     years of age and children six years of age or older; and
     9         (2)  the product is designed or intended to come into
    10     contact with the child while the product is used.
    11         (3)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this
    12     definition, a product is not a "children's product" for
    13     purposes of this act if:
    14             (i)  it may be used by or for the care of a child
    15         under six years of age, but it is designed or intended
    16         for use by the general population or segments of the
    17         general population and not solely or primarily for use by
    18         or for the care of a child; or
    19             (ii)  it is a medication, drug or food or is intended
    20         to be ingested.
    21     "Commercial user."  Any person who deals in children's
    22  products or who otherwise by one's occupation holds oneself out
    23  as having knowledge or skill peculiar to children's products or
    24  any person who is in the business of remanufacturing,
    25  retrofitting, selling, leasing, subletting or otherwise placing
    26  in the stream or commerce children's products.
    27     "Crib."  A bed or containment designed to accommodate an
    28  infant.
    29     "Department."  The Department of Health of the Commonwealth.
    30     "Full-size crib."  As defined in 16 CFR section 1508.3
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     1  regarding the requirements for full-size cribs.
     2     "Infant."  Any person less than 35 inches tall and less than
     3  three years of age.
     4     "Non-full-size crib."  As defined in 16 CFR section 1509.2
     5  regarding the requirements for non-full-size cribs.
     6     "Person."  A natural person, firm, corporation, limited
     7  liability company or association or an employee or agent of a
     8  natural person or an entity included in this definition.
     9     "Place in the stream of commerce."  To sell, offer for sale,
    10  give away, offer to give away, or allow the use of.
    11  Section 3.  Unsafe children's products - prohibition.
    12     (a)  Prohibition.--No commercial user may remanufacture,
    13  retrofit, sell, contract to sell or resell, lease, sublet or
    14  otherwise place in the stream of commerce, on or after         ,
    15  a children's product that is unsafe.
    16     (b)  Unsafe products.--A children's product is deemed to be
    17  unsafe for purposes of this act if it meets any of the following
    18  criteria:
    19         (1)  It does not conform to all Federal laws and
    20     regulations setting forth standards for the children's
    21     product.
    22         (2)  It has been recalled for any reason by an agency of
    23     the Federal Government or the product's manufacturer,
    24     distributor or importer and the recall has not been
    25     rescinded.
    26         (3)  An agency of the Federal Government has issued a
    27     warning that a specific product's intended use constitutes a
    28     safety hazard and the warning has not been rescinded.
    29  Section 4.  List of unsafe children's products.
    30     (a)  Department of Health.--The department shall establish,
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     1  maintain and update a comprehensive list of children's products
     2  that have been identified as meeting any of the criteria set
     3  forth in section 3.
     4     (b)  Distribution of list.--The department shall make the
     5  comprehensive list available to the public at no cost and shall
     6  post it on the Internet and encourage links.
     7  Section 5.  Unsafe children's products - child care.
     8     (a)  Child-care facility.--A child-care facility may not use
     9  or have on the premises an unsafe children's product as
    10  described in section 3. This subsection shall not apply to an
    11  antique or collectible children's product if it is not used by
    12  or accessible to any child in the child-care facility.
    13     (b)  Notifications.--The department shall notify child-care
    14  facilities on an ongoing basis of the provisions of this act and
    15  of unsafe children's products, as determined in accordance with
    16  this act, in plain, nontechnical language that will enable each
    17  child-care facility to effectively inspect children's products
    18  and identify unsafe children's products.
    19     (c)  Rules and regulations.--The department shall adopt rules
    20  and regulations to carry out this section.
    21     (d)  Written certifications.--Each child-care facility shall
    22  as part of the licensing, licensing renewal or periodic update
    23  process conducted by the department certify in writing that it
    24  has reviewed each of the bulletins and notices issued by the
    25  department regarding unsafe children's products and that there
    26  are no unsafe products in the facility. The department shall
    27  prepare a certification form and shall require each facility to
    28  complete the certification form in the process of licensing,
    29  renewal or periodic update. The department shall retain the
    30  certification form completed by each facility in each respective
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     1  facility's licensing file.
     2     (e)  Maintain file.--Each child-care facility shall maintain
     3  a file containing all bulletins, notices, or both, issued by the
     4  department regarding unsafe children's products and shall make
     5  the file accessible to the facility staff members and to parents
     6  of the children who attend the facility.
     7     (f)  Revocation and refusal to renew license.--The department
     8  may revoke or refuse to renew the license of any child-care
     9  facility or refuse to issue full license to the holder of a
    10  permit should the licensee or holder of a permit not comply with
    11  any section of this act.
    12  Section 6.  Retrofits.
    13     (a)  Products.--An unsafe children's product as determined
    14  pursuant to section 3 may be retrofitted if the retrofit has
    15  been approved by the agency of the Federal Government issuing
    16  the recall or warning or the agency responsible for approving
    17  the retrofit is different from the agency issuing the recall or
    18  warning. A retrofitted children's product may be sold if it is
    19  accompanied at the time of sale by a notice declaring that it is
    20  safe to use for a child under six years of age. The commercial
    21  user is responsible for ensuring that the notice is present with
    22  the retrofitted product at the time of sale. The notice shall
    23  include:
    24         (1)  A description of the original problem which made the
    25     recalled product unsafe.
    26         (2)  A description of the retrofit which explains how the
    27     original problem was eliminated and declaring that it is now
    28     safe to use for a child under six years of age.
    29         (3)  The name and address of the commercial user who
    30     accomplished the retrofit certifying that the work was done
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     1     along with the name and model number of the product
     2     retrofitted.
     3     (b)  Exemptions.--A retrofit is exempt from this act if:
     4         (1)  the retrofit is for a children's product that
     5     requires assembly by the consumer, the approved retrofit is
     6     provided with the product by the commercial user and the
     7     retrofit is accompanied at the time of sale by instructions
     8     explaining how to apply the retrofit; or
     9         (2)  the seller of a previously unsold product
    10     accomplishes the repair, approved or recommended by an agency
    11     of the Federal Government, prior to sale.
    12  Section 7.  Exception.
    13     The commercial user shall not be found noncompliant if the
    14  specific recalled product sold was not included on the
    15  department's list on the day before the sale.
    16  Section 8.  Penalty.
    17     A commercial user who willfully and knowingly violates
    18  section 3 commits a misdemeanor of the second degree.
    19  Section 9.  Enforcement.
    20     Any person, including, but not limited to, the Attorney
    21  General or a district attorney, in the county in which a
    22  violation of this act occurred, may bring an action in the name
    23  of the Commonwealth to enforce the provisions of this act.
    24  Section 10.  Remedies.
    25     Remedies available under this act are in addition to any
    26  other remedies or procedures under any other provision of law
    27  that may be available to an aggrieved party.
    28  Section 11.  Effective date.
    29     This act shall take effect in 180 days.

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