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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 4358



No. 2839 Session of 2006



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 74 (Transportation) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, further providing for metropolitan
     3     transportation authority powers relating to alternative means
     4     of raising revenue or reducing expenses.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7     Section 1.  Section 1741(a)(24) of Title 74 of the
     8  Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes is amended to read:
     9  § 1741.  General powers.
    10     (a)  Powers enumerated.--An authority shall have and may
    11  exercise all powers necessary or convenient for the carrying out
    12  of the purposes of this chapter, including the following rights,
    13  powers and duties:
    14         * * *
    15         (24)  To explore alternative means of raising revenue or
    16     reducing expenses, including, but not limited to, real estate
    17     leases and rentals, equipment leases and rentals, contracting
    18     of services, the solicitation of competitive bids and the

     1     awarding of contracts to the highest responsive, responsible
     2     bidder for both interior and exterior advertising on all
     3     authority equipment on which the public is charged a fare for
     4     riding. [However, on rail passenger units only bids for
     5     interior advertising shall be solicited.] Nothing in this
     6     chapter or in any other law of this Commonwealth shall
     7     preclude the negotiation and execution of contracts with
     8     respect to real estate-related matters in accordance with and
     9     subject solely to the provisions of this paragraph. The
    10     general manager may recommend in writing that the board make
    11     a finding of special opportunity with respect to a real
    12     estate-related matter. The board shall consider the general
    13     manager's recommendation at a public meeting. The notice
    14     given in accordance with the act of July 3, 1986 (P.L.388,
    15     No.84), known as the Sunshine Act, with respect to such
    16     meeting shall state that the board will consider making a
    17     finding of special opportunity at such meeting and shall
    18     describe the nature of the proposed finding of special
    19     opportunity. Any finding of special opportunity shall be
    20     approved by the board in accordance with the provisions of
    21     section 1715 (relating to meetings, quorum, officers and
    22     records). The board shall adopt, by resolution, a process
    23     under which the authority shall enter into contracts needed
    24     to implement a finding of special opportunity. The process
    25     adopted by the board shall provide a method of prequalifying
    26     prospective contracting parties, where appropriate; for the
    27     reasonable notification of prospective contracting parties of
    28     the issuance of requests for proposals and the reasonable
    29     opportunity for qualified prospective contracting parties to
    30     submit proposals; for review of proposals from qualified
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     1     prospective contracting parties; for the negotiation of
     2     contracts with one or more prospective contracting parties;
     3     for award of contracts on the basis of evaluation of the
     4     characteristics of the proposals; and for giving such weight
     5     to the various characteristics of any proposal as the board
     6     shall determine is in the best interest of the authority. The
     7     characteristics by which proposals may be evaluated under a
     8     finding of special opportunity may include the likely
     9     complexity of the transaction; the amount of investment any
    10     selected contracting party will be required to make or offers
    11     to make in the real estate-related matter; the experience and
    12     prior success of the proposed contracting party in other
    13     similar dealings with the same type of real estate-related
    14     matters or with the authority; the quality, feasibility and
    15     potential for economic success of the proposal; any cost or
    16     potential return to the authority; the economic reliability
    17     and financial viability of the proposed contracting party;
    18     the compatibility of the proposal with the authority's basic
    19     function as a public transportation provider; the date by
    20     which the proposed contracting party agrees to complete the
    21     real estate-related matter; and other factors which the board
    22     shall specify. The authority shall make available a copy of
    23     the process adopted by the board to any person requesting a
    24     copy of the process. The general manager may make a written
    25     recommendation to the board concerning the award of a
    26     contract under a finding of special opportunity. The general
    27     manager's recommendation shall include the identity of the
    28     prospective contracting party or parties, the purpose of the
    29     contract, the substance of the finding of special
    30     opportunity, the substance and term of the proposed contract,
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     1     the identities of any other prospective contracting parties
     2     who submitted proposals and the criteria upon which the
     3     general manager's recommendation was made and the reasons for
     4     selecting the prospective contracting party. Upon the written
     5     recommendation of the general manager, the board may award
     6     contracts under this paragraph after approving the awarding
     7     of the contract by a resolution adopted at a public meeting.
     8     The notice given in accordance with the Sunshine Act with
     9     respect to such meeting shall state that the board will
    10     consider awarding a contract under a finding of special
    11     opportunity at such meeting and shall describe the subject
    12     matter of such proposed contract. The authority shall by
    13     April 15 of each year submit a report to the department. The
    14     report shall detail the actions of the authority in exploring
    15     alternate means of raising revenue and reducing expenses. The
    16     department shall review the report and issue its findings and
    17     recommendations to the Appropriations Committee and the
    18     Transportation Committee of the Senate and the Appropriations
    19     Committee and the Transportation Committee of the House of
    20     Representatives no later than 30 days after receipt of such
    21     report for review and consideration of future funding by such
    22     committees. Where any alternate means have been rejected, the
    23     authority shall demonstrate that the feasibility and cost-
    24     effectiveness of that alternate means have been considered.
    25     As used in this paragraph, "finding of special opportunity"
    26     shall mean a written determination by the board that
    27     exclusion of a real estate-related matter from bidding
    28     procedures, as provided in this chapter or any other law,
    29     will be in the best interest of the authority and will be
    30     compatible with the authority's basic function as a public
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     1     transportation provider, considering the nature of the real
     2     estate-related matter with respect to which the authority
     3     proposes to contract. Any finding of special opportunity
     4     shall include the basis on which the finding of special
     5     opportunity is being made.
     6         * * *
     7     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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