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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 4134



No. 2843 Session of 2000



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, further providing for child-care
     3     personnel background checks.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6     Section 1.  Section 6344 of Title 23 of the Pennsylvania
     7  Consolidated Statutes is amended to read:
     8  § 6344.  Information relating to prospective child-care
     9             personnel.
    10     (a)  Applicability.--This section applies to all prospective
    11  employees of child-care services, prospective foster parents,
    12  prospective adoptive parents, prospective self-employed family
    13  day-care providers and other persons seeking to provide child-
    14  care services under contract with a child-care facility or
    15  program. This section does not apply to administrative or other
    16  support personnel unless their duties will involve direct
    17  contact with children.
    18     (b)  Information submitted by prospective employees.--

     1  Administrators of child-care services shall require applicants
     2  and all nonemployee persons 18 years of age or older who reside
     3  in a family day-care home affected by this section for at least
     4  30 days in a calendar year to submit with their applications the
     5  following information obtained within the preceding [one-year]
     6  six-month period:
     7         (1)  Pursuant to 18 Pa.C.S. Ch. 91 (relating to criminal
     8     history record information), a report of criminal history
     9     record information from the Pennsylvania State Police or a
    10     statement from the Pennsylvania State Police that the State
    11     Police central repository contains no such information
    12     relating to that person. The criminal history record
    13     information shall be limited to that which is disseminated
    14     pursuant to 18 Pa.C.S. § 9121(b)(2) (relating to general
    15     regulations).
    16         (2)  A certification from the department as to whether
    17     the applicant is named in the central register as the
    18     perpetrator of a founded report of child abuse, indicated
    19     report of child abuse, founded report for school employee or
    20     indicated report for school employee.
    21         (3)  Where the applicant is not a resident of this
    22     Commonwealth, administrators shall require the applicant to
    23     submit with the application for employment a report of
    24     Federal criminal history record information. The applicant
    25     shall submit a full set of fingerprints to the department.
    26     The department shall submit the fingerprints to the Federal
    27     Bureau of Investigation in order to obtain a report of
    28     Federal criminal history record information and serve as
    29     intermediary for the purposes of this section.
    30  For the purposes of this subsection, an applicant may submit a
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     1  copy of the required information with an application for
     2  employment. Administrators shall maintain a copy of the required
     3  information and shall require applicants to produce the original
     4  document prior to employment.
     5     (c)  Grounds for denying employment.--
     6         (1)  In no case shall an administrator hire an applicant
     7     where the department has verified that the applicant is named
     8     in the central register as the perpetrator of a founded
     9     report of child abuse [committed within the five-year period
    10     immediately preceding verification pursuant to this section]
    11     or as the perpetrator of a founded report for school
    12     employee.
    13         (2)  In no case shall an administrator hire an applicant
    14     if the applicant's criminal history record information
    15     indicates the applicant has been convicted of or entered a
    16     plea of nolo contendere to one or more of the following
    17     offenses under Title 18 (relating to crimes and offenses) or
    18     an equivalent crime under Federal law or the law of another
    19     state:
    20         Chapter 25 (relating to criminal homicide).
    21         Section 2702 (relating to aggravated assault).
    22         Section 2709 (relating to harassment and stalking).
    23         Section 2901 (relating to kidnapping).
    24         Section 2902 (relating to unlawful restraint).
    25         Section 2904 (relating to interference with custody of
    26     children) where the offense is graded as a felony.
    27         Section 2909 (relating to concealment of whereabouts of a
    28     child).
    29         Section 3121 (relating to rape).
    30         Section 3122.1 (relating to statutory sexual assault).
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     1         Section 3123 (relating to involuntary deviate sexual
     2     intercourse).
     3         Section 3124.1 (relating to sexual assault).
     4         Section 3125 (relating to aggravated indecent assault).
     5         Section 3126 (relating to indecent assault).
     6         Section 3127 (relating to indecent exposure).
     7         Section 4302 (relating to incest).
     8         Section 4303 (relating to concealing death of child).
     9         Section 4304 (relating to endangering welfare of
    10     children).
    11         Section 4305 (relating to dealing in infant children).
    12         A felony offense under section 5902(b) (relating to
    13     prostitution and related offenses).
    14         Section 5903(c) or (d) (relating to obscene and other
    15     sexual materials and performances).
    16         Section 6301 (relating to corruption of minors).
    17         Section 6312 (relating to sexual abuse of children).
    18         The attempt, solicitation or conspiracy to commit any of
    19     the offenses set forth in this paragraph.
    20         (3)  In no case shall an administrator hire an applicant
    21     if the applicant's criminal history record information
    22     indicates the applicant has been convicted of a felony
    23     offense under the act of April 14, 1972 (P.L.233, No.64),
    24     known as The Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic
    25     Act, committed within the [five-year] ten-year period
    26     immediately preceding verification under this section.
    27     (d)  Prospective adoptive or foster parents.--With regard to
    28  prospective adoptive or prospective foster parents, the
    29  following shall apply:
    30         (1)  In the course of causing an investigation to be made
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     1     pursuant to section 2535(a) (relating to investigation), an
     2     agency or person designated by the court to conduct the
     3     investigation shall require prospective adoptive parents to
     4     submit the information set forth in subsection (b)(1) and (2)
     5     for review in accordance with this section.
     6         (2)  In the course of approving a prospective foster
     7     parent, a foster family care agency shall require prospective
     8     foster parents to submit the information set forth in
     9     subsection (b)(1) and (2) for review by the foster family
    10     care agency in accordance with this section.
    11     (e)  Self-employed family day-care providers.--Self-employed
    12  family day-care providers who apply for a certificate of
    13  registration with the department shall submit with their
    14  registration application a report of criminal history record
    15  information and shall also obtain certification from the
    16  department as to whether the applicant and any nonemployee
    17  person 18 years of age or older who resides in the home for at
    18  least 30 days in a calendar year is named in the central
    19  register as the perpetrator of a founded report of child abuse
    20  or as the perpetrator of a founded report for school employee.
    21     (f)  Submissions by operators of child-care services.--The
    22  department shall require persons seeking to operate child-care
    23  services to submit the information set forth in subsection
    24  (b)(1) and (2) for review in accordance with this section.
    25     (g)  Regulations.--The department shall promulgate the
    26  regulations necessary to carry out this section. These
    27  regulations shall:
    28         (1)  Set forth criteria for unsuitability for employment
    29     in a child-care service in relation to criminal history
    30     record information which may include criminal history record
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     1     information in addition to that set forth above. The criteria
     2     shall be reasonably related to the prevention of child abuse.
     3         (2)  Set forth sanctions, in addition to subsection (o),
     4     for administrators who willfully hire applicants in violation
     5     of this section or in violation of the regulations
     6     promulgated under this section.
     7         (3)  Provide for the confidentiality of information
     8     obtained pursuant to subsection (b).
     9     (h)  Fees.--The department may charge a fee not to exceed $10
    10  in order to conduct the certification as required in subsection
    11  (b)(2), except that no fee shall be charged to an individual who
    12  makes the request in order to apply to become a volunteer with
    13  an affiliate of Big Brothers of America or Big Sisters of
    14  America.
    15     (i)  Time limit for certification.--The department shall
    16  comply with certification requests no later than 14 days from
    17  the receipt of the request.
    18     (j)  Voluntary certification of child caretakers.--The
    19  department shall develop a procedure for the voluntary
    20  certification of child caretakers to allow persons to apply to
    21  the department for a certificate indicating the person has met
    22  the requirements of subsection (b). The department shall also
    23  provide for the biennial recertification of child caretakers.
    24     (k)  Existing or transferred employees.--A person employed in
    25  child-care services on January 1, 1986, shall not be required to
    26  obtain the information required in subsection (b)(1) and (2) as
    27  a condition of continued employment. A person who has once
    28  obtained the information required under subsection (b)(1) and
    29  (2) may transfer to another child-care service established and
    30  supervised by the same organization and shall not be required to
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     1  obtain additional reports before making the transfer.
     2     (l)  Temporary employees [under special programs].--The
     3  requirements of this section [do not apply to employees of
     4  child-care services who meet all the following requirements:
     5         (1)  They are under 21 years of age.
     6         (2)  They are employed for periods of 90 days or less.
     7         (3)  They are a part of a job development or job training
     8     program funded, in whole or in part, by public or private
     9     sources.
    10  Once employment of a person who meets these conditions extends
    11  beyond 90 days, all requirements of this section shall take
    12  effect] shall apply to all temporary employees of child-care
    13  services.
    14     (m)  Provisional employees for limited periods.--
    15  Notwithstanding subsection (b), administrators may employ
    16  applicants on a provisional basis for a single period not to
    17  exceed 30 days or, for out-of-State applicants, a period of 90
    18  days, if all of the following conditions are met:
    19         (1)  The applicant has applied for the information
    20     required under subsection (b) and the applicant provides a
    21     copy of the appropriate completed request forms to the
    22     administrator.
    23         (2)  The administrator has no knowledge of information
    24     pertaining to the applicant which would disqualify him from
    25     employment pursuant to subsection (c).
    26         (3)  The applicant swears or affirms in writing that he
    27     is not disqualified from employment pursuant to subsection
    28     (c).
    29         (4)  If the information obtained pursuant to subsection
    30     (b) reveals that the applicant is disqualified from
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     1     employment pursuant to subsection (c), the applicant shall be
     2     immediately dismissed by the administrator.
     3         (5)  The administrator requires that the applicant not be
     4     permitted to work alone with children and that the applicant
     5     work in the immediate vicinity of a permanent employee.
     6     (n)  Criminal and child abuse history.--
     7         (1)  An individual who directly provides child-care
     8     services which are subsidized by Federal or State funds but
     9     who is not otherwise subject to Article IX or X of the act of
    10     June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), known as the Public Welfare
    11     Code, and every individual 18 years of age or older who
    12     resides in the home of such an individual for at least 30
    13     days in a calendar year when the child care is provided in
    14     such individual's home shall submit to the department
    15     criminal and child abuse history information under subsection
    16     (b). The department shall refuse to authorize the use of
    17     Federal or State funds for child care if the department
    18     verifies that any of the following apply to an individual
    19     providing the child care or any individual 18 years of age or
    20     older who resides in the home of such an individual for at
    21     least 30 days in a calendar year when the child care is
    22     provided in such individual's home:
    23             (i)  The individual is named in the Statewide central
    24         register of child abuse as the perpetrator of a founded
    25         report, a founded report for school employee, an
    26         indicated report or an indicated report for school
    27         employee.
    28             (ii)  The individual has been convicted of an offense
    29         under subsection (c).
    30         (2)  The department may authorize the use of Federal or
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     1     State funds for child care under this subsection on a
     2     provisional basis for a single period not to exceed 30 days
     3     if all of the following conditions are met:
     4             (i)  The individual who is subject to the
     5         requirements of this subsection has applied for the
     6         information required under this subsection and provides a
     7         copy of the appropriate request forms to the department
     8         or its designated agent.
     9             (ii)  The individual who is subject to the
    10         requirements of this subsection swears or affirms in
    11         writing that the individual:
    12                 (A)  is not named in the Statewide central
    13             register of child abuse as the perpetrator of a
    14             founded report, a founded report for school employee,
    15             an indicated report or an indicated report for school
    16             employee; and
    17                 (B)  has not been convicted of an offense under
    18             subsection (c).
    19     (o)  Denial, refusal to renew and revocation of
    20  registration.--The department shall refuse to issue or renew a
    21  certificate of registration and shall revoke a certificate of
    22  registration if the child-care services provider, an employee of
    23  the provider or a nonemployee person 18 years of age or older
    24  who resides in a family day-care home affected by this section
    25  for at least 30 days in a calendar year:
    26         (1)  Is named in the central register as the perpetrator
    27     of a founded report of child abuse.
    28         (2)  Is named as the perpetrator of a founded report for
    29     school employee.
    30         (3)  Has been convicted of an offense set forth in
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     1     subsection (c).
     2     (p)  Penalties.--Notwithstanding any sanctions promulgated by
     3  the department, any administrator of child-care services who
     4  hires or continues to employ an individual known to be
     5  ineligible as an employee under this section, may be prosecuted
     6  under 18 Pa.C.S. § 4304 (relating to endangering welfare of
     7  children).
     8     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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