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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3950



No. 2847 Session of 1998

           OCTOBER 6, 1998


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), entitled
     2     "An act providing for and reorganizing the conduct of the
     3     executive and administrative work of the Commonwealth by the
     4     Executive Department thereof and the administrative
     5     departments, boards, commissions, and officers thereof,
     6     including the boards of trustees of State Normal Schools, or
     7     Teachers Colleges; abolishing, creating, reorganizing or
     8     authorizing the reorganization of certain administrative
     9     departments, boards, and commissions; defining the powers and
    10     duties of the Governor and other executive and administrative
    11     officers, and of the several administrative departments,
    12     boards, commissions, and officers; fixing the salaries of the
    13     Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and certain other executive
    14     and administrative officers; providing for the appointment of
    15     certain administrative officers, and of all deputies and
    16     other assistants and employes in certain departments, boards,
    17     and commissions; and prescribing the manner in which the
    18     number and compensation of the deputies and all other
    19     assistants and employes of certain departments, boards and
    20     commissions shall be determined," further regulating duties
    21     of Department of Community and Economic Development.

    22     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    23  hereby enacts as follows:
    24     Section 1.  Section 1209 of the act of April 9, 1929
    25  (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929,
    26  amended February 1, 1966 (1965 P.L.1849, No.582), is amended to
    27  read:

     1     Section 1209.  Local Government [Budget and] Financial
     2  Reports; Compilation of Statistics.--The Department of Community
     3  [Affairs] and Economic Development shall have power and its duty
     4  shall be:
     5     [(a)  To prepare, in cooperation with duly authorized
     6  committees of local government officials, and furnish annually
     7  at the expense of the Commonwealth, to the corporate authorities
     8  of each county (except counties of the first class), city of the
     9  third class, borough, incorporated town, township, school
    10  district of the second, third, and fourth class blank forms
    11  suitable for the making of budgets by the proper authorities of
    12  said local government and for the filing of a copy of the budget
    13  after adoption with said department.
    14     (b)] (a)  To furnish to the corporate authorities of each
    15  county (except counties of the first class), city of the third
    16  class, borough, incorporated town, township suitable blank forms
    17  for the making of annual reports of the financial condition of
    18  their respective local governments to the department, which
    19  forms for financial report purposes shall be placed by said
    20  corporate authorities into the hands of the director, controller
    21  or auditors who by law are required to make such financial
    22  reports to the department. Such annual financial reports shall
    23  be prepared in cooperation with aforesaid duly authorized
    24  committees of local government officials and shall contain: (1)
    25  a statement of the receipts of the unit of local government from
    26  all sources [and of all accounts and revenue which may be due
    27  and uncollected at the close of the fiscal year]; (2) a
    28  statement of the disbursements for all the governmental
    29  activities of the unit of local government during the fiscal
    30  year; (3) a detailed statement of the indebtedness of the unit
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     1  of local government at the close of the fiscal year[, the
     2  provisions made for the payment thereof, together with the
     3  purposes for which it was incurred; (4) a statement of the cost
     4  of ownership and operation of each and every public service
     5  industry owned, maintained or operated by the unit of local
     6  government; (5)]; (4) such further or more specific information
     7  in relation to the cost of any branch of the local government
     8  and improvements therein as may be required by the department.
     9     [In the case of blank forms for financial reports by
    10  townships of the second class and counties, the same shall be so
    11  arranged that corresponding data and information, required to be
    12  reported by said units of local government to the Department of
    13  Highways or the Department of Public Welfare, may be used for
    14  the information required to be furnished to the Department of
    15  Community Affairs under this section.
    16     (c)] (b)  The substance of the annual [budget and] financial
    17  reports, required by law to be made to the Department of
    18  Community [Affairs] and Economic Development by the corporate
    19  officers, directors, controllers, and auditors of units of local
    20  government, shall be arranged by said department in such form as
    21  shall indicate the comparative receipts from the various sources
    22  of revenue and the comparative costs of the several branches of
    23  local government in the governments making such reports, shall
    24  be published at the cost of the Commonwealth in an annual
    25  statement of comparative statistics which shall be issued [for
    26  each class of local government] as a public document in printed
    27  or electronic form, and shall be submitted by the department to
    28  the General Assembly at each regular session. Copies thereof
    29  shall also be [furnished] made available by the department to
    30  each such local government unit named therein.
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     1     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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