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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 4331



No. 2862 Session of 2002

           SEPTEMBER 26, 2002


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), entitled "An
     2     act relating to tax reform and State taxation by codifying
     3     and enumerating certain subjects of taxation and imposing
     4     taxes thereon; providing procedures for the payment,
     5     collection, administration and enforcement thereof; providing
     6     for tax credits in certain cases; conferring powers and
     7     imposing duties upon the Department of Revenue, certain
     8     employers, fiduciaries, individuals, persons, corporations
     9     and other entities; prescribing crimes, offenses and
    10     penalties," providing for the establishment, implementation
    11     and administration of a wastewater treatment and reuse tax
    12     credit program.

    13     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    14  hereby enacts as follows:
    15     Section 1.  The act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as
    16  the Tax Reform Code of 1971, is amended by adding an article to
    17  read:
    18                          ARTICLE XVIII-C
    20  Section 1801-C.  Short title.
    21     This article shall be known and may be cited as the

     1  Wastewater Treatment and Reuse Tax Credit Program.
     2  Section 1802-C.  Definitions.
     3     The following words and phrases when used in this article
     4  shall have the meanings given to them in this section, unless
     5  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     6     "Department."  The Department of Environmental Protection of
     7  the Commonwealth.
     8     "Facilities."  A manufacturing industrial facility or power
     9  plant that uses average amounts of water in excess of 100,000
    10  gallons a day and seeks approval from the Department of
    11  Environmental Protection to be eligible for the Wastewater
    12  Treatment and Reuse Tax Credit Program.
    13     "Manufacturing industrial facility."  Establishments engaged
    14  in mechanical, physical or chemical transformation of materials,
    15  substances or components into new products, including, but not
    16  limited to, textile mills, paper manufacturers, chemical
    17  manufacturers and facilities producing leather and allied
    18  products, pharmaceuticals, plastics and rubbers, fabricated
    19  metals, computers and electronics, electrical equipment,
    20  transportation equipment, furniture and paint, coatings and
    21  adhesives.
    22     "Taxpayer."  An entity subject to tax under Article III, IV,
    23  VI or XI.
    24     "Wastewater."  The spent or used water from an industrial
    25  facility that contains dissolved or suspended matter.
    26     "Wastewater treatment and reuse equipment."  Any equipment
    27  that is used exclusively to treat wastewater produced in an
    28  industrial process for purposes of reuse in the same application
    29  for which it was originally used or for reuse in a different
    30  aspect of the industrial process.
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     1  Section 1803-C.  Public policy.
     2     It is hereby declared to be public policy of the Commonwealth
     3  to encourage investment in wastewater treatment and reuse
     4  equipment by owners of manufacturing industrial facilities and
     5  power plants that use an average amount of water in excess of
     6  100,000 gallons per day and to promote the reuse of the treated
     7  industrial wastewater.
     8  Section 1804-C.  Tax credit.
     9     (a)  Authorization.--Any taxpayer of a manufacturing
    10  industrial facility or power plant that invests in wastewater
    11  treatment and reuse equipment for use exclusively within this
    12  Commonwealth shall be allowed a credit against any tax due under
    13  Article III, IV, VI or XI, provided that the department has
    14  issued a determination that the facility uses an average of more
    15  than 100,000 gallons of water a day and that the operation of
    16  the equipment and the subsequent reuse of the treated wastewater
    17  will be beneficial to the environment.
    18     (b)  Amount of credit.--The amount of the credit shall be
    19  computed as 30% of the cost of the treatment equipment,
    20  excluding the amount of any sales or use tax paid for the
    21  equipment. The tax credits authorized by this section shall not
    22  exceed $20,000,000 in the aggregate during any year.
    23     (c)  Agreement.--In order for a facility owner to claim the
    24  wastewater treatment and reuse tax credit under this article,
    25  the taxpayer must enter into an agreement with the Commonwealth.
    26  The agreement shall last ten years, beginning the first tax year
    27  in which the treatment equipment is purchased, and no more than
    28  20% of the total credit shall be claimed for each tax year in
    29  the ten-year agreement.
    30     (d)  Excess application.--If the total requests for
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     1  wastewater treatment and reuse tax credits exceed $20,000,000
     2  during any calendar year, the credits will be allocated on a pro
     3  rata basis. If the total amount of wastewater treatment and
     4  reuse tax credits applied for by all facility taxpayers under
     5  this article exceeds $20,000,000, then the credit to be received
     6  by each facility taxpayer shall be the product of $20,000,000
     7  multiplied by the quotient of the credit applied for by an
     8  individual facility taxpayer divided by the total of all credits
     9  applied for.
    10  Section 1805-C.  Qualifications.
    11     (a)  Determination.--In order to qualify for the tax credit,
    12  the taxpayer shall apply for a determination from the Secretary
    13  of Environmental Protection that the equipment, with respect to
    14  which the credit is sought, qualifies as treatment equipment
    15  that is used exclusively to treat wastewater produced in an
    16  industrial process, for purposes of reusing the wastewater which
    17  would otherwise be discharged into the waters of the State.
    18     (b)  Rules and regulations.--The Secretary of Environmental
    19  Protection in conjunction with the Secretary of Revenue shall
    20  adopt rules and regulations establishing technical and
    21  administrative requirements for the qualification of treatment
    22  and reuse equipment. For the purpose of establishing a
    23  taxpayer's eligibility for a credit pursuant to this article, a
    24  determination shall be made by the Secretary of the Department
    25  of Environmental Protection that the operation of the equipment
    26  and the reuse of wastewater that has been treated will be
    27  beneficial to the environment.
    28  Section 1806-C.  Application.
    29     (a)  Contents.--An application for the tax credit shall be
    30  submitted in writing in a form as the department prescribes and
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     1  shall include:
     2         (1)  The date or anticipated date of purchase of the
     3     equipment.
     4         (2)  A physical and functional description of the
     5     equipment.
     6         (3)  The cost.
     7         (4)  The name and address of the facility in which the
     8     treatment and reuse equipment shall be installed.
     9         (5)  The nature of the reuse.
    10         (6)  The volume of treated wastewater that is to be
    11     reused.
    12         (7)  The taxpayer's explanation of how the operation of
    13     the system and the reuse of the wastewater will be beneficial
    14     to the environment.
    15     (b)  Affidavit.--The application shall also include the
    16  taxpayer's affidavit that, to the best of the taxpayer's
    17  knowledge, the equipment has not previously qualified for a
    18  credit under this article either for the taxpayer or for a
    19  previous owner.
    20     (c)  Multiple facilities.--A taxpayer of multiple facilities
    21  is eligible to receive a separate tax credit for each facility
    22  that qualifies under the department's standards for the program.
    23  A separate application must be submitted for each facility
    24  seeking to receive a tax credit for the purchase of wastewater
    25  treatment and reuse equipment.
    26     (d)  Use for upgrade of equipment.--Once the ten-year
    27  agreement between the facility taxpayer and the Commonwealth has
    28  been fulfilled, the taxpayer may apply for an equipment upgrade
    29  tax credit from the department. A new and complete application
    30  must be submitted to the department and a determination will be
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     1  made based on how substantial the effects of the equipment will
     2  be in further conserving the water resources of this
     3  Commonwealth.
     4     Section 2.  This act shall take effect January 1, 2003.

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