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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 4189



No. 2868 Session of 2000

           NOVEMBER 15, 2000


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 71 (State Government) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, further providing for definitions and
     3     for benefit accrual rates, eligibility for annuities, class
     4     of service multipliers, benefits and member contributions.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7     Section 1.  The definitions of "active member," "basic
     8  contribution rate," "class of service multiplier," "credited
     9  service," "inactive member" and "vestee" in section 5102 of
    10  Title 71 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes are amended
    11  to read:
    12  § 5102.  Definitions.
    13     The following words and phrases as used in this part, unless
    14  a different meaning is plainly required by the context, shall
    15  have the following meanings:
    16     * * *
    17     "Active member."  A State employee, or a member on leave
    18  without pay, for whom pickup contributions are being made to the

     1  fund or for whom such contributions otherwise required for
     2  current State service are not being made solely by reason of any
     3  provision of this part relating to the [limitation] limitations
     4  under section 401(a)(17) or 415(b) of the Internal Revenue Code
     5  of 1986 (Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 401(a)(17) or 415(b)).
     6     * * *
     7     "Basic contribution rate."  Five percent (5%), except that in
     8  no case shall any member's rate, excluding the rate for social
     9  security integration credit, be greater than his contribution
    10  rate on the effective date of this part so long as he does not
    11  elect additional coverage or membership in another class of
    12  service. For purposes of this definition, failure to elect to
    13  remain a member of Class A as provided for in section 5306.1
    14  (relating to election to retain Class A service) shall be deemed
    15  an election to be a member of Class AA and acceptance of the
    16  Class AA contribution rate.
    17     * * *
    18     "Class of service multiplier."
    19  Class of Service           Multiplier
    20     A                          1
    21     AA
    22     for all purposes
    23     except calculating
    24     regular member
    25     contributions on
    26     compensation paid prior
    27     to January 1, 2002           1.25
    28     AA
    29     for purposes of
    30     calculating regular
    20000H2868B4189                  - 2 -

     1     member contributions
     2     on compensation paid
     3     prior to January 1,
     4     2002                        1
     5     B                           .625
     6     C                          1
     7     D                          1.25
     8     D-1    prior to
     9            January 1, 1973     1.875
    10     D-1    on and
    11            subsequent to
    12            January 1, 1973     1.731
    13     D-2    prior to
    14            January 1, 1973     2.5
    15     D-2    on and
    16            subsequent to
    17            January 1, 1973     1.731
    18     D-3    prior to
    19            January 1, 1973     3.75
    20     D-3    on and
    21            subsequent to
    22            January 1, 1973     1.731   except prior to December
    23                                        1, 1974 as applied to any
    24                                        additional legislative
    25                                        compensation as an officer
    26                                        of the General Assembly
    27                                        3.75
    28     E, E-1 prior to
    29            January 1, 1973     2       for each of the first ten
    30                                        years of judicial service,
    20000H2868B4189                  - 3 -

     1                                        and
     2                                1.5     for each subsequent year
     3                                        of judicial service
     4     E, E-1 on and
     5            subsequent to
     6            January 1, 1973     1.50    for each of the first
     7                                        ten years of judicial
     8                                        service and
     9                                1.125   for each subsequent year
    10                                        of judicial service
    11     E-2    prior to
    12            September 1, 1973   1.5
    13     E-2    on and
    14            subsequent to
    15            September 1, 1973   1.125
    16     G                          0.417
    17     H                          0.500
    18     I                          0.625
    19     J                          0.714
    20     K                          0.834
    21     L                          1.000
    22     M                          1.100
    23     N                          1.250
    24     T-C (Public School         1
    25         Employees'
    26         Retirement Code)
    27     * * *
    28     "Credited service."  State or creditable nonstate service for
    29  which the required contributions have been made, or for which
    30  the contributions otherwise required for such service were not
    20000H2868B4189                  - 4 -

     1  made solely by reason of any provision of this part relating to
     2  the [limitation] limitations under section 401(a)(17) or 415(b)
     3  of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (Public Law 99-514, 26
     4  U.S.C. § 401(a)(17) or 415(b)), or for which salary deductions
     5  or lump sum payments have been agreed upon in writing.
     6     * * *
     7     "Inactive member."  A member for whom no pickup contributions
     8  are being made, except in the case of an active member for whom
     9  such contributions otherwise required for current State service
    10  are not being made solely by reason of any provision of this
    11  part relating to the [limitation] limitations under section
    12  401(a)(17) or 415(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986
    13  (Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 401(a)(17) or 415(b)), but who
    14  has accumulated deductions standing to his credit in the fund
    15  and who is not eligible to become or has not elected to become a
    16  vestee or has not filed an application for an annuity.
    17     * * *
    18     "Vestee."  A member with [ten] five or more eligibility
    19  points, or a member with Class G, Class H, Class I, Class J,
    20  Class K, Class L, Class M or Class N service with [eight] five
    21  or more eligibility points, who has terminated State service and
    22  has elected to leave his total accumulated deductions in the
    23  fund and to defer receipt of an annuity.
    24     Section 2.  Sections 5302, 5305 and 5306 of Title 71 are
    25  amended to read:
    26  § 5302.  Credited State service.
    27     (a)  Computation of credited service.--In computing credited
    28  State service of a member for the determination of benefits, a
    29  full-time salaried State employee including any member of the
    30  General Assembly, shall receive credit for service in each
    20000H2868B4189                  - 5 -

     1  period for which contributions as required are made, or for
     2  which contributions otherwise required for such service were not
     3  made solely by reason of any provision of this part relating to
     4  the [limitation] limitations under IRC § 401(a)(17) or 415(b),
     5  but in no case shall he receive more than one year's credit for
     6  any 12 consecutive months or 26 consecutive biweekly pay
     7  periods. A per diem or hourly State employee shall receive one
     8  year of credited service for each nonoverlapping period of 12
     9  consecutive months or 26 consecutive biweekly pay periods in
    10  which he is employed and for which contributions are made or
    11  would have been made but for such [limitation] limitations under
    12  the IRC for at least 220 days or 1,650 hours of employment. If
    13  the member was employed and contributions were made for less
    14  than 220 days or 1,650 hours, he shall be credited with a
    15  fractional portion of a year determined by the ratio of the
    16  number of days or hours of service actually rendered to 220 days
    17  or 1,650 hours, as the case may be. A part-time salaried
    18  employee shall be credited with the fractional portion of the
    19  year which corresponds to the number of hours or days of service
    20  actually rendered in relation to 1,650 hours or 220 days, as the
    21  case may be. In no case shall a member who has elected multiple
    22  service receive an aggregate in the two systems of more than one
    23  year of credited service for any 12 consecutive months.
    24     (b)  Creditable leaves of absence.--
    25         (1)  A member on leave without pay who is studying under
    26     a Federal grant approved by the head of his department or who
    27     is engaged up to a maximum of two years of temporary service
    28     with the United States Government, another state or a local
    29     government under the Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970,
    30     5 U.S.C. §§ 1304, 3371-3376; 42 U.S.C. §§ 4701-4772, shall be
    20000H2868B4189                  - 6 -

     1     eligible for credit for such service: Provided, That
     2     contributions are made in accordance with sections 5501
     3     (relating to regular member contributions for current
     4     service), 5505.1 (relating to additional member
     5     contributions) and 5507 (relating to contributions by the
     6     Commonwealth and other employers), the member returns from
     7     leave without pay to active State service for a period of at
     8     least one year, and he is not entitled to retirement benefits
     9     for such service under a retirement system administered by
    10     any other governmental agency.
    11         (2)  An active member on paid leave granted by an
    12     employer for purposes of serving as an elected full-time
    13     officer for a Statewide employee organization which is a
    14     collective bargaining representative under the act of July
    15     23, 1970 (P.L.563, No.195), known as the Public Employe
    16     Relations Act: Provided, That such leave shall not be for
    17     more than three consecutive terms of the same office; that
    18     the employer shall fully compensate the member, including,
    19     but not limited to, salary, wages, pension and retirement
    20     contributions and benefits, other benefits and seniority, as
    21     if he were in full-time active service; and that the
    22     Statewide employee organization shall fully reimburse the
    23     employer for all expenses and costs of such paid leave,
    24     including, but not limited to, contributions and payment in
    25     accordance with sections 5501, 5505.1 and 5507, if the
    26     employee organization either directly pays, or reimburses the
    27     Commonwealth or other employer for, contributions made in
    28     accordance with section 5507.
    29     (c)  Credited service as retirement incentive.--
    30  Notwithstanding any provisions of this title to the contrary,
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     1  for the period February 1, 1991, to December 31, 1991, a member
     2  who was not an annuitant on February 1, 1991, who terminates
     3  State service between February 1, 1991, and December 31, 1991,
     4  inclusive, who is, during such period, 55 years of age or older
     5  or will attain 55 years of age between January 1, 1992, and
     6  January 31, 1992, inclusive, with ten or more eligibility
     7  points, and who files an application for retirement prior to
     8  January 1, 1992, shall be credited with an additional 10% of his
     9  Class A and Class C service. This provision shall not apply in
    10  the case of active members who are justices, judges or district
    11  justices, legislators, other elected officials and officers of
    12  the Pennsylvania State Police.
    13     (d)  Enlargement of coverage of Military Code.--For purposes
    14  of determining whether a member is eligible to receive credited
    15  service for active military service rendered after the date of
    16  this act, other than active duty service to meet periodic
    17  training requirements, the provisions of 51 Pa.C.S. Ch. 73
    18  (relating to military leave of absence) shall apply to all
    19  individuals who were active members of the system, even if not
    20  defined as an employee pursuant to 51 Pa.C.S. § 7301 (relating
    21  to definitions).
    22     (d.1)  Effect of converting county service to State
    23  service.--A county employee transferred to State employment
    24  pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S. § 1905 (relating to county-level court
    25  administrators) who elects to convert county service to State
    26  service pursuant to section 5303.1 (relating to election to
    27  convert county service to State service) shall receive one year
    28  or fractional part of a year of State service credit for each
    29  year or fractional part of a year, as the case may be, of county
    30  service credited in the county retirement system or pension
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     1  plan, provided, however, that no more than one year of State
     2  service of all classes will be credited in any one calendar year
     3  and that no State service credit shall be received for county
     4  service that is already credited in the system or in the Public
     5  School Employees' Retirement System.
     6     (e)  Cancellation of credited service.--All credited service
     7  shall be cancelled if a member withdraws his total accumulated
     8  deductions.
     9  § 5305.  Social security integration credits.
    10     (a)  Crediting of accrued credits.--Any member shall be
    11  credited with the social security integration credits which he
    12  has accrued up to the effective date of this part.
    13     (b)  Accrual of subsequent credits.--Any member who has
    14  social security integration accumulated deductions to his credit
    15  or is receiving a benefit on account of social security
    16  integration credits may accrue one social security integration
    17  credit for each year of service as a State employee on or
    18  subsequent to March 1, 1974 and a fractional credit for a
    19  corresponding fractional year of service provided that
    20  contributions are made, or would have been made but for the
    21  limitations under IRC § 401(a)(17) or 415(b), in accordance with
    22  section 5502 (relating to social security integration member
    23  contributions), and he:
    24         (1)  continues subsequent to March 1, 1974 as an active
    25     member in either the State or school system;
    26         (2)  terminates such continuous service in the State or
    27     school system and returns to active membership in the State
    28     system within six months; or
    29         (3)  terminates his status as a vestee or an annuitant
    30     and returns to State service.
    20000H2868B4189                  - 9 -

     1     (c)  Ineligibility by amount of annuity entitlement.--No
     2  social security integration credits shall accrue for that period
     3  of consecutive calendar years immediately prior to retirement
     4  and after January 1, 1975 and during which for each such year
     5  the maximum single life annuity to which the member would have
     6  been entitled as of December 31 exceeds his highest annual
     7  compensation as of such time. In such event, the contributions
     8  made on behalf of the member on account of social security
     9  integration credits for such years shall be returned to the
    10  member together with statutory interest upon termination of
    11  service of the member.
    12     (d)  Purchased nonstate service ineligible for credit.--No
    13  social security integration credits shall accrue for any
    14  nonstate service purchased in this system after March 1, 1974,
    15  regardless of when such service may have been performed.
    16  § 5306.  Classes of service.
    17     (a)  Class A membership.--A State employee who is a member of
    18  Class A on the effective date of this part or who becomes a
    19  member of the system subsequent to the effective date of this
    20  part shall be classified as a Class A member and receive credit
    21  for Class A service upon payment of regular and additional
    22  member contributions for Class A service[.], provided that the
    23  State employee does not become a member of Class AA pursuant to
    24  subsection (a.1).
    25     (a.1)  Class AA membership.--
    26         (1)  A person who becomes a State employee and an active
    27     member of the system on or after the effective date of this
    28     subsection and who is not a Pennsylvania State Police officer
    29     or not employed in a position for which a class of service
    30     other than Class A could be elected shall be classified as a
    20000H2868B4189                 - 10 -

     1     Class AA member and receive credit for Class AA State service
     2     upon payment of regular member contributions for Class AA
     3     service and if previously a member of Class A shall have all
     4     Class A State service (other than State service performed as
     5     a Pennsylvania State Police officer or for which a class of
     6     service other than Class A was or could have been elected)
     7     classified as Class AA service.
     8         (2)  A State employee, other than a State employee who is
     9     a Pennsylvania State Police officer on or after July 1, 1989,
    10     who on the effective date of this subsection is:
    11             (i)  a member of Class A, other than a member of
    12         Class A who could elect membership in a class of service
    13         other than Class A; or
    14             (ii)  an inactive member on leave without pay from a
    15         position in which the State employee would be a Class A
    16         active member if the employee was not on leave without
    17         pay, other than a position in which the State employee
    18         could elect membership in a class of service other than
    19         Class A;
    20     shall be classified as a Class AA member and receive credit
    21     for Class AA State service performed on or after the
    22     effective date of this subsection upon payment of regular
    23     member contributions for Class AA service and shall receive
    24     Class AA service credit for all Class A State service (other
    25     than State service performed as a Pennsylvania State Police
    26     officer or as a State employee in a position in which the
    27     member could have elected a class of service other than Class
    28     A) performed before the effective date of this subsection,
    29     unless the member elects to remain a Class A member pursuant
    30     to section 5306.1 (relating to election to retain Class A
    20000H2868B4189                 - 11 -

     1     service).
     2         (3)  A former State employee, other than a former State
     3     employee who was a Pennsylvania State Police officer on or
     4     after July 1, 1989, who on the effective date of this
     5     subsection is:
     6             (i)  a vestee;
     7             (ii)  a special vestee; or
     8             (iii)  a multiple service member who is a school
     9         employee and a member of the Public School Employees'
    10         Retirement System;
    11     shall receive Class AA service credit for all Class A State
    12     service (other than State service performed as a Pennsylvania
    13     State Police officer or as a State employee in a position in
    14     which the former State employee could have elected a class of
    15     service other than Class A) performed before the effective
    16     date of this subsection, unless the former State employee
    17     elects to remain a Class A member pursuant to section 5306.1
    18     (relating to election to retain Class A service).
    19         (4)  State service performed as Class A service before
    20     the effective date of this subsection shall be credited as
    21     Class AA service only upon the completion of all acts
    22     necessary for the State service to be credited as Class A
    23     service had this subsection not been enacted.
    24         (5)  A State employee, who on or after the effective date
    25     of this subsection, becomes a Pennsylvania State Police
    26     officer or who is employed in a position in which the member
    27     could elect membership in a class of service other than Class
    28     A shall retain any Class AA service credited prior to
    29     becoming a Pennsylvania State Police officer or being so
    30     employed, but shall be ineligible to receive Class AA credit
    20000H2868B4189                 - 12 -

     1     thereafter, but instead shall receive Class A credit unless
     2     another class of membership other than Class A is elected.
     3     (b)  Other class membership.--A State employee who is a
     4  member of a class of service other than Class A on the effective
     5  date of this part shall retain his membership in that class
     6  until such service is discontinued; any service thereafter shall
     7  be credited as Class A service.
     8     (c)  Class membership for county service.--Notwithstanding
     9  subsection (a), county service that is converted to State
    10  service pursuant to section 5303.1 (relating to election to
    11  convert county service to State service) shall be credited as
    12  the following class of service:
    13  Class of service in a county of the
    14  second class A, third class, fourth
    15  class, fifth class, sixth class,
    16  seventh class or eighth class
    17  maintaining a retirement system or
    18  pension plan under the act of August
    19  31, 1971 (P.L.398, No.96), known as
    20  the County Pension Law
    21                                                System Class of
    22                                                    Service
    23  Class 1-120                                          G
    24  Class 1-100                                          H
    25  Class 1-80                                           I
    26  Class 1-70                                           J
    27  Class 1-60                                           K
    28  Rate of accrual of benefit for each
    29  year of service in a county of the
    30  first class or second class or
    20000H2868B4189                 - 13 -

     1  credited in the Pennsylvania
     2  Municipal Retirement System
     3                                                 System Class of
     4                                                     Service
     5  .833%                                                G
     6  1.00%                                                H
     7  1.250%                                               I
     8  1.428%                                               J
     9  1.667%                                               K
    10  2.000%                                               L
    11  2.200%                                               M
    12  2.500%                                               N
    13     Section 3.  Title 71 is amended by adding a section to read:
    14  § 5306.1.  Election to retain Class A service.
    15     (a)  General rule.--A person who is:
    16         (1)  a member of the system; or
    17         (2)  a multiple service member who is a school employee
    18     and a member of the Public School Employees' Retirement
    19     System;
    20  who on the effective date of this section is eligible for Class
    21  AA membership may elect to remain a member of Class A.
    22     (b)  Time for making election.--The election to remain a
    23  Class A member must be made by the member filing written notice
    24  with the board on or before December 31, 2001, or before the
    25  member terminates State service, whichever occurs first.
    26     (c)  Effect of election.--An election to remain a Class A
    27  member shall remain in effect until the termination of
    28  employment and shall result in all service credited as Class AA
    29  service being credited as Class A service. Upon subsequent
    30  reemployment, a member shall not have the election to remain a
    20000H2868B4189                 - 14 -

     1  Class A member and all State service shall be credited in the
     2  class of service otherwise provided for in this part.
     3     (d)  Effect of failure to make election.--Failure to elect to
     4  remain a Class A member within the election period set forth in
     5  subsection (b) shall result in all of the member's Class A State
     6  service other than service performed as a Pennsylvania State
     7  Police officer or in a position in which the member could elect
     8  a class of membership other than Class A being credited as Class
     9  AA service as set forth in this part and shall be deemed
    10  acceptance by the member of the limitations on benefits from the
    11  system under IRC § 415(b).
    12     Section 4.  Sections 5308(b), 5309, 5501, 5502, 5702, 5704,
    13  5705(a), 5706, 5903, 5906 and 5937 of Title 71 are amended to
    14  read:
    15  § 5308.  Eligibility for annuities.
    16     * * *
    17     (b)  Withdrawal annuity.--Any vestee or any active member or
    18  inactive member on leave without pay who terminates State
    19  service having [ten] five or more eligibility points, or who has
    20  Class G, Class H, Class I, Class J, Class K, Class L, Class M or
    21  Class N service and terminates State service having [eight] five
    22  or more eligibility points, upon compliance with section
    23  5907(f), (g) or (h) shall be entitled to receive an annuity.
    24     * * *
    25  § 5309.  Eligibility for vesting.
    26     Any member who terminates State service with [ten] five or
    27  more eligibility points, or any member with Class G, Class H,
    28  Class I, Class J, Class K, Class L, Class M or Class N service
    29  with [eight] five or more eligibility points, shall be eligible
    30  until attainment of superannuation age to vest his retirement
    20000H2868B4189                 - 15 -

     1  benefits.
     2  § 5501.  Regular member contributions for current service.
     3     Regular member contributions shall be made to the fund on
     4  behalf of each active member for current service except for any
     5  period of current service in which the making of such
     6  contributions has ceased solely by reason of any provision of
     7  this part relating to the [annual compensation limit under IRC §
     8  401(a)(17)] limitations under IRC § 401(a)(17) or 415(b).
     9  § 5502.  Social Security integration member contributions.
    10     [Contributions] Except for any period of current service in
    11  which the making of regular member contributions has ceased
    12  solely by reason of any provision of this part relating to
    13  limitations under IRC § 401(a)(17) or 415(b), contributions
    14  shall be made on behalf of a member of any class who prior to
    15  March 1, 1974, has elected Social Security integration coverage.
    16  The amount of such contributions shall be 6 1/4% of that portion
    17  of his compensation in excess of the maximum wages taxable under
    18  the provisions of the Social Security Act (49 Stat. 620, 42
    19  U.S.C. § 301 et seq.), in addition to the regular member
    20  contributions which, after such election, shall be determined on
    21  the basis of the basic contribution rate of 5% and the
    22  additional member contribution of 1 1/4%: Provided, That a
    23  member may elect to discontinue Social Security integration
    24  coverage and shall thereafter be ineligible to accrue any
    25  further Social Security integration credits or any additional
    26  benefits on account of Social Security integration membership.
    27  § 5702.  Maximum single life annuity.
    28     (a)  General rule.--Any full coverage member who is eligible
    29  to receive an annuity pursuant to the provisions of section
    30  5308(a) or (b) (relating to eligibility for annuities) shall be
    20000H2868B4189                 - 16 -

     1  entitled to receive a maximum single life annuity attributable
     2  to his credited service and equal to the sum of the following
     3  single life annuities beginning at the effective date of
     4  retirement:
     5         (1)  A standard single life annuity multiplied by the sum
     6     of the products, determined separately for each class of
     7     service, obtained by multiplying the appropriate class of
     8     service multiplier by the ratio of years of service credited
     9     in that class to the total credited service. In case the
    10     member on the effective date of retirement is under
    11     superannuation age for any service, a reduction factor
    12     calculated to provide benefits actuarially equivalent to an
    13     annuity starting at superannuation age shall be applied to
    14     the product determined for that service. The class of service
    15     multiplier for any period of concurrent service shall be
    16     multiplied by the proportion of total State and school
    17     compensation during such period attributable to State
    18     service. In the event a member has two multipliers for one
    19     class of service the class of service multiplier to be used
    20     for calculating benefits for that class shall be the average
    21     of the two multipliers weighted by the proportion of
    22     compensation attributable to each multiplier during the three
    23     years of highest annual compensation in that class of
    24     service: Provided, That in the case of a member of Class E-1,
    25     a portion but not all of whose three years of highest annual
    26     judicial compensation is prior to January 1, 1973, two class
    27     of service multipliers shall be calculated on the basis of
    28     his entire judicial service, the one applying the judicial
    29     class of service multipliers effective prior to January 1,
    30     1973 and the second applying the class of service multipliers
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     1     effective subsequent to January 1, 1973. The average class of
     2     service multiplier to be used for calculating benefits for
     3     his judicial service shall be the average of the two
     4     calculated multipliers weighted by the proportion of
     5     compensation attributable to each of the calculated
     6     multipliers during the three years of highest annual
     7     compensation in that class of service.
     8         (2)  If eligible, a single life annuity of 2% of his
     9     average noncovered salary for each year of social security
    10     integration credit as provided for in section 5305 (relating
    11     to social security integration credits) multiplied, if on the
    12     effective date of retirement the member is under
    13     superannuation age for any service, by the actuarially
    14     determined reduction factor for that service.
    15         (3)  If eligible, a single life annuity which is
    16     actuarially equivalent to the regular and additional
    17     accumulated deductions attributable to contributions as a
    18     member of Class C, but not less than such annuity determined
    19     as if the member were age 60 on the effective date of
    20     retirement, actuarially reduced in the event the member is
    21     under superannuation age on the effective date of retirement.
    22         (4)  If eligible, a single life annuity which is
    23     actuarially equivalent to the amount by which his regular and
    24     additional accumulated deductions attributable to any
    25     credited service other than as a member of Class C are
    26     greater than one-half of the actuarially equivalent value on
    27     the effective date of retirement of the annuity as provided
    28     in paragraph (1) attributable to service other than Class C
    29     for which regular or joint coverage member contributions were
    30     made.
    20000H2868B4189                 - 18 -

     1         (5)  If eligible, a single life annuity which is
     2     actuarially equivalent to the amount by which his social
     3     security integration accumulated deductions are greater than
     4     one-half of the actuarially equivalent value on the effective
     5     date of retirement of the annuity provided for under
     6     paragraph (2).
     7         (6)  If eligible, a single life annuity sufficient
     8     together with the annuity provided for in paragraph (1) as a
     9     Class A and Class AA member and the highest annuity provided
    10     for in paragraph (2) to which he is entitled, or at his
    11     option could have been entitled, to produce that percentage
    12     of a standard single life annuity on the effective date of
    13     retirement as determined by his total years of credited
    14     service as a member of Class A and Class AA and by the
    15     following table:
    16           Total Years of                     Percentage of
    17          Credited Service                      Standard
    18          as a Member of                       Single Life
    19              Class A and                        Annuity
    20              Class AA
    21                35-40                             100%
    22                41                                102%
    23                42                                104%
    24                43                                106%
    25                44                                108%
    26                45 or more                        110%
    27     (b)  Present value of annuity.--The present value of the
    28  maximum single life annuity as calculated in accordance with
    29  subsection (a) of this section shall be determined by
    30  multiplying the maximum single life annuity by the cost of a
    20000H2868B4189                 - 19 -

     1  dollar annuity on the effective date of retirement. Such present
     2  value shall be decreased only as required under the provisions
     3  of section 5506 (relating to incomplete payments), 5509(c)
     4  (relating to appropriations and assessments by the Commonwealth)
     5  or 5703 (relating to reduction of annuities on account of social
     6  security old-age insurance benefits).
     7     (c)  Limitation on amount of annuity.--The annuity paid to a
     8  member under subsection (a) and reduced in accordance with the
     9  option elected under section 5705 (relating to member's options)
    10  shall not exceed the highest compensation received during any
    11  period of twelve consecutive months of credited service:
    12  Provided, That the portion of any annuity paid to a member on
    13  account of Class D-3 service under subsection (a)(1) and reduced
    14  in accordance with the option elected under section 5705 shall
    15  not exceed the greater of $12,000 or his highest annual
    16  compensation as a member of the General Assembly. No limit shall
    17  be applied in the case of a member who served as a
    18  constitutional officer of the General Assembly prior to January
    19  1, 1973.
    20     (d)  Limitation regarding annual benefit under IRC § 415.--
    21  Notwithstanding any provision of this part to the contrary, no
    22  benefit shall be payable to the extent, if any, that such
    23  benefit exceeds any limitation under IRC § 415(b) in effect with
    24  respect to governmental plans (as such term is defined in IRC §
    25  414(d)) on the date the benefit payment becomes effective.
    26  § 5704.  Disability annuities.
    27     (a)  Amount of annuity.--A member who has made application
    28  for a disability annuity and has been found to be eligible in
    29  accordance with the provisions of section 5905(c)(1) (relating
    30  to duties of the board regarding applications and elections of
    20000H2868B4189                 - 20 -

     1  members) shall receive a disability annuity payable from the
     2  effective date of disability as determined by the board and
     3  continued until a subsequent determination by the board that the
     4  annuitant is no longer entitled to a disability annuity. The
     5  disability annuity shall be equal to a standard single life
     6  annuity multiplied by the class of service multiplier applicable
     7  to the class of service at the time of disability if the product
     8  of such class of service multiplier and the total number of
     9  years of credited service is greater than 16.667, otherwise the
    10  standard single life annuity shall be multiplied by the lesser
    11  of the following ratios:
    12                         MY*/Y or 16.667/Y
    13  where Y = number of years of credited service, Y* = total years
    14  of credited service if the member were to continue as a State
    15  employee until attaining superannuation age as applicable at the
    16  time of disability, or if the member has attained superannuation
    17  age, as applicable at the time of disability, then the number of
    18  years of credited service and M = the class of service
    19  multiplier as applicable at the effective date of disability. A
    20  member of Class C shall receive, in addition, any annuity to
    21  which he may be eligible under section 5702(a)(3) (relating to
    22  maximum single life annuity). The member shall be entitled to
    23  the election of a joint and survivor annuity on that portion of
    24  the disability annuity to which he is entitled under section
    25  5702.
    26     (b)  Benefit attributable to social security integration
    27  credit.--If the member has been found to be eligible for a
    28  disability annuity and has social security integration credits
    29  as provided in section 5305 (relating to social security
    30  integration credits), he may elect to withdraw his social
    20000H2868B4189                 - 21 -

     1  security integration accumulated deductions or if he has [ten]
     2  five or more eligibility points to his credit and does not
     3  withdraw his social security integration accumulated deductions
     4  he may execute an application to be filed with the board to
     5  receive, in addition to his disability annuity, an annuity
     6  calculated in accordance with section 5702(a)(2).
     7     (c)  Reduction on account of earned income.--Subsequent to
     8  January 1, 1972, payments on account of disability shall be
     9  reduced by that amount by which the earned income of the
    10  annuitant, as reported in accordance with section 5908(b)
    11  (relating to rights and duties of annuitants), for the preceding
    12  calendar quarter together with the disability annuity payments
    13  provided in this section other than subsection (b), for the
    14  quarter, exceeds the product of:
    15             (i)  the greater of $1,250 or one-quarter of the last
    16         year's salary of the annuitant as a State employee;
    17             (ii)  the ratio of the current monthly payment to the
    18         monthly payment at the effective date of disability; and
    19             (iii)  the percentage factor determined by the
    20         following table for the calendar year of the member's
    21         effective date of disability:
    22                Calendar Year of
    23                Effective Date of               Percentage
    24                    Disability                    Factor
    25                       1966 or earlier            135%
    26                       1967                       130%
    27                       1968                       125%
    28                       1969                       120%
    29                       1970                       115%
    30                       1971                       110%
    20000H2868B4189                 - 22 -

     1                       1972                       105%
     2  Provided, That the annuitant shall not receive less than his
     3  member's annuity or the amount to which he may be entitled under
     4  section 5702 whichever is greater.
     5     (d)  Reduction on account of ineligibility.--Payment of that
     6  portion of the disability annuity in excess of the annuity to
     7  which the annuitant was entitled at the effective date of
     8  disability calculated in accordance with section 5702 shall
     9  cease if the annuitant is no longer eligible under the
    10  provisions of sections 5905(c)(2) or 5908(b) or (c).
    11     (e)  Termination of State service.--Upon termination of
    12  disability annuity payments in excess of an annuity calculated
    13  in accordance with section 5702, a disability annuitant who does
    14  not return to State service may file an application with the
    15  board for an amount equal to the excess, if any, of the sum of
    16  the regular and additional accumulated deductions standing to
    17  his credit at the effective date of disability over one-third of
    18  the total disability annuity payments received. If the annuitant
    19  on the date of termination of service was eligible for an
    20  annuity as provided in section 5308(b) (relating to eligibility
    21  for annuities), he may file an application with the board for an
    22  election of an optional modification of his annuity.
    23     (f)  Supplement for service connected disability.--If a
    24  member has been found to be eligible for a disability annuity
    25  and if the disability has been found to be a service connected
    26  disability, such member shall receive a supplement equal to 70%
    27  of his final average salary less the sum of the annuity as
    28  determined under subsection (a) and any payments paid or payable
    29  on account of such disability under the act of June 2, 1915
    30  (P.L.736, No.338), known as ["]The [Pennsylvania Workmen's]
    20000H2868B4189                 - 23 -

     1  Workers' Compensation Act["], the act of June 21, 1939 (P.L.566,
     2  No.284), known as ["]The Pennsylvania Occupational Disease
     3  Act["] and the [Federal] Social Security Act, [42 U.S.C.A. § 301
     4  et seq] (49 Stat. 620, 42 U.S.C. § 301 et seq.). Such supplement
     5  shall continue as long as he is determined to be disabled on
     6  account of his service connected disability in accordance with
     7  ["]The [Pennsylvania Workmen's] Workers' Compensation Act["], or
     8  ["]The Pennsylvania Occupational Disease Act["].
     9     (g)  Limitation regarding annual benefit under IRC § 415.--
    10  Notwithstanding any provision of this part to the contrary, no
    11  benefit shall be payable to the extent, if any, that such
    12  benefit exceeds any limitation under IRC § 415(b) in effect with
    13  respect to governmental plans (as such term is defined in IRC §
    14  414(d)) on the date the benefit payment becomes effective.
    15  § 5705.  Member's options.
    16     (a)  General rule.--Any special vestee who has attained
    17  superannuation age, any vestee having [ten] five or more
    18  eligibility points, any member with Class G, Class H, Class I,
    19  Class J, Class K, Class L, Class M or Class N service having
    20  [eight] five or more eligibility points or any other eligible
    21  member upon termination of State service who has not withdrawn
    22  his total accumulated deductions as provided in section 5701
    23  (relating to return of total accumulated deductions) may apply
    24  for and elect to receive either a maximum single life annuity,
    25  as calculated in accordance with the provisions of section 5702
    26  (relating to maximum single life annuity), or a reduced annuity
    27  certified by the actuary to be actuarially equivalent to the
    28  maximum single life annuity and in accordance with one of the
    29  following options; except that no member shall elect an annuity
    30  payable to one or more survivor annuitants other than his spouse
    20000H2868B4189                 - 24 -

     1  or alternate payee of such a magnitude that the present value of
     2  the annuity payable to him for life plus any lump sum payment he
     3  may have elected to receive is less than 50% of the present
     4  value of his maximum single life annuity:
     5         (1)  Option 1.--A life annuity to the member with a
     6     guaranteed total payment equal to the present value of the
     7     maximum single life annuity on the effective date of
     8     retirement with the provision that, if, at his death, he has
     9     received less than such present value, the unpaid balance
    10     shall be payable to his beneficiary.
    11         (2)  Option 2.--A joint and survivor annuity payable
    12     during the lifetime of the member with the full amount of
    13     such annuity payable thereafter to his survivor annuitant, if
    14     living at his death.
    15         (3)  Option 3.--A joint and fifty percent (50%) survivor
    16     annuity payable during the lifetime of the member with one-
    17     half of such annuity payable thereafter to his survivor
    18     annuitant, if living at his death.
    19         (4)  Option 4.--Some other benefit which shall be
    20     certified by the actuary to be actuarially equivalent to the
    21     maximum single life annuity, subject to the following
    22     restrictions:
    23             (i)  any annuity shall be payable without reduction
    24         during the lifetime of the member;
    25             (ii)  the sum of all annuities payable to the
    26         designated survivor annuitants shall not be greater than
    27         one and one-half times the annuity payable to the member;
    28         and
    29             (iii)  a portion of the benefit may be payable as a
    30         lump sum, except that such lump sum payment shall not
    20000H2868B4189                 - 25 -

     1         exceed an amount equal to the total accumulated
     2         deductions standing to the credit of the member. The
     3         balance of the present value of the maximum single life
     4         annuity adjusted in accordance with section 5702(b) shall
     5         be paid in the form of an annuity with a guaranteed total
     6         payment, a single life annuity, or a joint and survivor
     7         annuity or any combination thereof but subject to the
     8         restrictions of subparagraphs (i) and (ii) under this
     9         option.
    10     * * *
    11  § 5706.  Termination of annuities.
    12     (a)  General rule.--If the annuitant returns to State service
    13  or enters school service and elects multiple service membership,
    14  any annuity payable to him under this part shall cease and in
    15  the case of an annuity other than a disability annuity the
    16  present value of such annuity, adjusted for full coverage in the
    17  case of a joint coverage member who makes the appropriate back
    18  contributions for full coverage, shall be frozen as of the date
    19  such annuity ceases. An annuitant who is credited with an
    20  additional 10% of Class A and Class C service as provided in
    21  section 5302(c) (relating to credited State service) and who
    22  returns to State service shall forfeit such credited service and
    23  shall have his frozen present value adjusted as if his 10%
    24  retirement incentive had not been applied to his account. In the
    25  event that the cost-of-living increase enacted December 18, 1979
    26  occurred during the period of such State or school employment,
    27  the frozen present value shall be increased, on or after the
    28  member attains superannuation age, by the percent applicable had
    29  he not returned to service. This subsection shall not apply in
    30  the case of any annuitant who may render services to the
    20000H2868B4189                 - 26 -

     1  Commonwealth in the capacity of an independent contractor or as
     2  a member of an independent board or commission or as a member of
     3  a departmental administrative or advisory board or commission
     4  when such members of independent or departmental boards or
     5  commissions are compensated on a per diem basis for not more
     6  than 150 days per calendar year.
     7     (a.1)  Return to State service during emergency.--When, in
     8  the judgment of the employer, an emergency creates an increase
     9  in the work load such that there is serious impairment of
    10  service to the public, an annuitant may be returned to State
    11  service for a period not to exceed 95 days in any fiscal year
    12  without loss of his annuity. In computing the number of days an
    13  annuitant has returned to State service, any amount of time less
    14  than one-half of a day shall be counted as one-half of a day.
    15  For agencies, boards and commissions under the Governor's
    16  jurisdiction, the approval of the Governor that an emergency
    17  exists shall be required before an annuitant may be returned to
    18  State service.
    19     (b)  Subsequent discontinuance of service.--Upon subsequent
    20  discontinuance of service, such member other than a former
    21  annuitant who had the effect of his frozen present value
    22  eliminated in accordance with subsection (c) or a former
    23  disability annuitant shall be entitled to an annuity which is
    24  actuarially equivalent to the sum of the present value as
    25  determined under subsection (a) and the present value of a
    26  maximum single life annuity based on years of service credited
    27  subsequent to reentry in the system and his final average salary
    28  computed by reference to his compensation during his entire
    29  period of State and school service.
    30     (c)  Elimination of the effect of frozen present value.--
    20000H2868B4189                 - 27 -

     1         (1)  An annuitant who returns to State service and earns
     2     three eligibility points by performing credited State service
     3     following the most recent period of receipt of an annuity
     4     under this part, or an annuitant who enters school service
     5     and:
     6             (i)  is a multiple service member; or
     7             (ii)  who elects multiple service membership, and
     8     earns three eligibility points by performing credited State
     9     service or credited school service following the most recent
    10     period of receipt of an annuity under this part, and who had
    11     the present value of his annuity frozen in accordance with
    12     subsection (a), shall qualify to have the effect of the
    13     frozen present value resulting from all previous periods of
    14     retirement eliminated, provided that all payments under
    15     Option 4 and annuity payments payable during previous periods
    16     of retirement plus interest as set forth in paragraph (3)
    17     shall be returned to the fund in the form of an actuarial
    18     adjustment to his subsequent benefits or in such form as the
    19     board may otherwise direct.
    20         (2)  Upon subsequent discontinuance of service and the
    21     filing of an application for an annuity, a former annuitant
    22     who qualifies to have the effect of a frozen present value
    23     eliminated under this subsection shall be entitled to receive
    24     the higher of either:
    25             (i)  an annuity (prior to optional modification)
    26         calculated as if the freezing of the former annuitant's
    27         account pursuant to subsection (a) had not occurred,
    28         adjusted by crediting Class A State service as Class AA
    29         service as provided for in section 5306(a.1) (relating to
    30         classes of service) and further adjusted according to
    20000H2868B4189                 - 28 -

     1         paragraph (3), provided that a former annuitant of the
     2         system or a former annuitant of the Public School
     3         Employees' Retirement System who retired under a
     4         provision of law granting additional service credit if
     5         termination of State or school service or retirement
     6         occurred during a specific period of time shall not be
     7         permitted to retain the additional service credit under
     8         the prior law when the annuity is computed for his most
     9         recent retirement; or
    10             (ii)  an annuity (prior to optional modification)
    11         calculated as if the former annuitant did not qualify to
    12         have the effect of the frozen present value eliminated,
    13     unless the former annuitant notifies the board in writing by
    14     the later of the date the application for annuity is filed or
    15     the effective date of retirement that the former annuitant
    16     wishes to receive the lower annuity.
    17         (3)  In addition to any other adjustment to the present
    18     value of the maximum single life annuity that a member may be
    19     entitled to receive that occurs as a result of any other
    20     provision of law, the present value of the maximum single
    21     life annuity shall be reduced by all amounts paid or payable
    22     to him during all previous periods of retirement plus
    23     interest on these amounts until the date of subsequent
    24     retirement. The interest for each year shall be calculated
    25     based upon the annual interest rate adopted for that fiscal
    26     year by the board for the calculation of the normal
    27     contribution rate pursuant to section 5508(b) (relating to
    28     actuarial cost method).
    29  § 5903.  Duties of the board to advise and report to heads of
    30             departments and members.
    20000H2868B4189                 - 29 -

     1     (a)  Manual of regulations.--The board shall, with the advice
     2  of the Attorney General and the actuary, prepare and provide,
     3  within 90 days of the effective date of this part, a manual
     4  incorporating rules and regulations consistent with the
     5  provisions of this part to the heads of departments who shall
     6  make the information contained therein available to the general
     7  membership. The board shall thereafter advise the heads of
     8  departments within 90 days of any changes in such rules and
     9  regulations due to changes in the law or due to changes in
    10  administrative policies. As soon as practicable after the
    11  commissioner's announcement with respect thereto, the board
    12  shall also advise the heads of departments as to any cost-of-
    13  living adjustment for the succeeding calendar year in the amount
    14  of the limitation under IRC § 401(a)(17) and the dollar amounts
    15  of the limitations under IRC § 415(b).
    16     (b)  Member status statements and certifications.--The board
    17  shall furnish annually to the head of each department on or
    18  before April 1, a statement for each member employed in such
    19  department showing the total accumulated deductions standing to
    20  his credit as of December 31 of the previous year and requesting
    21  the member to make any necessary corrections or revisions
    22  regarding his designated beneficiary. In addition, for each
    23  member employed in any department and for whom the department
    24  has furnished the necessary information, the board shall certify
    25  the number of years and fractional part of a year of credited
    26  service attributable to each class of service, the number of
    27  years and fractional part of a year attributable to social
    28  security integration credits in each class of service and, in
    29  the case of a member eligible to receive an annuity, the benefit
    30  to which he is entitled upon the attainment of superannuation
    20000H2868B4189                 - 30 -

     1  age.
     2     (c)  Purchase of credit and full coverage membership
     3  certifications.--Upon receipt of an application from an active
     4  member or eligible school employee to purchase credit for
     5  previous State or creditable nonstate service, or an election to
     6  become a full coverage member, the board shall determine and
     7  certify to the member the amount required to be paid by the
     8  member. When necessary, the board shall certify to the previous
     9  employer the amount due in accordance with sections 5504
    10  (relating to member contributions for the purchase of credit for
    11  previous State service or to become a full coverage member) and
    12  5505 (relating to contributions for the purchase of credit for
    13  creditable nonstate service).
    14     (d)  Transfer from joint coverage membership
    15  certifications.--Upon receipt of an application from a joint
    16  coverage member who elects to become a full coverage member, the
    17  board shall certify to the member the effective date of such
    18  transfer and the prospective rate for regular and additional
    19  member contributions.
    20     (e)  Former county employees.--Upon receipt of an election by
    21  a county employee transferred to State employment pursuant to 42
    22  Pa.C.S. § 1905 (relating to county-level court administrators)
    23  to convert county service to State service, the board shall
    24  certify to the member the amount of service so converted and the
    25  class at which such service is credited.
    26  § 5906.  Duties of heads of departments.
    27     (a)  Status of members.--The head of department shall, at the
    28  end of each pay period, notify the board in a manner prescribed
    29  by the board of salary changes effective during that period for
    30  any members of the department, the date of all removals from the
    20000H2868B4189                 - 31 -

     1  payroll, and the type of leave of any members of the department
     2  who have been removed from the payroll for any time during that
     3  period, and:
     4         (1)  if the removal is due to leave without pay, he shall
     5     furnish the board with the date of beginning leave and the
     6     date of return to service, and the reason for leave; or
     7         (2)  if the removal is due to a transfer to another
     8     department, he shall furnish such department and the board
     9     with a complete State service record, including past State
    10     service in other departments or agencies, or creditable
    11     nonstate service; or
    12         (3)  if the removal is due to termination of State
    13     service, he shall furnish the board with a complete State
    14     service record, including service in other departments or
    15     agencies, or creditable nonstate service and;
    16             (i)  in the case of death of the member the head of
    17         the department shall so notify the board;
    18             (ii)  in the case of a service connected disability
    19         the head of department shall, to the best of his ability,
    20         investigate the circumstances surrounding the disablement
    21         of the member and submit in writing to the board
    22         information which shall include but not necessarily be
    23         limited to the following: date, place and time of
    24         disablement to the extent ascertainable; nature of duties
    25         being performed at such time; and whether or not the
    26         duties being performed were authorized and included among
    27         the member's regular duties. In addition, the head of
    28         department shall furnish in writing to the board all such
    29         other information as may be related to the member's
    30         disablement;
    20000H2868B4189                 - 32 -

     1             (iii)  in the case of a member terminating from The
     2         Pennsylvania State University who is a member of the
     3         system with five or more but less than ten eligibility
     4         points and who has terminated State service on June 30,
     5         1997, because of the transfer of his job position or
     6         duties to a controlled organization of the Penn State
     7         Geisinger Health System or because of the elimination of
     8         his job position or duties due to the transfer of other
     9         job positions or duties to a controlled organization of
    10         the Penn State Geisinger Health System, the head of the
    11         department shall so certify to the board.
    12     (b)  Records and information.--At any time at the request of
    13  the board and at termination of service of a member, the head of
    14  department shall furnish service and compensation records and
    15  such other information as the board may require and shall
    16  maintain and preserve such records as the board may direct for
    17  the expeditious discharge of its duties.
    18     (c)  Member contributions.--The head of department shall
    19  cause the required pickup contributions for current service to
    20  be made and shall cause to be deducted any other required member
    21  contributions from each payroll. The head of department shall
    22  notify the board at times and in a manner prescribed by the
    23  board of the compensation of any noneligible member to whom the
    24  limitation under IRC § 401(a)(17) either applies or is expected
    25  to apply and shall cause such member's contributions deducted
    26  from payroll to cease at the limitation under IRC § 401(a)(17)
    27  on the payroll date if and when such limit shall be reached. The
    28  head of department shall certify to the State Treasurer the
    29  amounts picked up and deducted and shall send the total amount
    30  picked up and deducted together with a duplicate of such voucher
    20000H2868B4189                 - 33 -

     1  to the secretary of the board every pay period. The head of
     2  department shall pay pickup contributions from the same source
     3  of funds which is used to pay other compensation to the
     4  employee. On or before January 31, 1997, and on or before
     5  January 31 of each year thereafter, the head of department
     6  shall, at the time when the income and withholding information
     7  required by law is furnished to each member, also furnish the
     8  amount of pickup contributions made on his behalf and notify the
     9  board, if it has not been previously notified, of any
    10  noneligible member whose compensation in the preceding year
    11  exceeded the annual compensation limit under IRC § 401(a)(17).
    12  If the board shall determine that the member's savings account
    13  shall have been credited with pickup contributions for a
    14  noneligible member in the preceding year which are attributable
    15  to compensation in excess of the limitation under IRC §
    16  401(a)(17), or with total member contributions for such member
    17  which would cause such member's contributions or benefits to
    18  exceed any applicable limitation under IRC § 401(a)(17) or
    19  415(b), the board shall as soon as practicable refund to the
    20  member from his individual member account such amount, together
    21  with the statutory interest thereon, as will cause the member's
    22  total member contributions in the preceding year not to exceed
    23  the applicable limit. The payment of any such refund to the
    24  member shall be charged to the member's savings account.
    25     (d)  New employees subject to mandatory membership.--Upon the
    26  assumption of duties of each new State employee whose membership
    27  in the system is mandatory, the head of department shall cause
    28  an application for membership and a nomination of beneficiary to
    29  be made by such employee and filed with the board and shall make
    30  pickup contributions from the effective date of State
    20000H2868B4189                 - 34 -

     1  employment.
     2     (e)  New employees subject to optional membership.--The head
     3  of department shall, upon the employment or entering into office
     4  of any State employee whose membership in the system is not
     5  mandatory, inform such employee of his opportunity to become a
     6  member of the system. If such employee so elects, the head of
     7  department shall cause an application for membership and a
     8  nomination of beneficiary to be made by him and filed with the
     9  board and shall cause proper contributions to be made from the
    10  effective date of membership.
    11     (e.1)  Former county-level judicial employees transferred to
    12  State employment.--In addition to the duties set forth in
    13  subsections (d) and (e), the Court Administrator of
    14  Pennsylvania, upon the transfer of county employees to State
    15  employment pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S. § 1905 (relating to county-
    16  level court administrators), shall advise such transferred
    17  county employees of their opportunity to elect to convert county
    18  service to State service in accordance with section 5303.1
    19  (relating to election to convert county service to State
    20  service), and, if such employee so elects, the Court
    21  Administrator of Pennsylvania shall cause an election to be made
    22  and filed with the board within 90 days after the transfer to
    23  State employment.
    24     (g)  Former school employee contributors.--The head of
    25  department shall, upon the employment of a former contributor to
    26  the Public School Employees' Retirement System who is not an
    27  annuitant of the Public School Employees' Retirement System,
    28  advise such employee of his right to elect within 30 days of
    29  entry into the system to become a multiple service member, and
    30  in the case of any such employee who so elects and has withdrawn
    20000H2868B4189                 - 35 -

     1  his accumulated deductions, require him to reinstate his credit
     2  in the Public School Employees' Retirement System. The head of
     3  the department shall advise the board of such election.
     4     (h)  Former school employee annuitants.--The head of
     5  department shall, upon the employment of an annuitant of the
     6  Public School Employees' Retirement System who applies for
     7  membership in the system, advise such employee that he may elect
     8  multiple service membership within 30 days of entry into the
     9  system and if he so elects his public school employee's annuity
    10  will be discontinued and, upon termination of State service and
    11  application for an annuity, the annuity will be adjusted in
    12  accordance with section 5706 (relating to termination of
    13  annuities). The head of department shall advise the board of
    14  such election.
    15     (i)  Annual statement to members.--Annually, upon receipt
    16  from the board, the head of department shall furnish to each
    17  member the statement specified in section 5903(b) (relating to
    18  duties of the board to advise and report to heads of departments
    19  and members).
    20     (j)  Termination of service.--The head of department shall,
    21  in the case of any member terminating State service who is
    22  ineligible for an annuity before attainment of superannuation
    23  age, advise such member in writing of any benefits to which he
    24  may be entitled under the provisions of this part and shall have
    25  the member prepare, on or before the date of termination of
    26  State service, an application for the return of total
    27  accumulated deductions or, on or before September 30, 1997, an
    28  application to be vested as a special vestee, if eligible.
    29     (k)  Date of application for benefits.--Any application
    30  properly executed and filed under subsection (j) with the
    20000H2868B4189                 - 36 -

     1  department and not filed with the board within 30 days shall be
     2  deemed to have been filed with the board on the date filed with
     3  the department and in such case all required data shall be
     4  furnished to the board immediately.
     5  § 5937.  Enforcement officers' benefit account.
     6     (a)  Credits and charges to account.--The enforcement
     7  officers' benefit account shall be the ledger account to which
     8  shall be credited moneys transferred from the enforcement
     9  officers' retirement account in the State Stores Fund according
    10  to the provisions of the [Liquor Code,] act of April 12, 1951
    11  (P.L.90, No.21), known as the Liquor Code, and any additional
    12  Commonwealth or other employer contributions provided for in
    13  section 5507 (relating to contributions by the Commonwealth and
    14  other employers) which are creditable to the enforcement
    15  officers' benefit account. The enforcement officers' benefit
    16  account shall be credited with the required interest. In
    17  addition, upon the filing of an application for an annuity by a
    18  member who is an enforcement officer of the Pennsylvania Liquor
    19  Control Board, the total accumulated deductions standing to the
    20  credit of the member in the members' savings account and the
    21  necessary reserves from the State accumulation account shall be
    22  transferred to the enforcement officers' benefit account.
    23  Thereafter, the total annuity of such annuitant shall be charged
    24  to the enforcement officers' benefit account and paid from the
    25  fund.
    26     (b)  Transfers from account.--Should the said annuitant be
    27  subsequently restored to active service, the present value of
    28  the member's annuity at the time of reentry into State service
    29  shall be transferred from the enforcement officers' benefit
    30  account and placed to his individual credit in the members'
    20000H2868B4189                 - 37 -

     1  savings account. In addition, the actuarial reserve for his
     2  annuity calculated as if he had been a member of Class A if the
     3  annuitant does not have any Class AA service credited and
     4  calculated as if he had been a member of Class AA if the
     5  annuitant does have Class AA service credited less the amount
     6  transferred to the members' savings account shall be transferred
     7  from the enforcement officers' benefit account to the State
     8  accumulation account. Upon subsequent retirement other than as
     9  an enforcement officer the actuarial reserve remaining in the
    10  enforcement officers' benefit account shall be transferred to
    11  the appropriate reserve account.
    12     Section 5.  As used in this act, the term "State police
    13  officer" shall mean any officer or member of the Pennsylvania
    14  State Police who on or after July 1, 1989, shall have been
    15  subject to the terms of a collective bargaining agreement or
    16  binding interest arbitration award established pursuant to the
    17  act of June 24, 1968 (P.L.237, No.111), referred to as the
    18  Policemen and Firemen Collective Bargaining Act, as amended.
    19     Section 6.  A member whose most recent period of employment
    20  began before the effective date of this act shall not have his
    21  or her benefits from the State Employees' Retirement System
    22  reduced by the limitations on benefits under section 415 of the
    23  Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. §
    24  415), as amended, to less than he or she otherwise would have
    25  received had this act not been enacted.
    26     Section 7.  Nothing in this act shall be construed or deemed
    27  to imply that, but for the expressed applications of the
    28  limitations on benefits under section 415 of the Internal
    29  Revenue Code of 1986 (Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 415), as
    30  amended, those limitations would not otherwise apply to members
    20000H2868B4189                 - 38 -

     1  of the State Employees' Retirement System and the benefits
     2  payable pursuant to 71 Pa.C.S. Pt. XXV.
     3     Section 8.  This act shall be construed and administered in
     4  such manner that the State Employees' Retirement System will
     5  satisfy the requirements necessary to qualify as a qualified
     6  pension plan under section 415(b) of the Internal Revenue Code
     7  of 1986 (Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 415(b)).
     8     Section 9.  Except as may be otherwise specifically provided,
     9  references in this act to provisions of the Internal Revenue
    10  Code of 1986 (Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 1 et seq.),
    11  including for this purpose administrative regulations
    12  promulgated thereunder, are intended to include such laws and
    13  regulations as in effect on the effective date of this section
    14  and as they may hereafter be amended or supplemented or
    15  supplanted by successor provisions.
    16     Section 10.  Nothing in this act which amends or supplements
    17  provisions of 71 Pa.C.S. Pt. XXV in relation to requirements for
    18  qualification of the State Employees' Retirement System as a
    19  qualified pension plan under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986
    20  (Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 401(a) or 415(b)) nor any
    21  construction of such provisions as so amended or supplemented or
    22  any rules or regulations adopted under such part, shall create
    23  in any member of the system or in any other person claiming an
    24  interest in the account of any such member a contractual right,
    25  either express or implied in such provision. Such provision
    26  shall remain subject to the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
    27  amended, and regulations thereunder as the same may hereafter be
    28  amended, and the General Assembly reserves to itself such
    29  further exercise of its legislative power to amend or supplement
    30  such provisions as may from time to time be required in order to
    20000H2868B4189                 - 39 -

     1  maintain the qualification of such system as a qualified pension
     2  plan under section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
     3     Section 11.  Notwithstanding the provisions of 71 Pa.C.S.,
     4  the statement for each member prepared by the State Employees'
     5  Retirement Board for the period ending December 31, 2000, and
     6  any other statements or estimates of benefits prepared by the
     7  board pursuant to the State Employees' Retirement Code from the
     8  effective date of this act to December 31, 2001, need not
     9  reflect provisions of this act.
    10     Section 12.  Notwithstanding the provisions of 71 Pa.C.S.,
    11  the obligation of the State Employees' Retirement Board to make
    12  payments within specified time periods of the receipt of
    13  applications for benefits or other information shall not apply
    14  from the effective date of this act to December 31, 2001.
    15     Section 13.  The provisions of this act are severable to the
    16  extent that if any of its provisions shall be held to be legally
    17  or constitutionally impermissible as applied to any State
    18  employee, the decision of the court shall not affect or impair
    19  the application of the provisions of this act to other State
    20  employees, except that if the basis for the holding that the
    21  provisions of this act are legally or constitutionally
    22  impermissible is the granting of benefits to some State
    23  employees and not others, the legally or constitutionally
    24  impermissible provisions shall be revoked. Those members against
    25  whom the provision is legally or constitutionally impermissible
    26  shall have their pension or retirement benefits calculated under
    27  71 Pa.C.S. Pt. XXV as if this act had not been enacted.
    28     Section 14.  In the event that November 29, 2000, is the
    29  effective date of this act, benefits shall be retroactively
    30  recalculated and paid in accordance with the provisions of this
    20000H2868B4189                 - 40 -

     1  act for those annuitants of the State Employees' Retirement
     2  System who have an effective date of retirement on or after the
     3  effective date of this act, provided, however, that no benefit
     4  shall be recalculated or paid pursuant to this act for any
     5  member who has died before the effective date of this act.
     6     Section 15.  This act shall take effect November 29, 2000, or
     7  immediately, whichever occurs first.

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