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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 4347



No. 2871 Session of 2002



                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for health insurance policy disclosures.

     2     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     3  hereby enacts as follows:
     4  Section 1.  Short title.
     5     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Health
     6  Insurance Policy Disclosure Act.
     7  Section 2.  Definitions.
     8     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
     9  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    10  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    11     "Health insurance policy." An individual or group health
    12  insurance policy, contract or plan which provides medical or
    13  health care coverage by a health care facility or licensed
    14  health care provider on an expense-incurred service or prepaid
    15  basis and which is offered by or is governed under any of the
    16  following:
    17         (1)  Act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.682, No.284), known as The

     1     Insurance Company Law of 1921.
     2         (2)  Subarticle (f) of Article IV of the act of June 13,
     3     1967 (P.L.31, No.21), known as the Public Welfare Code.
     4         (3)  Act of December 29, 1972 (P.L.1701, No.364), known
     5     as the Health Maintenance Organization Act.
     6         (4)  Act of May 18, 1976 (P.L.123, No.54), known as the
     7     Individual Accident and Sickness Insurance Minimum Standards
     8     Act.
     9         (5)  Act of December 14, 1992 (P.L.835, No.134), known as
    10     the Fraternal Benefit Societies Code.
    11         (6)  A nonprofit corporation subject to 40 Pa.C.S. Chs.
    12     61 (relating to hospital plan corporations) and 63 (relating
    13     to professional health services plan corporations).
    14     "Provider."  A person providing medical, nursing or other
    15  health care services of any kind or a hospital, nursing home,
    16  hospice, drug and alcohol services provider, clinic, blood bank,
    17  plasmapheresis or other blood product center, organ or tissue
    18  bank, sperm bank, clinical laboratory or a health care
    19  institution required to be licensed in this Commonwealth.
    20  Section 3.  Health insurance policy disclosures.
    21     (a)  General rule.--An insurer which offers a health
    22  insurance policy to the public within this Commonwealth shall
    23  provide disclosure forms as required by this section. The
    24  disclosure form shall be in a form prescribed by the Insurance
    25  Commissioner.
    26     (b)  Content of disclosure form.--Each disclosure form shall
    27  contain at least all of the following information:
    28         (1)  A separate roster of the health insurer's primary
    29     care physicians who are licensed under the act of December
    30     20, 1985 (P.L.457, No.112), known as the Medical Practice Act
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     1     of 1985, or the act of October 5, 1978 (P.L.1109, No.261),
     2     known as the Osteopathic Medical Practice Act, including the
     3     degree, practice specialty, office location and hours,
     4     initial year of licensure and year licensed to practice in
     5     Pennsylvania for each physician.
     6         (2)  In concise and specific terms:
     7             (i)  The full premium cost of the health insurance
     8         policy.
     9             (ii)  Any copayment, coinsurance or deductible
    10         requirements that an insured or the insured's family may
    11         incur in obtaining coverage under the health insurance
    12         policy and any reservation by the health insurance policy
    13         to change premiums.
    14             (iii)  The health care benefits to which an insured
    15         would be entitled, including any limitations on coverage.
    16             (iv)  Any limitations on participation in
    17         experimental treatment, clinical trials, the use of
    18         alternative medical providers or the use of nonformulary
    19         medications.
    20         (3)  An identification of where and in what manner an
    21     insured may obtain services, including the procedures for
    22     selecting or changing primary care physicians and the
    23     locations of hospitals and outpatient treatment centers that
    24     are under contract with the health insurer.
    25         (4)  Any limitations of the services, kinds of service,
    26     benefits and exclusions that apply to the health insurance
    27     policy. A description of the limitations shall include:
    28             (i)  Procedures for emergency room, nighttime or
    29         weekend visits and referrals to specialist physicians.
    30             (ii)  Whether services received outside the health
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     1         insurance policy are covered and in what manner they are
     2         covered.
     3             (iii)  Procedures an insured must follow, if any, to
     4         obtain prior authorization for services.
     5             (iv)  A statement regarding whether or not providers
     6         must comply with any specified numbers, targeted averages
     7         or maximum durations of patient visits. If any of these
     8         are required of providers, the disclosure shall state the
     9         specific requirements.
    10             (v)  The procedure to be followed by an insured for
    11         consulting a physician other than the primary care
    12         physician and whether the insured's primary care
    13         physician, the health insurer's medical director or a
    14         committee must first authorize the referral.
    15             (vi)  Whether a point of service option is available
    16         and, if so, how it is structured.
    17         (5)  Grievance procedures for claim or treatment denials,
    18     dissatisfaction with care and access to care issues.
    19         (6)  A response as to whether an insurer's physician is
    20     restricted to prescribing drugs from the health insurer's
    21     list or formulary and the extent to which an insured will be
    22     reimbursed for costs of a drug that is not on the health
    23     insurer's list or formulary.
    24         (7)  A response to whether provider compensation programs
    25     include any incentives or penalties that are intended to
    26     encourage providers to withhold services or minimize or avoid
    27     referrals to specialists. If these types of incentives or
    28     penalties are included, the health insurer shall provide a
    29     concise description of them. The health insurer may also
    30     include, in a separate section, a concise explanation or
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     1     justification for the use of these incentives or penalties.
     2         (8)  A statement that the disclosure form is a summary
     3     only and that evidence of coverage is determined by the
     4     governing contractual provisions of the health insurance
     5     policy.
     6     (c)  Approval prerequisite.--No health insurer may
     7  disseminate a completed disclosure form until that form has been
     8  approved by the Insurance Commissioner. For purposes of this
     9  section, no health insurer shall be required to submit to the
    10  Insurance Commissioner its separate roster of plan physicians or
    11  any roster updates.
    12     (d)  Information to employers.--Upon request, a health
    13  insurer shall provide the information required under subsection
    14  (b) to:
    15         (1)  Any employer who is considering participating in a
    16     health insurance policy that is offered by the health
    17     insurer.
    18         (2)  Any employer that is considering renewal of a health
    19     insurance policy that is provided by the health insurer.
    20  Section 4.  Duty of employers.
    21     (a)  Disclosure to employees.--An employer shall provide to
    22  its eligible employees the disclosures required under section
    23  3(b) no later than the initiation of any open enrollment period
    24  or at least ten days before any employee enrollment deadline
    25  that is not associated with an open enrollment period.
    26     (b)  Contract without disclosure prohibited.--No employer may
    27  execute a contract with a health insurer until the employer
    28  receives the information required under section 3(b).
    29     (c)  Contract available to employees.--An employer shall
    30  provide to its eligible employees upon their request a copy of
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     1  the contract it executes with a health insurer.
     2  Section 5.  Effective date.
     3     This act shall take effect in 90 days.

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