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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 4451



No. 2877 Session of 2004

           AND TIGUE, OCTOBER 4, 2004

           OCTOBER 4, 2004

                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing funding for standards and for implementation of a 211
     2     abbreviated dialing code for information and human services
     3     referral telephone service; establishing the 211 Advisory
     4     Committee; and making an appropriation.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7  Section 1.  Short title.
     8     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Pennsylvania
     9  211 Telephone Service Implementation Act.
    10  Section 2.  Legislative findings.
    11     The General Assembly finds and declares that:
    12         (1)  The dialing code 211 is the national abbreviated
    13     dialing code approved by the Federal Communications
    14     Commission for access to health and human services
    15     information and referral. The dialing code 211 is a
    16     universally recognizable number that makes it easier to
    17     connect individuals and families in need with the appropriate

     1     community-based organizations and government agencies.
     2         (2)  The dialing code 211 proved its value in several
     3     states during the recent disasters related to terrorist
     4     attacks on September 11, 2001. In Atlanta, 211 handled over
     5     14,000 calls in the week following the attacks. More than
     6     5,000 people offered help and 9,000 people requested
     7     assistance.
     8         (3)  In Connecticut, various state agencies and nonprofit
     9     groups used 211 to coordinate services during the attacks.
    10     Connecticut calls to 211 involved families looking for
    11     victims; frightened children and concerned parents;
    12     individuals reliving other disasters; people who escaped the
    13     World Trade Center and were experiencing guilt; information
    14     on terrorist suspects; mentally ill persons feeling
    15     overwhelmed with disaster; location of vigils; and requests
    16     for support groups.
    17         (4)  The dialing code 211 helps to better address long-
    18     term needs of victims and their families of the September 11,
    19     2001, attacks and other types of disasters.
    20         (5)  A study by the National Center on Addiction and
    21     Substance Abuse at Columbia University and 13 states,
    22     including Pennsylvania, have detected an increased demand for
    23     alcohol and drug treatment since September 11, 2001.
    24         (6)  Research demonstrates that exposure to trauma puts
    25     an individual at four to five times greater risk of substance
    26     abuse and stress is considered the most common cause of
    27     relapse to alcohol and drug abuse, and addiction and smoking.
    28         (7)  Oklahoma experienced a dramatic increase in the need
    29     for treatment services in the two years following the
    30     domestic terrorist bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal
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     1     Building on April 19, 1995. One year after the bombing, three
     2     times as many residents of Oklahoma City reported increased
     3     drinking. Rescue workers in Oklahoma City experienced
     4     elevated rates of substance abuse, depression and suicide.
     5         (8)  The New York State Office of Alcoholism and
     6     Substance Abuse Services reports that demand for alcohol and
     7     drug treatment in New York City increased after the September
     8     11, 2001, attacks.
     9         (9)  North Carolina, in the aftermath of Hurricane Floyd
    10     during September 1999, decided to embrace the dialing code
    11     211 to increase people's access to health and human services.
    12     Currently operational in the four largest metropolitan areas
    13     of North Carolina, 211 is successfully providing quality
    14     health and human service information and referral to those in
    15     need.
    16         (10)  Over 40 states in this nation and Canada have
    17     implemented or are working to implement 211 in their
    18     respective jurisdictions.
    19         (11)  Many community groups also are viewing 211 as a
    20     powerful neutral connecting point and 211 has provided help
    21     to diverse populations, such as runaway children, senior
    22     citizens and parents looking for child care.
    23  Section 3.  Definitions.
    24     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    25  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    26  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    27     "AIRS."  The Alliance of Information and Referral Service.
    28     "Applicant."  A provider of information and referral services
    29  that assists individuals in need of health and human services to
    30  obtain assistance from appropriate providers of such services.
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     1     "Committee."  The 211 Advisory Committee established by this
     2  act.
     3     "Department."  The Department of Public Welfare of the
     4  Commonwealth.
     5     "211."  An abbreviated dialing code approved by the Federal
     6  Communications Commission for access to health and human
     7  services information and referral.
     8  Section 4.  Duties of department.
     9     The department shall approve grants to applicants that
    10  satisfy the eligibility requirements of this act. The grants
    11  shall be used to implement and administer 211 service to the
    12  citizens of this Commonwealth.
    13  Section 5.  Eligibility requirements.
    14     An applicant shall:
    15         (1)  Ensure the provision of 24-hour coverage, year-round
    16     telephone information and referral service.
    17         (2)  Provide a written plan that details procedures to
    18     assure appropriate anonymity and confidentiality for 211
    19     callers and data.
    20         (3)  Submit a written plan to meet the following
    21     standards within three years of the effective date of this
    22     act:
    23             (i)  Ascribe to the AIRS or national Standards for
    24         Information and Referral.
    25             (ii)  Have a plan in place to become or be accredited
    26         by AIRS or national Standards for Information and
    27         Referral.
    28             (iii)  Utilize certified information and referral
    29         specialists and resource specialists.
    30             (iv)  Demonstrate cooperative relationships with
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     1         specialized information and referral providers, crisis
     2         centers, 911 and 311 providers, where applicable.
     3             (v)  Have means of tracking call volume, number of
     4         abandoned calls, average speed of answering and average
     5         call length.
     6             (vi)  Have computerized information and referral
     7         database with client collection capability.
     8             (vii)  Use the AIRS/InfoLine taxonomy.
     9             (viii)  Have the ability to publicize 211 services
    10         and educate the public on an ongoing basis.
    11             (ix)  Provide TTY and multilingual accessibility
    12         either onsite or access to live translation.
    13             (x)  Have the ability to develop linkages through
    14         protocol with appropriate clearinghouse agencies that may
    15         be able to provide services such as volunteer or donation
    16         management.
    17             (xi)  Ensure quality of service and inquirer
    18         satisfaction through appropriate follow up.
    19  Section 6.  Areas with multiple providers.
    20     Within any region of this Commonwealth where more than one
    21  information and referral provider will offer 211 services, the
    22  department shall require 211 centers to have a written plan to
    23  provide the following:
    24         (1)  An agreed-upon plan to work in tandem to ensure 211
    25     service to all areas of this Commonwealth or region.
    26         (2)  Ability to share resource data information.
    27         (3)  Ability to track and share information on client
    28     needs and unmet needs.
    29         (4)  A common means of measuring outcomes for the
    30     operation of a call center.
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     1         (5)  An agreed-upon means of communicating with the
     2     community represented by the call center on requests for
     3     assistance, perceived gaps and barriers to service.
     4  Section 7.  Request for proposals.
     5     The department shall issue grants through a request for
     6  proposal process administered by the Department of Community and
     7  Economic Development. No grant from this appropriation may
     8  exceed 33% of total implementation cost.
     9  Section 8.  211 Advisory Committee.
    10     (a)  Establishment.--The 211 Advisory Committee is hereby
    11  established.
    12     (b)  Membership.--Members of the committee shall be appointed
    13  by the Governor. The committee shall have at least 12 members
    14  and be composed of critical stakeholders, including business,
    15  law enforcement, private sector benefactors, local government,
    16  Statewide nonprofits and information and referral experts.
    17     (c)  Collaboration.--The duties of the committee may occur by
    18  coordinating existing Commonwealth resources. The committee
    19  shall work in collaboration with the Department of Aging, the
    20  Department of Health, the Department of Community and Economic
    21  Development, the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency, the
    22  Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission and the Pennsylvania
    23  State Police.
    24     (d)  Duties.--The committee shall:
    25         (1)  Adopt and oversee a plan to implement standards in
    26     sections 5 and 6.
    27         (2)  Assure that funding is linked to standards.
    28         (3)  Provide necessary technical assistance.
    29         (4)  Assist in the establishment of a long-range plan to
    30     assure that every Pennsylvanian has access to 211.
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     1     (e)  Staffing.--The Department of Public Welfare shall
     2  provide adequate staff to assist the committee with its duties.
     3  Section 9.  Appropriation.
     4     The sum of $10,000,000 is hereby appropriated to the
     5  Department of Public Welfare for the purpose of administering
     6  this act.
     7  Section 10.  Effective date.
     8     This act shall take effect immediately.

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