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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 4063



No. 2884 Session of 1990

           SEPTEMBER 25, 1990


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Titles 18 (Crimes and Offenses) and 42 (Judiciary and
     2     Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     3     Statutes, further providing for offenses relating to older
     4     adults; and further providing for sentences.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7     Section 1.  Section 2709 of Title 18 of the Pennsylvania
     8  Consolidated Statutes is amended to read:
     9  § 2709.  Harassment.
    10     [A] (a)  General rule.--Except as provided in subsection (b),
    11  a person commits a summary offense when, with intent to harass,
    12  annoy or alarm another person:
    13         (1)  he strikes, shoves, kicks or otherwise subjects him
    14     to physical contact, or attempts or threatens to do the same;
    15     or
    16         (2)  he follows a person in or about a public place or

     1     places; or
     2         (3)  he engages in a course of conduct or repeatedly
     3     commits acts which alarm or seriously annoy such other person
     4     and which serve no legitimate purpose.
     5     (b)  Harassment of older adult.--When the victim of the
     6  offense is 60 years of age or older and in the care of an
     7  institution and the offender is an employee, manager,
     8  supervisor, owner or member of the board of directors of the
     9  institution, the offense shall constitute a misdemeanor of the
    10  third degree.
    11     (c)  Definition.--As used in this section, the term
    12  "institution" means programs of care, assistance or service
    13  which are subject to licensure, certification or approval by any
    14  governmental agency and which provide care, assistance or
    15  service to an older adult, as well as to any other agency or
    16  person who is under a legal obligation, including a contractual
    17  obligation, to provide care, assistance or service to an older
    18  adult.
    19     Section 2.  Chapter 43 of Title 18 is amended by adding a
    20  subchapter to read:
    21                             CHAPTER 43
    22                    OFFENSES AGAINST THE FAMILY
    23                               * * *
    24                            SUBCHAPTER C
    25                   OFFENSES AGAINST OLDER ADULTS
    26  Sec.
    27  4331.  Definitions.
    28  4332.  Persons required to report suspected older adult abuse.
    29  4333.  Endangering welfare of older adult.
    30  § 4331.  Definitions.
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     1     The following words and phrases when used in this subchapter
     2  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     3  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     4     "Institution."  Programs of care, assistance or service which
     5  are subject to licensure, certification or approval by any
     6  governmental agency and which provide care, assistance or
     7  service to an older adult, as well as to any other agency or
     8  person who is under a legal obligation, including a contractual
     9  obligation, to provide care, assistance or service to an older
    10  adult.
    11     "Institutional older adult abuse."  Any abuse, neglect or
    12  exploitation that violates any provisions of this title and is
    13  inflicted by an employee, manager, supervisor, owner or member
    14  of the board of directors of an institution.
    15     "Older adult."  A person within the jurisdiction of the
    16  Commonwealth who is 60 years of age or older.
    17     "Very serious abuse."  The term includes the following:
    18         (1)  Acts or omissions that cause or attempt to cause
    19     death or serious bodily injury.
    20         (2)  The use of a deadly weapon that results in bodily
    21     injury.
    22         (3)  Sexual abuse.
    23  § 4332.  Persons required to report suspected older adult abuse.
    24     (a)  Required reports.--Any health care professional,
    25  physician assistant or employee, owner or director of an
    26  institution who, in the course of his employment, occupation or
    27  practice of his profession, has a reason to believe an older
    28  adult has been subject to very serious abuse or institutional
    29  older adult abuse shall report such belief immediately by
    30  telephone and shall confirm such report by a written report
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     1  within 48 hours to an older adult protective service agency.
     2     (b)  Reports to law enforcement.--Any protective service
     3  agency receiving a report of very serious or institution abuse
     4  of an older adult shall notify law enforcement authorities of
     5  this report and its contents immediately by telephone and shall
     6  confirm such report by a written report within 48 hours of
     7  receiving such information. When the agency has a reasonable
     8  belief that such a report is unlikely to be substantiated, the
     9  agency need not report by telephone but must submit a written
    10  report within 48 hours.
    11     (c)  Failure to report.--Any person required to report under
    12  this section who willfully fails to make such report, as
    13  required by subsection (a), commits a summary offense for an
    14  initial violation. All subsequent offenses shall be misdemeanors
    15  of the third degree.
    16     (d)  Immunity from liability.--Any person required to report
    17  under subsection (a) shall not be subject to civil or criminal
    18  liability for making a report when the report is based upon a
    19  reasonable belief.
    20  § 4333.  Endangering welfare of older adult.
    21     (a)  Offense defined.--A person is guilty of endangering the
    22  welfare of an older adult if he:
    23         (1)  is an employee, manager or supervisor of an
    24     institution and he recklessly endangers the welfare of an
    25     older adult in the care of an institution by an act or
    26     omission that places or may place an older adult in danger of
    27     bodily injury; or
    28         (2)  is an owner or a member of the board of directors of
    29     an institution who, by policy or practice or by failure to
    30     take corrective action, knowingly causes or permits acts or
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     1     omissions that place or may place an older adult in danger of
     2     bodily injury.
     3     (b)  Grading.--Any individual who violates subsection (a)
     4  commits a misdemeanor of the second degree unless death results
     5  or the older adult suffers serious bodily injury, in which case
     6  the person commits a misdemeanor of the first degree.
     7     Section 3.  The definition of "witness" in section 4951 of
     8  Title 18 is amended to read:
     9  § 4951.  Definitions.
    10     The following words and phrases when used in this subchapter
    11  shall have, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the
    12  meanings given to them in this section:
    13     * * *
    14     "Witness."  Any person having knowledge of the existence or
    15  nonexistence of facts or information relating to any crime,
    16  including but not limited to those who have reported facts or
    17  information to any law enforcement officer, prosecuting
    18  official, attorney representing a criminal defendant or judge,
    19  those who have been served with a subpoena issued under the
    20  authority of this State or any other state or of the United
    21  States, those who have reported facts or information regarding
    22  the abuse of an older adult to a protective services or
    23  licensing agency or to a State or county long-term care
    24  ombudsman and those who have given written or oral testimony in
    25  any criminal matter; or who would be believed by any reasonable
    26  person to be an individual described in this definition.
    27     Section 4.  Section 4952(a) of Title 18 is amended to read:
    28  § 4952.  Intimidation of witnesses or victims.
    29     (a)  Offense defined.--A person commits an offense if, with
    30  the intent to or with the knowledge that his conduct will
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     1  obstruct, impede, impair, prevent or interfere with the
     2  administration of criminal justice, or will interfere with the
     3  administration of any law intended to protect older adults from
     4  abuse, he intimidates or attempts to intimidate any witness or
     5  victim to:
     6         (1)  Refrain from informing or reporting to any law
     7     enforcement officer, prosecuting official or judge concerning
     8     any information, document or thing relating to the commission
     9     of a crime.
    10         (2)  Give any false or misleading information or
    11     testimony relating to the commission of any crime to any law
    12     enforcement officer, prosecuting official or judge.
    13         (3)  Withhold any testimony, information, document or
    14     thing relating to the commission of a crime from any law
    15     enforcement officer, prosecuting official or judge.
    16         (4)  Give any false or misleading information or
    17     testimony or refrain from giving any testimony, information,
    18     document or thing, relating to the commission of a crime, to
    19     an attorney representing a criminal defendant.
    20         (5)  Elude, evade or ignore any request to appear or
    21     legal process summoning him to appear to testify or supply
    22     evidence.
    23         (6)  Absent himself from any proceeding or investigation
    24     to which he has been legally summoned.
    25     * * *
    26     Section 5.  Section 9717(a) of Title 42 is amended to read:
    27  § 9717.  Sentences for offenses against elderly persons.
    28     (a)  Mandatory sentence.--A person under 60 years of age
    29  convicted of the following offenses when the victim is over 60
    30  years of age and not a police officer shall be sentenced to a
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     1  mandatory term of imprisonment as follows:
     2         18 Pa.C.S. § 2702(a)(1) and (4) (relating to aggravated
     3     assault) - not less than two years.
     4         18 Pa.C.S. § 3121 (relating to rape) - not less than five
     5     years.
     6         18 Pa.C.S. § 3123 (relating to involuntary deviate sexual
     7     intercourse) - not less than five years.
     8         18 Pa.C.S. § 3701(a)(1)(i), (ii), (iii) or (iv) (relating
     9     to robbery) - not less than two years.
    10         18 Pa.C.S. § 3922 (relating to theft by deception) - not
    11     less than 12 months, but the imposition of the minimum
    12     sentence shall be discretionary with the court where the
    13     court finds justifiable cause and that finding is written in
    14     the opinion.
    15     * * *
    16     Section 6.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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