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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 4473



No. 2884 Session of 2004



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), entitled
     2     "An act concerning elections, including general, municipal,
     3     special and primary elections, the nomination of candidates,
     4     primary and election expenses and election contests; creating
     5     and defining membership of county boards of elections;
     6     imposing duties upon the Secretary of the Commonwealth,
     7     courts, county boards of elections, county commissioners;
     8     imposing penalties for violation of the act, and codifying,
     9     revising and consolidating the laws relating thereto; and
    10     repealing certain acts and parts of acts relating to
    11     elections," further providing for functions of the Secretary
    12     of the Commonwealth, for functions of county boards, for
    13     postelection procedures, for election recounts, for returns,
    14     registers and verification, for public inspection of returns,
    15     for computation and certification, for judicial review, for
    16     opening ballot boxes to determine fraud, for recanvassing to
    17     determine fraud and for correction of returns.

    18     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    19  hereby enacts as follows:
    20     Section 1.  Section 201 of the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333,
    21  No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, amended
    22  December 9, 2002 (P.L.1246, No.150), is amended to read:
    23     Section 201.  Powers and Duties of the Secretary of the
    24  Commonwealth.--The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall exercise

     1  in the manner provided by this act all powers granted to him by
     2  this act, and shall perform all the duties imposed upon him by
     3  this act, which shall include the following:
     4     (a)  To determine, in accordance with the provisions of this
     5  act, the forms of nomination petitions and papers, expense
     6  accounts and all other forms and records, the form of which he
     7  is required to determine under the provisions of this act.
     8     (b)  To examine and reexamine voting machines, and to approve
     9  or disapprove them for use in this State, in accordance with the
    10  provisions of this act.
    11     (c)  To certify to county boards of elections for primaries
    12  and elections the names of the candidates for President and
    13  Vice-President of the United States, presidential electors,
    14  United States senators, representatives in Congress and all
    15  State offices, including senators, representatives, and judges
    16  of all courts of record, and delegates and alternate delegates
    17  to National Conventions, and members of State committees, and
    18  the form and wording of constitutional amendments or other
    19  questions to be submitted to the electors of the State at large.
    20     (d)  To receive and determine, as hereinafter provided, the
    21  sufficiency of nomination petitions, certificates and papers of
    22  candidates for President of the United States, presidential
    23  electors, United States senators, representatives in Congress
    24  and all State offices, including senators, representatives and
    25  judges of all courts of record, and delegates and alternate
    26  delegates to National Conventions and members of State
    27  committees.
    28     (e)  To receive such reports from county boards of elections
    29  as are required by this act, and to demand such additional
    30  reports on special matters as he may deem necessary.
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     1     (e.1)  To receive from county boards of elections information
     2  on voting system errors or difficulties or other election data
     3  pursuant to regulation.
     4     (f)  To receive from county boards of elections the returns
     5  of primaries and elections, to canvass and compute the votes
     6  cast for candidates and upon questions as required by the
     7  provisions of this act; to proclaim the results of such
     8  primaries and elections, and to issue certificates of election
     9  to the successful candidates at such elections, except in cases
    10  where that duty is imposed by law on another officer or board.
    11     (f.1)  To develop a voluntary professional certification and
    12  poll worker training program for county election officials in
    13  consultation with county boards of elections.
    14     (f.2)  To order a county board to conduct a recount of an
    15  election under section 1404 for a public office for which a
    16  candidate must file a nomination petition with the secretary.
    17     (g)  To perform such other duties as may be prescribed by
    18  law.
    19     (h)  To establish a system for the remedy of complaints
    20  regarding the administration of the provisions of Title III of
    21  the Help America Vote Act of 2002 (Public Law 107-252, 42 U.S.C.
    22  § 15481 et seq.).
    23     Section 2.  Section 302 of the act, amended December 15, 1965
    24  (P.L.1109, No.427), and February 13, 1998 (P.L.72, No.18), is
    25  amended to read:
    26     Section 302.  Powers and Duties of County Boards.--The county
    27  boards of elections, within their respective counties, shall
    28  exercise, in the manner provided by this act, all powers granted
    29  to them by this act, and shall perform all the duties imposed
    30  upon them by this act, which shall include the following:
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     1     (a)  To investigate and report to the court of quarter
     2  sessions their recommendations on all petitions presented to the
     3  court by electors for the division, redivision, alteration,
     4  change or consolidation of election districts, and to present to
     5  the court petitions for the division, redivision, alteration,
     6  change or consolidation of election districts in proper cases.
     7     (b)  To select and equip polling places.
     8     (c)  To purchase, preserve, store and maintain primary and
     9  election equipment of all kinds, including voting booths, ballot
    10  boxes and voting machines, and to procure ballots and all other
    11  supplies for elections.
    12     (d)  To appoint their own employes, voting machine
    13  custodians, and machine inspectors.
    14     (e)  To issue certificates of appointment to watchers at
    15  primaries and elections.
    16     (f)  To make and issue such rules, regulations and
    17  instructions, not inconsistent with law, as they may deem
    18  necessary for the guidance of voting machine custodians,
    19  elections officers and electors.
    20     (g)  To instruct election officers in their duties, calling
    21  them together in meeting whenever deemed advisable, and to
    22  inspect systematically and thoroughly the conduct of primaries
    23  and elections in the several election districts of the county to
    24  the end that primaries and elections may be honestly,
    25  efficiently, and uniformly conducted.
    26     (h)  To prepare and publish, in the manner provided by this
    27  act, all notices and advertisements in connection with the
    28  conduct of primaries and elections, which may be required by
    29  law.
    30     (i)  To investigate election frauds, irregularities and
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     1  violations of this act, and to report all suspicious
     2  circumstances to the district attorney.
     3     (j)  To receive and determine, as hereinafter provided, the
     4  sufficiency of nomination petitions, certificates and papers of
     5  candidates for county, city, borough, township, ward, school
     6  district, poor district, election offices, and local party
     7  offices required by law or by party rules to be filed with the
     8  board.
     9     (k)  To receive from district election officers the returns
    10  of all primaries and elections, to canvass and compute the same,
    11  and to certify, no later than the third Monday following the
    12  primary or election, the results thereof to the Secretary of the
    13  Commonwealth, as may be provided by law, and to such other
    14  authorities as may be provided by law. The certification shall
    15  include the number of votes received in each election district
    16  by each candidate for the General Assembly.
    17     (l)  To publicly announce by posting at its office the
    18  results of primaries and elections for county, city, borough,
    19  township, ward, school district, poor district, election
    20  offices, and party offices, if any[,]; to provide the results to
    21  the Secretary of the Commonwealth; and to issue certificates of
    22  election to the successful candidates for said offices.
    23     (m)  To prepare and submit, within twenty days after the last
    24  day to register to vote in each primary, municipal and general
    25  election, a report to the Secretary of the Commonwealth in the
    26  form prescribed by him, which shall contain a statement of the
    27  total number of electors registered in each election district,
    28  together with a breakdown of registration by each political
    29  party or other designation. Copies of said statement shall be
    30  furnished, upon request, to the county chairman of each
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     1  political party and political body. The Secretary of the
     2  Commonwealth shall forthwith submit such information to the
     3  Legislative Data Processing Center and shall publicly report the
     4  total number of registered electors for each political party or
     5  other designation in each county not later than five days prior
     6  to the primary, municipal or general election.
     7     (n)  To annually prepare and submit to the county
     8  commissioners or other appropriating authorities of the county
     9  an estimate of the cost of primaries and elections and of the
    10  expenses of the board for the ensuing fiscal year.
    11     (o)  To perform such other duties as may be prescribed by
    12  law.
    13     Section 3.  Section 1113-A of the act is amended by adding a
    14  subsection to read:
    15     Section 1113-A.  Post Election Procedures.--* * *
    16     (j)  Returns tabulated under this section shall be returned
    17  to the county board by 2:00 a.m. on the day following the
    18  election.
    19     Section 4.  Section 1118-A of the act, added July 11, 1980
    20  (P.L.600, No.128), is amended to read:
    21     Section 1118-A.  Recounts.--[Should] In an election district
    22  using an electronic voting system, should a recount of votes be
    23  ordered as provided by law, the ballots shall be recounted in
    24  accordance with [the provisions of Article XVII. Manual
    25  mechanical or electronic methods may be used as determined by
    26  the county board.] section 1401(e). If the recount is conducted
    27  under Article XVII:
    28     (1)  If the election district uses an electronic voting
    29  system utilizing paper ballots, section 1701 shall apply.
    30     (2)  If the election district uses any other type of
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     1  electronic voting system, section 1702 shall apply.
     2     Section 5.  Section 1225 of the act, amended July 14, 1961
     3  (P.L.644, No.332), is amended to read:
     4     Section 1225.  Signing and Disposition of Returns, District
     5  Register and Voting Check List for Paper Ballots; Posting;
     6  Return of Ballot Boxes.--(a)  Immediately after the vote has
     7  been counted in districts in which paper ballots are used, all
     8  of the general returns shall be signed by the election officers
     9  and clerks, and certified by the overseers, if any. If any
    10  election officer, clerk or overseer shall refuse to sign or
    11  certify the general returns, he shall write his reasons therefor
    12  upon the general return sheets. One of said returns shall be
    13  immediately posted for the information of the public outside the
    14  polling place, and one shall be entrusted to the judge for
    15  delivery to the county board with the package of unused ballots,
    16  etc., in an envelope provided for that purpose. The election
    17  officers shall then replace all the ballots cast, so counted and
    18  canvassed, in the ballot boxes, including those declared void,
    19  spoiled, and cancelled, together with one set of tally papers,
    20  one numbered list of voters, sealed as aforesaid, and one oath
    21  of each election officer, and lock and seal each ballot box so
    22  that nothing can be inserted therein until it be opened again;
    23  and the judge and minority inspector shall immediately deliver
    24  the ballot boxes to the custody of the county board, and the
    25  county board shall not compute any returns from any election
    26  district until the ballot boxes therefor, as well as the package
    27  of unused ballots, etc., aforesaid therefrom, are delivered, as
    28  aforesaid. The election officers shall record the number of
    29  votes cast for each person on an official specimen ballot, shall
    30  sign the same and immediately post it outside the polling place
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     1  for the information of the public.
     2     (b)  The minority inspector shall retain one complete set of
     3  tally papers, and carefully preserve the same for a period of at
     4  least one year. The remaining tally papers, affidavits of voters
     5  and others, including oaths of election officers, and one
     6  general return sheet shall be placed in separate envelopes, to
     7  be provided for that purpose, and sealed as soon as the count is
     8  finally completed. All of such envelopes and one numbered list
     9  of voters, previously sealed as aforesaid, shall be entrusted to
    10  the judge of election to be immediately delivered to the county
    11  board. The judge of elections shall return envelopes, supplies
    12  and returns to the county board by two o'clock A.M. on the day
    13  following the election.
    14     (c)  Immediately upon completion of the count and tabulation
    15  of the votes cast, the district register and the voting check
    16  list shall be locked and sealed, and returned forthwith by the
    17  judge of election to the custody of the proper registration
    18  commission.
    19     Section 6.  Section 1228 of the act, amended February 2, 1966
    20  (1965 P.L.1858, No.584), is amended to read:
    21     Section 1228.  Disposition of Returns for Voting Machines;
    22  Posting; Return of District Register and Voting Check List.--(a)
    23  The general return sheet, duplicate return sheets, and
    24  statement, shall be printed to conform with the type of voting
    25  machine used, and in form approved by the Secretary of the
    26  Commonwealth. The designating number and  letter, if any, on the
    27  counter for each candidate, shall be printed thereon opposite
    28  the candidate's name: Provided, however, That it shall not be
    29  necessary to print the name or designating counter number or
    30  letter of any candidate for any borough, township, ward, or
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     1  election district office. Immediately after the vote has been
     2  ascertained, the statement thereof shall be posted on the door
     3  of the polling place. The minority inspector shall retain one of
     4  said duplicate return sheets, one numbered list of voters,
     5  sealed as aforesaid, and one set of oaths of election officers.
     6  The other duplicate return sheet, numbered list of voters, oaths
     7  of election officers, and affidavits of voters and others, shall
     8  be sealed up and given to the judge of election, who shall
     9  deliver them, together with the general return sheet and the
    10  package of ballots deposited, written or affixed in or upon the
    11  voting machine, to the county board. If the type of voting
    12  machine is equipped with mechanism for printing paper proof
    13  sheets, one of said proof sheets shall be posted on the door of
    14  the polling place with the statement aforesaid; one shall be
    15  retained by the minority inspector; one shall be placed in the
    16  envelope and delivered with the general return sheet; and one
    17  shall be sealed in the envelope with the duplicate return sheets
    18  and delivered by the judge of election to the county board. The
    19  printed proof sheet returned with the general return sheet, and
    20  the printed proof sheet returned with the duplicate return
    21  sheet, shall each be part of the return of the election. The
    22  judge of elections shall return envelopes, supplies and returns
    23  to the county board by two o'clock A.M. on the day following the
    24  election.
    25     (b)  Immediately upon completion of the count and tabulation
    26  of the vote cast, the district register and the voting check
    27  list shall be locked and sealed, and returned forthwith by the
    28  judge of election to the custody of the proper registration
    29  commission. In cities of the first class, the registration
    30  commission shall designate police stations at which it will
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     1  accept such custody.
     2     Section 7.  Section 1402 of the act is amended to read:
     3     Section 1402.  Returns to Be Open to Public Inspection;
     4  Exceptions.--(a)  The general returns from the various districts
     5  which have been returned unsealed shall be open to public
     6  inspection at the office of the county board as soon as they are
     7  received from the judges of election. None of the envelopes
     8  sealed by election officers and entrusted to the judge of
     9  election for delivery to the county board shall be opened by any
    10  person, except by the order of the return board, or of the court
    11  of common pleas.
    12     (b)  The county board shall submit returns received under
    13  subsection (a) to the Department of State for each office for
    14  which a candidate must file a nomination petition with the
    15  Secretary of the Commonwealth by three o'clock A.M. on the day
    16  following the election. The submission shall be by telephone,
    17  facsimile or the World Wide Web site or by any other manner
    18  required by the secretary.
    19     Section 8.  Section 1404(a), (e) and (f) of the act, amended
    20  October 28, 1971 (P.L.493, No.112), are amended and the section
    21  is amended by adding subsections to read:
    22     Section 1404.  Computation of Returns by County Board;
    23  Certification; Issuance of Certificates of Election.--
    24     (a)  The county board shall, at nine o'clock A. M. on the
    25  [third] second day following the primary or election, at its
    26  office or at some other convenient public place at the county
    27  seat, of which due notice shall have been given as provided by
    28  section 1403, publicly commence the computation and canvassing
    29  of the returns, and continue the same from day to day until
    30  completed, in the manner hereinafter provided. For this purpose
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     1  any county board may organize itself into sections, each of
     2  which may simultaneously proceed with the computation and
     3  canvassing of the returns from various districts of the county
     4  in the manner provided by this section. Upon the completion of
     5  such computation and canvassing, the board shall tabulate the
     6  figures for the entire county and sign, announce and attest the
     7  same, as required by this section.
     8     * * *
     9     (e)  Provision for Recanvass of Vote.--[(1)]  Whenever it
    10  shall appear that there is a discrepancy in the returns of any
    11  election district, or, upon petition of three voters of any
    12  district, verified by affidavit, that an error, although not
    13  apparent on the face of the returns, has been committed therein,
    14  or of its own motion or under subsection (g), the county board
    15  shall at any time prior to the completion of the computation of
    16  all of the returns for the county, summon the election officers
    17  of the district, and said officers, in the presence of said
    18  board, shall [make a record of the number of the seal upon the
    19  voting machine, and the number on the protective counter or
    20  other device; shall make visible the registering counters of
    21  such machine, and, without unlocking the machine against voting,
    22  shall] conduct a recount or recanvass [the vote] of all ballots
    23  cast [thereon]. Before making such recount or recanvass, the
    24  said board shall give notice in writing to the proper custodian
    25  of voting machines, and to each candidate, and to the county
    26  chairman of each party or political body, affected by the
    27  [canvass,] recount or recanvass; and each such candidate may be
    28  present in person, or by attorney, and each of such parties, or
    29  bodies, may send two representatives to be present at such
    30  recount or recanvass.
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     1     (1)  In a county in which an election district uses voting
     2  machines, all of the following apply:
     3     (i)  The county board shall:
     4     (A)  make a record of the number of the seal upon the voting
     5  machine and the number on the protective counter or other
     6  device;
     7     (B)  make visible the registering counters of such machine;
     8  and
     9     (C)  without unlocking the machine against voting, recanvass
    10  the vote cast on the machine.
    11     (ii)  If, upon such recanvass, it shall be found that the
    12  original canvass of the returns has been correctly made from the
    13  machine, and that the discrepancy still remains unaccounted for,
    14  the said board, with the assistance of the custodian, in the
    15  presence of the election officers and the authorized candidates
    16  and representatives, shall unlock the voting and counting
    17  mechanism of the machine, and shall proceed thoroughly to
    18  examine and test the machine to determine and reveal the true
    19  cause or causes, if any, of the discrepancy in returns from such
    20  machine. Each counter shall be reset at zero (000) before it is
    21  tested, after which it shall be operated at least one hundred
    22  times. After the completion of such examination and test, the
    23  custodian shall then and there prepare a statement, in writing,
    24  giving in detail the result of the examination and test, and
    25  such statement shall be witnessed by the persons present, and
    26  shall be filed with the said board.
    27     (iii)  If, upon such recanvass, it shall appear that the
    28  original canvass of the returns by the election officers was
    29  incorrect, the said returns and all papers being prepared by the
    30  said board shall be corrected accordingly: [(2)]  Provided,
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     1  however, That in the case of returns from any election district
     2  wherein the election was held by the use of a voting machine
     3  equipped with mechanism for printing paper proof sheets, said
     4  proof sheets, if mutually consistent, shall be deemed to be the
     5  primary evidence of the result of the election and to be prima
     6  facie accurate, and there shall not be considered to be any
     7  discrepancy or error in the returns from any such district, such
     8  as to require a recanvass of the vote, if all available proof
     9  sheets, from the voting machine used therein, identified to the
    10  satisfaction of the return board and shown to its satisfaction
    11  to have been produced from proper custody, shall be mutually
    12  consistent, and, if the general and duplicate returns, or either
    13  of them, from said district shall not correspond with said proof
    14  sheets, they, and all other papers being prepared by said return
    15  board, shall be corrected so as to correspond with the same, in
    16  the absence of allegation of specific fraud or error, proved to
    17  the satisfaction of the return board by the weight of the
    18  evidence, and only in such case shall the vote of said election
    19  district be recanvassed under the provisions of this section.
    20     (2)  In a county in which an election district uses paper
    21  ballots other than those used in conjunction with an electronic
    22  voting system, all of the following apply:
    23     (i)  The county board shall, in the presence of the election
    24  officers and the authorized candidates and representatives,
    25  cause:
    26     (A)  the ballot box of each district to be opened and the
    27  vote in the ballot box to be recounted; and
    28     (B)  the entire vote of the election district to be counted
    29  correctly.
    30     (ii)  The county board may summon the election officers and
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     1  overseers to appear with all election papers in their possession
     2  to assist in determining an accurate count or addressing errors
     3  and omissions.
     4     (3)  In a county in which an election district uses an
     5  electronic voting system utilizing paper ballots, all of the
     6  following apply:
     7     (i)  The county board shall recount all ballots using manual,
     8  mechanical or electronic devices of a different type used for
     9  the specific election.
    10     (ii)  All ballots containing overvotes shall be counted
    11  manually.
    12     (4)  In a county in which an election district uses any other
    13  type of electronic voting systems, the county board shall
    14  conduct the recanvass similar to the procedure specified in
    15  clause (1) for voting machines.
    16     (f)  As the returns from each election district are read,
    17  computed and found to be correct or corrected as aforesaid, they
    18  shall be recorded on the blanks prepared for the purpose until
    19  all the returns from the various election districts which are
    20  entitled to be counted shall have been duly recorded, when they
    21  shall be added together, announced and attested by the clerks
    22  who made and computed the entries respectively and signed by the
    23  members of the county board. Returns under this subsection shall
    24  be considered unofficial for five (5) days. The county board
    25  shall submit the unofficial returns to the Secretary of the
    26  Commonwealth by five o'clock P.M. on the Monday following the
    27  election. The submission shall be as directed by the secretary
    28  for an office for which a candidate must file a nomination
    29  petition with the secretary. At the expiration of five (5) days
    30  after the completion of the computation of votes, in case no
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     1  petition for a recount or recanvass has been filed in accordance
     2  with the provisions of this act, or upon the completion of the
     3  recount or recanvass if a petition therefor has been filed
     4  within five (5) days after the completion of the computation of
     5  votes, the county board shall certify the returns so computed in
     6  said county in the manner required by this act, unless upon
     7  appeals taken from any decision, the court of common pleas shall
     8  have directed any returns to be revised, or unless in case of a
     9  recount, errors in the said returns shall have been found, in
    10  which case said returns shall be revised, corrected and
    11  certified accordingly. The county board shall thereupon, in the
    12  case of elections, issue certificates of election to the
    13  successful candidates for all county, city, borough, township,
    14  ward, school district, poor district and election offices, and
    15  local party offices to be filled by the votes of the electors of
    16  said county, or of any part thereof.
    17     (g)  This subsection relates to recounts and recanvasses
    18  ordered by the secretary.
    19     (1)  Except as set forth in subsection (h), the secretary
    20  shall order a recount and recanvass to all county boards if the
    21  unofficial returns prepared in accordance with subsection (f)
    22  reflect any of the following:
    23     (i)  A candidate for a Statewide public office for which a
    24  candidate must file a nomination petition with the secretary was
    25  defeated by one-half of a percent or less of the votes cast for
    26  the office. This subclause includes a candidate for retention to
    27  a judicial office.
    28     (ii)  A ballot question appearing on the ballot was approved
    29  or rejected by one-half of a percent or less of the votes cast
    30  on the question.
    20040H2884B4473                 - 15 -     

     1     (2)  The secretary shall issue an order under clause (1) by
     2  five o'clock P.M. of the second Wednesday following the day of
     3  the election.
     4     (3)  The secretary shall provide twenty-four (24) hours
     5  notice of an order under clause (1) to each candidate and to the
     6  county chairman of each party or political body affected by the
     7  recount and recanvass. Notice shall be by press release, the
     8  World Wide Web site or other means.
     9     (4)  A candidate affected by the recount and recanvass may be
    10  present, in person or by attorney, at the recount and recanvass.
    11  A party or body affected by the recount and recanvass may send
    12  two representatives to the recount and recanvass.
    13     (5)  The recount and recanvass shall:
    14     (i)  follow procedures specified in subsection (e);
    15     (ii)  be scheduled to be held by the second Friday following
    16  the day of the election; and
    17     (iii)  be completed by noon on the following Thursday.
    18     (6)  The results of the recount and recanvass shall be
    19  submitted to the secretary by 12 o'clock noon on the day
    20  following completion of the recount and recanvass.
    21     (7)  The secretary shall issue a press release and publish on
    22  the World Wide Web site all results received from the county
    23  boards of election.
    24     (8)  Following the completion of the recount and recanvass,
    25  the Commonwealth shall pay to each county the sum specified in
    26  sections 1701 and 1702.
    27     (h)  A recount and recanvass need not be ordered under
    28  subsection (g)(1)(i) if the defeated candidate requests in
    29  writing that a recount and recanvass not be made. A request
    30  under this subsection must be made by 12 o'clock noon on the
    20040H2884B4473                 - 16 -     

     1  second Wednesday following the election.
     2     Section 9.  Section 1407 of the act, repealed in part April
     3  28, 1978 (P.L.202, No.53), is amended to read:
     4     Section 1407.  Appeals to Court from Decisions of the County
     5  Board.--
     6     (a)  Any person aggrieved by any order or decision of any
     7  county board regarding the computation or canvassing of the
     8  returns of any primary or election, or regarding any recount or
     9  recanvass thereof under sections 1701, 1702 and 1703 of this
    10  act, may appeal therefrom within two days after such order or
    11  decision shall have been made, whether then reduced to writing
    12  or not, to the court [of common pleas of the proper county]
    13  specified in this subsection, setting forth why he feels that an
    14  injustice has been done, and praying for such order as will give
    15  him relief. If a recount or recanvass is made under section
    16  1404(g), the appeal must be made to Commonwealth Court. Unless a
    17  recount or recanvass is made under section 1404(g), the appeal
    18  must be made to the court of common pleas of the proper county.
    19  Upon the payment to the prothonotary of a fee for filing such
    20  appeal, a judge of the court shall fix a time and place for
    21  hearing the matter in dispute within three days thereafter, of
    22  which due notice shall be served, with a copy of such appeal, by
    23  the appellant upon a member of the county board whose action is
    24  complained of and upon every attorney, watcher or candidate who
    25  opposed the contention of the appellant before the county board,
    26  and upon any other person that the judge shall direct, at least
    27  two days before the matter shall be reviewed by the court. Proof
    28  of such notice or the waiver thereof must be filed therein
    29  before any appeal is sustained.
    30     (b)  The court on an appeal shall have full power and
    20040H2884B4473                 - 17 -     

     1  authority to hear and determine all matters pertaining to any
     2  fraud or error committed in any election district to which such
     3  appeal relates, and to make such decree as right and justice may
     4  require. Pending such appeal, the county board shall suspend any
     5  official certification of the votes cast in such election
     6  district. None of the orders or decisions of either the county
     7  board or the court of common pleas on appeal shall be deemed a
     8  final adjudication regarding the results of any primary or
     9  election, so as to preclude any contest thereof. No appeal shall
    10  be allowed or granted from any order or decree of the court of
    11  common pleas made in pursuance of this section. The court of
    12  common pleas, upon any appeal under this section, may compel the
    13  appellant or any opposing party, other than the county board, to
    14  pay all the witness fees, if any, or other legal costs of the
    15  hearing, which costs may be taxed by the prothonotary in the
    16  usual manner.
    17     Section 10.  Section 1701 of the act is amended to read:
    18     Section 1701.  Opening Ballot Boxes upon Petition of Electors
    19  Alleging Fraud or Error; Deposit or Bond.--(a)  [The] Except as
    20  set forth in subsection (a.1), the court of common pleas, or a
    21  judge thereof, of the county in which any election district is
    22  located in which ballots were used, shall open the ballot box of
    23  such election district used at any general, municipal, special
    24  or primary election held therein, and cause the entire vote
    25  thereof to be correctly counted by persons designated by such
    26  court or judge, if three qualified electors of the election
    27  district shall file, as hereinafter provided, a petition duly
    28  verified by them, alleging that upon information which they
    29  consider reliable they believe that fraud or error, although not
    30  manifest on the general return of votes made therefrom, was
    20040H2884B4473                 - 18 -     

     1  committed in the computation of the votes cast for all offices
     2  or for any particular office or offices in such election
     3  district, or in the marking of the ballots, or otherwise in
     4  connection with such ballots. It shall not be necessary for the
     5  petitioners to specify in their petition the particular act of
     6  fraud or error which they believe to have been committed, nor to
     7  offer evidence to substantiate the allegations of their
     8  petition.
     9     (a.1)  In cases resulting from a recount or recanvass order
    10  by the Secretary of the Commonwealth under section 1404(g), all
    11  of the following apply:
    12     (1)  Upon petition under clause (2), Commonwealth Court
    13  shall:
    14     (i)  open the ballot box of each election district in which
    15  ballots were used at a general, municipal, special or primary
    16  election; and
    17     (ii)  cause the entire vote of the election district to be
    18  correctly counted by persons designated by the court.
    19     (2)  To obtain relief under clause (1):
    20     (i)  Three (3) qualified electors of a county must file a
    21  verified petition alleging that, upon information which they
    22  consider reliable, they believe that fraud or error, although
    23  not manifest on the general return of votes, was committed:
    24     (A)  in the computation of votes cast;
    25     (B)  in the marking of the ballots; or
    26     (C)   otherwise in connection with the ballots.
    27     (ii)  It is not be necessary for the petitioners to specify
    28  in their petition the particular act of fraud or error which
    29  they believe to have been committed nor to offer evidence to
    30  substantiate the allegations of their petition.
    20040H2884B4473                 - 19 -     

     1     (b)  Every petition for the opening of a ballot box under the
     2  provisions of this section shall be filed in the office of the
     3  prothonotary of the proper county, accompanied by a deposit of
     4  cash in the amount of fifty ($50.00) dollars, or by a bond
     5  signed by the petitioners as principals and by a corporate
     6  surety to be approved by the court, in the amount of one hundred
     7  ($100.00) dollars, conditioned upon the payment to the county
     8  treasurer for the use of the county of the sum of fifty ($50.00)
     9  dollars, in the event that, upon the opening of the ballot box,
    10  it shall not appear that fraud or substantial error was
    11  committed in the computation of the votes cast on the ballots
    12  contained therein, or fraud in the marking of the ballots
    13  contained therein, or otherwise in connection with such ballots.
    14     (c)  Before any ballot box is opened under the provisions of
    15  this section, the court shall direct that notice of time and
    16  place of proposed recount be given, either personally or by
    17  registered mail, to each candidate for the office or offices
    18  which are to be recounted by the order of the court, and each
    19  such candidate may be present at such recount, either in person
    20  or by his attorney or by his duly authorized representative,
    21  under such regulations as the court may prescribe.
    22     (d)  If, upon opening any such ballot box, it shall appear
    23  that fraud or substantial error was committed in the computation
    24  of the votes cast on the ballots contained therein, or fraud in
    25  the marking of the ballots contained therein, or otherwise in
    26  connection with such ballots, it shall be the duty of the court
    27  to certify such fact to the prothonotary and thereupon the
    28  prothonotary shall return to the petitioners the said sum of
    29  fifty ($50.00) dollars, or if the petitioners shall have filed a
    30  bond in lieu of cash, to mark said bond cancelled and notify the
    20040H2884B4473                 - 20 -     

     1  petitioners that he has done so.
     2     (e)  If, upon opening any ballot box under the provisions of
     3  this section, it shall not appear that fraud or substantial
     4  error was committed in the computation of the votes cast on the
     5  ballots contained therein, or fraud in the marking of the
     6  ballots contained therein, or otherwise in connection with such
     7  ballots, the persons upon whose petition such ballot box shall
     8  have been opened shall forfeit to the county the sum of fifty
     9  ($50.00) dollars. If said petitioners shall have deposited the
    10  said sum in cash with the prothonotary at the time of filing the
    11  petition, the prothonotary, upon certification of the court that
    12  fraud or substantial error was not discovered, shall pay said
    13  sum deposited with him to the county treasurer; and if the
    14  petitioners shall have filed with their petition a bond in the
    15  sum of one hundred ($100.00) dollars, it shall be the duty of
    16  the county treasurer forthwith to collect from the principals or
    17  surety on said bond, the sum of fifty ($50.00) dollars, and
    18  costs of suit, and for this purpose, he is hereby authorized to
    19  institute any necessary legal proceedings. When so collected,
    20  the said sum of fifty ($50.00) dollars shall be paid over to the
    21  county treasurer.
    22     (f)  Ballot boxes may be opened under the provisions of this
    23  section at any time within four months after the date of the
    24  general, municipal, special or primary election at which the
    25  ballots therein shall have been cast.
    26     Section 11.  Section 1702 of the act, amended December 17,
    27  1959 (P.L.1891, No.692), is amended to read:
    28     Section 1702.  Recanvassing Voting Machines upon Petition of
    29  Electors Alleging Fraud or Error.--(a)  [The] Judicial
    30  proceedings shall be as follows:
    20040H2884B4473                 - 21 -     

     1     (1)  Except as set forth in clause (2), the court of common
     2  pleas, or a judge thereof, of the county in which any election
     3  district is located, shall make visible the registering counters
     4  of the voting machine or machines used in such election district
     5  at any primary or election, and without unlocking the machine
     6  against voting, shall recanvass the vote cast therein, if three
     7  qualified electors of the election district shall file a
     8  petition, duly verified by them, alleging that, upon information
     9  which they consider reliable, they believe that fraud or error,
    10  although not manifest on the general return of votes made
    11  therefrom, was committed in the canvassing of the votes cast on
    12  such machine or machines. It shall not be necessary for the
    13  petitioners to specify in their petition the particular act of
    14  fraud or error they believe to have been committed, nor to offer
    15  evidence to substantiate the allegations of their petition.
    16     (2)  In cases resulting from a recount or recanvass ordered
    17  by the Secretary of the Commonwealth under section 1404(g), all
    18  of the following apply:
    19     (i)  Upon petition under subclause (ii), Commonwealth Court
    20  shall:
    21     (A)  make visible the registering counter of the voting
    22  machine used;
    23     (B)  without unlocking the machine against voting, recanvass
    24  the vote cast in the machine.
    25     (ii)  To obtain relief under subclause (i):
    26     (A)  Three qualified electors of the county must file a
    27  verified petition alleging that, upon information which they
    28  consider reliable, they believe that fraud or error, although
    29  not manifest on the general return of votes, was committed in
    30  the canvassing of the votes cast on the machine.
    20040H2884B4473                 - 22 -     

     1     (B)  It is not be necessary for the petitioners to specify in
     2  their petition the particular act of fraud or error they believe
     3  to have been committed, nor to offer evidence to substantiate
     4  the allegations of the petition.
     5     (a.1)  Every petition for the recanvassing of votes cast in
     6  the voting machine, or voting machines of an election district,
     7  under the provisions of this section, shall be filed in the
     8  office of the prothonotary of the proper county accompanied by a
     9  deposit of cash in the amount of fifty ($50) dollars, or by a
    10  bond signed by the petitioners as principals and by a corporate
    11  surety to be approved by the court in the amount of one hundred
    12  ($100) dollars, conditioned upon the payment to the county
    13  treasurer for the use of the county of the sum of fifty ($50)
    14  dollars, in the event that upon the recanvassing of the votes
    15  cast in a voting machine or voting machines, it does not appear
    16  that fraud or substantial error was committed in the canvassing
    17  of the votes cast on such machine or otherwise in connection
    18  with such voting machines.
    19     (b)  Before the votes cast on any voting machine are
    20  recanvassed under the provisions of this section, the court
    21  shall direct that notice of the time and place of the proposed
    22  recanvass be given, either personally or by registered mail, to
    23  each candidate whose name appears on the ballot labels, and each
    24  such candidate may be present at such recanvass, either in
    25  person or by his attorney, or by his duly authorized
    26  representative, under such regulations as the court may
    27  prescribe.
    28     (b.1)  If, upon the recanvassing of the votes in any voting
    29  machine, it shall appear that fraud or substantial error was
    30  committed in the computation of the votes cast on the voting
    20040H2884B4473                 - 23 -     

     1  machine or otherwise in connection with such voting machine, it
     2  shall be the duty of the court to certify such fact to the
     3  prothonotary, and thereupon the prothonotary shall return to the
     4  petitioners the said sum of fifty ($50) dollars, or if the
     5  petitioners shall have filed a bond, in lieu of cash, to mark
     6  said bond cancelled and notify the petitioners that he has done
     7  so.
     8     (b.2)  If, upon the recanvassing of the votes in any voting
     9  machine under the provisions of this section, it shall not
    10  appear that fraud or substantial error was committed in the
    11  computation of the votes cast in the voting machine or otherwise
    12  in connection with such voting machine, the persons upon whose
    13  petition such voting machine was recanvassed shall forfeit to
    14  the county the sum of fifty ($50) dollars. If said petitioners
    15  shall have deposited the said sum in cash with the prothonotary
    16  at the time of filing the petition, the prothonotary, upon
    17  certification of the court that fraud or substantial error or
    18  otherwise in connection with such machine was not discovered,
    19  shall pay said sum deposited with him to the county treasurer,
    20  and if the petitioners shall have filed with their petition a
    21  bond in the sum of one hundred ($100) dollars, it shall be the
    22  duty of the county treasurer forthwith to collect from the
    23  principals or surety on said bond the sum of fifty ($50) dollars
    24  and costs of suit, and for this purpose he is hereby authorized
    25  to institute any necessary legal proceedings. When so collected,
    26  the said sum of fifty ($50) dollars shall be paid over to the
    27  county treasurer.
    28     (c)  Voting machines may be recanvassed under the provisions
    29  of this section at any time within twenty days after the date of
    30  the primary or election at which they were used.
    20040H2884B4473                 - 24 -     

     1     Section 12.  Section 1703 of the act, amended May 5, 1982
     2  (P.L.374, No.108), is amended to read:
     3     Section 1703.  Correction of Returns; Decision Not to Be
     4  Final; Evidence for Prosecution.--
     5     (a)  (1)  Any petition to open a ballot box or to recanvass
     6  the votes on a voting machine or an electronic voting system
     7  pursuant to sections 1701 and 1702 shall be filed no later than
     8  five (5) days after the completion of the computational
     9  canvassing of all returns of the county by the county board. If
    10  any error or fraud is found the court shall grant the interested
    11  parties an additional five (5) days to file petitions requesting
    12  additional ballot boxes to be opened or voting machines or
    13  electronic voting systems to be recanvassed.
    14     (i)  Except as set forth in subclause (ii):
    15     (A)  a recount or recanvass shall include all election
    16  districts in which ballots were cast for the office in question;
    17  and
    18     (B)  petitions, accompanied by the appropriate money or bond,
    19  must be filed in each election district in accordance with this
    20  act.
    21     (ii)  Subclause (i) shall not apply if a petitioner under
    22  section 1701 or 1702 pleads that a particular act of fraud or
    23  error occurred and offers prima facie evidence supporting the
    24  allegation.
    25     (2)  If any petition to open a ballot box or to recanvass the
    26  votes on a voting machine or an electronic voting system shall
    27  have been presented, under the provisions of sections 1701 and
    28  1702 of this act and the court shall discover therein any fraud
    29  or error, the court shall correct, compute and certify to the
    30  county board the votes justly, regardless of any fraudulent or
    20040H2884B4473                 - 25 -     

     1  erroneous entries made by the election officers thereof, and the
     2  county board shall correct accordingly any entries previously
     3  made in the returns of the county being prepared by it, or which
     4  have been prepared and not yet certified.
     5     (b)  No order or decision of the court under the provisions
     6  of sections 1701 and 1702 of this act, shall be deemed a final
     7  adjudication regarding the results of any primary or election,
     8  so as to preclude any contest thereof under the provisions of
     9  this article, and no such order or decision shall affect the
    10  official returns of any election district, unless a petition to
    11  open the ballot boxes or to recanvass the votes on a voting
    12  machine or an electronic voting system shall have been presented
    13  before the certification of the returns of the county by the
    14  county board, or unless a contest shall have been instituted in
    15  the manner provided by this article.
    16     (c)  If upon the opening of any ballot box or recanvass of
    17  any voting machine or electronic voting system under the
    18  provisions of this article, it shall be found that fraud was
    19  committed in the computation of the votes cast on the ballots or
    20  voting machine, or in the marking of the ballots contained
    21  therein or otherwise in connection with such ballots, the county
    22  board shall take such steps as shall be appropriate to enable
    23  the ballot box and contents thereof or voting machine or
    24  electronic voting system to be available as evidence in any
    25  prosecution which may be begun against any person or persons
    26  alleged to be guilty of such fraud.
    27     Section 13.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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