See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 4462



No. 2911 Session of 2002



                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for the capital budget for the fiscal year 2001-2002,
     2     itemizing a Motor License Fund project stating the estimated
     3     useful life of the project; and making an appropriation.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6  Section 1.  Short title.
     7     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Capital
     8  Budget Project Itemization Act of 2001-2002.
     9  Section 2.  Total authorization.
    10     The total authorization for the capital project in the
    11  category of public improvement projects itemized in section 3
    12  and to be constructed by the Department of General Services, its
    13  successors or assigns, and to be financed from current revenues
    14  in the Motor License Fund shall be $5,000,000.
    15  Section 3.  Itemization of Motor License Fund current revenue
    16                 project.
    17     A capital project in the category of public improvement
    18  projects to be developed by the Department of General Services,

     1  its successors or assigns, for the Department of Transportation,
     2  and to be financed from current revenues of the Motor License
     3  Fund is hereby itemized together with its respective itemized
     4  costs as follows:
     5                                                           Total
     6                                                          Project
     7             Project                                    Allocation
     8  (1)  Department of Transportation
     9     (i)  Noise wall demonstration project, Nether
    10         Providence Township, Delaware County
    11         (A)  Construct a noise wall along I-476         5,000,000
    12             (Base Project Allocation - $2,500,000)
    13             (Land Acquisition - $2,000,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $500,000)
    15  Section 4.  Issue of bonds.
    16     The indebtedness authorized in this act shall be incurred,
    17  from time to time, and shall be evidenced by one or more series
    18  of general obligation bonds of the Commonwealth in such
    19  aggregate principal amount for each series as the Governor, the
    20  Auditor General and the State Treasurer shall determine, but the
    21  latest stated maturity date shall not exceed the estimated
    22  useful life of the project being financed as stated in section
    23  5.
    24  Section 5.  Estimated useful life and term of debt.
    25     (a)  Estimated useful life.--The General Assembly states that
    26  the estimated useful life of the public improvement project
    27  itemized in this act is 30 years.
    28     (b)  Term of debt.--The maximum term of the debt authorized
    29  to be incurred under this act is 30 years.
    30  Section 6.  Appropriation.
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     1     The net proceeds of the sale of the obligations authorized in
     2  this act are hereby appropriated from the Capital Facilities
     3  Fund to the Department of General Services in the maximum amount
     4  of $5,000,000 to be used by it exclusively to defray the
     5  financial cost of the public improvement project specifically
     6  itemized in a capital budget. After reserving or paying the
     7  expense of the sale of the obligation, the State Treasurer shall
     8  pay to the Department of Transportation the moneys as required
     9  and certified by it to be legally due and payable.
    10  Section 7.  Effective date.
    11     This act shall take effect immediately.

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