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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 4137



No. 2958 Session of 1998



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 66 (Public Utilities) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, further providing for the
     3     dissemination of telephone numbers and other identifying
     4     information.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7     Section 1.  Section 2906 of Title 66 of the Pennsylvania
     8  Consolidated Statutes is amended to read:
     9  § 2906.  Dissemination of telephone numbers and other
    10             identifying information.
    11     (a)  General rule.--Notwithstanding any other provision of
    12  law, but subject to the provisions of this title, any telephone
    13  call identification service offered in this Commonwealth by a
    14  public utility or by any other person, partnership, association
    15  or corporation that makes use of the facilities of a public
    16  utility shall be lawful if it allows a caller to withhold
    17  display of the caller's telephone number and other identifying
    18  information on both a per-call and per-line basis from the

     1  telephone instrument of the individual receiving the telephone
     2  call.
     3     (b)  Charge prohibited.--There shall be no charge to the
     4  caller who requests that the caller's telephone number and other
     5  identifying information be withheld on a per-call basis. [The]
     6  Except as provided in subsection (b.1), the commission may
     7  approve a charge to the caller who requests that the caller's
     8  telephone number and other identifying information be withheld
     9  on a per-line basis if the commission finds, after notice to all
    10  customers and an opportunity for hearing, that the charge is
    11  just and reasonable and that the charge should be imposed on the
    12  caller. Tariff rates shall not apply to victims of domestic
    13  violence receiving services from a domestic violence program or
    14  protected by a court order nor to social welfare agencies, such
    15  as women's shelters, health and counseling centers, public
    16  service hotlines and their staffs. In addition, the commission
    17  shall direct that the tariff rates shall not apply to customers
    18  who order the per-line blocking service within 60 days of its
    19  introduction or within 60 days of any request for new telephone
    20  service or transfer of existing telephone service. The
    21  commission shall also direct that, as soon as practicable, any
    22  public utility or any other person, partnership, association or
    23  corporation that makes use of the facilities of a public utility
    24  which provides this service shall also provide to the calling
    25  party only the ability to selectively unblock at no charge on a
    26  per-call basis a blocked line using a means which differs from
    27  the means to activate per-call blocking. The commission, in the
    28  interest of balancing respective privacy interests, shall also
    29  permit a tariffed service that automatically prevents the
    30  completion of telephone calls to customers who do not wish to
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     1  receive calls from callers that withhold their telephone number
     2  or other identifying information; the terms and conditions of
     3  such a tariff shall be subject to commission approval.
     4     (b.1)  Solicitation phone calls.--No telephone solicitor or
     5  person who places any consumer telephone call or who operates an
     6  automatic dialing-announcing device and no employer of any such
     7  telephone solicitor or person shall intentionally cause to be
     8  installed, or shall intentionally utilize, any blocking device
     9  or service to prevent the name or telephone number of such
    10  solicitor or person, or the name or telephone number of his or
    11  her employer, from being displayed on a caller identification
    12  device of the recipient of any such consumer telephone call.
    13  Each call in violation of this subsection constitutes a separate
    14  offense. The commission may impose a civil penalty for each
    15  violation in an amount not to exceed $2,500.
    16     (c)  Notice.--A public utility offering a call identification
    17  service shall notify its subscribers that their calls may be
    18  identified to a called party at least 60 days before the service
    19  is offered and shall clearly advise its subscribers of their
    20  ability to withhold their telephone number and other identifying
    21  information on both a per-call and a per-line basis. The form of
    22  the required notices must be approved by the commission.
    23     (d)  Exceptions.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law,
    24  but subject to the provisions of this title, provision of any of
    25  the following caller identification services shall be lawful
    26  even if the caller cannot withhold display of the caller's
    27  telephone number and other identifying information from the
    28  instrument of the individual receiving the telephone call:
    29         (1)  An identification service which is used within the
    30     same limited system, including a Centrex or private branch
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     1     exchange (PBX) system, as the recipient telephone.
     2         (2)  An identification service which is used on a public
     3     agency's emergency telephone line or on the line which
     4     receives the primary emergency telephone number 911.
     5         (3)  An identification service provided in connection
     6     with any "800" or "900" access code telephone service until
     7     the public utility develops the technical capability to
     8     comply with subsection (a), as determined by the commission.
     9     Until such capability is developed, telephone subscribers
    10     shall be notified annually by the public utility that use of
    11     an "800" or "900" number may result in the disclosure of the
    12     subscriber's telephone number or other identifying
    13     information to the called party.
    14         (4)  An identification service for which the
    15     identification information is a necessary component of the
    16     communication being conveyed and for which, without such
    17     information, the called party would not reasonably be able to
    18     act upon or otherwise use the other portions of the
    19     communication. This exception is intended to cover services,
    20     such as health alert, home monitoring and other similar
    21     telemetry services.
    22     Section 2.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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