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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 4161



No. 2967 Session of 1998

           NOVEMBER 18, 1998


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of December 20, 1996 (P.L.1504, No.195),
     2     entitled "An act providing for the rights and privileges of
     3     taxpayers," creating the Office of Independent Taxpayer
     4     Advocate; adding definitions; further providing for rights of
     5     taxpayers, for installment agreements, for employee
     6     evaluations, for taxpayer assistance orders, for board
     7     decisions and for the Board of Finance and Revenue; providing
     8     for enforcement procedures, for a code of ethical conduct,
     9     for audits and for performance review and training of
    10     auditors; and making a repeal.

    11     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    12  hereby enacts as follows:
    13     Section 1.  Section 103 of the act of December 20, 1996
    14  (P.L.1504, No.195), known as the Taxpayers' Bill of Rights, is
    15  amended by adding definitions to read:
    16  Section 103.  Definitions.
    17     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    18  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    19  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    20     "Advocate."  The Office of Independent Taxpayer Advocate,
    21  created under this act.

     1     * * *
     2     "Board."  The Independent Taxpayer Appeals Board, created
     3  under this act.
     4     * * *
     5     "Member."  A person who serves as an appointed member of the
     6  Independent Taxpayer Appeals Board.
     7     * * *
     8     Section 2.  Section 202(a) of the act is amended to read:
     9  Section 202.  Disclosure statement of rights of taxpayers.
    10     (a)  Contents.--The secretary shall[, not later than 180 days
    11  after the effective date of this act,] prepare a statement which
    12  sets forth the following in simple and nontechnical terms:
    13         (1)  The rights of a taxpayer and the [obligation]
    14     authority of the department during an audit. The taxpayer
    15     shall be informed about the extent of and the limits to the
    16     department's authority in an audit and an appeal. The Code of
    17     Ethics established under section 213 shall be made available
    18     to taxpayers upon request.
    19         (2)  The procedures by which a taxpayer may appeal or
    20     seek review of any adverse decision of the department,
    21     including administrative and judicial appeals.
    22         (3)  The procedure for filing and processing refund
    23     claims and taxpayer complaints and the time frames for
    24     departmental action.
    25         (4)  The taxpayer's right to counsel and advice and to be
    26     represented by a person of the taxpayer's choosing.
    27         [(4)] (5)  The procedures which the department may use
    28     and the remedies it may seek in enforcing [taxes] a tax
    29     claim.
    30     * * *
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     1     Section 3.  Sections 205 and 206 of the act are amended by
     2  adding subsections to read:
     3  Section 205.  Installment agreements.
     4     * * *
     5     (d)  Abatement of interest charges.--Additional interest will
     6  not accrue on the outstanding tax liability of a taxpayer who
     7  has entered into a written agreement to make installment
     8  payments to the department to satisfy a tax claim.
     9  Section 206.  Basis for evaluating department employees.
    10     * * *
    11     (c)  Code of Ethics violations.--An employee of the
    12  department who violates the principles of the Code of Ethics,
    13  established under section 213, shall be subject to appropriate
    14  disciplinary action, suspension, removal to another position,
    15  demotion or termination of employment. An employee of the
    16  department who releases confidential information, uses
    17  confidential information for personal or private purposes, or in
    18  any other way violates the privacy rights of any taxpayer shall
    19  be subject to immediate dismissal.
    20     Section 4.  Section 207 of the act is repealed.
    21     Section 5.  Sections 208 and 210 of the act are amended to
    22  read:
    23  Section 208.  Taxpayer assistance orders.
    24     (a)  Authority to issue.--On application [filed] by a
    25  taxpayer [with] to the [department Taxpayers' Rights]
    26  Independent Taxpayer Advocate in the form, manner and time
    27  prescribed by the [secretary] advocate and after thorough
    28  investigation, the [Taxpayers' Rights Advocate] advocate may
    29  issue a taxpayer assistance order if, in the determination of
    30  the [Taxpayers' Rights Advocate] advocate, the manner in which
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     1  the State tax laws are being administered is creating or will
     2  create an unjust and inequitable result for the taxpayer. A
     3  determination by the [Taxpayers' Rights Advocate] advocate under
     4  this section to issue or to not issue a taxpayer assistance
     5  order is final and cannot be appealed to any court or
     6  administrative panel.
     7     (b)  Terms of a taxpayer assistance order.--A taxpayer
     8  assistance order may require the department to release property
     9  of the taxpayer levied on, cease any action or refrain from
    10  taking any action to enforce the State tax laws against the
    11  taxpayer until the issue or issues giving rise to the order have
    12  been resolved. The running of the period of limitation for such
    13  department action shall be suspended from the date of the
    14  taxpayer assistance order until one of the following:
    15         (1)  The expiration date of the order.
    16         (2)  If an order is modified, the expiration date of the
    17     modification order.
    18         (3)  If an order is rescinded, the date of the rescission
    19     order.
    20     (c)  Authority to modify or rescind.--A taxpayer assistance
    21  order may be modified or rescinded by the [secretary] board.
    22     (d)  Independent action of [Taxpayers' Rights] Independent
    23  Taxpayer Advocate.--This section shall not prevent the
    24  [Taxpayers' Rights Advocate] advocate from taking action in the
    25  absence of an application being filed under subsection (a).
    26  Section 210.  Decisions of Independent Taxpayer Appeals Board
    27                 [of Finance and Revenue] and Department of
    28                 Revenue.
    29     (a)  Precedent.--Where the [Board of Finance and Revenue]
    30  board has issued a decision or an order in favor of a taxpayer
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     1  and the Commonwealth has not appealed the decision or order, the
     2  department may not make an assessment against the taxpayer that
     3  raises an identical or substantially identical issue.
     4     (b)  Application.--Precedent shall apply to tax periods
     5  following the period to which the decision or order of the
     6  [Board of Finance and Revenue] board applies. It shall not apply
     7  where there has been a change in statute, regulation or material
     8  fact applicable to periods following the period to which the
     9  decision or order of the [Board of Finance and Revenue] board
    10  applies.
    11     (c)  Decisions of department.--In the case of a tax imposed
    12  under Article III of the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2),
    13  known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, the department may not
    14  assess a taxpayer with respect to an issue for which the
    15  department assessed the same taxpayer in a previous year and the
    16  taxpayer prevailed in removing such assessment based upon
    17  identical or substantially identical facts.
    18     (d)  Exception.--Subsections (a) and (c) shall not apply if
    19  the department, upon publication of notice, changes its policy
    20  with respect to a discretionary issue, provided that any such
    21  change in policy shall be effective prospectively only.
    22     Section 6.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
    23  Section 212.  Enforcement procedures.
    24     (a)  Limitations.--In taking enforcement actions, the
    25  department shall not:
    26         (1)  Force an innocent spouse who is either divorced from
    27     a taxpayer who is subject to an enforcement action by the
    28     department or is the widow or widower of a taxpayer subject
    29     to such an action to make payment for back taxes if it can be
    30     shown that the innocent spouse had no prior knowledge of the
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     1     acts which resulted in the department's enforcement action.
     2         (2)  Unless pursuing a criminal investigation, take
     3     action against a taxpayer for the failure to file or the
     4     erroneous or fraudulent filing of a tax return for a tax
     5     liability under Article III of the act of March 4, 1971
     6     (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, more
     7     than 36 months after the filing or payment was due. The
     8     department must complete its audit and investigation within
     9     15 months of providing such notice to the taxpayer.
    10     (b)  Burden of proof.--The department shall bear the burden
    11  of proof in any tax claim enforcement action.
    12  Section 213.  Code of Ethics.
    13     (a)  Duty of department.--The department shall establish a
    14  code of ethical conduct governing all department employees
    15  involved in taxpayer audits, investigations, tax collections and
    16  settlements and license or registration. The Code of Ethics
    17  shall clearly delineate the authority and responsibility
    18  department staff and its agents shall have in investigating a
    19  taxpayer, in interviewing a taxpayer, in handling confidential
    20  taxpayer information and in informing the taxpayer of his or her
    21  rights.
    22     (b)  Distribution.--The Code of Ethics shall be distributed
    23  to all department employees and made available to taxpayers
    24  under investigation or undergoing a department audit.
    25     (c)  Applicability to contractors.--The department shall
    26  require all entities with which it contracts for the collection
    27  of delinquent taxes and other claims to adhere to a similar code
    28  of ethical conduct.
    29  Section 214.  Taxpayer customer satisfaction survey.
    30     (a)  General rule.--The department shall periodically survey
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     1  taxpayers to determine their satisfaction with how they were
     2  treated. This survey shall be provided to every taxpayer
     3  selected for an audit and may be provided to a random sample of
     4  other taxpayers. The survey, at a minimum, shall seek
     5  information about the ease of filing and the behavior of
     6  department representatives.
     7     (b)  Confidentiality.--Personal identifying information from
     8  the survey shall be confidential.
     9     (c)  Internet.--The department may make the survey available
    10  in electronic format.
    11     (d)  Report of survey results.--The department shall
    12  annually, as part of its budget submission, provide the General
    13  Assembly with a report on the results of the most recent
    14  customer satisfaction survey.
    15  Section 215.  Audits.
    16     (a)  Duty to inform taxpayer of anticipated time required.--
    17  At the time it initiates an audit of a taxpayer, the department
    18  shall provide the taxpayer with a reasonable estimate of the
    19  length of time the audit will take, including the time required
    20  to review the taxpayer's records, the time required to
    21  physically be present in the taxpayer's offices and the
    22  completion date for the audit.
    23     (b)  Closing the audit.--If an audit of a taxpayer has been
    24  completed and the taxpayer has complied with the results of the
    25  audit, either voluntarily, through mediation or through
    26  adjudication, the taxpayer's records shall be deemed to be
    27  closed and not subject to further audit, unless the department
    28  has clear and convincing evidence of criminal behavior by the
    29  taxpayer.
    30  Section 216.  Performance review and training of auditors.
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     1     (a)  Annual review of auditors.--The department shall
     2  annually review the performance of each auditor to ensure
     3  consistent interpretation of State tax laws, regulations,
     4  policies and procedures.
     5     (b)  Information and training to be provided.--The department
     6  shall maintain a digest of policy decisions, interpretations and
     7  decisions of the department, the advocate and the board, which
     8  shall be periodically distributed to all tax examiners and
     9  auditors. The department shall provide an annual training
    10  program for all auditors and examiners.
    11     Section 7.  The act is amended by adding a chapter to read:
    12                            CHAPTER 2-A
    13                   INDEPENDENT TAXPAYER ADVOCATE
    14  Section 201-A.  Office of Independent Taxpayer Advocate.
    15     (a)  Office established.--The Office of Independent Taxpayer
    16  Advocate is hereby established as an independent agency of State
    17  government.
    18     (b)  Appointment of advocate.--The Governor shall appoint an
    19  individual to the advocate position from the private sector who
    20  is a resident of Pennsylvania, subject to confirmation by the
    21  Senate by a two-thirds vote. The term of office shall be five
    22  years. The Governor shall submit nominations to the Senate not
    23  later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this act.
    24     (c)  Qualifications.--The advocate shall be appointed on the
    25  basis of his professional experience and expertise in the
    26  following areas:
    27         (1)  State tax laws, including tax administration and
    28     compliance.
    29         (2)  Standard auditing and accounting procedures.
    30         (3)  Understanding of customer service and information
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     1     technology.
     2         (4)  Understanding of the needs and concerns of
     3     taxpayers.
     4  Section 202-A.  Powers and duties of advocate.
     5     The advocate shall have the following powers and duties:
     6         (1)  The authority to offer mediation services to settle
     7     disputes between taxpayers and the department.
     8         (2)  The right to review and comment on policy decisions,
     9     including the development of rules, regulations, forms and
    10     procedures by the department.
    11         (3)  The right to review all judgments pertaining to
    12     individual taxpayers by the department.
    13         (4)  To advise taxpayers of their rights and
    14     responsibilities according to Pennsylvania tax law.
    15         (5)  To represent taxpayers in hearings before the board.
    16         (6)  To operate a taxpayer hotline.
    17         (7)  To hire and fire such staff as may be necessary.
    18         (8)  To enter into such contracts, to purchase such
    19     supplies and materials as may be necessary to permit the
    20     successful operation of the office.
    21         (9)  To prepare and present an annual budget.
    22         (10)  To report the decisions of the advocate to
    23     taxpayers in such form as the advocate deems appropriate.
    24  Section 203-A.  Transfer of authority and resources.
    25     The powers and duties of the Taxpayers' Rights Advocate set
    26  forth in section 207 and all of the resources now dedicated to
    27  that office are hereby transferred to the advocate.
    28  Section 204-A.  The Independent Taxpayer Appeals Board.
    29     (a)  Board established.--The Independent Taxpayer Appeals
    30  Board is hereby established.
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     1     (b)  Members.--The board shall be composed of three members
     2  who are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by a two-thirds
     3  vote in the Senate.
     4     (c)  Terms.--Among the initial appointments to the board one
     5  shall be for a term of two years, one for a term of four years
     6  and one for a term of six years. Thereafter members shall be
     7  appointed to serve for six-year terms.
     8     (d)  Required qualification.--All members of the board shall
     9  be attorneys admitted to practice in Pennsylvania and shall have
    10  a familiarity with the tax laws of Pennsylvania.
    11     (e)  Compensation--Members shall receive the same
    12  compensation set for members of the Environmental Hearing Board.
    13     (f)  Powers and duties of the board.--The board shall be the
    14  first level of appeal of any decision by an employee of the
    15  department relative to a decision affecting a taxpayer. The
    16  board shall have the following powers:
    17         (1)  To adjudicate tax disputes between taxpayers and the
    18     department, including hearing appeals of decisions of the
    19     department, remanding a dispute to mediation and issuing
    20     enforceable orders.
    21         (2)  To hire such staff, enter into such contracts,
    22     implement such rules and procedures and adopt such forms as
    23     the board shall deem necessary and appropriate to carry out
    24     its responsibilities.
    25         (3)  To elect a chairman for the board annually from
    26     among the members.
    27     (g)  Transfer of authority.--The powers and duties of the
    28  internal review program within the department, the department
    29  Board of Appeals and the Board of Finance and Revenue relative
    30  to adjudicating disputes between the department and taxpayers
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     1  are hereby transferred to the Independent Taxpayer Appeals Board
     2  created under this act.
     3     (h)  Removal from office and filling an unexpired term.--A
     4  board member may only be removed for gross negligence or
     5  malfeasance. Three-quarters of the Senate must ratify the
     6  Governor's decision for removal of a board member or the
     7  advocate. Any vacancy on the board shall be filled in the same
     8  manner as the original appointment. Any appointment to fill a
     9  vacancy before the expiration of the term for which the
    10  predecessor was appointed shall be appointed for the remainder
    11  of that term.
    12  Section 205-A.  Personal liability.
    13     (a)  General rule.--Members of the board and the advocate
    14  shall have no personal liability under State law with respect to
    15  any claim arising out of or resulting from an act or omission by
    16  the member or the advocate within the scope of service of their
    17  respective positions.
    18     (b)  Exception.--This shall not be construed to limit
    19  personal liability for criminal acts or omissions, willful or
    20  malicious conduct, acts or omissions for private gain, or any
    21  other act or omission outside the scope of the service of the
    22  member or the advocate.
    23  Section 206-A.  Exceptions.
    24     The advocate and board shall have no responsibilities or
    25  authority with respect to the criminal law enforcement
    26  activities of the department, including compliance activities
    27  such as criminal investigations, examinations and collection
    28  activities, or specific procurement activities of the
    29  department.
    30  Section 207-A.  Confidentiality.
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     1     All members of the board and the advocate are bound to
     2  confidentiality of all information pertaining to individual tax
     3  information. Any member or advocate who does not adhere to this
     4  policy shall be removed from office.
     5  Section 8.  Effective date.
     6     This act shall take effect in 90 days.

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