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same topic
        PRIOR PRINTER'S NO. 4562                      PRINTER'S NO. 4663



No. 2969 Session of 2002

           HERSHEY AND THOMAS, NOVEMBER 12, 2002

           NOVEMBER 20, 2002

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 9, 1990 (P.L.340, No.78), entitled "An
     2     act providing for a Statewide emergency telephone number 911
     3     system; providing for contributions from telephone
     4     subscribers; providing a penalty; and making a repeal,"
     5     further providing for definitions, for local government
     6     immunity and for powers and duties of the Pennsylvania
     7     Emergency Management Agency; establishing a Statewide
     8     integrated wireless E-911 State plan; establishing a wireless
     9     E-911 Emergency Services Fund and disbursements therefrom;
    10     further providing for collection of an E-911 surcharge from
    11     wireless customers and for annual reporting; establishing a
    12     wireless E-911 Emergency Services Advisory Committee; and
    13     providing for rules and regulations.

    14     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    15  hereby enacts as follows:
    16     Section 1.  Section 2 of the act of July 9, 1990 (P.L.340,
    17  No.78), known as the Public Safety Emergency Telephone Act,
    18  amended February 12, 1998 (P.L.64, No.17), is amended to read:
    19  Section 2.  Definitions.
    20     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    21  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the

     1  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     2     "911 emergency communication system" or "911 system."  A
     3  system, including enhanced 911 service but excluding a wireless
     4  E-911 system, which permits a person dialing 911 by telephone to
     5  be connected to a public safety answering point, via normal
     6  telephone facilities, for the reporting of police, fire, medical
     7  or other emergency situations.
     8     "Active prepaid wireless telephone ACCOUNT."  A prepaid        <--
     9  wireless telephone ACCOUNT that has been used by the customer     <--
    10  during the month to complete a telephone call for which the
    11  customer's card or account was reduced.
    12     "Advisory committee."  The wireless E-911 Emergency Services
    13  Advisory Committee established in section 11.3.
    14     "Agency."  The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency.
    15     "Associated with            (name of jurisdiction)             <--
    16  PENNSYLVANIA."                                                    <--
    17         (1)  in the case of the mobile telephone number (MTN) the
    18     geographical location associated with the first six digits,
    19     or NPA/NXX, of the MTN; or
    20         (2)  in the case of a customer service address the
    21     physical location of the address.
    22     "Commission."  The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission.
    23     "Competitive local exchange carrier."  A local exchange
    24  carrier that has been certificated as a competitive local
    25  exchange carrier by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission.
    26     "Contribution rate."  A fee assessed against a telephone
    27  subscriber for the nonrecurring costs, maintenance and operating
    28  costs of a 911 system. Counties of the first through second
    29  class A may impose a monthly contribution rate in an amount not
    30  to exceed $1 per line on each local exchange access line.
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     1  Counties of the third through fifth class may impose monthly
     2  contribution rates in an amount not to exceed $1.25 per line on
     3  each local exchange access line. Counties of the sixth through
     4  eighth class may impose a monthly contribution rate in an amount
     5  not to exceed $1.50 per line on each local exchange access line.
     6  The contribution rate may be used by counties for the expenses
     7  of implementing, expanding or upgrading a 911 system. Expenses
     8  eligible for reimbursement through the contribution rate shall
     9  include telephone terminal equipment, trunk line service
    10  installation, network changes, building of initial data base and
    11  any other nonrecurring costs to establish a 911 system. The
    12  contribution rate may also be used to fund recurring costs
    13  pursuant to section 8(b). Expenses not eligible for
    14  reimbursement through the contribution rate shall include
    15  purchase of real estate, cosmetic remodeling, central office
    16  upgrades, hiring of dispatchers, ambulances, fire engines or
    17  other emergency vehicles, utilities, taxes and other expenses as
    18  determined by the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency.
    19     "Council."  The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Council.
    20     "County."  The term shall include a city of the first class
    21  coterminous with a county.
    22     "County plan."  A document submitted by the county on a
    23  triennial basis to the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency,
    24  outlining its proposed or existing 911 system, including a
    25  contribution rate, for the forthcoming three years.
    26     "Enhanced 911 service" or "E-911."  Emergency telephone
    27  service providing for automatic identification of caller
    28  location and calling number.
    29     "FCC E-911 Order."  All orders issued by the Federal
    30  Communications Commission pursuant to the proceeding entitled
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     1  "Revision of the Commissions Rules to Ensure Compatibility with
     2  Enhanced 911 Emergency Calling Systems" (CC Docket No. 94-102;
     3  RM-8413), any successor proceeding, and any other FCC order that
     4  affects the provision of wireless E-911 service to wireless
     5  service customers.
     6     "Interexchange carrier."  A person that is authorized by the
     7  Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission to provide long-distance
     8  telecommunications service.
     9     "Local exchange carrier."  A person, including a competitive
    10  local exchange carrier, that is authorized by the Pennsylvania
    11  Public Utility Commission to provide local exchange
    12  telecommunications service or exchange access.
    13     "Local exchange telephone service."  The provision of
    14  telephonic message transmission within an exchange, as such is
    15  defined and described in tariffs filed with and approved by the
    16  commission.
    17     "Mobile telephone number" or "MTN."  The telephone number
    18  assigned to a wireless telephone at the time of initial
    19  activation.
    20     "NPA-NXX."  The first six digits of a ten-digit telephone
    21  number, including a mobile telephone number, representing the
    22  area code and exchange of the telephone number.
    23     "Person."  The term includes a corporation, a partnership, an
    24  association, the Federal Government, the State government, a
    25  political subdivision, a municipal or other local authority, as
    26  well as a natural person.
    27     "Prepaid wireless telephone service."  A wireless telephone
    28  service which is activated in advance by payment of a finite
    29  dollar amount or for a finite set of minutes and which, unless
    30  an additional finite dollar amount or finite set of minutes is
    20020H2969B4663                  - 4 -

     1  paid in advance, terminates either upon use by a customer and
     2  delivery by the wireless carrier of an agreed-upon amount of
     3  service corresponding to the total dollar amount paid in advance
     4  or within a certain period of time following initial purchase or
     5  activation.
     6     "Public agency."  The Commonwealth or a political
     7  subdivision, public authority, municipal authority or any
     8  organization located in whole or in part within this
     9  Commonwealth which provides or has the authority to provide
    10  firefighting, law enforcement, ambulance, emergency medical or
    11  other emergency services.
    12     "Public safety answering point" or "PSAP."  The first point
    13  at which calls for emergency assistance from individuals are
    14  answered, operated 24 hours a day.
    15     "Sufficient positive balance."  A dollar amount greater than
    16  or equal to the monthly wireless surcharge amount.
    17     "Telephone subscriber."  A person other than a wireless
    18  service customer who contracts with a [telephone company] local
    19  exchange carrier within this Commonwealth for local exchange
    20  telephone service, either residential or commercial. When the
    21  same person has several telephone dial tone access lines, each
    22  dial tone access line shall constitute a separate subscription.
    23  For purposes of the contribution rate, the term shall not
    24  include pay stations owned or operated by a regulated public
    25  utility.
    26     "Vendor."  A person other than a local exchange carrier or a
    27  wireless provider who supplies 911 or wireless E-911 system
    28  services or equipment.
    29     "Wireless automatic location information" or "(ALI)."  The
    30  delivery or receipt of the approximate geographic location, as
    20020H2969B4663                  - 5 -

     1  specified in the FCC E-911 Order, of the wireless device being
     2  used to place a call to a 911 system or to a wireless E-911
     3  system.
     4     "Wireless automatic number identification" or "(ANI)."  The
     5  delivery or receipt of the telephone number assigned to the
     6  wireless device being used to place a call to a 911 system or to
     7  a wireless E-911 system.
     8     "Wireless E-911 service."  Service provided by a wireless
     9  provider, pursuant to the FCC E-911 Order.
    10     "Wireless E-911 State plan."  A document to be prepared,
    11  maintained and kept current by the Pennsylvania Emergency
    12  Management Agency providing for all aspects of the development,
    13  implementation, operation and maintenance of a Statewide
    14  integrated wireless E-911 system, including the exclusive
    15  authority to approve wireless provider service agreements
    16  between a county and a wireless provider, formulate technical
    17  standards and determine permitted uses of and amounts disbursed
    18  from the Wireless E-911 Emergency Services Fund established by
    19  section 11.4(a).
    20     "Wireless E-911 surcharge."  A monthly fee assessed upon each
    21  wireless service customer for each wireless two-way
    22  communication device for which that customer is charged by a
    23  wireless provider for wireless service.
    24     "Wireless E-911 system."  An E-911 system which permits
    25  wireless service customers dialing 911 to be connected to a
    26  public safety answering point for the reporting of police, fire,
    27  medical or other emergency situations.
    28     "Wireless provider."  A person engaged in the business of
    29  providing wireless service to end-use customers in this
    30  Commonwealth, including resellers.
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     1     "Wireless service."  Commercial mobile radio service as
     2  defined under section 332(d) of the Communications Act of 1934
     3  (47 U.S.C. § 332(d)), and which provides real-time, two-way
     4  voice service that is interconnected with the public switched
     5  telephone network.
     6     "Wireless service customer."  A person who is billed by a
     7  wireless provider or who receives prepaid wireless telephone
     8  service from a wireless provider for wireless service within
     9  this Commonwealth.
    10     Section 2.  Section 3 of the act is amended by adding a
    11  subsection to read:
    12  Section 3.  Telecommunications management.
    13     * * *
    14     (d)  Exemption.--The Pennsylvania State Police
    15  telecommunications facilities are exempt from the
    16  telecommunications management of the agency, council and the
    17  commission.
    18     Section 3.  Section 4(a) of the act is amended by adding a
    19  paragraph to read:
    20  Section 4.  Counties.
    21     (a)  Powers and duties.--The board of county commissioners,
    22  or, in a home rule county, the appropriate body according to the
    23  home rule charter, shall have the following powers and duties in
    24  relation to a 911 system:
    25         * * *
    26         (8)  To cooperate with the Pennsylvania State Police, any
    27     county/municipality that utilizes ANI/ALI data base services,
    28     shall upon request of the Commissioner of the Pennsylvania
    29     State Police or his designee, provide authority to access any
    30     and all ANI/ALI data base information relative to any and all
    20020H2969B4663                  - 7 -

     1     911 calls for emergency services, whether the data base is
     2     held by the particular county/municipality or by a commercial
     3     entity. Counties/municipalities which receive, store or
     4     otherwise utilize location data related to 911 emergency
     5     calls received via wireless telephone or any other medium,
     6     shall likewise provide all available data to the Pennsylvania
     7     State Police upon request. PSAPs AND WIRELESS PROVIDERS shall  <--
     8     not be liable for errors in any of the data bases, which may
     9     be accessed by the Pennsylvania State Police. In order to
    10     ensure that the county/municipality does not experience
    11     degradation of service or additional equipment costs as a
    12     result of providing this information, the Pennsylvania State
    13     Police shall provide the necessary means to allow the
    14     transfer of this data. NOTHING CONTAINED HEREIN SHALL BE       <--
    18     * * *
    19     Section 4.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    20  Section 4.1.  Pennsylvania State Police.
    21     (a)  Powers and duties.--The Commissioner of the Pennsylvania
    22  State Police, or his designee, shall have the following powers
    23  and duties in relation to a Pennsylvania State Police
    24  telecommunications facility:
    25         (1)  To designate, with specificity, which Pennsylvania
    26     State Police facilities shall be considered Pennsylvania
    27     State Police telecommunications facilities under this act.
    28         (2)  To designate a commander of the Pennsylvania State
    29     Police telecommunications facility who shall serve as the
    30     point of contact with the agency and the counties and shall
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     1     oversee the implementation, operation and maintenance of the
     2     Pennsylvania State Police telecommunications facility. The
     3     Pennsylvania State Police facility shall, where
     4     technologically feasible, be adequate to provide service to
     5     the designated area of coverage.
     6         (3)  To request any and all ANI/ALI data base
     7     information, as it relates to all 911 calls requesting
     8     emergency services, from the designated counties within the
     9     Pennsylvania State Police telecommunications facility
    10     designated area of coverage. The Pennsylvania State Police
    11     shall provide the necessary means to allow the transfer of
    12     this data.
    13         (4)  To provide training and certification for all call-
    14     takers/dispatchers and call-taker/dispatcher supervisors that
    15     meets or exceeds the training and certification standards
    16     that are provided for in 4 Pa. Code Ch. 120c (relating to
    17     training and certification standards for 911 emergency
    18     communications personnel).
    19     (b)  Ineligible reimbursement.--The Pennsylvania State Police
    20  are not eligible to receive any reimbursement from the moneys
    21  collected from the contribution rate or wireless E-911
    22  surcharge, nor may the Pennsylvania State Police impose a
    23  monthly contribution rate or wireless E-911 surcharge upon the    <--
    24  telephone subscribers on the local exchange access line OR A      <--
    26     Section 5.  Sections 9 and 11.1 of the act, amended or added
    27  February 12, 1998 (P.L.64, No.17), are amended to read:
    28  Section 9.  Telephone records.
    29     (a)  Access.--Each telephone service supplier shall provide
    30  customer telephone numbers, names and service addresses to 911
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     1  systems when required. Although customer numbers, names and
     2  service addresses shall be available to 911 systems, such
     3  information shall remain the property of the disclosing service
     4  supplier. The total cost of the system shall include expenses to
     5  reimburse telephone service suppliers for providing and
     6  maintaining 911 information. This information shall be used only
     7  in providing emergency response services to a 911 call, except
     8  as provided in subsection (c). A person who uses or discloses
     9  data base information for purposes other than handling a 911
    10  call or other than as provided in subsection (c) commits a
    11  misdemeanor of the third degree.
    12     (b)  Privacy waived.--Private listing service customers in a
    13  911 service district shall waive the privacy afforded by
    14  nonlisted and nonpublished numbers when using the 911 emergency
    15  service.
    16     (c)  Immunity.--No telephone company, wireless communications
    17  company or vendor or agent, employee or director of a telephone
    18  company, wireless communications company or vendor shall be
    19  liable to any person who uses the 911 emergency service
    20  established under this act or provides information to 911
    21  systems:
    22         (1)  for release to a public safety answering point of
    23     information specified in this section that is not already
    24     part of the public records, including nonpublished telephone
    25     numbers; [or]
    26         (2)  for release to the commission, the Federal
    27     Communications Commission or any other Federal or
    28     Commonwealth agency with the authority to regulate the
    29     provision of telecommunications services, of telephone
    30     company information specified in this section that is not
    20020H2969B4663                 - 10 -

     1     already part of public records, including where applicable
     2     information regarding numbers of lines served by an
     3     individual company but excluding nonpublic information
     4     regarding the company's individual customer names, addresses
     5     and telephone numbers; or
     6         [(2)] (3)  for interruptions, omissions, defects, errors,
     7     mistakes or delays in transmission occurring in the course of
     8     rendering 911 emergency service under this act, unless such
     9     interruptions, omissions, defects, errors, mistakes or delays
    10     are caused by the willful or wanton misconduct of the
    11     telephone company, wireless communications company or vendor,
    12     their agents, employees or directors: Provided, however, That
    13     nothing herein shall preclude the application of any
    14     commission tariff or regulation pertaining to allowances for
    15     telephone service interruptions.
    16  Section 11.1.  Immunity.
    17     All 911 systems and wireless E-911 systems run by county and
    18  local governments shall be local agencies who shall enjoy local
    19  governmental immunity as provided under 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 85 Subch.
    20  C (relating to actions against local parties).
    21     Section 6.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
    22  Section 11.2.  Powers and duties of agency.
    23     (a)  Administration.--The agency shall have the following
    24  powers and duties in relation to a wireless E-911 system:
    25         (1)  To designate a member of the agency who shall serve
    26     as a point of contact at the agency for all matters involving
    27     wireless E-911 systems in this Commonwealth.
    28         (2)  To oversee the development, implementation,
    29     operation and maintenance of a Statewide integrated wireless
    30     E-911 system, including the exclusive authority to approve
    20020H2969B4663                 - 11 -

     1     wireless provider service agreements between a county and a
     2     wireless provider, formulate technical standards and
     3     determine permitted uses of and amounts disbursed from the
     4     wireless E-911 Emergency Services Fund established in section
     5     11.4(a).
     6     (b)  Wireless E-911 State plan.--The agency shall prepare,
     7  maintain and keep current, after adequate public notice and
     8  opportunity to comment and after consideration of the
     9  recommendations of the advisory board WIRELESS ADVISORY           <--
    10  SUBCOMMITTEE, a wireless E-911 State plan providing for all
    11  aspects of the development, implementation, operation and
    12  maintenance of a Statewide integrated wireless E-911 system in
    13  accordance with the FCC E-911 Order. Pursuant to such plan, the
    14  agency shall:
    15         (1)  Make arrangements with each wireless provider to
    16     provide wireless E-911 service according to the wireless E-
    17     911 State plan.
    18         (2)  Assure execution of all contracts, mutual aid
    19     agreements, cross-service agreements and all other necessary
    20     documents that may be required in the implementation of the
    21     wireless E-911 State plan.
    22         (3)  Notify counties of wireless service within each
    23     county, specifically noting wireless service to more than one
    24     county. Such notice also shall be provided at the time
    25     wireless service is newly initiated within the county. The
    26     agency shall designate the appropriate PSAP for wireless E-
    27     911 service for each wireless provider.
    28         (4)  Forward a copy of the completed plan and any
    29     revision thereof to all affected public agencies, wireless
    30     providers, local exchange carriers, competitive local
    20020H2969B4663                 - 12 -

     1     exchange carriers and interexchange carriers.
     2  Section 11.3.  Advisory committees.
     3     (a)  Establishment of a wireless E-911 Emergency Services      <--
     4  Advisory Committee.--There is hereby established an advisory
     5  committee to be known as the wireless E-911 Emergency Services    <--
     6  Advisory Committee.
     7     (b)  Members.--The advisory committee shall be comprised of
     8  the following persons:
     9         (1)  The director of the agency or his designee who shall
    10     act as chairperson.
    11         (2)  Two county commissioners.
    12         (3)  Four county 911 program managers.
    13         (4)  Four wireless providers licensed by the Federal
    14     Communications Commission.
    15         (5)  Two landline telephone service provider
    16     representatives.
    17         (6)  Two representatives each from the fire service,
    18     emergency medical service and police service.
    19  The Governor, upon recommendation of the applicable Statewide
    20  organizations, associations and industry segments, shall appoint
    21  the committee members, who will each serve a two-year term.
    22  Advisory committee membership shall be limited to one
    23  representative per organization or corporate entity.
    24     (c)  Roles and responsibilities.--The advisory committee
    25  shall make recommendations to the agency regarding the
    26  formulation of technical, administrative and operational
    27  standards for use in overseeing 911 programs Statewide.
    28     (d)  Reimbursement.--The members of the advisory committee
    29  shall serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for
    30  their actual and necessary travel and other expenses in
    20020H2969B4663                 - 13 -

     1  connection with attendance at meetings called by the
     2  chairperson.
     3     (e)  Advisory committee subcommittees.--The chairperson may
     4  create, within the committee membership, subcommittees to study
     5  and address specific technical and program areas:
     6         (1)  A wireless subcommittee shall be created as a
     7     permanent subcommittee and shall consist of the following
     8     persons:
     9             (i)  The advisory committee chairperson.
    10             (ii)  Two county commissioners.
    11             (iii)  Four county 911 program managers.
    12             (iv)  Four representatives of wireless providers
    13         licensed by the Federal Communications Commission.
    14             (v)  Two landline telephone service provider
    15         representatives.
    16         (2)  Wireless subcommittee roles and responsibilities:
    17             (i)  To advise the agency regarding the development,
    18         implementation, operation and maintenance of a Statewide
    19         integrated wireless E-911 system.
    20             (ii)  To make recommendations to the agency regarding
    21         the preparation and periodic revision of a wireless E-911
    22         State plan providing for the development, implementation,
    23         operation and maintenance of a Statewide integrated
    24         wireless E-911 system in accordance with the FCC E-911
    25         Order.
    26             (iii)  To make recommendations to the agency
    27         regarding the approval or disapproval of wireless
    28         provider service agreements and the formulation of
    29         technical standards.
    30             (iv)  To make recommendations to the agency regarding
    20020H2969B4663                 - 14 -

     1         the development of guidelines, rules and regulations
     2         required to address the administration of the Statewide
     3         E-911 wireless program and the disbursement of funds from
     4         the wireless E-911 Emergency Services Fund.
     5             (v)  To make recommendations to the agency regarding
     6         the development of the annual report required of the
     7         agency by this act, including, but not limited to,
     8         recommendations concerning adjustments of the wireless E-
     9         911 surcharge.
    10  Section 11.4.  Wireless E-911 Emergency Services Fund.
    11     (a)  Establishment of fund.--There is hereby established in
    12  the State Treasury a nonlapsing restricted interest-bearing
    13  account to be known as the wireless E-911 Emergency Services
    14  Fund. The fund shall consist of the fees collected under
    15  subsection (b), funds appropriated by the General Assembly and
    16  of funds from any other source, private or public. Moneys in the
    17  fund and the interest it accrues shall be appropriated annually
    18  to the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency to be disbursed
    19  by the agency and shall be used only for the following costs:
    20         (1)  Public agency and wireless provider costs resulting
    21     from compliance with the FCC E-911 Order, including
    22     development, implementation and testing, operation and
    23     maintenance of a Statewide integrated wireless E-911 system.
    24     Costs must be for wireless E-911 service provided in
    25     accordance with the FCC E-911 Order.
    26         (2)  PSAP eligible expenses to the extent they are THE     <--
    27     approved E-911 expenses in paragraph (1) and have been         <--
    28     reimbursed and THE ELIGIBLE EXPENSES do not exceed the         <--
    29     percentage of the actual demonstrated ratio of wireless calls
    30     to demonstrated total emergency call volume times the amount
    20020H2969B4663                 - 15 -

     1     of money in the fund, and further:
     2             (i)  the expenses are limited to 25% of the fund if a
     3         majority of wireless providers serving the geographic
     4         area covered by the PSAP have been tested and accepted by
     5         the PSAP for wireless E-911 Phase I service;
     6             (ii)  the expenses are limited to 50% of the fund if
     7         all of the wireless providers serving the geographic area
     8         covered by the PSAP have been tested and accepted by the
     9         PSAP for wireless E-911 Phase I service;
    10             (iii)  the expenses are limited to 75% of the fund if
    11         a majority of wireless providers serving the geographic
    12         area covered by the PSAP have been tested and accepted by
    13         the PSAP for wireless E-911 Phase II service; and
    14             (iv)  the expenses are limited to 100% of the fund if
    15         all of the wireless providers serving the geographic area
    16         covered by the PSAP have been tested and accepted by the
    17         PSAP for wireless E-911 Phase II service.
    18  In the event that, pursuant to an FCC E-911 waiver, a wireless
    19  provider is temporarily relieved of its obligation to provide
    20  wireless E-911 Phase II service in the geographic area covered
    21  by a requesting PSAP, such wireless carrier shall be disregarded
    22  in the determinations to be made pursuant to subparagraphs (iii)
    23  and (iv) until such time as the wireless carrier's obligation to
    24  provide wireless E-911 Phase II service again becomes effective.
    25     (b)  Wireless E-911 surcharge.--Each wireless service
    26  customer shall pay a fee, to be known as a wireless E-911
    27  surcharge, in an amount of $1.00 $1.25 per month per each         <--
    28  wireless two-way communication device for which that customer is
    29  billed by a wireless provider for wireless service or receives
    30  prepaid wireless telephone service from a wireless provider.
    20020H2969B4663                 - 16 -

     1  Such fee shall be collected apart from, and in addition to, any
     2  fee levied by the wireless provider in whole or in part for the
     3  provision of 911 services. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS OF THIS MONTHLY FEE  <--
     5  (B.1).
     6         (1)  Wireless providers shall collect the fee on behalf
     7     of the agency as part of their billing process and shall have
     8     no obligation to take any legal action to enforce the
     9     collection of the surcharge. Such action may be brought by or
    10     on behalf of the agency. Annually, upon written request of
    11     the agency, each wireless provider shall provide a list of
    12     the names and addresses of those wireless service customers
    13     carrying a balance that have failed to pay the wireless E-911
    14     surcharge. The wireless provider shall not be liable for such
    15     unpaid amounts.
    16         (2)  If a wireless provider receives a partial payment
    17     for a monthly bill from a wireless service customer, the
    18     wireless provider shall apply the payment against the amount
    19     the wireless service customer owes the wireless provider
    20     first and shall remit to the State Treasurer such lesser
    21     amount, if any, as shall result therefrom.
    22         (3)  The fees collected under this subsection shall not
    23     be subject to taxes or charges levied by the Commonwealth or
    24     any political subdivision of this Commonwealth, nor shall
    25     such fees be considered revenue of the wireless provider for
    26     any purpose.
    27         (4)  In the case of prepaid wireless telephone service,
    28     the monthly wireless 911 surcharge imposed by this section
    29     shall be remitted based upon each prepaid wireless telephone   <--
    30     ACCOUNT in any manner consistent with the carrier's            <--
    20020H2969B4663                 - 17 -

     1     PROVIDER'S existing operating or technological abilities,      <--
     2     such as customer address, location associated with the MTN,
     3     or reasonable allocation method based upon other comparable
     4     relevant data, and associated with Pennsylvania, for each
     5     wireless customer with an active prepaid wireless account and
     6     has a sufficient positive balance as of the last day of each
     7     month, if such information is available.
    16     (c)  Remittance of fees.--On a quarterly basis, each wireless
    17  provider shall remit the fees collected under subsection (b) to
    18  the State Treasurer for deposit into the fund.
    19     (d)  Reimbursement of wireless providers costs.--
    20         (1)  From every such remittance, the wireless provider
    21     shall be entitled to deduct and retain an amount not to
    22     exceed 2% of the gross receipts collected as reimbursement
    23     for the administrative costs incurred by the wireless
    24     provider to bill, collect and remit the surcharge.
    25         (2)  Upon receipt of a request by a public agency for
    26     wireless E-911 service, a wireless provider also shall be
    27     entitled:
    28             (i)  To be reimbursed for any recurring costs
    29         approved pursuant to agency rules associated with the
    30         development, implementation, operation and maintenance of
    20020H2969B4663                 - 18 -

     1         wireless E-911 service in the geographic area served by
     2         the requesting public agency.
     3             (ii)  To be reimbursed for any nonrecurring costs
     4         approved pursuant to agency rules associated with the
     5         development, implementation, operation and maintenance of
     6         wireless E-911 service in the geographic area served by
     7         the requesting public agency. Full reimbursement of the
     8         approved costs shall be made by the agency simultaneously
     9         with its initial approval of the costs, subject to a
    10         completion adjustment by mutual agreement of the agency
    11         and the wireless provider.
    12         (3)  In no event shall any expenditure be reimbursed for
    13     payment of costs that are not related to a wireless
    14     provider's compliance with requirements established by the
    15     wireless E-911 State plan or the FCC E-911 Order.
    16         (4)  Nothing in this act shall prevent a wireless
    17     provider from recovering its costs of implementing and
    18     maintaining wireless E-911 service directly from its
    19     customers, whether itemized on the customer's bill or by any
    20     other lawful method. No wireless provider that levies such a
    21     separate fee for provision of E-911 wireless service in the
    22     geographic area served by the requesting public agency may
    23     receive a reimbursement under this section for the same
    24     costs.
    25     (e)  Reporting by wireless providers.--With each remittance a
    26  wireless provider shall supply the following information to the
    27  State Treasurer and to the agency:
    28         (1)  The total fees collected through the wireless E-911
    29     surcharge from its wireless service customers during the
    30     reporting period.
    20020H2969B4663                 - 19 -

     1         (2)  The total amount retained by it as reimbursement for
     2     administrative costs to cover its expenses of billing,
     3     collecting and remitting the fees collected from the wireless
     4     E-911 surcharge during the reporting period.
     5         (3)  Until all nonrecurring costs have been recovered by
     6     a wireless provider, the total amount it has been reimbursed
     7     by the agency for nonrecurring costs associated with the
     8     development, implementation, operation and maintenance of
     9     wireless E-911 service during the reporting period.
    10     (f)  Information to be supplied by wireless providers.--All
    11  wireless providers shall provide the agency with such
    12  information as it shall request in writing in order to discharge
    13  its obligations under this section, including, but not limited
    14  to, the collection, deposit and adjustment AND DEPOSIT of the     <--
    15  wireless E-911 surcharge and its administration of the fund.
    16  Information supplied by wireless service providers pursuant to
    17  this section shall remain confidential and release of such
    18  information shall be governed by section 11.7.
    19     (g)  Prohibition.--No part of the fund, including any excess
    20  amount under section 11.6(a), shall be used for any purpose
    21  unless authorized by this act.
    25  Section 11.5.  Disbursement of fund amounts by agency.
    26     (a)  Expenditures for wireless E-911 systems.--During each
    27  fiscal year, the agency may, only in furtherance of the wireless
    28  E-911 State plan, disburse moneys from the wireless E-911
    29  Emergency Services Fund to agency-approved public agencies and
    30  wireless providers for the following purposes:
    20020H2969B4663                 - 20 -

     1         (1)  To provide for recurring and nonrecurring costs for
     2     the development, implementation, operation and maintenance of
     3     a Statewide integrated wireless E-911 system in accordance
     4     with the FCC E-911 Order.
     5         (2)  To train emergency service personnel regarding
     6     receipt and use of wireless E-911 service information.
     7         (3)  To educate consumers regarding the operations,
     8     limitations, role and responsible use of wireless E-911
     9     service.
    10         (4)  To provide for a wireless provider's agency-approved
    11     recurring and nonrecurring costs associated with the
    12     establishment, operation, administration and maintenance of
    13     the wireless E-911 system, including the costs of designing,
    14     developing, acquiring, constructing, maintaining and
    15     operating network or other equipment, hardware and data
    16     bases.
    17         (5)  PSAP eligible expenses to the extent:
    18             (i)  all eligible and approved expenses in section
    19         11.4(a)(1) have been reimbursed; and
    20             (ii)  they do not exceed the percentage of the actual
    21         demonstrated ratio of wireless calls to demonstrated
    22         total emergency call volume times the amount of money in
    23         the fund, and further:
    24                 (I)  the expenses are limited to 25% of the fund
    25             if a majority of wireless providers serving the
    26             geographic area covered by the PSAP have been tested
    27             and accepted by the PSAP for wireless E-911 Phase I
    28             service;
    29                 (II)  the expenses are limited to 50% of the fund
    30             if all of the wireless providers serving the
    20020H2969B4663                 - 21 -

     1             geographic area covered by the PSAP have been tested
     2             and accepted by the PSAP for wireless E-911 Phase I
     3             service;
     4                 (III)  the expenses are limited to 75% of the
     5             fund if a majority of wireless providers serving the
     6             geographic area covered by the PSAP have been tested
     7             and accepted by the PSAP for wireless E-911 Phase II
     8             service;
     9                 (IV)  the expenses are limited to 100% of the
    10             fund if all of the wireless providers serving the
    11             geographic area covered by the PSAP have been tested
    12             and accepted by the PSAP for wireless E-911 Phase II
    13             service.
    14         (6)  In the event that, pursuant to an FCC E-911 waiver,
    15     a wireless provider is temporarily relieved of its obligation
    16     to provide wireless E-911 Phase II service in the geographic
    17     area covered by a requesting PSAP, such wireless carrier
    18     shall be disregarded in the determinations to be made
    19     pursuant to paragraph (5)(III) and (IV) until such time as
    20     the wireless carrier's obligation to provide wireless E-911
    21     Phase II service again becomes effective.
    22     (b)  Limitations on use of fund amounts by public agencies.--
    23  No public agency shall receive a disbursement from the fund for
    24  any cost necessary to house the wireless E-911 system or for the
    25  purchase of real estate, cosmetic remodeling, ambulances, fire
    26  engines or other emergency vehicles, utilities, taxes and other
    27  expenses as determined by the agency. No more than 70% of the
    28  disbursements which a public agency receives from the fund
    29  during the agency's fiscal year may be utilized to fund
    30  personnel training, salary and benefit costs.
    20020H2969B4663                 - 22 -

     1     (c)  Pro rata sharing of fund amounts.--Should the total
     2  amount of funds in the fund in any quarter be insufficient to
     3  pay for both agency-approved public agency costs and agency-
     4  approved wireless provider costs, each wireless provider and the
     5  requesting public agency shall receive a pro rata share of the
     6  total funds in the account. The pro rata share for any public
     7  agency or wireless provider shall be computed based upon the
     8  total dollar amount of funds in the fund multiplied by the ratio
     9  of the total dollar amount of agency-approved but unpaid
    10  invoices of that public agency or wireless provider to the total
    11  dollar amount of all agency-approved but unpaid invoices. Any
    12  remaining unpaid agency-approved public agency costs or wireless
    13  provider costs shall be carried forward for payment during the
    14  next fiscal quarter. Such carryforward process shall continue
    15  each fiscal quarter until all agency-approved public agency
    16  costs and wireless provider costs have been paid.
    17     (d)  Triennial financial audit.--The agency shall require a
    18  triennial financial audit of each public agency's use of the
    19  disbursements it has received from the fund and of a wireless
    20  provider's collection, deduction, retention, remittance and use
    21  of the amounts collected by the wireless provider under the
    22  wireless E-911 surcharge or the disbursements it received from
    23  the fund. These triennial financial audits shall be consistent
    24  with guidelines established by the agency and the cost of each
    25  audit shall be paid from the fund.
    26  Section 11.6.  Reporting.
    27     (a)  Annual report by agency.--Not later than March 1 of each
    28  year, the agency, after consideration of the recommendations of
    29  the advisory board, shall submit an annual report, which may be
    30  combined with that required by section 3(a)(5), to the Governor
    20020H2969B4663                 - 23 -

     1  and the General Assembly. Subject to the provisions of section
     2  11.7(b), the report shall include at least the following:
     3         (1)  The extent to which wireless E-911 systems currently
     4     exist in this Commonwealth.
     5         (2)  Those public agencies which completed installation
     6     of wireless E-911 systems pursuant to the wireless E-911
     7     State plan and the costs and expenses for installation.
     8         (3)  An itemization by a public agency or wireless
     9     provider, project and description and expenditure for each
    10     wireless E-911 Emergency Services Fund disbursement made in
    11     the fiscal year just concluded. The itemization shall include
    12     an explanation of how each project contributed to the
    13     fulfillment of the existing wireless E-911 State plan.
    14         (4)  The planned expenditures for the next fiscal year
    15     for installation of wireless E-911 systems pursuant to the
    16     wireless E-911 State plan.
    17         (5)  The total aggregate fees collected from all wireless
    18     providers in the fiscal year just concluded based upon the
    19     reports of such providers submitted under section 11.4(e) and
    20     any other funds received by the fund.
    21         (6)  The amount of any unexpended funds carried forward
    22     in the fund.
    23         (7)  The amount of any remaining unpaid agency-approved
    24     public agency costs or wireless provider costs being carried
    25     forward for payment during the next fiscal quarter.
    26     (b)  Study of wireless E-911 emergency services
    27  implementation and operation.--The agency, after consideration
    28  of the recommendations of the advisory board COMMITTEE, shall     <--
    29  report to the Governor and the General Assembly no less than
    30  triennially its recommendations concerning wireless E-911
    20020H2969B4663                 - 24 -

     1  implementation and operation, including, but not limited to,
     2  necessary or required actions which must be undertaken in
     3  response to the Federal Communication Commission's directive in
     4  the FCC E-911 Order. The report shall recommend measures to be
     5  taken by the General Assembly.
     6  Section 11.7. Public disclosure and confidentiality of
     7                 information.
     8     (a)  Annual report of the agency.--The annual report of the
     9  agency shall be a public document.
    10     (b)  Prohibition against release of information.--Neither the
    11  State Treasurer, the agency, nor any employee, agent or
    12  representative of a PSAP or public agency shall divulge any
    13  information acquired by it or him with respect to any wireless
    14  provider, its customers, revenues or expenses, trade secrets,
    15  commercial information and such other proprietary information
    16  while acting or claiming to act as such employee, agent or
    17  representative, and all such information is hereby required to
    18  be kept confidential, except that aggregations of information
    19  which do not identify or effectively identify numbers of
    20  customers, revenues or expenses, trade secrets, commercial
    21  information and such other proprietary information attributable
    22  to any individual wireless provider may be made public.
    23  Section 11.8.  Wireless provider records.
    24     (a)  Access.--Upon request from and pursuant to agreement
    25  with a PSAP, each wireless provider shall provide E-911 Service
    26  data base information as permitted under the law to the
    27  requesting PSAP. Such information shall remain the property of
    28  the disclosing wireless provider and, except as otherwise
    29  provided by applicable Federal or State law, shall be used by
    30  the PSAP only in connection with providing emergency response
    20020H2969B4663                 - 25 -

     1  services to a call to a 911 system or to a wireless E-911
     2  system.
     3     (b)  Violations.--A person commits a misdemeanor of the third
     4  degree who:
     5         (1)  Uses or discloses wireless E-911 service data base
     6     information for purposes other than handling a call to a 911
     7     system or to a wireless E-911 system without the consent of
     8     the wireless service customer, or as otherwise provided by
     9     applicable Federal or State law.
    10         (2)  Knowingly uses the telephone number of a 911 system
    11     or wireless E-911 system to avoid any charges for the
    12     services of a local exchange carrier, competitive local
    13     exchange carrier, interexchange carrier or wireless provider.
    14     (c)  Privacy waived.--The provisions of 66 Pa.C.S. § 2906
    15  (relating to dissemination of telephone numbers and other
    16  identifying information) shall have no application to wireless
    17  providers engaged in providing wireless E-911 service or related
    18  services.
    19  Section 11.9.  Immunity.
    20     (a)  Generally.--No wireless provider or its officers,
    21  directors, employees, agents or vendors shall be liable to any
    22  person for criminal penalties or civil damages resulting from,
    23  or caused by, such wireless provider's, its officers',
    24  directors', employees', agents' or suppliers' participation in
    25  or acts, failure or omissions in connection with that
    26  participation in the development, design, installation,
    27  operation, maintenance, performance or provision of wireless E-
    28  911 service, except for willful or wanton misconduct.
    29     (b)  Parity of liability.--A wireless provider shall have the
    30  same immunity from liability for transmission errors or
    20020H2969B4663                 - 26 -

     1  failures, network outages or other technical problems that arise
     2  in the course of handling emergency calls or providing emergency
     3  services (including wireless E-911 service) as a local exchange
     4  carrier enjoys in the course of handling such calls or providing
     5  such services.
     6     (c)  Release of information.--No wireless provider or its
     7  employees or agents shall be liable to any person for releasing
     8  wireless service customer information to the agency or to any
     9  911 system or wireless E-911 system, public agency or PSAP as
    10  required by this act.
    11  Section 11.10.  Agency funding for wireless E-911 support.
    12     The agency is authorized to retain up to one-half of one
    13  percent of the annual wireless E-911 surcharge proceeds to pay
    14  for agency expenses directly related to administering the
    15  wireless E-911 provisions of this act. This will include, but
    16  will not be limited to, personnel, travel, administrative and
    17  printing costs.
    18  Section 11.11.  Rate regulation.
    19     Nothing in this act shall be construed to constitute the
    20  regulation of the rates charged by wireless providers for any
    21  service or feature which they provide to their wireless service
    22  customers, or to prohibit a wireless provider from charging a
    23  wireless service customer for any service or feature provided to
    24  such customer.
    25  Section 11.12.  Rules and regulations.
    26     The agency shall have the power and authority to issue
    27  guidelines and to promulgate, adopt, publish, use and enforce
    28  rules and regulations for the implementation of this act and
    29  shall within one year of the effective date of this act, after
    30  consideration of the recommendations of the advisory board,
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     1  promulgate such guidelines and rules and regulations as may be
     2  necessary to implement this act. Guidelines and rules and
     3  regulations proposed under the authority of this section shall
     4  be subject to review by the General Counsel and the Attorney
     5  General in the manner provided for the review of proposed rules
     6  and regulations pursuant to the act of October 15, 1980
     7  (P.L.950, No.164), known as the Commonwealth Attorneys Act, and
     8  the act of June 25, 1982 (P.L.633, No.181), known as the
     9  Regulatory Review Act.
    10  Section 11.13.  Enforcement of provisions of act.
    11     In addition to any powers expressly enumerated in this act,
    12  the agency shall have full power and authority, and it shall be
    13  its duty to enforce, execute and carry out, by its rules and
    14  regulations, or otherwise, all and singular, the provisions of
    15  this act, and the agency may institute injunction, mandamus or
    16  other appropriate legal proceedings to enforce the provisions of
    17  this act and regulations promulgated under it.
    18     Section 7.  If any provision of this act or the application
    19  thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, such
    20  invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of
    21  the act which can be given effect without the invalid provision
    22  or application, and to this end the provisions of this act are
    23  declared to be severable.
    24     Section 8.  This act shall take effect as follows:
    25         (1)  The wireless E-911 subscriber surcharge provided in
    26     section 11.4 of the act shall take effect upon the first
    27     billing cycle of a wireless provider occurring 90 days after
    28     the effective date of this act.
    29         (2)  The remainder of this act shall take effect in 90
    30     days.
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