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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 4232



No. 2974 Session of 1990

           NOVEMBER 12, 1990


                                     AN ACT

     1  Facilitating medical treatment decisionmaking by establishing a
     2     procedure whereby a person may execute in advance a written
     3     declaration indicating to a physician the person's desire for
     4     a physician to initiate, continue, withhold or withdraw
     5     certain medical treatment in the event the person suffers a
     6     terminal illness or injury and is incompetent; requiring in
     7     certain cases the provision of nutrition and hydration; and
     8     providing penalties.

     9                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
    10  Section 1.  Short title.
    11  Section 2.  Legislative purpose.
    12  Section 3.  Definitions.
    13  Section 4.  Declaration.
    14  Section 5.  Revocation.
    15  Section 6.  Time limitation.
    16  Section 7.  Liability.
    17  Section 8.  Duty of physician to confirm terminal condition.
    18  Section 9.  Failure to comply.
    19  Section 10.  Effect on suicide and life insurance; declaration

     1                 optional.
     2  Section 11.  Euthanasia and aided-suicide prohibited.
     3  Section 12.  Preservation of existing rights; required
     4                 treatment; power of attorney.
     5  Section 13.  Requirement to provide nutrition and hydration.
     6  Section 14.  Penalties.
     7  Section 15.  Effective date.
     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10  Section 1.  Short title.
    11     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Medical
    12  Treatment Decision Act.
    13  Section 2.  Legislative purpose.
    14     The General Assembly finds that all competent adults have a
    15  qualified right to control decisions relating to their own
    16  medical care. This right is subject to certain interests of
    17  society, such as the maintenance of ethical standards in the
    18  medical profession and the preservation and protection of human
    19  life, including the prevention of homicide, euthanasia and
    20  suicide or aided-suicide. The General Assembly further finds
    21  that, in some instances, the use of certain medical procedures
    22  for an incompetent person in a terminal condition may provide
    23  nothing necessary or beneficial to the person or may of itself
    24  impose an unwarranted burden on the person. To insure that the
    25  rights and intentions of a person in a terminal condition may be
    26  respected, even after that person is no longer able to
    27  participate actively in decisions concerning treatment, and to
    28  encourage communication between such a person and his family and
    29  physician, the General Assembly hereby declares its recognition
    30  of the right of a competent adult to make a written declaration
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     1  respecting the initiation, continuation, withholding or
     2  withdrawing of certain medical treatments in the event that such
     3  person becomes incompetent and is diagnosed as suffering from a
     4  terminal condition. The General Assembly further finds that
     5  while certain medical treatments can be withdrawn or withheld,
     6  it is a person's right to seek the institution or continuation
     7  of reasonable medical treatment which sustains life and that
     8  undertreatment of the terminally ill is not acceptable whether
     9  prompted by economic considerations or assumptions that some
    10  lives are not worth sustaining.
    11  Section 3.  Definitions.
    12     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    13  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    14  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    15     "Adult."  Any person 18 years of age or older.
    16     "Attending physician."  The physician who has primary
    17  responsibility for the treatment and care of the patient.
    18     "Declaration."  A written document, voluntarily executed by
    19  the declarant in accordance with this act.
    20     "Euthanasia."  The intentional causing of the death of a
    21  person, whether by act or omission, in order to relieve such
    22  person of suffering or other persons or entities of
    23  psychological, financial, social or other burdens. The term
    24  shall not include the withholding or withdrawal of medical
    25  treatment as the term "medical treatment" is defined in this act
    26  and, as to a "patient" as defined in this act, shall not include
    27  the withholding or withdrawal of medical treatment done in
    28  accordance with this act.
    29     "Incompetent."  The lack of sufficient capacity for a person
    30  to make or communicate decisions concerning himself.
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     1     "Life-support system."  Any mechanical or electronic device,
     2  except one used for providing nutrition or hydration, utilized
     3  in order to replace, assist or supplement the function of any
     4  human vital organ or combination of organs.
     5     "Medical treatment."  The use of surgery, treatment,
     6  medication and the utilization of mechanical or electronic
     7  devices to sustain the life of a patient. The term shall not
     8  include any procedure, treatment, intervention or service to
     9  provide nutrition or hydration to a patient unless the nutrition
    10  or hydration could not be physically assimilated by the patient
    11  or would be physically harmful or unreasonably painful to the
    12  patient. The term shall also not include such medication or
    13  medical procedures as are necessary to provide comfort and care
    14  and to alleviate pain.
    15     "Patient."  A person who has been diagnosed and certified in
    16  writing to be afflicted with a terminal condition by two
    17  physicians, one of whom shall be the attending physician and
    18  both of whom shall have personally examined the patient.
    19     "Terminal condition."  An incurable and irreversible medical
    20  condition caused by injury, disease or physical illness which
    21  will, in the opinion of the attending physician, to a reasonable
    22  degree of medical certainty, result in death regardless of the
    23  continued application of medical treatment, including life-
    24  support systems. The term shall not include senility, affliction
    25  with Alzheimer's disease, any form of mental retardation or
    26  mental illness, or chronic mental or physical impairment,
    27  including comatose conditions, which alone will not result in
    28  death.
    29  Section 4.  Declaration.
    30     (a)  Execution.--Any competent adult may, at any time,
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     1  execute a declaration directing the initiating, continuing,
     2  withholding or withdrawal of medical treatment in the event the
     3  person should have a terminal condition and be incompetent. The
     4  declaration shall be signed and dated by the declarant, or by
     5  another person in the declarant's presence at the declarant's
     6  express direction, in the presence of two witnesses. All
     7  signatures must be notarized for the declaration to be
     8  effective. A witness must be at least 18 years of age. A witness
     9  shall not be:
    10         (1)  Related to the declarant by blood or marriage.
    11         (2)  Entitled to any portion of the estate of the
    12     declarant under the intestate succession laws of this
    13     Commonwealth, then existing, or under any will of the
    14     declarant, then existing.
    15         (3)  A person who has a claim against any portion of the
    16     estate of the declarant.
    17         (4)  The attending physician, an employee of the
    18     attending physician or an employee of a health facility in
    19     which the declarant is a patient.
    20         (5)  Directly or indirectly financially responsible for
    21     the medical care of the declarant or be an officer, agent or
    22     employee of any government agency, any insurance company or
    23     other organization financially responsible, in whole or in
    24     part, for medical care of the declarant.
    25         (6)  The person who signed the declaration on behalf and
    26     at the direction of the declarant.
    27     (b)  Notification.--It is the responsibility of the declarant
    28  to notify the attending physician of the existence of the
    29  declaration. The attending physician, when presented with the
    30  declaration, shall make the declaration, or a copy thereof, a
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     1  part of the medical records of the declarant.
     2     (c)  Form.--The declaration may be in the following form and
     3  may include other specific directions, including, but not
     4  limited to, a designation of another person to make the
     5  treatment decision for the declarant should the declarant be
     6  diagnosed as suffering from a terminal condition and be
     7  incompetent or otherwise mentally or physically incapable of
     8  communication. Should any specific direction be held to be
     9  invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other directions of the
    10  declaration which can be given effect without the invalid
    11  direction.
    12                            DECLARATION
    13             Declaration made this ____ day of ______________
    14         (month, year). I, ________________________, being of
    15         sound mind, willfully and voluntarily make known my
    16         desire that my dying shall not be artificially prolonged
    17         under the circumstances set forth below, and do hereby
    18         declare:
    19             (1)  If at any time I should have an incurable
    20         condition caused by injury, disease or illness certified
    21         to be a terminal condition by two physicians who have
    22         personally examined me, one of whom shall be my attending
    23         physician, and the physicians have determined that my
    24         death will occur whether or not medical treatment,
    25         including life-support systems, are utilized and where
    26         the application of medical treatment, including life-
    27         support systems, would serve only to artificially prolong
    28         the dying process, I direct that such treatment be
    29         withheld or withdrawn, and that I be permitted to die
    30         naturally with only the administration of medication or
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     1         the performance of any medical procedure deemed necessary
     2         to alleviate pain.
     3             (2)  In the absence of my ability to give directions
     4         regarding the use of such medical treatment, it is my
     5         intention that this declaration shall be honored by my
     6         family and physician as the final expression of my wish
     7         to refuse medical treatment and accept the consequences
     8         from such refusal.
     9             (3)  I understand the full import of this declaration
    10         and I am emotionally and mentally competent to make this
    11         declaration.
    12                                    Signed________________________
    13         City, County and State of Residence _____________________
    14             Jurat
    15     (d)  Limitations on declaration.--
    16         (1)  The declaration may include directions, including,
    17     but not limited to, a designation of another person to
    18     participate in the making of the treatment decision for the
    19     declarant should the declarant be diagnosed as suffering from
    20     a terminal condition and be incompetent or otherwise mentally
    21     incapable of communication. However, a designee may not
    22     participate in the treatment decision unless the patient does
    23     not then have and will not regain, to a reasonable degree of
    24     medical certainty, the capacity to make decisions for
    25     himself.
    26         (2)  Notwithstanding the form or the specific directions
    27     of a declaration, medical treatment must be provided to a
    28     pregnant patient with a terminal condition unless, to a
    29     reasonable degree of medical certainty, as certified on the
    30     patient's medical chart by the attending physician and an
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     1     obstetrician who has examined the patient, such medical
     2     treatment will not maintain the patient in such a way as to
     3     permit the continuing development and live birth of the
     4     unborn child or will be physically harmful or unreasonably
     5     painful to the patient or prolong severe pain which cannot be
     6     alleviated by medication.
     7         (3)  Should any specific direction in the declaration be
     8     held to be invalid, the invalidity shall not offset other
     9     directions of the declaration which can be effected without
    10     the invalid direction.
    11     (e)  Witnessing of a declaration.--The witnesses to a
    12  declaration must sign a statement at the time the declaration is
    13  executed which statement must be attached to the declaration and
    14  be in substantially the following form:
    15             I believe the declarant to be of sound mind. I did
    16         not sign the declarant's signature above for or at the
    17         direction of the declarant. I am at least 18 years of age
    18         and am not related to the declarant by blood or marriage,
    19         have no claim against any portion of the estate of the
    20         declarant, am not entitled to any portion of the estate
    21         of the declarant according to the laws of intestate
    22         succession of Pennsylvania or under any will of the
    23         declarant or codicil thereto, nor am I directly or
    24         indirectly financially responsible for declarant's
    25         medical care. I am not the declarant's attending
    26         physician, an employee of the attending physician or an
    27         employee of the health facility in which the declarant is
    28         a patient.
    29                                         Witness__________________
    30                                         Witness__________________
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     1         Jurat
     2     (f)  Right to have medical treatment initiated or
     3  continued.--Nothing in this section shall be construed to
     4  prohibit a person from executing a declaration pursuant to this
     5  section which directs the initiation or continuation of medical
     6  treatment in the event the person should have a terminal
     7  condition.
     8  Section 5.  Revocation.
     9     (a)  Methods.--A declaration may be revoked at any time by
    10  the declarant, without regard to his mental state or competency,
    11  by any of the following methods:
    12         (1)  By being canceled, defaced, obliterated, burnt, torn
    13     or otherwise destroyed by the declarant or by some person in
    14     his presence and by his direction. Revocation of a
    15     declaration shall become effective only upon:
    16             (A)  taking such an action; and
    17             (B)  upon communication of revocation to the
    18         attending physician by the declarant or by a person
    19         acting on behalf of the declarant.
    20         (2)  By a written revocation of the declarant expressing
    21     his intent to revoke, signed and dated by the declarant. The
    22     revocation shall become effective only upon communication of
    23     the revocation to the attending physician by the declarant or
    24     by a person acting on behalf of the declarant. The attending
    25     physician shall record in the medical record of the patient
    26     the time and date when he received notification of the
    27     written revocation.
    28         (3)  By an oral expression by the declarant of his intent
    29     to revoke the declaration. The revocation shall become
    30     effective only upon communication of the revocation to the
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     1     attending physician by the declarant or by a person acting on
     2     behalf of the declarant. The attending physician shall record
     3     in the medical record of the patient the time, date and place
     4     of the revocation and the time, date and place, if different,
     5     of when he received notification of the revocation.
     6     (b)  Effect upon criminal or civil liability.--There shall be
     7  no criminal or civil liability on the part of any person for
     8  failure to act upon a revocation made pursuant to this section
     9  unless that person has actual knowledge of the revocation.
    10  Section 6.  Time limitation.
    11     A declaration executed in accordance with this act shall be
    12  effective for five years from the date of execution, provided
    13  that, if the declarant becomes incompetent within five years
    14  after the execution of the declaration and remains incompetent
    15  at the time of the determination of a terminal condition as
    16  provided by section 8, the declaration shall continue in effect.
    17  Upon the expiration of the declaration, a new declaration must
    18  be executed should the declarant wish to make a written
    19  declaration pursuant to this act. However, if the declaration
    20  has expired and the physician proceeds under section 7(a)(2),
    21  there shall be a presumption in favor of the expired declaration
    22  as the express wish of the patient concerning medical treatment.
    23  Section 7.  Liability.
    24     (a)  General rule.--No physician, licensed health care
    25  professional, health care provider, health care facility or
    26  employee thereof who, in good faith and pursuant to reasonable
    27  medical standards and otherwise consistent with this act, causes
    28  or participates in the initiating, continuing, withholding or
    29  withdrawal of medical treatment, including life-support systems,
    30  from a patient who is incompetent shall, as a result thereof, be
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     1  subject to criminal or civil liability, or be found to have
     2  committed an act of unprofessional conduct if:
     3         (1)  the attending physician has followed the patient's
     4     wishes as expressed earlier by the patient in the form of a
     5     declaration executed pursuant to this act; or
     6         (2)  in a situation where there appears to exist no
     7     declaration executed pursuant to this act, the physician has
     8     obtained the written informed consent of any of the following
     9     individuals who shall be guided by the express or implied
    10     wishes of the patient concerning medical treatment, these
    11     persons to be consulted in the following order of priority:
    12             (i)  the guardian of the person of the patient if one
    13         has been appointed;
    14             (ii)  the spouse of the patient;
    15             (iii)  the adult child of the patient or, if the
    16         patient has more than one adult child, by a majority of
    17         the adult children who are reasonably available for
    18         consultation;
    19             (iv)  a parent of the patient; or
    20             (v)  the nearest living relative of the patient.
    21     (b)  Express consent.--The written informed consent of the
    22  first of the individuals listed in subsection (a)(2) willing to
    23  consult and competent to render the consent shall constitute the
    24  written informed consent required by subsection (a)(1).
    25     (c)  Absence of declaration.--The absence of a declaration by
    26  a patient shall not give rise to any presumption as to the
    27  intent of the patient to consent to or to refuse the initiation,
    28  continuation or termination of medical treatment.
    29  Section 8.  Duty of physician to confirm terminal condition.
    30     (a)  Procedure after diagnosis of terminal condition.--An
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     1  attending physician shall, without delay after the diagnosis of
     2  a terminal condition of a person, certify, in writing, the
     3  terminal condition of the patient and arrange for the physical
     4  examination and diagnosis of the patient's condition by a second
     5  physician.
     6     (b)  Informing patient of terminal condition.--Once written
     7  certification and confirmation of the terminal condition of a
     8  declarant is made, a person who made a declaration must be
     9  advised by the attending physician of his terminal condition.
    10  The current wishes of the person shall, at all times, supersede
    11  the effect of the declaration. If the person is diagnosed as
    12  incompetent, the declarant shall become a patient as defined in
    13  this act only upon written certification and confirmation of a
    14  terminal condition by the attending physician and the second
    15  physician.
    16  Section 9.  Failure to comply.
    17     (a)  Unprofessional conduct.--An attending physician shall be
    18  deemed to have refused to comply with this act and be considered
    19  to have committed an act of unprofessional conduct if:
    20         (1)  the physician fails to consider and act upon the
    21     declaration of a patient or the treatment consent of a person
    22     designated to participate in the treatment decision by the
    23     declarant in the declaration to the extent that the
    24     declaration or decision is consistent with this act and is
    25     pursuant to reasonable medical standards; or
    26         (2)  as to a patient without a declaration executed
    27     pursuant to this act, the physician fails to act consistent
    28     with the terms of this act and reasonable medical standards.
    29     (b)  Transfer to another physician.--Notwithstanding the
    30  provisions of subsection (a), an attending physician shall not
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     1  be considered to have committed an act of unprofessional conduct
     2  if:
     3         (1)  the physician advises or attempts to advise the
     4     designee of the patient named in his validly executed
     5     declaration (but if there is no such declaration and
     6     designee, then the first available person in the order of
     7     priority set forth in section 7(a)(2)) of the physician's
     8     unwillingness to act; and
     9         (2)  the physician further advises or attempts to advise
    10     him that the patient may be transferred to the care of
    11     another physician chosen by the patient's representative with
    12     arrangements for such transfer being the responsibility of
    13     the patient's representative.
    14     (c)  Declaration or direction must be consistent with medical
    15  standards.--Nothing in this act shall obligate a physician,
    16  health care provider or health care facility to follow a
    17  patient's declaration or the directions of the patient's
    18  designee, if such declaration or direction would be contrary to
    19  reasonable medical standards.
    20  Section 10.  Effect on suicide and life insurance; declaration
    21                 optional.
    22     (a)  Suicide.--The withholding or withdrawal of medical
    23  treatment from a patient in accordance with the provisions of
    24  this act shall not, for any purpose, constitute a suicide or
    25  causing or aiding a suicide.
    26     (b)  Life insurance.--The making of, or failure to make, a
    27  declaration in accordance with this act shall not affect in any
    28  manner the sale, procurement or issuance of any policy of life
    29  insurance, nor shall it be deemed to modify the terms of an
    30  existing policy of life insurance. No policy of life insurance
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     1  shall be legally impaired or invalidated in any manner by the
     2  withholding or withdrawal of medical treatment from an insured
     3  patient, notwithstanding any term of the policy to the contrary.
     4     (c)  Declaration optional.--No physician, health care
     5  facility or other health care provider, and no health care
     6  service plan, health maintenance organization, insurer issuing
     7  disability insurance, self-insured employee welfare benefit
     8  plan, nonprofit hospital plan or State, local, county or Federal
     9  Government-sponsored or operated program:
    10         (1)  shall require any person to execute a declaration as
    11     a condition for being insured for, or receiving, health care
    12     services; or
    13         (2)  shall charge any person a different rate or fee
    14     whether or not the person executes or has executed a
    15     declaration.
    16  Section 11.  Euthanasia and aided-suicide prohibited.
    17     Nothing in this act shall be construed to condone, authorize
    18  or approve euthanasia or aided-suicide, or to permit any
    19  affirmative or deliberate act or omission to end life other than
    20  to permit the natural process of dying as provided in this act.
    21  Section 12.  Preservation of existing rights; required
    22                 treatment; power of attorney.
    23     (a)  Legal rights not impaired.--The provisions of this act
    24  are cumulative with existing law regarding the right of an
    25  individual to consent or refuse to consent to medical treatment
    26  and shall not impair or supersede any existing rights or
    27  responsibilities which a health care provider, a patient,
    28  including a minor or incompetent patient, or the family of a
    29  patient may have in regard to the withholding or withdrawal of
    30  medical treatment under the laws of this Commonwealth.
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     1     (b)  Necessary medical care.--Any section of this act which
     2  requires that certain treatment, or nutrition or hydration, or
     3  both, be provided establishes a course of necessary medical
     4  care.
     5     (c)  Pregnant patients.--Whether or not a patient had made a
     6  declaration pursuant to this act, medical treatment must be
     7  provided to a pregnant patient with a terminal condition unless,
     8  to a reasonable degree of medical certainty, as certified on the
     9  patient's medical chart by the attending physician and an
    10  obstetrician who has examined the patient, such medical
    11  treatment will not maintain the patient in such a way as to
    12  permit the continuing development and live birth of the unborn
    13  child or will be physically harmful or unreasonably painful to
    14  the patient or prolong severe pain which cannot be alleviated by
    15  medication.
    16     (d)  Power of attorney.--A power of attorney executed
    17  pursuant to 20 Pa.C.S. Ch. 56 (relating to powers of attorney)
    18  shall, as to the treatment for a patient with a terminal
    19  condition, have no greater effect than a declaration executed
    20  pursuant to this act notwithstanding any specific grant of power
    21  by a patient regarding medical care, nursing care or medical and
    22  surgical procedures.
    23  Section 13.  Requirement to provide nutrition and hydration.
    24     Nothing in this act shall relieve a person, whether or not he
    25  has a terminal condition, of the right and obligation to
    26  receive, or the physician, health care provider or health care
    27  facility of the obligation to provide, nutrition and hydration
    28  except that as to a patient with a terminal condition such
    29  nutrition and hydration may be withheld if it could not be
    30  physically assimilated by the patient or would be physically
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     1  harmful or unreasonably painful to the patient. Further, nothing
     2  in this act shall relieve the physician, health care provider or
     3  health care facility of the obligation to provide other measures
     4  deemed necessary to provide comfort to a person or to alleviate
     5  his pain regardless of whether a person has a terminal
     6  condition.
     7  Section 14.  Penalties.
     8     Any person who willfully conceals, cancels, defaces,
     9  obliterates or damages the declaration of another without the
    10  consent of the declarant commits a felony of the third degree.
    11  Any person who falsifies or forges the declaration of another,
    12  or willfully conceals or withholds personal knowledge of a
    13  revocation as provided in section 5, with the intent to cause a
    14  withholding or withdrawal of medical treatment contrary to the
    15  wishes of the declarant and, because of such an act, directly
    16  causes medical treatment to be withheld or withdrawn and death
    17  to be hastened, shall be subject to prosecution for criminal
    18  homicide as provided in 18 Pa.C.S. Ch. 25 (relating to criminal
    19  homicide). Any person who willfully, by undue influence, fraud
    20  or duress, causes a person to execute a declaration pursuant to
    21  this act commits a felony of the third degree.
    22  Section 15.  Effective date.
    23     This act shall take effect immediately.

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