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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 4835



No. 3048 Session of 2006



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), entitled "An
     2     act relating to tax reform and State taxation by codifying
     3     and enumerating certain subjects of taxation and imposing
     4     taxes thereon; providing procedures for the payment,
     5     collection, administration and enforcement thereof; providing
     6     for tax credits in certain cases; conferring powers and
     7     imposing duties upon the Department of Revenue, certain
     8     employers, fiduciaries, individuals, persons, corporations
     9     and other entities; prescribing crimes, offenses and
    10     penalties," providing for the High-Performance Buildings Tax
    11     Credit.

    12     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    13  hereby enacts as follows:
    14     Section 1.  The act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as
    15  the Tax Reform Code of 1971, is amended by adding an article to
    16  read:
    17                           ARTICLE XIX-B
    19  Section 1901-B.  Scope.
    20     This article authorizes the High-Performance Buildings Tax
    21  Credit.

     1  Section 1902-B.  Purpose.
     2     The General Assembly declares the purposes of this article as
     3  follows:
     4         (1)  To promote better energy and environmental standards
     5     for construction, rehabilitation and maintenance of buildings
     6     in this Commonwealth.
     7         (2)  To optimize the energy performance of buildings
     8     throughout this Commonwealth.
     9         (3)  To increase the demand for environmentally
    10     preferable building materials, finishes and furnishings.
    11         (4)  To improve environmental quality in this
    12     Commonwealth by decreasing the discharge of pollutants from
    13     buildings and their manufacture.
    14         (5)  To create public awareness of new technologies that
    15     can improve the health and productivity of building occupants
    16     by meeting advanced criteria for indoor air quality.
    17         (6)  To improve working conditions and reduce related
    18     health problems.
    19         (7)  To reduce this Commonwealth's dependence on imported
    20     sources of energy through buildings that conserve energy and
    21     utilize local and renewable energy sources.
    22         (8)  To protect and restore this Commonwealth's natural
    23     resources by avoiding development of inappropriate building
    24     sites.
    25         (9)  To reduce the burden on municipal water supply and
    26     treatment by reducing potable water consumption.
    27         (10)  To reduce waste generation and to manage waste
    28     through recycling and diversion from landfill disposal.
    29         (11)  To improve this Commonwealth's capacity to design,
    30     build and operate higher performance buildings, and in doing
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     1     so, to create new jobs and contribute to economic growth.
     2  Section 1903-B.  Definitions.
     3     The following words and phrases when used in this article
     4  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     5  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     6     "Achievement."  Achievement and award of certification by a
     7  high-performance green building standard as set forth in section
     8  1904-B and adopted by regulation.
     9     "Building project."  The design, construction and renovation
    10  of an inhabited physical structure and project building site.
    11     "Commercial interior fit-out."  Interior design and
    12  installation by owners or tenants of new or existing space,
    13  excluding structural components and core and shell elements.
    14     "Credit allowance year."  The later of:
    15         (1)  The taxable year during which the property,
    16     construction, completion or rehabilitation referred to in
    17     section 1905-B(a) has been placed in service or has received
    18     a final certificate of occupancy.
    19         (2)  The first taxable year with respect to which the tax
    20     credit may be claimed pursuant to the initial tax credit
    21     component certificate issued pursuant to section 1908-B(a).
    22     "Department."  The Department of Revenue of the Commonwealth.
    23     "Eligible building."  A building located in this Commonwealth
    24  that is any of the following:
    25         (1)  A residential multifamily building with at least
    26     four habitable stories that contains at least 10,000 square
    27     feet of interior space.
    28         (2)  One or more residential multifamily buildings with
    29     at least four habitable stories that are part of a single or
    30     phased construction project that contains, in the aggregate,
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     1     at least 20,000 square feet of interior space, provided that
     2     in any single phase of such project at least 10,000 square
     3     feet of interior space is under construction or
     4     rehabilitation.
     5         (3)  A building used for commercial or industrial
     6     purposes of at least 10,000 gross square feet.
     7         (4)  Any combination of buildings described in paragraph
     8     (1), (2) or (3) with at least 30,000 square feet of interior
     9     space and a minimum of 10,000 square feet of interior space
    10     per building.
    11     "High-performance building."  A building that is designed to
    12  achieve integrated systems design and construction so as to
    13  significantly reduce or eliminate the negative impact of the
    14  built environment.
    15     "Tax credit."  The High-Performance Buildings Tax Credit
    16  authorized under this article.
    17     "Taxpayer."  A business entity subject to tax under Article
    18  III, IV, VI, VII, VIII, IX or XV. The term shall include the
    19  shareholder of a Pennsylvania S corporation that receives a tax
    20  credit under this article.
    21     "Tiers."  The level of achievement that must occur to
    22  calculate the eligible amount of tax credit available. During
    23  the first year of implementation of this article, the term means
    24  three such levels as follows:
    25         (1)  Tier I: Achievement of the minimum level required
    26     for certification plus one additional level. Tier I shall
    27     also require the achievement of Environmental Protection
    28     Agency Energy Star rating of at least 85 following the second
    29     year of facility operation.
    30         (2)  Tier II: Achievement of the minimum level required
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     1     for certification plus two additional levels. Tier II shall
     2     also require achievement of Environmental Protection Agency
     3     Energy Star rating of at least 90 following the second year
     4     of facility operation.
     5         (3)  Tier III: Achievement of the minimum level required
     6     for certification plus three additional levels. Tier III
     7     shall also require achievement of Environmental Protection
     8     Agency Energy Star rating of at least 95 following the second
     9     year of facility operation.
    10  The three tier levels shall remain in effect unless and until
    11  modifications are made by the department, in consultation with
    12  the Department of Environmental Protection, and necessitated by
    13  the emergence of new or changes to existing high-performance
    14  building standards as defined under sections 1904-B and 1905-B.
    15  Section 1904-B.  Standards.
    16     The high-performance building standards applicable to this
    17  article shall meet all of the following minimum criteria:
    18         (1)  Be consensus-based, as defined by the Office of
    19     Management and Budget, Circular No. A-119, dated February 10,
    20     1998.
    21         (2)  At a minimum, include performance-based categories
    22     or tax credits that will foster achievement of items under
    23     section 1902-B(2), (3), (4), (6), (7), (8), (9) and (10).
    24         (3)  Require documentation, verifiable calculations or
    25     the equivalent procedure to substantiate and support any
    26     claims made relative to section 1904(2).
    27         (4)  Employ third-party, postconstruction review and
    28     verification for achievement of certification.
    29         (5)  Have a track record of certified green buildings in
    30     the United States.
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     1  Section 1905-B.  Eligibility.
     2     (a)  Projects.--All projects shall meet or exceed a
     3  prescribed level of achievement under the adopted high-
     4  performance building standard as defined under section 1904-B.
     5     (b)  Level of achievement.--The level of achievement to be
     6  met under subsection (a) shall be the tier levels.
     7  Section 1906-B.  High-Performance Building Tax Credit.
     8     (a)  Eligible taxpayers and buildings.--The High-Performance
     9  Building Tax Credit shall be available to a taxpayer, whether
    10  owner or tenant, for either the construction of a high-
    11  performance building or the rehabilitation of a building which
    12  is not a high-performance building into a high-performance
    13  building.
    14     (b)  Application.--A taxpayer may apply for a tax credit
    15  against any tax imposed under Article III, IV, VI, VII, VIII, IX
    16  or XV. The amount of the credit shall be as specified in section
    17  1907-B. The amount of each credit shall not exceed the limit set
    18  forth in the initial credit certificate obtained pursuant to
    19  section 1908-B(a). In the determination of the tax credit, no
    20  cost paid or incurred by the taxpayer shall be the basis for
    21  more than one tax credit.
    22     (c)  Requirements.--The tax credit may not be allowed for any
    23  taxable year unless all of the following are met:
    24         (1)  The taxpayer has obtained and filed both an initial
    25     credit certificate and high-performance documentation issued
    26     pursuant to section 1908-B.
    27         (2)  A certificate of occupancy for the building has been
    28     issued.
    29         (3)  The property for which the credit is claimed is in
    30     service during the taxable year.
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     1     (d)  Timing.--The credit amount allowed for the high-
     2  performance building shall be claimed for the credit allowance
     3  year and for each of the three taxable years succeeding the
     4  credit allowance year. The total tax credit allowed in the
     5  aggregate may not exceed the maximum set forth in the initial
     6  tax credit certificate issued under section 1908-B.
     7     (e)  Credit to successor owner.--If a credit is allowed to a
     8  building owner pursuant to this article with respect to property
     9  and the property, or an interest therein, is sold, the tax
    10  credit for the period after the sale which would have been
    11  allowable to the prior owner had the property not been sold
    12  shall be allowable to the new owner. The tax credit for the year
    13  of sale shall be allocated between the parties on the basis of
    14  the number of days during such year that the property or
    15  interest was held by each.
    16     (f)  Credit to successor tenant.--If a tax credit is allowed
    17  to a tenant pursuant to this article with respect to property
    18  and if the tenancy is terminated but the property continues to
    19  be used in the building by a successor tenant, the tax credit
    20  for the period after termination which would have been allowable
    21  to the prior tenant had the tenancy not been terminated shall be
    22  allowable to the successor tenant. The tax credit for the year
    23  of termination shall be allocated between the parties on the
    24  basis of the number of days during such year that the property
    25  was used by each.
    26  Section 1907-B.  Tax credit amount.
    27     (a)  General rule.--The total tax credit that is available to
    28  a taxpayer for a single eligible project shall be distributed in
    29  four equal amounts over each of the four years specified in
    30  section 1906-B(d). This total amount shall be based on the
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     1  number of gross square feet of floor space in the eligible
     2  building, that building's achievement of an appropriate standard
     3  and the tier of achievement earned. In addition, no building may
     4  receive a tax credit unless it has earned achievement at or
     5  above the Tier I level. All such approved projects shall receive
     6  a base tax credit of $35,000.
     7     (b)  Additional tax credit.--An additional tax credit shall
     8  be given cumulatively based on the following formula:
     9         (1)  For buildings achieving Tier I:
    10             (i)  For the first 10,000 gross square feet, $1.50 of
    11         tax credit per square foot.
    12             (ii)  For up to the next 40,000 gross square feet, an
    13         additional 75¢ of tax credit per square foot.
    14             (iii)  For the next 50,000 gross square feet or
    15         greater, an additional 50¢ of tax credit per square foot.
    16         (2)  For achieving Tier II:
    17             (i)  For the first 10,000 gross square feet, $2.50 of
    18         tax credit per square foot.
    19             (ii)  For up to the next 40,000 gross square feet, an
    20         additional $1 of tax credit per square foot.
    21             (iii)  For the next 50,000 gross square feet or
    22         greater, an additional 75¢ of tax credit per square foot.
    23         (3)  For achieving Tier III:
    24             (i)  For the first 10,000 gross square feet, $3.50 of
    25         tax credit per square foot.
    26             (ii)  For the next 40,000 gross square feet, an
    27         additional $1.50 of tax credit per square foot.
    28             (iii)  For the next 50,000 gross square feet or
    29         greater, an additional $1.25 of tax credit per square
    30         foot.
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     1  Section 1908-B.  Certifications.
     2     (a)  Initial tax credit certificate.--
     3         (1)  The department shall issue an initial tax credit
     4     certificate to a taxpayer that has applied for one where the
     5     taxpayer has made a showing that the taxpayer will place in
     6     service within a reasonable period of time a property which
     7     would warrant the allowance of a tax credit under this
     8     article.
     9         (2)  The initial tax credit certificate shall state the
    10     first taxable year for which the tax credit may be claimed
    11     and its expiration date and shall apply only to property
    12     placed in service by the expiration date. The expiration date
    13     may be extended at the discretion of the department in order
    14     to avoid unwarranted hardship.
    15         (3)  The initial tax credit certificate shall state the
    16     maximum amount of the total tax credit allowable. This total
    17     tax credit shall be distributed in four equal amounts over
    18     the four taxable years for which the tax credit is allowed
    19     under section 1906-B. Initial credit certificates shall not
    20     be issued, in the aggregate, for more than $32,000,000 of tax
    21     credits. In addition, the certificates shall be limited in
    22     their applicability, as follows:
    23         Total credits shall not    With respect to taxable
    24        be allowed for more than:      years beginning in:
    25                $2,000,000                  2006
    26                $4,000,000                  2007
    27                $6,000,000                  2008
    28                $8,000,000                  2009
    29                $6,000,000                  2010
    30                $4,000,000                  2011
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     1                $2,000,000                  2012
     2     (b)  Program extension.--If in the aggregate the total amount
     3  of tax credits to be issued is not exceeded, the department may
     4  extend the program beyond the initial schedule listed in
     5  subsection (a) and shall publish the extension as a notice in
     6  the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
     7     (c)  High-performance documentation.--For each taxable year
     8  subsequent to the first year for which a taxpayer claims a tax
     9  credit, the taxpayer shall provide annual performance
    10  documentation to the department and the Department of
    11  Environmental Protection resulting from the following required
    12  activities: development and implementation of a Measurement and
    13  Verification Plan consistent with Option D: Calibrated
    14  Simulation (Savings Estimation Method 2), or Option B: Energy
    15  Conservation Measure Isolation, as specified in the
    16  International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol
    17  Volume III: Concepts and Options for Determining Energy Savings
    18  in New Construction, April 2003. This high-performance
    19  documentation shall set forth the specific findings upon which
    20  the certificate is based.
    21     (d)  Filing.--The taxpayer shall file the high-performance
    22  documentation and the associated initial tax credit certificate
    23  with the application for the tax credit.
    24     (e)  Information.--The high-performance documentation shall
    25  include sufficient information to identify each building and
    26  such other information as the Department of Environmental
    27  Protection may require. Except for the first year for which the
    28  tax credit is sought, such information shall include:
    29         (1)  Annual energy consumption for the building in terms
    30     of British Thermal Units per square foot per year as well as
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     1     costs per square foot per year for energy consumption by fuel
     2     type, performed in accordance with the standards set forth in
     3     sections 1904-B and 1905-B.
     4         (2)  Annual results of indoor air monitoring, if any,
     5     performed in accordance with the standards set forth in
     6     sections 1904-B and 1905-B.
     7         (3)  Confirmation that the building continues to meet
     8     requirements regarding smoking areas, if provided, in
     9     accordance with the standards specified in sections 1904-B
    10     and 1905-B.
    11  Section 1909-B.  Regulations.
    12     The department, in consultation with the Department of
    13  Environmental Protection, shall promulgate such regulations as
    14  may be necessary for the implementation and administration of
    15  this article. The regulations shall include, but not be limited
    16  to:
    17         (1)  The adoption of high-performance building standards
    18     selected by the department from among accepted industry
    19     standards meeting the criteria prescribed in section 1906-B.
    20         (2)  Procedures and methods for verifying compliance with
    21     the adopted standards in the design and construction of
    22     eligible building projects under this article.
    23  These regulations will be promulgated in accordance with the act
    24  of June 25, 1982 (P.L.633, No.181), known as the Regulatory
    25  Review Act and section 1920-A of the act of April 9, 1929
    26  (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929.
    27  Section 1910-B.  Report.
    28     The department shall annually make a report to the
    29  Environmental Resources and Energy Committee of the Senate and
    30  the Environmental Resources and Energy Committee of the House of
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     1  Representatives on the activities undertaken pursuant to this
     2  article, including, but not limited to:
     3         (1)  The total amount of tax credits provided.
     4         (2)  The amount of tax credits provided by building type.
     5         (3)  The levels of high-performance building
     6     certifications achieved.
     7         (4)  A description of any changes made to the levels of
     8     approved levels of achievement.
     9         (5)  Other information necessary to provide a complete
    10     understanding of the operation of and benefits from this
    11     article.
    12     Section 2.  This act shall take effect as follows:
    13         (1)  The addition of sections 1901-B, 1902-B, 1903-B,
    14     1904-B and 1910-B of the act shall take effect in 30 days.
    15         (2)  This section shall take effect immediately.
    16         (3)  The remainder of this act shall take effect in 12
    17     months.

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