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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 4908



No. 3075 Session of 2006

           OCTOBER 25, 2006


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 74 (Transportation) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, establishing public-private
     3     transportation partnerships; and conferring powers and duties
     4     on the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, the State
     5     Transportation Commission and the Department of
     6     Transportation.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9     Section 1.  Title 74 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
    10  Statutes is amended by adding a part to read:
    11                               PART V
    13  Chapter
    14  91.  Preliminary Provisions
    15  92.  Public-Private Transportation Partnerships
    16                             CHAPTER 91
    17                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS

     1  Sec.
     2  9101.  Scope of part.
     3  9102.  Declaration of policy.
     4  9103.  Construction of part.
     5  § 9101.  Scope of part.
     6     This part relates to the Public-Private Transportation
     7  Partnership.
     8  § 9102.  Declaration of policy.
     9     (a)  Legislative findings.--The General Assembly finds and
    10  declares as follows:
    11         (1)  There exists a public need for the timely
    12     development and operation of transportation facilities within
    13     this Commonwealth which address the needs of Commonwealth,
    14     regional or local transportation by improving safety,
    15     reducing congestion, abating environmental pollution,
    16     advancing energy efficiency or conservation, improving
    17     homeland security and increasing capacity or enhancing
    18     economic efficiency.
    19         (2)  This public need may not be wholly satisfied through
    20     the use of currently existing methods of financing and
    21     procurement in which transportation facilities are developed
    22     or operated.
    23         (3)  Authorizing private entities to develop and operate
    24     transportation facilities may result in the availability of
    25     these transportation facilities to the public in a more
    26     timely, more efficient or less costly fashion, thereby
    27     serving the public safety and welfare.
    28     (b)  Intent.--It is the intent of this part:
    29         (1)  to encourage investment in this Commonwealth by
    30     private entities to assist in the development and operation
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     1     of transportation facilities; and
     2         (2)  to accomplish the goal under paragraph (1), to
     3     provide public entities and private entities with the
     4     greatest possible flexibility in contracting with each other
     5     for the provision of the public services which are the
     6     subject of this title.
     7  § 9103.  Construction of part.
     8     (a)  Liberal construction.--This part shall be liberally
     9  construed in conformity with and to accomplish section 9102
    10  (relating to declaration of policy).
    11     (b)  Sole authority.--This part provides public-private
    12  transportation partnership opportunities to public entities and
    13  private entities and shall be construed as the sole statutory
    14  authority enabling a public entity to participate with a private
    15  entity in a transportation-related contract, project or activity
    16  governed by this part.
    17                             CHAPTER 92
    19  Sec.
    20  9201.  Definitions.
    21  9202.  Prerequisite for operation.
    22  9203.  Approval.
    23  9204.  Service contracts.
    24  9205.  Transfer and dedication of public property.
    25  9206.  Powers, duties and liability of the private entity.
    26  9207.  Interim agreement.
    27  9208.  Comprehensive agreement.
    28  9209.  Multiple affected public entities.
    29  9210.  Federal, Commonwealth and local assistance.
    30  9211.  Financing.
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     1  9212.  Material default; remedies.
     2  9213.  Eminent domain.
     3  9214.  Public utility crossings.
     4  9215.  Police powers; violations of law.
     5  9216.  Transfer of assets.
     6  9217.  Procurement.
     7  9218.  Public-Private Transportation Partnership Fund.
     8  § 9201.  Definitions.
     9     Subject to additional definitions contained in subsequent
    10  provisions of this part which are applicable to specific
    11  provisions of this part, the following words and phrases when
    12  used in this part shall have the meanings given to them in this
    13  section unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
    14     "Affected jurisdiction."  A county, city, borough,
    15  incorporated town, township or local, regional or metropolitan
    16  transportation organization:
    17         (1)  in which all or a portion of a qualifying
    18     transportation facility is located; or
    19         (2)  which is directly affected by the qualifying
    20     transportation facility.
    21     "Affected public entity."  A public entity which owns a
    22  proposed qualifying transportation facility or a qualifying
    23  transportation facility. The term does not include a
    24  Commonwealth agency.
    25     "Commission."  The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission.
    26     "Comprehensive agreement."  The comprehensive agreement
    27  entered into between a private entity and the responsible public
    28  entity or the affected public entity under section 9208
    29  (relating to comprehensive agreement).
    30     "Department."  The Department of Transportation of the
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     1  Commonwealth.
     2     "Develop."  To plan, design, finance, lease, install,
     3  construct or expand.
     4     "Development."  Planning, designing, financing, leasing,
     5  installing, constructing or expanding.
     6     "Fund."  The Public-Private Transportation Partnership Fund
     7  established in section 9218 (relating to Public-Private
     8  Transportation Partnership Fund).
     9     "Highway."  A way or place open to the use of the public for
    10  purposes of vehicle traffic.
    11     "Interim agreement."  An agreement, including a memorandum of
    12  understanding or binding preliminary agreement, between a
    13  private entity and the responsible public entity or the affected
    14  public entity under section 9207 (relating to interim agreement)
    15  which provides for completion of studies and any other
    16  activities to advance the development or operation of a
    17  qualifying transportation facility.
    18     "Law enforcement officer."  An individual authorized by law
    19  to make arrests for violations of law.
    20     "Material default."  A default by a private entity in the
    21  performance of its duties under section 9206 (relating to
    22  powers, duties and liability of the private entity) which:
    23         (1)  jeopardizes adequate service to the public from a
    24     qualifying transportation facility; and
    25         (2)  remains unremedied after the responsible public
    26     entity or the affected public entity has provided notice to
    27     the private entity and a reasonable cure period has elapsed.
    28     "Multimodal transportation facility."  A transportation
    29  facility consisting of multiple modes of transportation.
    30     "Operate."  To finance, maintain, improve, equip, modify,
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     1  repair, manage, run or control functioning.
     2     "Operation."  The act of financing, maintaining, improving,
     3  equipping, modifying, repairing, managing, running or
     4  controlling functioning.
     5     "Private entity."  Any individual, corporation, partnership,
     6  limited liability company, limited partnership, joint venture,
     7  business trust, public utility, nonprofit corporation or other
     8  business entity authorized to conduct business in this
     9  Commonwealth.
    10     "Procurement Code."  The provisions of 62 Pa.C.S. Pt. I
    11  (relating to Commonwealth Procurement Code).
    12     "Public entity."  The Commonwealth; any department, board,
    13  commission, authority or agency of the Commonwealth, whether or
    14  not subject to the policy supervision and control of the
    15  Governor; a political subdivision; and a local, regional or
    16  metropolitan transportation authority. The term does not include
    17  any court or other officer or agency of the unified judicial
    18  system or the General Assembly and its officers and agencies.
    19     "Public utility."  As defined in 66 Pa.C.S. § 102 (relating
    20  to definitions).
    21     "Qualifying transportation facility."  A transportation
    22  facility developed or operated by a private entity under this
    23  part. The term includes a multimodal transportation facility.
    24     "Responsible public entity."  The Department of
    25  Transportation.
    26     "Revenue."  Money generated from or received in support of
    27  the development or operation of a qualifying transportation
    28  facility. The term includes: income; earnings; user fees; lease
    29  payments; allocations; Federal, Commonwealth and political
    30  subdivision appropriations; proceeds of bonds or notes; equity
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     1  investments; service payments; Federal grants; and money from a
     2  Federal agency or instrumentality.
     3     "Service contract."  A contract entered into between a public
     4  entity and a private entity under section 9204 (relating to
     5  service contracts).
     6     "Service payments."  Payments to a private entity pursuant to
     7  a service contract.
     8     "Transportation commission."  The State Transportation
     9  Commission created in section 468 of the act of April 9, 1929
    10  (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929.
    11     "Transportation facility."  Any highway, bridge, tunnel,
    12  overpass, ferry, airport, mass transportation facility, vehicle
    13  parking facility, port facility, railroad, guideway, street
    14  railway or similar facility used for the transportation of
    15  persons or goods.
    16         (1)  The term includes:
    17             (i)  A substantial enhancement, an improvement or an
    18         increase in capacity made to a facility listed in this
    19         definition.
    20             (ii)  Any building, structure, parking area,
    21         appurtenance and other property needed to operate a
    22         facility listed in this definition.
    23             (iii)  A substantial enhancement, an improvement or
    24         an increase in capacity to a facility excluded under
    25         paragraph (2).
    26         (2)  The term does not include a facility listed in this
    27     definition:
    28             (i)  which is available for use by the public on the
    29         effective date of this definition; and
    30             (ii)  for the use of which no toll, fee or charge is
    20060H3075B4908                  - 7 -     

     1         imposed on the public.
     2     "Transportation organization."  Any mass transportation,
     3  port, bridge, rail, regional planning or airport authority or
     4  commission organized under the laws of this Commonwealth or
     5  under an interstate compact or otherwise empowered to render,
     6  contract for or assist in the rendering of transportation
     7  service or transportation planning in a limited area in this
     8  Commonwealth, even though it may also render or assist in
     9  rendering transportation service or transportation planning in
    10  adjacent states.
    11     "User fees."  Rates, tolls, fees or other charges imposed by
    12  a private entity for use of all or a portion of a qualifying
    13  transportation facility pursuant to an interim agreement or a
    14  comprehensive agreement.
    15     "Vehicle."  A conveyance in or on which persons or property
    16  may be carried.
    17  § 9202.  Prerequisite for operation.
    18     A private entity seeking authorization under this part to
    19  develop or operate a transportation facility must obtain written
    20  approval from the responsible public entity and the affected
    21  public entity or written approval from the responsible public
    22  entity and deemed approval from the affected public entity under
    23  section 9203 (relating to approval). A private entity may
    24  initiate the approval process by requesting approval under
    25  section 9203(a), or the responsible public entity, on its own
    26  initiative or jointly with the affected public entity, may
    27  request proposals under section 9203(b).
    28  § 9203.  Approval.
    29     (a)  Submission of proposals by private entities.--The
    30  following shall apply to the submission of proposals by private
    20060H3075B4908                  - 8 -     

     1  entities:
     2         (1)  A private entity may submit a proposal to the
     3     responsible public entity for approval to develop or operate
     4     a transportation facility. The proposal shall be accompanied
     5     by the following material and information unless waived by
     6     the responsible public entity as provided in regulations
     7     adopted under subsection (f):
     8             (i)  A topographic map of 1:2,000 or other
     9     appropriate scale indicating the location of the
    10     transportation facility or facilities.
    11             (ii)  A description of the transportation facility or
    12         facilities, including the conceptual design of the
    13         facility and all proposed interconnections with other
    14         transportation facilities.
    15             (iii)  The proposed date for development or operation
    16         of the transportation facility along with an estimate of
    17         the life cycle cost of the transportation facility as
    18         proposed.
    19             (iv)  A statement setting forth the method by which
    20         the private entity proposes to secure any real, personal
    21         or mixed property interests required for the
    22         transportation facility.
    23             (v)  Information relating to the current
    24         transportation plans of each affected jurisdiction.
    25             (vi)  A list of all permits and approvals required
    26         for developing or operating improvements to the
    27         transportation facility from local, Commonwealth or
    28         Federal agencies and a projected schedule for obtaining
    29         the permits and approvals.
    30             (vii)  A list of public utility, railroad and cable
    20060H3075B4908                  - 9 -     

     1         television provider facilities that will be crossed by
     2         the transportation facility and a statement of the plans
     3         of the private entity to accommodate the crossings.
     4             (viii)  A statement setting forth the private
     5         entity's general plans for developing or operating the
     6         transportation facility, including identification of
     7         revenue or proposed debt or equity investment proposed by
     8         the private entity.
     9             (ix)  The names and addresses of the persons who may
    10         be contacted for further information concerning the
    11         proposal.
    12             (x)  Information on how the private entity's proposal
    13         will address the needs of Commonwealth, regional or local
    14         transportation by improving safety, reducing congestion,
    15         abating environmental pollution, advancing energy
    16         efficiency or conservation, improving homeland security,
    17         increasing capacity or enhancing economic efficiency.
    18             (xi)  A summary of the proposal.
    19             (xii)  Additional material and information as may
    20         reasonably be requested under regulations promulgated
    21         under subsection (f).
    22         (2)  Within five days following receipt of a proposal,
    23     the responsible public entity shall provide a copy of the
    24     proposal to the department. Within 45 days following receipt
    25     of a proposal, the transportation commission may submit its
    26     comments on the proposal to the responsible public entity,
    27     which shall provide a copy of the department's comments to
    28     the affected public entity and to each affected jurisdiction.
    29         (3)  The following shall apply:
    30             (i)  The responsible public entity shall determine if
    20060H3075B4908                 - 10 -     

     1         the proposal includes an affected public entity and
     2         shall, within five days following receipt of the
     3         proposal, provide each affected public entity with a copy
     4         of the summary submitted by the private entity, together
     5         with a written request for the affected public entity's
     6         comments and recommendations on the proposal.
     7             (ii)  The affected public entity's comments shall
     8         include whether the proposed qualifying transportation
     9         facility will address the needs of Commonwealth, regional
    10         or local transportation by improving safety, reducing
    11         congestion, abating environmental pollution, advancing
    12         energy efficiency or conservation, improving homeland
    13         security, increasing capacity or enhancing economic
    14         efficiency. The comments and recommendations of the
    15         affected public entity shall utilize the criteria
    16         provided in subsection (d) and any additional criteria
    17         specified in regulations promulgated under subsection (f)
    18         and shall be submitted to the responsible public entity
    19         and the transportation commission within 45 days
    20         following receipt of the responsible public entity's
    21         request for comments and recommendations.
    22             (iii)  If the affected public entity fails to provide
    23         its comments and recommendations to the responsible
    24         public entity within the 45-day period specified in this
    25         paragraph or if there are multiple affected public
    26         entities, the affected public entity shall be deemed to
    27         have approved the proposal and, if the responsible public
    28         entity approves the proposal, shall cooperate fully in
    29         the completion, execution and implementation of any
    30         interim agreement or comprehensive agreement related to
    20060H3075B4908                 - 11 -     

     1         the proposal.
     2         (4)  The following shall apply:
     3             (i)  Within 10 days following receipt of a proposal,
     4         the responsible public entity shall provide a copy of the
     5         summary submitted by the private entity, together with a
     6         written notification of receipt of the proposal, to each
     7         affected jurisdiction. As part of its written
     8         notification, the responsible public entity shall
     9         identify each affected public entity and shall request
    10         that comments on the proposal be submitted by each
    11         affected jurisdiction. Within 30 days following receipt
    12         of a request from the responsible public entity, each
    13         affected jurisdiction shall submit its comments to the
    14         responsible public entity, each affected public entity
    15         and the transportation commission.
    16             (ii)  The affected jurisdiction's comments shall
    17         include whether the proposed qualifying transportation
    18         facility will address the needs of Commonwealth, regional
    19         or local transportation by improving safety, reducing
    20         congestion, abating environmental pollution, advancing
    21         energy efficiency or conservation, improving homeland
    22         security, increasing capacity or enhancing economic
    23         efficiency.
    24         (5)  A written approval or rejection of the proposal
    25     shall be submitted by the responsible public entity to the
    26     private entity within 30 days following the end of all review
    27     periods provided under paragraphs (2), (3) and (4).
    28         (6)  The following shall apply:
    29             (i)  If the responsible public entity approves the
    30         private entity's proposal, the responsible public entity,
    20060H3075B4908                 - 12 -     

     1         or the affected public entity and the responsible public
     2         entity, jointly, may issue a request for proposals under
     3         section 9217 (relating to procurement) from other private
     4         entities for the development or operation of the
     5         transportation facility. The request for proposals shall
     6         include a requirement that a summary of the response be
     7         submitted.
     8             (ii)  Within five days following receipt of a
     9         response to a request for proposals, the responsible
    10         public entity shall submit the summary of the response to
    11         the transportation commission and to each affected
    12         jurisdiction, which shall have 15 days following receipt
    13         of the summary within which to provide comments to the
    14         responsible public entity and the affected public entity.
    15             (iii)  Within 30 days following the expiration of the
    16         transportation commission and affected jurisdiction
    17         review period, the responsible public entity shall
    18         provide written notification of its acceptance or
    19         rejection of the initial proposal and each response to
    20         the request for proposals to the private entity which
    21         submitted the initial proposal, each private entity which
    22         responded to the request for proposals, the
    23         transportation commission, the affected public entity and
    24         each affected jurisdiction.
    25         (7)  The responsible public entity and the affected
    26     public entity may provide for payment to a private entity
    27     whose proposal or response to any subsequent request for
    28     proposals is not approved of an amount as reimbursement or
    29     partial reimbursement for costs incurred by the private
    30     entity in preparing the proposal or response, and, in return
    20060H3075B4908                 - 13 -     

     1     for this payment, the private entity shall grant to the
     2     responsible public entity and the affected public entity the
     3     right to use all or any portion of the proposal or the
     4     response, including the technologies, techniques, methods,
     5     processes and information contained in the project design.
     6     (b)  Issuance of request for proposals.--The following shall
     7  apply to issuance of request for proposals:
     8         (1)  The responsible public entity may, on its own
     9     initiative or at the request of an affected public entity,
    10     issue a request for proposals from private entities for the
    11     development or operation of transportation facilities. An
    12     affected public entity may only issue a request for proposals
    13     from private entities for the development or operation of
    14     transportation facilities jointly with the responsible public
    15     entity. The responsible public entity or the affected public
    16     entity shall not charge a fee to cover the costs of
    17     processing, reviewing and evaluating responses received to a
    18     request for proposals issued under this subsection.
    19         (2)  The following shall apply:
    20             (i)  The responsible public entity shall, on the date
    21         of issuance of a request for proposals, provide a copy of
    22         the request for proposals to the transportation
    23         commission and to each affected jurisdiction. As part of
    24         the request for proposals, the responsible public entity
    25         shall require a private entity submitting a response to
    26         simultaneously submit a written summary of its response
    27         to the responsible public entity, to the affected public
    28         entity, to the transportation commission and to each
    29         affected jurisdiction identified in the request for
    30         proposals.
    20060H3075B4908                 - 14 -     

     1             (ii)  Within 30 days of receipt of a summary of a
     2         response from a private entity, each affected
     3         jurisdiction shall submit its written comments on the
     4         response to the responsible public entity, the affected
     5         public entity and the transportation commission. Any
     6         comments submitted by an affected jurisdiction must
     7         include an indication of whether the affected
     8         jurisdiction believes the proposed qualifying
     9         transportation facility will address the needs of
    10         Commonwealth, regional or local transportation by
    11         improving safety, reducing congestion, abating
    12         environmental pollution, advancing energy efficiency or
    13         conservation, improving homeland security, increasing
    14         capacity or enhancing economic efficiency.
    15             (iii)  The transportation commission shall have 15
    16         days following the expiration of the 30-day affected
    17         jurisdiction comment period provided in this paragraph
    18         within which to submit written comments on the response
    19         to the responsible public entity and the affected public
    20         entity.
    21         (3)  If a private entity's response is not approved, the
    22     responsible public entity and the affected public entity may
    23     provide for payment of an amount as reimbursement or partial
    24     reimbursement for costs incurred by the private entity in
    25     preparing the response, and, in return for this payment, the
    26     private entity shall grant to the responsible public entity
    27     and the affected public entity the right to use all or a
    28     portion of the response, including the technologies,
    29     techniques, methods, processes and information contained in
    30     the project design.
    20060H3075B4908                 - 15 -     

     1     (c)  Private entity adverse interests.--The following shall
     2  apply:
     3         (1)  Except as provided in paragraph (2), a private
     4     entity which submits a proposal or a response to a request
     5     for proposals under subsection (a) or which submits a
     6     response to a request for proposals under subsection (b) and
     7     which is also a State advisor or a State consultant for the
     8     responsible public entity or an affected public entity shall
     9     not be deemed to be in violation of the act of July 19, 1957
    10     (P.L.1017, No.451), known as the State Adverse Interest Act,
    11     while engaging in any of the following activities:
    12             (i)  Preparing or submitting the proposal or response
    13         to a request for proposals.
    14             (ii)  Participating in any activities with the
    15         responsible public entity or the affected public entity
    16         related to the proposal or response to request for
    17         proposals.
    18             (iii)  Negotiating and entering into any contract,
    19         lease, interim agreement or comprehensive agreement with
    20         the responsible public entity or the affected public
    21         entity which results from the proposal or response to
    22         request for proposals.
    23             (iv)  Engaging in other actions taken in furtherance
    24         of the purposes of this part.
    25         (2)  A private entity which submits a proposal or a
    26     response to a request for proposals shall be prohibited from
    27     providing advice to the responsible public entity and the
    28     affected public entity under subsection (d) on its proposal
    29     or a request for proposals for which it has submitted a
    30     response.
    20060H3075B4908                 - 16 -     

     1     (d)  Criteria for review.--The responsible public entity and
     2  the affected public entity may grant approval of the development
     3  or operation of the transportation facility as a qualifying
     4  transportation facility if both the responsible public entity
     5  and the affected public entity determine that it serves the
     6  public purpose of this part. The responsible public entity and
     7  the affected public entity may determine that the development or
     8  operation of the transportation facility as a qualifying
     9  transportation facility serves such public purpose if all of the
    10  following apply:
    11         (1)  There is a public need for the transportation
    12     facility the private entity proposes to develop or operate as
    13     a qualifying transportation facility.
    14         (2)  The transportation facility and the proposed
    15     interconnections with existing transportation facilities and
    16     the private entity's plans for development or operation of
    17     the qualifying transportation facility are, in the opinion of
    18     the responsible public entity and the affected public entity,
    19     reasonable and will address the needs of Commonwealth,
    20     regional or local transportation by improving safety,
    21     reducing congestion, addressing environmental concerns,
    22     advancing energy efficiency or conservation, improving
    23     homeland security, increasing capacity or enhancing economic
    24     efficiency.
    25         (3)  The estimated cost of the transportation facility is
    26     reasonable in relation to similar facilities.
    27         (4)  The private entity's plans will result in the timely
    28     development, operation or more efficient operation of the
    29     transportation facility.
    30         (5)  The private entity will agree to honor any existing
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     1     collective bargaining agreement related to the qualifying
     2     transportation facility for the term of the agreement and
     3     will comply with the act of August 15, 1961 (P.L.987,
     4     No.442), known as the Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act, with
     5     regard to the development or operation of the qualifying
     6     transportation facility. In evaluating a proposal or response
     7     to a request for proposals, the responsible public entity and
     8     the affected public entity may rely upon internal staff
     9     reports prepared by personnel familiar with the operation of
    10     similar facilities or the advice of outside advisors or
    11     consultants having relevant experience. The responsible
    12     public entity and the affected public entity may request the
    13     advice of and assistance from other public entities in the
    14     performance of their duties under this part.
    15     (e)  Fees.--The following shall apply to fees:
    16         (1)  The responsible public entity may charge a
    17     reasonable fee to cover the costs of processing, reviewing
    18     and evaluating a proposal submitted by a private entity or a
    19     subsequent response to a request for proposals under
    20     subsection (a), including reasonable attorney fees and fees
    21     for financial and other necessary advisors or consultants.
    22     The fee to be charged by the responsible public entity shall
    23     include a reasonable reimbursement for costs incurred by the
    24     affected public entity for its review of a proposal or a
    25     response to a request for proposals. The responsible public
    26     entity shall annually publish a notice in the Pennsylvania
    27     Bulletin of the fee schedule for the review of proposals and
    28     responses to requests for proposals submitted by private
    29     entities under subsection (a).
    30         (2)  All fees collected under paragraph (1) shall be
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     1     retained by the responsible public entity and the affected
     2     public entity and used as provided under paragraph (1) or for
     3     other purposes permitted under this part.
     4         (3)  No fee shall be imposed by the responsible public
     5     entity or any affected public entity for the cost of
     6     processing, reviewing and evaluating responses to any request
     7     for proposals under subsection (b).
     8     (f)  Regulations.--The following shall apply to regulations:
     9         (1)  In order to facilitate the implementation of this
    10     part and to provide one uniform procedure for submission and
    11     review of proposals submitted, issuance of a request for
    12     proposals and submission and review of responses to a request
    13     for proposals under subsection (a) and responses to requests
    14     for proposals under subsection (b), the responsible public
    15     entity shall promulgate regulations that include all of the
    16     following:
    17             (i)  A specific schedule for review of proposals or
    18         responses to requests for proposals by the responsible
    19         public entity and the affected public entity.
    20             (ii)  A process for alteration of that schedule by
    21         the responsible public entity and the affected public
    22         entity if changes are necessary because of the scope or
    23         complexity of proposals or responses received.
    24             (iii)  The process for receipt and review of
    25         competing proposals and responses to requests for
    26         proposals.
    27             (iv)  The type and amount of information that is
    28         necessary for adequate review of proposals or responses
    29         to requests for proposals in each stage of review.
    30             (v)  A prioritized documentation, review and
    20060H3075B4908                 - 19 -     

     1         selection process for qualifying transportation
     2         facilities that have approved or pending Federal and
     3         Commonwealth clearances, have secured significant right-
     4         of-way, have previously been allocated significant
     5         Federal or Commonwealth funding or exhibit other
     6         circumstances that could reasonably reduce the amount of
     7         time to develop or operate the qualifying transportation
     8         facility in accordance with the purpose of this part.
     9             (vi)  Action to be taken to protect confidential and
    10         proprietary information required under subsection (i).
    11             (vii)  Any other provisions which are required under
    12         this part or which the responsible public entity
    13         determines are necessary for implementation of this part.
    14         (2)  Within 120 days following the effective date of this
    15     subsection, the responsible public entity shall publish draft
    16     interim regulations in the Pennsylvania Bulletin for comment.
    17     The draft interim regulations shall have a 60-day public
    18     comment period. Within 90 days following the close of the
    19     public comment period on the draft interim regulations, the
    20     responsible public entity shall publish final interim
    21     regulations in the Pennsylvania Bulletin implementing this
    22     part. The draft interim regulations and the final interim
    23     regulations shall not be subject to section 201 of the act of
    24     July 31, 1968 (P.L.769, No.240), referred to as the
    25     Commonwealth Documents Law, nor to review or approval under
    26     the act of June 25, 1982 (P.L.633, No.181), known as the
    27     Regulatory Review Act. The final interim regulations shall
    28     expire on the earlier of the following:
    29             (i)  Two years after their publication in the
    30         Pennsylvania Bulletin.
    20060H3075B4908                 - 20 -     

     1             (ii)  The publication of final regulations pursuant
     2         to the Commonwealth Documents Law and the Regulatory
     3         Review Act.
     4     (g)  Requirement for interim agreement or comprehensive
     5  agreement.--The approval of the responsible public entity and
     6  the affected public entity shall be subject to the private
     7  entity's entering into an interim agreement or a comprehensive
     8  agreement with the responsible public entity and the affected
     9  public entity.
    10     (h)  Date for beginning construction or improvements.--In
    11  connection with approval of the development or operation of the
    12  transportation facility as a qualifying transportation facility,
    13  the responsible public entity and the affected public entity
    14  shall establish a date for the beginning of construction of or
    15  improvements to the qualifying transportation facility. The
    16  responsible public entity and the affected public entity may
    17  extend this date.
    18     (i)  Confidential and proprietary information.--The following
    19  shall apply:
    20         (1)  In the regulations promulgated under subsection (f),
    21     the responsible public entity shall specify appropriate
    22     action to be taken by the responsible public entity, the
    23     affected public entity, the affected jurisdiction and the
    24     transportation commission to protect confidential and
    25     proprietary information provided by the private entity.
    26         (2)  A proposal or a response to a request for proposals
    27     submitted by a private entity under subsection (a), a
    28     response submitted by a private entity to a request for
    29     proposals under subsection (b) and the summary of the
    30     proposal or response shall be confidential and, until a
    20060H3075B4908                 - 21 -     

     1     comprehensive agreement under section 9208 (relating to
     2     comprehensive agreement) is entered into by the private
     3     entity and the responsible public entity or the affected
     4     public entity, the proposal, the response and the summary
     5     shall not be subject to disclosure under the act of June 21,
     6     1957 (P.L.390, No.212), known as the Right-to-Know Law, or
     7     any other act. Upon the execution of a comprehensive
     8     agreement under section 9208, information contained in the
     9     proposal, the response and the summary shall be considered to
    10     be a public record for purposes of disclosure under the
    11     Right-to-Know Law.
    12     (j)  Federal credit assistance.--The responsible public
    13  entity and the affected public entity may also apply for,
    14  execute or endorse applications submitted by private entities to
    15  obtain Federal credit assistance for qualifying transportation
    16  facilities developed or operated under this part.
    17     (k)  Taxes.--All of the following shall apply:
    18         (1)  Revenue received by a private entity and all user
    19     fees shall continue to be subject to any tax, and to future
    20     increases in the rate of any tax, which was imposed by a
    21     political subdivision prior to the effective date of this
    22     subsection and which was otherwise applicable to the revenue
    23     and user fees.
    24         (2)  No new tax may be imposed by a political subdivision
    25     on the revenue received by a private entity or on user fees.
    26     (l)  Definitions.--The following words and phrases when used
    27  in this section shall have the meanings given to them in this
    28  subsection, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
    29     "State advisor."  As defined in section 2 of the act of July
    30  19, 1957 (P.L.1017, No.451), known as the State Adverse Interest
    20060H3075B4908                 - 22 -     

     1  Act.
     2     "State consultant."  As defined in section 2 of the act of
     3  July 19, 1957 (P.L.1017, No.451), known as the State Adverse
     4  Interest Act.
     5  § 9204.  Service contracts.
     6     In addition to any authority otherwise conferred by law, a
     7  public entity may contract with a private entity for
     8  transportation services to be provided by a qualifying
     9  transportation facility in exchange for service payments and
    10  other consideration as the public entity may deem appropriate.
    11  § 9205.  Transfer and dedication of public property.
    12     (a)  Powers.--Except for an ownership interest and subject to
    13  the provisions of this part, a public entity may transfer a
    14  real, personal or mixed property interest it has in a qualifying
    15  transportation facility to a private entity for such
    16  consideration as the public entity and the private entity may
    17  agree upon.
    18     (b)  Consideration.--Consideration under subsection (a) may
    19  include the agreement of the private entity to operate the
    20  qualifying transportation facility.
    21     (c)  Interests.--Except for an ownership interest, the real,
    22  personal or mixed property interests that the public entity may
    23  transfer to the private entity under this section may include
    24  licenses, leaseholds, franchises, easements or any other right
    25  or interest in the qualifying transportation facility which the
    26  public entity deems appropriate.
    27     (d)  Additional property.--Subject to the provisions of this
    28  part, the private entity may acquire, construct and purchase
    29  additional real, personal and mixed property and incorporate the
    30  additional property into the qualifying transportation facility
    20060H3075B4908                 - 23 -     

     1  if, upon the incorporation, all ownership interests in the
     2  property are transferred and dedicated to and vested in the
     3  public entity, for such consideration as the public entity and
     4  the private entity may agree, with the private entity retaining
     5  the property interests other than an ownership interest.
     6     (e)  Definition.--As used in this section, the term
     7  "ownership interest" means fee simple title and reversionary
     8  interest in the real property and similar title and rights in
     9  the personal and mixed property constituting the qualifying
    10  transportation facility.
    11  § 9206.  Powers, duties and liability of the private entity.
    12     (a)  General powers.--A private entity shall have all power
    13  allowed by law generally to a private entity having the same
    14  form of organization as the private entity and shall have the
    15  power to develop or operate the qualifying transportation
    16  facility, impose user fees and enter into service contracts in
    17  connection with the use of the qualifying transportation
    18  facility. No tolls or user fees may be imposed by the private
    19  entity without the necessary Federal, Commonwealth or local
    20  approvals and as provided in the interim agreement or the
    21  comprehensive agreement.
    22     (b)  Right to lease, use, develop or operate qualifying
    23  transportation facility.--A private entity may lease or acquire
    24  any other right to use or develop or operate the qualifying
    25  transportation facility. No interim agreement, comprehensive
    26  agreement, lease or contract involving real property of a
    27  qualifying transportation facility shall be subject to the
    28  realty transfer tax imposed under Article XI-C or XI-D of the
    29  act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code
    30  of 1971, or under the act of December 31, 1965 (P.L. 1257,
    20060H3075B4908                 - 24 -     

     1  No.511), known as The Local Tax Enabling Act.
     2     (c)  Canals and waterways.--Subject to applicable permit
     3  requirements, a private entity shall have the authority to cross
     4  any canal or navigable watercourse if the crossing does not
     5  unreasonably interfere with then-current navigation and use of
     6  the waterway.
     7     (d)  Operation of qualifying transportation facility.--In
     8  operating the qualifying transportation facility, a private
     9  entity may do all of the following:
    10         (1)  Make classifications according to reasonable
    11     categories for assessment of user fees.
    12         (2)  Make and enforce, with the consent of the
    13     responsible public entity or the affected public entity,
    14     reasonable rules to the same extent that the responsible
    15     public entity or the affected public entity may make and
    16     enforce rules with respect to a similar transportation
    17     facility.
    18     (e)  Duties.--The private entity shall do all of the
    19  following:
    20         (1)  Develop or operate, in accordance with the
    21     provisions of the interim agreement or the comprehensive
    22     agreement, the qualifying transportation facility in a manner
    23     that meets the standards of the responsible public entity or
    24     the affected public entity for similar transportation
    25     facilities operated and maintained by the responsible public
    26     entity or the affected public entity.
    27         (2)  Keep the qualifying transportation facility open for
    28     use by the members of the public, in accordance with the
    29     terms and conditions of the interim or comprehensive
    30     agreement, after its initial opening upon payment of the
    20060H3075B4908                 - 25 -     

     1     applicable user fees or service payments. The qualifying
     2     transportation facility may be temporarily closed because of
     3     emergencies or, with the consent of the responsible public
     4     entity or the affected public entity, to protect the safety
     5     of the public or for reasonable construction or maintenance
     6     procedures.
     7         (3)  Maintain or provide by contract for the maintenance
     8     of the qualifying transportation facility.
     9         (4)  Cooperate with the responsible public entity or the
    10     affected public entity in establishing any interconnection
    11     with the qualifying transportation facility requested by the
    12     responsible public entity or the affected public entity.
    13         (5)  Comply with the provisions of the interim or
    14     comprehensive agreement and any service contract.
    15     (f)  Liability.--In recognition of the public benefit derived
    16  from a private entity's development or operation of a qualifying
    17  transportation facility, a private entity which develops or
    18  operates a qualifying transportation facility shall not be
    19  subject to civil liability that arises due to the injury or
    20  death of an individual using the qualifying transportation
    21  facility, unless the injury or death results from an act or
    22  omission of the private entity constituting gross negligence,
    23  recklessness or intentional misconduct.
    24  § 9207.  Interim agreement.
    25     (a)  Provisions.--Prior to or in connection with the
    26  negotiation of the comprehensive agreement as provided under
    27  section 9208 (relating to comprehensive agreement), the
    28  responsible public entity or the affected public entity may
    29  enter into an interim agreement with a private entity proposing
    30  the development or operation of the proposed qualifying
    20060H3075B4908                 - 26 -     

     1  transportation facility. The interim agreement shall require a
     2  private entity, for the term of the interim agreement, to
     3  provide the responsible public entity or the affected public
     4  entity with periodic reports and audits related to disclosure,
     5  internal control and performance and financial accounting. The
     6  periodic reports and audits shall be prepared by an independent
     7  consulting or certified public accounting firm engaged by the
     8  private entity and shall be made available by the responsible
     9  public entity or the affected public entity for public
    10  inspection and copying under the act of June 21, 1957 (P.L.390,
    11  No.212), known as the Right-to-Know Law. The interim agreement
    12  may provide for all of the following:
    13         (1)  Permitting the private entity to commence activities
    14     for which it may be compensated relating to the proposed
    15     qualifying transportation facility, including project
    16     planning and development, advance right-of-way acquisition,
    17     design and engineering, environmental analysis and
    18     mitigation, survey, conducting transportation and revenue
    19     studies and ascertaining the availability of financing for
    20     the proposed qualifying transportation facility or
    21     facilities.
    22         (2)  Establishing the process and timing of the
    23     negotiation of the comprehensive agreement.
    24         (3)  Containing any other provisions related to any
    25     aspect of the development or operation of a qualifying
    26     transportation facility that the parties may deem
    27     appropriate.
    28     (b)  Multiple private entities.--Notwithstanding any other
    29  provision of this part, the responsible public entity or the
    30  affected public entity may enter into an interim agreement with
    20060H3075B4908                 - 27 -     

     1  multiple private entities if the responsible public entity or
     2  the affected public entity determines in writing that it is in
     3  the public interest to do so. The written determination may not
     4  take effect until a copy is provided to the transportation
     5  commission and is published as a notice in the Pennsylvania
     6  Bulletin.
     7  § 9208.  Comprehensive agreement.
     8     (a)  Provisions.--Prior to developing or operating the
     9  qualifying transportation facility, a private entity shall enter
    10  into a comprehensive agreement with the responsible public
    11  entity or the affected public entity. The comprehensive
    12  agreement shall, as appropriate, provide for all of the
    13  following:
    14         (1)  Delivery of performance and payment bonds in
    15     connection with the development or operation of the
    16     qualifying transportation facility, in the forms and amounts
    17     satisfactory to the responsible public entity or the affected
    18     public entity.
    19         (2)  Review of plans for the development or operation of
    20     the qualifying transportation facility by the responsible
    21     public entity or the affected public entity and approval by
    22     the responsible public entity or the affected public entity
    23     if the plans conform to standards acceptable to the
    24     responsible public entity or the affected public entity.
    25         (3)  Periodic inspection of construction of or
    26     improvements to the qualifying transportation facility by the
    27     responsible public entity or the affected public entity to
    28     ensure that they conform to the standards acceptable to the
    29     responsible public entity or the affected public entity.
    30         (4)  Maintenance of a policy of public liability
    20060H3075B4908                 - 28 -     

     1     insurance, copies of which shall be filed with the
     2     responsible public entity or the affected public entity,
     3     accompanied by proofs of coverage, or self-insurance, each in
     4     form and amount satisfactory to the responsible public entity
     5     or the affected public entity and reasonably sufficient to
     6     insure coverage of tort liability to the public and employees
     7     and to enable the continued operation of the qualifying
     8     transportation facility.
     9         (5)  Periodic monitoring of the maintenance practices of
    10     the private entity by the responsible public entity or the
    11     affected public entity and the taking of actions as the
    12     responsible public entity or the affected public entity finds
    13     appropriate to ensure that the qualifying transportation
    14     facility is properly maintained.
    15         (6)  Reimbursement to be paid to the responsible public
    16     entity or the affected public entity for services provided by
    17     the responsible public entity or the affected public entity.
    18         (7)  Filing of appropriate financial statements in a form
    19     acceptable to the responsible public entity or the affected
    20     public entity on a periodic basis.
    21         (8)  Compensation to the private entity, which may
    22     include one or a combination of a reasonable development fee,
    23     a reasonable maximum rate of return on investment or
    24     reimbursement of development expenses in the event of
    25     termination for convenience by the responsible public entity
    26     or the affected public entity, as agreed upon between the
    27     responsible public entity or the affected public entity and
    28     the private entity.
    29         (9)  The date of termination of the private entity's
    30     authority and duties under this part and transfer to the
    20060H3075B4908                 - 29 -     

     1     responsible public entity or the affected public entity.
     2         (10)  Guaranteed cost and completion guarantees related
     3     to the development or operation of the qualifying
     4     transportation facility and payment of damages for failure to
     5     meet the completion guarantee.
     6         (11)  Submission, on at least an annual basis, by the
     7     private entity to the responsible public entity or the
     8     affected public entity of reports and audits related to
     9     disclosure, internal control and performance and financial
    10     accounting. The reports and audits shall be prepared by an
    11     independent consulting or certified public accounting firm
    12     engaged by the private entity and shall be made available by
    13     the responsible public entity or the affected public entity
    14     for public inspection and copying under the act of June 21,
    15     1957 (P.L.390, No.212), known as the Right-to-Know Law.
    16     (b)  User fees.--The following shall apply:
    17         (1)  The comprehensive agreement shall provide for user
    18     fees as may be established by agreement of the parties.
    19         (2)  User fees shall be set at a level that takes into
    20     account lease payments, service payments and compensation to
    21     the private entity or as specified in the comprehensive
    22     agreement.
    23         (3)  A copy of any service contract shall be filed with
    24     the responsible public entity or the affected public entity.
    25         (4)  A schedule of the current user fees shall be
    26     provided by the private entity to the responsible public
    27     entity, the affected public entity and each affected
    28     jurisdiction when initially imposed and whenever changed and
    29     shall be made available by the private entity to any member
    30     of the public on request.
    20060H3075B4908                 - 30 -     

     1         (5)  In negotiating user fees under this section, the
     2     parties shall establish fees that are the same for persons
     3     using the qualifying transportation facility under like
     4     conditions, except as required by agreement between the
     5     parties to preserve capacity and prevent congestion on the
     6     qualifying transportation facility.
     7         (6)  The execution of the comprehensive agreement or any
     8     amendment to the comprehensive agreement shall constitute
     9     conclusive evidence that the user fees provided in the
    10     comprehensive agreement comply with this part.
    11         (7)  User fees established in the comprehensive agreement
    12     as a source of revenue may be in addition to or in lieu of
    13     service payments.
    14     (c)  Grants and loans.--In the comprehensive agreement, the
    15  responsible public entity or the affected public entity may
    16  agree to make grants or loans to the private entity for the
    17  development or operation of the qualifying transportation
    18  facility from amounts received from the Federal Government or
    19  any of its agencies or instrumentalities.
    20     (d)  Additional provisions.--The following shall apply:
    21         (1)  The comprehensive agreement shall incorporate the
    22     duties of the private entity under this part and may contain
    23     other terms and conditions as the responsible public entity
    24     or the affected public entity determines serve the public
    25     purpose of this part.
    26         (2)  The comprehensive agreement may contain provisions
    27     under which the responsible public entity or the affected
    28     public entity agrees to provide notice of default and cure
    29     rights for the benefit of the private entity and the persons
    30     specified in the comprehensive agreement as providing
    20060H3075B4908                 - 31 -     

     1     financing for the qualifying transportation facility.
     2         (3)  The comprehensive agreement may contain other lawful
     3     terms and conditions to which the private entity and the
     4     responsible public entity or the affected public entity
     5     mutually agree, including provisions regarding unavoidable
     6     delays or provisions providing for a loan of public funds for
     7     the development or operation of one or more qualifying
     8     transportation facilities.
     9     (e)  Excess earnings.--The comprehensive agreement shall
    10  provide for the distribution of any earnings in excess of the
    11  maximum rate of return as negotiated in the comprehensive
    12  agreement. Excess earnings may be distributed to the fund
    13  established under section 9218 (relating to Public-Private
    14  Transportation Partnership Fund) or to the private entity for
    15  debt reduction.
    16     (f)  Amendment.--Any changes in the terms of the
    17  comprehensive agreement as may be agreed upon by the parties
    18  shall be added to the comprehensive agreement by written
    19  amendment.
    20     (g)  Multiple private entities.--Notwithstanding any other
    21  provision of this part, the responsible public entity or the
    22  affected public entity may enter into a comprehensive agreement
    23  with multiple private entities if the responsible public entity
    24  or the affected public entity determines in writing that it is
    25  in the public interest to do so. The written determination may
    26  not take effect until a copy is provided to the transportation
    27  commission and is published as a notice in the Pennsylvania
    28  Bulletin.
    29     (h)  Phased development and operation.--The comprehensive
    30  agreement may provide for the development or operation of phases
    20060H3075B4908                 - 32 -     

     1  or segments of the qualifying transportation facility.
     2  § 9209.  Multiple affected public entities.
     3     (a)  Private entity proposals.--If a private entity submits a
     4  proposal pursuant to section 9203(a) (relating to approval) to
     5  develop or operate a qualifying transportation facility that may
     6  require approval by the responsible public entity and more than
     7  one affected public entity, representatives of each of the
     8  affected public entities shall convene and determine which
     9  affected public entity shall serve as the coordinating affected
    10  public entity. The determination shall occur within ten days of
    11  the receipt of the summary of the proposal by the respective
    12  affected public entities. If the affected public entities cannot
    13  reach agreement on which affected public entity will serve as
    14  the coordinating affected public entity within the allotted ten-
    15  day period, the responsible public entity shall designate one of
    16  the affected public entities to serve as the coordinating
    17  affected public entity.
    18     (b)  Comments and review.--The coordinating affected public
    19  entity shall be subject to the requirements of section
    20  9203(a)(3) for completion of its review and submission of its
    21  comments and recommendations, except that the coordinating
    22  affected public entity may submit a written request to the
    23  responsible public entity requesting approval of an extension of
    24  up to 20 days for completion of its review and submission of its
    25  recommendations. If the coordinating affected public entity
    26  fails to provide its comments and recommendations to the
    27  responsible public entity within the 45-day period specified in
    28  section 9203(a)(3) or any extension of that period granted by
    29  the responsible public entity, all affected public entities on
    30  whose behalf the coordinating affected public entity was
    20060H3075B4908                 - 33 -     

     1  designated to act shall be deemed to have approved the proposal
     2  and, if the responsible public entity approves the proposal,
     3  shall cooperate fully in completion, execution and
     4  implementation of any interim agreement or comprehensive
     5  agreement related to the proposal.
     6     (c)  Request for proposals.--If a request for proposals is
     7  issued pursuant to section 9203(b) and the issuance includes
     8  more than one affected public entity, the responsible public
     9  entity shall request that representatives of each of the
    10  affected public entities convene and determine which affected
    11  public entity shall serve as the coordinating affected public
    12  entity. The determination of which affected public entity shall
    13  serve as the coordinating affected public entity shall be made
    14  prior to issuance of a request for proposals. If the affected
    15  public entities cannot reach agreement on the designation of a
    16  coordinating affected public entity within ten days of receipt
    17  of a written request from the responsible public entity to
    18  convene and make a designation, the responsible public entity
    19  shall designate one of the affected public entities to serve as
    20  the coordinating affected public entity.
    21     (d)  Action following determination.--Once a determination
    22  has been made in accordance with subsection (a), (b) or (c), the
    23  responsible public entity, the coordinating affected public
    24  entity and the private entity shall proceed in accordance with
    25  this part.
    26  § 9210.  Federal, Commonwealth and local assistance.
    27     (a)  Obtaining assistance.--The responsible public entity and
    28  the affected public entity may take any action to obtain
    29  Federal, Commonwealth or local assistance for a qualifying
    30  transportation facility that serves the public purpose of this
    20060H3075B4908                 - 34 -     

     1  part and may enter into any contracts required to receive
     2  Federal assistance. Funds received from the Commonwealth, other
     3  than grant or loan funds provided pursuant to statute, or from
     4  the Federal Government or a Federal agency or instrumentality
     5  shall be subject to appropriation by the General Assembly. The
     6  responsible public entity and the affected public entity may
     7  determine that it serves the public purpose of this part for all
     8  or any portion of the costs of a qualifying transportation
     9  facility to be paid, directly or indirectly, from the proceeds
    10  of a grant or loan made by the Federal, Commonwealth or local
    11  government or a government agency or instrumentality.
    12     (b)  Use of grants and loans.--The responsible public entity
    13  and the affected public entity may agree to make grants or loans
    14  for the development or operation of the qualifying
    15  transportation facility from amounts received from the Federal,
    16  Commonwealth or local government or a government agency or
    17  instrumentality.
    18     (c)  Pledge of Commonwealth full faith and credit.--Nothing
    19  in this part or in an interim or comprehensive agreement entered
    20  into pursuant to this part shall be deemed to enlarge, diminish
    21  or affect the authority otherwise possessed by the responsible
    22  public entity and the affected public entity to take action that
    23  would impact the debt capacity of the Commonwealth or the
    24  affected jurisdictions, except that in no event shall any debt
    25  financing for a qualifying transportation facility pledge the
    26  full faith and credit of the Commonwealth for the payment of
    27  debt and that any debt incurred for financing of a qualifying
    28  transportation facility shall be payable solely from one or a
    29  combination of:
    30         (1)  revenue for the qualifying transportation facility;
    20060H3075B4908                 - 35 -     

     1         (2)  a pledge of, security interest in or lien on grants,
     2     loans or other funds received by or provided by the private
     3     entity, the affected public entity or an affected
     4     jurisdiction; or
     5         (3)  a pledge of, security interest in or lien on real,
     6     personal or mixed property owned by the private entity.
     7  § 9211.  Financing.
     8     (a)  General rule.--Except as provided in section 9210(c)
     9  (relating to Federal, Commonwealth and local assistance), any
    10  financing of a qualifying transportation facility may be in
    11  amounts and upon terms and conditions as determined by the
    12  parties to the interim or comprehensive agreement.
    13     (b)  Exception.--Without limiting the generality of
    14  subsection (a), the private entity, the responsible public
    15  entity, the affected public entity and an affected jurisdiction
    16  may propose to utilize any and all money that may be available
    17  to them and may, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable
    18  law and subject to the limitations of section 9210(c), issue
    19  debt, equity or other securities or obligations, enter into
    20  leases and grant and loan agreements, access any designated
    21  transportation trust funds, borrow or accept grants from any
    22  Commonwealth program and secure any financing with a pledge of,
    23  security interest in or lien on, any or all of the revenue from
    24  the qualifying transportation facility, money from any grants,
    25  loans or other funds received by or provided by the private
    26  entity, the affected public entity or an affected jurisdiction,
    27  and any real, personal or mixed property owned by the private
    28  entity.
    29  § 9212.  Material default; remedies.
    30     (a)  Remedies.--Upon the occurrence and during the
    20060H3075B4908                 - 36 -     

     1  continuation of material default, the responsible public entity
     2  or the affected public entity may exercise the following
     3  remedies:
     4         (1)  The responsible public entity or the affected public
     5     entity may elect to take over the qualifying transportation
     6     facility and shall succeed to all of the right, title and
     7     interest in the qualifying transportation facility, subject
     8     to liens on revenue previously granted by the private entity
     9     to a person providing financing for the transportation
    10     facility.
    11         (2)  The responsible public entity or the affected public
    12     entity may terminate the interim or comprehensive agreement
    13     and exercise any other rights and remedies which may be
    14     available to it at law or in equity.
    15         (3)  The responsible public entity or the affected public
    16     entity may make or cause to be made any appropriate claims
    17     under the performance or payment bonds required by section
    18     9208 (relating to comprehensive agreement).
    19     (b)  Exercise of remedies.--If the responsible public entity
    20  or the affected public entity elects to take over a qualifying
    21  transportation facility under subsection (a), the responsible
    22  public entity or the affected public entity may develop or
    23  operate the qualifying transportation facility, impose user fees
    24  for the use of the facility and comply with service contracts as
    25  if the responsible public entity or the affected public entity
    26  were the private entity. Revenue subject to a lien shall be
    27  collected for the benefit of, and paid to, secured parties as
    28  their interests may appear and to the extent necessary to
    29  satisfy the private entity's obligations to the secured parties,
    30  including the maintenance of reserves, and the liens shall be
    20060H3075B4908                 - 37 -     

     1  correspondingly reduced and, when paid off, released. Before any
     2  payments to, or for the benefit of, secured parties, the
     3  responsible public entity or the affected public entity may use
     4  revenue to pay current operation and maintenance costs of the
     5  qualifying transportation facility or facilities, including
     6  compensation to the responsible public entity or the affected
     7  public entity for its services in operating and maintaining the
     8  qualifying transportation facility. Remaining revenue after all
     9  payments for operation and maintenance of the qualifying
    10  transportation facility and all payments to or for the benefit
    11  of secured parties shall be paid to the private entity, subject
    12  to the negotiated maximum rate of return. The right to receive
    13  the payment shall be considered just compensation for the
    14  qualifying transportation facility. The full faith and credit of
    15  the Commonwealth shall not be pledged to secure any financing of
    16  the private entity by the election to take over the qualifying
    17  transportation facility. Assumption of operation of the
    18  qualifying transportation facility shall not obligate the
    19  responsible public entity or the affected public entity to pay
    20  any obligation of the private entity from sources other than
    21  revenue.
    22  § 9213.  Eminent domain.
    23     (a)  Exercise of eminent domain.--At the request of the
    24  private entity, the responsible public entity and the affected
    25  public entity may exercise the right of eminent domain for the
    26  purpose of acquiring any lands or estates or interests therein
    27  to the extent permitted by laws governing eminent domain and to
    28  the extent that the responsible public entity or the affected
    29  public entity finds that the action serves the public purpose of
    30  this part. Any amounts to be paid in any such eminent domain
    20060H3075B4908                 - 38 -     

     1  proceeding shall be paid by the private entity.
     2     (b)  Exercise against qualifying transportation facility.--
     3  Except as provided in subsection (a), until the responsible
     4  public entity or the affected public entity, after notice to the
     5  private entity and the secured parties as may appear in the
     6  private entity's records and an opportunity for hearing, has
     7  obtained a final declaratory judgment that a material default
     8  has occurred and is continuing, the power of eminent domain may
     9  not be exercised against a qualifying transportation facility.
    10     (c)  Exercise following declaratory judgment.--After the
    11  entry of a final declaratory judgment, the responsible public
    12  entity or the affected public entity having the power of eminent
    13  domain under the laws of this Commonwealth may exercise the
    14  power of eminent domain, in lieu of or at any time after taking
    15  over the qualifying transportation facility pursuant to section
    16  9212(a)(1) (relating to material default; remedies), in order to
    17  acquire the qualifying transportation facility or facilities.
    18  Nothing in this part shall be construed to limit the exercise of
    19  the power of eminent domain by the responsible public entity or
    20  the affected public entity against a qualifying transportation
    21  facility after the entry of a final declaratory judgment
    22  pursuant to subsection (b). Any person that has provided
    23  financing for the qualifying transportation facility and the
    24  private entity, to the extent of its capital investment, may
    25  participate in the eminent domain proceedings with the standing
    26  of a property owner.
    27  § 9214.  Public utility crossings.
    28     A private entity and each public utility, railroad and cable
    29  television provider whose facilities are to be crossed or
    30  affected shall cooperate fully with each other in planning and
    20060H3075B4908                 - 39 -     

     1  arranging the manner of the crossing or relocation of the
     2  facilities. Any entity possessing the power of eminent domain is
     3  expressly granted authority to utilize such powers to the extent
     4  permitted by laws governing eminent domain in connection with
     5  the moving or relocation of facilities to be crossed by the
     6  qualifying transportation facility or that must be relocated to
     7  the extent that such moving or relocation is made necessary or
     8  desirable by construction of or improvements to the qualifying
     9  transportation facility, which shall be construed to include
    10  construction of or improvements to temporary facilities for the
    11  purpose of providing service during the period of construction
    12  or improvement. If the private entity and any public utility,
    13  railroad and cable television provider are unable to agree upon
    14  a plan for a crossing or relocation, the commission may
    15  determine the manner in which the crossing or relocation shall
    16  be accomplished and shall determine any damages due as a result
    17  of the crossing or relocation. The commission may employ expert
    18  engineers to examine the location and plans for the crossing or
    19  relocation, hear objections, consider modifications and make
    20  recommendations to the commission, in which case the cost of the
    21  expert shall be borne by the private entity. Any amount to be
    22  paid for a crossing or for construction of, moving or relocating
    23  facilities shall be paid by the private entity or any other
    24  person who is contractually responsible to make the payment
    25  under an interim or comprehensive agreement or any other
    26  contract, license or permit. The commission shall make a
    27  determination within 90 days of notification by the private
    28  entity that the qualifying transportation facility will cross
    29  public utilities subject to the commission's jurisdiction.
    30  § 9215.  Police powers; violations of law.
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     1     (a)  Powers and jurisdiction.--All law enforcement officers
     2  of the Commonwealth and each affected jurisdiction shall have
     3  the same powers and jurisdiction within the limits of a
     4  qualifying transportation facility as they have in their
     5  respective areas of jurisdiction, and law enforcement officers
     6  shall have access to the qualifying transportation facility at
     7  any time for the purpose of exercising their law enforcement
     8  powers and jurisdiction. The grant of authority in this
     9  subsection does not extend to the private offices, buildings,
    10  garages and other improvements of the private entity to any
    11  greater degree than the police power extends to any other
    12  private buildings and improvements.
    13     (b)  Enforcement of traffic laws.--To the extent the
    14  qualifying transportation facility is a highway, bridge, tunnel,
    15  overpass or similar transportation facility for motor vehicles,
    16  the traffic and motor vehicle laws of this Commonwealth or, if
    17  applicable, any local jurisdiction shall be the same as those
    18  applying to conduct on similar transportation facilities in this
    19  Commonwealth or the local jurisdiction. Punishment for offenses
    20  shall be as prescribed by law for conduct occurring on similar
    21  transportation facilities in this Commonwealth or the local
    22  jurisdiction.
    23     (c)  Payment of costs.--A private entity shall be responsible
    24  for the payment of all costs associated with the provision of
    25  law enforcement services pursuant to subsections (a) and (b)
    26  within the limits of a qualifying transportation facility.
    27     (d)  Imposition, collection and disposition of fines.--Fines
    28  imposed by law enforcement officers for violations occurring
    29  within the limits of a qualifying transportation facility shall
    30  be imposed, collected, distributed and governed as otherwise
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     1  provided by applicable law.
     2  § 9216.  Transfer of assets.
     3     The responsible public entity or the affected public entity
     4  shall terminate the private entity's authority and duties under
     5  this part on the date set forth in the interim or comprehensive
     6  agreement. Upon termination, the authority and duties of the
     7  private entity under this part shall cease, and all property,
     8  real, personal and mixed, constituting the qualifying
     9  transportation facility shall be transferred to the responsible
    10  public entity or the affected public entity, if any.
    11  § 9217.  Procurement.
    12     (a)  General rule.--The Procurement Code shall not apply to
    13  this part or to development, operation, construction,
    14  improvement, alteration or maintenance of a qualifying
    15  transportation facility by a private entity. Contracts shall be
    16  awarded and interim and comprehensive agreements shall be
    17  entered into through use of a competitive process or by private
    18  negotiation as provided in regulations promulgated pursuant to
    19  section 9203(f) (relating to approval). Responsible public
    20  entities and affected public entities shall not be required to
    21  select the proposal with the lowest price offer or the highest
    22  price offer, but may consider price as one factor in evaluating
    23  the proposals received. Other factors that may be considered
    24  include:
    25         (1)  proposed cost of the qualifying transportation
    26     facility;
    27         (2)  general reputation, qualifications, industry
    28     experience and financial capacity of the private entity;
    29         (3)  proposed design, operation and feasibility of the
    30     qualifying transportation facility;
    20060H3075B4908                 - 42 -     

     1         (4)  eligibility of the qualifying transportation
     2     facility for priority selection, review and documentation
     3     time lines under the regulations promulgated pursuant to
     4     section 9203(f);
     5         (5)  local citizen and public entity comments;
     6         (6)  benefits to the public;
     7         (7)  the private entity's compliance with a minority
     8     business enterprise participation plan or good faith effort
     9     to comply with the goals of a plan;
    10         (8)  the private entity's plans to employ local
    11     contractors and residents;
    12         (9)  the safety record of the private entity;
    13         (10)  the ability of the qualifying transportation
    14     facility to address the needs of Commonwealth, regional or
    15     local transportation by improving safety, reducing
    16     congestion, abating environmental pollution, advancing energy
    17     efficiency or conservation, improving homeland security,
    18     increasing capacity or enhancing economic efficiency; and
    19         (11)  other criteria that the responsible public entity
    20     and the affected public entity deem appropriate.
    21     (b)  Specific exemption.--In no event shall a private entity,
    22  a responsible public entity or an affected public entity be
    23  subject to requirements of the act of May 1, 1913 (P.L.155,
    24  No.104), entitled "An act regulating the letting of certain
    25  contracts for the erection, construction, and alteration of
    26  public buildings," with regard to a qualifying transportation
    27  facility which is the subject of an interim agreement or a
    28  comprehensive agreement.
    29  § 9218.  Public-Private Transportation Partnership Fund.
    30     (a)  Establishment.--There is established within the State
    20060H3075B4908                 - 43 -     

     1  Treasury a special fund to be known as the Public-Private
     2  Transportation Partnership Fund for the purposes enumerated in
     3  this section. Interest and investment earnings on money in the
     4  fund shall be retained in the fund. Money in the fund shall be
     5  used for the purposes enumerated in subsection (c). Money in the
     6  fund shall not lapse and is appropriated upon approval of the
     7  Governor for the purposes enumerated in subsection (c).
     8     (b)  Deposits to fund.--Money to be deposited in the fund
     9  includes:
    10         (1)  excess earnings as provided in section 9208(e)
    11     (relating to comprehensive agreement);
    12         (2)  monetary damages received by the responsible public
    13     entity and the affected public entity for failure by the
    14     private entity to comply with the terms of an interim
    15     agreement or a comprehensive agreement;
    16         (3)  payments made to the responsible public entity and
    17     the affected public entity from any performance or payment
    18     bond; and
    19         (4)  any other money received by the responsible public
    20     entity and the affected public entity and earmarked for
    21     deposit into the fund pursuant to the terms of an interim
    22     agreement or a comprehensive agreement.
    23     (c)  Authorized uses.--Money in the fund shall be allocated
    24  by majority vote of the transportation commission and may, upon
    25  allocation, be used:
    26         (1)  for maintenance, repair, construction,
    27     reconstruction and operation of transportation facilities
    28     available for use by the public and for which no toll, fee or
    29     other charge is imposed for public use; or
    30         (2)  by an affected public entity for transportation-
    20060H3075B4908                 - 44 -     

     1     related purposes under a written agreement with the
     2     responsible public entity as approved by majority vote of the
     3     transportation commission.
     4     (d)  Restrictions on transfers from fund.--Money in the fund
     5  shall not be transferred to the General Fund or any other fund
     6  or used for any purpose not specifically authorized in
     7  subsection (c) unless the transfer or use is by statute approved
     8  by a two-thirds vote of the General Assembly.
     9     Section 2.  All acts and parts of acts are repealed to the
    10  extent they are inconsistent with the provisions of 74 Pa.C.S.
    11  Pt. V.
    12     Section 3.  This act shall take effect as follows:
    13         (1)  The following provisions shall take effect
    14     immediately:
    15             (i)  The addition of 74 Pa.C.S. § 9203(f) and (k).
    16             (ii)  This section.
    17         (2)  The remainder of this act shall take effect on the
    18     earlier of:
    19             (i)  120 days; or
    20             (ii)  the date of publication of draft interim
    21         regulations under 74 Pa.C.S. § 9203(f).

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