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                                                         PRINTER'S NO. 3



No. 3 Session of 2001



                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Providing for the adoption of Financial Operating Rules of the
     2     Senate.

     3     RESOLVED, That Financial Operating Rules of the Senate be
     4  adopted for the government of the 185th and 186th Regular
     5  Session until amended, repealed or otherwise altered or changed.
     6                            (2001-2002)
     8                           I.  PERSONNEL
     9  1.  Central Office.
    10     The office of the Chief Clerk of the Senate shall serve as
    11  the central office of the Senate for all personnel and payroll
    12  matters.
    13  2.  Employees of the Senate.
    14     (a)  Personnel Files.
    15     Before any person is placed on any payroll of the Senate,
    16  there must be in the office of the Chief Clerk a payroll file
    17  containing:

     1         (1)  Full name of employee.
     2         (2)  Full address including county.
     3         (3)  Date of employment/termination/or job transfer.
     4         (4)  Actual functional job title or description to
     5     include general hours of work, general job responsibilities
     6     and job location.
     7         (5)  The name of the Senator or Officer responsible for
     8     monitoring the employee's performance.
     9         (6)  Letter of appointment signed by the authorizing
    10     Senator or Officer including a delineation of the account
    11     from which the employee is to be paid.
    12         (7)  The current compensation level with signature
    13     approval of the authorizing Senator or Officer. Overtime
    14     payments may be authorized only in emergency maintenance and
    15     security situations with the signature approvals of the
    16     Senator or Officer responsible for monitoring performance,
    17     the authorizing Senator or Officer and the President Pro
    18     Tempore.
    19         (8)  All information necessary for tax withholding and
    20     benefit eligibility.
    21         (9)  Employment Eligibility Verification Form.
    22     (b)  Maintenance of the Personnel Files.
    23     It is the responsibility of the Chief Clerk to develop
    24  procedures necessary to maintain this payroll file information
    25  on a current basis. All payroll changes shall be reflected by
    26  the next appropriate payroll period providing said change is
    27  received in the office of the Chief Clerk prior to processing of
    28  the payroll.
    29     (c)  Reclassification of Employees.
    30     Any reclassification of employees under the Senate of
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     1  Pennsylvania Pay Plan and Job Classifications shall be submitted
     2  by the Member or Officer authorizing such reclassification to
     3  the Committee on Management Operations for approval or
     4  disapproval. The Committee on Management Operations established
     5  a bi-partisan subcommittee of the members of the Committee on
     6  Management Operations to consider and approve or disapprove all
     7  such requests subject to an appeal by the Member or Officer for
     8  consideration of the reclassification by the Committee on
     9  Management Operations.
    10  3.  Personal Service Contracts.
    11     (a)  Personal Contract Files.
    12     For any person retained on a contractual basis by any Officer
    13  or Member of the Senate, there shall be in the office of the
    14  Chief Clerk a file containing:
    15         (1)  A copy of the contract signed by the authorizing
    16     Senator or Officer including:
    17             (i)  Full name, address, including county and social
    18         security number of person (or Federal tax identification
    19         number) from whom the services are contracted.
    20             (ii)  Duration of the contract. No contract may
    21         extend beyond the expiration of the term of the Member or
    22         Officer.
    23             (iii)  Cost of the contract and terms of payment.
    24             (iv)  Clear, detailed description of the type of
    25         service to be performed or product to be delivered.
    26         (2)  The name of the Senator or Officer responsible for
    27     monitoring the contractor's performance.
    28     (b)  Contract Review.
    29     All personal service contracts shall be submitted to the
    30  Chief Clerk for review and approval regarding conformity with
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     1  applicable laws and rules.
     2     (c)  Payment.
     3     Payments under contract shall be made in accordance with
     4  provisions of the contract provided that a voucher for such
     5  payment is received in the office of the Chief Clerk before the
     6  applicable deadline date. Contractor performance shall be
     7  reviewed by the monitoring individual so named in the file (Rule
     8  I.3.(a)(2)), who under conditions of satisfactory performance
     9  and conformity to the contract shall approve the voucher prior
    10  to processing.
    11  4.  Authorized Accounts.
    12     Salaries, wages and related benefits shall be paid from
    13  accounts so authorized by the General Appropriation Act. Such
    14  accounts also may pay expenses related to personal service
    15  contracts.
    17  1.  Member Travel.
    18     Travel allowances or reimbursements may be paid to a Member
    19  who is engaged in travel in the performance of legislative
    20  duties. Travel payments may be claimed in connection with the
    21  following:
    22         (1)  One round trip between home district and Harrisburg
    23     for each week a Member is in actual attendance at a session
    24     of the Legislature ("Session Mileage").
    25         (2)  Round trip travel between home district and
    26     Harrisburg for other legislative activities.
    27         (3)  All travel on intradistrict and interdistrict
    28     legislative business.
    29         (4)  All travel to attend committee meetings, hearings,
    30     conferences and seminars.
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     1  2.  Employee Travel.
     2     Travel reimbursement may be paid to employees engaged in
     3  travel from their work place to the place of legislative
     4  business provided that the travel is necessary for the
     5  performance of official business. Except as provided in Rule
     6  II.3.(c), employees are not authorized to lease vehicles on a
     7  long-term basis, and no payments will be made with respect to
     8  long-term lease vehicle expenses incurred by employees. When
     9  away from the Harrisburg area and from their work place,
    10  employees may rent cars on a short-term basis for a period not
    11  in excess of that needed to carry out official business.
    12  3.  Rental of Vehicle or Conveyance.
    13     (a)  Long-Term Rental.
    14     A Member who leases a vehicle or conveyance on a long-term
    15  basis may be reimbursed for an amount, not to exceed 95% of the
    16  cost of such lease payments, a net amount not to exceed such
    17  amount as may be authorized by the Senate Committee on
    18  Management Operations. Expenses attributable to insurance and
    19  operation of the vehicle or conveyance are not included in
    20  determining the cost of the lease. No lease reimbursements will
    21  be made for any period after a Member has left office. For rules
    22  regarding reimbursement of expenses of operation, see Rule
    23  II.4.(a)(3). No reimbursement is permitted for lease purchase
    24  agreements.
    25     (b)  Short-Term Rental of Vehicle or Conveyance.
    26     A Member whose long-term rental is unavailable may be
    27  reimbursed for an amount, not to exceed 95% of actual expenses
    28  for a short-term rental. A Member or employee who rents a
    29  vehicle or conveyance on a short-term basis (other than a
    30  Member's temporary replacement of a long-term rental) may be
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     1  reimbursed only on an actual cost basis for the cost of the
     2  rental payments and expenses of operation.
     3     (c)  Vehicle Rental by Chief Clerk.
     4     The Chief Clerk is authorized to lease no more than three
     5  vehicles for the operation of the Senate. The actual expenses of
     6  the lease and operation shall be paid by the Senate's Incidental
     7  Expense Account. The Chief Clerk is also authorized to enter
     8  into a master lease agreement with the Department of General
     9  Services for the long-term lease of automobiles to be used by
    10  Members of the Senate. Rules relating to the payment of expenses
    11  relating to vehicles leased through the Department of General
    12  Services to be used by Members of the Senate shall be
    13  promulgated by the Senate Committee on Management Operations.
    14  4.  Allowable Transportation Expenses.
    15     (a)  General.
    16         (1)  Common or Chartered Carrier. A Member or employee
    17     may be reimbursed for reasonable actual costs of carriage
    18     when traveling by common or chartered carrier, including
    19     expenses for parking, taxis, limousines and tolls. Claims for
    20     payment based on miles traveled cannot be paid.
    21         (2)  Personal Vehicle and Noncommercial Conveyance. A
    22     Member or employee who uses a personal vehicle may be
    23     reimbursed on such mileage basis as may be established by the
    24     Senate Committee on Management Operations. Reimbursement for
    25     use of other noncommercial vehicles or noncommercial aircraft
    26     shall be made on such basis as may be established by the
    27     Senate Committee on Management Operations.
    28         (3)  Leased Vehicle other than Department of General
    29     Services Vehicles. A Member who uses a vehicle leased on a
    30     long-term basis other than one provided through the
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     1     Department of General Services may elect to be reimbursed
     2     either on a mileage basis (Rule II.4.(a)(2)) or an actual
     3     cost basis. However, having elected to receive reimbursement
     4     on a mileage basis after having been reimbursed on an actual
     5     cost basis, the Member shall offset against future expense
     6     claims an amount equal to the paid but unused portion of
     7     automobile insurance for that vehicle. Such Member may be
     8     reimbursed for an amount, not to exceed 95% of the actual
     9     vehicle operating expenses. Actual vehicle operating expenses
    10     shall include gasoline, oil, lubrication, repairs, tires,
    11     supplies, insurance, maintenance and other reasonable
    12     incidental items necessary to the operation of the vehicle. A
    13     Member may not be reimbursed for the use of a personal
    14     vehicle during any period of time that the Member is being
    15     reimbursed for a leased vehicle, except when the leased
    16     vehicle is unavailable for reasons beyond the control of the
    17     Member.
    18         (4)  Session Mileage. The mileage rate for Session
    19     Mileage payments under Rule II.1.(a) shall be as set forth by
    20     law.
    21         (5)  Out-of-State Travel.
    22             (i)  Nonmember Officers of the Senate and their
    23         employees may claim expenses for travel outside the
    24         Commonwealth, provided that such travel is approved in
    25         the manner described in Rule XI.  All claims for Members'
    26         and employees' travel outside the Commonwealth shall be
    27         filed with the Office of the Chief Clerk in the manner
    28         described in Rule XI.
    29             (ii)  Members of the Senate may claim expenses for
    30         travel outside the Commonwealth provided that the travel
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     1         is necessary to attend a conference, seminar or meeting
     2         regularly or specially scheduled by an organization which
     3         conference, seminar or meeting has a legislative purpose.
     4         Members shall submit a copy of a registration and agenda,
     5         in addition to any other documentation required by these
     6         rules.
     7             (iii)  Members of the Senate may also claim expenses
     8         for travel outside the Commonwealth when the travel has a
     9         legislative purpose, but is not for attending a
    10         conference, seminar or meeting, provided the purpose is
    11         approved by the Committee on Management Operations, and
    12         provided further that approval is not required for
    13         legislative business in Washington, DC.
    14     (b)  No Duplication.
    15         (1)  Session Mileage. Members claiming reimbursement for
    16     actual expenses of leased vehicle operation shall reduce such
    17     claim by an amount equal to the "session mileage" entitlement
    18     for the same period. Likewise, a Member electing to travel to
    19     the session by common carrier shall reduce such claim by an
    20     amount to the "session mileage" entitlement.
    21         (2)  Reimbursement From One Source. If a Member or
    22     employee is entitled to reimbursement from more than one
    23     source for legislative business performed on behalf of more
    24     than one committee or group, payment shall be received from
    25     only one source.
    26  5.  Documentation.
    27     (a)  Expense Voucher.
    28     All requests for travel payments must be made on an expense
    29  voucher showing:
    30         (1)  Dates of travel.
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     1         (2)  Legislative purpose of travel described in
     2     reasonable specificity. For all claims involving out-of-state
     3     travel, the voucher must be supported by sufficient
     4     documentation to describe the legislative purpose of the
     5     travel. Claims for out-of-state travel shall also include
     6     such information as may be required under Section 4.(a).
     7         (3)  The number of miles traveled when claiming
     8     reimbursement on a mileage basis. Such mileage claims also
     9     should reflect an itinerary including point of origin,
    10     furthest destination, and intermediate points and the
    11     legislative purpose of the trips.
    12     (b)  Receipts.
    13     Receipts must be submitted to support the cost association
    14  with claims for:
    15         (1)  Travel by common or chartered carrier.
    16         (2)  Leased vehicle or conveyance operation. Receipts for
    17     gasoline and maintenance shall include the license number of
    18     the vehicle and the location of the purchase. In addition, a
    19     copy of such lease and vehicle registration certificate must
    20     be on file with the Office of the Chief Clerk.
    21         (3)  Parking, limousine, toll charges and other
    22     miscellaneous incidental items when any of these items exceed
    23     $10.
    24  6.  Authorized Accounts.
    25     Travel payments can be made from any of the following
    26  accounts. Long-term vehicle or conveyance rental payments may be
    27  made from all accounts except (3) and (6). Authorized accounts
    28  are:
    29         (1)  Leadership Operations Accounts.
    30         (2)  Appropriations Committee Accounts.
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     1         (3)  Legislative Management Committee Accounts, exclusive
     2     of expenses for leased car.
     3         (4)  Senators' Legislative Accountable Expense Accounts.
     4         (5)  Contingent Accounts.
     5         (6)  Senators' Mileage and Expense Accounts for "session
     6     mileage" travel.
     7         (7)  Incidental Expense Account.
     8         (8)  Senators' District Office Expense Account.
     9                      III.  MEALS AND LODGING
    10  1.  General.
    11     A Member may receive payments attributable to ordinary and
    12  necessary expenses for meals, lodging and incidental items
    13  provided that the Member is engaged in the performance of
    14  legislative duties. Depending on the nature and location of the
    15  activity, as explained below, payments may be made in one of the
    16  following forms:  per diem allowance; reimbursement for actual
    17  costs incurred; or, in the case of lodging rental payments, a
    18  combination of partial per diem allowance and reimbursement of
    19  the cost of lodging rental.
    20  2.  Lodging Rental in the Harrisburg Area.
    21     A Member who resides outside of Harrisburg and who rents
    22  lodging in the Harrisburg area may claim payments for the cost
    23  of the lodging lease and related expenses. No lodging rental
    24  payments will be made for any period after a Member's term
    25  expires.
    26  3.  Per Diem Allowance.
    27     (a)  Per Diem Entitlement.
    28     A Member is entitled to receive a per diem allowance for each
    29  day the Member is in the performance of legislative duties while
    30  in the Harrisburg area (defined as within Dauphin County or
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     1  otherwise within a 10-mile radius of the Capitol) or elsewhere
     2  in the Commonwealth but away from home. Specific legislative
     3  duties include attendance at sessions of the Senate, attendance
     4  at official committee meetings and participation in all other
     5  activities necessary or appropriate to the carrying out of the
     6  responsibilities of the Member.
     7     (b)  Types of Per Diem Allowance.
     8         (1)  Full Per Diem. A full per diem allowance not to
     9     exceed such amount as maybe established by the Senate
    10     Committee on Management Operations may be claimed as an
    11     allowance for meals and lodging.
    12         (2)  Partial Per Diem. A Member who claims the cost of
    13     lodging rental as provided in Rule III.2., may not receive a
    14     full per diem allowance except when the per diem entitlement
    15     derives from attendance at official committee meetings
    16     outside of the Harrisburg area. When the per diem entitlement
    17     derives from the performance in the Harrisburg area of the
    18     specified legislative duties defined in Rule III.3.(a), a
    19     Member may receive a partial per diem allowance up to an
    20     amount established by the Senate Committee on Management
    21     Operations for meals and incidentals.
    22  4.  Actual Costs.
    23     A Member may claim actual costs for lodging, meals and other
    24  incidental items incurred in the performance of legislative
    25  duties. Expense claims for costs of lodging, meals and other
    26  incidental expenses incurred in the performance of legislative
    27  duties outside of the Commonwealth may be reimbursed on an
    28  actual expense basis or through a per diem allowance.
    29  5.  Employees' Travel.
    30     If an employee is engaged in travel away from the normally
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     1  assigned place of work necessary for the performance of official
     2  business, the employee may be reimbursed for reasonable actual
     3  cost of lodging, meals and other incidental items. For rules
     4  regarding Out-of-State travel, see Rule XI.
     5  6.  Payment From One Source.
     6     If a Member is entitled to a meal and lodging claim from more
     7  than one source for legislative business performed on behalf of
     8  more than one committee or group, payments shall be received
     9  from only one source.
    10  7.  Review.
    11     All authorized and approved meals and lodging claims shall be
    12  reviewed for inadvertent duplication by the Office of the Chief
    13  Clerk prior to processing and payment.
    14  8.  Record Keeping.
    15     Where a per diem allowance or reimbursement is paid by a
    16  legislative service agency cofunded between both Houses of the
    17  General Assembly, a copy of the approved claim shall be
    18  furnished to the Office of the Chief Clerk.
    19  9.  Documentation.
    20     (a)  Per Diem Allowance.
    21     For payment of a per diem allowance, a Member must submit a
    22  voucher showing the date, the legislative activity in which the
    23  Member was engaged on that date, and the location of the
    24  activity.
    25     (b)  Actual Expenses of a Member or an Employee.
    26     For payment of actual expenses, a Member or employee must
    27  submit a voucher showing the date, amount, place and the
    28  legislative activity in which the Member or employee was engaged
    29  and must submit a vendor or credit card receipt or invoice for
    30  each item exceeding $10.
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     1     (c)  Lodging Rental.
     2     A copy of each lease must be on file with the Office of the
     3  Chief Clerk. A Member must submit a voucher and, if appropriate,
     4  an invoice or receipt for any related expenses.
     5  10.  Authorized Accounts.
     6     (a)  Attendance at Sessions.
     7     Payments shall be made from the Incidental Expense Account
     8  for authorized Per Diem Allowances only for attendance at
     9  sessions of the Senate during which roll call votes are
    10  recorded.
    11     (b)  Lodging Rental Payment.
    12     Payments shall be made from Senator's Legislative Accountable
    13  Expense Account for lodging rental payment.
    14     (c)  Authorized Accounts.
    15     Payment may be made from the following accounts for other
    16  authorized per diem meal and lodging claims:
    17         (1)  Leadership Operations Accounts.
    18         (2)  Appropriations Committee Accounts.
    19         (3)  Legislative Management Committee Accounts.
    20         (4)  Senators' Legislative Accountable Expense Accounts.
    21         (5)  Contingent Accounts.
    22         (6)  Incidental Expense Account.
    23         (7)  Senators' District Office Expense Account, meals
    24     only.
    26  1.  Purchases, Improvements, Renovations.
    27     The Office of the Chief Clerk shall act as the sole agent for
    28  improvements or renovations to Senate facilities at the Capitol
    29  Complex and for the purchase, rental, control and inventory of
    30  durable equipment, furniture and furnishings with a useful life
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     1  of one year or more and a cost greater than the limit
     2  established by the Committee on Management Operations for
     3  utilization in both the Capitol and District Offices.
     4  Nonrecoverable items including, but not limited to, carpeting,
     5  draperies and air conditioners for use in and improvements or
     6  renovations to district office facilities shall be purchased
     7  pursuant to standards developed by the Senate Committee on
     8  Management Operations. The Chief Clerk shall serve as the sole
     9  agent for the purchase of United States and Pennsylvania flags.
    10  2.  Approval of Purchase or Rental.
    11     All requests for the purchase or rental of such equipment,
    12  furniture and furnishings must be reviewed and approved by the
    13  Chief Clerk.
    14  3.  Member/Officer Inventory.
    15     All approved requests shall be processed by the office of the
    16  Chief Clerk, which shall maintain a full and current inventory
    17  of all durable equipment, furniture and furnishings secured on
    18  behalf of a Member, Officer or employee of the Senate.
    19  4.  Pricing and Service.
    20     The Chief Clerk shall take all necessary and reasonable steps
    21  to ensure that the purchase or rental of durable equipment,
    22  furniture and furnishings with a useful life of one year or more
    23  and a cost greater than the limit established by the Committee
    24  on Management Operations shall be transacted at the lowest
    25  available price for the quality, compatibility, availability and
    26  service of the items being purchased or leased.
    27  5.  Dissemination of Literature.
    28     The Secretary of the Senate shall provide for the publication
    29  and dissemination of educational or informational literature
    30  pertaining to the Senate of Pennsylvania, the Commonwealth of
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     1  Pennsylvania or the Government of the United States.
     2  6.  Public Inspection of Records.
     3     The records of the Secretary of the Senate and the Chief
     4  Clerk shall be considered public records and be available for
     5  public inspection in the manner similar to that provided in
     6  these Rules.
     7  7.  Documentation Required.
     8     (a)  Request for Purchase or Rental Showing:
     9         (1)  Date of request.
    10         (2)  Item requested.
    11         (3)  By whom request made.
    12         (4)  Purpose.
    13         (5)  Signature approvals.
    14         (6)  Record of Rule IV.4. actions taken.
    15     (b)  Vendor's invoice or receipt detailing:
    16         (1)  Date of purchase or rental.
    17         (2)  Vendor's identity.
    18         (3)  Description of item purchased or rented.
    19         (4)  Length of rental contract when applicable.
    20         (5)  Cost and payment terms of the purchase or rental.
    21  8.  Authorized Accounts.
    22     (a)  Legislative and Printing Expense Account as provided in
    23  General Appropriations Act.
    24     (b)  The account as provided in the General Appropriations
    25  Act for the purchase of flags.
    26     (c)  Senators' Legislative Accountable Expense Accounts for
    27  the purchase of flags and for the rental of durable equipment,
    28  furniture and furnishings.
    29     (d)  Senators' District Office Expense Account for the
    30  purposes set forth in subsection (c).
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     1                    V.  DISTRICT OFFICE EXPENSES
     2  1.  Authorized Expenses.
     3     Expenses authorized shall include:
     4     (a)  Aggregate office rental, utilities and telephone in
     5  accordance with policies as may be established by the Senate
     6  Committee on Management Operations. Whenever a Member or any of
     7  his immediate family has an equity interest in a district
     8  office, the Chief Clerk shall obtain an independent appraisal of
     9  the office rental cost.
    10     (b)  Insurance
    11     (c)  Printing services.
    12     (d)  Telephone and answering services.
    13     (e)  Postage and mailing services.
    14     (f)  Publications and subscriptions.
    15     (g)  Nondurable supplies.
    16     (h)  Member, employee and visitor parking.
    17     (i)  Janitorial maintenance and cleaning services.
    18     (j)  Other items authorized for expenses as defined in the
    19  General Appropriations Act and policies of the Senate Committee
    20  on Management Operations.
    21  2.  Documentation Required.
    22     A copy of the district office lease indicating the amount and
    23  payment terms shall be filed with the office of the Chief Clerk.
    24  Such copy may be referenced on the voucher and serve as
    25  appropriate documentation of the expense. Vouchers appropriately
    26  documenting expenses and legislative purpose for each
    27  expenditure. Receipts or invoices shall be included for all
    28  expenditures in excess of $25 per occurrence.
    29  3.  Authorized Accounts.
    30     Accounts authorized include:
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     1         (1)  Senators' Legislative Accountable Expense Accounts.
     2         (2)  Chief Clerk Employees' Salary and Expense Account.
     3         (3)  Legislative and Printing Expense Account.
     4         (4)  Senators' District Office Expense Account.
     5                    VI.  CAPITOL OFFICE EXPENSES
     6  1.  Types of Expenses Authorized.
     7     Expenses authorized shall include:
     8         (1)  Utility services.
     9         (2)  Insurance.
    10         (3)  Printing services.
    11         (4)  Telephone and answering services.
    12         (5)  Postage and mailing services.
    13         (6)  Publications and subscriptions.
    14         (7)  Nondurable supplies.
    15         (8)  Employee parking.
    16         (9)  Janitorial maintenance and cleaning services.
    17         (10)  Other items authorized for expenses as defined in
    18     the General Appropriations Act.
    19  2.  Documentation Required.
    20     Documentation required shall include vouchers appropriately
    21  documenting expenses and legislative purpose for each
    22  expenditure. Receipts or invoices shall be included for all
    23  expenditures in excess of $25 per occurrence.
    24  3.  Authorized Accounts.
    25     Accounts authorized include:
    26         (1)  Legislative Printing and Expense Account.
    27         (2)  Postage Account of Chief Clerk (for postage only).
    28         (3)  Senators' Legislative Accountable Expense Accounts.
    29         (4)  Contingent Accounts and Incidental Expense Accounts.
    30         (5)  Leadership Operations Accounts, exclusive of office
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     1     rental.
     2         (6)  Appropriations Committee Accounts, exclusive of
     3     office rental.
     4         (7)  Legislative Management Committee Accounts, exclusive
     5     of office rental.
     6                      VII.  OFFICIAL EXPENSES
     7  1.  General.
     8     While engaged in the performance of legislative duties, a
     9  Member, Officer or employee expressly authorized by a Member may
    10  claim actual expenses as set forth below.
    11  2.  Participation in Conferences and Seminars.
    12     Expenses, such as registration fees, incurred in
    13  participating in legislative conferences and seminars may be
    14  claimed. Related travel expenses incurred are discussed in Rule
    15  II. Related meals and lodging expenses incurred are discussed in
    16  Rule III.
    17  3.  Conducting Meetings.
    18     Expenses attributable to conducting legislative meetings may
    19  be claimed. Such expenses may include: food and refreshment,
    20  meeting room rental, and incidental items.
    21  4.  Official Entertainment.
    22     Expenses incurred in connection with official entertainment
    23  may be claimed. Such expenses may include: meals, refreshments,
    24  and related items which are ordinary to the performance of a
    25  Member's legislative duties, and for which there is a
    26  legislative purpose. In general, these entertainment expenses
    27  will be incurred during, immediately preceding or immediately
    28  following a substantial and bona fide legislative business
    29  discussion.
    30  5.  Documentation.
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     1     (a)  Participation in Conferences and Seminars.
     2     Vouchers shall show the amount, date, place and legislative
     3  purpose. Registration or other receipts must be attached.
     4     (b)  Conducting Meetings.
     5     Vouchers shall show or reference to records which show the
     6  amount, date, place and legislative purpose. Restaurant, hotel,
     7  or credit card receipt or invoices must be attached.
     8     (c)  Official Entertainment.
     9     Vouchers shall show or reference to records which show the
    10  amount, date, place, legislative purpose and if claimed by a
    11  Member, the portion of the amount attributable to his
    12  entertainment expense. Restaurant, hotel or credit card receipt
    13  or invoices must be attached.
    14     (d)  Claims by Nonofficer Employees.
    15     Vouchers involving any official expenses claimed by
    16  nonofficer employees shall reflect the formal authorization by a
    17  Member.
    18  6.  Authorized Accounts.
    19     Payments shall be made from the following accounts:
    20         (1)  Leadership Operations Accounts.
    21         (2)  Appropriations Committee Accounts.
    22         (3)  Legislative Management Committee Accounts.
    23         (4)  Senators' Legislative Accountable Expense Accounts.
    24         (5)  Contingent Accounts.
    25         (6)  Incidental Expense Account.
    26         (7)  Senators' District Office Expense Account.
    27                      VIII.  SPECIAL EXPENSES
    28  1.  Authorized Expenses.
    29     Expenses authorized include:
    30     (a)  Flowers, baskets of fruit or other appropriate items or
    20010S0003R0003                 - 19 -

     1  memorial contributions to designated charities not to exceed $35
     2  or such other amount as may be established by the Senate
     3  Committee on Management Operations. Recipients are limited to
     4  instances of death or illness for Members, Officers, employees
     5  or their immediate families, or former Members or their
     6  immediate families or dignitaries including both incumbent or
     7  former elected or appointed officials or their immediate
     8  families.
     9     (b)  Rental of common carrier and other expenditures inherent
    10  thereto for attendance at funerals of a Member or members of a
    11  Member's immediate family, former Members, dignitaries, or
    12  Officers.
    13  2.  Documentation Required.
    14     Documentation required shall include receipt, vendor invoice
    15  and general invoice showing: recipient, instance, description of
    16  items delivered, date delivered and cost.
    17  3.  Authorized Accounts.
    18     Payment shall be made only from Contingent Accounts or the
    19  Incidental Expense Account.
    21  1.  Committee Proceedings.
    22     Rental of meeting rooms and hearing facilities and payments
    23  to qualified court reporters or stenographers to record the
    24  proceedings authorized by the chairman of a standing or special
    25  committee of the Senate, including the cost of transcripts.
    26  Witnesses served with a subpoena to testify before such
    27  proceedings shall be paid witness fees and travel expenses as
    28  provided by Section 5903 of the Judicial Code.
    29  2.  Printing and Mailing.
    30     Committee printing and mailing costs for mailings relating to
    20010S0003R0003                 - 20 -

     1  legislative business.
     2  3.  Publications and Subscriptions.
     3     Publications and subscriptions.
     4  4.  Documentation Required.
     5     Vouchers or vendors receipts or invoices stating vendor's
     6  name, services or amount of postage, date, place, and total
     7  amount due or paid. Postage purchases shall require a receipt
     8  stamped by the Postmaster.
     9  5.  Authorized Accounts.
    10     Accounts authorized include:
    11         (1)  Legislative Management Committees Accounts.
    12         (2)  Leadership Operation Accounts.
    13         (3)  Appropriations Committee Accounts.
    15  1.  Duties.
    16     In addition to duties imposed by law or otherwise by these
    17  rules, the duties of the Senate Committee on Management
    18  Operations shall be:
    19         (1)  To arbitrate a decision of the Secretary or Chief
    20     Clerk of the Senate relating to these Rules, in the event
    21     that a Member, Officer or employee shall disagree with a
    22     decision of the Secretary or Chief Clerk of the Senate.
    23         (2)  To make a final decision in case of a dispute on a
    24     question of legislative intent or legislative purpose
    25     regarding an expenditure.
    26         (3)  To make a continuing review of these Rules as to
    27     expenditures and the reporting of expenditures, and, from
    28     time to time, to make such recommendations as are
    29     appropriate.
    30  2.  Records.
    20010S0003R0003                 - 21 -

     1     A record of the committee's decisions shall be maintained.
     2  The Chief Clerk shall be responsible for maintaining such
     3  records.
     4                      XI.  OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL
     5  1.  Request for Approval.
     6     No nonmember Officer of the Senate or any employee of any
     7  nonmember Officer shall be reimbursed nor shall any of his or
     8  her expenses be paid for any travel outside the Commonwealth
     9  unless such travel has been approved by a majority of the
    10  membership of the Committee on Management Operations. All
    11  requests for such approval shall be made to the Chief Clerk, and
    12  shall include information relating to the destination, the
    13  estimated cost of such travel, the number of days involved, and
    14  the relationship that the travel has to the duties of the
    15  Officer or employee making the request. In the case of an
    16  employee, the request shall also be approved by the Officer.
    17  2.  Filing of Request.
    18     All such requests, whether approved or disapproved, shall be
    19  filed with the office of the Chief Clerk and shall be made
    20  available for public information on request to the Office of the
    21  Chief Clerk.
    22  3.  Time Limit for Filing.
    23     A copy of any request for reimbursement or for the payment of
    24  any expenses relating to out-of-state travel by a Member or
    25  employee assigned to a Member shall be filed with the Office of
    26  the Chief Clerk within 30 days of such travel. Copies of these
    27  requests shall be made available for public information on
    28  request of the Office of the Chief Clerk.
    30  1.  Publication and Distribution.
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     1     (a)  The Chief Clerk shall have published quarterly and shall
     2  mail to each Member's residence a listing of all employees of
     3  the Senate or any of its Officers, Committee Chairmen, and
     4  Members and all persons holding purchase of service contracts
     5  with the Senate or any of its Officers, Committee Chairmen and
     6  Members. The list for employees shall contain the full name of
     7  the employee, county of residence, the job title of the
     8  employee, the compensation of the employee, and the name of the
     9  Member or Officer for such employee. For individuals holding
    10  purchase of service contracts with the Senate, the list shall
    11  contain the name of the contractor, the address of the
    12  contractor, a statement of the nature of the duties of the
    13  contractor, and the fee of the contractor as well as the name of
    14  the Member or Officer responsible for monitoring the performance
    15  of the contractor.
    16     (b)  The list shall be submitted by February 1, for the
    17  quarter ending December 31; by May 1, for the quarter ending
    18  March 31; by August 1, for the quarter ending June 30; and by
    19  November 1, for the quarter ending September 30. Said list shall
    20  also be updated on a monthly basis including additions and
    21  deletions and shall be available for public inspection in the
    22  office of the Chief Clerk.
    23  2.  Public Inspection of Vouchers and Requisitions.
    24     All vouchers and requisitions relating to all expenditures,
    25  expenses, disbursements and other obligations out of all
    26  appropriated funds of the Senate shall be available for public
    27  inspection during regular business hours in the Office of the
    28  Chief Clerk or at such other location within the Capitol as the
    29  Chief Clerk shall prescribe.
    30  3.  Request to Review Vouchers and Requisitions.
    20010S0003R0003                 - 23 -

     1     All requests to review payroll and independent contractor
     2  records of the Senate or any other vouchers or requisitions for
     3  funds appropriated to the Senate shall be made to the Chief
     4  Clerk, in writing, at least three working days prior to the date
     5  on which the review is requested. The request shall be signed by
     6  the individual who will be making the review and it shall
     7  indicate the name of the person, organization or entity the
     8  individual is representing. The request shall also include the
     9  address and telephone number of the individual submitting the
    10  request. The Chief Clerk shall establish a time during normal
    11  business hours for the review to occur and he shall provide that
    12  the review shall not interfere with the necessary functioning of
    13  the Chief Clerk's Office.
    14  4.  Photocopies of Records.
    15     Photocopies of financial records maintained in the Office of
    16  the Chief Clerk shall be limited to the vouchers which are
    17  normally submitted by the Members on a monthly basis. Cost of
    18  copies will be determined by the Chief Clerk.
    19  5.  Monthly Accounting of Other Disbursements.
    20     For any appropriation to any Officer or Member for which the
    21  records are not maintained in the office of the Chief Clerk, the
    22  Officer or Member receiving the appropriation shall monthly file
    23  with the Chief Clerk an accounting of all disbursements made
    24  from the fund which shall include a separate listing for each
    25  expenditure and the address of the payee and which shall include
    26  as a minimum the information required for public review by this
    27  section. Such accounting shall be filed monthly in the office of
    28  the Chief Clerk not later than 15 days after the end of the
    29  month. Such accounting shall be open for public inspection as in
    30  the case of other records provided for herein.
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     1                     XIII.  PERSONNEL POLICIES
     2  1.  Preparation of Rules and Regulations.
     3     The Senate Committee on Management Operations created
     4  pursuant to Section 1.1 of Act No. 417 of 1967 is authorized to
     5  prepare and adopt rules and regulations for uniform personnel
     6  policies and procedures, job specification and pay plans
     7  including periodic increments for Senate Officers and employees.
     8  2.  Approval of Rules and Regulations.
     9     Each such rule or regulation or any amendment thereto shall
    10  be prepared in resolution form and shall be placed on the Senate
    11  calendar for final approval or disapproval. The committee may
    12  when approved by at least five Members of the committee and by
    13  both Floor Leaders implement such rules and regulations pending
    14  final Senate consideration of them. Such resolution shall have
    15  the force and effect of law in accordance with its terms when it
    16  has been approved by the full Senate.
    18  1.  Preparation and Approval.
    19     The Chief Clerk shall prepare an Accounting and Operations
    20  Manual with separate sections applicable to Members and their
    21  employees and fund custodians. This Manual shall be submitted to
    22  the Senate Committee on Management Operations for its approval.
    23  2.  Distribution.
    24     Upon approval applicable sections of the Accounting and
    25  Operations Manual shall be distributed to all Members and
    26  Officers. A complete manual shall be forwarded to the
    27  Legislative Audit Advisory Commission.
    28  3.  Maintenance and Updating.
    29     The Chief Clerk shall be responsible for maintaining and
    30  updating this manual as a result of revisions or amendments
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     1  promulgated by the Senate Committee on Management Operations.
     2                       XV.  DURATION TO RULES
     3     These rules shall be in full force and effect until altered,
     4  changed, amended or repealed as provided herein.
     5                       XVI.  CHANGES TO RULES
     6     The consent of a majority of the Senators elected shall be
     7  necessary to alter, change or amend these rules.
     9     All alterations, changes or amendments to these rules shall
    10  be by resolution which shall not be considered until first
    11  referred to and reported from the Committee on Rules and
    12  Executive Nominations.
    13                         XVIII.  EXPIRATION
    14     The provisions of Rules II.6(8), III.10(7), IV.8(d), V.3(4)
    15  and VII.6(7) shall expire on June 30, 2001, unless the Committee
    16  on Management Operation shall by resolution provide for their
    17  continued application.

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