See other bills
under the
same topic
        PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 871, 1406, 1450          PRINTER'S NO. 1484



No. 8 Session of 1999

           APRIL 13, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of April 3, 1992 (P.L.28, No.11), entitled "An
     2     act providing for the advance purchase of tuition at certain
     3     institutions of higher education; establishing the Tuition
     4     Account Program Bureau within the Treasury Department and
     5     providing duties for the Treasury Department; establishing
     6     the tuition payment fund; providing for tuition account
     7     payment contracts; providing for the issuance and sale of
     8     certain bonds; and further providing for duties of the
     9     Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency," expanding
    10     the scope of the act; further providing for tuition account
    11     programs; and establishing scholarship programs.

    12     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    13  hereby enacts as follows:
    14     Section 1.  The title and section 101 of the act of April 3,
    15  1992 (P.L.28, No.11), known as the Tuition Account Program and
    16  College Savings Bond Act, are amended to read:
    17                               AN ACT
    18  Providing for the [advance purchase of tuition at certain
    19     institutions of higher education;] establishment of two
    20     programs for postsecondary educational savings, one of which   <--

     1     is a guaranteed savings program and the other of which is an   <--
     2     investment program; establishing the Tuition Account
     3     [Program] Programs Bureau within the Treasury Department and
     4     providing duties for the Treasury Department; establishing
     5     [the Tuition Payment Fund; providing for tuition account
     6     payment contracts; providing for the issuance and sale of
     7     certain bonds;] tuition account funds; providing for Tuition
     8     Account Program Contracts; providing for the establishment of
     9     scholarship programs; and further providing for duties of the
    10     Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency.
    11  Section 101.  Short title.
    12     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Tuition
    13  Account [Program] Programs and College Savings Bond Act.
    14     Section 2.  The heading of Chapter 3 of the act is amended to
    15  read:
    16                             CHAPTER 3
    18     Section 3.  Sections 301(5), 302, 303, 304(a), (c) and (d),
    19  305, 306, 307, 308 and 309 of the act are amended to read:
    20  Section 301.  Declaration of policy.
    21     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
    22         * * *
    23         (5)  The purposes of this chapter are to:
    24             (i)  Provide wide and affordable access to
    25         institutions of higher education, both public and
    26         private, for the residents of this Commonwealth.
    27             (ii)  Encourage attendance at institutions of higher
    28         education, both public and private, and help individuals
    29         plan for educational expenses.
    30             (iii)  Provide [a program for the advance purchase of
    19990S0008B1484                  - 2 -

     1         tuition] programs for postsecondary educational savings
     2         as both a means and an incentive for the citizens of this
     3         Commonwealth to provide for future higher education
     4         expenses.
     5             (iv)  Provide to the citizens of this Commonwealth
     6         means of saving for postsecondary education that provides
     7         them with the advantages of "qualified State tuition
     8         programs" as defined by section 529 of the Internal
     9         Revenue Code of 1986 (Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. §
    10         529).
    11  Section 302.  Definitions.
    12     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    13  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    14  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    15     "Academic period."  A semester, trimester or comparable
    16  period into which an eligible educational institution divides
    17  its academic year.
    18     "Academic year."  A 12-month period commencing on or after
    19  August 1 of the calendar year.
    20     "Account owner."  A person, including a natural person,
    21  corporation, association, partnership or other legal entity, who
    22  enters into a Tuition Account Program Contract.
    23     "Beneficiary."  A person who meets the eligibility criteria
    24  established by this chapter and by the department and on whose
    25  behalf [a purchaser enters into a tuition account payment
    26  contract.] an account owner enters into a Tuition Account
    27  Program Contract.
    28     "Board."  The Tuition Account [Program] Programs Advisory
    29  Board.
    30     "Department."  The Treasury Department of the Commonwealth.
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     1     "Eligible educational institution."  A college, university,
     2  vocational or other postsecondary educational institution as
     3  defined by section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986
     4  (Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 529).
     5     ["Fund."  The Tuition Payment Fund.]
     6     "Funds."  The Tuition Account Guaranteed Savings Program Fund
     7  and the Tuition Account Investment Program Fund.
     8     "Lawful investment."  Any of those investments described in
     9  either 24 Pa.C.S. § 8521 (relating to management of fund and
    10  accounts) or 71 Pa.C.S. § 5931 (relating to management of fund
    11  and accounts).
    12     "Net earnings rate of the [fund] Tuition Account Guaranteed
    13  Savings Program Fund."  The percentage return of the investment
    14  of [fund] Tuition Account Guaranteed Savings Program Fund assets
    15  after adjusting for any taxes and operating expenses.
    16     "Other educational expense credits."  Tuition credits that
    17  are converted for payment of qualified higher education expenses
    18  other than tuition, as provided in section 309(h).
    19     ["Participating institution."  Any accredited, degree-
    20  granting college or university which is required to participate
    21  in the tuition account program under section 308.]
    22     "Private institution."  Any private or out-of-State public
    23  institution that is an eligible educational institution.
    24     "Public institution."  Any public eligible educational
    25  institution which is required to participate in the Tuition
    26  Account Guaranteed Savings Program under section 308.
    27     ["Purchaser."  A person, including a natural person,
    28  corporation, association, partnership or other legal entity, who
    29  enters into a tuition account payment contract.]
    30     "Qualified higher education expenses."  Expenses, as defined
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     1  by section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (Public Law
     2  99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 529).
     3     "Tuition."  The [total of all fees and charges] charge for an
     4  academic credit or the credits required for attendance at an
     5  [institution of higher education] eligible educational
     6  institution for a full-time, undergraduate academic [year,
     7  excluding charges for room and board] period.
     8     ["Tuition account payment contract."  A contract entered into
     9  by a purchaser and the department on behalf of the Commonwealth
    10  to provide for the advance purchase of tuition credits for a
    11  beneficiary attending a participating institution.]
    12     "Tuition Account Program Contract."  A Tuition Account
    13  Guaranteed Savings Program Contract or a Tuition Account
    14  Investment Program Contract entered into by an account owner and
    15  the department on behalf of the Commonwealth to provide for
    16  savings to meet the future qualified higher education expenses
    17  of a beneficiary attending an eligible educational institution.
    18     "Tuition credits."  Credits as determined in section 309(c).
    19     "Tuition credit prices."  The price set by the Treasury
    20  Department annually for each tuition level.
    21     "Tuition level."  The account owner's designation of the
    22  public or private institution or an average established pursuant
    23  to section 309(b), to which deposits A CONTRIBUTION made          <--
    24  pursuant to a Tuition Account Guaranteed Savings Program
    25  Contract will be applied to determine the tuition credit
    26  equivalent of the deposit CONTRIBUTION.                           <--
    27     "Tuition shortfall."  The [positive] difference between the
    28  [tuition for the number of tuition credits used at a
    29  participating institution accepting a beneficiary for enrollment
    30  and the tuition payment as determined in section 309(g).] amount
    19990S0008B1484                  - 5 -

     1  of the payment authorized by the account owner pursuant to
     2  section 309(d)(2) or (e)(2) and the available portion of the
     3  value of the account.
     4     "Value of the account."  For deposits made pursuant to a       <--
     5  Tuition Account Guaranteed Savings Program Contract, an amount
     6  calculated by compounding annually each separate deposit          <--
     7  CONTRIBUTION from the time of deposit CONTRIBUTION to the date    <--
     8  of calculation at the actual annual net earnings rate of the
     9  Tuition Account Guaranteed Savings Program Fund. For deposits     <--
    10  made pursuant to a Tuition Account Investment Program Contract,
    11  an amount determined by subtracting expenses, fees and taxes, if
    12  any, from the value of the Tuition Account Investment Program
    13  Fund and then prorating the remaining net value by shares.
    14  Section 303.  Tuition Account [Program] Programs Bureau.
    15     The State Treasurer is directed to establish a bureau within
    16  the Treasury Department, which shall be known as the Tuition
    17  Account [Program] Programs Bureau, for the purpose of
    18  establishing and administering [the tuition account program. The
    19  program shall provide for the advance purchase of tuition
    20  credits for a beneficiary attending a participating
    21  institution.] two programs for postsecondary educational
    22  savings, one of which is a guaranteed savings program and the     <--
    23  other of which is an investment program. The guaranteed savings
    24  program shall provide that money may be deposited CONTRIBUTED     <--
    25  pursuant to a Tuition Account Guaranteed Savings Program
    26  Contract for the future payment of qualified higher educational
    27  expenses for attendance at eligible educational institutions as
    28  described in section 309. Money deposited CONTRIBUTED pursuant    <--
    29  to a Tuition Account Guaranteed Savings Program Contract shall
    30  increase in value by, at a minimum, the increase in the tuition
    19990S0008B1484                  - 6 -

     1  at the tuition level designated in the contract. The investment
     2  program shall provide that money may be deposited CONTRIBUTED     <--
     3  pursuant to a Tuition Account Program Investment Contract for
     4  the future payment of qualified higher educational expenses for
     5  attendance at eligible educational institutions as described in
     6  section 309.1. The investment program shall have no guarantee.
     7  Section 304.  Tuition Account [Program] Programs Advisory Board.
     8     (a)  Creation.--There is created a Tuition Account [Program]
     9  Programs Advisory Board. The board shall be composed of the
    10  State Treasurer, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the
    11  Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency, the
    12  Commissioner of Higher Education within the Department of
    13  Education, the Chairman of the Council of Higher Education and
    14  the Chancellor of the State System of Higher Education, all of
    15  whom shall be ex officio members. There also shall be 12 other
    16  members of the board. Of these 12 other members, three shall be
    17  appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate, three
    18  shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House of
    19  Representatives and six shall be appointed by the Governor. Of
    20  the three members appointed by the President pro tempore of the
    21  Senate, one must be a member of the Senate and one must be
    22  recommended by the Minority Leader of the Senate. Of the three
    23  members appointed by the Speaker of the House of
    24  Representatives, one must be a member of the House of
    25  Representatives and one must be recommended by the Minority
    26  Leader of the House of Representatives. The remaining members of
    27  the board appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate
    28  and the Speaker of the House of Representatives must have
    29  knowledge, skill and expertise in financial affairs. Of the six
    30  members appointed by the Governor, one must be the president of
    19990S0008B1484                  - 7 -

     1  a State-related institution; one must be the president of one of
     2  the institutions operating under Article XIX-A of the act of
     3  March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code
     4  of 1949; one must be the president of a university in the State
     5  System of Higher Education; and one must be a president of a
     6  private or independent four-year, degree-granting college or
     7  university located within this Commonwealth.
     8     * * *
     9     (c)  Organizational meeting.--The Commissioner of Higher
    10  Education shall call the organizational meeting of the board, at
    11  which time a [chairman] chairperson shall be selected from among
    12  the members. If a vacancy in the office of chairperson occurs,
    13  such vacancy shall be filled by a selection from among the
    14  members. Meetings of the board shall be held at least quarterly
    15  or at the call of the [chairman] chairperson.
    16     (d)  Duties.--The board shall consider, study and review the
    17  work of the Tuition Account [Program] Programs Bureau, shall
    18  advise the department on request and shall make recommendations
    19  on its own initiative for the improvement of the tuition account
    20  [program] programs. The board shall report annually to the
    21  Governor and to the General Assembly, and may make such interim
    22  reports as are deemed advisable.
    23     * * *
    24  Section 305.  Powers of department.
    25     In addition to the powers granted by other provisions of this
    26  chapter, the department shall have the powers necessary or
    27  convenient to carry out this chapter, including, but not limited
    28  to, the power to:
    29         (1)  Administer the tuition account [program and the
    30     fund.] programs and the funds.
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     1         (2)  Enter into [tuition account payment contracts with
     2     purchasers.] Tuition Account Program Contracts with account
     3     owners.
     4         (3)  Contract and make any agreements or arrangements
     5     necessary with eligible educational institutions [of higher
     6     education].
     7         (4)  Pay directly to an eligible educational institution,
     8     an account owner, a beneficiary or a third party authorized
     9     by the account owner, upon the receipt of appropriate
    10     documentation, the funds which the department is obligated to
    11     [transfer to the institution upon a beneficiary's use of
    12     tuition credits.] pay pursuant to a Tuition Account Program
    13     Contract.
    14         (5)  Contract for goods and services, and engage and
    15     employ personnel, including, but not limited to, the services
    16     of private consultants, actuaries, managers, legal counsel
    17     and auditors for rendering professional, managerial and
    18     technical assistance and advice.
    19         (6)  Solicit and accept gifts, grants, loans and other
    20     aid from any person, corporation or other entity or from
    21     Federal, State or local government and participate in any
    22     Federal, State or local government program, if necessary for
    23     prudent management or the establishment and administration of
    24     a scholarship program.
    25         (7)  Charge and collect administrative fees and charges
    26     in connection with any transaction, including continued
    27     participation in [the] tuition account [program] programs.
    28         (8)  Terminate tuition accounts and make refunds.
    29         (9)  Contract for insurance, letters of credit and
    30     collateral agreements.
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     1         (10)  Restrict the number of participants in the
     2     [program] programs.
     3         (11)  Adjust the terms of [subsequent tuition account
     4     payment contracts.] Tuition Account Program Contracts.
     5         (12)  Solicit answers from the appropriate Federal
     6     agencies regarding the application of security or other
     7     Federal laws to the program.
     8         (13)  Limit the times and dates during which [tuition
     9     account payment contracts may be sold.] Tuition Payment
    10     Program Contracts may be entered into.
    11         (14)  Consider means whereby [a purchaser may have
    12     installment payments] an account owner may have deposits       <--
    13     CONTRIBUTIONS deducted from salary.                            <--
    14         (15)  Promulgate regulations.
    15         (16)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this act,
    16     administer the tuition account programs in such manner as to
    17     ensure and maintain their status as "qualified State tuition
    18     programs" as defined in section 529 of the Internal Revenue
    19     Code of 1986 (Public Law, 26 U.S.C. § 529).
    20  Section 306.  Tuition [Payment Fund.] account programs; funds.
    21     (a)  Establishment.--There [is] are established in the State
    22  Treasury [a special fund] two special funds to be known as the
    23  Tuition [Payment Fund. This fund shall be invested in accordance
    24  with this chapter. All money in the fund is hereby appropriated]
    25  Account Guaranteed Savings Program Fund and the Tuition Account
    26  Investment Program Fund. The money in these funds shall be
    27  invested in accordance with this chapter. All money in each of
    28  the funds is hereby appropriated to the department on a
    29  continuing basis to carry out the provisions of this chapter.
    30     (b)  Administration.--
    19990S0008B1484                 - 10 -

     1         (1)  The assets of [the fund] each of the funds shall be
     2     preserved, invested and expended solely pursuant to and for
     3     the purposes set forth in this chapter.
     4         (2)  The department shall obtain appropriate actuarial
     5     assistance to establish, maintain and certify that the [fund]
     6     Tuition Account Guaranteed Savings Program Fund is sufficient
     7     to defray [the tuition account program's] its obligations and
     8     shall annually evaluate, or cause to be evaluated, [the] its
     9     actuarial soundness [of the fund]. If the department finds a
    10     need for additional assets in order to preserve actuarial
    11     soundness [or if the department finds that actuarial
    12     soundness can be maintained with fewer assets], it may adjust
    13     the [purchase prices of the] tuition [credits calculated
    14     under section 309(c)(3)] credit prices to ensure such
    15     soundness. If the department finds that actuarial soundness
    16     can be maintained with fewer assets, it may adjust the
    17     tuition credit prices or distribute surplus assets in excess
    18     of those needed to maintain the actuarial soundness of the
    19     Tuition Account Guaranteed Savings Program Fund as specified
    20     in paragraph (2.1).
    21         (2.1)  (i)  Annually, after the department's fiscal year
    22         has ended, the department shall determine whether the
    23         Tuition Account Guaranteed Savings Program Fund has been
    24         actuarially certified as being sufficient to defray its
    25         obligations and whether the actuarial soundness of the
    26         Tuition Account Guaranteed Savings Program Fund, as
    27         actuarially evaluated, can be maintained with fewer
    28         assets and, if so, the dollar value of any excess surplus
    29         assets. In making the determination, the department shall
    30         consider the projected costs and expenses of the Tuition
    19990S0008B1484                 - 11 -

     1         Account Guaranteed Savings Program, including the Tuition
     2         Account Guaranteed Savings Program Fund, as well as any
     3         material subsequent events occurring between the end of
     4         the fiscal year and the date on which the determination
     5         is made.
     6             (ii)  If the department determines that there are
     7         assets in excess of those needed to maintain actuarial
     8         soundness of the Tuition Account Guaranteed Savings
     9         Program Fund and the assets actuarially certified as
    10         sufficient to defray the costs of the Tuition Account
    11         Guaranteed Savings Program, the department may, but shall
    12         not be obligated to, distribute the dollar value of any
    13         excess surplus assets by making additional deposits        <--
    14         CONTRIBUTIONS, which will be converted to the equivalent   <--
    15         of tuition credits pursuant to section 309(c), into
    16         accounts established pursuant to Tuition Account
    17         Guaranteed Savings Program Contracts that have not been
    18         terminated as of the date of determination.
    19             (iii)  Any distribution of any excess surplus assets
    20         of the fund shall be made on an equitable basis as
    21         determined by the department.
    22         (3)  The department, in conjunction with the board, shall
    23     make an annual report to the Governor and the General
    24     Assembly showing the [fund's] condition of each of the funds.
    25     This report shall contain the findings and recommendations of
    26     the department and the board and the recommendations of any
    27     private consultant under contract or volunteering services to
    28     the department or board. The report shall detail actions
    29     taken or needed to modify the [tuition account program]
    30     Tuition Account Guaranteed Savings Program to insure the
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     1     fiscal sufficiency of the [fund] Tuition Account Guaranteed
     2     Savings Program Fund to meet its obligations under this
     3     chapter. [The] With regard to the Tuition Account Guaranteed
     4     Savings Program Fund, the report shall address the
     5     relationship between existing and projected net investment
     6     returns and existing and projected tuition levels and address
     7     the advisability or necessity of modifying the authorized
     8     investment of fund assets, the [purchase price of tuition
     9     credits,] tuition credit price, the amount of administrative
    10     fee or charges or the amount of refunds offered upon
    11     termination of a [tuition account.] Tuition Account
    12     Guaranteed Savings Program Contract. Further, consistent with
    13     the goal of providing for the maintenance of the fiscal
    14     sufficiency of the fund, [this report] the report regarding
    15     each of the funds shall detail those actions taken or needed
    16     to modify the [tuition account program] programs so that the
    17     [fund, purchasers] funds, account owners and beneficiaries
    18     will receive favorable treatment for purposes of Federal
    19     taxation.
    20     (c)  Composition.--[The fund] Each of the funds shall consist
    21  of:
    22         (1)  All [payments made by purchasers pursuant to tuition
    23     account payment contracts] deposits CONTRIBUTIONS made by      <--
    24     account owners pursuant to Tuition Account Program Contracts
    25     and all interest, earnings and additions thereto.
    26         (2)  Any other money, public or private, appropriated or
    27     made available to the department for the fund from any source
    28     and all interest, earnings and additions thereto.
    29     (d)  Operating and administrative costs.--The department
    30  shall, through the Governor, annually submit to the General
    19990S0008B1484                 - 13 -

     1  Assembly a budget covering the operating and administrative
     2  expenses of the Tuition Account [Program] Programs Bureau and
     3  the board. Upon approval by the General Assembly in an
     4  appropriation bill, expenses as incurred by the Tuition Account
     5  [Program] Programs Bureau and the board[, commencing one year
     6  after tuition credits have been offered for sale to the public,]
     7  shall be paid from the fees, charges and investment earnings of
     8  the [fund] funds, proportionately taken from each fund on an
     9  equitable basis as determined by the department, or from any
    10  other available funds.
    11     (e)  Repayment of initial appropriation.--The department
    12  shall repay from the fees, charges and investment earnings of
    13  the [fund] Tuition Account Guaranteed Savings Program Fund to
    14  the General Fund any money appropriated for the initial
    15  planning, organization and administration of the tuition account
    16  program established at the time of the original enactment of
    17  this act. The repayment shall take place within a ten-year
    18  period[, which period commences two years after tuition credits
    19  have been offered for sale to the public.] commencing September
    20  1, 1995.
    21  Section 307.  Investment policies and guidelines.
    22     (a)  General rule.--The policies governing the investment of
    23  the [fund shall be directed to obtaining sufficient income to
    24  meet the Commonwealth's obligations under this chapter,
    25  maintaining necessary reserves and covering operating expenses.
    26  The department, its investment manager and trustee shall not
    27  engage in any investment practice or activity which entails
    28  greater risk than necessary to meet these objectives but shall
    29  have the authority to invest and reinvest the fund in all lawful
    30  investments.] Tuition Account Guaranteed Savings Program Fund
    19990S0008B1484                 - 14 -

     1  shall be directed to obtaining sufficient income to meet the
     2  fund's obligations under this chapter, maintaining necessary
     3  reserves and covering operating expenses. The policies governing
     4  the investment of the Tuition Account Investment Program Fund
     5  shall be directed to providing for an appropriate balance of
     6  risk, liquidity and return commensurate with the management of a
     7  prudent investor. With regard to each of the funds, the
     8  department, its investment managers, program managers and
     9  trustees shall have the authority to invest and reinvest the
    10  funds in all lawful investments.
    11     (b)  Investment manager and trustee.--The department may
    12  contract with one or more persons or other legal entities to
    13  serve as investment managers, program managers and trustees to
    14  the department on behalf of [the tuition account program] either
    15  or both of the Tuition Account Programs. If the department
    16  contracts with investment managers [and], program managers or
    17  trustees in order to fulfill the objectives of the tuition
    18  account [program] programs, the investment managers, program
    19  managers and trustees shall work with the department to create
    20  an investment program or programs, to develop investment
    21  portfolios and to supervise investments and the investment
    22  [program] programs selected. If the department contracts with
    23  investment managers, program managers and trustees, the
    24  department may require that the investment managers, program
    25  managers and trustees agree, based on actuarial projections of
    26  program costs and expenses supplied by the department, to meet
    27  any obligations of the department if, as a result of the
    28  imprudent selection or supervision of investments or the
    29  investment program by the investment managers, program managers
    30  or trustees, the [tuition payment fund] Tuition Account
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     1  Guaranteed Savings Program Fund is not fiscally sufficient to
     2  enable the department to fulfill its obligations under this
     3  chapter.
     4  Section 308.  [Participating institutions] Participation in
     5                 Tuition Account Guaranteed Savings Program by
     6                 eligible educational institutions.
     7     (a)  Public institutions.--The following public institutions
     8  of higher education shall participate in the [tuition account
     9  program] Tuition Account Guaranteed Savings program:
    10         (1)  Community colleges operating under Article XIX-A of
    11     the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the
    12     Public School Code of 1949.
    13         (2)  Universities comprising the State System of Higher
    14     Education.
    15         (3)  The following State-related institutions:
    16             (i)  The Pennsylvania State University.
    17             (ii)  The University of Pittsburgh.
    18             (iii)  Temple University.
    19             (iv)  Lincoln University.
    20         (4)  Any institution which is hereafter designated as
    21     "State-related" by the Commonwealth.
    22         (5)  Any other eligible educational institution owned by
    23     the Commonwealth.
    24     (b)  Private institutions.--A private institution may enter
    25  into an agreement with the department through which the
    26  institution, under terms mutually agreeable to the institution
    27  and the department, agrees to be a private institution that
    28  account owners may choose when designating their tuition level
    29  pursuant to a Tuition Account Guaranteed Savings Program
    30  Contract. The terms of the agreement shall include, but not be
    19990S0008B1484                 - 16 -

     1  limited to, the determination of tuition credit prices, terms of
     2  redemption of tuition credits at the institution, conversion of
     3  tuition credits deposited CONTRIBUTED at other tuition levels to  <--
     4  tuition at the institution and appropriate conversion of tuition
     5  credits to other educational expense credits.
     6  Section 309.  Tuition [account program] Account Guaranteed
     7                 Savings Program.
     8     (a)  General description.--Each [payment] deposit              <--
     9  CONTRIBUTION made pursuant to a [tuition account payment          <--
    10  contract will purchase tuition credits at one of three standard
    11  tuition levels or, at the purchaser's designation, at a specific
    12  participating institution. All tuition credits purchased]
    13  Tuition Account Guaranteed Savings Program Contract will be
    14  considered the equivalent of a purchase of tuition credits at
    15  the tuition level designated by the account owner in the Tuition
    16  Account Guaranteed Savings Program Contract. All deposits         <--
    17  CONTRIBUTIONS will be held in a beneficiary's account and will    <--
    18  be converted to the tuition level of the institution to be
    19  attended by the beneficiary. At the time of redemption, the
    20  tuition to be paid will be calculated based on the tuition level
    21  designated and the institution being attended as described in
    22  this section. A [participating] public institution attended by a
    23  beneficiary shall accept that beneficiary's tuition credits when
    24  presented. [The department shall pay from the fund to the
    25  participating institution the lesser of the actual tuition for
    26  the number of tuition credits used or the tuition payment as
    27  specified in subsection (g).] Payments on account of tuition
    28  shortfalls shall be made [to participating institutions] as
    29  provided for in section 310.
    30     (b)  [Standard tuition] Tuition levels.--
    19990S0008B1484                 - 17 -

     1         (1)  The department shall annually establish three
     2     [standard] average tuition levels for public institutions
     3     corresponding approximately to the average tuition charges
     4     for that year at the Commonwealth's community colleges, at
     5     universities in the State System of Higher Education and at
     6     State-related universities. The department may annually
     7     establish an average tuition level or levels for private
     8     institutions corresponding to average tuition charges at
     9     private institutions, as the department deems appropriate.
    10     [Any purchaser may buy tuition credits at any designated
    11  standard tuition level or at the tuition rate of a specific
    12  participating institution.
    13     (c)  Tuition credits.--Tuition credits are whole or partial
    14  units related to an academic year and are obtained as follows:
    15         (1)  The payment for each tuition purchase shall be
    16     divided by either the tuition at a standard tuition level or
    17     the tuition at a specific participating institution, as
    18     designated by the purchaser.
    19         (2)  For tuition purchasers during the period from August
    20     1 to July 31, tuition rates for the corresponding academic
    21     year shall be used.
    22         (3)  If the department, in its discretion, determines
    23     that the purchase payment for tuition credits representing a
    24     unit of tuition for one academic year at a standard tuition
    25     level or at a specific participating institution is to be
    26     greater or less than actual tuition for the corresponding
    27     year at a standard or at a specific participating
    28     institution, the method of calculating tuition credits in
    29     accordance with paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be adjusted
    30     accordingly.]
    19990S0008B1484                 - 18 -

     1         (2)  A deposit CONTRIBUTION may be made at the tuition     <--
     2     level designated in the Tuition Account Guaranteed Savings
     3     Program Contract. With the approval of the department, an
     4     account owner may change the designated tuition level.
     5     (c)  Tuition credits.--Deposits CONTRIBUTIONS made pursuant    <--
     6  to a Tuition Account Guaranteed Savings Program Contract will be
     7  converted to the equivalent amount of tuition credits as
     8  follows:
     9         (1)  A deposit CONTRIBUTION made pursuant to a Tuition     <--
    10     Account Guaranteed Savings Program Contract shall be divided
    11     by the tuition credit price in the year of deposit             <--
    12     CONTRIBUTION at the tuition level designated by the account    <--
    13     owner.
    14         (2)  For deposits CONTRIBUTIONS made during the period     <--
    15     from September 1 to August 31, tuition credit prices for the
    16     corresponding academic year shall be used.
    17         [(4)] (3)  The number of tuition credits calculated at
    18     the time of [purchase] deposit CONTRIBUTION in accordance      <--
    19     with paragraphs (1)[, (2) and (3)] and (2) [shall] may be
    20     reduced in a manner determined by the department reasonably
    21     to reflect potential investment loss resulting from the time
    22     of year when the [purchase] deposit CONTRIBUTION is made.      <--
    23     (d)  Process for public institutions.--The process for
    24  certifying tuition, converting tuition credits, issuing and
    25  redeeming tuition credits and making tuition payments for public
    26  institutions shall be as follows:
    27         [(d)  Certifying tuition.--](1)  On or before July 31, a
    28     [participating] public institution shall certify to the
    29     department the tuition to be charged by that institution for
    30     the academic year beginning on or after August 1 [of that
    19990S0008B1484                 - 19 -

     1     year and ending on or before July 31 of the following year,]
     2     and, at such times as the department shall determine, each
     3     [participating] public institution shall certify to the
     4     department the tuition charged by that institution for the
     5     current or any previous academic year.
     6     [(e)  Conversion of tuition credits.--Upon request of any
     7  purchaser or beneficiary, the department shall convert tuition
     8  credits purchased at standard tuition levels to actual tuition
     9  at a specific participating institution by multiplying the
    10  number of tuition credits purchased each year by the ratio of
    11  that academic year's standard tuition level divided by the
    12  tuition for the same academic year at the designated
    13  participating institution. Upon request of the purchaser or
    14  beneficiary, the department, following the same procedure, shall
    15  convert tuition credits purchased at the tuition rate of a
    16  participating institution to the tuition at another
    17  participating institution designated in the request. The sum of
    18  such conversions shall be the total tuition credits applicable
    19  to a specific participating institution.
    20         (f)]  (2)  [Issuance and redemption of certified tuition
    21     credits.--]Upon application, the department shall issue to [a
    22     purchaser or beneficiary a certified] an account owner a
    23     statement of accumulated tuition credits available for the
    24     payment of [all or a portion of a student's] tuition TUITION]  <--
    25     QUALIFIED HIGHER EDUCATION EXPENSES for a specific academic
    26     [year at a] period at the specific public institution or the
    27     public institution average tuition level designated
    28     [participating institution. Any participating institution
    29     which presents to the department a certified statement of
    30     tuition credits for a student accepted for enrollment for a
    19990S0008B1484                 - 20 -

     1     specific academic year shall be paid by the department the
     2     lesser of actual tuition for the number of tuition credits
     3     used as established by the institution for that academic year
     4     or the tuition payment for the academic year calculated as
     5     specified in subsection (g).] by the account owner. In the
     6     event the account owner decides to redeem the available
     7     tuition credits, the account owner shall notify the
     8     department of the institution at which the beneficiary
     9     intends to enroll. In the event the institution is:
    10             (i)  The public institution last designated by the 
    11         account owner in the Tuition Account Guaranteed Savings
    12         Program Contract as the tuition level, the account owner
    13         shall submit to the department adequate documentation of
    14         enrollment, the qualified higher education expenses and
    15         the number of credits or dollar value of the credits that
    16         the account owner has decided to redeem. The account
    17         owner shall authorize payment of that amount to the
    18         institution, a specified third party, the account owner
    19         and/or beneficiary. Payment shall be made as specified in
    20         subsection (d)(3).
    21             (ii)  A different public institution OTHER than that   <--
    22         last designated by the account owner in the Tuition
    23         Account Guaranteed Savings Program Contract as the
    24         tuition level, a conversion shall be made pursuant to
    25         subsection (g) and the department shall issue a revised
    26         statement of accumulated tuition credits and their dollar
    27         value available for payment of qualified higher education
    28         expenses at the newly designated public institution. The
    29         account owner shall submit to the department adequate
    30         documentation of enrollment, the qualified higher
    19990S0008B1484                 - 21 -

     1         education expenses and the number of credits or dollar
     2         value of the credits that the account owner has decided
     3         to redeem. The account owner shall authorize payment of
     4         that amount to the institution, a specified third party,
     5         the account owner and/or beneficiary. Payment shall be
     6         made as specified in subsection (d)(3).
     7             (iii)  A private institution that has not entered
     8         into an agreement with the department pursuant to section
     9         308(b), the available tuition credits shall be redeemable
    10         for the payment of qualified higher education expenses at
    11         the value they would have had if they had been redeemed
    12         at the tuition level last designated by the account owner
    13         in the Tuition Account Guaranteed Savings Program
    14         Contract. The account owner shall submit to the
    15         department adequate documentation of enrollment, the
    16         qualified higher education expenses and the number of
    17         credits or dollar value of the credits that the account
    18         owner has decided to redeem. The account owner shall
    19         authorize payment of that amount to the institution, a
    20         specified third party, the account owner and/or
    21         beneficiary. Payment shall be made as specified in
    22         subsection (d)(3).
    23             (iv)  A private institution that has entered into an
    24         agreement with the department pursuant to section 308(b),
    25         payment shall be governed by the terms of the agreement,
    26         provided, however, that in no event shall the payment be
    27         less than what would have been paid if the beneficiary
    28         were attending a private institution that has not entered
    29         into an agreement with the department. Payment shall be
    30         made as specified in the agreement.
    19990S0008B1484                 - 22 -

     1         [(g)  Tuition payment.--Upon presentation of a certified
     2     statement of tuition credits by a participating institution
     3     or in anticipation thereof, the department shall calculate
     4     the tuition payment for the academic year specified. The
     5     tuition payment under this section shall consist of the
     6     purchase price of each total annual purchase of tuition
     7     credits compounded each year from the year of purchase to the
     8     year during which such credits are to be utilized, by the
     9     average annual net earnings rate of the fund. The compounded
    10     values of annual purchases of tuition credits shall be summed
    11     in order of date of purchase until sufficient credits for one
    12     academic year are obtained.]
    13         (3)  Upon submission of such documentation, the
    14     department shall make the payment as authorized by the
    15     account owner. Before making the payment authorized by the
    16     account owner, the department shall determine whether the
    17     available portion of the value of the account equals or
    18     exceeds the authorized payment. If it does not, two separate
    19     payments shall be made. The first payment shall be in the
    20     amount of the available portion of the value of the account.
    21     The second payment shall be in the amount of the difference
    22     between the amount of the payment authorized by the account
    23     owner and the available portion of the value of the account,
    24     and it shall be paid pursuant to the tuition shortfall
    25     provision of section 310.
    26     (e)  Process for private institution average tuition
    27  levels.--The process of establishing private institution average
    28  tuition credit prices, redeeming those tuition credits and
    29  making tuition payments when an account owner has designated a
    30  private institution average tuition level shall be as follows:
    19990S0008B1484                 - 23 -

     1         (1)  On or before August 31, the department shall
     2     determine the average tuition credit price or prices for
     3     average tuition level or levels for private institutions
     4     established pursuant to subsection (b) for the academic year
     5     beginning on or after August 1 of that year.
     6         (2)  Upon application, the department shall issue to an
     7     account owner a statement of accumulated tuition credits
     8     available for the payment of qualified higher education
     9     expenses for a specific academic period at the private
    10     institution average tuition level designated by the account
    11     owner. In the event the account owner decides to redeem the
    12     available tuition credits, the account owner shall notify the
    13     department of the public or private institution at which the
    14     beneficiary intends to enroll. In the event the institution
    15     is:
    16             (i)  A public institution, the process for conversion
    17         and payment shall be as set forth in subsections (d)(3)
    18         and (g).
    19             (ii)  A private institution that has not entered into
    20         an agreement with the department pursuant to section
    21         308(b), the available tuition credits shall be redeemable
    22         at the average tuition credit price determined by the
    23         department before adjustments, if any, made pursuant to
    24         section 306(b)(2), of the designated tuition level
    25         established by the department for the year in which they
    26         are redeemed. The account owner shall submit to the
    27         department adequate documentation of enrollment, the
    28         qualified higher education expenses and the number of
    29         credits or dollar value of the credits that the account
    30         owner has decided to redeem. The account owner shall
    19990S0008B1484                 - 24 -

     1         authorize payment of that amount to the institution, a
     2         specified third party, the account owner and/or
     3         beneficiary. The department shall make the payment in
     4         substantially the same manner as specified in subsection
     5         (d)(3). Payment under this subsection for any one
     6         academic period shall not exceed the amount of the
     7         beneficiary's tuition and other qualified higher
     8         education expenses for that academic period. If the
     9         average tuition level in the year of redemption is
    10         insufficient to pay the actual tuition, the department
    11         shall have no obligation or authority to pay the
    12         insufficiency.
    13             (iii)  A private institution that has entered into an
    14         agreement with the department pursuant to section 308(b),
    15         payment shall be governed by the terms of the agreement,
    16         provided, however, that in no event shall the payment be
    17         less than what would have been paid if the beneficiary
    18         were attending a private institution that has not entered
    19         into an agreement with the department.
    20     (f)  Process for specific private institutions with which the
    21  department has an agreement.--The making and redeeming of
    22  deposits CONTRIBUTIONS for use at private institutions that have  <--
    23  entered into agreements with the department pursuant to section
    24  308(b) shall be governed by the terms of those respective
    25  agreements. Upon request of an account owner who has made
    26  deposits CONTRIBUTIONS at a tuition level of a specific private   <--
    27  institution, a conversion to an average tuition level, a
    28  specific public institution or a different private institution
    29  that has entered into an agreement with the department, if
    30  permitted by the terms of that particular agreement between the
    19990S0008B1484                 - 25 -

     1  department and that particular private institution, shall be
     2  made using substantially the same procedure as specified in
     3  subsection (g). Upon a decision by the beneficiary for whom
     4  deposits CONTRIBUTIONS have been made at a tuition level of a     <--
     5  private institution that has entered an agreement with the
     6  department pursuant to section 308(b) to attend a different
     7  private institution that has entered into an agreement with the
     8  department but for which the terms of that particular agreement
     9  do not provide for a conversion, or to attend a different
    10  private institution that has not entered into an agreement with
    11  the department pursuant to section 308(b), at the direction of
    12  the account owner, payment shall be made in substantially the
    13  same manner as is specified in subsection (e)(2) except that in
    14  no event shall the department pay more than it would have paid
    15  had the beneficiary attended the previously designated private
    16  institution.
    17     (g)  Conversion of tuition credits.--At any time during the
    18  existence of the tuition account payment contract, upon the
    19  request of an account owner, the department may convert tuition
    20  credits for deposits CONTRIBUTIONS made at any tuition level to   <--
    21  any other tuition level. The method by which the conversion is
    22  made shall be determined by the department. Following
    23  conversion, the department shall issue to the account owner a
    24  statement of the number of tuition credits converted.
    25     (h)  Other uses of tuition credits.--The department shall
    26  permit the use of tuition credits for master's degree and other
    27  postbaccalaureate programs at [participating] eligible
    28  educational institutions, after an appropriate conversion. The
    29  department [and participating institutions] also may [agree
    30  that] permit tuition credits [remaining in a tuition account
    19990S0008B1484                 - 26 -

     1  after tuition is paid may] to be converted into other
     2  educational expense credits to be applied [against room, board
     3  and other educational expenses. Other educational expense
     4  credits shall be determined by an appropriate conversion.] for
     5  the payment of qualified higher education expenses other than
     6  tuition.
     7     (i)  Course load or credit hours.--A beneficiary attending [a
     8  participating] an eligible educational institution may apply
     9  tuition credits to a specific academic year at the maximum
    10  course load or maximum number of credit hours generally
    11  permitted to full-time undergraduates at that institution.
    12     [(j)  Levy and execution.--A tuition account shall not be
    13  subject to attachment, levy or execution by any creditor of a
    14  purchaser or beneficiary.
    15     (k)  Period of participation.--Notwithstanding any of the
    16  provisions of this chapter, the following shall apply:
    17         (1)  Except as provided in paragraph (2), a minimum
    18     period of four years must elapse between the time the first
    19     tuition account contract is entered into on behalf of the
    20     beneficiary and the time that tuition credits may be issued
    21     and redeemed pursuant to subsection (f).
    22         (2)  The board may prescribe an alternative minimum
    23     period of time which must elapse between the time the first
    24     tuition account contract is entered into on behalf of the
    25     beneficiary and the time that tuition credits may be issued
    26     and redeemed pursuant to subsection (f).
    27     (l)  Student aid.--The value of tuition credits shall not be
    28  used in calculating personal asset contribution for determining
    29  eligibility and need for student loan programs, student grant
    30  programs or other student aid programs administered by any
    19990S0008B1484                 - 27 -

     1  agency of the Commonwealth, except as otherwise may be provided
     2  by Federal law.
     3     (m)  Residency.--The purchase payment for tuition credits
     4  shall be determined with reference to the residency of the
     5  beneficiary at the time of purchase. If the residency of the
     6  beneficiary changes, there shall be an appropriate conversion of
     7  tuition credits to reflect the differential in tuition caused by
     8  the change of residency, if any.]
     9     (j)  Residency.--The tuition credit price shall be determined
    10  with reference to the residency of the beneficiary at the time a
    11  deposit CONTRIBUTION is made pursuant to a Tuition Account        <--
    12  Guaranteed Savings Program Contract, except that for a resident
    13  beneficiary, an account owner may elect to save at a nonresident
    14  rate. If the residency of the beneficiary at the time the
    15  credits are redeemed is different from the residency designated
    16  in the Tuition Account Guaranteed Savings Program Contract, or
    17  as thereafter changed with the consent of the department, there
    18  shall be an appropriate conversion of tuition credits to reflect
    19  the differential in tuition caused by the change of designated
    20  residency, if any.
    21     Section 4.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
    22  Section 309.1.  Tuition Account Investment Program.
    23     The department shall establish an investment plan that
    24  defines the Tuition Account Investment Program structure and
    25  sets forth investment policies and guidelines to be utilized in
    26  administering the program and may, in its discretion, obtain the
    27  services of investment managers, program managers and trustees
    28  as described in section 307(b) to assist in establishing and
    29  administering the plan. The department, pursuant to a Tuition
    30  Account Investment Program Contract, shall specify the minimum
    19990S0008B1484                 - 28 -

     1  and maximum amounts of deposits CONTRIBUTIONS, the terms and      <--
     2  conditions for transferring the Tuition Account Investment
     3  Program Contract to another account owner or substituting a
     4  beneficiary for the originally named beneficiary, the terms and
     5  conditions for withdrawing deposits CONTRIBUTIONS or terminating  <--
     6  the Tuition Account Investment Program Contract, the method and
     7  procedures for making payments pursuant to the Tuition Account
     8  Investment Program Contracts for the payment of beneficiaries'
     9  qualified higher education expenses and all other rights and
    10  obligations of the account owner and the department.
    11  Section 309.2.  General provisions governing both tuition
    12                 account programs.
    13     (a)  Levy, execution and security for loans.--A tuition
    14  account or any legal interest therein shall not be subject to
    15  attachment, levy or execution by any creditor of an account
    16  owner or beneficiary and shall not be used as security for a
    17  loan.
    18     (b)  Period of participation.--Notwithstanding any of the
    19  provisions of this chapter, the following shall apply:
    20         (1)  Except as provided in paragraph (2), a minimum
    21     period of one year must elapse between the time a deposit      <--
    22     CONTRIBUTION is made pursuant to a Tuition Account Program     <--
    23     Contract and the time that deposit CONTRIBUTION and any        <--
    24     increase in its value may be used for payment of qualified
    25     higher education expenses pursuant to section 309 or 309.1.
    26         (2)  The board may prescribe an alternative minimum
    27     period of time which must elapse between a deposit             <--
    28     CONTRIBUTION and its use for payment of qualified higher       <--
    29     education expenses.
    30     (c)  Student aid.--Any amounts deposited CONTRIBUTED pursuant  <--
    19990S0008B1484                 - 29 -

     1  to a Tuition Account Program Contract and any increase in the
     2  value thereof shall not be used in calculating personal asset
     3  contributions for determining eligibility and need for student
     4  loan programs, student grant programs or other student aid
     5  programs administered by any agency of the Commonwealth, except
     6  as otherwise may be provided by Federal law.
     7     (d)  Excess contributions.--The department shall institute
     8  adequate safeguards to prevent contributions to an account or
     9  multiple accounts that are in excess of those necessary to
    10  provide for the qualified higher education expenses of the
    11  beneficiary of that account or accounts, as specified in section
    12  529 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (Public Law 99-514, 26
    13  U.S.C. § 529).
    14     (e)  Cash contributions.--A deposit CONTRIBUTION made          <--
    15  pursuant to a Tuition Account Program Contract may only be made
    16  in cash, which may at the department's discretion include
    17  checks, money orders, credit cards or other similar methods.
    18     (f)  Transfers between programs.--The department, pursuant to
    19  a Tuition Account Program Contract, may specify the terms and
    20  conditions under which transfers of deposits CONTRIBUTIONS and    <--
    21  any increased value thereof may be made from one account to
    22  another by an account owner who has entered into a Tuition
    23  Account Guaranteed Savings Program Contract and a Tuition
    24  Account Investment Program Contract. Nothing in this subsection
    25  shall be construed to require the department to allow such
    26  transfers.
    27     Section 5.  Sections 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316 and
    28  317 of the act are amended to read:
    29  Section 310.  Payments on account of tuition shortfalls.
    30     If there are tuition shortfalls on account of beneficiaries
    19990S0008B1484                 - 30 -

     1  of Tuition Account Guaranteed Savings Program Contracts
     2  attending a [participating institution remain after payments are
     3  made pursuant to section 309(g)] public institution or redeeming
     4  tuition credits at a private institution average tuition level
     5  and if such tuition shortfalls are not paid on behalf of the
     6  department pursuant to section 307(b), the total shortfall with
     7  respect to that institution shall be paid from the fund as a
     8  separate payment pursuant to section 309(d)(3) or (e)(2)(ii).
     9  The amount of shortfall payments shall be considered in
    10  determining the actuarial soundness of the fund as provided for
    11  in section 306(b)(2).
    12  Section 311.  Tuition [account payment contracts] Account
    13                 Program Contracts.
    14     [Purchasers buying tuition credits] Account owners making
    15  deposits CONTRIBUTIONS for the use of beneficiaries shall enter   <--
    16  into [tuition account payment contracts] Tuition Account Program
    17  Contracts with the department. These contracts shall be in such
    18  form as is determined by the department, but with regard to
    19  Tuition Account Guaranteed Savings Program Contracts shall
    20  reflect that the [purchase price of] tuition [credits] credit
    21  prices can be adjusted annually [in accordance with sections
    22  306(b)(2) and 309(c)(3)].
    23  Section 312.  Eligible beneficiaries.
    24     Notwithstanding any other eligibility criteria established by
    25  the board, the following shall apply:
    26         (1)  In order to be eligible as a beneficiary, a person
    27     must be one of the following:
    28             (i)  A resident of this Commonwealth at the time the
    29         [tuition account payment contract] Tuition Account
    30         Program Contract is entered into on the person's behalf.
    19990S0008B1484                 - 31 -

     1             (ii)  A nonresident if the [tuition account payment
     2         contract] Tuition Account Program Contract entered into
     3         on the person's behalf is [purchased] entered into by a
     4         resident of this Commonwealth, including any legal entity
     5         with its principal place of business located within this
     6         Commonwealth.
     7         (2)  The [purchaser] account owner must designate a
     8     beneficiary at the time the [purchaser] account owner enters
     9     into a [tuition account payment contract] Tuition Account
    10     Program Contract unless the contract is made pursuant to a
    11     scholarship program.
    12         (3)  [The] Unless the Tuition Account Program Contract is
    13     established as a scholarship pursuant to section 318, the
    14     [purchaser] account owner may substitute for the current
    15     beneficiary only a member of the family of [the purchaser or
    16     initial] that beneficiary upon approval by the department.
    17     "Member of the family" is defined by section 529 of the
    18     Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. §
    19     529).
    20  Section 313.  Termination and refund.
    21     (a)  [Inability to attend a participating or nonparticipating
    22  institution] Death or disability.--Upon termination of a
    23  [tuition account, the purchaser or the purchaser's] Tuition
    24  Account Program Contract, the account owner or the account
    25  owner's designee shall receive the value of the account [under
    26  subsection (f)] if the account is terminated upon the happening
    27  of any of the following:
    28         (1)  The death of the beneficiary.
    29         (2)  The disability of the beneficiary which, in the
    30     opinion of the department, would make attendance by the
    19990S0008B1484                 - 32 -

     1     beneficiary at [a participating] an eligible educational
     2     institution impossible or unreasonably burdensome.
     3         [(3)  Failure of the beneficiary who, in the opinion of
     4     the department, has made a good faith attempt to gain
     5     admission to a participating or nonparticipating institution
     6     within the time limits imposed by the department.
     7     (b)  Decision to attend a nonparticipating institution.--Upon
     8  termination of a tuition account as a result of a decision by
     9  the beneficiary to attend a nonparticipating institution, the
    10  department, at the direction of the purchaser or beneficiary and
    11  upon presentation of proof of the beneficiary's acceptance by
    12  the nonparticipating institution, shall pay to the institution
    13  the tuition for the number of tuition credits purchased
    14  calculated at the standard tuition level or at the tuition for a
    15  specific participating institution, as designated in the tuition
    16  account payment contract, or an amount equal to the value of the
    17  account under subsection (f), whichever is less. Payment under
    18  this subsection for any one academic year shall not exceed the
    19  amount of the beneficiary's tuition or other approved
    20  educational expenses for that year.
    21     (c)  Decision not to attend a participating or
    22  nonparticipating institution.--Upon termination of a tuition
    23  account as a result of a decision by the beneficiary not to
    24  attend a participating or nonparticipating institution, within
    25  time limits determined by the department, the purchaser or the
    26  purchaser's designee shall receive 90% of the tuition for the
    27  number of tuition credits purchased calculated at the standard
    28  tuition level or at the tuition for a specific participating
    29  institution, as designated in the tuition account payment
    30  contract, or an amount equal to 90% of the value of the account
    19990S0008B1484                 - 33 -

     1  under subsection (f), whichever is less.
     2     (d)  Refunds for other reasons.--In circumstances other than
     3  those set forth in this section, the department shall, by
     4  regulation, provide for refunds up to but not exceeding the
     5  amount authorized under subsection (c).]
     6     (b)  Refunds for other reasons.--
     7         (1)  Except as provided in paragraph (3), refunds for
     8     Tuition Account Guaranteed Savings Program Contracts for
     9     reasons other than those set forth in subsection (a) shall be
    10     the sum of the deposits CONTRIBUTIONS made pursuant to the     <--
    11     Tuition Account Guaranteed Savings Program Contract plus 90%
    12     of the difference between the tuition credit prices in the
    13     years of deposit CONTRIBUTION and the increased value of the   <--
    14     tuition credits had they been redeemed in the academic year
    15     of termination.
    16         (2)  Except as provided in paragraph (3), refunds for
    17     Tuition Account Investment Program Contracts for reasons
    18     other than those set forth in subsection (a) shall be:
    19             (i)  in the event the value of the account is less
    20         than or equal to the sum of the deposits CONTRIBUTIONS     <--
    21         made pursuant to the Tuition Account Investment Program
    22         Contract, the value of the account; and
    23             (ii)  in the event the value of the account is more
    24         than the sum of the deposits CONTRIBUTIONS made pursuant   <--
    25         to the Tuition Account Investment Program Contract, the
    26         sum of the deposits CONTRIBUTIONS plus 90% of the          <--
    27         difference between the sum of the deposits CONTRIBUTIONS   <--
    28         and the value of the account.
    29         (3)  The board may alter the refund provisions set forth
    30     in paragraphs (1) and (2) so long as such alterations are
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     1     consistent with the requirements for "qualified State tuition
     2     programs" provided in section 529 of the Internal Revenue
     3     Code of 1986 (Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 529).
     4         (4)  If a refund is requested under this subsection
     5     within the 12 months following the account owner's changing
     6     the tuition level designated in a Tuition Account Guaranteed
     7     Savings Program Contract, the refund shall be calculated
     8     using the value of the tuition credits of the previous or
     9     current tuition level, whichever is less.
    10     [(e)](c)  Fees.--The department may impose a fee upon
    11  termination of the account for administrative costs and deduct
    12  the fee from the amount otherwise payable.
    13     [(f)  Value of account.--The value of the account shall be
    14  calculated by compounding annually each separate payment from
    15  the time of payment to the time the account is terminated at the
    16  actual annual net earnings rate of the fund.
    17     (g)](d)  Taxation of refunds.--In the event of a refund upon
    18  the termination of a [tuition account] Tuition Account Program
    19  Contract, to the extent the [amount of the] refund amount an
    20  account owner receives exceeds the sum of the [payments]
    21  deposits CONTRIBUTIONS, it shall be subject to taxation as        <--
    22  income under the laws of this Commonwealth[, except when the
    23  refund is made pursuant to subsection (b)].
    24     [(h)](e)  Change of beneficiary for type of tuition account
    25  program.--The substitution of the beneficiary of an account
    26  pursuant to section 312(3) or the transfer of deposits            <--
    27  CONTRIBUTIONS, and any increased value thereof, from one type of  <--
    28  tuition account program to the other shall not be deemed a
    29  termination of the account for purposes of this section.
    30     [(i)](f)  Scholarship.--If a beneficiary is awarded a
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     1  scholarship, the terms of which cover the benefits included in
     2  [tuition account payment contracts purchased] Tuition Account
     3  Program Contracts entered into on behalf of the beneficiary, the
     4  [purchaser shall] account owner may receive a refund
     5  [consisting]. For Tuition Account Guaranteed Savings Program
     6  Contracts, the refund shall consist of the [tuition for the
     7  number of] value, in the academic award year the scholarship is
     8  paid, of the available tuition credits [purchased calculated at
     9  the standard tuition level or at the tuition for a specific
    10  participating institution, as designated in the tuition account
    11  payment contract, or an amount equal to the value of the account
    12  under subsection (f), whichever is less]. For Tuition Account
    13  Investment Program Contracts, the refund shall consist of the
    14  available portion of the value of the account. The refund under
    15  this subsection for any one academic award year shall not exceed
    16  the scholarship for that year.
    17  Section 314.  Construction.
    18     Nothing in this chapter or in a [tuition account payment
    19  contract] Tuition Account Program Contract entered into pursuant
    20  to this chapter shall be construed as a promise or guarantee by
    21  the department that a person will be admitted to an institution
    22  of higher education, will be allowed to continue to attend an
    23  institution of higher education after having been admitted or
    24  will be graduated from an institution of higher education.
    25  Section 315.  Exemption from security laws.
    26     Tuition [account payment contracts] Account Program Contracts
    27  are exempt from any statute regulating securities, including the
    28  act of December 5, 1972 (P.L.1280, No.284), known as the
    29  Pennsylvania Securities Act of 1972.
    30  Section 316.  State tax exemption.
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     1     (a)  Property of [fund] funds.--The property of [the fund and
     2  its] each of the funds and their income and operation shall be
     3  exempt from all taxation by the Commonwealth and its political
     4  subdivisions.
     5     (b)  [Tuition credits.--The purchase and] Deposits.--Deposits  <--
     6  CONTRIBUTIONS.--CONTRIBUTIONS made pursuant to a Tuition Account  <--
     7  Program Contract; any increase in the value of those deposits     <--
     8  CONTRIBUTIONS, the retention, or transfer during life or as a     <--
     9  result of death of [tuition credits and their use] any legal
    10  interest in a Tuition Account Program Contract; and payment of
    11  qualified higher education expenses of beneficiaries made
    12  pursuant to Tuition Account Program Contracts shall [not be a
    13  transaction subject to income or property taxation by the
    14  Commonwealth or any of its political subdivisions.] be exempt
    15  from all taxation by the Commonwealth and its political
    16  subdivisions.
    17  Section 317.  Federal taxation.
    18     The department may take appropriate action in order to obtain
    19  a determination from the Internal Revenue Service or the Federal
    20  courts as to whether [the purchase and retention of tuition
    21  credits and their use] deposits CONTRIBUTIONS made pursuant to a  <--
    22  Tuition Account Program Contract, the increase in value of such
    23  deposits CONTRIBUTIONS, and payment of qualified higher           <--
    24  education expenses pursuant to a Tuition Account Program
    25  Contract shall be a transaction which will subject [purchasers]
    26  account owners or the income of [the fund] either or both of the
    27  funds to Federal taxation and may respond to such determination
    28  in any manner permitted under this chapter.
    29     Section 6.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    30  Section 318.  Scholarship programs.
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     1     (a)  Establishment.--The Commonwealth, any political
     2  subdivision of the Commonwealth, and any organization that is
     3  exempt from Federal income taxation under section 501(a) and
     4  described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of
     5  1986 (Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 501), including the
     6  department, if not prohibited by section 529 of the Internal
     7  Revenue Code of 1986, may establish a scholarship program
     8  through a Tuition Account Program Contract to award
     9  scholarships. Any scholarship program created pursuant to this
    10  section shall be registered with the department and shall comply
    11  with such requirements as the department may establish.
    12  Scholarship beneficiaries shall be selected by the entity
    13  establishing the scholarship program, in accordance with
    14  criteria established by the entity; and the entity may change
    15  the beneficiary as permitted by section 529 of the Internal
    16  Revenue Code of 1986.
    17     (b)  Deposits CONTRIBUTIONS.--Any person or legal entity may   <--
    18  make deposits CONTRIBUTIONS on behalf of a scholarship program    <--
    19  that is or is to be established in accordance with this section
    20  under the same terms and conditions as those that apply to
    21  nonscholarship tuition accounts. A beneficiary of a Tuition
    22  Account Program Contract entered into as part of a scholarship
    23  program shall be entitled to payment of qualified higher
    24  education expenses under the same terms and conditions as those
    25  that apply to beneficiaries of nonscholarship tuition accounts.
    26     (c)  No requirement.--Nothing in this act shall require the
    27  creation of a scholarship account or authorize the use of State
    28  funds for such accounts.
    29     Section 7.  (a)  Within 60 days after the effective date of
    30  this act, the department shall solicit proposals for assistance
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     1  in the management of all or part of the Tuition Account
     2  Investment Program through a request for proposals. In its
     3  discretion, the department may combine in this solicitation a
     4  request for proposals for management of all or part of the
     5  Tuition Account Guaranteed Savings Program. The department shall
     6  require that each proposal specify:
     7         (1)  whether it applies to the management of only the
     8     Tuition Account Investment Program or both the Tuition
     9     Account Investment Program and the Tuition Account Guaranteed
    10     Savings Program;
    11         (2)  whether it applies to the administration, investment
    12     and/or marketing of the program or programs;
    13         (3)  the manner in which the administration, investment
    14     and/or marketing of the program or programs would be carried
    15     out;
    16         (4)  how the administration, investment and/or marketing
    17     of the Tuition Account Investment Program will be coordinated
    18     with and complement that of the Tuition Account Guaranteed
    19     Savings Program;
    20         (5)  the qualifications of the entity submitting the
    21     proposal to provide the proposed services; and
    22         (6)  any other information desired by the department.
    23     (b)  The request for proposals shall provide that the
    24  department may conduct discussions with responsible offerors.
    25  The department may accept or reject any or all proposals or
    26  portions of proposals deemed by the appropriate offeror and
    27  department to be severable, if it determines that doing so is in
    28  the best interests of the program or programs.
    29     Section 8.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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