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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 606



No. 10 Session of 2003

           ARMSTRONG, MARCH 28, 2003


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for an economic enhancement program in the Department
     2     of Community and Economic Development; creating tax incentive
     3     districts; establishing the Economic Enhancement Fund and the
     4     Economic Enhancement Financing Authority; providing for the
     5     issuance of bonds and for debt service reserve funds; and
     6     making an appropriation.

     7                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     8  Chapter 1.  General Provisions
     9  Section 101.  Short title.
    10  Section 102.  Findings.
    11  Section 103.  Definitions.
    12  Chapter 3.  Economic Enhancement Program
    13  Section 301.  Economic Enhancement Program.
    14  Section 302.  Tax incentive districts.
    15  Section 303.  Projects.
    16  Section 304.  Establishment of Economic Enhancement Fund.
    17  Chapter 5.  Economic Enhancement Financing Authority
    18  Section 501.  Authority.
    19  Section 502.  Board.

     1  Section 503.  Powers and duties.
     2  Chapter 7.  Bonds of Authority
     3  Section 701.  Bonds.
     4  Section 702.  Exemption from taxation.
     5  Section 703.  Validity of bonds; limitation on actions.
     6  Section 704.  Provisions of bonds; trust indentures.
     7  Section 705.  Remedies of obligee of authority.
     8  Section 706.  Validity of pledge.
     9  Section 707.  Commonwealth pledges.
    10  Section 708.  Resolution and law are contracts with holders
    11                 of bonds.
    12  Section 709.  Bonds to be legal investments.
    13  Section 710.  Right to enforcement of pledge of revenues.
    14  Section 711.  Funds of authority; source of revenue.
    15  Section 712.  Debt service reserve fund.
    16  Section 713.  Other funds and accounts.
    17  Section 714.  Initial issue of authority bonds.
    18  Chapter 51.  Miscellaneous Provisions
    19  Section 5101.  Original jurisdiction of Supreme Court.
    20  Section 5102.  Construction.
    21  Section 5103.  Appropriation.
    22  Section 5104.  Severability.
    23  Section 5105.  Effective date.
    24     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    25  hereby enacts as follows:
    26                             CHAPTER 1
    27                         GENERAL PROVISIONS
    28  Section 101.  Short title.
    29     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Economic
    30  Enhancement Act.
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     1  Section 102.  Findings.
     2     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
     3         (1)  There exist in this Commonwealth areas of economic
     4     distress which require coordinated efforts by private and
     5     public entities to restore prosperity and to enable these
     6     areas to make significant contributions to the economic and
     7     social life of this Commonwealth.
     8         (2)  Long-term economic viability of these areas requires
     9     the cooperative involvement of residents, businesses and
    10     State and local assistance, and it is in the best interests
    11     of this Commonwealth to create incentive zones and to provide
    12     grants and loans to persons located in these zones to
    13     encourage this long-term economic redevelopment.
    14  Section 103.  Definitions.
    15     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    16  having the meaning given to them in this section unless the
    17  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    18     "Authority."  The Economic Enhancement Financing Authority
    19  established by section 501.
    20     "Capital costs."  The actual costs of the construction of all
    21  of the following:
    22         (1)  Works or improvements which will become public works
    23     or improvements.
    24         (2)  New buildings, structures or fixtures.
    25         (3)  The demolition, alteration, remodeling, repair or
    26     reconstruction of existing buildings, structures or fixtures.
    27         (4)  The acquisition, upgrade or rehabilitation of
    28     machinery and equipment.
    29         (5)  The acquisition, clearing or grading of land.
    30  The term includes the actual cost of the construction,
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     1  rehabilitation or repair of publicly owned infrastructure
     2  improvements located outside the boundaries of a tax increment
     3  district which are of direct benefit to a project.
     4     "Department."  The Department of Community and Economic
     5  Development of the Commonwealth.
     6     "Deteriorated property."  A blighted, impoverished area
     7  containing residential, industrial, commercial or other real
     8  property which is abandoned, unsafe, vacant, undervalued,
     9  underutilized, overgrown, defective, condemned or demolished or
    10  which contains economically undesirable land use. The term
    11  includes all of the following:
    12         (1)  A tax increment district.
    13         (2)  Property adjacent to deteriorated property which is
    14     significantly undervalued and underutilized due to the
    15     proximity of the deteriorated property.
    16     "Fund."  The Economic Enhancement Fund established by section
    17  304.
    18     "Issuing authority."  As that term is defined in section 3 of
    19  the act of July 11, 1990 (P.L.465, No.113), known as the Tax
    20  Increment Financing Act.
    21     "Project."  The undertakings or activities for the
    22  elimination of deteriorated property. The term includes property
    23  acquisition, clearance, redevelopment, rehabilitation or
    24  conservation.
    25     "Project costs."  An expenditure made or estimated to be made
    26  or any monetary obligation incurred or estimated to be incurred
    27  in connection with a project. Project costs include all of the
    28  following:
    29         (1)  Capital costs.
    30         (2)  Financing costs.
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     1         (3)  Professional service costs.
     2         (4)  Administrative costs.
     3         (5)  Relocation costs.
     4         (6)  Organizational costs.
     5         (7)  Any other cost associated with a project.
     6     "Qualified project."  A project approved by the Department of
     7  Community and Economic Development under section 303.
     8     "Tax incentive district."  A contiguous geographic area
     9  approved by the Department of Community and Economic Development
    10  under section 302.
    11     "Tax increment district."  As that term is defined in section
    12  3 of the act of July 11, 1990 (P.L.465, No.113), known as the
    13  Tax Increment Financing Act.
    14                             CHAPTER 3
    15                    ECONOMIC ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM
    16  Section 301.  Economic Enhancement Program.
    17     There is hereby established within the department the
    18  Economic Enhancement Program. The Economic Enhancement Program
    19  shall be comprised of tax incentive districts approved by the
    20  department.
    21  Section 302.  Tax incentive districts.
    22     (a)  Proposal.--The Governor may, by Executive Order,
    23  designate deteriorated property in this Commonwealth as a
    24  proposed tax incentive district. An Executive Order designating
    25  deteriorated property shall specify the time period for which
    26  the property is designated not to exceed 20 years. The
    27  department shall immediately notify municipalities located
    28  within the area designated.
    29     (b)  Application.--Within 90 days of receiving notification
    30  in accordance with subsection (a), a municipality may apply to
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     1  the department for approval of the designation of the
     2  deteriorated property as a tax incentive district. The
     3  application shall be on a form provided by the department and
     4  shall include a copy of the ordinance, resolution or other
     5  required action from the governing body of the municipality
     6  approving the establishment of the tax incentive district. All
     7  appropriate ordinances and resolutions shall be binding and
     8  nonrevocable on the municipality.
     9     (c)  Designation.--If all municipalities within a proposed
    10  tax incentive district submit timely completed applications, the
    11  department shall approve the applications and designate the
    12  property as a tax incentive district. Persons owning property
    13  located within a tax incentive district and issuing authorities
    14  of tax increment districts located within a tax incentive
    15  district shall be eligible to receive grants and loans for
    16  qualified projects from the Economic Enhancement Financing
    17  Authority.
    18  Section 303.  Projects.
    19     (a)  Application.--A person may apply to the department for
    20  approval of a project. The application shall be on the form and
    21  in the manner established by the department and shall include a
    22  detailed list of project costs.
    23     (b)  Review.--The department shall review the application.
    24  The department may approve the project if it determines that all
    25  of the following apply:
    26         (1)  The applicant is a person that owns property in a
    27     tax incentive district or is an issuing authority of a tax
    28     increment district located within a tax incentive district.
    29         (2)  The project would be located in a tax incentive
    30     district or is located in a tax increment district.
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     1         (3)  The project would do or does any of the following:
     2             (i)  Create career-oriented net new jobs or preserve
     3         jobs.
     4             (ii)  Increase and diversify the manufacturing base
     5         of this Commonwealth.
     6             (iii)  Aid in the expansion of existing private
     7         companies, particularly those that sell their products
     8         outside this Commonwealth.
     9             (iv)  Attract new industries with new products into
    10         economically distressed areas within this Commonwealth.
    11             (v)  Promote industrial, commercial and other
    12         economic development within this Commonwealth.
    13             (vi)  Promote a healthy environment through the
    14         abatement, safe storage, transportation, reduction,
    15         elimination, remediation and disposal within this
    16         Commonwealth of pollutants and wastes.
    17             (vii)  Otherwise promote the health, welfare and
    18         safety of the residents of this Commonwealth by promoting
    19         economic activity and efficiency or alleviating or
    20         eliminating unemployment, blight and other unhealthy
    21         conditions.
    22     (c)  Notice.--The department shall notify the authority of
    23  projects which have been approved by the department and which
    24  are eligible for financial assistance by the authority.
    25  Section 304.  Establishment of Economic Enhancement Fund.
    26     (a)  Establishment.--There is hereby established a special
    27  fund known as the Economic Enhancement Fund. Interest income
    28  derived from investment of the money in the fund shall be
    29  credited by the Treasury Department to the fund.
    30     (b)  Calculation.--Within 30 days of the end of each quarter,
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     1  the Department of Revenue shall calculate and notify the
     2  Secretary of the Budget of the aggregate revenue received by the
     3  Commonwealth pursuant to Articles II, IV and VI of the act of
     4  March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of
     5  1971, from taxpayers located within tax incentive districts.
     6     (c)  Transfer.--Within ten days of receiving notification in
     7  accordance with subsection (b), the Secretary of the Budget
     8  shall direct the State Treasurer to transfer the sum equal to
     9  25% of the aggregate revenue received by the Commonwealth
    10  pursuant to Articles II, IV and VI of the Tax Reform Code of
    11  1971, from taxpayers located within tax incentive districts,
    12  from the General Fund to the fund.
    13     (d)  Appropriation and payments.--Moneys in the fund are
    14  hereby appropriated on a continuing basis to the authority. The
    15  State Treasurer shall provide semiannual payments to the
    16  authority on August 1 and February 1 of each year until the
    17  authority is terminated in accordance with section 501. August 1
    18  payments shall be equal to the balance of the fund on July 15 of
    19  that calendar year, and February 1 payments shall be equal to
    20  the balance of the fund on January 15 of that calendar year.
    21                             CHAPTER 5
    23  Section 501.  Authority.
    24     (a)  Establishment.--There is hereby established an authority
    25  to be known as the Economic Enhancement Financing Authority. The
    26  authority shall be a body corporate and politic and shall assist
    27  persons in funding economic development in tax incentive
    28  districts.
    29     (b)  Governance.--The powers and duties of the authority
    30  shall be exercised by a board.
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     1     (c)  Revenues.--Expenses of the authority shall be paid from
     2  revenues derived from investment income of the authority and
     3  from money appropriated to the authority in accordance with
     4  section 304. The funds appropriated to the authority in section
     5  5104 shall be repaid by the authority from the proceeds of the
     6  initial issue of bonds by the authority. The Commonwealth shall
     7  not be responsible for funding the annual budget of the
     8  authority.
     9     (d)  Fiscal year.--The fiscal year of the authority shall be
    10  the same as the fiscal year of the Commonwealth.
    11     (e)  Audit.--The authority shall conduct an independent audit
    12  of its accounts and records annually.
    13     (f)  General Assembly review.--
    14         (1)  The chairperson and minority chairperson of the
    15     Appropriations Committee of the Senate and the chairperson
    16     and minority chairperson of the Appropriations Committee of
    17     the House of Representatives shall have the right at any time
    18     to examine the books, accounts and records of the authority.
    19         (2)  The authority shall file an annual report with the
    20     chairperson and the minority chairperson of the
    21     Appropriations Committee of the Senate and the chairperson
    22     and the minority chairperson of the Appropriations Committee
    23     of the House of Representatives. The report shall include all
    24     of the following:
    25             (i)  A copy of the authority's budget.
    26             (ii)  The total amount of debt service to become due
    27         on authority bonds for the ensuing fiscal year, including
    28         payments of interest and principal, maturity value or
    29         sinking fund payments.
    30             (iii)  The amount, if any, due to any provider of any
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     1         credit or liquidity facility representing payments made
     2         by the provider as provided in the applicable resolution
     3         or trust indenture as a result of any previous failure of
     4         the authority to make any payment provided for in the
     5         applicable resolution or trust indenture, including any
     6         related reasonable interest, fees or charges.
     7             (iv)  The amount, if any, required to restore the
     8         debt service reserve fund to the level required under
     9         section 713 and the resolution of the authority
    10         establishing the fund.
    11             (v)  The amount, if any, required to be rebated to
    12         the United States to provide for continued Federal tax
    13         exemption for bonds of the authority.
    14     (f)  Publication.--The authority shall annually publish a
    15  concise financial statement in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
    16     (g)  Limitation on bankruptcy filing.--Notwithstanding any
    17  other provision of law, the authority shall not be authorized to
    18  file a petition for relief under 11 U.S.C. Ch. 9 (relating to
    19  bankruptcy) or any successor Federal bankruptcy law if the
    20  authority has outstanding bonds issued pursuant to this act.
    21     (h)  Termination.--The authority shall terminate one year
    22  after all of its liabilities have been fully paid and
    23  discharged. Upon the termination, all of its rights and
    24  properties, including funds remaining in the debt service
    25  reserve fund, shall be paid to the Commonwealth.
    26  Section 502.  Board.
    27     (a)  Composition.--The board of the authority shall be
    28  composed of the following five members:
    29         (1)  The Secretary of the Budget.
    30         (2)  The Secretary of the Department of Revenue.
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     1         (3)  The Secretary of the Department of Community and
     2     Economic Development.
     3         (4)  Two members of the public with experience in finance
     4     or management appointed by the Governor.
     5     (b)  Term.--The members of the board appointed by the
     6  Governor shall serve for a term of three years.
     7     (c)  Organization.--The members of the board shall elect from
     8  among themselves a chairperson, vice chairperson, secretary,
     9  treasurer and such other officers as they may determine. A
    10  member may hold more than one office of the board at any time.
    11     (d)  Meetings.--The board shall meet at the call of the
    12  chairperson but at least once during each quarter of the fiscal
    13  year.
    14     (e)  Expenses.--A member shall not receive compensation or
    15  remuneration, but shall be entitled to reimbursement for all
    16  reasonable and necessary actual expenses.
    17     (f)  Public officials and party officers.--The members of the
    18  board appointed by the Governor shall not seek or hold a
    19  position as any other public official within this Commonwealth
    20  or as a party officer while being a member of the board of the
    21  authority.
    22     (g)  Liability.--Members of the board shall not be liable
    23  personally on any obligations of the authority, including,
    24  without limitation, bonds of the authority and shall be immune
    25  from suit.
    26     (h)  Applicability.--The provisions of the following acts
    27  shall apply to the authority:
    28         (1)  The act of June 21, 1957 (P.L.390, No.212), referred
    29     to as the Right-to-Know Law.
    30         (2)  The act of July 19, 1957 (P.L.1017, No.451), known
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     1     as the State Adverse Interest Act.
     2         (3)  The provisions of 65 Pa.C.S. Chs. 7 (relating to
     3     open meetings) and 11 (relating to ethic standards and
     4     financial disclosure).
     5  Section 503.  Powers and duties.
     6     (a)  Powers.--The authority, through action of the board,
     7  shall have all of the following powers:
     8         (1)  The power to adopt bylaws, guidelines and
     9     regulations as it deems necessary.
    10         (2)  The power to contract and to execute instruments,
    11     including guarantees, sureties, mortgages and contracts of
    12     insurance, necessary or convenient for the carrying on of its
    13     business.
    14         (3)  The power to sue and be sued, implead and be
    15     impleaded, complain and defend in court.
    16         (4)  The power to borrow money, incur debt and, in
    17     anticipation of the receipt of income of the authority, make,
    18     issue and secure bonds or notes.
    19         (5)  The power to acquire, accept, purchase, receive,
    20     hold and invest funds and property, tangible or intangible,
    21     from all available sources, directly or by assignment, pledge
    22     or otherwise.
    23         (6)  The power to sell, transfer, convey and dispose of
    24     any property, tangible or intangible.
    25         (7)  The power to adopt, use and alter at will a
    26     corporate seal.
    27         (8)  The power to employ such persons as are necessary or
    28     convenient for the carrying on of its business.
    29         (9)  The power to retain counsel and auditors to render
    30     such professional services as the authority deems
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     1     appropriate.
     2         (10)  The power to pledge the credit of the authority and
     3     to provide such security and liquidity as may be required by
     4     creditors.
     5         (11)  The power to cooperate with any Federal agency or
     6     government agency.
     7         (12)  Any other power necessary or convenient for the
     8     promotion or general welfare of the authority.
     9     (b)  Duties.--The authority shall provide financial
    10  assistance to persons for qualified projects. The financial
    11  assistance shall be in the form of loans or multiyear grants and
    12  may include proceeds from the sale of bonds. If the financial
    13  assistance provided to a person is from the proceeds of a bond
    14  issuance, the board shall require the person to be a surety of
    15  the bonds. The board may impose such other terms and conditions
    16  on the financial assistance authorized by this subsection as the
    17  board determines is in the best interests of the authority.
    18     (c)  Limitations.--
    19         (1)  In accordance with section 8 of Article VIII of the
    20     Constitution of Pennsylvania, the board and the authority
    21     shall have no power to pledge the credit or taxing powers of
    22     the Commonwealth, nor shall any of the bonds of the authority
    23     be deemed a debt or liability of the Commonwealth.
    24         (2)  The authority shall be solely liable for the payment
    25     of the principal, interest or premium on any bonds issued by
    26     the authority. The Commonwealth shall have no legal or moral
    27     obligation for the payment of any expenses or obligations of
    28     the authority, including bond principal and interest, the
    29     funding or refunding of any reserves and any administrative
    30     or operating expenses whatsoever, other than for the advance
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     1     of funds for initial operating expenses of the authority
     2     contained in section 701 to be repaid by the authority as
     3     provided in this act. Bonds issued by the authority shall
     4     contain a prominent statement of the limitation set forth in
     5     this subsection and shall further recite that obligees of the
     6     authority shall have no recourse, either legal or moral, to
     7     the Commonwealth for payment of the bonds of the authority.
     8                             CHAPTER 7
     9                         BONDS OF AUTHORITY
    10  Section 701.  Bonds.
    11     (a)  Authorization.--Bonds of the authority shall be
    12  authorized by a resolution of the board and shall be of a
    13  series, bear such date or dates and bear or accrue interest at
    14  the rate or rates determined by the board to be necessary to
    15  issue and sell the authorized bonds. The bonds shall be in the
    16  denominations; be in the form, either coupon or fully registered
    17  without coupons or in certificated or book-entry-only form;
    18  carry such registration, exchangeability and interchangeability
    19  privileges; be payable in the medium of payment and at such
    20  place or places; be subject to the terms of redemption and be
    21  entitled to the priorities of payment in the revenues or
    22  receipts of the authority as the resolution of the board
    23  provides. Bonds shall be signed by or shall bear the facsimile
    24  signature of the officer designated by the board. Interest
    25  coupons shall be attached to coupon bonds and shall bear the
    26  facsimile signature of the treasurer of the authority. Bonds
    27  shall be authenticated by an authenticating agent, fiscal agent
    28  or trustee. Bonds may be issued and delivered notwithstanding
    29  that the officer signing the bonds or the treasurer whose
    30  facsimile signature is on a coupon shall have ceased to be the
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     1  officer at the time when the bond is actually delivered.
     2     (b)  Maturity date.--
     3         (1)  Bonds issued to provide financial assistance to
     4     persons shall mature at such time or times not exceeding ten
     5     years from their respective dates of original issue.
     6         (2)  Bonds issued to finance the costs of a capital
     7     project shall mature at such time or times not exceeding the
     8     weighted average useful life of the projects being financed
     9     and in no event exceeding 30 years from their respective
    10     dates of original issue.
    11         (3)  Bonds issued in anticipation of income of the
    12     authority shall mature within the fiscal year of the date of
    13     issuance thereof, except for bonds issued in anticipation of
    14     grants from the Commonwealth, a government agency or Federal
    15     agency, which bonds shall mature no later than the time of
    16     anticipated receipt of such grant.
    17     (c)  Sale.--Bonds may be sold at public sale or invited sale
    18  for the price or prices and at the rate or rates of interest as
    19  the authority determines. Bonds may be sold at private sale by
    20  negotiation at the price or prices and at the rate or rates of
    21  interest as the authority determines, but only if the authority
    22  makes a written public explanation of the circumstances and
    23  justification for the private sale by negotiation. Pending the
    24  preparation of the definitive bonds, interim receipts may be
    25  issued to the purchaser or purchasers of the bonds and shall
    26  contain the terms and conditions established by the authority.
    27     (d)  Negotiable instruments.--Bonds of the authority shall
    28  have the qualities of negotiable instruments under 13 Pa.C.S.
    29  (relating to Commercial Code).
    30     (e)  Use of proceeds.--The proceeds of an issue of bonds may
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     1  be used to pay the costs of issuance of the bonds, to pay costs
     2  of administration of authority, to fund reserves for the bonds,
     3  to capitalize interest on the bonds for a period not to exceed
     4  12 months, to pay the costs of capital projects in areas
     5  designated by the Governor under Chapter 3, to reimburse the
     6  Commonwealth for the appropriation made in section 5104 and to
     7  fund up to $500,000 of initial operating expenses of the
     8  authority.
     9     (f)  Refunding.--Subject to the provisions of this act and
    10  bonds, notes or other obligations issued in accordance with this
    11  act, the authority may refund any outstanding debt of the
    12  authority, whether the debt represents principal or interest, in
    13  whole or in part, at any time. The term of any bonds issued for
    14  refunding purposes shall not extend to a maturity date which
    15  could not have been included in the original issue of bonds
    16  being refunded. For the purposes of this subsection, the term
    17  "refund" and its variations shall mean the issuance and sale of
    18  obligations the proceeds of which are used or are to be used for
    19  the payment or redemption of outstanding obligations upon or
    20  prior to maturity.
    21  Section 702.  Exemption from taxation.
    22     The effectuation of the authorized purposes of the authority
    23  shall and will be in all respects for the benefit of the people
    24  of this Commonwealth, for the increase of their commerce and
    25  prosperity and for the improvements of their health, safety,
    26  welfare and living conditions; and, since the authority will be
    27  performing such essential governmental functions in effectuating
    28  such purposes, the authority shall not be required to pay any
    29  taxes or assessments upon any property acquired or used or
    30  permitted to be used by the authority for its purposes; and the
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     1  bonds issued by the authority, their transfer and the income
     2  therefrom, including any profits made on the sale thereon,
     3  shall, at all times, be free from State and local taxation
     4  within this Commonwealth. This exemption shall not extend to
     5  gift, estate, succession or inheritance taxes or any other taxes
     6  not levied directly on the bonds, the transfer thereof, the
     7  income therefrom or the realization of profits on the sale
     8  thereof.
     9  Section 703.  Validity of bonds; limitation on actions.
    10     (a)  Presumption.--A bond reciting in substance that it has
    11  been issued by the authority to accomplish the public purposes
    12  of this act shall be conclusively deemed in any suit, action or
    13  proceeding involving the validity or enforceability of the bonds
    14  or security therefor to have been issued for the purposes.
    15     (b)  Filing.--The authority shall file a copy of a resolution
    16  authorizing the issuance of bonds in its office for public
    17  inspection and shall publish in three newspapers of general
    18  circulation in this Commonwealth a notice stating:
    19         (1)  The fact and date of such adoption.
    20         (2)  The places where such resolution has been so filed
    21     for public inspection.
    22         (3)  The date of publication of such notice.
    23         (4)  That any action or proceeding of any kind or nature
    24     in any court questioning the validity or proper authorization
    25     of bonds provided for by the resolution, or the validity of
    26     any covenants, agreements or contract provided for by such
    27     resolution, shall be commenced within ten days after the
    28     publication of such notice.
    29  After publication of the notice, if no action or proceeding
    30  questioning the validity or proper authorization of bonds
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     1  provided for by the resolution referred to in the notice, or the
     2  validity of any covenants, agreements or contracts provided by
     3  the resolution shall be commenced within ten days after the
     4  publication of the notice, then all residents of this
     5  Commonwealth and all other persons whatsoever shall be forever
     6  barred and foreclosed from instituting or commencing any action
     7  or proceeding in any court, or pleading any defense to any
     8  action or proceedings, questioning the validity or proper
     9  authorization of the bonds or the validity of the covenants,
    10  agreements or contracts, and the bonds, covenants, agreements
    11  and contracts shall be conclusively deemed to be valid and
    12  binding obligations in accordance with their terms and tenor.
    13     (c)  Estoppel.--After issuance of bonds, bonds shall be
    14  conclusively presumed to be fully authorized and issued by all
    15  the laws of this Commonwealth, and any person shall be estopped
    16  from questioning their sale, execution or delivery by the
    17  authority.
    18  Section 704.  Provisions of bonds; trust indentures.
    19     In connection with the issuance of bonds and in order to
    20  secure the payment of its bonds, the authority, in addition to
    21  its other powers, shall have the power to do all of the
    22  following:
    23         (1)  Pledge or grant a security interest in all or any
    24     part of its gross or net revenues to which its right then
    25     exists or which may thereafter come into existence.
    26         (2)  Grant a security interest in all or any part of its
    27     personal property then owned or thereafter acquired.
    28         (3)  Covenant against pledging or granting a security
    29     interest in all or any part of its revenues or all or any
    30     part of its personal property to which its right or title
    20030S0010B0606                 - 18 -     

     1     exists or may thereafter come into existence, or against
     2     permitting or suffering any lien on its revenues or property;
     3     covenant with respect to limitations on its right to sell,
     4     lease or otherwise dispose of any of its real property; and
     5     covenant as to which other or additional debts or obligations
     6     may be incurred by it.
     7         (4)  Covenant as to the bonds to be issued and as to the
     8     issuance of the bonds, in escrow or otherwise, and as to the
     9     use and disposition of the proceeds thereof; provide for the
    10     replacement of lost, destroyed or mutilated bonds; covenant
    11     against extending the time for the payment of bonds or
    12     interest thereon; redeem the bonds, and covenant for their
    13     redemption and provide the terms and conditions thereof.
    14         (5)  Covenant as to the amount of revenues to be received
    15     in each fiscal year or other period of time by the authority,
    16     as well as to the use and disposition to be made thereof,
    17     create or authorize the creation of special funds or reserves
    18     for debt service or other purposes and covenant as to the use
    19     and disposition of the moneys held in such funds.
    20         (6)  Prescribe the procedure, if any, by which the terms
    21     of any contract with bondholders may be amended or abrogated,
    22     and the amount of bonds the holders of which must consent
    23     thereto, and the manner in which the consent may be given.
    24         (7)  Covenant as to the use of any or all of its real or
    25     personal property, to warrant its title, and covenant as to
    26     the maintenance of its real and personal property, the
    27     replacement thereof, the insurance to be carried thereon and
    28     the use and disposition of insurance proceeds.
    29         (8)  Covenant as to the rights, liabilities, powers and
    30     duties arising upon the breach by it of any covenant,
    20030S0010B0606                 - 19 -     

     1     condition or obligation, provided that the authority shall
     2     not be permitted to covenant that, upon a breach, any or all
     3     of its bonds shall become or may be declared due before
     4     stated maturity.
     5         (9)  Vest in a trustee or the holders of bonds, or any
     6     proportion of them, the right to enforce the payment of the
     7     bonds or any covenants securing or relating to the bonds;
     8     vest in a trustee the right, in the event of default in
     9     payments of interest or on principal of bonds by the
    10     authority, to take possession and use, operate and manage any
    11     real or personal property and to collect the revenues and
    12     receipts of an authority and to dispose of such moneys in
    13     accordance with the agreement of the authority with the
    14     trustee; provide for the powers and duties of a trustee and
    15     to limit liabilities thereof; and provide the terms and
    16     conditions upon which a trustee or the holders of bonds, or
    17     any proportion of them, may enforce any covenant or rights
    18     securing or relating to the bonds.
    19         (10)  Enter into interest rate exchange agreements,
    20     interest rate cap and floor agreements and other similar
    21     agreements which in the judgment of the authority will assist
    22     the authority in managing the interest costs of the
    23     authority.
    24         (11)  Obtain letters of credit, bonds insurance and other
    25     facilities for credit enhancement and liquidity.
    26         (12)  Exercise all or any part or combination of the
    27     powers granted in this act, make covenants other than and in
    28     addition to the covenants expressly authorized by this act,
    29     make such covenants and do any and all such acts and things
    30     as may be necessary or convenient or desirable in order to
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     1     secure its bonds or, in the absolute discretion of the
     2     authority, as will tend to accomplish the purposes of this
     3     act by making the bonds more marketable, notwithstanding that
     4     such covenants, acts or things may not be specifically
     5     enumerated by this act.
     6  Notwithstanding any provision of this act to the contrary, the
     7  real property of the authority shall not be mortgaged and shall
     8  not be subject to attachment nor levied upon by execution or
     9  otherwise. The revenues of the authority and the personal
    10  property of the authority shall be pledged or otherwise
    11  encumbered only as expressly provided in this section and,
    12  except to the extent necessary to effectuate the pledge or
    13  encumbrance, shall not be subject to attachment nor levied upon
    14  by execution or otherwise.
    15  Section 705.  Remedies of obligee of authority.
    16     In addition to all other rights which may be conferred on the
    17  obligee subject only to any contractual restrictions binding
    18  upon the obligee, an obligee of the authority shall have all of
    19  the following rights:
    20         (1)  To compel, by mandamus, suit, action or proceeding
    21     at law or in equity, the authority and the members of its
    22     governing board, officers, agents or employees thereof to
    23     perform each and every term, provision and covenant contained
    24     in any bond or contract of the authority with or for the
    25     benefit of such obligee and to require the carrying out of
    26     any or all such covenants and agreements of the authority and
    27     the fulfillment of all duties imposed upon the authority by
    28     this act.
    29         (2)  To obtain, by proceeding in equity, an injunction
    30     against any acts or things which may be unlawful or the
    20030S0010B0606                 - 21 -     

     1     violation of any of the rights of such obligee of the
     2     authority.
     3         (3)  To require the authority to account as if it were
     4     the trustee of an express trust for the obligees of the
     5     authority for any pledged revenues received.
     6  Section 706.  Validity of pledge.
     7     Any pledge of or grant of a security interest in revenues of
     8  the authority or personal property of an authority made by the
     9  authority shall be valid and binding from the time when the
    10  pledge is made. The revenues or other property pledged and
    11  thereafter received by the authority shall immediately be
    12  subject to the lien of the pledge or security interest without
    13  any physical delivery thereof or further act. The lien of the
    14  pledge or security interest shall be valid and binding as
    15  against all parties having claims of any kind in tort, contract
    16  or otherwise against the authority irrespective of whether such
    17  parties have notice thereof. Neither the resolution nor any
    18  other instrument of the authority by which a pledge or security
    19  interest is created need be recorded or filed to perfect the
    20  pledge or security interest.
    21  Section 707.  Commonwealth pledges.
    22     (a)  Bondholders.--The Commonwealth does hereby pledge to and
    23  agree with each and every obligee of the authority that the
    24  Commonwealth will not limit or alter the rights hereby vested in
    25  the authority in any manner inconsistent with the obligations of
    26  the authority to its obligees until all bonds at any time
    27  issued, together with the interest thereon, are fully paid and
    28  discharged.
    29     (b)  Lessees.--The Commonwealth does hereby pledge to and
    30  agree with any person who, as owner thereof, leases or subleases
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     1  property to or from the authority that the Commonwealth will not
     2  limit or alter the rights and powers hereby vested in the
     3  authority or otherwise created by this act in any manner which
     4  impairs the obligations of the authority until all such
     5  obligations of the authority under the lease or sublease are
     6  fully met and discharged.
     7  Section 708.  Resolution and law are contracts with holders of
     8                 bonds.
     9     Except as otherwise provided in any resolution of the
    10  authority authorizing or awarding bonds, the terms of a
    11  resolution and any agreement authorized by the resolution and
    12  the terms of this act as in effect when the bonds were
    13  authorized shall constitute a contract between the authority and
    14  the obligees, subject to modification by the vote by holders of
    15  the percentage of bonds as the resolution authorizing or
    16  awarding the bonds provides.
    17  Section 709.  Bonds to be legal investments.
    18     Bonds issued pursuant to this act are hereby made securities
    19  in which all government agencies, all insurance companies, trust
    20  companies, banking associations, banking corporations, savings
    21  banks, investment companies, executors, the trustees of any
    22  retirement, pension or annuity fund or system of the
    23  Commonwealth, trustees and other fiduciaries may properly and
    24  legally invest funds, including capital, deposits or other funds
    25  in their control or belonging to them. The bonds are hereby made
    26  securities which may properly and legally be deposited with and
    27  received by any government agency for any purpose for which the
    28  deposit of bonds or other obligations of the Commonwealth now or
    29  may hereafter be authorized by law.
    30  Section 710.  Right to enforcement of pledge of revenues.
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     1     The obligees of the authority shall have the right to enforce
     2  a pledge of or security interest in revenues of the authority
     3  securing payment of bonds of the authority against all
     4  government agencies in possession of any such revenues at any
     5  time, which revenues may be collected directly from such
     6  officials upon notice by the obligees or a trustee for the
     7  obligees for application to the payment of the bonds as and when
     8  due or for deposits in any sinking, bond or debt service fund
     9  established by this act or established by resolution of the
    10  authority with the trustee at the times and in the amounts
    11  specified in the bonds or the resolution or indenture or trust
    12  agreement securing the bonds. Any government agency in
    13  possession of any such revenues shall make payment against
    14  receipt and shall thereby be discharged from any further
    15  liability or responsibility for such revenues. If payment is
    16  made to a holder of bonds, it shall be made against surrender of
    17  the bonds to the payor for delivery to the authority in the case
    18  of payment in full; otherwise, it shall be made against
    19  production of the bonds for notation thereon of the amount of
    20  the payment. The provisions of this section with respect to the
    21  enforceability and collection of revenues which secure bonds
    22  shall supersede any contrary or inconsistent statutory provision
    23  or rule of law. This section shall be construed and applied to
    24  fulfill the legislative purpose of clarifying and facilitating
    25  the financing of the authority by assuring to the obligees of
    26  the authority the full and immediate benefit of the security for
    27  the bonds without delay, diminution or interference based on any
    28  statute, decision, ordinance or administrative rule or practice.
    29  Section 711.  Funds of authority; source of revenue.
    30     (a)  Receipt by treasurer.--All funds of the authority
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     1  received from any source shall be delivered to or upon the order
     2  of the treasurer of the authority or to such other agent of the
     3  authority as the board may designate. Funds received by the
     4  authority shall be promptly deposited in a bank or banks in this
     5  Commonwealth chosen by the board. The moneys in the accounts of
     6  the authority may be paid by the treasurer of the authority or
     7  other designated agent of the authority on warrant of the
     8  treasurer of the authority. All deposits of moneys may, if
     9  required by the authority, be secured by obligations of the
    10  United States or of the Commonwealth of a market value equal at
    11  all times to the amount of the deposit, and all banks and trust
    12  companies are authorized to give security for such deposits,
    13  provided that no moneys deposited in a debt service reserve fund
    14  may be secured by a deposit of obligations issued by or
    15  obligations guaranteed by an assisted city.
    16     (b)  Investment of funds.--Subject to the provisions of any
    17  agreements with obligees of the authority, all funds of the
    18  authority, including the proceeds of bonds, which are not
    19  required for immediate use may be invested in obligations of the
    20  Federal Government or of the Commonwealth or obligations which
    21  are legal investments for Commonwealth funds.
    22  Section 712.  Debt service reserve fund.
    23     (a)  Authorization.--The authority may establish one or more
    24  debt service reserve funds into which it shall deposit:
    25         (1)  Proceeds from the sale of bonds, to the extent
    26     provided in the resolution or resolutions authorizing the
    27     bonds.
    28         (2)  Any other moneys made available to the authority
    29     from any source.
    30  All moneys held in any debt service reserve fund, except as
    20030S0010B0606                 - 25 -     

     1  provided hereafter, shall be used when required solely for the
     2  payment of the principal of bonds secured in whole or in part by
     3  the fund or of the sinking fund payments, if any, with respect
     4  to the bonds, the purchase or redemption of the bonds, the
     5  payment of interest on the bonds or the payment of any
     6  redemption premium required to be paid when the bonds and notes
     7  are redeemed prior to maturity. Any debt service reserve fund
     8  established pursuant to this section shall be a trust fund held
     9  for the benefit and security of the obligees of the authority
    10  whose bonds are secured by the fund. Moneys in a debt service
    11  reserve fund shall not be withdrawn from the fund at any time in
    12  an amount that would reduce the amount of the fund to less than
    13  the minimum reserve fund requirement established for the fund in
    14  the resolution of the authority creating the fund, except for
    15  withdrawals for the purpose of making payments when due of
    16  principal, interest, redemption premiums and sinking fund
    17  payments, if any, with respect to the bonds for the payment of
    18  which other moneys of the authority are not available. Any
    19  income or interest earned by or increments to any debt service
    20  reserve fund due to the investment thereof may be transferred by
    21  the authority to other funds or accounts of the authority to the
    22  extent the transfer does not reduce the amount of the debt
    23  service reserve fund below the minimum reserve fund requirement
    24  established for that fund. Funds transferred to other accounts
    25  in accordance with the preceding requirements may be used for
    26  whatever purposes the authority deems appropriate so long as the
    27  purposes are consistent with this act and the contracts of the
    28  authority with obligees of the authority and with assisted
    29  cities.
    30     (b)  Bond limitation.--The authority shall not at any time
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     1  issue bonds secured in whole or in part by a debt service
     2  reserve fund if issuance of the bonds would cause the amount in
     3  the debt reserve fund to fall below the minimum reserve
     4  requirement for the fund, unless the authority at the time of
     5  issuance of the bonds deposits in the fund an amount, from the
     6  proceeds of the bonds to be issued or from other sources, which
     7  when added to the amount already in the fund will cause the
     8  total amount on deposit in the fund to equal or exceed the
     9  minimum reserve fund requirement.
    10     (c)  Definition.--For the purposes of this section, the term
    11  "minimum reserve fund requirement" shall mean that amount
    12  defined as the minimum reserve fund requirement in the
    13  resolution or resolutions of the authority authorizing the
    14  bonds.
    15  Section 713.  Other funds and accounts.
    16     (a)  Authorization.--The authority shall create funds and
    17  accounts as may be necessary or desirable for its corporate
    18  purposes and shall pay into each fund or account any moneys of
    19  the authority available for such purposes or any moneys made
    20  available by any other person for the purposes of the fund or
    21  account. No other provision of this act shall be construed to
    22  prohibit the authority from creating within any fund one or more
    23  accounts which may be used or pledged by the authority for a
    24  special purpose.
    25     (b)  Use of fund money.--Any moneys deposited in any fund
    26  created by the authority to be used to pay debt service,
    27  including, without limitation, the bond payment account, any
    28  sinking fund or debt service reserve fund and all investments
    29  and proceeds of investments thereof shall, without further
    30  action or filing, be subjected to a perfected security interest
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     1  for the obligees of the authority for whom the fund is held
     2  until the moneys or investments shall be properly disbursed in
     3  accordance with this act and with the terms of the contract of
     4  the authority with its obligees.
     5  Section 714.  Initial issue of authority bonds.
     6     The first series of bonds to be issued by the authority shall
     7  be issued in a manner and at a time so that the net proceeds of
     8  the bonds shall be available on or before June 30, 2003, or as
     9  soon as practicable thereafter.
    10                             CHAPTER 51
    11                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
    12  Section 5101.  Original jurisdiction of Supreme Court.
    13     The Pennsylvania Supreme Court shall have exclusive
    14  jurisdiction to hear any challenge to or to render a declaratory
    15  judgment concerning the constitutionality of this act, the
    16  contractual rights of the parties relating to bonds issued under
    17  this act or any action of the authority in issuing or attempting
    18  to issue bonds.
    19  Section 5102.  Construction.
    20     The provisions of this act providing for security for and
    21  rights and remedies of obligees of the authority shall be
    22  liberally construed to achieve the purposes stated and provided
    23  for in this act.
    24  Section 5103.  Appropriation.
    25     The sum of $500,000 is hereby appropriated to the Economic
    26  Enhancement Financing Authority from the General Fund. The
    27  appropriation in this section is an advance which shall be
    28  repaid by the authority from sources described in section 501(c)
    29  as soon as is practicable and in no event later than June 30,
    30  2004.
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     1  Section 5104.  Severability.
     2     The provisions of this act are severable. If any provision of
     3  this act is judged to be invalid by a court of competent
     4  jurisdiction, the order or judgment shall be confined in its
     5  operation to the controversy in which it was rendered and shall
     6  not affect or invalidate the remainder of any provisions.
     7  Section 5105.  Effective date.
     8     This act shall take effect July 1, 2003.

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