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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 328



No. 14 Session of 1997

           SCHWARTZ AND O'PAKE, JANUARY 31, 1997


                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Directing the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee to
     2     conduct a study and make recommendations on civil service
     3     reform.

     4     WHEREAS, The first civil service system in this Commonwealth
     5  was created by Act 4 of the Special Session of 1933, which
     6  provided for the selection and appointment of employees of the
     7  Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board; and
     8     WHEREAS, The State Civil Service Commission was created by
     9  Act 144 of 1939; and
    10     WHEREAS, The primary purpose of the Civil Service Act was to
    11  bring about greater efficiency and economy in the administration
    12  of the government of this Commonwealth through the appointment
    13  and promotion of qualified, able and principled persons on the
    14  basis of merit; and
    15     WHEREAS, In July 1996, 57,926 employees, or 72% of the 80,920
    16  State employees, were covered by civil service; and
    17     WHEREAS, The Civil Service Act, enacted more than 50 years
    18  ago, may contain provisions which are outdated, subject to

     1  misinterpretation or unnecessarily restrictive; and
     2     WHEREAS, The State Civil Service Commission and other State
     3  personnel rules and laws can make it complicated and difficult
     4  to hire, promote and terminate Commonwealth employees; and
     5     WHEREAS, There is duplication of Commonwealth personnel
     6  administration between the State Civil Service Commission and
     7  the Office of Administration; and
     8     WHEREAS, The Federal Government and some states have
     9  centralized personnel management and have established separate
    10  and distinct merit system protection boards; and
    11     WHEREAS, Eligibility for funding for certain Federal programs
    12  requires adherence to merit principles in personnel practices;
    13  and
    14     WHEREAS, Fair and valid personnel selection and promotion
    15  procedures can help assure equal employment opportunity and fair
    16  treatment, in addition to cost savings to the Commonwealth, and
    17  can result in more efficiency, effectiveness and productivity;
    18  and
    19     WHEREAS, The IMPACCT Commission recommended a review of State
    20  Civil Service Commission rules and regulations that inhibit
    21  effective personnel management; therefore be it
    22     RESOLVED, That the Senate direct the Legislative Budget and
    23  Finance Committee to undertake a comprehensive review of the
    24  Commonwealth's personnel system, including the Civil Service Act
    25  and all relevant laws; and be it further
    26     RESOLVED, That the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee
    27  study changes made to the civil service acts and personnel
    28  systems in other states in the past 25 years; and be it further
    29     RESOLVED, That the Senate direct the Legislative Budget and
    30  Finance Committee to prepare a report, recommendations and
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     1  legislation which address the following issues:
     2         (1)  creating the most efficient, effective and
     3     productive personnel system for the Commonwealth;
     4         (2)  making it less burdensome to hire, promote and
     5     terminate Commonwealth employees;
     6         (3)  creating a personnel system that ensures appointment
     7     and promotion of the most qualified, able and principled
     8     persons to Commonwealth service;
     9         (4)  eliminating duplication of personnel services;
    10         (5)  assuring that the personnel system affords equal
    11     employment opportunities and fair treatment to all candidates
    12     for State employment; and
    13         (6)  maintaining eligibility for funding for Federal
    14     programs which require adherence to merit principles in
    15     personnel practices;
    16  and be it further
    17     RESOLVED, That the Senate direct the Legislative Budget and
    18  Finance Committee to study and, if appropriate, make
    19  recommendations and draft legislation with regard to
    20  decentralizing personnel decisions and the merit system to each
    21  agency of the Commonwealth; and be it further
    22     RESOLVED, That the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee
    23  include its findings, recommendations and necessary corrective
    24  legislation in its review and deliver such findings,
    25  recommendations and legislative proposals to each House of the
    26  Senate on or before September 1, 1997.

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