See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 720



No. 29 Session of 1997

           MARCH 12, 1997


                            A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION

     1  Directing the Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control
     2     and Conservation Committee to study the issues concerning the
     3     renewal and management of this Commonwealth's forests; and
     4     creating a task force.

     5     WHEREAS, Forests comprise 59% of this Commonwealth's total
     6  land area; and
     7     WHEREAS, Forests provide numerous economic, recreational and
     8  environmental values; and
     9     WHEREAS, The policies and legislation developed today will
    10  determine the future of forests in this Commonwealth; and
    11     WHEREAS, The forestry task force established by House
    12  Resolution 263 of 1994 has been helpful to the General Assembly
    13  and the forestry community; therefore be it
    14     RESOLVED, (the House of Representatives concurring), That the
    15  General Assembly establish a forestry task force to be comprised
    16  of two members of the Senate, one appointed by the leader of the
    17  majority party and one appointed by the leader of the minority
    18  party, two members of the House of Representatives, one

     1  appointed by the leader of the majority party and one appointed
     2  by the leader of the minority party, and the members of the
     3  foresty task force shall choose a chairman from their number;
     4  and be it further
     5     RESOLVED, That the forestry task force shall conduct a
     6  comprehensive study of and investigate the following:
     7         (1)  Road bonding requirements for the timber industry;
     8         (2)  The effects of acid deposition on this
     9     Commonwealth's forests;
    10         (3)  The progress of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative
    11     in this Commonwealth;
    12         (4)  The licensing and certification of foresters;
    13         (5)  The long-term forestry research needs for this
    14     Commonwealth;
    15  and be it further
    16     RESOLVED, That the forestry task force may hold hearings,
    17  take testimony and make its investigations at such places as it
    18  deems necessary; and be it further
    19     RESOLVED, That an advisory committee by created by the
    20  forestry task force to assist in developing facts and
    21  recommendations concerning the renewal and management of forests
    22  in this Commonwealth and that the advisory committee be composed
    23  of representatives of the following government agencies:
    24         (1)  Department of Conservation and Natural Resources,
    25     Bureau of Forestry;
    26         (2)  Department of Agriculture, Hardwoods Development
    27     Council;
    28         (3)  Department of Transportation;
    29         (4)  The Pennsylvania State University, School of Forest
    30     Resources; and
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     1         (5)  United States Forest Service;
     2  and be it further
     3     RESOLVED, That the advisory committee shall further have one
     4  representative from each of five business organizations
     5  representing the forest products industry, shall have one
     6  representative from each of three nonprofit conservation and
     7  environmental organizations, one representative from a township
     8  government, one representative from a county government and
     9  shall have one representative from up to three other
    10  organizations that the forestry task force deems appropriate to
    11  be represented; and be it further
    12     RESOLVED, That the General Assembly direct the Joint
    13  Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation
    14  Committee to provide sufficient staff and other administrative
    15  support to the forestry task force; and be it further
    16     RESOLVED, That the forestry task force prepare a report
    17  containing its findings and recommendations, together with any
    18  necessary legislation, and deliver it to the General Assembly as
    19  soon as possible.

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