See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1004



No. 38 Session of 1997



                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Urging the President of the United States and Congress to make
     2     the more than $1 billion of Federal moneys already earmarked
     3     for abandoned mine reclamation available to states.

     4     WHEREAS, The biggest water pollution problem facing this
     5  Commonwealth today is polluted water draining from abandoned
     6  coal mines; and
     7     WHEREAS, Over half the streams that do not meet water quality
     8  standards in this Commonwealth are affected by mine drainage;
     9  and
    10     WHEREAS, This Commonwealth has over 250,000 acres of
    11  abandoned mine lands, refuse banks and old mine shafts in 45 of
    12  Pennsylvania's 67 counties, more than any other state in the
    13  nation; and
    14     WHEREAS, The Department of Environmental Protection estimates
    15  it will cost more than $15 billion to reclaim and restore
    16  abandoned mine lands; and
    17     WHEREAS, The Commonwealth now receives about $20 million a
    18  year from the Federal Government to do reclamation projects; and

     1     WHEREAS, There is now a $1 billion balance in the Federal
     2  Abandoned Mine Reclamation Trust Fund that is set aside by law
     3  to take care of pollution and safety problems caused by old coal
     4  mines; and
     5     WHEREAS, Pennsylvania is the fourth largest coal producing
     6  state in the nation, and coal operators contribute significantly
     7  to the fund by paying a special fee for each ton of coal they
     8  mine; and
     9     WHEREAS, The Department of Environmental Protection and 39
    10  county conservation districts through the Western and Eastern
    11  Pennsylvania Coalitions for Abandoned Mine Reclamation have
    12  worked as partners to improve the effectiveness of mine
    13  reclamation programs; and
    14     WHEREAS, Pennsylvania has been working with the Interstate
    15  Mining Compact Commission, the National Association of Abandoned
    16  Mine Land Programs and other states to free more of these funds
    17  to clean up abandoned mine lands; and
    18     WHEREAS, Making more funds available to states for abandoned
    19  mine reclamation should preserve the interest revenues now being
    20  made available for the United Mine Workers Combined Benefit
    21  Fund; and
    22     WHEREAS, The Federal Office of Surface Mining, the United
    23  States Environmental Protection Agency and Congress have not
    24  agreed to make more funds available to states for abandoned mine
    25  reclamation; therefore be it
    26     RESOLVED, That the Senate of Pennsylvania urge the President
    27  of the United States and Congress make the $1 billion of Federal
    28  moneys already earmarked for abandoned mine land reclamation
    29  available to states to clean up and make safe our abandoned mine
    30  lands; and be it further
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     1     RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to
     2  the President of the United States, to the presiding officers of
     3  each house of Congress and to each member of Congress.

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