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                                                        PRINTER'S NO. 38



No. 40 Special Session No. 1 of 2007-2008

           WONDERLING, NOVEMBER 30, 2007


                                     AN ACT

     1  Establishing the Energy Research and Development Fund; providing
     2     for appropriations to the fund, for allocations from the fund
     3     to the Ben Franklin Technology Development Authority, for
     4     administrative costs and reporting and for net operating loss
     5     deductions.

     6                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     7  Chapter 1.  Preliminary Provisions
     8  Section 101.  Short title.
     9  Section 102.  Definitions.
    10  Chapter 3.  Energy Fund
    11  Section 301.  Fund.
    12  Section 302.  Deposit.
    13  Section 303.  Investment.
    14  Chapter 5.  Allocation of Fund
    15  Section 501.  Allocation of funds.
    16  Section 502.  Ben Franklin Technology Development Authority.
    17  Chapter 7.  Net Operating Loss Deduction
    18  Section 701.  Exception from limitation on net operating
    19                 loss deductions.

     1  Chapter 29.  Miscellaneous Provisions
     2  Section 2901.  Effective date.
     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby enacts as follows:
     5                             CHAPTER 1
     6                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
     7  Section 101.  Short title.
     8     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Energy for
     9  the Future Investment Act.
    10  Section 102.  Definitions.
    11     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    12  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    13  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    14     "Business."  A corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship,
    15  limited liability company, business trust or other commercial
    16  entity approved by the Ben Franklin Technology Development
    17  Authority. The term shall include not-for-profit entities.
    18     "Department."  The Department of Environmental Protection of
    19  the Commonwealth.
    20     "Fund."  The Energy Research and Development Fund.
    21                             CHAPTER 3
    22                            ENERGY FUND
    23  Section 301.  Fund.
    24     There is established in the State Treasury a restricted
    25  receipt account to be known as the Energy Research and
    26  Development Fund. The fund shall include:
    27         (1)  The annual appropriations provided under section
    28     302.
    29         (2)  Earnings derived from the investment of the money in
    30     the fund.
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     1         (3)  Loan repayments under this act.
     2         (4)  Any other money appropriated to the fund.
     3  Section 302.  Deposit.
     4     Beginning in Fiscal Year 2008-2009, and each year up to and
     5  including Fiscal Year 2012-2013, the sum of $40,000,000 of the
     6  gross receipts tax collected during each fiscal year under
     7  Article XI of the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as
     8  the Tax Reform Code of 1971, shall be appropriated to the State
     9  Treasurer for deposit into the fund.
    10  Section 303.  Investment.
    11     Proceeds shall be deposited in the fund and invested or
    12  reinvested as are other funds in the custody of the State
    13  Treasurer in the manner provided by law. All earnings received
    14  from investment on deposits shall be used for the same purposes
    15  as the proceeds under this chapter.
    16                             CHAPTER 5
    17                         ALLOCATION OF FUND
    18  Section 501.  Allocation of funds.
    19     Money in the fund shall be allocated in equal annual
    20  installments of $40,000,000 over a five-year period to the Ben
    21  Franklin Technology Development Authority for allocation in
    22  accordance with section 502.
    23  Section 502.  Ben Franklin Technology Development Authority.
    24     (a)  Allocation of funds.--Money from the fund allocated
    25  under section 501 to the Ben Franklin Technology Development
    26  Authority shall be distributed as follows:
    27         (1)  Sixty per cent shall be used for commercialization
    28     and acceleration of the development of emerging alternative
    29     or renewable energy technologies in this Commonwealth to
    30     include funding of the costs associated with capital
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     1     investment, transitional research and other costs.
     2         (2)  Forth percent shall be used for venture capital for
     3     Pennsylvania start-up businesses to develop or expand
     4     alternative or renewable energy technologies, including
     5     private and public projects, to include funding of the costs
     6     associated with capital investments, transitional research
     7     and other costs necessary to develop commercial spin-offs and
     8     licensing agreements. A project receiving funds under this
     9     paragraph shall not receive more than $1,500,000 during the
    10     life of the program.
    11     (b)  Guidelines.--The Ben Franklin Technology Development
    12  Authority shall publish guidelines that include eligibility
    13  requirements consistent with existing guidelines of the Ben
    14  Franklin Technology Development Authority Board, including
    15  matching fund requirements. The guidelines shall be posted on
    16  its official Internet website.
    17     (c)  Application.--An applicant for funds under this section
    18  shall submit an application including any supporting information
    19  as required by the Ben Franklin Technology Development
    20  Authority.
    21     (d)  Administrative costs.--No more than one per cent of
    22  funds allocated to the Ben Franklin Technology Development
    23  Authority shall be used for administrative costs.
    24     (e)  Reporting.--The Ben Franklin Technology Development
    25  Authority shall provide an annual report to the chairman and
    26  minority chairman of the Appropriations Committee of the Senate
    27  and the chairman and minority chairman of the Appropriations
    28  Committee of the House of Representatives. The report shall be
    29  posted and maintained on its official Internet website. The
    30  report shall include a list of all funds distributed under
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     1  subsection (a), the recipients of the funds, the technology to
     2  be developed and other details relating to the project.
     3                             CHAPTER 7
     4                   NET OPERATING LOSS DEDUCTIONS
     5  Section 701.  Exception from limitation on net operating loss
     6                 deductions.
     7     Any limits on the net operating loss deduction in a taxable
     8  year provided under section 401(3)4(c) of the act of March 4,
     9  1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, shall
    10  not apply to the deduction of start-up period losses for any
    11  corporation who could qualify for assistance under this act. For
    12  the purposes of this section, "start-up period losses" are the
    13  sum of the net loss or losses incurred in the corporation's
    14  first taxable year plus its nine succeeding taxable years. A
    15  reorganization as the term is defined under section
    16  303(a)(3)(iv)(B) of the Tax Reform Code of 1971 shall be
    17  disregarded for the purposes of applying this section. This act
    18  shall apply to net operating loss deductions for taxable years
    19  beginning after December 31, 2007.
    20                             CHAPTER 29
    21                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
    22  Section 2901.  Effective date.
    23     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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