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same topic
                                                        PRINTER'S NO. 36



No. 41 Session of 1999



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 11, 1968 (P.L.149, No.84), entitled, as
     2     amended, "An act relating to volunteer firefighters' relief
     3     associations, clarifying their purposes and objectives,
     4     establishing criteria and standards for the conduct of their
     5     affairs, providing for their formation, recognition,
     6     continuing operation, and for their dissolution in
     7     appropriate circumstances and the distribution of their
     8     funds," further providing for the expenditure of the funds of
     9     a volunteer firefighters' relief association; and making an
    10     editorial change.

    11     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    12  hereby enacts as follows:
    13     Section 1.  Section 6(e)(2) of the act of June 11, 1968
    14  (P.L.149, No.84), known as the Volunteer Firefighters' Relief
    15  Association Act, amended December 22, 1993 (P.L.547, No.78), is
    16  amended to read:
    17     Section 6.  Funds.--* * *
    18     (e)  The funds of any volunteer firefighters' relief
    19  association may be spent:
    20     * * *
    21     (2)  To purchase contracts of insurance which shall at the

     1  least afford financial assistance to active members of the fire
     2  service represented by the association against losses due to
     3  injury suffered in the fire service and which may also provide
     4  in the order named, (i) for payments to the surviving spouse or
     5  other dependents of a member in the event of the member's death,
     6  (ii) for protection of active firefighters against disease,
     7  (iii) for the replacement or purchase of prosthetic devices such
     8  as visual aids, hearing aids, dentures, braces, crutches, and
     9  the like, where such devices have been lost or damaged while the
    10  owner was engaged in the fire service or where the need for such
    11  devices arises because of functional impairment attributable to
    12  participation in the fire service, (iv) for the repair or
    13  replacement if necessary of articles of clothing or pocket
    14  pagers damaged or lost in the course of participation in the
    15  fire service, [and] (v) for financial assistance to volunteer
    16  firefighters who have actively participated in the fire service
    17  for twenty years and who have attained the age of sixty-five,
    18  and (vi) for disability incurred after service for a minimum of
    19  twenty years as a volunteer firefighter.
    20     * * *
    21     Section 2.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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