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                                                        PRINTER'S NO. 52



No. 41 Session of 2003

           RAFFERTY, JANUARY 24, 2003


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for minimum requirements for hospitals and health care
     2     facilities which provide emergency services to victims of
     3     sexual assault, for a sexual assault evidence collection
     4     program and for powers and duties of the Department of Health
     5     and the Pennsylvania State Police; and establishing civil
     6     immunity.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9  Section 1.  Short title.
    10     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Sexual
    11  Assault Testing and Evidence Collection Act.
    12  Section 2.  Definitions.
    13     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    14  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    15  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    16     "Date rape drug."  Any sedating substance that can be used to
    17  incapacitate a victim, making that person more susceptible to
    18  sexual assault, including, but not limited to, Rohypnol,
    19  Ketamine, GHB, MDMA (Ecstasy) and their derivatives.

     1     "PCAR."  The Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape.
     2     "Rape kit."  A sexual assault evidence collection kit.
     3     "SART."  The Sexual Assault Response Team.
     4     "Sexual assault."  Any of the offenses specified in 18
     5  Pa.C.S. Ch. 31 Subch. B (relating to definition of offenses).
     6     "Victim of sexual assault" or "victim."  A person who
     7  represents to a health care professional, hospital or other
     8  health care facility that the person has experienced a sexual
     9  assault.
    10  Section 3.  Minimum requirements for hospitals and health care
    11                 facilities providing emergency services to
    12                 victims of sexual assault.
    13     (a)  General rule.--A hospital or health care facility
    14  providing emergency services to a victim of sexual assault
    15  shall, as minimum requirements for such services, provide, with
    16  the consent of the victim and as ordered by the attending
    17  physician or other health care provider, the following:
    18         (1)  Appropriate medical examinations and laboratory
    19     tests required to ensure the health, safety and welfare of
    20     the victim or which may be used as evidence in a criminal
    21     proceeding against a person accused of the sexual assault, or
    22     both. Records of the results of such examinations and tests
    23     shall be maintained by the hospital or health care facility
    24     and made available upon request of the victim of the sexual
    25     assault.
    26         (2)  Appropriate oral and written information concerning
    27     possibility of infection, sexually transmitted disease and
    28     pregnancy resulting from the sexual assault.
    29         (3)  Appropriate oral and written information concerning
    30     accepted medical procedures, medication - and possible
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     1     contraindications of the medication - available for the
     2     prevention or treatment of infection or disease resulting
     3     from the sexual assault.
     4         (4)  Such medication as deemed appropriate by the
     5     attending physician or health care provider.
     6         (5)  Tests to determine presence or absence of a sexually
     7     transmitted disease.
     8         (6)  Tests to determine the presence or absence of "date
     9     rape drug" traces, if deemed appropriate under the
    10     circumstances of the assault.
    11         (7)  Oral and written instructions indicating the need
    12     for a second test after sexual assault as determined by
    13     standard medical practice to determine the presence or
    14     absence of a sexually transmitted disease.
    15         (8)  Oral and written instructions regarding HIV testing.
    16         (9)  Appropriate counseling by trained personnel as
    17     determined by the hospital or health care facility.
    18     (b)  Minors.--A minor who is a victim of sexual assault and
    19  who seeks emergency services from a hospital or health care
    20  facility shall be provided such services without the consent of
    21  the parent, guardian or custodian of the minor.
    22  Section 4.  Sexual assault evidence collection program.
    23     (a)  Establishment.--There is hereby established a Statewide
    24  sexual assault evidence collection program to promote the health
    25  and safety of victims of sexual assault and to facilitate the
    26  prosecution of persons accused of sexual assault. This program
    27  shall be administered by the Department of Health. Under this
    28  program the Department of Health shall:
    29         (1)  Consult with PCAR and the Pennsylvania State Police
    30     to develop minimum standard requirements for all rape kits
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     1     used in hospitals and health care facilities in this
     2     Commonwealth.
     3         (2)  Test and approve commercially available rape kits
     4     for use in this Commonwealth.
     5         (3)  Review the minimum standard requirements for rape
     6     kits and prior-approved rape kits every three years to assure
     7     that rape kits meet state-of-the-art minimum standards.
     8         (4)  Bulk purchase and distribution of, or arranging for
     9     the manufacturer to distribute, approved rape kits to
    10     hospitals or health care facilities that request them, at
    11     cost.
    12         (5)  Consult with PCAR, the Pennsylvania State Police,
    13     the International Association of Forensic Nurses and any
    14     local SART to establish a program to train hospital and
    15     health care facility personnel in the correct use and
    16     application of rape kits in order to maximize the health and
    17     safety of the victim and the potential to collect useful
    18     admissible evidence to prosecute persons accused of sexual
    19     assault.
    20     (b)  Duties of Pennsylvania State Police.--
    21         (1)  Where local law enforcement is unable to do so, the
    22     Pennsylvania State Police shall be responsible for collecting
    23     rape kits from hospitals and health care facilities after the
    24     kits have been used to collect evidence.
    25         (2)  When requested by local law enforcement, district
    26     attorneys or the Office of the Attorney General, the
    27     Pennsylvania State Police shall be responsible for the
    28     analysis and laboratory testing of collected evidence,
    29     including samples that may contain traces of a date rape
    30     drug.
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     1         (3)  The Pennsylvania State Police shall establish and
     2     include as part of existing training programs for local law
     3     enforcement training to ensure that the chain of custody of
     4     all rape kits is established, to minimize any risk of
     5     tampering with evidence included in the rape kit and to
     6     insure that all useful and proper evidence in addition to the
     7     rape kit is collected at the hospital or health care
     8     facility.
     9  Section 5.  Civil immunity.
    10     A health care professional, including a physician, nurse or
    11  health care provider, and a health care institution, including a
    12  hospital, clinic or health care facility, that provides evidence
    13  or information to a law enforcement officer pursuant to the
    14  request or consent of the victim, is immune from any civil or
    15  professional liability that might arise from the action, with
    16  the exception of willful or wanton misconduct.
    17  Section 6.  Effective date.
    18     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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