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same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 856



No. 41 Session of 1989



                            A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION

     1  Rescinding the request to the Congress of the United States that
     2     it call a Constitutional Convention to propose an amendment
     3     to the Constitution to balance the public debt.

     4     WHEREAS, Under Article V of the Constitution of the United
     5  States, amendments to the Federal Constitution may be proposed
     6  by the Congress whenever two-thirds of both Houses deem it
     7  necessary, or on the application of the Legislatures of two-
     8  thirds of the several states, the Congress shall call a
     9  Constitutional Convention for the purpose of proposing
    10  amendments; and
    11     WHEREAS, By House Resolution No. 236, adopted by the House of
    12  Representatives on June 30, 1976, and adopted by the Senate on
    13  November 9, 1976, the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of
    14  Pennsylvania requested the Congress of the United States to
    15  prepare and submit to the several states an amendment to the
    16  Constitution of the United States requiring, in the absence of a
    17  national emergency, that the total of all Federal appropriations
    18  made by Congress for any fiscal year may not exceed the total of

     1  all estimated Federal revenues for that fiscal year, or
     2  alternatively, the General Assembly made application and
     3  requested the Congress of the United States to call a
     4  Constitutional Convention for the purpose of proposing such an
     5  amendment to the Federal Constitution; and
     6     WHEREAS, Numerous bills have been introduced in Congress
     7  calling for an amendment to the Constitution requiring a
     8  balanced budget, but none of these bills has been favorably
     9  acted upon; and
    10     WHEREAS, Less than the required number of 34 states have,
    11  through their Legislatures, made application to the Congress for
    12  the calling of a Constitutional Convention to propose an
    13  amendment to the Constitution; and
    14     WHEREAS, There has been no such Constitutional Convention
    15  since the Founding Fathers met to draft the Constitution nearly
    16  200 years ago, all amendments added since then having originated
    17  in Congress and then having been ratified by the states; and
    18     WHEREAS, One reason for the failure of the "state application
    19  for a convention" option is the ambiguity of Article V of the
    20  Constitution, in that it does not speak to how the "application"
    21  process occurs, nor does it specify the processes to be followed
    22  at the convention for proposing amendments, such as the method
    23  for selection of delegates, the voting procedures and the number
    24  of votes needed to propose a specific amendment, nor does
    25  Article V indicate whether the convention must limit itself to
    26  matters mentioned in the states' applications, or whether a
    27  "runaway convention" could seek to remake the Constitution anew
    28  after being called to consider only a single subject; and
    29     WHEREAS, While the need for an amendment to the United States
    30  Constitution mandating a balanced budget continues, the state
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     1  application process should not be pursued, in that a review of
     2  the 30-odd applications from states calling for a convention
     3  shows no uniformity, and discloses an array of contingencies,
     4  inconsistencies and conditional clauses on their face, and
     5  questions have been raised as to whether proper legislative
     6  procedure was followed in their adoption; and foremost, the
     7  question remains as to how far-reaching any such convention
     8  might be; therefore be it
     9     RESOLVED (the House of Representatives concurring), That the
    10  General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania rescind its
    11  application and request to the Congress of the United States to
    12  call a Constitutional Convention for the specific and exclusive
    13  purpose of proposing an amendment to the Federal Constitution
    14  requiring, in the absence of a national emergency, that the
    15  total of all Federal appropriations made by the Congress for any
    16  fiscal year may not exceed the total of all estimated Federal
    17  revenues for that fiscal year; and be it further
    18     RESOLVED, That the General Assembly continue and renew its
    19  request to Congress to prepare and submit to the several states
    20  such an amendment to the Constitution of the United States in
    21  the same manner as all existing amendments have originated; and
    22  be it further
    23     RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be sent to each
    24  member of Congress from Pennsylvania, the Clerk of the United
    25  States House of Representatives, Washington, D.C., and the
    26  Secretary of the United States Senate, Washington, D.C., with
    27  the request that this action by the General Assembly of the
    28  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania be promptly published in the
    29  Congressional Record.

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